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Quite Unusual profile
Quite Unusual
Quite Unusual
Welcome to Quite Unusual, where we hope to create exceptional games, wondrous stories, and, of course, enjoyable characters! Our current project will be an Adventure/Dating Game, so stick around to see more!

Subscription Tiers

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Thanks for the tip! Every little bit helps towards making our game a possibility!

  • Mentioned in game’s credits
  • Access to early builds
  • Access to Discord
0 subscribers Assistant Stature
per month

You must be interested in making this game a reality! Thank you for your generous support.

  • Mentioned in game’s credits
  • Access to early builds
  • Voting Power
0 subscribers Fellow Stature
per month

Thank you for your outstanding support, and giving us the chance to make this title as excellent as we can.

  • Mentioned in game’s credits
  • Access to early builds
  • Twice the Voting Power
  • Custom Discord Role
0 subscribers Lecturer Sature
per month

Your continued support will allow the studio to stay afloat, and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

  • Mentioned in game’s credits
  • Access to early builds
  • 2x Voting Power
  • Special channel in Discord
  • Name will be given specialty praise in game
0 subscribers Associate Stature
per month

For the true philanthropist we know you all can be!

  • Mentioned in game’s opening credits
  • Access to early builds
  • 2x Voting Power
  • Name will be given specialty praise in game
  • Special recognition and name in Discord
0 subscribers Professor Stature


  • Voice in the community

Quite Unusual

Teaser Tuesday

Posted for $1 tier
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Quite Unusual

No Newsletter this time as Switch was on a Staycation so nothing to report

Posted for $1 tier
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Quite Unusual

Here's Alta's Blenders for September

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Quite Unusual

Here is Alta's Blender's for July

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Quite Unusual
Public post

Quite Unusual Newsletter #45

Sorry about getting this issue out late, been very busy working hard to get Tales of Tail ready for November.

Alta's Achievements in the past 4 weeks have been

Getting ready for a Nov release on Tales of Tail Alta

  • made new Godot project for Tales of Tail
  • learned how to import models with armatures into Godot 3 and 4
  • commissioned some stories to try out a few writers
  • made some docs to onboard the new writer

Alta did some work on laying the foundation for vector based 2d maps

  • made a function that takes edge soup and finds the polygons in it
  • impled spatial bloom filter
  • impled Line Segment AABB intersection test

Alta completed the following tasks for the H-scene viewer

  • made a widget to show preview on the camera presets that you can click on to go to switch to that preset
  • made a widget that you can resize
  • impled gorilla cam
  • impled widget to show the bone hierarchy in a treeveiw

Some other things Alta got done:

  • impled offline backup of my important files
  • fixed bug with autosave not autoscrolling the load screen the right position
  • made function to calc the odds of a One Military Base like mission being successful


Waxworth's optimism and determination shine through, even in her current situation.

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Quite Unusual
Public post

Eager to catch up and resume her projects Waxworth is hopeful she will be cured.

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The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.


$0.00 of $1
per month
I'm excited to be using SubscribeStar as a way to connect with my fans. If we can reach a goal of $1 per month, it will be a clear sign that I'm on the right track and making a difference through my work.
$0.00 of $300
per month
Reaching this goal will enable us to continue making awesome games for you even if the founder gets hit by a bus. This will cover our current operational costs.
to reach
the Goal
Out of the red. We'll have recouped our initial investment.
$0.00 of $315
per month
At this point we'll be able to hire Switch for all his available time.
$0.00 of $580
per month
At this point We'll be fully hire Switch for all his available time even is something happens to the founder.

Other Creators


The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.
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