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HenLP's Queens of Harem profile
HenLP's Queens of Harem
HenLP's Queens of Harem
Crowdfunding page for HenLP's 'Queens of Harem' webcomic + other artwork.

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  • Pre-production material (concept art, sketches, WIPs);
  • Original art assets that you'll be free to use for your own projects;
  • Participating in fan polls and cameo slots in the comic itself.
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HenLP's Queens of Harem

QoHpdate 7. 02

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HenLP's Queens of Harem

QoHpdate 7. 01

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HenLP's Queens of Harem
Публичный пост

Chapter 7 update 2 + YCH slots

Storyboards for the next chapter are now finished. In spite of everything, it took me around two months, averaging out one page thumbnail per day. Very pleased with that.
Apologies that there was a near four month gap between script writing and storyboarding, but other things needed more immediate attention. Gonna take the rest of May to make sure the storyboards are all on the up-and-up, and will start working on the first page batch at the start of June.

Additionally, I'll be once again opening "Your Character Here" donations slots, for anyone that would like a cameo in the comic as a background character/cannon fodder, just in case anyone might be interested. there'll be around 10-15 slots available for Chapter 7 (these are a ONE-TIME pay thing per chapter, once your donation's gone through, you've got the spot).

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HenLP's Queens of Harem

QoHpdate 6. 10

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HenLP's Queens of Harem

QoHpdate 6. 09

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HenLP's Queens of Harem

QoHpdate 6. 08

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