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Princess Lilac profile
Princess Lilac
Princess Lilac
Erotica, smut, and general merriment for those of all persuasions.
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Eager Puppy

Awww, who's a good doggie?! Is it you? It is! It's you! Here, have a treat for being such an adorable puppy and signing up! I really appreciate how you're such a good dog and contributing. Time for tummy rubs!

0 assinantes
USD mensal
Such A Good Pet!

Good job, look at you! Bringing ten dollars all the way back to me, such a good puppy! You know, just for that, you get to sleep in the human bed tonight. I know, right?! So exciting!

0 assinantes
USD mensal
Submissive Subject

Well well well, here we are. You must really be enjoying this, huh? That's so cute, it's adorable how badly you want to surrender to me like this. Come on, give it up, sink in and enjoy it. You and I both know how badly you want to.

0 assinantes
USD mensal
Devoted Drone

Sink deeper. Drop further. Give it up. Not just the money, though I'm more than happy to take it. Everything. Willpower. Sense. Thought. Be good thing and let it all go, you'll be better off without it anyway.

0 assinantes
USD mensal
Alpha Dog

O-oh. Well, hello there. Guess you made it up here, huh? Your uh, your offering is greatly appreciated. What would you like in return?

0 assinantes


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Princess Lilac


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