0.0.16 RC is live for Snorkelers+


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Thanks for being patient everyone! This release focuses on content on the 3rd day. We finally meet Sophie! There are also new quests/jobs with the Blacksmith and Potion Shop each with a mini-CG and H-CG respectively.
Due to the delayed initial release we are now looking at 7/8 and 7/15 for the Toe Dipper and Public Release for this patch.
HQ render packs also went up on Friday.
July Estimated Upcoming Release Schedule:
0.0.16 | Toe Dipper | ~7/8/23 
0.0.16 | Public Release | ~7/15/23 
0.0.17-s1 | Snorkeler+ | mid-month 
0.0.17 RC | Snorkeler+ | end of month
Changelog 0.0.16 RC
  • added first part of the Potion Shop Storyline
  • added first part of the Blacksmith Storyline
  • implemented Sophie
  • added new H-CG starring Emma. [s-1] 
       -viewable in gallery and Potion Shop Storyline
  • added some dialogue when talking to Hilda+Caleb
  • updated Golden Barrel NPCs
  • updated the gallery map [s-1] 
       -right side has the spicier scenes.
Bugfixes and Other
  • did a quick pass on the quest system updating some journal text and quest entries.
  • fixed another crash when doing the Golden Barrel Job
  • fixed the northern sign in the town square to properly say "Boiled Crab"
  • fixed an error where it was possible to return to the previous map when traveling to the hotspring for the first time. [s-1]
  • fixed a few traversal issues on Church Courtyard map [s-1]
  • fixed Emma asking pointlessly yelling into the male changing room. [s-1]
  • updated various plugins [s-1]
Save.zip Included 
Save 1=Cursed Realm 1st Visit 
Save 2= First Night at the Inn 
Save 3= Right before Hilda's Scene 
Save 4= During Golden Barrel Quest 
Save 5= Latest Content