Weekly WIP #39

  • Dynasty Warriors - Guan Yinping
  • King of Fighters - Ángel

  • Posting early, so when I do go to sleep, I can maybe sleep later than usual. Lot of things have kept me tired lately. I didn't get to work as much this week on things as I wanted either, but progress all the same.

  • Very pleased to announce Yinping's hair was a render setting issue. Yay. I was afraid I'd have to scrap the project or make it super janky to get around that. Toyed with the idea of setting it at night to try to hide the issue, but it didn't fit as well for some reason as daytime. So yeah, sorting that helped a lot on it. Figuring out how many transitions to have for her.

  • Ángel is the preview video. It's short and mostly just to show some of the scene. A ton of lighting is needed to set the scene correctly; maybe the most lighting of anything so far. I'm not showing much of the animation in the preview yet. Her machine theme is different and I like to keep that a surprise for a while.

  • Worked some on Mass Effect - Shepard. Not a ton, but some. It was further along than I recalled. Not too much more and it could be set and released.