Howdy, you can call me Hoss (rhymes with boss), or MtG.  I've worked together with Based Doggo for a number of years now to write captions, and we've even created a Discord server dedicated to them.

I write caps for a number of categories/series (some of which I like to think I've created or at least helped popularize) including Bleached, Branded, the Hellhound Waifu series, and Rescued.

I DO take direct commissions, though you'll need to get in touch with me to see if I'm open, closed, or if there's a wait list at the moment.

As much as I'd love to have whatever financial support you can spare -- I wouldn't have created this page otherwise -- please don't donate unless you're in a good enough financial situation to do so!  Make sure all your bills are paid and you like my stuff enough to throw some coins my way before you do!  I appreciate anything and everything you're able to give, and it really does help me out.

Thanks so much for liking my stuff enough to check this place out, and I hope to make it worth your while with polls and whatnot so you can help me decide what I work on next whether or not you're able to chip anything in!

Edit: I've added tags to be able to jump to polls, the games, and story chapters when I upload them.

Happy fapping,

Here's a link to the Discord server Doggo and I use (I'm @hossmackey).  It's the best place to talk to me or get a hold of me quickly if you need to.
Here's a link to my Reddit profile page.
Here’s a link to my finished captions archive.
Here’s a link to my “inspiration” or “caption fuel” folder.
Here's a link to the Google Doc where you can watch me work if you're so inclined. ;)