Episode 4 - Progress Report #12

Hey everyone
I've returned from my little vacation (it was great!) and am back on working on EI. I did get quite a few things done this week, so yay ๐Ÿ˜Š!
First off I managed to finish renders for Day 12, but... of course my render count estimates were off again ๐Ÿ˜ฉ. Missed it by a whopping 75 renders. Anyways... it's done now ๐Ÿ˜…. So I'm gonna start working on the last day now! Hopefully I'm gonna hit the mark at least somewhat with this one. We'll see.
Other than renders I also worked on some coding stuff. For one I now implemented the feature to rename the protagonist if you so choose. I'm gonna keep referring to her as Ashe, but if you want a different name for your playthrough you now have the option. I even added a little thing where Cleo's wrong name for the MC ("Alice") changes depending on your chosen name.
I also finished work on the hints system that adds some icons to certain choices. This is not intended as a walkthrough or anything of the sort. It's just there to highlight a few choices and make it extra clear what they entail. If you start a new game they will be explained a bit further before the first choice comes up (during the Officer Shaw scene). Alternatively there's a little help button in the settings where you'll be able to check what the different icons mean. There it's also possible to disable these hints entirely.
  • Writing: 99%
  • Character models: 80%
  • Environments: 75%
  • Renders: 66%
    • Day 10: 353/353
    • Day 11: 460/460
    • Day 12: 335/335
    • Day 13: 0/600
  • Music/Sound: 0%
๐Ÿ“† Estimated release date: May
I've narrowed down the release date to May, since an April release seems rather unlikely by now (sorry). I'm confident for May though!
For Gold/Silver tier: I'll release the special render winner over the weekend, stay tuned for an Ashe/Fiona dick measuring contest ๐Ÿ˜‚!
โค๏ธ Take care everyone, enjoy the weekend, and Happy Easter! ๐Ÿฐโค๏ธ