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Nov 01, 2023 04:33 pm
Public post
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Kairi Animations + Update
Hi~ What's up? The Princess of Heart is here. You know the drill for this one. Shading is not my forte. so the lighting might look different from my usual stuff. I tried to stay close to the ingame look. This is the most I could muster at the moment. When I decide to animate Namine at some point, I'd probably use the same lighting setup.
Check her out below : Missionary FaceF Assup =========================================================
The new model this week is, The Rose of May lady herself, Beatrix Beatrix is my favorite character from 9. She is a cool and OP Paladin. If I finished 9 as a kid, I probably would prefer Garnet/Dagger more. I think at this point, most of my followers know I like cool & sexy armored female knight.
(Check attached renders)
FF9 is such an underrated Final Fantasy on PSX. Well not anymore maybe? it used to be Overshadowed by 7 and even 8. some of it is because of the dwarf like character design. I was no exception to this perception. My first FF was 8, I play 7 next and then 9. I didn't like 9 at first. As a stupid kid, Final Fantasy was always cyberpunkist fantasy RPG to me never knowing numbers below 7. So when 9 was out, it was different and I hated it. Until some years later when I decided to give 9 a chance, that I finally fell in love with it.
Totally one of the good Final Fantasy out there. If you haven't finished 9 because of similar perception or something else, consider giving it another chance. There is even a mod that let Beatrix be a permanent party member complete with storyline.
I also might rig Garnet or Dagger too in the future. we'll see.
Next is the monthly girl. I need to animate her to charge my motivation. She is my main afterall. As usual, after Aranea, I'll animate another 14 character. And as I said, I'll leave some gap between each petite character, so After Aranea it's probably Scathach's turn.
That is all~ Thank you for your kind support and donation as always! I'll keep practicing! m(_ _)m Take care~
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The animations for this one are gone.
Wow...Thanks for the notice! m(_ _)m Should be fixed now.
I better have backup videos for petite characters I guess.