September 13th, 2023

My mother passed away in hospital today.  She was sick, even if she denied it until the very end, and while I was expecting something like this to happen the past few days, it still caught me by surprise.  She was all I had in this world, and with the exception of Doggo, I'm all alone now...

First, thank you to everyone that said a prayer for both her and myself a few months back.  Your kind thoughts surely helped give me a little extra time with her.
Second, I'm sorry about the lack of captions both last and this month.  If you've read this far, you know why now.  I don't know how much time off I'll need yet, but I want to keep your support now more than ever.
Third, I'm going to avoid mentioning this in "public," like on the server, as much as possible.  If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, you can leave them in the comment section or DM me.
Fourth, thank you for your support and understanding.  I want to continue writing for a long time to come, and I hope you'll continue reading what I put out.
Finally, so long as you're on good terms and aren't too far away, go hug your mothers for me.
