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Philo Hunter Erotica
Philo Hunter Erotica
Creator of (mostly) written erotica.
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Same as the previous tiers, but along with all the other rewards you'll get a custom 3D pin-up that will come with a "caption" telling a very short story to go along with it. You'll get to choose from any of my established characters that I have models for, or we can come up with an original character.

  • Access to new written works mostly via a password protected website (these will only be up for a limited time).
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  • Monthly Pin-up with caption/short story.
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At this level you'll get to work with me each month to create a scene to add to my visual novel game "The Megatropolis Amazons". We'll have to work within the limitations of what assets I have and my technical skills, but as long as you're a fan of kinky superheroines we should be able to work something out!

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Philo Hunter Erotica

New Backer Exclusive PageAll of the stories available to you as a backer can now be found on my w...

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Philo Hunter Erotica
Public post
Good hello perverts! It's time for my top of the month update.
Right now I'm pretty focused on the current interactive story (the Little Red one). Throughout the month I've tried a few times to work on side projects and have been running into creative brick walls nonstop. right now my creative mind is just in a place where these CHP stories are all it wants to work on, so expect me to keep plugging away on this one and then, if that's where my head is, moving on to another one.
Although that's probably at least a few weeks out (if not longer, I'm wrestling to keep this one down to a manageable size, but I also want to ensure its a diverse read that keeps the fan engaging with me while I write it happy) I did want to tell you my plans once its done. As I said, I'll probably jump on to working on another one. When it gets close to that I'm going to throw a poll up to let my backers decide WHAT it should be.
Now on to my visual projects. I'm going to keep working on the pinups for the handful of backers I've got. As for the visual novel, although I DID get some work done on it pulling renders for it was a lot more time intensive then I thought it would be. I'm not sure what will happen with it, it really just depends on where my head ends up. When I DO return to it I'll probably narrow the focus a little, aiming for something with a more focused story instead of an open ended "forever" game.
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Philo Hunter Erotica
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Final Pic of the month! 
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Philo Hunter Erotica
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Little Red CHP Book Update

Good hello perverts! So, as is often the case, I'm coming up with WAY more ideas for a project than I will probably be able to use. In the past I've let some of these CHP projects grow too large and they end up never finished. I'm NOT going to let that happen with this one, even though the scale of the book IS going to end up a lot larger than I initial planned.
As I'm outfling and getting entries written and posted to the discord for the public read throughs I'm almost certainly throwing more options out than I can realistically ever finish unless I wanted to work on this book for like 3+ months. Since I don't want to do that (and I'd probably start to get burnt out on the project by that point anyways) at one point I'm going to start pruning options I haven't fully outlined or written yet.
During the public read throughs anything that gets posted to the discord will end up in the book. That means if your taking part in the voting for which options get posted you will have a direct say in what ends up in the book, especially what gets chosen in the very top level choices.
I've also been getting some really good feedback on the kinds of encounters the book is lacking and striving to add those things in. So again, it would be super awesome if you were helping with the read throughs on the discord and giving and feedback you might have!
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Philo Hunter Erotica
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Another Alaria Crossover pinup!
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Philo Hunter Erotica
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Pinup pulled from the pages of the current Choose Her Peril project I'm working on!
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Philo Hunter Erotica
Public post

Project Update

Good hello all! Now that the Halloween CHP story is done and published I wanted to give a general update. 
First, I've accepted I've reached genre burnout on Fantasy and will but putting all of those ongoing stories on hold till the inspiration for Alaria stuff returns. For a few years now that's hit me every spring, so expect a return to Alaria to happen then. My intention now is to pick back up the handful of stories I had going back up at that time to work on finishing/continuing them.
I'm also putting the couple of superheroine stories I had started on hold as well. My creative brain is pretty in the zone on the interactive/CHP stories and trying to write anything else has been like bashing my head against a brick wall. Most likely my brain will remain in that zone for the next couple of months, so expect most or all of my writing energy to go to those projects.
My initial plan was to start a holiday themed story and aim to get it out a couple weeks before Christmas, but if this is where my main focus is going to be I should be able to get another smaller one of those books done first. 
I've settled on a new "Defeat of" story featuring Little Red. I've already started posting read throughs on the discord and it would be awesome to have more people reading/voting for options. I'm at the stage where I'm coming up with almost certainly more ideas then I can write before I start to burn out on the project, so make sure you go and vote for options you really want to see because eventually I'll start to cut unwritten ideas from the book.
Also if you have anything you want to see in the book please let me know! Specific villains/situations/kinks. I'll prioritize backer ideas (as long as they fit the story) to other ones.
I'll still be working on my current visual projects (and might even be putting a bit more time into them than I was before). The two pinups I have left require the creation of some new assets/character files and I plan on updating a prominent heroine for use in them as well, so getting those done are probably a week or so out. But I'm constantly pulling renders to add to the visual novel game. right now previews are being posted to the backer-exclusive page on the discord, but near the end of the month I'll compile the game and publish what's done so far for public release.
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