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Crib Keeper 16 Contest info

These are past ideas that were used for Tales from the Crib Keeper 15
(for that issue, the contest requested Halloween-themed ideas. Still need to read it? click the link to go its page in the store.)

Enter the Tales from the Crib Keeper 16 contest
Starts: Tomorrow Ends: June 9th.
How To Enter: email [email protected] - Subject line: Tales Halloween contest 16
Include: your 3 ideas (~1 paragraph each) & how to get back in touch with you if you don't check your email often. 

OKAY! Issue 15's winning ideas-
Title: Crib keeper: land of giants that are baby crazy.
Codman23- Idea: A teenager girl is sitting in her apartment on the night before Halloween. Then she gets a invite on her phone to a Halloween party to a mysterious island. When she gets to the island she sees a giant city, filled with giantess and Giants. Then after walking for a while she sees a house. When she knocks one the door, the door then opens to two giant couples that ask her to come in with a weird look on their face. The teenager gets confused, but then after she is in the house she looks to her left and sees picture frames with people her size in different Halloween baby costumes. Then she gets picked up by the giant man and carried to the couples bed room. When her and the man get into the room she notices his wife is holding a baby Halloween pumpkin costume and a newborn baby diaper. So she gets to be forced to go trick or treating with them.

Idea 1: The Creature
While their kids are off Trick-or-Treating, three middle aged moms summon a creature from the Other Side, confident it’s trapped inside their summoning circle. They force it to grant their wish, turning them back to 20-year-olds for the night. But, one of the newly-minted college-age moms accidentally smears one of the chalk lines in the circle! Freed, the creature steps out and regresses one of them into a baby. The other two run out of the house, into the dark forest, the Creature stalking them. One friend’s underwear morphs into a diaper as she runs, swelling and slowing her down until she plops helplessly onto her butt. The last friend hides behind a tree, listening as the diapered woman cries for help and slowly regresses. Finally, thinking the coast is clear, the last woman goes back  to help her now infant friend. As she approaches, the Creature steps out and causes the woman to unbirth her friend! (Alternate ending: the last woman is regressed as well, and the daughters stumble across their infant moms!) 
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