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So... it's a little after 4 am here, I'm awake and haven't updated you all in a while so... let's get you updated.

About a week or so ago, I was thinking about how the releases have gotten farther apart from each other. Some of this has to do with having issues here and there, some of it is from the episodes seemingly getting a bit girthier as we go. Maybe that's not the case, but it feels like it. Anyway, making the decision to cut the latest Masters of the Ring episode into two parts got me thinking, and I think I'm going to do that will all episodes going forward.

I recall doing a poll on Patreon back before I got spanked for being naughty that asked if people would rather me split releases or just wait until a full episode is done. That poll ended with a majority of people saying they'd rather wait for the full episode to be released. However, that was back when I wasn't ping-ponging back and forth between two different games. Now that I am, the time between individual releases for each game seems a bit more egregious, thus my decision to split them up going forward.

I'll still be ping-ponging, but with half-episodes instead. What does a half-episode of MotI or MotR entail? Just depends on the episode, I guess. Day 3 of MotI had most of the bonus scenes towards the end of the day, while Day 4 frontloads most of them, so I just have to gauge by feel what half is. Since I try to shoot for an hour of content for a full episode, I'll be shooting for 30 mins for the split ones. Obviously this is going to vary greatly based on how fast you read, how much you skip, and if you're getting the bonus scenes from the deluxe version or not, but I hope the normal version still comes in at around half an hour.

With this in mind, there should hopefully never be more than two months between releases for either game. And I'll of course be sprinkling in one-offs here and there.

Like I said, I made this decision close to a week ago, so why didn't I post an update earlier? Because while telling you that is an update, I wanted to have a bit more to share, so I waited... and now I have more to share. Masters of the Island - Day 4 pt 1, to be exact.

These releases will still be staggered in early access, so today, those at Fan-Favorite and higher can download the newness. As usual, Mid-Carders will get access in a week and it will be public the week after that.

I added in the MotI one-off "The Daughter" into both versions... deluxe and normal. I think any of the "Jerkin' it with Jacky" escapades will eventually be released to both versions, no matter who is involved in them. For those who haven't played, this one-off focuses on Jacky, her husband Glenn, and their daughter Riley. You can find it in the gallery along with Jacky's Halloween special from last year.

Links should be posted by the time you read this, so check it out and I hope you enjoy. Hopefully you'll find the new release structure a bit more rewarding than waiting forever for the next release.

I think that's it for now... let me know what you think! I'll leave you with one of my favorite shots from the new release and catch you in the next one!

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Meant to post an update a few days ago, but... I didn't.

Not as much progress as I would have liked, but progress is still being made. The poll for what one of the day 4 bonus scenes would be concluded, so I wrote it out, then started posing it. 18 images and 17 animations later, I realized I didn't like what I had... something just wasn't clicking with the tone, so... I scrapped everything and started over.

I completed that scene and decided that while I didn't like what I had initially done with the scene, I didn't want all that stuff go completely to waste, so I'll be adding a section into the MotI deluxe version where you'll be able to see my first ever "deleted scene." I'm not going to add in the dialogue, but you'll be able to see the images and animations.

Speaking of animations, that particular scene, both deleted and redone versions, has a few not-as-smooth-as-usual animation loops. I used a mix of premade and original animations and when the two are both on screen at the same time, well... they don't ever both meet in a perfect loop, so... it's pretty obvious where the loop starts. In the finished scene I tried to compensate by making the loops longer so the seam doesn't show up as much. For the deleted scene loops, well... they're deleted scene loops, so they're just going to be rough.

That was the first thing that took longer than it normally would have... now onto the second. I have been working on (and am still working on) the post-fitness class shenanigans. Victoria and the boys are back in the shower, this time joined by a certain curious young woman...

You can probably guess that there's a bit more going on in the shower this time and that means animations... and that's where the second problem comes in. I occasionally have an issue with the VideoExport mod I use to record the animations where it will just stop and hang forever halfway through rendering the animation. It's happened before, then it stopped for the most part, and now it's back in full force.

What that means is that when it stops making progress, I have to hard close the HS2 studio, force stop ffmpeg, then restart the studio and try again. Sometimes it works the second time, sometimes it takes three or four tries before it goes through. I've tried to look up a fix for this, but the closest I've come to any actual information is "it's a known bug," which doesn't actually help. While this isn't the worst thing in the world, it is frustrating when it happens over and over and definitely makes a long process a lot longer.

I've finished up the shower scene, however, I have also added two post-shower-shenanigans scenes, one of which is for those on the golden path. I have to say, for a program that is more "realistic" than KK, HS2 really needs to step up its water stream object game. I fiddled around a bit to try to make things look a bit better, but it's never going to look as good as KK's does until a new stream object gets added... if that ever happens. Nonetheless... there will be piss for those who want it.

I hope to have both of those scenes done today so I can move on to Rebecca's second photography class, which should be entertaining. I hope so, anyway... that's sort of the point after all.

I think that's about it for this one, so I'll see you next time!

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Masters of the Ring: Episode 2 (pt. 1) is now publicly available! The pinned post has been updated for supporters of all levels, and everyone else can find the links on the Discord server. Hope you enjoy!

Work continues on Day 4 of Masters of the Island. I have just finished up the first class (though I still need to do the post-class shenanigans) and will be going back to do a bonus scene for the deluxe version that we had a poll for.

It might be a bit early to call it, but this episode may be a bit shorter than the others due to having established most of what needs to be established. We're in "continuation" mode now as we return to classes that we've already seen, so I can skip exposition-y type stuff and just jump into the classes proper.

I actually don't know how much the length will be affected, but so far it's been smoother to write since it's just "what happens in class" instead of "who is in this class, who teaches this class, and where is this class going?" And there's the benefit of having more excuses for boobs now, which is nice.

I don't really think I have much more to say for now, so I'll leave you with a preview of what the girls are wearing in today's fitness class and I'll see you in the next one!
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Early access links to Masters of the Ring: Episode 2 (pt. 1) have been posted for those of you at Mid-Carder level! The post should be just below this one. Hope you enjoy it! The public release will be a week from today!

I've already switched gears and started to work on the next major release, which will be Episode 4 of Masters of the Island. I'm almost done with the first scene already, though to be fair it's pretty short. The hard part was deciding what it was going to be. Since we left off with Sam staying over at the house, there were a ton of possible ways I could have gone.

I had a lot of different ideas and ended up poo-pooing most of them because of scenes that I knew would be happening later in the episode. I didn't want to lessen the impact of any of them by basically having a version of them to start the episode. In then end, I found a happy medium that also gave me an idea for the first bonus scene of the episode by just asking "well, if these characters are doing this, then what are these other characters doing?"

While I don't have anything really written for this episode, I do have most of the scenes already thought out in my head. This is the first episode in which we return to classes we've already seen, so we'll get to see the continuation of Victoria's fitness class, Rebecca's photography class, and A/B's painting class. We'll also see a couple of new faces in some of those classes, one we've seen and one yet to be officially introduced (though she was featured on one of the Christmas cards).

Just having this established structure in place should make for a much smoother production process than I had with MotR Ep. 2. I know I need to go from A to B to C, and I know what D and E are already, so I just need to get everything written and look for opportunities to add in
some more bonus scenes.

I'm also switching things up by getting some things I usually leave for last out of the way early. After I had gotten most of the first scene done, I figured I should create the family trees that I had promised to do for the last episode. While I was at it, I created the profiles for five more characters that appear on the trees, though they may not actually debut this episode. I had the characters made, though, so I figured I'd just add them in now rather than later.

I have finished adding everything into the code, and you will be able to access family trees from the Profiles section:

Clicking on "Family Trees" in the top right corner will bring you to this page:

You can click on any of these trees to see a full-screen version of it, and from there you can click on individual faces to instantly go to that person's profile. You can see text on four of the trees, and that is there to clarify some of the more confusing relationships within that family. The first tree in the top row is dedicated to showing all of Dante's children and who he had them with. This tree will eventually have a second page to it after his more "special" children start getting introduced (i.e. his kids with Lucy, Poe, Jo, etc.).

Hopefully these additions will help you navigate the sea of who's who in the MotI timeline. The trees themselves, as well as the newest character profiles have been posted on the Discord server if you want to check them out.

Well, I think that'll do it for today. I'll get back to work on Episode 4 and I'll see you in the next one, which will probably be a week from now when MotR Ep. 2, pt. 1 is publicly released!
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Alright... early access to Masters of the Ring: Episode 2 - part 1 is here! The deluxe version links have been updated in the pinned post for those of you at Fan-Favorite and higher!

Mid-Carders will get early access to the normal version a week from now, and it will go public the week after that!

For those of you who play the early access versions, be aware that there are still probably mistakes here and there that will be fixed along the way. Things like grammatical errors and the like will be fixed, but I'll just update the links quietly for things like that. If there is (please no) a large bug that needs addressed quickly, I'll make a post when the fix is live.

Let me know if you have any issues and I hope you enjoy it!
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Surprise! I changed my mind again!

Probably not a huge shock to those who have been around for a while, but yeah... change of plans again. Last update I mentioned how the last day had some weird pacing, well... I fixed it... by removing it.

The last day's scenes were just ideas I had that I wanted to get out of the way before we refocused on the Masters family prime and the NSFW itself, but in the end I think they were unnecessary so I just cut the first part of episode 2 a day early. I think the scene this part of the episode ends on is a bit stronger than what it would have otherwise been, and what would have been the first scene of the next day will serve as a strong start to the second half of the episode. Plus, I can actually fix those pacing episodes by moving the scenes I had planned back to where they should be instead of pushing them back to make room for the episode break.

So what does that mean for this part of the episode? Well... it means it's done. Not done done, but I just finished plugging the last scene into the script. Now I need to add in the one-offs that came out since episode one, add some stuff to the bonus gallery, make sure all the h-scenes are formatted properly for the replay gallery, fix a couple of aesthetic things that need to be addressed, find all the grammatical errors I can and... that's about it.

With luck, it'll be out in early access for Fan-Favorites and higher in a couple of days. Hold on to your butts!

I'll hopefully be back soon with the release of Masters of the Ring: Episode 2 - part 1!
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