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Supporter Exclusive Sequel Story Molly’s Initiative: Jonny’s TurnMolly’s Initiative: Jonny’s Turn

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Molly's Initiative: Molly's Turn

        With an upward tug, her bedroom window slid open. Fresh air rolled in. Molly flopped onto her bed, her legs hanging off the edge. Using one foot to free the other she slipped out of her Old Skool Vans. The stuffiness of a room unused, since she started college, was replaced with sweat summer air. The flight had been long, cross country. Mother was still at work. Dad worked the late shift. She had no choice but to call a car. Thankful her mom had sent her traveling funds.
        Running one hand through her short hair Molly’s gaze roamed around the room. Across her assortment of miniatures, her role-playing book collection. Loving parents kept the room the same, posters and all. A gigantic blue dragon leered at her from across the room. Its blue-white scales rippled with muscles telling her he would jump from to poster if she wanted. Standing over a fallen castle wall his wings spread, majestic. Without thought Molly chewed on her lower lip.
        One hand rested on her chest. Her fingers brushed onto her supple b-cup breast under her oversized t-shirt. Her right hand tugged at the buttons on her loose-fitting jeans. She imagines the dragon descending above her. Its scale cover prepuce parted and the foreskin gave way to a long throbbing light blue shaft.
        As the dragon's cock sleek and arrow-like head neared her. Twin veins ran along either side of the shaft; they glowed as if made of lightning. Magically the beast was only slightly larger than her. The blue’s long fork tongue extended to her. Its head tilted and he began lower with slow beats of his massive wings. She opened her mouth and legs as it closed the distance. 
        The dragon’s head bucked up and started flailing back and forth. Lightning shot from its gaping maw into the sky above. Crackling bolts brightened the clouds as the blue-white energy cascaded through them.
        Brrrzzz, brrrzzz, brrrzzz, brrrzzz, brrrzzz, brrrzzz, came from the blue’s mouth.
        Molly snapped back to reality. The loud bothersome noise echoed in her room. It came from outside the window. Leaning up the image of the dragon's cock slipped from her mind. Molly frowned.
        ‘Stupid gardeners.’ She whispered.
        Swinging both feet she hopped up standing before her luggage in the middle of the bedroom. Twisting she bent over her backpack resting on her chair. Her hand grasps the window rail. Leaning in, she hunts for the disruptive gardener. The yard was empty. Her eyes jumped to the Wells’ yard next door.
        ‘There you are…’ She whispers.
        Molly’s hand drifted down between her legs. She watched the young man mowing the Wells’ yard. The young man stopped, stretched, and pulled off his green t-shirt. Clad only in blue running shoes and tight-fitting black drawstring shorts. Sweat droplets rolled down and around his well-defined back.
        Oh, damn, she thought. She rubbed her honey pot through her faded blue jeans. He made two full passes the length of the backyard. Pausing he looked across the yard and then turned off the lawnmower.
        Molly pulled back from the window. Did he see me? She thought.
        He looked back to the house. His deltoids and biceps were large and defined. “Ya, Mom?” he shouted.
        “Jonny, it’s hot out! Come in for something to drink!” Mrs. Wells yelled.
        “Sure, Mom.” The neighbor boy began walking across the yard.
        Holy shit! I was diddling Honey to Jonny! She thought. She stumbles over her suitcase falling onto her bed. Jesus, when did little Jonny grow up? And those muscles?
        Her thoughts drifted. A younger Jonathan Wells and the sexy stack of muscles outside her window. Little Jonny Wells was a year and a half younger than Molly Tompkins. Jonny was always rail skinny and had a mousey nature. He had followed her around the neighborhood since he was twelve. Anything she was into he showed an interest in. Molly started playing tabletop role-playing games in middle school. Jonny conceived his parents to let him join her weekly adventures. 
        Her fingers were fondling her labia as one pressed deeper in. Molly’s white cotton panties covering the back of her hand were soaked. His now broad shoulders filled her mind. Instead of a dragon she now pictured handsome Jonny over her.
        ‘I wonder if he has a girlfriend?’ she quietly asks. Images of Jonny flooded her brain. She didn’t recall ever seeing him with a girl.
        He's not? She thought, He can’t be, his character was always trying to flirt with mine.
        “Thanks, Mom. After this, I’ll need the extra battery and I’ll finish up the yard.” Came through the window.
        You can mow my yard, she thought. Wait?! She hopped up and looked out the window. The lawnmower was parked a few feet past the patios. The matching patios. A devious thought of sunbathing pops into her head.
        She turned and almost tripped over her suitcases. Pushing herself through to her dresser she began pulling it apart. “I just need,” she said, “Perfect.” She triumphantly held up a white bikini. The only real fabric on it was the small triangles slightly larger than in nipples. Like the rest of her clothing, Molly thought it would be loose fitting. The microkini would only prove more helpful for her plan. Jerking the fading ‘Choose Your Weapon’ t-shirt off, she unhooked her bra. Her jeans slid down with ease already unbuttoned.
        Naked she ran down the stairs, at the bottom she pulled on the microkini’s thong. Rounding the corner from the hallway she rushed to the living room. She had to adjust the thong with each step to keep it on. Stopping in front of the two French doors that connected to the patio she pulled on the skimpy top. Without any strings to tie, the bikini hung loose on her chest and hips.
        Another thing to ask Mom to buy, she thought.
She pushed thoughts of shopping with her mother to the back of her mind before she saw Jonathan Wells. When she had gotten home she couldn’t wait for her mom to return. They were going to plan a shopping trip for tomorrow. She had lost some weight, eating like all the other broke college students. Her clothes were loose and baggy around her small frame. Some she couldn’t wear at all. Her thoughts now wholly focus on getting Jonny’s attention.
        Smiling, Molly saw her mother’s lace-up platform wedge sandals. She stepped into them and began tying the black ankle straps. Each knot cinched on her outer legs. She straightened up four inches taller. Crossing the room she grabbed the first magazine she saw on the coffee table.
        Throwing open both French doors she rushed to the lounge chair nearest the short fence. At three feet high it was only meant to keep the Wells’ twin Pomskies in their yard. Lifting the chair’s back slightly she would be able to pretend to read as she watched little Jonny work. Hopefully with his shirt still off.
        Sitting down opened the magazine and flipped it right-side up. Modern Micro Gardens for Home Bars. She flipped it to a page containing a mojito recipe. Not focused on the magazine, her eyes searched for the hunk’s return.
        Ok, do I call out to him when I see him? Let him see me? She thought. Planning the best way to ‘accidentally’ bump into the hot neighbor.
        Click, sqquueeaakkk! The back gate opened.
        Jonathan rounded the corner to the Tompkins' backyard. Hoping to find Mrs. Tompkins working in her garden. He was only in his shorts and shoes. He stopped in his tracks.
        “Molly?” He asked, “When did you get back?”
        “Jonny. Hey, what's up.” She replied, “Sneaking into my house?”
        “What?! No, my mom asked me to check with yours. If you need the lawn mowed.”
        To Jonny, Molly looked even more pretty than when she left for college. Any trace of unnecessary fat was gone, it made her B cups look larger than he always imagined. Below them, he saw the faint outline of her ribs. Her stomach was flat, smooth. Hips flaring out just enough to give her an hourglass figure. Her legs rested against each other as she lounged, her skin light and fair. A magazine rested on her thighs. The wedges made her calf pop as they arched her feet. The black ribbons tied around her ankles caught his eyes and he felt his loins shift. She had cut her long dark brown hair. It had been past her shoulder, now it was short. He didn't know the term for it but her pixie cut showed off her neck and cute face. He thought he was going to faint when she smiled at him.
        He looked six inches taller than the last time she had seen him, a little over nine months ago. He had added at least fifty pounds of muscle. There wasn't an ounce of fat on him. His fair skin was lightly tanned. Only a faint outline of a farmer's tan. He sported a short faux hawk. With natural blond highlights in his sun-lightened brown hair. Wearing only his running shoes and tight shorts he was more impressive up close.
        “Oh ah, I like her new hair.”
        She smiled, “You do? I love how short it is, you could run your fingers through it all night.”
        “Ya, I love it too.” He blushed.
        Molly felt a rivulet of juice slip out of her honey pot. It rolled down between her ass cheeks. Her nipples hardened. The two pick rocks threatening to push off the small triangles resting on her breasts. Sliding the magazine off her legs as she turned to Jonny and sat up. Arching her back she accentuated her breasts. One leg slips off the lounge chair, the wedge clacks lightly as she places it on the concrete. Pulling her other leg close to her chest she looks up at the mass of muscles.
        Fuck, how did I not notice how cute he is? She thinks. Her legs spread giving him a show. She felt another rivulet ooze from her lips and slide downwards.
        His eyes locked on her. Not her smile or the loose straps threatening to fall off and expose her breasts, but lower. On her clean-shaven pussy, the bikini bottom was loose. It hung to one side slightly, almost clinging to her thigh. Juices flowed out of it. His cock hardened, pressing on the tight-fitting fabric. It threatened to slide down his leg. His body instinctively shifts, trying to give his cock space to swell in his black shorts.
        Her eyes drift down his body. His muscles looked bigger than when she watched him from her window. Dropping from his abs her eyes locked on his cock. It was snaking its way down his shorts. The bulge grows with each breath. 
        Christ, she thought. She asked, “How big is it? I mean how did you get so much muscle?” She blushed and tried not to bite her lip.
        “Oh, when you left my uncle put me to work laying bricks.” he answered, “I’ve been working after school and on weekends ever since.”
        She licked her lips, his head had stopped growing halfway to his knee. The cloth does little to hold it back or hide its size. Good job Uncle Wells, she thought, looking up to his six-pack.
        “Oh, but don't worry, I still play with the group every week. We started a new campaign after you left.”
        “Cool, cool. So do you bring your girlfriend to the game?”
        “Girlfriend? Ah, no, I don't have one.”
        “Me either. Or a boyfriend.”
        Molly slides to the edge of the lounge chair and starts to rise. She was halfway up when her left breast bumped into Jonny’s reaching hand. Without a thought, his fingers cupped her soft warm boob. Her nipple pokes his palm. Before he can say it was an accident, she speaks.
        “Jonny, I was just thinking the same thing.”
        He turns bright red.
        Molly’s left-hand grasps his shorts. Pulling him close and giving her other hand an opening to snake down along his cock. She begins to lower herself into a squat. Pulling the drawstring she slides his shorts to his ankles. He steps out of them.
        “Let me show you what I’ve learned at college.” She says with a grin. Molly extends her forearm, resting his balls in her hand. Little Jonny’s cock runs from her wrist to her elbow. His dark pink cockhead leaked precum into the crevice of her elbow. It was warm and sticky.
        Fuck, that has to be 8? 9? Inches, she thinks. Looking up he was all smiles.
         She rolled his balls in one hand. Her other hand slid along his shaft. Molly began sucking on his tip like it was her favorite flavor of lollipop. It only took a minute for him to start rocking back and forth. Slowly fucking her face. The first time his engorged head hit her uvula it tickled. Then his cock began tapping it repeatedly. She was only able to get a little under half of his cock in her mouth.
        “Molly. I’ve wanted this for so long.” It came out between moans. Jonny’s mind raced to last Halloween. The blowjob from the little minx in a Harley Quinn costume and what they did afterward along the side of his house. He had run into her on his way home. Molly’s blow job was much better than Harley’s had been.
        God Jonny, your hottest piece of ass I’ve ever sucked off, Moly thought. Her head bobbed back and forth. Her tits bounced with every movement; one started escaping the loose bikini. As his dick penetrated her mouth Molly flicked her tongue along the underside of his shaft. She would twist it up on one side, then back down, and up the other side. As he pulled out she repeated. With every entry, she was treated to a tasty salty snack. He moaned with each movement. He lasted five minutes. 
        “Ah…oh.. I’m gonnna… cum…” He moans.
        Molly pulls her head back, lips sealing on his tip. The first load fills her mouth, he flinches and his dick slips out from between her lips. Hot and gooey cum splatters on her face, running from the side of her eye to her chin. Molly was already licking her lips as this third load of batter struck her face. It covered her forehead and nose. She smiled at the sweet salty taste. Her tongue licked at droplets as they oozed down her face.
        “Fuck Jonny. You’re nasty cumming all over my face.” She said
        “I… I…”
        She giggled, “Don’t worry, I just wanted to swallow it all.” One hand wiping cum to her mouth and eager tongue, the other gripping the base of his cock.
        Jonny looked around to make sure no one could see him standing naked in the neighbor’s yard. Looking back at Molly he smiles, one of her tits had slipped out of her white bikini. Her pink nipple stood out proudly, erect, on her cream-colored skin. He had only ever snuck a peek before. She bit her index finger as she sucked his cum off of it.
        Molly had just cleaned the last of his sweet and salty cum off her face. Licking her fingers, the cum sticks to the insides of her mouth. She released his cock and sat back at the edge of the lounge chair.
        He seemed nervous, but he was smiling down at her. A sheen of sweat on his hard body. The cock she had just drained waves in front of her. Its message was simple; I’m not done yet.
        Leaning back and pulling the loose-fitting bikini to the side. “I know we're just friends. But do you think you could do what you just did to my face, here?” She opens her labia with two fingers. The pink folds were glossy and oozing with excitement.
        “Ya, yes!”
        Kicking off his shoes Jonny places one knee next to Molly. He raises his other leg over her. His long cock swung between them. Inches from her soaked labia. An image of the dragon’s blue shaft slips through her mind. This beast was a little bigger than the one she had always wanted to order online.
        He lowers himself to her. Molly leans back smiling thinking of her fantasy from earlier. She can almost see dragon wings sprouting from behind him.
        Bracing one hand on the chair, at her shoulder, he leans down. His lips kiss her exposed nipple. His mouth sucked on her breast. His free hand grabs her waist pulling her to him.
        Her right hand pressing his head into her chest, Jonny tries to milk her teat. Her other hand slips between them grasping his ‘dragon’ cock she guides him to her honey pot’s entrance.
        His dark pink cockhead spreads open her labia and continues deeper. The ecstasy of the tips ridge and his veins pulling along her wall was more than enough pleasure.
        “Fuckkkk! I’mmm cummming, fuck jonnn.” She moans. Delightful lightning bolts crackled through her body. Rushing from their connected loins to her limbs and head. Her body floated in a cloud of ecstasy.
        Still sucking on her breast he feels her shaking as he bottoms out. Only half the length of his manhood in his dream woman. Sliding back out he feels her shake more.
        His mistake was realized in a second. Too late his cock swings in the air free of her velvet soft warm pussy. The wet tip mixed with her cum and his precum slaps her inner thigh. He pushes it forward.
        Molly grabs his cock as she feels it poking at the wrong hole. She guides him back to her pussy. As he pierces her she releases him and he fills her again.
        “That‘s it, blue. Just keep pumping.” She moans. “Jon, Jonny.”
        His hips begin quick short gyrations. Not wanting to slip out of her, “Ahh, fuck Molly your so pretty.” He moans through a mouth full of saliva cover tit.
        “Huha. so are you, Jonny.”
        He pounded her for five minutes before shifting his weight. He raises his left leg and pushes her legs apart. His cock was deep within her. 
        “I saw this in a movie once.” He grabs her right leg. Bending it up to her chest as he leans away. The tip of his cock just inside of her, she flexes her ass to try to get him to enter her again. Jonny’s hand slides down along her calf. He wraps his strong hand around her ribbon-covered ankle and lifts it to his shoulder. He thrust forward.
        She twists her hips to allow him deeper access.
        His cock slides in another inch. He began gyrating his lower body again. Loving the pull of her walls along his shaft. Each thrust made him sweat a little more. He felt Molly’s hand holding him to her breast as he sucked. Her other slick slid all over his body exploring his muscles.
        “Mmm. Fuck you’re in further.” She moans. “Go faster, I’m close.”
        She felt her toes curling as he pressed himself into and out of her. Gone was the image of the dragon. Her mind jumped between the little boy that had followed her around for years and the man fucking. Soon only the man filled her thoughts.
        One leg resting on his shoulder. The sweat drips from him as he rocks his hips back and forth. Each movement slid him in and out of her. With each cycle, he gains speed. 
        Clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack. Each time he drives his cock into her small body he feels and hears, the lounge chair rock on the concrete patio.
        “Ahh. ah.. Faster Jonny!” She moans.
        The clacking increases.
        “Oh fuck, oh fuck, II’mm cummming. Cummmin.” Molly screams as an orgasm rocks her body. Her legs wrapped around his body, locking him in her.
        “Oh god! Fuck Molly! I lllooovveee yyoiuu! Ahhhggg! Ahhhg!” Cum soaking into her pussy as each line of his sticky juice rushes out of him. Three thick ropes of cum drench her spasming vagina. 
        Breathing hard, she leans up and kisses him for the first time. Her tongue wraps and slips around his. His hand pawing at her right breast he was being gentle but clearly had no idea what to do with it. He sinks down and to her side, wrapping his leg around hers.
        Molly shifts onto her side and continues kissing him. Her free hand squeezing his ass. Her leg slipped off his muscular shoulder. The fabric from her shoe dragged along his sweat-soaked skin. Her calf pressing onto his bicep and finally resting on his hip.
        Their tongues search each other’s mouths as his cock softens and cum begins leaking out of her. She moans quietly. He ran his fingers through her short hair and their wet warmth juices run all over her lower leg.
        “Jon?! Where are you? Are you gonna finish the yard today?” Mrs. Wells called out. From the other yard, her voice sounded like it was nearing with each word she shouted.
        ‘Inside, inside.’ Molly whispers. They both rush through the open doors. The magazine and his clothes were both forgotten.
        Jonny pulls one door closed as he looks out to see if his mom saw them. Seeing her look all over but not at where they had just fucked he breathed a sigh of relief. ‘I think we're safe.’ he turns to Molly.
        Her tongue is in his mouth before he can say anything more. She starts pulling him through the house. Molly leads him to the laundry room. Turning as she enters, she grabs both of his arms and pulls him in for a long kiss. Her ass bumps into the washer. Between kisses, she shoves herself onto the front loader.
        “Can you go again?” Molly spread her legs and pulled the bikini to the side.
        Jonny’s cock went from half mast to full in a second. He took hold of it and started guiding it to her. Just as the tip pushed in Molly’s hand found the Start button.
        “Ahhh. fuck yeesss.” she moaned as he slid in and the machine started vibrating her ass. The small room quickly began heating up.
        Kissing the side of her neck and he licks her sweat rolling down her skin. He quickly started rocking his hips in time with the washer's rotation. His left-hand holds the other side of her neck, his fingers weaved into her short hair. When she moved to fair back on the washer he cupped her ass with his right hand. Sliding her back across the vibrating washer he thrust into her.
        “FFuucck. yaa. “ She moans. Her arms both around the back of his neck and head pulled him in deeper to her neck as he bucked. His ear pressed into her cheek. She felt his tongue and lips caressing her skin. She lifted both legs over his hips, their skin slipped along each other’s wet flesh. Locking her ankles together they rested on his lower back. 
        Between Jonny and the washing machine, Molly had three mind-twisting orgasms. He was like an animal. Never relenting and just thrust after thrust as she shook. After the third one, she pushed his head to her breast.
        Jonny quickened his pace as Molly pushed him to her tits. He would suck and kiss one of them, then the other as his hips plowed into her. He loved the way her pussy contracted around his cock as he pushed into her. Minutes later he began moaning.
        “Ohhh! Fuc.. Mol.. molly! III’m cu.. Cumming!” He slammed his hips into hers.
Molly tightens her grip on his head and back, pulling him into her.
        The first rope of cum filled her with its heat. She screamed as it triggered an orgasm. Spikes of pleasure crackled through her body. The second and third rope of cum unloaded into her as she orgasmed.
        They both rested on the washer breathing heavily. Molly on top of it legs still locked around him. One hand slid to the metal surface. Jonny pressed into her and the washer for balance. Both his hands rested on her ass cheeks. His cock still deep in her. Every few seconds she would contract, milking him for more.
        After five minutes of a short rest, Molly pulled Jonny’s head up to hers. She kissed him. Her tongue playing with his.
        Afterward, she leaned her forehead to his, she whispered, ‘That was fucking great. Better than all the college guys I have fuck.’
        “Ya, you were amazing. Are you sure you like it?” he asked. “I’ve only been with one other girl.”
        Molly looked into his eyes; he got worried. His muscles tensed.
        “But it was only one time. I swear.”
        “Don’t worry. I liked it a lot.” She felt the worry fade from his strong frame.
        Pulling him into a kiss the two sat there as the machine continued its cycle. On the second kiss, she felt him easing out of her as his cock softened. Their cum started pouring out of her.
        He took a step back and watched their mixed juices run out of her pussy. His eye followed her hand unsure of what was going to happen next.
        Reaching down she scooped the juices into her hand. Streams ran through her fingers, her hand as fully coated as she moved it upward. Glistening she brought their sweet juices to her lips; his eyes followed her slimy hand. Molly started sucking each finger clean one by one. Her eyes watched as his cock stopped softening. Molly slowed her licking down as he watched.
        On her second hand full she remembered something he had said early, before she sucked him off. Finishing cleaning her hand she hopped off the washing machine. 
        “Did you say you still role-play?” Her hand was rubbing his chest.
        “Ya, every Friday, same time.” His hand matched hers rubbing Molly's boob. “Do you want to join?”
        “Sounds fun.” she replied. “Let's go together. But how about tonight you sneak over? We can play this new game, I learned it in college.” she runs her hand along his half-limp cock.
        “Ok. how wil-”
        “MOLLY! Are you home?” Betty Tompkins calls out from the front door.
        “Ya, Mom. I'm just in the laundry room.”
        ‘Oh! Shit.’ Jonny mouthed. One hand trying to cover his cock.
        “Good, I’ll order dinner and we can start planning our shopping trip.”
        “Great, I’ll be right there.” Molly said. She starts straightening her microkini. 
        ‘Ah, Molly?’ Both of his strong hands were failing to hide his cock and balls. Jonny stood before her naked, half-hard cock swinging.
        Molly said, “Guess you’ll just have to surprise my mom.”
        He looked at the half-closed door. Like a baby deer caught in headlights. She almost laughed at him as she picked up a pair of her dad’s gray sweatpants.
        Shoving the pants into his hands, she whispered, ‘The other door leads to the garage. You can get your shorts back tonight. When you pull them off me.’
        Pointing at a pair of her father’s old tennis shoes she kissed him on the cheek and slipped out to find her mother. Wiggle her ass just before pulling the door shut.
        “Hi, Mom.”
        “Why are you wearing that?” Looking at her daughter in an ill-fitting white micro bikini. She was taller in her mother's black four-inch ribbon wedges. She was also covered in a sheen of sweat. A musky scent of sex follows her daughter into the room.  
        “I was washing clothes and thought I would sunbathe.” Molly hugged her mother.
        “Well, don’t let Jonathan see you. He's not little anymore.”
        “Really?” A large smile on her face. You got that right, she thought.
        Brrrzzz, brrrzzz, brrrzzz, They both hear a lawnmower start up from the open living room door.
        Betty looks at her daughter's loose-fitting bikini. Her eyes linger for a second as cum oozes out of her daughter and runs down her legs. With a knowing smile she looks up, she says, “Ya, he has grown into a heartbreaker. Your father might have to watch out.”
        Molly raised her eyebrow as if to say, ‘He is too young for you.’
        Betty pulls on the loose strap over Molly’s right breast. “You’ll need a new bikini, go take a quick shower, we don’t want Jonny seeing anything extra. I’ve been having him take care of the yard for me on weekends after he gets done working. I’ll get the food ordered. Then we can plan tomorrow and bankrupt your dad.”
        “Love you, Mom.” Molly says walking off. This is gonna be a fun summer with Jonny, she thinks.

The End…
By Neo Mint City

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Releasing tomorrow!   Molly's Initiative.
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This is the third story I have written. If you enjoyed it sub to the $5 tier for more!

Gwen Tennyson and the Domi-Matrix

Dagon Died. The world changed.
           Last year Ben’s watch was shattered when we killed Dagon, She never got a different one. Azmuth never contacted us. I say she now when I talk about my dweeb cousin because Dagon’s plan was to feminize the males and bimboize us females. He would pacify us all and conquer the planet. The plan was coming to a climax when we won.
           Two things happened of importance when the monster exploded: 1) Only 75 percent of us changed back, Ben was not one of them. My body stayed voluptuous, my mind returned to me. I love my new 38 DD breasts. 2)  Dagon’s body melted into thousands of heads with tentacles and wings. They have been a problem ever since. 3) Everyone is a lot hornier than before. That or I just notice everyone having sex more, I’m pretty sure it's the first one though.
           It shattered the Plumbers, Grandpa is a shallow husk of himself, turned alcoholic and drug addict. The Rust Bucket is in the same shape as Grandpa. She is up on blocks in a small trailer court outside of Las Vegas. Kevin went missing six months before the Dagon crisis.
           Aliens live in the open now, you can find them in almost every neighborhood, they’re better than us humans. Some are even trying to help the Fems and Bims.
           Three months ago I received a package, it was my birthday. My eighteenth. I ripped open the small box. The present attacked me. Ben found me passed out on the floor of the Rust Bucket after his shift at Tito’s Strip Club & Casino. I was wearing a medical-style face mask and nothing else. It felt like there was an enormous cock down my throat. Ben claimed the white fluid on my chest was from the alien device, he said he had seen it come out of his Omnitrix the first time he had put it on. As we tried to figure it out, one of us touched a button and I transformed. Once complete I was a female version of Wildmutt. I later learned it blocked and drained nearly all my magic using the energy to power the transformations. I could only do simple tricks, even then I had to focus hard and really want it. After the transformation ended I woke up with the Domi-Matrix deep in my ass, it kept me constantly aroused. Always vibrating.
           Now I fight crime; underground alien smuggling rings, alien abductions the aliens are the ones getting kidnapped, bounty hunters, rednecks, governments 'research scientists’ and goons, mafia/yakuza, and other aliens. Basically, anyone looking to commit crimes or cause havoc.

           “Grandpa, Ben! I am going on patrol.” Gwen Tennyson shouted as she stepped to the ground from the R.V.’s door. Her tits giggled in her tight high-cut V-neck shirt. The dark blue top fits well with her pastel blue yoga pants. Both are a size too small for her.
           Slurred words came back from the driver's seat, “Be back by dinner time.”
           It was past ten already. Ben was passed out in his bunk, ass up like he was waiting for someone. He had been dancing all day at Tito’s. No answer came from him.
           “Sure.” Gwen pulled a nipple to distract herself from the vibrating in her pussy. It helped a little as the Domi-Matrix continued its constant vibrations.
           Battle-Car roared to life and she sped off. The car was only half finished, she was still modding the vehicle. She had rebuilt and upgraded it between her shifts at Tito’s and fighting crime. The car didn’t even have half the functions of Rust Bucket, in its prime. Gwen’s dancing at the club paid for the car and food. Ben’s dancing paid for Grandpa’s drugs and alcohol.

            Battle-Car roars into the parking lot as two goons are pushing an alien into a casino van. She wasn’t even ten minutes from the trailer court. Mafia goons, up to no good as usual, she thought.
           Grasping an object in the backseat and jumping out of the car, Gwen yells, “STOP! Let them go!”
            One goon runs. The other continues shoving the alien into the van. Gwen hits the remaining goon with a broken component from the Rust Bucket. A kind of pipe. As the goon falls prone to the ground the alien shrieks and runs off. She begins turning to look for the other goon.
           “Oh Gwen.” a voice calls out behind her.
           Charmcaster, a.k.a. Hope pushes her into the casino’s van. Gwen’s calves struck the bumper causing her to fall to her back. Hope’s magic jerked out the Domi-Matrix before it could absorb her power, tearing Gwen’s pastel blue yoga pants. The alien tool lands on a shrubbery, near a tiny path to the sidewalk. Magical cuffs wrapped around Gwen's wrists and ankles. The hero was pulled into the dark van as a ballgag formed.
            “I’ve been waiting a long time for this whore.”
            “Rin-ric urr Wrich, ir ran racc rennyringjurr rav RRitcc.” Translation, “Bring it you bitch, I can take anything you have, Hope!” the magical cuffs on her wrist floated her into the air. Arms straining and spread out, she could almost touch the walls of the van.
           “I bet you even want it.” Charmcaster pulled the doors closed behind her. Her hands glowed as she cast. As the light faded a third glow formed lower on her body. Obscured by her clothes. She began pulling at buttons and zippers.
           Hope’s purple-tipped hair tickled Gwen’s face as the magic-user leaned over her. Hope’s naked lean physique was covered in shadows from the purple light emitting from betwixt her legs.
           Her ankle held at a ‘V’ shape, lower than her arms. Gwen felt a touch of pressure unfold her lips. Pressing on her hood. Her breath quickened. With every little movement, her body betrayed her with tingles of euphoria.
           “Ummm.” She moaned.
           Hope’s fingertips savored and pulled the fabric covering Gwen's heaving chest. Crushing the stretchable maternal into Gwen’s tits she spoke.
           “I’m gonna fuck you senseless. Leave you here to escape in a few hours, but before you can I will have fucked little Ben’s brains out. Making him mine. Your pussy will ache for me at family gatherings. You’ll watch as I jerk him off under the table from across the room. Your pussy caged and tormented by this magic cock. Oh! And the little toy of yours will never fit in your pussy again. My spell is quite sealing. Gwen, you’ll be trapped with a bikini of magic and this cock in you until you die of old age.”
           The dark blue fabric tore as Charmcaster ripped the top free, exposing both of Gwen’s large breasts. The rush of the cool air sends goose bumps along her flesh, nipples form stone points.
            “Uck urr  Orpp. urr ranrt reak e, thr wreb ills rverr vver urr!” translation, “Fuck you Hope, you can't break me, the dweeb will never love you!”
           “You're not lucky anymore.” She licked Gwen’s cheek, “OH! Or are you!? Whatever this cock feels I feel and you're very wet.”
           The round end spread lips further apart, now reaching only an inch in. “Eww ric nnnghhh!” Gwen moaned through the gag.
           Hope let a huge glob of drool fall from her black lips onto the gag. She trailed more along Gwen’s chin, neck, and chest. She let the final drop strike her victim's right pink nipple. The drop nestled itself, areola and nipple hugging it. Cat like she lunged and bit the other nipple. Hard and fast she played with the point of the mammary gland. Tightening her jaws as she rolled her teeth over it.
           “UUch! Ardrrr urr slrrt Ew arn trrrk ert” Translation, “Fuck! Harder you slut, I can take it!”
           “I fucking knew you would love it, I haven’t even penetrated you yet. Too bad I didn’t think to bring needles, we could have had matching piercings.” Hope whispers, after she moved to and bit Gwen’s right ear lobe.
           Hope wrapped one hand around Gwen’s neck and braced herself on the van with her other. Her hips extended, fast. The magical cock dove along Gwen’s vaginal walls. Stopping only at her womb.
            “Cuh-merm-mering! Ughh! Gerr ummmmm! auug!” No translation needed.
            Hope spit into Gwen’s ear as she forced her head to the side. Her tongue fluttered across the ear’s lobe plunging in and spreading sticky saliva. “I bet you miss this already.” She pulled her hips up, the cock sliding out along the contracting walls.
           “AUrrgger… auhhgg! eher!”
            Gwen arched her back lifting her hips, Hope kept her at a distance, only the tip of the cock in.
            “Tell me you love it! Bitch!” She thrust deep.
           “FGNH! NNGHH! Erss uck! Fuaa-aahh” Translation, “FGNH! NNGHH! Yes, fuck! Yes! Fuaa-aahh.”
           Hope began slamming her hips into Gwen, the slamming sound made her smile. Whenever she thought Gwen was enjoying herself too much she would bite her nipple and roll it on her teeth. Several bites later she paused.
           Did she? That bitch just orgasmed from that, Hope thought. She bit down on Gwen’s other nipple.
            “Fuck’n whore, you’re loving this.” She whispered into the other’s ear.
            “Uuck urr! Ess hraat thss.” Translation, “Fuck you! I hate this.”
           Hope spat on her face. Grabbing both of Gwen’s nipples she jammed her hips towards her prey; the cock dove into her victim's eager cunt. Her pace was rampant and frenzied with each of Gwen’s body-shaking orgasms.
           Gwen was on her fifth orgasm when Charmcaster pulled away. The cock was still buried deep within her. Ribbons of magical energy moved across her hips. Forming a web of underwear. Pulling taut she felt the magical cock lodge itself deeper as the new underwear pinched her skin. Charmcaster was already pulling on her pants.
           “Enjoy yourself, Gwen. That cock will fuck you for hours. Without your magic or that fake Omnitrix, you’ll be helpless. Remember, you're not even a real sorceress. You're barely an idiot savant!” She pulled on her long jacket not bothering with a shirt. “I’ll tell Ben you said, ‘Hi,’ while I’m sucking his cock.” She slammed the doors. She rubbed her pussy as she walked to the Battle-Car.
            “Urr wrronnt torrrc rim. E-ll grr free ahr strrop urr, War!” Translation, “You won't touch him. I’ll get free and stop you, whore!”
           The web-like underwear kept pulling and pushing on the cock. Driving it in and out of her. The first orgasm came seconds after Hope left.
           “GU UUH. gu uuhhhh…” Translation, moans.
           The constant grind of the cock, the underwear wrapping around her wide hips, and the wiggling ribbons riding down her buttcrack like a g-string made her cum again.
           “Ang! Whaert! Augah! Aaugah!  …Aah!”
           Another orgasm rocked her body, the third since Hope left her half floating, held by magic cuffs “aug… uuggh. …auh-gh!” Gwen’s mind cleared as she bit on the ballgag, just long enough for a thought to form.
           Fuck, if only I had the Domi-Matrix, she thought, wait if I don’t have it… do I have... Magic flares to life. She was free in seconds. Her cuffs fell off as she spit the gag out. Landing she rolled to her feet. Gwen reached between her legs pulling at the underwear. The cock refused to move as she pulled on it. The intensity building in her loins continued.
           Shoving the van's rear doors open, she scans the parking lot for her Domi-Matrix. Her eyes catch on a dildo a few feet away. Her legs still quivering from orgasmic bliss she moves toward it.
           “CUMMI-IN'~! CUMMIII-ING~FUUcckkk!” The pleasure and the trembling coming from her loins dropped Gwen to her knees. Stopped by another orgasm her hand creeps out searching. The Domi-Matrix was inches away laying on a shrubbery. Recovering, she presses the pink and mint neon dildo with its thick veins, and multiple lumps all adorning its surface to the magical one. Nothing happens.
           “Fuck.” She shoves the device into her mouth. Expanding it slides down to her stomach. She starts running, running for home. A pink and mint neon medical mask wraps around her face. Hugging her ears. The selector dial is faintly visible.
           Give me clothes of some kind, she targets her thoughts at the Domi-Matrix.
           Her mouth, throat, and entrance to her stomach vibrate with acknowledgments. Her skin is tickled as a bikini matching the Domi-Matrix creeps across her flesh. Gwen starts pulling off her tattered shirt and yoga pants as she runs to save her cousin.
           She felt a war on her hips, the Domi-Matrix was trying to remove the cock’s underwear and replace it with a bikini bottom of its own. With both the cock and the Domi-Matrix in her she felt the building orgasms slow. Ribbons from each tugged and pulled on her hips and ass. Gwen still stopped twice on her run to orgasm as the fight jerked and twisted the cock in her.

           Charmcaster slowed the car and parked far for the trailer court; she did not want to alert Ben or the old man to ‘Gwen’s’ return. She didn't notice her pussy was dripping, the thought of finally having Tennyson all to herself. Leaving the car behind. Charmcaster half crouched, half jogged through the trees and bushes.
           Lights ahead of her she slowed and looked around. A minute later she began moving to the stupid R.V. that had ruined her plans and caused her trouble over the years.
           Charmcaster was crouching in the bushes, the old RV with Ben in it 500 yards ahead. Leaning against a large boulder, her hand resting on its cool surface, she searched for any residents of the trailer court, any late-night parties.
           Alright, looks clear. Now, just sneak in. Disarm any traps they have set up and wake Ben up with a blowjob. Then ride him all night until he is mine, she thought. She moved from the rock.
            “Hey! Bitch!”
            Five steps from the boulder, Charmcaster turns toward the voice.
            Gwen punches her in the jaw. Hope hits the ground as Gwen dials for the right alien for the job. Her body warps and grows. Light orange fur surrounds swelling bones and muscles. A pressure pushes on the magic cock, the sealing straps begin snapping. Hope’s magic cock flops onto the ground as a red cock with a larger bulge midshaft grows. With the occasional mint-colored lightning bolt zig-zag in her new fur, her new form was complete.
           Perfect Wildmutt and his red cock, she thinks. Shit! I could have fucked this up if it had given me the female form!
           The Domi-Matrix slides through the fur. It tightens around her neck forming a collar. Gwen; Wildmutt now places one paw, then the other on Hope’s arms. Pinning her down. With care, she uses her jaws to rip away Hope’s long jacket and her pants.
           “What??” Hope asked, coming too. She felt chilly. Warmth breaths washed over her. Oh that’s nice, she thought. Wait!?
           A hot long object landed on her ass.
           Mustering enough magic to trigger telepathy Gwen thought, ‘I enjoyed your cock. You get to enjoy mine until the sun rises.’
           Trying to stand, her arms pinned, Charmcaster's ass raises into the air. Ready to breed. Wildmutt’s hot cock slides along her pale ass. The tip rested on her taint.
           “Gwen! Don’t. Wwe can talk about this.”
           The mutt’s cock twitched and slapped pussy.
           “Ai! Aiih!” Ok, maybe one time. That thing is huge, she thought. Her face was shoved into the ground. The beast's cock split her open. The large ball near its root was prying at her lips.
           “HYY… Yaa. AH. ohh… AH. Ahh!”
           ‘I can hear your thoughts,’ Gwen thought, ‘Wildsmutt’s cock drives for hours.’ She lowers her large jaws. The mutt’s large rough tongue landed on Hope’s lower back. Gwen dragged it up to the villain's shoulder blades before retracing the mutt’s hips.
           Gwen started with short rapid movements. As soon as Hope loosed up she thrust hard, harder than before. The large ball spread Hope further. Her lips closed around it.
           “Ang! Wait! Aah! Aaah! I… Aah!”
           Wildmutt matched her every moan with grunts of his own.
           When she recovered Hope tried to shout “Fuck me! Fuck me Gwen!” It came out as a moan.
           Gwen begins returning Hope's favor, with earnest, long thrusts of her alien cock.  A loud slapping sound accompanied each thrust. Hope was driving back onto the ground every time she was filled with the alien mutt’s red cock.. She smiles as moans escape Hope’s lips and her mind. Gwen picked up the tempo enjoying the squeezing along her alien dick as orgasms started shaking Hope’s willowy body.
           It wasn’t long before immense globs of drool dripped out of the mutt’s mouth. They landed on Hope’s neck and shoulders. Some oozed down to her breasts dripping to the earth below. Most of the drool ran down her back into her ass crack. She felt the wetness drip along her pussy lips. With each thrust, she felt more drool saturate her body.
           “Hoooh! Ahhhh… I… I… I…m fu-cummiing!”
           As the earth below them turned to mud Hope's feet began sinking and sliding around with each thrust from the alien above her. Pinned arms, face, and hair quickly become caked in mud. Frantically she searched for a purchase to use to aid in escape with her feet. Any solid surface. One foot landed on a moss-covered rock. A moment later she found a second one. Pushing off both rocks her ass raises higher into the air. Her face drove into the earth more.  It was three long thrusts later that Hope realized she was bracing herself on Wildmutt’s rear paws. Between the movements of the alien cock she began to understand, she had made it easier for Gwen and Wildmutt to split her with the alien cock. Her body shook with a powerful orgasm as she realized she would not be getting away from Gwen and her payback.
           “Uunn… Ai… oohhh mmmmer… ahh!” Shit, I’m starting to like this, she thought.
           Gwen’s Wildmutt form ravaged Hope for hours. Drilling her with its cock shaft and large ball. It had been well past midnight when she had caught up to her in the woods. As the hero dished out punishment the moon set and the sun began to rise in front of the two.  
           A wolf-like howl echoed through the woods. Wildmutt’s claws dug into the earth, its rear hips flexing driving into Hope’s ass, hard. The large red cock buried deep within her throbbed. Its alien seed spurt into her six times. She orgasmed, shaking and trembling as fluid filled her. She felt the mutt’s cum spray out of her pussy. Dipping and running down her legs. Hope passed out, collapsing into the mud made from the alien mutt’s drool.             The orgasm used the last of her time, Gwen felt her body shrinking changing back to herself. The orange fur turned to skin; arms and legs returned to human proportions. She was on all fours, her hands and feet covered in alien drool mud.
           Hope lying on the ground ahead of her was covered in dark mud and drool. Her long white hair was now filthy and brown. Cum oozed out of her enlarged hole dripping onto the forest floor. Mixing with the mud, She twitched once and a large glob bubbled and plopped to the ground.
            “That was fun, let’s do it again sometime. Don't be a sore loser.” Searching through the remains of shredded clothing Gwen frowned, nothing was salvageable. ‘Fuck, now I got to sneak home naked.’ Seeing the Rust Bucket far ahead of her didn't feel any better about running through the trailer court in her birthday suit.
           The Domi-Matrix would only provide her with one ‘uniform’ a day. Its choice, its design. She was out of luck if she transformed or the clothes were ruined.
           A light purple glow caught her attention. The magical cock Hope had fucked her with lay on the ground next to the two naked women. Gwen shoves it into Hope's used pussy. It vibrates and begins sealing itself around her. Hope convulses on the ground as an orgasm racks her slender frame.
           Gwen begins walking through the trees and bushes for home. She feels the Domi-Matrix slide into her ass this time. Reaching into her depths. The morning sun washes her naked body.
           “God, I hope I can get inside before anyone sees me.”

The End…

By Neo Mint City
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Gwen Tennyson and the Domi-Matrix

Dagon Died. The world changed.

           Last year Ben’s watch was shattered when we killed Dagon, She never got a different one. Azmuth never contacted us. I say she now when I talk about my dweeb cousin because Dagon’s plan was to feminize the males and bimboize us females. He would pacify us all and conquer the planet. The plan was coming to a climax when we won.
           Two things happened of importance when the monster exploded: 1) Only 75 percent of us changed back, Ben was not one of them. My body stayed voluptuous, my mind returned to me. I love my new 38 DD breasts. 2)  Dagon’s body melted into thousands of heads with tentacles and wings. They have been a problem ever since. 3) Everyone is a lot hornier than before. That or I just notice everyone having sex more, I’m pretty sure it's the first one though.
           It shattered the Plumbers, Grandpa is a shallow husk of himself, turned alcoholic and drug addict. The Rust Bucket is in the same shape as Grandpa. She is up on blocks in a small trailer court outside of Las Vegas. Kevin went missing six months before the Dagon crisis.
           Aliens live in the open now, you can find them in almost every neighborhood, they’re better than us humans. Some are even trying to help the Fems and Bims.
           Three months ago I received a package, it was my birthday. My eighteenth. I ripped open the small box. The present attacked me. Ben found me passed out on the floor of the Rust Bucket after his shift at Tito’s Strip Club & Casino. I was wearing a medical-style face mask and nothing else. It felt like there was an enormous cock down my throat. Ben claimed the white fluid on my chest was from the alien device, he said he had seen it come out of his Omnitrix the first time he had put it on. As we tried to figure it out, one of us touched a button and I transformed. Once complete I was a female version of Wildmutt. I later learned it blocked and drained nearly all my magic using the energy to power the transformations. I could only do simple tricks, even then I had to focus hard and really want it. After the transformation ended I woke up with the Domi-Matrix deep in my ass, it kept me constantly aroused. Always vibrating.
           Now I fight crime; underground alien smuggling rings, alien abductions the aliens are the ones getting kidnapped, bounty hunters, rednecks, governments 'research scientists’ and goons, mafia/yakuza, and other aliens. Basically, anyone looking to commit crimes or cause havoc.

           “Grandpa, Ben! I am going on patrol.” Gwen Tennyson shouted as she stepped to the ground from the R.V.’s door. Her tits giggled in her tight high-cut V-neck shirt. The dark blue top fits well with her pastel blue yoga pants. Both are a size too small for her.
           Slurred words came back from the driver's seat, “Be back by dinner time.”
           It was past ten already. Ben was passed out in his bunk, ass up like he was waiting for someone. He had been dancing all day at Tito’s. No answer came from him.
           “Sure.” Gwen pulled a nipple to distract herself from the vibrating in her pussy. It helped a little as the Domi-Matrix continued its constant vibrations.
           Battle-Car roared to life and she sped off. The car was only half finished, she was still modding the vehicle. She had rebuilt and upgraded it between her shifts at Tito’s and fighting crime. The car didn’t even have half the functions of Rust Bucket, in its prime. Gwen’s dancing at the club paid for the car and food. Ben’s dancing paid for Grandpa’s drugs and alcohol.

            Battle-Car roars into the parking lot as two goons are pushing an alien into a casino van. She wasn’t even ten minutes from the trailer court. Mafia goons, up to no good as usual, she thought.
           Grasping an object in the backseat and jumping out of the car, Gwen yells, “STOP! Let them go!”
            One goon runs. The other continues shoving the alien into the van. Gwen hits the remaining goon with a broken component from the Rust Bucket. A kind of pipe. As the goon falls prone to the ground the alien shrieks and runs off. She begins turning to look for the other goon.
           “Oh Gwen.” a voice calls out behind her.
           Charmcaster, a.k.a. Hope pushes her into the casino’s van. Gwen’s calves struck the bumper causing her to fall to her back. Hope’s magic jerked out the Domi-Matrix before it could absorb her power, tearing Gwen’s pastel blue yoga pants. The alien tool lands on a shrubbery, near a tiny path to the sidewalk. Magical cuffs wrapped around Gwen's wrists and ankles. The hero was pulled into the dark van as a ballgag formed.
            “I’ve been waiting a long time for this whore.”
            “Rin-ric urr Wrich, ir ran racc rennyringjurr rav RRitcc.” Translation, “Bring it you bitch, I can take anything you have, Hope!” the magical cuffs on her wrist floated her into the air. Arms straining and spread out, she could almost touch the walls of the van.
           “I bet you even want it.” Charmcaster pulled the doors closed behind her. Her hands glowed as she cast. As the light faded a third glow formed lower on her body. Obscured by her clothes. She began pulling at buttons and zippers.
           Hope’s purple-tipped hair tickled Gwen’s face as the magic-user leaned over her. Hope’s naked lean physique was covered in shadows from the purple light emitting from betwixt her legs.
           Her ankle held at a ‘V’ shape, lower than her arms. Gwen felt a touch of pressure unfold her lips. Pressing on her hood. Her breath quickened. With every little movement, her body betrayed her with tingles of euphoria.
           “Ummm.” She moaned.
           Hope’s fingertips savored and pulled the fabric covering Gwen's heaving chest. Crushing the stretchable maternal into Gwen’s tits she spoke.
           “I’m gonna fuck you senseless. Leave you here to escape in a few hours, but before you can I will have fucked little Ben’s brains out. Making him mine. Your pussy will ache for me at family gatherings. You’ll watch as I jerk him off under the table from across the room. Your pussy caged and tormented by this magic cock. Oh! And the little toy of yours will never fit in your pussy again. My spell is quite sealing. Gwen, you’ll be trapped with a bikini of magic and this cock in you until you die of old age.”
           The dark blue fabric tore as Charmcaster ripped the top free, exposing both of Gwen’s large breasts. The rush of the cool air sends goose bumps along her flesh, nipples form stone points.
            “Uck urr  Orpp. urr ranrt reak e, thr wreb ills rverr vver urr!” translation, “Fuck you Hope, you can't break me, the dweeb will never love you!”
           “You're not lucky anymore.” She licked Gwen’s cheek, “OH! Or are you!? Whatever this cock feels I feel and you're very wet.”
           The round end spread lips further apart, now reaching only an inch in. “Eww ric nnnghhh!” Gwen moaned through the gag.
           Hope let a huge glob of drool fall from her black lips onto the gag. She trailed more along Gwen’s chin, neck, and chest. She let the final drop strike her victim's right pink nipple. The drop nestled itself, areola and nipple hugging it. Cat like she lunged and bit the other nipple. Hard and fast she played with the point of the mammary gland. Tightening her jaws as she rolled her teeth over it.
           “UUch! Ardrrr urr slrrt Ew arn trrrk ert” Translation, “Fuck! Harder you slut, I can take it!”
           “I fucking knew you would love it, I haven’t even penetrated you yet. Too bad I didn’t think to bring needles, we could have had matching piercings.” Hope whispers, after she moved to and bit Gwen’s right ear lobe.
           Hope wrapped one hand around Gwen’s neck and braced herself on the van with her other. Her hips extended, fast. The magical cock dove along Gwen’s vaginal walls. Stopping only at her womb.
            “Cuh-merm-mering! Ughh! Gerr ummmmm! auug!” No translation needed.
            Hope spit into Gwen’s ear as she forced her head to the side. Her tongue fluttered across the ear’s lobe plunging in and spreading sticky saliva. “I bet you miss this already.” She pulled her hips up, the cock sliding out along the contracting walls.
           “AUrrgger… auhhgg! eher!”
            Gwen arched her back lifting her hips, Hope kept her at a distance, only the tip of the cock in.
            “Tell me you love it! Bitch!” She thrust deep.
           “FGNH! NNGHH! Erss uck! Fuaa-aahh” Translation, “FGNH! NNGHH! Yes, fuck! Yes! Fuaa-aahh.”
           Hope began slamming her hips into Gwen, the slamming sound made her smile. Whenever she thought Gwen was enjoying herself too much she would bite her nipple and roll it on her teeth. Several bites later she paused.
           Did she? That bitch just orgasmed from that, Hope thought. She bit down on Gwen’s other nipple.
            “Fuck’n whore, you’re loving this.” She whispered into the other’s ear.
            “Uuck urr! Ess hraat thss.” Translation, “Fuck you! I hate this.”
           Hope spat on her face. Grabbing both of Gwen’s nipples she jammed her hips towards her prey; the cock dove into her victim's eager cunt. Her pace was rampant and frenzied with each of Gwen’s body-shaking orgasms.
           Gwen was on her fifth orgasm when Charmcaster pulled away. The cock was still buried deep within her. Ribbons of magical energy moved across her hips. Forming a web of underwear. Pulling taut she felt the magical cock lodge itself deeper as the new underwear pinched her skin. Charmcaster was already pulling on her pants.
           “Enjoy yourself, Gwen. That cock will fuck you for hours. Without your magic or that fake Omnitrix, you’ll be helpless. Remember, you're not even a real sorceress. You're barely an idiot savant!” She pulled on her long jacket not bothering with a shirt. “I’ll tell Ben you said, ‘Hi,’ while I’m sucking his cock.” She slammed the doors. She rubbed her pussy as she walked to the Battle-Car.
            “Urr wrronnt torrrc rim. E-ll grr free ahr strrop urr, War!” Translation, “You won't touch him. I’ll get free and stop you, whore!”
           The web-like underwear kept pulling and pushing on the cock. Driving it in and out of her. The first orgasm came seconds after Hope left.
           “GU UUH. gu uuhhhh…” Translation, moans.
           The constant grind of the cock, the underwear wrapping around her wide hips, and the wiggling ribbons riding down her buttcrack like a g-string made her cum again.
           “Ang! Whaert! Augah! Aaugah!  …Aah!”
           Another orgasm rocked her body, the third since Hope left her half floating, held by magic cuffs “aug… uuggh. …auh-gh!” Gwen’s mind cleared as she bit on the ballgag, just long enough for a thought to form.
           Fuck, if only I had the Domi-Matrix, she thought, wait if I don’t have it… do I have... Magic flares to life. She was free in seconds. Her cuffs fell off as she spit the gag out. Landing she rolled to her feet. Gwen reached between her legs pulling at the underwear. The cock refused to move as she pulled on it. The intensity building in her loins continued.
           Shoving the van's rear doors open, she scans the parking lot for her Domi-Matrix. Her eyes catch on a dildo a few feet away. Her legs still quivering from orgasmic bliss she moves toward it.
           “CUMMI-IN'~! CUMMIII-ING~FUUcckkk!” The pleasure and the trembling coming from her loins dropped Gwen to her knees. Stopped by another orgasm her hand creeps out searching. The Domi-Matrix was inches away laying on a shrubbery. Recovering, she presses the pink and mint neon dildo with its thick veins, and multiple lumps all adorning its surface to the magical one. Nothing happens.
           “Fuck.” She shoves the device into her mouth. Expanding it slides down to her stomach. She starts running, running for home. A pink and mint neon medical mask wraps around her face. Hugging her ears. The selector dial is faintly visible.
           Give me clothes of some kind, she targets her thoughts at the Domi-Matrix.
           Her mouth, throat, and entrance to her stomach vibrate with acknowledgments. Her skin is tickled as a bikini matching the Domi-Matrix creeps across her flesh. Gwen starts pulling off her tattered shirt and yoga pants as she runs to save her cousin.
           She felt a war on her hips, the Domi-Matrix was trying to remove the cock’s underwear and replace it with a bikini bottom of its own. With both the cock and the Domi-Matrix in her she felt the building orgasms slow. Ribbons from each tugged and pulled on her hips and ass. Gwen still stopped twice on her run to orgasm as the fight jerked and twisted the cock in her.

           Charmcaster slowed the car and parked far for the trailer court; she did not want to alert Ben or the old man to ‘Gwen’s’ return. She didn't notice her pussy was dripping, the thought of finally having Tennyson all to herself. Leaving the car behind. Charmcaster half crouched, half jogged through the trees and bushes.
           Lights ahead of her she slowed and looked around. A minute later she began moving to the stupid R.V. that had ruined her plans and caused her trouble over the years.
           Charmcaster was crouching in the bushes, the old RV with Ben in it 500 yards ahead. Leaning against a large boulder, her hand resting on its cool surface, she searched for any residents of the trailer court, any late-night parties.
           Alright, looks clear. Now, just sneak in. Disarm any traps they have set up and wake Ben up with a blowjob. Then ride him all night until he is mine, she thought. She moved from the rock.
            “Hey! Bitch!”
            Five steps from the boulder, Charmcaster turns toward the voice.
            Gwen punches her in the jaw. Hope hits the ground as Gwen dials for the right alien for the job. Her body warps and grows. Light orange fur surrounds swelling bones and muscles. A pressure pushes on the magic cock, the sealing straps begin snapping. Hope’s magic cock flops onto the ground as a red cock with a larger bulge midshaft grows. With the occasional mint-colored lightning bolt zig-zag in her new fur, her new form was complete.
           Perfect Wildmutt and his red cock, she thinks. Shit! I could have fucked this up if it had given me the female form!
           The Domi-Matrix slides through the fur. It tightens around her neck forming a collar. Gwen; Wildmutt now places one paw, then the other on Hope’s arms. Pinning her down. With care, she uses her jaws to rip away Hope’s long jacket and her pants.
           “What??” Hope asked, coming too. She felt chilly. Warmth breaths washed over her. Oh that’s nice, she thought. Wait!?
           A hot long object landed on her ass.
           Mustering enough magic to trigger telepathy Gwen thought, ‘I enjoyed your cock. You get to enjoy mine until the sun rises.’
           Trying to stand, her arms pinned, Charmcaster's ass raises into the air. Ready to breed. Wildmutt’s hot cock slides along her pale ass. The tip rested on her taint.
           “Gwen! Don’t. Wwe can talk about this.”
           The mutt’s cock twitched and slapped pussy.
           “Ai! Aiih!” Ok, maybe one time. That thing is huge, she thought. Her face was shoved into the ground. The beast's cock split her open. The large ball near its root was prying at her lips.
           “HYY… Yaa. AH. ohh… AH. Ahh!”
           ‘I can hear your thoughts,’ Gwen thought, ‘Wildsmutt’s cock drives for hours.’ She lowers her large jaws. The mutt’s large rough tongue landed on Hope’s lower back. Gwen dragged it up to the villain's shoulder blades before retracing the mutt’s hips.
           Gwen started with short rapid movements. As soon as Hope loosed up she thrust hard, harder than before. The large ball spread Hope further. Her lips closed around it.
           “Ang! Wait! Aah! Aaah! I… Aah!”
           Wildmutt matched her every moan with grunts of his own.
           When she recovered Hope tried to shout “Fuck me! Fuck me Gwen!” It came out as a moan.
           Gwen begins returning Hope's favor, with earnest, long thrusts of her alien cock.  A loud slapping sound accompanied each thrust. Hope was driving back onto the ground every time she was filled with the alien mutt’s red cock.. She smiles as moans escape Hope’s lips and her mind. Gwen picked up the tempo enjoying the squeezing along her alien dick as orgasms started shaking Hope’s willowy body.
           It wasn’t long before immense globs of drool dripped out of the mutt’s mouth. They landed on Hope’s neck and shoulders. Some oozed down to her breasts dripping to the earth below. Most of the drool ran down her back into her ass crack. She felt the wetness drip along her pussy lips. With each thrust, she felt more drool saturate her body.
           “Hoooh! Ahhhh… I… I… I…m fu-cummiing!”
           As the earth below them turned to mud Hope's feet began sinking and sliding around with each thrust from the alien above her. Pinned arms, face, and hair quickly become caked in mud. Frantically she searched for a purchase to use to aid in escape with her feet. Any solid surface. One foot landed on a moss-covered rock. A moment later she found a second one. Pushing off both rocks her ass raises higher into the air. Her face drove into the earth more.  It was three long thrusts later that Hope realized she was bracing herself on Wildmutt’s rear paws. Between the movements of the alien cock she began to understand, she had made it easier for Gwen and Wildmutt to split her with the alien cock. Her body shook with a powerful orgasm as she realized she would not be getting away from Gwen and her payback.
           “Uunn… Ai… oohhh mmmmer… ahh!” Shit, I’m starting to like this, she thought.
           Gwen’s Wildmutt form ravaged Hope for hours. Drilling her with its cock shaft and large ball. It had been well past midnight when she had caught up to her in the woods. As the hero dished out punishment the moon set and the sun began to rise in front of the two.  
           A wolf-like howl echoed through the woods. Wildmutt’s claws dug into the earth, its rear hips flexing driving into Hope’s ass, hard. The large red cock buried deep within her throbbed. Its alien seed spurt into her six times. She orgasmed, shaking and trembling as fluid filled her. She felt the mutt’s cum spray out of her pussy. Dipping and running down her legs. Hope passed out, collapsing into the mud made from the alien mutt’s drool.             The orgasm used the last of her time, Gwen felt her body shrinking changing back to herself. The orange fur turned to skin; arms and legs returned to human proportions. She was on all fours, her hands and feet covered in alien drool mud.
           Hope lying on the ground ahead of her was covered in dark mud and drool. Her long white hair was now filthy and brown. Cum oozed out of her enlarged hole dripping onto the forest floor. Mixing with the mud, She twitched once and a large glob bubbled and plopped to the ground.
            “That was fun, let’s do it again sometime. Don't be a sore loser.” Searching through the remains of shredded clothing Gwen frowned, nothing was salvageable. ‘Fuck, now I got to sneak home naked.’ Seeing the Rust Bucket far ahead of her didn't feel any better about running through the trailer court in her birthday suit.
           The Domi-Matrix would only provide her with one ‘uniform’ a day. Its choice, its design. She was out of luck if she transformed or the clothes were ruined.
           A light purple glow caught her attention. The magical cock Hope had fucked her with lay on the ground next to the two naked women. Gwen shoves it into Hope's used pussy. It vibrates and begins sealing itself around her. Hope convulses on the ground as an orgasm racks her slender frame.
           Gwen begins walking through the trees and bushes for home. She feels the Domi-Matrix slide into her ass this time. Reaching into her depths. The morning sun washes her naked body.
           “God, I hope I can get inside before anyone sees me.”

The End…

By Neo Mint City
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Jewel in the Air, A Neighborly Affair

           The front door closed and a moment later a car revved to life. She heard Benny’s Hyundai Sonata pull out of the driveway. He was leaving for a week to meet an important client.
           The affair had only started a week ago, Marcel Jordan had come over to borrow Benny’s leaf blower. A knock came from the front door like every other weekend, this day Maddie answered. Benny had been called into work that morning. Marcel and his pussy drenched black cock left an hour later. After Maddie had given him her round white plump ass and curvy body.
           ‘Finally gone.’ the blond whispered.
           Madeleine Carter rushed to unlock the door. A shadow moved in front of it, the morning sunlight darken through the door’s thin curtains. Swinging it open her eyes rolled across his large shoulders and pecs. Marcel’s large frame blocked the entrance.
           She pressed her face, her cheek into his broad chest, inhaling a sweaty, musky scent from his morning run. Curls of blonde hair were crushed into his chest. Wrapping him in a hug, one hand grabbing his firm ass. He squeezed her ass cheek and stroked her jiggly left breast. At his touch, her anus fidgeted around the inserted metal toy he had given her. A second later Madeleine pulled him into the house.
           “Quickly, before someone sees.” Her head scans the street for nosy neighbors. Smiling, she closed the door.
           Click. The deadbolt sets into place.
           “How’s my tight little cunt today?” His eyes stared at her 33DD titties, “Baby, you ready for some good dick?”
           “Wet for you.” she grinned, “Fuck’n idiot, that pin-dick wouldn’t even touch me last night, saying he had to fly out today.” She pouted, then smiled. Pussy dripping at the thought of Marcel's fat nine inches. “Marcel, I want you in both holes.” She wiggles her ass. A knowing smile on her face. Eyes roaming his ebony, muscled body, his workout clothes doing little to hide his cock’s outline. 
           “Maddie, baby girl, I’m gonna nut; in all your holes today.” His eyes roamed her teal silk robe, nothing else covering her creamy tanned white skin. The edges of her nipples peeking out. He grabbed her chin; fast, hard, “Which hole do you want first?”
           “Bury your fat, dirty cock in my ass.”
           He kissed her, their spit traded back and forth. Five minutes ticked by before they began moving from the doorway.
           Grasping her ass, both cheeks spread faintly. A chill of air rushed along her crack tickling her starfish. Her anal muscles tightened on the pink jeweled buttplug. Marcel’s powerful firm grip lifted her to his height and their lips locked. Madeleine’s legs wrapped his hips in a tight embrace. Her pussy rested on and snuggled the base of his meat shaft.
           She hadn’t bothered with panties that morning. Only her favorite jeweled toy. Her pussy grinding at his cock as she bopped up and down. His cock began rising. Their lips locked in a passionate kiss. He began moving the two toward the master bedroom at the top of the stairs. Pussy juice drenched the front of his running shorts
           As they reached the top of the stairs she had managed to rip the top half of her robe off. Her tits rubbed on his tank top. Marcel's cock at full mast, being mounted repeatable by her hips and lower lips through the fabric.
           This bitch is gonna cum from grinding my shorts, He thought, pushing the door open. Three steps in he tosses her to the California king bed. Blankets and pillows went flying as she landed; naked, cat-like.
           Marcel released her silky robe, smiling as he approached the bed.
           Her face was awash with surprise, Madeleine climbed to her knees, hands resting on her inner thigh. Long blonde hair caressed the tops of her boobs, several strands atray. Perky purchased double D cups pressed together.
           She gnawed at the left side of her bottom lip, “Daddieee?”
           “Present dat fat ass!”
           “It's yours!” She spun to her hands and knees. Her ass pointed to him. Eyes locked on the large mahogany carved headboard, she felt his touch. A shiver ran through her, for the impending excitement.
           His rough masculine fingers prying at the jewel in her butt. His dark right hand padded her cheek, thumb spreading her. She clenched, making him work for her tight hole.
           “Mm… mmm. Ohhh..”
           Crack, he left a red handprint on her upper right cheek.
           “Eeeh!” The plug wiggled at him, teasing.
           “Shit baby, play me like that and I’ll just go fuck Ms. Jones at the end of the culdsac.” His eyes leering, “If you’re lucky you can suck her cum off me.” 
           Ploop! The gem stuck his rock-like abs, dropping to the white sheets.
           “I lubed it for you before little Benny drove off. Mhmmm… Just slip that fat rod in.” That brunette bitch isn’t getting you back, she thought.
           His balls swung as he pulled his cock to her puckering hole.
           “AHH! Ahh! ahh…  ahh…” she moaned and whimpered. His log sliding to just over half its length, his balls swung up and tapped her hood.
           “Fuck, baby you weren’t lying.” his hips push the rest in.
           “Aah ah hea!!”
           Clutching the hair around her neck, he tugged once. Her head yanked upward, back aching.
           “Yesss! Fuck!! Daddy! Ride me!” Her squeal came out high-pitched. “Ahh. ah…”
           “I’m gonna nut a gallon in your white ass n’ plug it as you clean me.”
           Both his hands lay hold of her fat ass and hips. He pulled out and thrust in. His hips worked her like one of the piston heads in his orange and black 1969 Ford Boss 429 Mustang. Fast and hard it tapped her pussy. Her slippery wall coating his rod in slime.
           “Uhg! UGH FUAH HAAH... AH. HAA. UWAAAHHHH!” her voice filled the room.
           Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud! The wooden headboard slammed into the wall.

           Lillian's fingers rubbed her pussy. Her panty soaked and slippery. Minutes ago she pulled her right earbuds out. The loud thumping interrupted her studying for Chem: 101 finals. Moans came through the bedroom walls.
           “Ugh…. Oh… Ahhar. Oh FUCK! DADDY! Harder!” her mother's voice wetted her lips.
           Shit, dad is giving it to her. I didn’t know they still fucked, she thought. Oh… is this what they do when they think I’m in class?
           Fingers pushed her panties to the side, two digits pressed past her itching lips. Her left hand mashing her breast then tweaking her nipple. Her fingers slipped in deeper.
           ‘Ai ah ahh’ Ahh…fuck him harder momma..’ slipped out.

           Marcel leaned back with only his dark cockhead in her greedy little starfish. He grabbed the buttplug. It had come to rest against his knee as they fuck. Jerking his tip out and he shoved the metal plug in. As she moaned he rubbed the jewel, ensuring a solid seal. One single drop of his cum rolled across her taint. 
           “Ahh! OH!” she shouted, “FUCK! Daddy, warn a girl.”
           CRACK! She bit her lip as his hand connected, this time with her right cheek.
           “Cocks not gonna clean itself. Do good and you can ride it all morning.”
           She pounced on him, kissing his upper abs. Her tongue ran through his cum gutters, through his thick curly hair, and onto his dark shaft. The strawberry lube and salty cum filled her mouth as she cleaned his member.
           When she reached his flaring head, he said, “That's a good little cock sucker. Maybe, I'll let Janette clean dat pussy off me instead.”
           She throated him without a thought.
           Cough! Ugh! Awwck! Madeleine pulled back.
           “Just clean it, I want ya nut in dat tight pussy first.” He grabbed the back of her head, pulling her hair to prevent her from diving back down his length. He said, “I’ll fuck your throat after lunch.”
           She began licking and sucking his cock. One hand rubbing the base. Her right running through his hairy balls.
           “HMM, bae. Ya… MMUH!!!” he moaned. His gaze runs over her body as her head weaves around his cock.
            It didn't take long for his member to recover fully. Madeleine was still cleaning him when he pulled her off. Turning, Marcel tosses a couple of pillows to the headboard. Laying propped up, he waves his cock at her, balls rolling under it.
           Wiping her chin Madeleine moved to kiss him. Strong hands, arms turned her. She faced the doorway, her hair dangling in front of him. Lowering her pussy onto himself, he moved one hand to tickle the center of her back. Reaching for her flowing hair.
           “Ride it like a horse.” 
           “Ohoh! Ohh!” she moaned, sinking around him.
           Crack! His hand contacted her cheek. She began bucking savagely.
           “AAA AAAAA AAAH!!! AUGH!” She rode him faster.
           Whenever she slowed she received a smack. Her tan cheeks were covered in red hand prints, quickly.

           “Oh fuck! Of fuck! Marcel fuck me harder.” came through the wall.
           Mr. Jordan?! She? Mom you slut! Lillian thought, her lips curled into a smile, she pulled her nipple and twisted it. The shock was enough to make her lick her lips. She thought of Mr. Jordan’s large frame and the ever-present bulge he carried. It wasn’t her first time thinking of him when she felt her pussy itching. Her fingers moved as fast as her vibrator.
           ‘Ahh… Ah….yessss..’ Lillian bit her lip to quiet her own moans. Listening, her ears intently picking up each of her mother’s moans. Enjoying the sounds of slut in the other room turning her sweet daddy into a little cuck.

           “Ya! Bitch, ride!” he arched up, pulling her back to him. Marcel's tongue sucked and licked Madeleine’s sideboob as she bounced on his thick shaft.
           “Fu.. fu… fuc.. I.. I..m gooonn.. Oh… I’m gonna cumm cummm.” she moaned, her body shaking. The spasms of her pussy milking his cock.
           His black shaft started thrusting up, into her, faster, “I’m gonna make you cum all morning, cunt!”
           “Uwaahh… oh.. Yess fuuck me witht that blllaaackk cock!”

           Benny unlocked the front door. His day had gone from closing a multi-million dollar deal to being in jeopardy. The wind ruffled the long tear in his pants and he felt a warm breeze on his thigh. It had happened while changing a flat, four blocks from home. A flat form of all things a fork in the road.
           He twisted the knob, stupid fork, he thought. Turning the fork in his left hand, the door swung open. At least I was out of the car when that boy crashed, I wish he could have done it before I ripped my pants. So happy both those kids are ok.
           The cops held him until a tow truck came. As the truck with his car drove off he remembered his phone in his briefcase. On the passenger seat. His keys and the fork clanked lightly in the dish with the other keys and he moved for the stairs. Smiling, his daughter was home.
           “Still, got my life and family.” He said, his tan dress shoe lifted for the first step.
           “AHh, jesus, fuck! Yesss! Oh… oh…. Oh… ahhha!” came from upstairs.
           Lill, get a boyfriend or girl, I don't care. He thought, shaking his head. The moans continued while he walked up the stairs, ‘you can’t lay in your room all day masturbating.’ he whispered.
           She had a habit of it since middle school.
           He crested the top of the stairs. Reaching for his bedroom door, he intends to change the ruined pants and call work about a new flight.
           ‘Tillie, better answer.’ he whispered. Thinking of all the times he had caught his regional manager getting her pussy eaten. Usually by a young intern. She had no shame and liberal tastes when it came to tongues in her holes.

           The bedroom door swung open.
           ‘OH! fuc… fuck i’mmm commmming Baby” Marcel shouted. “Fuck, faster fast whore! Ahhaah! Ah…” The sound of her ass slapping on her abs cut through the air.
           ‘Oh shit, shit! FUCK! Yes! Dadyyyy,” she screamed. Arching her back and thrusting furiously. “FUCK! Ahhhhh! AH! Haah! Ahhh! Ugh!  eeewww….  Ahha!”
           Marcel dumped four long thick warm loads in her pussy.
           Madeline spread. Her hand on his thigh, she bucked.
           Spray, his wife’s cum arched through the room. Striking his face and work shirt.
           No one’s brain processed anything for a minute.
           Madeleine slid off the long cock. She presented her ass to her husband, soupy thick cum dripping out of her pussy. Hands closed on strong muscular thighs. She smiled deviously at Marcel, his grin told her everything she needed to know. Her head moved to clean the black rod, just as he had been training her, for the past week.
           Whoosh! Ding! The metal plug sailed through the air, striking his belt. It rolled on the floor. A string of white cum shot into the air, from her dripping ass. The sticky goo trailing behind the plug. It splatters over torn pants, soaking into Benny's crotch. Large white beads of cum dripped from both her holes. Trickling down her tights. Her body shined with sweat.
           What?? “M.. Maddie?” he questioned, still not understanding the scene on the bed.
           “Don’t leave Ben, you need to watch.”
           Her lips tickled the tip of his neighbor and friend’s black cock. In one fluid motion the thick head shot past his loving wife's tonsils deep into her throat. She held in the gag as her muscles constricted on Marcel’s ample cock, ass wiggling with delight. Her head, back, and shoulders began bobbing the full length of Marcel's dark nine inches.
           “Hear that fucker! Sit down and watch your wife be my cock sleeve.” Marcel’s eyes crippling Benny’s will. “IF you're good, I’ll let you clean her. When I’m done nutting. You can suck my jizz out of her.”
           Benny dropped to his knees, his pin-dick leaked.
           “OHHH! FUUUCCCKKKIINNGG! MR. JOOORRDAN!!! Ahhhha! AHH EEEH! YESSS! FUCK HER!” Came from the room next door.

The End…

By Neo Mint City
Follow me on ‘X’ (Twitter) for updates: @NeoMintCity

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