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My Naked Life
My Naked Life
A cute point n' click adventure game starring a butt-naked protagonist!

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My Naked Life
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MNL Progress Report #113

Hey there, nudies! Another busy week for us, with some very fun progress. But first, hope you like this new art from Anne because I personally LOVE it. These COLORSSSS
We've been chugging away in the background, trying to improve our process to make things a bit faster! One of these was Invertex implementing a drop-down selection for animations! Before, if I wanted Amber to emote during a particular line of dialogue, I'd have to go in and write in Amber_Idle_Excited. Not a particularly difficult task, mind you, but once you get into hundreds of lines of dialogue, it gets pretty mind-numbing AND is fairly difficult to keep track of. But now, everything's organized in a nice little drop-down box!
Notice that "set wearable" option? That's another thing Invertex added as well. Now, we have an easier way to enable or disable clothes and accessories on characters!
(NOTE - not a real scene)
While Amber loses her clothes pretty definitively and permanently, this is still an easy way for us to enable her shoes, bag, or any other accessories. It can work on other characters too, so expect some fun clothing mix-and-matching!
As far as story progression goes, one of our major NPCs for the opening needed some extra work. Freddy, the cafe owner, was one of Bear's first rigging jobs (even before Amber!). It was great practice, but now needs some revising to better fit the rest of the gang. Bear's been hard at work re-rigging Freddy for new animations and is just about done. Since he's a heavier character than the others, special consideration was given to how he moves around, like where his bigger belly rests when he sits down.
Couldn't just have his stomach clip through his waist, so it sits a bit more naturally on his lap when he sits! Bear's a real one for figuring that out.
Not only that, but we felt the cafe area park was a bit empty. We decided to add one new piece of equipment to make it feel a bit busier...
A rock-climbing wall! Bear knocked this one out pretty fast. Why a rock-climbing wall specifically? Well, beyond just filling out the park more, we also wanted to slightly expand on the opening a little bit more and realized we had an opportunity! Anne's hard at work now on some new illustrations for a couple more scenes with Amber in these early moments of the game. Here's a sneak peek at a very rough WIP Anne's cooking up...
Poor Amber! She wouldn't have these problems if she just ditched the pants...
And that's all for today! Thank you so much for the support, and see you next week with more!
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My Naked Life

Hey there, nudies! Page 4 of this prequel comic, here for your viewing pleasure! Amber finally ge...

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My Naked Life
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MNL Progress Report #112

PHEW. Hey there, nudies! Between work and house selling, it's been an extremely busy time for yours truly! It's finally clearing up though, so now I should have more time to focus on our favorite nudie cutie! Check out this ADORABLE picture Anne drew of Amber really working some accessories in the clothing shop! Not exactly clothes, but I'm sure no one minds. Love the transparency on the sarong~
We're still just trucking alone with this cafe zone section - fixing new bugs that pop up (weirdly enough, usually centered around Amber's boobs), tweaking cutscenes, stuff like that. Again, slow progress due to personal stuff right now. We're hoping that once we wrap up this particular section, we can put a small playable build of it out for you all to check out. I wouldn't call it the demo per se, but more just a way for you all to see our progress in some playable form. I'm really happy with the intro to the game, and I'd love for you guys to check it out sooner!
Bear's also made some GREAT progress on the beach zone! Check this out!
Can you tell that Bear loves Wind Waker? It's okay, so do I.
Just got a few more buildings to texture up and we can pretty much call it done! Bear's been having a ton of fun with this particular location...
Heads up - next month's Patreon rewards might be a bit late due to Anne moving across the country! But they've made some nice progress on the comic, and I think you'll like it. It gets a bit spicy~

Not in this panel, though. This one's just cute.
All right, that's it for today, though. Schedule's probably gonna be a bit sporadic with all this house-selling stuff going on, but I'll do my best to get more to you soon! See you then!
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My Naked Life

A little bonus illustration Anne drew of Amber relaxing on the pier! No swimsuit required on this...

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My Naked Life
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MNL Progress Report #111

Hey there, nudies! Sorry things have been slow for a bit. Real-life stuff has unfortunately been getting in the way of building our nudie game. Three out of the four of us on the team are actually in the process of moving, including yours truly! I had to spend much of the last couple weeks just cleaning my house top to bottom to put it up for sale! It's officially up on the market, and once it sells, I'll be moving across the country from Louisiana to Oregon. Now that that's out of the way and I can't do anything else but wait for it to sell, I should have more time to devote to our favorite nudist!
We've still just been working on this opening area of the demo - tweaking the script, setting interactables, building the cutscenes out. Again, just going a bit slower than usual due to real-life complications. It's coming along really nicely, though, as is the beach area!
We also briefly experimented with Amber's face a bit. Amber is fully 3D from her eyes to her nether-regions, but we had a thought - what if Amber's face was completely 2D and simply drawn on? Anne drew a new face for Amber's model, and... check it out!
Pretty cute, right? Sadly, the 2D face was a lot more annoying to manage in practice, and would require a lot of coding to constantly swap out new textures for different expressions and whatnot. Though to be quite honest, it goes to show just how impressive Bear's modeling skills are that the 3D face still looks VERY 2D, like it was also drawn on in a different style. We might just see if we can replicate Anne's face in 3D instead. Not sure if that's going to be done in time for the demo, but we'll see!
That's all for now, though! Thank you so much for your support (and patience), and see you next week with another progress report!
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My Naked Life

Hey there, nudies! Another prequel comic here for ya! Until then, though, enjoy the comic and see...

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