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MUPLUR profile
An Artist who likes Freedom.
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171 subscribers
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Team XIX

You get My friendship and Love + You get the game 2 days before Public release + Supernova Discord role for mid-work progress pics + Patron only posts Containing A Painting/Drawing in 1080p

3 subscribers
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Team Jinx

You get My friendship and Love + You get the game 4 days before Public release + Supernova Discord role for mid-work progress pictures + Patron only posts Containing A Painting/Drawing in 1080p

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Team Terra

You get My friendship and Love and all the previous rewards + You get the game 7 days before Public release. + Game scenes Archive download + Patron only posts Containing A Painting/Drawing in 2K

2 subscribers
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Team Starfire

You get My friendship and Love and all the previous rewards + You get the game 9 days before Public release. + HD Game scenes Archive download + Patron only posts Containing A Painting/Drawing in 5K + Fully detailed work progress with Q&A + 10% off in commissions

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Team Raven

You get My friendship and Love and all the previous rewards + You get the game 11 days before Public release. + Previous month Drawings Full Resolution Archive download + Name in current game credits + Any H scene work file you want. One per month. + Patron only posts Containing A Painting/Drawing in 5K with process pics + Fully detailed work progress with Q&A and Images + 20% off in commissions

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Team Titan

You get My friendship and Love and all the previous rewards + You get the game 14 days before Public release. + Your suggestion will be in game as Bonus contents (Within rules, we can talk about it). + Any Character sprite you want (Along with work file). One per month. + Discord High level role - You can get game testing versions there. + Patron only posts Containing A Painting/Drawing of a Character in 5K with process pics and workfile. + Fully detailed work progress with Q&A and all images + 50% off in commissions

1 subscriber


  • Adult games, Drawings, and Paintings

Displaying posts with tag GameRelease.Reset Filter
Public post
XIX v0.2a for Everyone

Hey Guys! 
Releasing XIX v0.2a today. First let me tell you what I have added new in this.
> 3 Furry Queen images (old version had only sketches)
> a scene BG
> Hints for every friend event triggers. After triggering you have to follow what's been said in the conversation. Hints will appear in morning right after you wake up from sleep.
> You can switch on or off the hints by clicking bed in your room.
> Mission hints are bit more clear.
> fixed some logic issues.
> Things been set up to make the game free-roam or sandbox after next version. (I am not sure about the right term)
It's the same link. It has PC + Linux, Mac, and Android versions. Have fun :)
If possible write a honest review at  It will help a lot more than you think.
Towards Greatness
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