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Lewd Games from Momoirosoft
Lewd Games from Momoirosoft
We make beautiful real-time adult games with characters you'll grow to love. Art by: sacb0y

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Lewd Games from Momoirosoft
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Blender Render
Monthly Update: A little side project to recharge...

Some of you might remember around this time last year I mentioned wanting to do some side projects, last month I largely spent my time doing that. Thing is I still consider myself mainly an artist, so these long bouts of doing almost entirely programing or dev work gets tiring. And I guess around a year is when I tend to feel the itch to do some side work lol.
That's largely the focus of this post but end of the post we'll continue with Our Apartment news.

Forest Project

Is what I'm naming this in general for now.
Blender Render

The Concept

So, you might be wondering where this fits in the grand scheme. In short there's a few ways.

This concept isn't one I've been sitting on a long time, as such I'm less picky about it. More open to doing odd things and variety.

This concept has goals for animation and games, both cases involve rendering in Unity (using HDRP). Blender rendering is on the table, but just less likely I think.

This project aims for higher fidelity than Our Apartment, there's no android or web releases planned. But if it does happen at all, it's purely for marketing purposes. This higher fidelity focus means I can experiment with higher fidelity effects.

This project aims to have asset releases, I don't know when but the two main characters here will have their models released at some point. Allowing anyone to make animations with them and modifications. The asset releases may be blender and unity focused only.

Now on to what "Forest Project" is about.
Concept size reference

The plot summary is basically about a wolf living in isolation in the woods not too far from a big city. While fishing, a girl introduces herself to him, apparently watching him for sometime, she's left the city too to live with nature. Problem is her attire, mere leaves and vines covering barely anything. And thus, the story of the wolf and the curious girl begins!

Quite the simple concept eh? There's a bit more too it of course, and maybe we'll get there in time.

The Wolf
Modeling Ref

Unity HDRP Quick Render
The Wolf (pending name Kalan) is a character living on his own far enough out the city to not be found, but not too far that he can't get supplies when he needs to. He has multiple visible scars on his body that predate his survival in the forest. In his excursions to the city his clothing largely covers these scars.

He's made his living in a cave constructed into a house not far from where he meets the fox.

The Fox

Modeling Ref
The Fox (pending name Naiara) is a character who recently left the city, wanting to escape city life and live among nature. She even wanted her clothes to be of nature, though she lacks the skills to do anything fancy she tries regardless. It's only been a few weeks in the forest surviving off of berries and what hunting she can do. When she stumbles upon the wolf fishing in a lake. Weary of the danger she watches him from a tree for a few days, until curiosity gets the better of her.

Until now she's largely resided in whatever tree suits her.
Blender Render

Last Month

Last month (and the past week-ish) I like 95% finished the models for these two characters minus the clothing. I have not rigged them or anything yet and may not for another couple months.

As an FYI the modeling and hair was done in Blender, the texturing in Substance Painter.
hey will probably be rigged before I do any clothing, and maybe an animation or two may exist before even that. Just depends, I may not do the clothing myself.

The Future
Unity HDRP Quick Render

This might be the last you see of this project for a little while, next time will either be a animation or a different little thing. I've mentioned before that there's an objective for a kind of smaller project similar to Our Apartment that I would use as a template to release content for characters but that blends in with Our Apartment stuff so it's kind of hard to plan that out.

Ulterior Motives

Another reason I wanted to get these models done is a bit of practice, you'll note the hair cards here are quite robust, and that's cause I'm using newer hair tools. Now that I've learned these tools I will either end up using these tools to produce more hair styles for Naomi using existing textures and such, or I may end up redoing Naomis hair entirely.

Just depends, again, mostly on how much time I want to spend on the process. But I now have a solid pathway to new hair items soon!

Originally I wanted to do full particle hair for this project but we'll see, I may come back to that.

Back to Our Apartment!

With this done I' m ready to return to work on Our Apartment, I know I said I'd have a roadmap soon and I will. Gotta do that story review stuff and things. And then there's the asset skinning updates I need to do to stop all the clipping, I dunno maybe I'll skip that just to get to the steam release sooner.

End of this month I plan to have a road map and some animation previews, possibly a build.

Thanks for your support and patience, feedback on this side project is appreciated!

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Lewd Games from Momoirosoft

Android Hotfix v0. 7. 3. q: Fixing over bright appearance

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Lewd Games from Momoirosoft

[Experimental] Our Apartment v0. 7. 3. o: I'm releasing a build but I'm not happy about it. . . I...

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Lewd Games from Momoirosoft
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Monthly update: I would have a release but I keep running into other updates

I wanted to make this update earlier this month but I also wanted to release a build. I came "this" close to doing the release like 8 times and kept finding issues. The biggest one was this horrid thing...
Thats is not the gif breaking, that is the games lighting breaking. At first I thought it was a mobile issue then I find it's a general issue!
Took a while to figure out what was wrong, and report it, basically for now there's no smooth day transitions.
Then after some other failures I was gonna do a release yesterday then...

Alright easy fix, then I go back to taking some screenshots for this release, and somehow sex sim animations are just busted. No idea what happened, I give up.
Just thing after thing man. I might just wait until later this month. I've been at this release since around Christmas.
So, for now, I'll just give some development updates.
I've taken a break for a few days to chill out a bit, and will be back to work this week.

Something I Missed

Before I managed to spend half this month just getting a build out. Initially, I realized something I missed, this pertains to localization.
I haven't thoroughly tested localization for story dialogue, the main issue there has been that dialogue can change, and I need to ensure the system is not easily broken by some simple updates (cause the default localization is by words). I will do that testing now, then make further localization announcements perhaps with a public option for languages the publisher isn't supporting.
Just depends.


Beyond that work is focused on cinematics, implementing scenes like first night and more.
One function needed is a way to view previous lewd scenes, so stuff like "First night" can be viewed at any time. I also have plans to return some old scenes that have been missing but now added in proper context to the game.
That stuff is the main focus besides that localization issue (And getting this fucking build out which fixes some critical bugs).

A little focus on Writing

Another task on hand, I need to get back to focusing on some writing stuff. The writer has been working on things in the background basically Act 4 and beyond stuff. I've just been letting them do their thing largely, but besides checking up on that I also need to get a bunch of content ready.
Like for example the content around the cyber pup stuff, so that the animations and environments needed are outlined. This is largely post steam launch stuff tho.

Thats all for now

I just wanted to make AN update, I should have a proper update next build release on plans for the year and state of the game, etc. maybe a roadmap to follow.
I haven't done a roadmap yet cause last time it felt like a jinx, and while I'm not a superstitious person I also believe I have more success not talking about things too soon. It has nothing to do with last time (losing the programmer), doing that also gives a sense of a accomplishment for no work.
I have a similar mentality about monthly updates, I talk about what I accomplished and no more. Not what's planned, not the full extent of what i want to do. You all will see that if I manage to do what I set out to do. While it sucks from a marketing standpoint, it keeps me motivated to ensure I have things to talk about every month that's not "X plan is progressing".
I'm always worried about how certain my plans can be, maybe I can talk about more after the steam release when I can make more guarantees thanks to the income from that.
Anyway, I hope that makes sense for you all. Next update will be around the end of the month.
Thanks for your support
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Lewd Games from Momoirosoft
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Dress Up now available on android!

I finished the initial touch input for the free cam! So, I decided to get the dress up release out on android. 


Android Release Download
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Lewd Games from Momoirosoft
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Dress Up v0.7.1

Dress Up Release! This time it's fully public!

One big issue with this build is when it comes to the Cyberpup stuff with other outfit items there's a lot of clipping. It seems like at some point I made some skinning adjustments on Naomi's body. Probably for the better but this is a big issue...

I means for this and future items there will be inaccuracies in the skinning. As such I need to run through reskin and reexport basically all the items.

This does present an opportunity tho, for sometime I've wanted to give Naomi more...jiggle. But the issue is she needs additional bones or skinning to do it. Which would create this problem all over again

So what might happen next is I'll just go ahead and add these additional bones while I reexport everything since I need to anyway.

But yeah if you notice a lot of clipping with Cyberpup (and certain newer items) that's why, I dunno when this happened, but what's done is done.

There's also some new features:

  • There is now an icon when selecting an item removes another item. So now you can have a warning when adding a shirt removes a bra or something. This should make finding items easier.
  • Tab to hide UI and P to take a screenshot still works, note P screenshots do not work in HDR mode.
  • New lighting scenarios, and light temperature can be adjusted
  • Includes new free cam (with some adjustments)
  • There's new animations to select
  • Besides Cyberpup there's also other new items and variants

Unfortunately, there's no android release since I need to finish the touch controls for the free camera. The release is also a bit large at near 2GB since I need to work on compressing some textures.

Thats all enjoy!

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