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MentalCrash profile
Hello, you may know me as MentalCrash or MissMentalCrash on the internet, I draw Transformation Artwork of all types, Gender Change, Age Regression, Weight Gain, Impification, and more.

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Head Full of Cotton

From the Plushification Stream Batch!

Mad-Hatter-Ison got turned into a bunny plushie, quickly falling prey of to her own softness, making her quite happy with her new form~

I have a Link Tree, in which you can see all the sites where I upload stuff.
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Stream Batch 99 - Christmas 2023

It's the Christmas Stream Batch!

1º - Redmond17 got another sequel to their Enthralling Parenthood human male to female demoness set, after feeding off the energy of nerds at an anime con, Demona tried turning into a christmas elf in order to feed off christmas cheer energy, only to find she's not only unable to, but the merry christmas cheer actually depletes hers.
2º - MorgyPieTFS just went ahead and ate the WHOLE christmas feast I had prepared, it took weeks, you greedy fatass, how could you? ;v
3º -  Annakatan got an Age Regression pic starring Chie and Nanako from Persona 4, Nanako had wished for a younger sister for Christmas, and it seems like she got what she wanted, in the form of some sort of regressive/hypnotic glasses Chie got, which caused to turn into a baby and get completely entranced in her new baby form. Holding a Teddie Plushie.
4º - LyhokoLeaci & ijones12 got a sequel to the Yuuno Drained pic from 2 years ago, Yuuno is now the younger sister of Hina and Lillian, and she's still not used to it at all, specially if you add in the fact ijones and I are just putting a christmas sweater on her messily and taking a photo before she realizes.
5º - Malkaiwot got his MalkoBold form enjoying some Christmas milk and cookies, is she the one bringing us presents this year?
6º - JWard67 Liko from Pokemon getting a misterious pokeball for christmas, causing her to turn into an anthro deerling, how could this happen? :0
7º - 7Tsuki & BittererSweet starring regressed Tsuki's form Aki Hana, and BittererSweet transformed into a large Flemish Rabbit by LyhokoLeaci's Yuuno, a super nice Christmas gift for lil' Aki.
8º - SomariaMoon & Mistress-Gonzy enjoying Christmas together once more, Kevin trying out the nightie she had gotten as gift the last time I drew them together.
9º - njj3 commissioned a TG+WG sequence! Transformed into a super fat gal by Nassley, sweet sweet, soft, creamy, jiggly revenge :v
10º - McGack ♪ is checking her list, and checking it twice, she can't even read who's been naughty or nice ♫, this doesn't sound good tho, I think regardless of how you behaved this year you may get bonked with the coal anyway :v
11º - ALT - DismalDetractor, monsoondave, FaeCreature building a snow woman, they couldn't help themeselves from putting her on their own clothes, regardless of the cold, Frosti needs to look pretty :y
These three weren't nerd girls originally, they got transformed and have been going on several lil' adventures since: Dismal TF, MonsoonDave and Fae TF, Halloween
12º - theheroofdarkness got a fourth part to the sImply Wholesome set, which they've been commissioning ever christmas since 2020. It's gift opening time, I got some panties, müsli and goblets, Nassley got a Warhammer 40000 kit and an odd Willendorf Venus statue, and Tia got a large black pudding, and.... A dildo :y
13º - TheUrbanLegend52 got a Senran Kagura character TF! Apparently I gave him gift box, with a scroll that turned him into a Asuka, christmas outfit Asuka :v
14º - IrateResearchers got a pic starring his character Wylan, or maybe is it Nissa? If you zoom in enough on the box you can see those googles were a gift for Nissa, except the poor gal can't stop getting transformed into birb brain Wylan.
15º - moss-151k got a Motorola RAZR phone for christmas, a blast from the past, blasted right into that past, emo scene xD girl... Wait, girl?
16º - Mad-Hatter-Ison got a Boris plushie for Christmas, from Bendy and the Ink Machine, which causes her to regress to a single year of age, but aww, she looks so happy, I wouldn't dare trying to pull that plushie off her arms, both because she'd likely start crying and because who knows if the plushie would also affect me :v
17º - DarthObiwan123 got a PADORU of their OC Calista
18º - Jackson648328 got turned into a female Krampus, ready to go hunting some naughty kids, and quite careless about her outfit, with those type of clothes you're bound to have naughty thoughts just by looking at her :v

I have a Link Tree, in which you can see all the sites where I upload stuff.
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Aki's Christmas Gift

Sixth of the Christmas stream commissions! It's gonna be a big batch so there's no way I'll finish it before christmas itself, so I'll be posting the as I do the streams, so there's some fresh content to upload during the holidays.

Commissioned by TsukiGrimoire, starring her regressed form Aki Hana, as well as BittererSweet, transformed into a large Flemish Rabbit by LyhokeLeaci's Yuuno, a super nice Christmas gift for lil' Tsuki.

I have a Link Tree, in which you can see all the sites where I upload stuff.
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Stream Batch 86

That's-a new Stream Batch!
Nassley & MorgyPieTFS got a pic of Morgy transformed into a tall, fat succubus, with weird coloured limbs and genitalia, showing off her large penis and gigantic balls by pulling apart the skirt of her FATE Nero dress.
LyhokoLeaci got my double... My stunt double? Fusion? My twin? ... What? Apparently that's me, duplicated, double hair but same length, two ankhs, two cheek moles double the bodyfat, my braces getting headgear to emphasize their enlargement, etc. etc.
This is what happens when I get splashed with my twinning AGW.
Of course that also means I may feel compelled to draw twice as much, tricky Yuuno.
IrateResearchers got an expansion to their TFWG pic Clarice's Codex, adding in a couple of new panels to the sequence where their Gynoid character Vee the Godhunter, picking up a cursed book "Clarice's Codex" and turning into a fantasy archivist, Clarice Jalt, super tall and super fat, used to staying at her library instead of going on adventures, oh, and she's human.
SomariaMoon got a Danganronpa character TF of herself as Junko Enoshima and TheRoseQueenAlexis as Mukuro Ikusaba.
Malkaiwot got a pic of his female ID, having seemingly used a shrinking ray gun on herself, was it by accident or intentional though? Whether or not that gun has a reverse button is now looking a bit too heavy.
Sorry55 got a new panel to his TG set 'Fighting a Losing Battle'. Last panel we saw their wish resulting in Martin getting TGed, David getting the girlfriend he wished for, and both of them quickly getting busy.
Mad-Hatter-Ison & viperwing got a character TF pic, of them turned into the BEASTARS characters Haru and Legoshi.
Nathan_B got a sequel to their Bunny Desires pic, he and Ravieel quickly getting to work making more bunnies.
masterhand0000 got a sequence showing him transformed into his Octoling character after getting coated in yellow ink.
10º Redmond17 got a pic of his OC Sandy Reswald, in fat tanuki form, I wonder what is that "blessing" she's handing to someone off screen, I don't trust tanukis and their "gifts". Specially since she initially transformed into one when she touched a leaf just like that.
11º McGack got a pic of their ID Gack and Iris celebrating their birthday, with their OC Cookie bringing the cake, with six magical candles, age regressing them after they blow them. I guess Cookie really wasn't expecting this, but both Gack and Iris got their wish and look quite happy with the result.
12º njj3 got a pic of his impified self, TFTGed into a Twili Imp with a gigantic butt.
13º Jackson648328 got a new addition to the 'An Elevated Perspective' set, a world in which a large portion of the world's population suddenly transform into giant fat futas. Clovis being one of the rare cases of a male turning into a giant futa, these are just the first two panels of what's intended to be a 5 part set.
14º theheroofdarkness got a pic of me as an Snorlax! Based on a plushie he gave me last time we met, and kind of a birthday gift, I guess I look quite happy being a Snorlax, specially with a large birthday cake left in front of me.
15º I'm also using a portion of the canvas here to show the next AGW, which as you can see will involve bimbofication <3
16º PersonaPhones extended a post TF set where he had turned into a Gyaru Maid, which he commissioned last year, adding in the classic first step as well as a new middle step.
17º Infernostar01 got a pic of their OC Snowflake, streaming, not realising she had left the camera on, there's worse fates tho to just a face reveal tho, she shouldn't worry so much.
18º RorotteRotte got a pic of their lil' Roro, a smol pokekid, wearing a Mareanie onesie and carrying a plushie of the same pokemon, I think I have a pretty good guess as to what'll be the pokemon she's about to unleash if you accept to battle.
19º ijones12 got an HD Remaster of an old TG+AR Sequence, Mint to Be, where Goldwynn11 transforms into a little girl after eating spoiled candy. Of course these are just the first three panels, so this will take a while.
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Stream Batch 83 - AGW 3.6 - Year of the bnuuy

Here's the bunnies at long last, from the latest Stream Batch! You eat the carrot, you turn into the bnuuy!

This is the 30th of the AGW Events, the previous ones being:
Annakatan got a pic of James, having seemingly been clothed and pushed into serving customers at a bunny girl bar, except James isn't a girl, but he does look cute enough, clumsy and all.
Redmond17 got a side thing/continuation of sorts to the Enthralling Parenthood set, Demona transforms herself into an anthro bunny to work at a bar, but she's just as grumpy as she was in her demoness form.
MorgyPieTFS got himself TG+WGed into big fat ass bunny girl, quite enjoying it tho, almost as much as Nassley. Girlfriend four times his size!
TheUrbanLegend52 got turned into a twin of Usada Pekora, HA↑HA↓HA↑HA↓HA↑HA↓HA↑HA↓HA↑HA↓HA↑HA↓HA↑HA↓HA↑HA↓HA↑HA↓HA↑HA↓HA↑HA↓HA↑HA↓
He also got a 'Pain Peko' emoji you can see in the bottom right corner of the canvas.
Nathan_B got a lewd lewd pic starring himself and Ravieel being turned and turned on into an anthro couple, by the looks of it seems like they're gonna be the embodiement of the phrase "Fucking like wild rabbits" :v
Mad-Hatter-Ison got transformed into an actual bunny :v7º LyhokoLeaci's Tomo still isn't able to find a way to revert to her normal self! Still a nerd, Girlscout, Big Sis, Cheerleader as was seen in this set of pics, now also bunnified.8º TheRoseQueenAlexis, Infernostar01, CosmicAurora15 got a collab of a very high stakes Blackjack match, will Snowflake be able to win big, or will she have to join Alexis and Aurora as another bunny girl at the bar, what does the cards say? o3o
McGack's Dragon fella Victor got turned a cute bunny girl, not much of a threat now I guess :V
10º ijones12 got two of his TG+ARed IDs into one pic, lil' cat baby Lanya has just munched on a carrot, now developing bunny features! While lil' Lillian Hana is simply wearing a bunny onesie, pink like her hair.
11º MusicalLover1234 simply got a TG+AR pic of himself, turning into a lil' bunny girl after eating the carrot.
12º SomariaMoon & MajorMooch got a pic showing Somaria working on some sort of bomb, after having just been shot by Luci's Bunny Buster, no, it doesn't bust bunnies, it just turns you into one, like herself, which is what's happening to Somaria.
13º Anonymous got a lil' sequence, turning into their Viera character Zaya, only it also came with the unexpected side effect of age regression :v
14º Malkaiwot got his split twins rabbits siblings to cosplay as Jazz Jackrabbit and and Lori Jackrabbit, Jazz's clothes are quite simply to cosplay, though if you tried out and went out I'm gonna guess you'll likely get arrested.
15º dcdwag13 got turned into a shortstack bunny! Her design inspired by Harriet from Mario Odyssey.
16º WarOfKill1's poor FFXIV Viera character tried munching on a baby carrot, resulting in him turning into an actual baby, awww, someone get him his mommy ;v
17º IrateResearchers got a pic of their Gynoid character Vee the Godhunter, turning into a bubbly, busty, cute anthro rabbit, posing sexily against her will.18º megaplatinummanaxl got a pic of their bunny transgirl character, can't really see her crotch from this angle tho, her butt getting the most attention.
19º HyperShadic123 got a pic of their femboy character June, transformed into an anthro Azumarill, with reality seemingly rewriting itself around him.
20º SlayerEndX13 got a pic of Tanya von Degurechaff from Yōjo Senki, super bimbofied into a bunny gal, by the looks of her face she's feeling kinda split about the situation.
21º Tythen got a sequence of Mai Sakurajima from 'Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai' transforming herself into an actual bunny.
22º Runt43 got a pic of himself, transformed into a teenage anthro bunny girl.
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Flask of AGW 3,6

It is once again time for an AGW Event! First one of the year, and of course I had to start with this one :y
This will be the year of the rabbit event, but I'll be adding multiple options to make this event more varied:
For starters, the event will mainly focus on Bunny Girls, Usagimimis, Usamimis, whatever you prefer to call them. Or rather bunny people, cute bunny fembois and handsome rabbit guys are allowed too. Hares are fine too, if you want your lepus to be more wild looking.
I've drawn many bunnies in the past, which you can see by looking up in my gallery.
As you could see in the examples, the choices you'll be able to pick from are either:-
Usagimimi, character with rabbit ears and tail, feet too if you prefer. Mirko from BNHA is also a great example, the Viera from FFXIV are also a good example of Usagimimi. More examples: 1, 2, 3, 4
-Bunny Costume, characters wearing the typical Playboy Bunny costume, can be adjusted to your liking.
-Anthro Bunnies, self explanatory, anthro/furry rabbits. Like Judy Hopps. More Examples: 1, 2, 3
-Pokemon Rabbits, such as Lopunny, Cinderace, Bunnelby, etc. Can be done as normal pokemon, pokemonified characters, anthro or gijinka.
-Mimiga, from Cave Story, anthro rabbits with pointy teeth basically, don't feed them Red Flowers. I did an event dedicated to them before, which you can see here.
-Straight up feral, 100% bunnyfied characters, these would cost half the price unless you wanted to add a lot of extra accesories.
To Commission
To claim a slot message me on Discord on the 25th of February, 22:00 CET, it makes things easier to chat through the instructions and send references.

The pics can of course be a before and after if your character gets transformed, but just the "after" is perfectly fine too.
The price will be 50 USD per character, meaning a before and after picture would cost 100 USD. Adding in too much detail though, with things like a lot of extra accessories will increase the price.
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English: As many of you know, I was in born in Chile, should we reach this goal I'd set up translated versions of my work, ALL of it, existing and future, believe it or not it takes a while to even translate new stuff I do. So far the only place were you can find some of my work in spanish is in the website and that only for a bunch of my TG drawings, not all. Español: Como muchos de vosotros sabeis, nací en Chile, de llegar a esta meta subiría las versiones traducidas de mi trabajo, TODO mi trabajo, el actualmente existente y por hacer, lo creais o no toma bastante tiempo traducir incluso las nuevas cosas que dibujo. De momento el único lugar donde podeis encontrar parte de mi trabajo en español es el sitio y allí están solo algunos de mis dibujos TG, no todos.

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