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MentalCrash profile
Hello, you may know me as MentalCrash or MissMentalCrash on the internet, I draw Transformation Artwork of all types, Gender Change, Age Regression, Weight Gain, Impification, and more.
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If you feel like subscribing

I tend to keep all my posts public, or at least haven't seen a reason to add additional gate keeping via money, since I both post everything I draw on as many sites as possible, I might as well have people see it :>

If you feel like subscribing for the minimum, I'll be still be of course quite grateful.

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Access to Special Folders

Access to two internet folders, one for Loss Less format of my comics (HD) and one for any sketched version of pictures I'm working on (Both Screencaps and .jpg's of photos on the works), both folders will update constantly, I'll send you the info via private message, contact me to claim if there's any problem.

12 assinantes
USD mensal
Character Voucher

You get to claim a single character drawing per month on my stream batches, you can accumulate them to make larger pictures. Whenever you claim this reward you also get to reserve a slot in the batch you're getting it. As with all my commissions though, excess detail may incur extra costs.

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A subscrição dá-lhe:
  • Acesso ao conteúdo do perfil da Creator.
  • Capacidade de apoiar sua Estrela contribuindo - uma vez ou de forma recorrente.
  • Significa entrar em contato com a Estrela diretamente por meio do Instant Messenger.
Displaying posts with tag Pokeball.Reset Filter
Publicação pública

Shea's Intensive Phychic Training

From the latest Stream Batch!

masterhaend0000 got a side addition to their Isekai commission set, I got Isekai'd into a Pokemon by a Jirachi.

In this particular instead, Shea is training her Psychic abilities, only to accidentally make herself a couple Psychic dildos and shackles for her neck, wrists and ankles.
I guess this is a different type of training uh?

I have a Link Tree, in which you can see all the sites where I upload stuff.
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Publicação pública

Shiny New Year

From the Year of the Snake SSSSSSSSSSSSSSStream Batch!

Nathan_B quite simply transformed into a Shiny Serperior, but keeping his arms and eye colour.

I have a Link Tree, in which you can see all the sites where I upload stuff.
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Publicação pública

Let the Garde out!

From the latest Stream Batch!

whimsicalem got a pic of their Gardevoir Pokesona, pressed against her pokeball, let her out, let her ooooooooooooooout!

Full Canvas

I have a Link Tree, in which you can see all the sites where I upload stuff.
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Publicação pública

Gardeship 2

From the latest Stream Batch!

Mad-Hatter-Ison got a new addition to her pokemonification pics, this one being a prequel to the Gardeship set. She just had to keep on eating that Malasada, thinking it would turn her back into a human, the silly thing, went from Hatterene, to Alolan Vulpix, to Shiny Ralts.

Full Canvas

I have a Link Tree, in which you can see all the sites where I upload stuff.
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Publicação pública

(Un)desired Result?

From the latest Stream Batch!

Nathan_B got a pic of himself as an anthro Alolan Raichu, but also a Psychic Tera Type, holding Raichumorph4's cheeks, she's an anthro Kanto Raichu, she's also completely hypnotized, and given how erect Nathan is we can see where this is going.

I have a Link Tree, in which you can see all the sites where I upload stuff.
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Publicação pública

Mawile Metamorphosis

From the latest Stream Batch!

Vaatis500 got a Pokemonification + TG, their sona being turned into a female shiny Mawile.

I have a Link Tree, in which you can see all the sites where I upload stuff.

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13 assinantes
690 publicação


$102 of $1,500
per month
English: As many of you know, I was in born in Chile, should we reach this goal I'd set up translated versions of my work, ALL of it, existing and future, believe it or not it takes a while to even translate new stuff I do. So far the only place were you can find some of my work in spanish is in the website and that only for a bunch of my TG drawings, not all. Español: Como muchos de vosotros sabeis, nací en Chile, de llegar a esta meta subiría las versiones traducidas de mi trabajo, TODO mi trabajo, el actualmente existente y por hacer, lo creais o no toma bastante tiempo traducir incluso las nuevas cosas que dibujo. De momento el único lugar donde podeis encontrar parte de mi trabajo en español es el sitio y allí están solo algunos de mis dibujos TG, no todos.

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