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Hello, you may know me as MentalCrash or MissMentalCrash on the internet, I draw Transformation Artwork of all types, Gender Change, Age Regression, Weight Gain, Impification, and more.

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From the latest Stream Batch!

Redmond17, TheUrbanLegend52, Viperwing got a new addition to to Redmond's Enthralling Parenthood human male to female demoness set.

We had previously seen Demona at an anime convention dressed up as Miku, brimming with energy, which she now released in front of Viper, transforming him into a fat Squirrel Girl, good thing they're still at the convention, they'll be able to blend in with ease.

Demona now simply turning into Florence Nightingale, and since the version of Urban we see here is her Shuten Oni one I suppose they're related now. And she's a nerd too, dressed up as Manuela from Fire Emblem Three Houses, I guess a convention is the perfect place for non humans to blend in, though the attendants likely wonder why would an oni girl dress up as a character from Fire Emblem.

I have a Link Tree, in which you can see all the sites where I upload stuff.

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Stream Batch 122

That's a new Stream Batch!

I have a Link Tree, in which you can see all the sites where I upload stuff.
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Stream Batch 67 - AGW 3.0 - Venus

And that's a new Stream Batch! Got some unexpected delays for various motives, mainly me going out partying a few nights ago, which is what caused this to be uploaded this late, though there was also the large amount of characters as well as one or two other minor motives for the delay, my apologies >3<
So, this is the Venus event, lots and lots of mature, sexy ladies.
This is the 24th of the AGW Events, the previous ones being:
Viperwing started this event starring himself, turned into herself, having non only been feminized, but also become heavily pregnant, with her breasts even leaking a lil' bit.
TheAmazingTGWriter got Venusified! Why wouldn't you accept these objects I offer you? You know you'll be happy with the result more often than not :3c
LyhokoLeaci asked for a sequel of sorts to their Latina TFTG set, as seen in these pics. Leaci transformed into a very short Latina named Escarlata, the wife of a TGed Yuuno, who has seemingly transformed her bodytype into the Venus of Willendorf type, added to her being seemingly pregnant, I said seemingly since with that bodytype it is honeslty hard to tell :y
Here's the translation of the dialogue:
Escarlata: I still don't understand why you wanted me to be bigger.
Yuuno: Because that way there's more of you to love!
Escarlata: Sure... The pregnancy wasn't enough?
PieGuy007 simply asked for a Venusified version of himself, complete with the Venus of Botticelli pose and all.
ijones12 asked for a Venus of Willendorf bodytype version of their character White Tail the Kobold, adjusting to the "No Lizard Boobs" rule. Which is why you mislead into thinking the character is male, but she's now complete with a Venus + Lotus symbol on her belly, could she be pregnant?
moss-151k simply asked for a TG + Venusified version of himself, since his clothes stayed the same they of course weren't going to be able to resist the pressure of all that new flesh.
Nassley & torrez602 got the second half to a set they started in the previous batch, completing the transformation of Nash into T0T0's ideal woman, short, fat and fertile. 
MonsoonDave got himself not only Venusified, but also turned into an Oni, the statue he got just so happened to be holding a Kanabo, which seems to be what caused him to end up as a tall Oni girl.
Sorry55 simply asked for a lil' Venusification sequence of a tomboy girl, growing her features to look more appealing for the guy she's into. 
10º RorotteRotte got a pic of their character Rorotte with a chubby, fertile bodytype, I guess since she's a blow up doll that means the fat is just air? 
11º McGack got turned into an Emolga mom, having already laid 4 eggs, with more to come. The Venus statue they got looked like a Lopunny, which is what seems to have caused the Pokemonification.
12º Infuscomus quite simply asked for a Venusified version of Ranni the Witch, from Elden Ring, is this the power of a Great Rune? Or did the statue work as some sort of Talisman?
13º theheroofdarkness simple asked for a Venus version of their Shark Girl Tia, complete with the Botticelli clamshell and all.
14º bareheartedwanderer simply asked for a pic of their Nekosona Allie, in the Venus of Willendorf style.
15º TiffaniaWest asked for Tiffania Westwood from Zero no Tsukaima, getting Venusified after examining the statue.
16º Jackson648328 quite simply asked for himself to be Venusified, end up as a tall, pregnant Venus gal, complete with leaky breasts.
17º MagnumLHawk asked for their OCs Cecilia and Jessica, Cecilia taking things a lot better than Jessica by the looks of it, though maybe Jessica is just being shy :y
18º SlayerEndX13 asked for a guy, stranded on an island, finding the the statue and ending up as the local sex and fertility goddess, a better outcome than having to rob shoes off graves and making friends with a football ball I'd say.
19º Rattybuns got a kind of sequel, Rat Girl Levi having been Venusified by me, but yet I'm in my nerd teenager form, is she gonna have to be my mom now?
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English: As many of you know, I was in born in Chile, should we reach this goal I'd set up translated versions of my work, ALL of it, existing and future, believe it or not it takes a while to even translate new stuff I do. So far the only place were you can find some of my work in spanish is in the website and that only for a bunch of my TG drawings, not all. Español: Como muchos de vosotros sabeis, nací en Chile, de llegar a esta meta subiría las versiones traducidas de mi trabajo, TODO mi trabajo, el actualmente existente y por hacer, lo creais o no toma bastante tiempo traducir incluso las nuevas cosas que dibujo. De momento el único lugar donde podeis encontrar parte de mi trabajo en español es el sitio y allí están solo algunos de mis dibujos TG, no todos.

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