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MentalCrash profile
Hello, you may know me as MentalCrash or MissMentalCrash on the internet, I draw Transformation Artwork of all types, Gender Change, Age Regression, Weight Gain, Impification, and more.

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Displaying posts with tag Anya.Reset Filter
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We didn't specify characters 3

From the latest Stream Batch!

Blu_Gh0st got part three of his Anya Character TF pic, where in pic 1 I transformed him into an Anya look alike so we could go do some cosplay trick or treating, but eh, by pic 2 there was clearly something wrong, the spell wasn't supposed to last that long, and now in pic three I've been trying to contact the sellers but all I'm seeing is that the place is out of business and the people who sold me the costume can't be contacted... What am I'm going do with Anyafied Blu_Gh0st now... Ah well, I guess she's quite happy like that >.>

I have a Link Tree, in which you can see all the sites where I upload stuff.

Also if you're interested in getting rewards like these, or just want to support my artwork, check these sites:
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Stream Batch 104

Finally done with this Stream Batch! Took me 'til this morning to complete and I gotta reopen commissions on saturday ;v

Viperwing got a pic of their very pregnant mom-to-be set, this time in a POV shot, with her lactating, again~
Viper about to give birth to triplets, why won't they just come out already!
You can see part 1 here and part 2 here.
TheRoseQueenAlexis  & SomariaMoon got turned into Celestia and Luna respectively, or rather fused, or "integrated" as Celestialexis says, Celestia of course taking with ease and dignity, while Somaria Luna feeling like fighting back, at least at first.
ijones12 & 7Tsuki are... Eating... Wait, I recognise those cookies, oooooh boy I know exactly where this set will be going ;v
Nassley & CanBread got a sequel to the pic where imp Vittrips got fattened up, a 'blimp' I guess is a fitting name now :y
And she blames Nash for it, so she's sitting on her, to teach her a lesson, but uh... I don't think Nash minds it much :3c
CanBread & njj3 also got a pic starring fat imp Vittrips, alongside fat imp Saturn, I guess she couldn't stand the idea of anyone having a bigger butt, even that meant having to fatten herself up bigger than her rival.
Blu_Gh0st got part three of his Anya Character TF pic, where in pic 1 I transformed him into an Anya look alike so we could go do some cosplay trick or treating, but eh, by pic 2 there was clearly something wrong, the spell wasn't supposed to last that long, and now in pic three I've been trying to contact the sellers but all I'm seeing is that the place is out of business and the people who sold me the costume can't be contacted... What am I'm going do with Anyafied Blu_Gh0st now... Ah well, I guess she's quite happy like that >.>
7º Anonymous got a pic of TaigaXHolic, I gotta add some anime screencaps here in the separated versions but she was watching Hunter X in the first panel, and wished to be like Kite, and apparently her wish is coming true, Kite does end up rather smol after all~ Dammit taiga, you had one chance at a wish and you fuck it up!
12 years old emo taiga is too moody and cries too easily for audience to care though, so they just start leaving the stream. Plus she screams so much, and Plus Plus she actually has to wear diapers at age 12, oh, ehem, wait, they're pullups, not diapers, right :3c
Then by age 4... Isn't she a bit to still wear diapers and look so infantile? Ah well, the audience is near gone by now, and taiga looks quite distracted with Bluey to even realise how disgruntled the audience is and how she pissed herself without realising :V
MorgyPieTFS & E350 got a Connie character TF pic, both of them transformed into clones of adult Connie from Steven Universe, but man Morgy has a huge butt, and doesn't seem concerned at all about her skirt and underwear vanishing.
Redmond17 got a pic of Sandy Reswald, having intentionally transformed herself in to an imp after getting fed up of her teaching job, I guess she does look a whole more energetic now.
10º theheroofdarkness got a ME!ME!ME! Clone club... No, it's not me, it's the girl from 2014's Teddyloid song ME!ME!ME! It seems like she's capable of turning others into clones of herself, which is what two of these girls are doing to her, the thoughts of the girl in the left showing BittererSweet is still kind of there and so is  TheUrbanLegend52 on the right.
11º LyhokoLeaci got a final step to their TG+WG+Race Change set, with his character Yuuno, in male form, transforming him and then marrying him.
You can see part 1 here.
12º Sorry55 got a new addition to the TomVenus set, a sexy and cute scene with the character, who I get the feeling wouldn't really mind getting pregnant~
13º JWard67 got the last two steps of their Shantae TG+AR sequence, her growing tiger features as she hugs the plushie she found in the previous step, and also regress to 9 months of age.
Then the regression ends as she has some milk, now at just 6 months of age, she's super happy, falling asleep... Though she might be in need of a change before nap time.
14º Nathan_B also got an age regression sequel, to the girlscoutification sequence where his male Mi'qote FFXIV character got turned into a girlscout, my girlscouts feeling compelled to sell cookies themselves after being transformed, so of course she couldn't resist her nature to become a happy cookie seller. It makes her purr and all.
As for this pic, she just couldn't resist having more cookies, alongside a milk sippy cup, which causes her to regress once again, to just three years of age.
15º BonelyZonely also got a sequel to an AR sequence :V this one for her Diminishing Appraisal sequence, she has just regressed to three years of age, but she won't take off the necklace! she really should know better by now :y
16º masterhand0000 got a sexy cat uniform, apparently to work serving drinks and maybe as an entertainer, the latex fusing to his skin, his crotch being turned into a null bulge, and his hands becoming very sensitive, but at that size carrying drinks sounds like a recipe for disaster.
17º TheUrbanLegend52 got a Character TF, turning into a tan version of Cagliostro from Gran Blue, this does sound like something Cagli would do, though I imagine she'd likely end up leaving her like that while not teaching her any alchemy, Cagliostro can't waste time teaching too many lessons, just teaching Urban how to be extra cute should do~.
18º SlayerEndX13 got a TG+WG pic, he found a gold idol of a fat lady at a garage sale for a bargain price, I mean c'mooooooon, it should be obvious how that's a guaranteed curse.
So, he turned into a huge, ultra fat latina tribal goddess, her quickly adjusting her new form, saying:
"What the hell is wrong with everyone today? They're acting like they've never seen a guy on a walk. Hmph; stupid fools, they're lucky I allow them to bask in my presence. I do feel a little strange... maybe I'm just hungry? As soon as I get back to my castle, I'll make sure to have my pretty slave women bathe, pamper, and feed me -- then I can show this weird statue thing to the guys over my... internet...? Yes, that... Mm... just a normal day..." 
19º And to end this batch I also drew the Flask of AGW 4,3, the classic Drink Me bottle from Alice in Wonderland, can you guess what it does? Make a guess, a tiny tiny itty bitty super smol pocket sized guess~.

I have a Link Tree, in which you can see all the sites where I upload stuff.

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Stream Batch 98

That's a new Stream Batch! Quite a bunch of WG and AR this time, and for whatever reason my ID just won't stop showing up :V

1º - ALT - Viperwing
theheroofdarkness (This is an edit of an old commission, and therefore won't be uploaded as a separate picture).
3º MorgyPieTFS
4º Blu_Gh0st
5º BitterSweet
6º Mad-Hatter-Ison
7º DarthObiWan123
8º ijones12
9º ThePegasusGamer
10º Jackson648328
11º - 1, 2 - LyhokoLeaci
12º Nassley, monsoondave, DismalDetractor
13º Nathan_B
14º njj3
15º ijones12, 7Tsuki
16º theheroofdarkness

I have a Link Tree, in which you can see all the sites where I upload stuff.
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Stream Batch 97 - Halloween 2023

Here's the Halloween Stream Batch at long last, wew, that's a big one :T biggest one I've done to date, at 51 characters, took... Let's see... 11 days. Some nice spooky horror here and there as well as many many trick or treaters, as well as characters transforming into trick or treaters, willingly or not :y

You can see a list of the commissioners here:

I have a Link Tree, in which you can see all the sites where I upload stuff.
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Creator Stats

13 subscribers
690 posts


$102 of $1,500
per month
English: As many of you know, I was in born in Chile, should we reach this goal I'd set up translated versions of my work, ALL of it, existing and future, believe it or not it takes a while to even translate new stuff I do. So far the only place were you can find some of my work in spanish is in the website and that only for a bunch of my TG drawings, not all. Español: Como muchos de vosotros sabeis, nací en Chile, de llegar a esta meta subiría las versiones traducidas de mi trabajo, TODO mi trabajo, el actualmente existente y por hacer, lo creais o no toma bastante tiempo traducir incluso las nuevas cosas que dibujo. De momento el único lugar donde podeis encontrar parte de mi trabajo en español es el sitio y allí están solo algunos de mis dibujos TG, no todos.

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