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Legré (LSU Projects)
Legré (LSU Projects)
3D-CG Serial Artworks with SPICE

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Legré (LSU Projects)
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Taking a hiatus without saying goodbye - I have failed

Well people... I've committed the cardinal sin: disappearing off the Internet for months without saying a word.

First off, I'm fucking embarrassed about that, and I'm very sorry for doing it. It wasn't my intention to do what I did, but I was in a very dark place mentally because of shit that's been going on with my family, and for the longest time I had no desire to even live, let alone make art and animations.

Yeah I know, that escalated quickly. But that's the situation that I found myself in, and it was not fun. The good news is, I'm doing better than I was a few months ago, and I'm grateful to the circle of supportive friends and other family who were there for me when shit was hitting the fan.

I know someone one day will read this and will relate, so I'll just say this: Life can be shit sometimes. It's bad more times than it's good, but when it's good, it's really fucking good. I can't completely control when those days happen, and you can't either, but I'm gonna remember those good days on the bad to keep me going, and I hope you do the same too if you're in the same spot as me.

Now as for the experiment of making a graphic novel as a new year's resolution, I've won at doing that with Ponderwick, but lost at making it a regular thing. I am my worst critic, and I've said things to myself about it that I'd never wish upon any other artist, ever. Going forward I'm not gonna take this so seriously, and will try to have fun making Ponderwick.

Another thing... money's also getting so tight that I've had to work two jobs, so I've barely had a chance to do anything with Ponderwick. Though one page a week might be possible if I simplify the art style, I can't promise anything right now as I'm just getting back into things. 

Ponderwick WILL continue

I can at least promise this, I'm not giving up.... Ponderwick WILL continue, if it's the last thing I ever do. I've still been working on the story and so far:
  • I've planned out whats going to happen over the next EIGHT CHAPTERS
  • I'm currently writing up chapter 3
  • Ill get back to doing the art for the comic towards the end of August, so new pages in September - I promise
  • More Side art and Lore is coming soon.

Take care of yourselves people, and LIVE for fucks sake! 


Very sorry for being away for so long. S*icide-induced art block is not fun, but I'm okay now. Ponderwick returns in September, more art and lore on the way.
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Legré (LSU Projects)
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Have you backed up your files?? 

"Legré! why tf are you taking so long with the pages?!?!"

Well folks, sadly here's why. My hard drive decided to shit itself over me rendering pages 5, 6 & 7. Before I go into what this means for Ponderwick, let me give you some good news first.

So the great news is - I lost NOTHING on Ponderwick. I'm still recovering my life and reinstalling apps, and I will soon be able to get back to working on Ponderwick again. The story WILL continue!

This was only possible 'cos I backed up EVERYTHING on the cloud, which leads to the photo on this post....

Artist or not - have YOU backed up your files? Don't let what happen to me happen to you without a backup ready jic.


Now here's the bad news: There's no new pages this week.

BUT... I'm almost done with restoring things, and I'm already working on rerendering the pages! 2 characters have been waiting patiently to debut, particularly Asten Tussley! My beloved white haired, half-elf twink will surely make a great entrance in the next coming pages...

Even better news is that SubStar will eventually have a 3-page head start over ComicFury, and I'm looking to widen that gap even more over the course of the year, so you're in the right place!

Lore and catchups will also remain FREE on Patreon, so you're welcome to follow me there without needing to sub to any tier!


Ponderwick updates will resume on SATURDAY 4TH MAY 2024!
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Legré (LSU Projects)
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I've been approved! LETS GOOO

Just keeping on with the winning and winning! 

Approval's been given by the team at SubStar, so it's OFFICIAL - This is now the home of everything NSFW that I do!

It's excellent news for the future. It means I won't be holding back with the kind of content I post

Recently I've been thinking a lot about making Ponderwick open to a more general audience with a tamer version. 

Maybe with censorship, maybe with edited NSFW scenes to tone things down? I don't know yet, but with Patreon's recent change? Yeah, deffo.

So for now, this is my main posting place! LFG!!
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Legré (LSU Projects)
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It's Monday 1st January 2024, and I decided to make comics with some nsfw. Let's see how I get on...
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