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Love Castaways profile
Love Castaways
Love Castaways
I'm making Love Castaways - A Comedy/Drama adult visual novel.

Планы подписки

USD в месяц

Access to Subscriber-only posts and messages.

Voting on new content.

Member role on the Discord.

1 подписчик Member Subscriber
USD в месяц

Access to Subscriber-only posts and messages.

Voting on new content.

Early access to updates (2 Weeks before official release).

Student role on the Discord.

0 подписчиков Student Subscriber
USD в месяц

Access to Subscriber-only posts and messages.

Voting on new content (2x voting power).

Early access to updates (2 Weeks before official release).

Senpai role on the Discord.

0 подписчиков Senpai Subscriber
USD в месяц
Class Rep Founder

As long as you pledge, gain access to all of Class Rep benefits for lower price:

Access to Subscriber-only posts and messages.

Voting on new content (4x voting power).

Early access to updates (2 Weeks before official release).

Your message or nickname on one of the in-game boards.

Custom role on the Discord. (Send me a message with the name of the role).

Лимитировано (0 из 5) подписчиков
Class Rep Founder Subscriber
USD в месяц
Class Rep

Access to Subscriber-only posts and messages.

Voting on new content (4x voting power).

Early access to updates (2 Weeks before official release).

Your message or nickname on one of the in-game boards.

Custom role on the Discord. (Send me a message with the name of the role).

0 подписчиков Class Rep Subscriber
USD в месяц
Principal Founder

As long as you pledge, gain access to all of Principal benefits for lower price:

Access to Subscriber-only posts and messages.

Voting on new content (8x voting power).

Early access to updates (2 Weeks before official release).

2 of your messages or nicknames on the in-game boards.

1 Custom image requests per month (Up to 2 characters each)

Custom role on the Discord. (Send me a message with the name of the role).

Лимитировано (0 из 5) подписчиков
Principal Founder Subscriber
USD в месяц

Access to Subscriber-only posts and messages.

Voting on new content (8x voting power).

Early access to updates (2 Weeks before official release).

2 of your messages or nicknames on the in-game boards.

1 Custom image requests per month (Up to 2 characters each)

Custom role on the Discord. (Send me a message with the name of the role).

0 подписчиков Principal Subscriber
USD в месяц
Man of Culture

Access to Subscriber-only posts and messages.

Voting on new content (16x voting power)

Early access to updates (2 Weeks before official release).

3 Image requests per month (Up to 3 characters per image).

5 of your messages or nicknames on the in-game boards.

Access to early content, scrapped scenes, character designs.

Custom role on Discord (Send me a message with the name of the role).

Лимитировано (0 из 5) подписчиков
Man of Culture Subscriber


  • All $5 subscribers and above can play release of game two weeks early as well as benefit from other cool stuff.
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Love Castaways

More cool things in 0. 5. 0

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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $2 .
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1 подписчик
34 поста


$1 of $300
per month
Reaching this goal means, that I will be able to invest more time and money into the project. Also my rusty PC will get well deserved upgrade.
$1 of $750
per month
This goal means I can work on the project full time. Frequency and quality greatly increases.
$1 of $2,000
per month
I can not only work full time on the project but also buy useful apps, buy music tracks for use and more.
$1 of $5,000
per month
I don't need any more cash in life. Can secure future projects.

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