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Belle the Pixie profile
Belle the Pixie
Belle the Pixie
I'm Belle, creator of the adult erotic game Long Live the Princess, which has been in development since 2017 and was finished in 2022. Now developing Supermodel: Defenders of Desire.

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  • Access to my in-depth musings on the game and its design. I have lots of things I want to talk about that may be considered slight spoilers, but I'll avoid the worst of it.
  • Help shape the game's mechanics and story and help me figure out the answers to the trickier questions that pop up while developing it.
  • Plus all previous rewards
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  • Your name (or alias of your choice, within reason) in the credits of the game. I will contact you about this reward.
  • Previews of upcoming scenes.
  • Discarded ideas and renders that for some reason didn't work out.
  • Occasional high-quality renders of characters and scenes.
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Belle the Pixie

Long Live the Princess - Version 1.0.1

A long time ago, I promised that one day the final version of Long Live the Princess would be free to download for everyone. That day has now arrived.

This public release includes some relatively obscure bug fixes based on feedback from version 1.0.0. Even if you already have that version, I recommend upgrading to 1.0.1.

While the game is now free, this does not mean that I don't need your financial support. I'm knee-deep in developing my coming title Supermodel: Defenders of Desire, and I need all the help I can get to make it as good as possible. If you enjoyed playing Long Live the Princess, why not drop me a few dollars (or your local currency's equivalent) to show your appreciation? All help is gratefully accepted.

But that's enough preamble. You're not here to read a lengthy release post for a bugfix update and want the downloads. Well, allow me to provide...


Download links:

Changelog 1.0.1:
  • Added a fan-made Brazilian Portuguese translation accessible through the Preferences menu. I cannot vouch for the quality or stability of this mode, and you might find English text still remains in isolated cases. Translation courtesy of zerodead.
  • If you skip Erato's training in NG+ as described in the 1.0.0 changelog, the to-do list should no longer tell you to talk to Erato about the Contraceptive spell. This does not fix saves where this bug is already present, but the message can be safely ignored.
  • Added an extra failsafe for the extremely rare cases of stuck map tooltips, cleaning up at the end of each action. This is a case of Ren'py itself messing things up, and my fix might not actually solve anything.
  • Added a failsafe for the achievement popup, closing any that still remain at the end of the day. Again, this might not actually solve the bug, which appears to originate deeper within Ren'py.
  • Fixed a progression issue in Nell's advanced training in NG+ that allowed you to invite the noblewoman too early.
  • Closed a temporal wormhole in the church that could cause hallucinations of nighttime after searching the place during the day.
  • Getting the benefits of donating to Sister Agnes should no longer unexpectedly award you the Blue Balls achievement as well.
  • Tweaked a few lines of dialogue to fix consistency.
  • Minor gameplay tweaks.
  • Minor grammar and spelling fixes.

Changelog 1.0.0:
  • Invalidated existing saves from versions before 1.0.0.
  • Updates to all remaining (9+) outdated sex scenes, improving animation, frame rates, and lighting.
  • At the end of the prologue, you will now be given a choice between playing with or without a time limit.
  • The Fairy Queen's vision and associated puzzle have both been redesigned.
  • Added an achievement system containing 62 achievements for you to find and collect. Can you get the elusive Electrum achievement?
  • Massive amount of bug fixes, balance adjustments, and other minor changes. See the full changelog in the release post for details.

Full Changelog 1.0.0: (Warning: this list contains spoilers!)
  • Invalidated existing saves from versions before 1.0.0.
  • Updates to most remaining (9+) outdated sex scenes, improving animation, frame rates, and lighting. A few scenes were left untouched because they looked decent enough despite their technical limitations. Complete list of updated scenes:
    • The first threesome with Callie and Evelyn.
    • Primrose missionary.
    • Primrose on all fours.
    • Samarra seated outside.
    • Samarra on all fours.
    • Nell's first HJ.
    • Nell's repeatable HJ in tent.
    • 69 with the Leanan Sídhe.
    • All Thaddeus scenes.
  • At the end of the prologue, you will now be given a choice between playing with or without a time limit.
  • The Fairy Queen's vision and associated puzzle have both been redesigned.
  • Added an achievement system containing 62 achievements for you to find and collect. Can you get the elusive Electrum achievement?
  • Visual updates to a few non-animated scenes.
  • Updated a considerable amount of dialogue throughout the entire game. This includes fixes to consistency, clarity, and even rewrites where the text's original intent was not correctly represented.
  • Tutorial message boxes no longer refer to outdated game mechanics.
  • Donating 10 copper to the church no longer counts as 1 copper behind the scenes, which fixes a progression issue with Sister Agnes.
  • You could get locked out of obtaining Callie's panties legitimately. Eased up the requirements.
  • Belle now refers to the player by their actual name instead of nickname during replays. This is to prevent inconsistencies such as "virgin" when that would make no sense.
  • Seducing Lilith now requires a courage check in addition to the existing charisma check.
  • In NG+, if your Pathfinding is already at max and you have already cast Dispel Magic before starting your training with Erato, you can now skip training entirely. This only works under those exact conditions.
  • Primrose will now act less affectionate when paying you for your work if you have declined her romantic offer.
  • You can no longer send Evelyn to seduce Callie if you are already in a relationship with Callie. Cleaned up the way these relationships interact in general.
  • Fixed a few inconsistencies in the epilogue where choices and actions were not adequately reflected.
  • Town map: Fixed clipping issues with the hotspots, slightly increased hotspot size, and moved the marker for leaving town so that it won't interfere with the UI on Android.
  • During Primrose's investigation, there were reports that clones of Samarra and Nell were wandering around town. The clones have been taken out back and shot. Their attempt at hijacking the map icons has also been thwarted.
  • You can now talk to Thaddeus or train with him if Evelyn takes a break in the upper training grounds. Additionally, added some dialogue to help figure out when he is available.
  • Significant rebalancing of Primrose's relationship stats. The buildup of Primrose's love now begins at a much earlier stage, and the dialogue provides more explicit guidance on where to focus your attention. This makes seduction far more predictable and transparent than before.
  • Somewhat reduced the relationship requirements for Primrose in NG+ due to spending less time in the library in this mode.
  • Making incorrect guesses in the town hall puzzle will now give you a new hint after every guess instead of every third.
  • Added a few new lines of dialogue and a new pose to Sister Agnes's altar sex scene.
  • Primrose's father now also drinks on Tuesdays.
  • Reduced the Courage requirement for visiting the Fairy Queen for the first time from 3 to 2.
  • Added a new Courage check to revisit the Fairy Queen after your first encounter.
  • More consistent feedback when passing ability tests outside of night scenes.
  • Adjustments to music triggers, mainly to reduce the number of quiet sections in the game.
  • Added names to secrets that previously had none.
  • Increased the Perversity requirement for buttsex with Erato from 2 to 3.
  • Reduced the cost of paying for the customer's clothes in Callie's store from 20 to 15 copper.
  • Repeatable sex scenes with Primrose no longer take up an action.
  • Thaddeus and Evelyn will not fool around until the game's second week.
  • You can no longer send Nell to the Fairy Queen without first solving her dark secret.
  • Samarra's tent sex scene is now repeatable.
  • Added the Thaddeus scenes to Evelyn's gallery.
  • Belle now has several more nicknames she can give you. You are unlikely to see them all in one game.
  • Significantly increased the number of clues that can be presented to Thaddeus at the town hall.
  • Expanded the "harem ending" slightly.
  • Moved a misplaced dialogue section when asking Callie for sex before buttering her up.
  • Added a secret way to get Evelyn pregnant without having to be in a relationship with her and without her leaving town. This option is hidden until the exact requirements appear and disappears once it is no longer relevant.
  • Reduced the height of the abilities screen to match the actual number of abilities in the game.
  • You can no longer train or have sex with Erato immediately after a climax.
  • The river is no longer available as a location during the prologue in NG+.
  • Belle will no longer encourage you to do Courage training in NG+ when you are already fully trained.
  • Prevented the Perversity unlock event with the Leanan Sídhe from happening in NG+ if you had already unlocked it.
  • Sister Agnes is no longer available in the church while she is visiting Callie's store.
  • Removed the Sound slider from the preferences since it is not used.

TRANSLATORS: If you wish to translate Long Live the Princess into another language, please reach out to me, and I will provide you with the necessary files. Your translation should take great care not to extend line lengths beyond their current limits since the textboxes are designed without word wrap in mind. When your translation is complete, I will add it as an official translation in the in-game menu system. Don't attempt to translate this game unless you are serious about it. It will be a massive undertaking due to LLtP's size. To put things into perspective, there are far more words in LLtP than in the entirety of George R.R. Martin's "A Game of Thrones." Please keep machine translations to an absolute minimum since I would prefer to maintain a similar level of quality across all languages. It would be a shame if non-English readers got a sub-par experience from reading a machine translation. Translators will not receive monetary compensation but will be prominently featured in the credits.


  • A sprawling adventure game with puzzle solving and a more than 300,000 words (and growing) long story.
  • Lots and lots of varied, sexy, and uncensored sex with a gorgeous cast of women.
  • Frequent updates. New releases typically come out once every two months.
Belle the Pixie

Supermodel: Defenders of Desire - The First ReleaseWelcome to the world of Supermodel: Defenders ...

Posted for $1 tier
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Belle the Pixie
Public post

Supermodel Update 1 - Blink

Welcome to the first post-launch update for Supermodel: Defenders of Desire. While there is a versioning system in the game, I have opted to keep things as simple as possible by forgoing version numbers and simply naming the updates with sequential numbers and a short title. This version is called "Update 1 - Blink".

I haven't decided yet how we'll handle the tiers for Supermodel releases, so for now we'll do it the same way we did with Long Live the Princess. This means that Update 1 will only be available to backers starting at the $5 tier. It won't be released to the general public until Update 2 is out for backers. This release pattern may change in the future.

Let's get something important out of the way first: there's very little story in this update. If you've disabled the card game and just want more story, you might want to wait for Update 2 instead. Update 1 focuses entirely on expanding and improving the card game. Going forward, updates will jump back and forth between the story and the card game, with the story probably taking precedence most of the time.

If you're still reading, that probably means you're interested in the card game. If so, you'll enjoy what this version has to offer.

First and foremost, Update 1 gives you a proper introduction to Blink and lets you do your first photoshoot with her. She comes with her own set of 4 unique model cards and her scenario includes several new challenge cards that focus on Blink's core game mechanic.

In addition, five unique new cards have been added to the booster packs. As some of them can appear multiple times, you have 13 new cards to collect. These revolve around a new concept that opens up new options for decks with more than one trait. I'm excited to see how these cards will shake up the meta.

On top of all this, you'll find a number of minor bug fixes and balance adjustments as well as several quality of life improvements. Chief among these are the history function during story chapters and a new filter function in the deckbuilder. The filter is accessible via a button in the bottom left corner of the card list and should make it easier for you to create your own decks.

Please keep in mind that I have limited ability to properly test the game balance. Blink's game mechanics are so complex that there is no way for me to know whether they are fair or if they even accomplish what they are supposed to accomplish. The limited testing I was able to do felt right, but only you, the real players, can fully judge that. If you have any feedback on the game balance, please let me know so I can make adjustments. I want Supermodel's card game to be challenging and satisfying without becoming frustrating or a pushover, and I can only do that with your help.



Android (tablet only):

  • Added Blink's brief introductory chapter.
  • Added a new scenario for Blink with four new or modified Challenge cards.
  • Added five new cards that can be found in booster packs. Four of these cards are Uncommon and one is Epic. Since you can have up to three of each Uncommon card, that means there are 13 new cards to collect.
  • Added four unique Model cards for Blink.
  • Added History to the game menu while you play the story chapters.
  • You can now filter your card collection in the deckbuilder using the new button in the bottom left corner of the screen.
  • You are now limited to a maximum of 2 Epic cards per deck. If you already have a deck with 3 Epic cards, you can continue to play with it as before, but if you change it in the deckbuilder, you must first get rid of one of the cards.
  • "Resourcefulness" now applies its cost halving *after* Burnout has been calculated.
  • The game should now force the saved data to be written to disk between chapters. Previously this only happened when the game was closed, which meant that a hard crash could result in data loss.
  • Removed Burnout effect from "Ready When You Are".
  • Fixed visual bugs in Anna Chapter 2.
  • The Deckbuilder card list is now draggable on all platforms. This is an experimental feature and may be reverted based on feedback. Let me know what you think.

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The Phases of AnimatingGreetings, wizards and grandmasters! Today, I've got something special for...

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