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Kumaccino profile
Shameless smut is the game, and Kumaccino is the name. I write erotica that, for the most part, lacks any sense of grace. Stupid onomatopoeia, pornminded and ridiculous synonyms, and scenarios so dumb they belong in a trashy doujin.

Планы подписки

в месяц
Tip Jar

This tier isn't for much other than general support - and I certainly appreciate it.

0 подписчиков SubscribeStar $2.00 tier
в месяц
Supporter Tier

For those who want to give a bit more and gain some stuff for it. At this tier, I'll give you access to my Discord server that's otherwise kept for mostly Twitter mutuals and friends. Additionally, you'll get early access to new works a week before everyone else does, though this usually won't extend to captions, as I'll mostly publish those ASAP aside from a special case.

Do keep in mind that in regards to the Discord, you don't need to stay subscribed to stay in there. Plus, it doesn't guarantee you won't get banned for bad behavior.

1 подписчик SubscribeStar $5.00 tier
в месяц
Big Spender

At the highest tier here, you get all the benefits that you otherwise would with the last one. I'll give you access to my Discord server that's otherwise kept for mostly Twitter mutuals and friends. Additionally, you'll get early access to new works a week before everyone else does, though this usually won't extend to captions, as I'll mostly publish those ASAP aside from a special case.

Do keep in mind that in regards to the Discord, you don't need to stay subscribed to stay in there. Plus, it doesn't guarantee you won't get banned for bad behavior.

0 подписчиков SubscribeStar $10.00 tier


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Displaying posts with tag Caption.Reset Filter
Публичный пост

I'll start uploading captions here, too! Why not! Hopefully the quality isn't butchered!? Source:

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