This Tier offers the highest benefits of Ko Coleman’s SubscribeStar, and includes benefits such as Early Access to Finished Works a Month ahead of public Posting, Works in Progress, Timelapses of the completed pieces, requests for access to the original Art Files (File Type: PSD), and the ability to vote in Polls held by Ko to help determine her content. As well as being able to Vote, “The Whole Pie” Subscribers can even provide suggestions to be directly voted on in the Polls held and voted on!
On top of that, Subscribers to the “The Whole Pie” Tier are eligible to redeem one Colorless Sketch of their choice per each month of being pledged (Subjects and Themes are subject to be accepted or declined at Ko’s discretion).
In addition, this role grants you access to select Private Channels in the Ko’s Confectionery Discord Server.