Hello Photographers! What a momentous occasion! After years of dev work, the day is finally here! Sapphire Safari has launched on Steam! Version 025 is chock full of QOL features and updates based on the Steam Nextfest demo feedback. Lots of stuff is in the build, so let's quickly go over it now.
Just as a starting point, we were working tirelessly to get this build ready in time. One feature was unable to be completed in a state we would consider release-worthy, and that was the corrective IK system for the sex animations. However, the system is working, it just needs more time to polish. So following the launch of this build, the team will get back to polishing up the IK tech for the animations, and in a couple of days, we expect to have v026 ready, just to make all the animations feel as good as they can be! Just let us cook a little longer!
Okay, update time!
Tig ol’ Bitties You can now change the sizes of the creatures' breasts in the game to suit your needs. By default, they are randomized, but you have complete control over what scale you’d prefer to see.
Default (regular size as designed), Random, Small (smaller than default), Medium (slightly bigger), and Large (bazongas). Sadly the croc won’t have any changes due to her never having breasts to begin with. Such is life…
Speaka ma language! We now have a total of 12 supported languages for Sapphire Safari. These are machine-translated so expect some wobbly translations here and there. It is very difficult to do LQA on languages we do not speak so I hope our lovely community can point out any glaring issues.
Languages include: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Thai, Ukrainian, and Chinese (Simplified and Traditional). We will only have English Voice work though.
On the topic of speaking, we have also fixed the cursed Lipsync the humans had
Peepin for Science You can now enter bushes and peep out of them without being exposed! And to top it off the Photographer will be able to enter stealth mode automatically even if they are standing up as long as the bush or foliage is big enough to cover them! There is also a nice UI darkening effect when you are hidden from sight, which should help stay in the shadows better. Achievements for all! The last big one is that now we have finally added all the early game achievements we wanna add, plus have done extensive bug testing to make sure they are triggering correctly and registering on Steam’s backend! You can also 100% the entire game now, it took me like 30-40 hours of raw doggin the game to get there, but it is entirely possible without issue. You’ll even get a fancy License upgrade on the main menu for your save slot if you pull it off! And a whooooole lot more!
Fixed lipsync face shapes to reduce unwanted mouth shapes
Reduced lipsync face shape production size by 20%
Reimported Frida head movement animations for game introduction
Reweighted Frida hair to remove skull clipping
Fixed storm effects on hair during calls
Malous now visible during Head Pat and Monsutra animations
Fixed Oscar eye pop issues
Fixed Oscar enchilada line frequency
Fixed Jamie's butt error
Fixed Furloin butt physics
Adjusted LOD to correct tail physics issues
Creatures no longer pay attention to the player being inside sex acts
Fixed model illumination during the night
Pink Moon Night now happens every four in-game days
Forced LOD0 for call participant models
Tweaked cum particle to exist longer, future tweaks required
Locked exploration tab as it is an upcoming feature
Locked main menu in the intro cinematic to remove frozen player input
Marked Tool Use and Nest Act as upcoming categories for Achievement tracking
Updated Malous spawn rate
Updated Tip to Tip Monsutra act spawn rate
Updated Tip to Tip scales
Updated Top Trick tags
Resaved Rune Puzzle assets to solve missing texture issue
Blocked clipping player spawns post-sex ragdoll
Added blockers for plant interactions
Added blocker for AI interruptions during Monsutra animations
Fixed dead threesome AI teleport issue
Adjusted volumes on Expedition Logs
Normalized vocals on phone call interactions
Adjusted volumes on boat idle and movements during the introduction section
Removed morph target from Jamie hat inside player selection
Fixed New Game fatal crash for creating logstrings
Modified Radio Beacon land mass
Removed assets under land mass
Removed broken trap plants from land mass
Corrected creature vocals to remove moaning during standard smart object use
Fixed fatal fall vocals and sfx triggers
Tweaked extreme face shapes for modeling poses
Fixed camera aiming behaviors during capture
Removed tools from hand during capture
Removed tool swap animation blocking behaviors
Reduced in-game time between Pink Moon events
Tweaked fade to black after sex animations showing more of the ejaculation frames
Fixed controller inputs during photo submission to remove multiple inputs on the D-Pad
Fixed several Achievement triggering conditions
Fixed License completion checking method
Updated Pink Moon Shuffle achievement description
Updated save file for older saves to include new narrative triggers
Fixed tutorial texts
Updated Troubleshooting txt file
Added 95% voiced photo submission tutorial call with Frida
Added Localization system
Added 11 new languages to the Localization system
Added localization splash screen for machine-translation notification
Added several new fonts to support new languages
Updated UI scaling and button setup for LQA
Added additional camera controls for capture and monsutra actions
Added black fade UX effect to alert players of hidden status update
Added player tracking on creature head during modeling animations
Added bush movement to player collisions
Added bush cutout material for player interactions with foliage
Added stealth activation on player collisions with bushes on 100% coverage
Added stealth vocal activation on full-standing bush coverage
Updated variant textures for creatures and custom morph targets
Added 3 modeling poses to the pool list
Added Rudier horn variants
Added Sweedee head pat interaction
Added Sweedee flora interaction twerk animation
Added creature breast size modifications and gameplay options for player preference
Updated landmass with foliage, and clipping prevention
Added checks and fixes for potential GPU crashes
Added HLOD optimizations to land mass
Added Smart Doll locations
Added Smart Object locations and animations
UX update for photo submission on adding a photo to the player gallery to no longer progress to the next entry
Added water ripple effect from creature and player movements in water
Added predator pounce SFX
Added sprinting from stealth
Added 16:10 Gallery, Camera Options, and Map Screen screen options
Added Journeyman, Professional, and Legendary Achievements
Demo Specific Changes
Modified global spawn rate to reduce the flocking of creatures in the small demo space
We hope you all will take the time to leave us a good review on Steam! We are eager to hear feedback from everyone, and I hope it was worth the wait! Thank you all very much from the bottom of our hearts, we couldn’t do it without the support of our wonderful community!
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