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Five of a Kind (Adventure Game) profile
Five of a Kind (Adventure Game)
Five of a Kind (Adventure Game)
I am making an NSFW, point-and-click adventure game called Five of a Kind.

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Guest Star

Baseline Donation to help keep the project going.


  • Access to detailed status reports, which I post around the 1st and 15th of every month.
  • 24-hour early access to updates before release to the public
89 подписчиков SubscribeStar $1.00 tier ; Guest Star
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$3 Donation. Ability to vote in polls.


  • Access to detailed status reports, which I post around the 1st and 15th of every month.
  • 24-hour early access to updates before release to the public
  • Ability to vote in polls.
85 подписчиков SubscribeStar $3.00 tier ; Special Guest Star
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Cast Member

$5 Donation.


  • Access to detailed status reports, which I post around the 1st and 15th of every month.
  • 24-hour early access to updates before release to the public
  • Ability to vote in polls
  • Access to occasional work-in-progress (Beta) versions of the game.
78 подписчиков SubscribeStar $5.00 tier ; Featured Guest

Добро пожаловать!

  • 2D Classic Point-and-click Adventure Game (In Development)
  • All Characters 18+ "Unmistakably Grown"
  • 10x love interests, 16+ "gallery/reward scenes" (more planned)

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Five of a Kind (Adventure Game)

Beginning of May Status

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Five of a Kind (Adventure Game)
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Early August Status

Current Update Status
The (very late) update stands at that what I estimate to be about 1%-3% left to complete in terms of bug fixing and retesting. I will finish that up and when it’s ready, I’ll release it finally—first to subscribers as usual.
As I evaluate what’s actually in the update, I view it as an unfocused “pot luck” of goodies that was supposed to take 1.5 to 2 months, but through happenstance has been delayed to 3 months. It does move the ball forward though, so from my perspective, there are less Under Construction banners than there were before, so there's that.
Development Difficulties
I don't know what deity I managed to piss off, but late spring and summer of this year have been particularly and unusually eventful, and those events have robbed me of precious time to work on the game. Some of the things that happened I could have foreseen, but some I could not have.
The way this update has gone has caused me to rethink several things, especially from the birds-eye view about how I approach this game’s development, as well as monetizing it.
As almost all of you know, I work on this game in between my day job and family commitments and my goal is to make the best game I can with the time I can find to work on it.

The problem is that I cannot adequately predict how much time I will get to work on the game in advance in any given week. As I write this, I just dropped my father-in-law off at the airport this morning, who was staying with us for close to a week… unexpectedly… effectively stun-locking me during that time from working on the game. Unfortunately, my house doesn't have a secret passage behind a bookcase that I can use to go develop my WINcest-themed porn game...

Changes... of Approach
I’ve decided I’m going to make several changes in how I develop and monetize the game. My primary concerns here are the following:
a)       maximizing the share of time I spend working on the actual game itself while minimizing/optimizing the share I spend doing the “other” stuff (community relations/PR).
b)      Properly defining subscriber expectations. Revenue has never been a factor in determining how fast or slow the game has been developed and revenue very often just goes into buying things to help improve the game, whether it's tools or actual game assets.

And Here… We… GO!
  1. I will no longer be giving an estimated release date for updates. I clearly suck at it and it's a bad look when I miss deadline after deadline. When asked when the update will be released, the official AND unofficial responses will be: "When it's done." 

  2. Going forward, I will ONLY advertise $1 and $3 subscriber tiers for the foreseeable future. I think those tier levels are fair for what I can reasonably deliver with my admittedly chaotic schedule. If you are currently at $5 or above, you will remain subscribed at that level unless you change it and your perks will remain in effect (yes, including beta versions).

    $1 Subscribers and above will continue to get my detailed bi-monthly statuses with what I’ve been working on, often with screenshots or video of new content, and of course access to Discord channels where I post sketches, preview art and such.

  3. I will no longer be updating or maintaining the walkthrough. In the past, my view has been that providing an up-to-date walkthrough in unison with the update was a necessary PR move to manage negative feedback about the game being “too hard.”

    I’m increasingly less concerned about managing the game’s PR because the game is still in development and I don't really aggressively advertise it anyways. The game is already highly rated (on F95... for now) and I feel like my time is better spent on making content for the actual game itself rather than micro-managing its reputation.

  4. I will no longer be generating seasonal drawings (aside from the ones that are already completed for this year) without help. I do enjoy inventing sexy and scandalous scenarios within the framing of select holidays (Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Easter, Halloween, Christmas, etc), but these seem to take a little too much time that would be (imo) better spent working on the game.

  5. Finally, I will be limiting my engagement on forums. I will be checking in on F95 and other forums once or twice a week and only responding to the most pressing questions or observations. I will no longer be giving people hints, unless it relates to new content and I will let others respond to the billionth “Android?” request, if they choose.

The NEXT Update?
So I just spent a bunch of time talking about what I WON’T be doing. Let me to get to what I WILL be doing next.
  • After v0.3.6 is finally put to bed, the next and only thing I will be working on is a new Meredith spank bank scene. Some of you reading this already know what the basic setup is because it’s been hashed out in Discord.
  • After that, I will be working on Aunt Charlotte’s bonus vaginal sex scene, complete with optional devil horns. This scene will either be in v0.3.7 or a proposed v0.3.8, depending on how much time those scenes take combined.
  • After that, I will start v0.4, the beginning of Nicole’s story, which starts with Scott. Scott has already told you he knows how to get access to a time machine. This leads to MC meeting a very Thiccc, blue-haired babe named Caydence (not a new character--she was planned) who has a very strange accent. Caydence seems to be strangely (and creepily) invested in you pursuing Nicole as a sexual entity—almost as if her life depended on it. 

Your Bi-Weekly Art Preview
I’m making this post public for everyone. Subscribers will get a separate piece of Meredith artwork soon, celebrating Five of a Kind’s Two-Year Anniversary.
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Five of a Kind (Adventure Game)

Mid May Status

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Five of a Kind (Adventure Game)

Five of a Kind v0. 3. 5. 1 [Stability Update]

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Five of a Kind (Adventure Game)
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Five of a Kind v0.3.5 [UPDATE]

  • This update advances Meredith's story in two separate, but admittedly brief lanes. 1) There is a bonus quest to convince Meredith to let you join her in the shower for some fun, which provides most of the erotic value in this update. 2) The first quest and cut scenes to establish Aunt Charlotte as an emerging obstacle (pain-in-the-ass)
  • This is Part 1 of the Aunt Charlotte arc and the available content just helps establish her character. There are no sex scenes (yet) with her and and the available story in this update is a bit brief, but offers important "table setting" for the next update.
  • There is nothing in this update that should break saves from previous versions.
  • I had to cut an important Aunt Charlotte set piece in order to get the update out, but hopefully the two new animated scenes will provide enough erotic value.

New Content
  • Soon after the mortgage is paid off, Meredith will be working less overtime and can be found showering around noon (Midday).
  • New Meredith Spank Bank Scene: Standing Shower Groping, & Thigh Job
  • The first quest and cut scenes of Aunt Charlotte's mini story.
  • New Location: Sloppy Seconds Diner (interior only, not much NPCs or activity in there yet) 
  • Minor Scene: MC jerking off in Meredith's bed with her panties will now be depicted graphically instead of simply stated in a wall of text.

Gameplay Improvements
  • Meredith's assigned "Fan Service" time slot (Afternoon) will behave more like Brooke's where what she's doing will be random each day and will select among the Perks you've unlocked. This is being done mostly because that Afternoon timeslot is currently overloaded and to allow for future expansion.
  • Asking Meredith for repeating any of the Spank Bank scenes from the Kitchen will automatically cut to either MC's or Meredith's Bedroom rather than making you walk up there on your own to activate the event.
  • All indoor and outdoor locations have been tweaked to either show black bars on the sides or hide embarrassing stuff that was previously visible at the edges in ultra wide resolution.
  • Aunt Charlotte's journal page has moved to just after Brooke's page.
  • The Winter/Christmas Gem Use action in the inventory will no longer cause the Gem to disappear. Now you get a choice and if you want to get rid of it, there's a specific option to destroy it, which is of course the return to non-Christmas option. You can always get another Gem from Dzherkov in the arcade.
  • Using the Unzip (Summon Nicole) action in the upstairs bathroom and shower closeup now has more dynamic responses and uses than the default "I've had the best success summoning Nicole in my bedroom." response.
  • Milestone list now scrolls by a full page at a time instead of by five items at a time. With a full game, your Milestone list can be REALLY long.
  • Rewatching the Meredith vibrator scene will now prompt you if you want to watch the whole scene, so that you don't get locked into repeating the whole thing from simply peeking through the keyhole.

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Five of a Kind (Adventure Game)
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Update on the Update

So, the the beta version (v0.3.4.95b) of the update was posted on Discord earlier this evening (If you're a $5 sub and you're not on Discord, you can DM me to ask for a download link). The plan was to release the update to subscribers this evening, but during beta, a few issues were found:

Showstopper Bugs [These MUST be fixed before release]
  • After Aunt Charlotte has her altercation with Brooke, the game gets stuck with the journal saying, "You suspect there's not much more progress you can make today."
  • After Aunt Charlotte arrives, the quest journal on that day will say "You thought you heard the shower running midday" however, if you go to the Bathroom, Meredith won't be showering unless you sleep until the next day to refresh her schedule.
  • With the pair of Musty Gym Shorts, if you click on Meredith in the Shower closeup (not clicking on her tits), two instances of them appear.
  • With the pair of Clean Gym Shorts, if you click on Meredith in the Shower closeup (not clicking on her tits), the gym shorts option doesn't appear.

Minor Bugs [These might get fixed before release if they're not too hard]
  • Found and fixed about 30 typos throughout the game found from spell check (out of 11,442 lines of dialogue). [Michelangelo, occurred, Antarctica, upset, ultimately, were among the words misspelled]
  • Using the Summon Nicole button in the upstairs bathroom does nothing.
  • During the shower scene, if you choose "Just put the tip in", Meredith gives a humorous "That's how Brooke was conceived" line, but the delays between each line are too long.

Nitpicks [These are unlikely to get fixed for the release, but might make it into a hotfix]
  • During the Meredith shower scene, if you put the thigh job at the fastest speed and then choose "Put It In", after restoring from the Sierra Death, the motion goes back to medium speed and the only available speed option is "Go Slower..."
  • When the cash register sound effect fires from Aunt Irene giving you money to avoid foreclosure, the subsequent quest advance sound completely blocks it, indicating the two sounds are on the same Sound object. [Not going to bother fixing this unless a hotfix is needed]
  • When hacking into the school computer, the STUDENT NAME: field is hardcoded to BROOKE, even if you've given the sister a different name.
  • The outdoor mattes outside Brooke's Window (the tree and building across the street) don't show snowfall during the Winter event.
  • Continuity Error: Family photo in upstairs hallway says Aunt Irene was added to the photo shoot six months ago, which contradicts what she says when we meet her.
  • Continuity Error: In the Meredith Tit job scene, there's a line where she says, "You little Devil!" when you ask her to go all the way. Referring to MC as a "Little Devil" is Aunt Charlotte's language and this line should be changed.
  • Diner outdoor matte does not show snowfall during the Winter Event.
  • After receiving a thigh job in the shower from Meredith, the time advances when you return to the upstairs bathroom, but the ambient shower SFX are still playing.

I will fix the showstoppers and whatever minor bugs and nitpicks can be done quickly, but the rest of it will have to wait until the next update. This should take about a day to complete. I apologize once again for the delay.

Update v0.3.5 Changelog 

Here is the stated changelog for the update:

  • This update advances Meredith's story by introducing a new character (Aunt Charlotte), presenting the problem of a nosy, religious aunt character moving into the house and imposing her morals on the house, ultimately resulting in your currently earned "privileges" with Meredith and Brooke to be taken away until you can find a way to deal with her.
  • This update is Part 1 (of 2) of the Aunt Charlotte arc and the content for her will be the first couple of quests and cut scenes to establish her character. There are no sex scenes (yet) with this character.
  • There is nothing in this update that should break your save games from previous saves (unless that save was from v0.2.x or prior).

New Content
  • After the mortgage is paid off, Meredith will be working less overtime and can be found showering around noon (Midday).
  • New Meredith Spank Bank Scene: ||Standing Shower Groping, & Thigh Job||
  • The first few quests of Aunt Charlotte's mini story.
  • New Location: Sloppy Seconds Diner (interior only, not much NPCs or activity in there yet)
  • Minor Scene: MC jerking off in Meredith's bed with her panties will now be depicted graphically instead of simply stated in a wall of text.

Gameplay Improvements
  • Meredith's assigned "Fan Service" time slot (Afternoon) will behave more like Brooke's where what she's doing will be random each day and will select among the Perks you've unlocked. This is being done mostly because that Afternoon timeslot is currently overloaded and to allow for future expansion.
  • Asking Meredith for repeating any of the Spank Bank scenes from the Kitchen will automatically cut to either MC's or Meredith's Bedroom rather than making you walk up there on your own to activate the event.
  • All indoor and outdoor locations have been tweaked to either show black bars on the sides or hide embarrassing stuff that was previously visible at the edges in ultra wide resolution.
  • Aunt Charlotte's journal page has moved to just after Brooke's page.
  • The Winter/Christmas Gem Use action in the inventory will no longer cause the Gem to disappear. Now you get a choice and if you want to get rid of it, there's a specific option to destroy it, which is of course the return to non-Christmas option. You can always get another Gem from Dzherkov in the arcade.
  • Using the Unzip (Summon Nicole) action in the upstairs bathroom and shower closeup now has more dynamic responses and uses than the default "I've had the best success summoning Nicole in my bedroom." response.
  • Milestone list now scrolls by a full page at a time instead of by five items at a time. With a full game, your Milestone list can be REALLY long.
  • Rewatching the Meredith vibrator scene will now prompt you if you want to watch the whole scene, so that you don't get locked into repeating the whole thing from simply peeking through the keyhole.

  • The trunk at the foot of MC's bed no longer contains the "future" items and now has an actual purpose.
  • Aunt Charlotte's theme changed from the harpsichord piece to a church organ piece (more appropriate).
  • Reworked Charlotte's introduction scene to incorporate the new quirk about her speaking entirely in bible verses when first meeting her.
  • Meredith sleeping pose when peeking through keyhole is now  properly randomized and will prevent the same pose twice.
  • Unlocking the Open Game Map from Bedroom Fast Travel Perk now also requires visiting the Diner, in addition to Irene's House and the Arcade.

Bug Fixes
  • Meredith no longer responds with "sweater and jeans" during Aunt Charlotte's intro scene if she's wearing the Santa Outfit.
  • Title, Options, and Pause menus will no longer cut off the bottom on ultrawide resolutions.
  • Meredith's sprite in the kitchen's hover-over label uses the custom name you provided, if not "Meredith."
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