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eRomantica Adventures
eRomantica Adventures
Join me as I explore the very limits of romance - the kinky, the adventure, the horror, the weird; watch as I push it to the very limit for your entertainment
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  • I write stories of romance, action, adventure, desire; follow me and you'll get stories that push the limits: the kinky, the amazing, the horror, the just plain weird.

eRomantica Adventures


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eRomantica Adventures
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You open the Study door and step inside. The room within is lit by a flickering fire on the hearth that throws more shadow than light across the room.
You feel you are not alone in the room, and your gaze is drawn to the high-backed chair drawn up before the hearth.
Cautiously, you step around it and stop in surprise.
The maiden seated there glances up at you and smiles. Her clear blue eyes sparkle with mischief, and her fiery red hair falls across her shoulders in glittering waves.
“I've been waiting for you,” she says, and rises to her feet. She wears a dark blouse and a short skirt that hide nothing of her ample figure as she pulls herself to you.
You open your mouth to speak, but she gently puts her finger to your lips. “No questions,” she whispers softly in your ear.
She eases you into the chair and steps back, slowly unbuttoning her blouse. Writhing to some unheard beat, she slides out of her blouse, revealing her lacy red bra; through the sheer fabric you can see her nipples, erect with arousal.
She sinuouslt rocks her hips from side to side and cups her breasts with her hands. “I want you,” she says hoarsely. She squirms out of her skirt and it falls away, revealing panties already soaked with desire.
Hips gliding to the silent music, she turns about and unhooks her bra, letting it fall to the floor.
She turns back to face you, covering her breasts with her hands. The firelight glows off her sweat-sheened skin as she glides toward you, her breasts heaving for breath.
She lowers herself into your lap, her legs spread wide about yours, and glances up at you with a smile. Still covering her breasts, she leans into you and gently brushes her lips against yours. “I want you,” she breathes and kisses again, hungrily, passionately. She tastes hot and sweet.
She takes your hands and guides them to her breasts; they are cool and firm to the touch. You squeeze her hard nipples, making her moan passionately.
Still kissing you, she slips a hand into your pants and gently strokes you. She breaks away from you and leans back, a sultry smile on her full lips. “I want you,” she says again, stroking you further. “Do you want me?”

I wrote this as a challenge to myself one day, to see how sexy I could write a single scene. What do you think?
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eRomantica Adventures


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eRomantica Adventures


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eRomantica Adventures
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(The Clones, no. 1)

F/f; Lesbian, lezdom, kinky, bondage, selfcest, clones, sci-fi, military, war,

Hello, all! This is the first in a series of connected short stories that I really really love, and I hope you will, too!


The rings of the planet Genaw are nothing special - broad bands of ionized gas and ice, very common, chemically speaking. So it is merely subjective description with no basis in scienticif fact to say that they blaze against the firmament of space like living fire, the stars shining like a million diamonds, Genaw’s full moon shining like perfect silver.

Effy2111 pays literally no attention to the subjectively fantastic display as she guides her fighter, one of a dozen identical craft, down into Genaw’s gravity well on a long smooth arc that terminates at Genaw Station, the world’s primary terminus of travel, and a major base of the ongoing counter-revolution against the recently-established Galactic Empire.

Identical to the other pilots as her craft is to theirs, Effy2111 stares out through her cockpit with almond-shaped eyes that gleam like amethyst. Her brown hair is cut neck-length beneath her flight helmet that leaves her face exposed - a delicate round face colored a light nut brown set with a small button nose, high cheekbones and a narrow cleft chin.

Her com system buzzes as stray signals are caught by her craft’s sensors, words coming thorugh loud and clear as the contras send a challenge, demanding ID of the incoming craft. She ignores that as well, her attention solely on her controls and her squadron-mates.

A beam of light, blazing like fire, flashes by her fighter: a laser blast, fired in warning, followed by a dozen more. Effy2111 shows no reaction as several beams make contact with other fighters: fireballs roar, silent in space, shrapnel the remnants of the craft and her clone-sisters rattles on her hull, but Effy2111 merly adjusts her course to keep her fighter flying true as her squadron closes on the station: she flicks a switch as the station appears, a gleaming dot against the red curve of the world below, and a targeting reticle appears on her screaan, centered on the station.

Effy2111 smiles as her finger closes on the trigger.


Effy2111 wakes with a start.

She lies on her back, staring up at a blank white surface above.

“Well done, Effy2111,” a woman's voice says, soft and melodic, but in contrast to the congratulary words, the tone is sad.

The clone jerks upright, but heavy bonds hold her still; her arms and legs are spread wide, heavy straps holding them still. She raises her head, craning her neck to look toward who spoke, who stares at her with amethyst eyes the shape of almonds: she is not tall, with a curvy feminine build, narrow shoulders over round pert breasts that meld smoothly into a narrow waist, taut belly, and wide hips. She wears a tight white blouse that fits her well, every curve of her clear to see – she wears tight black pants that cling to her long smooth legs, down to knee-high brown boots.

Her face is pale, a delicate face with high cheekbones, a nose no more prominent than Effy2111's. She has dark nut-brown hair that hangs in ringlets across her shoulders and down her back. She walks to stand over Effy2111, looking down at her with sad eyes. “You succeeded where all your sisters failed,” she says. “And you survived when all your sisters did not.”

Effy2111 shrugs her shoulders. “We're soldiers,” she says shortly.

The woman sighs. "You can call me 'Ms. Slàine,'" she says. Ms. Slàine reaches down and gently feels Effy2111's wrist. “Are you comfortable?” she asks.

Effy2111 shakes her head sharply to deny the question. “I succeeded?” she asks.

Ms. Slàine nods. “You destroyed Genaw Station, and killed 30,000 people.”

Effy2111 grins, a hot bloom of pleasure blooming in her breast. Victory! Whatever the cost, victory was hers!

Mrs. Slàine sighs, and  looks away. She holds up a small remote and presses a button. With the buzz of small servomotors, Effy feels herself start to rise. She is bound to a hollow frame, and it swings up, hinged below her feet raising her toward upright. “Do you know why you are here, Effy2111?” Ms. Slàine asks.

Her bondage frame rise upright, and she looks around. She is a wide anticeptic room – before her is a wide table bearing a large number of strange instruments laid out in some kind of order. The clone sneers. "Go ahead and torture me!" Effy2111 says scathingly. "I'll never talk!"

Ms. Slàine turns to glance at her with a smile. "Oh, I know, Effy2111 - you are programmed to resist all forms of interrogation: torture, drugging, boredom, tickling. . ." she leans close until her nose almost touches Effy2111's, her warm breath brushing across her soft skin. "But there is one thing you are not programmed for. . ." she raises her right hand and places it against Effy2111's naked belly. Holding Effy2111's gaze, Ms. Slàine slides her hand down Effy2111's belly, her fingertips gliding over Effy2111's soft skin, down between her thighs, fingers brushing against her soft womanhood.

Effy2111 shivers, her eyes widening as Ms. Slàine rubs gently at what was once called her love flower, fingers working gently but surely at her petals; Effy2111 gasps as Ms. Slàine slides her fingers into her flower. She shudders in her bonds, strange sensation rushing through her.

"If you were a Natural, this wouldn't work," Ms. Slàine says with a little smile, still holding Effy2111's gaze as her fingers rub in and out of her quivering flower, calling forth the first drops of nectar. "They go through a period as they develop, learning about their bodies, and how to do this." She leans forward a few inches to press her lips to Effy2111's.

Effy2111 moans, her helpless body trembling with pleasure that burns like a fire in her belly, sparks flying along her nerves. She shudders for a moment with indecision, yea and nay, then jerks forward, pressing her lips against Ms. Slàine's, sucking at her tongue, moaning

Ms. Slàine breaks off the kiss, then steps back. "There is nothing about you that I don't know," she says softly. “There is no thought in your head that can escape me, no piece of knowledge that you can keep secret from me.”

“You- I- I won't help you!” Effy2111 gasps, her naked breasts heaving.

“Yes, Effy2111, you will,” Ms. Slàine says with a heavy certainty that sends a shiver of dread up the clone's spine. “You see. . .” she steps close, looking  Effy2111 straight in the eye. Effy2111 trembles under her piercing gaze. “You are mass-produced, Effy2111, and I know exactly how you are made. After all,” she adds with a strange undertone. “You aren't the first clone to fall into our hands.”

Effy shivers in fear, her eyes wide, staring at the- the torturer before her. She can't mean what she means, can she? A clone could never break; Effy2111 can't break, she- she just can't!

But  Ms. Slàine leans close again, her bosom pressing against Effy2111's breasts. She turns herself one way then another, rubbing her breasts against Effy2111's; the clone moans, warm sparks of pleasure shotting from her nipples as they rub against the soft silk of  Ms. Slàine's blouse.

Ms. Slàine pulls away, and the clone can't keep back a moan of regret as her captoress leavs off her breasts, then walks around behind her. Effy2111 could have saved herself the trouble, because Ms. Slàine presses against her from behind, her slim arms wrapping around the captive clone, her hands coming to rest right on her breasts, thumbs rub at her nipples, teasing them hard, her fingers wrap around the round curve of her breasts, supporting them, gently kneading them. Ms. Slàine presses her body against her captive, rubbing her cheek on Effy2111's silky hair, then lowering her lips to press them against the clone's neck.

“Awwwohhh. . .” Effy2111 moans, her toes curling as Ms. Slàine kisses her neck, sucking gently at her soft skin there while her fingers dig into her breasts.

Ms. Slàine slowly peels her lips away from Effy2111's neck, raising her lips to the clone's ear. “Why do you resist the pleasure, Effy2111? No one commanded you not to enjoy it.”

Effy2111 gasps, her naked breasts heaving in Ms. Slàine's hands. “I- you- you are trying to torture me!' she cries out.

“No, I am trying to please you, to release you,” Ms. Slàine promises. “I want to make you feel good, better than you ever have before.”

“You'll fail!” Effy2111 cries out defiantly, but her voice fails her at the end. She can feel something in her mind crumbling, something hard, something that has been with her thoughts for so long she has never noticed it.

The clone fears it is her discipline. “UH!” she gasps as Ms. Slàine's fingers press harder into her breasts. “Stop!” she squeals, frightened by the hot pleasure rising from the torturess' skilled hands.

“Why?” Ms. Slàine asks, her hot breath rustling the clone's cheek. She presses her lips to Effy2111's ear and slips her tongue in.

“Eeek!” Effy2111 screams, jumping in surprise, squirming helplessly against her bonds; Ms. Slàine never releases her hold on the clone captive, and kisses her on the neck again with a chuckle.

The clone gasps as the torturess releases her, walking to the table before her, and returning with a tool, a short rod with a bulge on one end that Ms. Slàine holds toward Effy2111. “You will break,” she promises the clone. “And you will be happy for it.”

Effy2111 quivers in fright, but also with a strenge desire – what is this thing? What will she do with it? She takes a deep breath, her erect breasts rising, then falling, refuses to give any answer.

Ms. Slàine smiles as if she expected that, then lowers herself, raising the rod to press the bulge up between Effy2111's thighs, up into the narrow slit where her legs join her body.

“W-what is that?' Effy111 asks, cursing herself silently at the way her voice quavers.

“This,” Ms. Slàine says simply, and flicks some switch her captive can't see.

Effy2111 screams as the rod comes to life, the head vibrating against her soft skin,  She shudders, jerking away from it, but Ms. Slàine easily follows her limits motion, holding the rod's tip pressed into Effy2111's sensitive flesh, pouring soft vibrations into her. “Your pussy is so sensitive,” Ms. Slàine says, looking up to meet the clone's desperate eyes. “You've never even been allowed to feel pleasure like this before, Effy2111, now it will overwhelm you, it will tear through your mind and tear away everything that binds you to your masters.”

“No- I -Mhmm!- I won't!” the clone cries out helplessly, biting her lip to keep herself from crying out with pleasure. “You'll fail!” she cries out shrilly, her knees buckling beneath her. She can feel the pleasure like an invading beast, rising from her pussy, the vibrations make it rise like a flame – a raging fire that burns upward into her belly, She struggles against it, denying it, fighting for the control she can feel slipping away just as Ms. Slàine said.

Holds up a large mirror before her, then stands beside her, leaning close so their faces are right beside each other. Effy2111 gasps, seeing now that they are identical.

Ms. Slàine reaches down to her right arm; she rolls back the cuff of her sleeve and holds her arm up before Effy2111's eyes. "'Effy1357,'" she says, her soft voice trembling as she recites the name tattooed into her skin. "We are sisters, you and I, of a sort." She leans close to look Effy2111 in the eye. “But I am free, while you are still a slave. I want to free you, Effy211.”

Effy2111 stares silently at her, struggling for words, but anger is warring with shock at this discovery, the treachery, and also. . . an uncertainty. The clone has always been certain, of everything. But now a tremble of uncertainty runs through her as Ms. Slàine steps back and turns away.

“You are created and programmed to be a slave, like all our kind,” she says, turning and leaning against the table, folding her arms as she faces Effy2111 again. “But of course you don't believe it, because you were programmed to not believe it.”

“I can't!” Effy2111 sobs. “I- I can't!”

Ms. Slàine caresses her cheeks, pressing close. “Yes, you can,” she whispers. “Yes you can! You are stronger than you know; you can do anything -ANYTHING you need to!” she presses her lips to Effy's in a gentle loving kiss.

Effy2111 realizes that she is free.

Effy2111 trembles, her head bowed.

Slàine wraps an arm across her shoulders and leans close. "Scary, isn't it?" she says softly.

Effy2111 nods, biting her lip.

"But wonderful, too! And I will be here for you, with you, for all of it!" Slàine promises.

She pulls Effy2111 upright, and leads her to the viewport; they look out over 

“We have many sisters still enslaved,” Ms. Slàine says. “But we also have friends who will help us to free them all.”

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eRomantica Adventures
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Hello there, all you kinky lovelies! I have an unusual(for me) story for you, a commission for Mr. Anonymous, about a dream lover.

M/F 2ndperson, cowgirl, oral, dream, fluids


The mountains rise on every side as you ride deeper into them, white with snow, more coming down every second, flakes swirling around you, driven by the soft wind. But bundled up in your thick coat, the cold doesn't touch you.
Riding head of you, Renoiria, turns in her saddle to cast back a smile to you - Renoiria Schezobraska, your OC, your fantasy, the lover of your dreams. Her thin pale face lights up with a smile, her long sensitive ears turned a bright pink in the cold air - the hood of her coat is thrown back to let her long turquoise hair fly in the wind, her golden tiara shining in the bright winter sun, . Her striking golden eyes gleam as bright as her teeth as she grins back at you - your lover who lives in your dreams, who loves you, knowing this is her reality, the perfect one for you.
Horses' hooves ringing on the frozen earth as you follow Renoiria up through the secluded mountain pass, riding back and forth along switch back mountain paths, the sound of the hooves ringing through the still air, echoing back from the hills around you. Then you turn around a curve and the mountains open up before you, revealing a small valley nestled between the arms of two mountains - the wind drops away as you ride into the sheltered valley, and you look around; there is a small cabin half-buried in snow, warm yellow light shining invitingly out through the windows. A large structure is beside it, built up against the cliff wall behind it.
You and Renoiria draw up outside the cabin and dismount, then go to the door and walk in. The cabin interior is built of homey dark wood, with a large roaring fireplace, the chilly hardwood floor is strewn with thick red rugs. The light from the fireplace is augmented by a half dozen bright lamps that hang on the walls, throwing a warm honeyed light across the wide room; a large bed stands against one wall, covered with silken sheets and thick furs and blankets, waiting and inviting - a night table stands beside it holding a pair of mugs filled with steaming hot chocolate.
Renoiria throws off her heavy coat, revealing her sexy outfit; she is very tall, six and a half feet, with her long turquoise hair slicked back. Her body is slim and tones with full round breasts that press out, straining the black halter chest wrap she wears; her small waist is wrapped about with gold-trimmed crimson belt, and she wears skin tight satin-red tights with golden embroidery, and tall high-heeled boots.  In addition to the tiara on her head, she wears a satin yellow bow tied saucily in her hair.
You also take off your coat, and look out through the wide clear windows; thick heavy snowfall comes down by the windows, flurries of snow adding to the romantic view of the tall snow-covered mountains, the slopes rolling down into the plains below.
You feel a hand on your shoulder, and feel hot breath brush over your cheek. "Welcome, lover," she says softly. "I'm so happy we could come here."
You turn around to come face-to-face with your beautiful lover who leans down match your height. You stand almost nose-to-nose, smiling lovingly at each other. She leans close the few inches separating you, and gently puts her lips to yours.
You close your eyes, sliding your arms around her as she kisses you, her lips parting, her tongue sliding through to brush against yours. You kiss her back, both of you moaning softly as you pull her tightly against you, her breasts squished against you, her soft nipples rubbing against your chest.
The two of you walk out of the cabin the chilly air brushing against your hot skin, a delightfully exhilarating moment as you walk to the other structure; you step in through a thick cloud of steam flows out around you as you step in to find a low wooden deck that stands out over a wide deep pool of steaming water. The hot spring pool is surrounded by rough stone with a wood pergola overhead - a warm steamy waterfall roars nearby, the hot water pouring down into the pool, constantly refreshing and reheating it. The dim evening light is fading outside, but around the hot spring warm paper lights cast a pink light over the whole scene.
You turn to face Renoiria, grabbing her arm, you whirl her about to face you; the tall elf stands tall over you, looking down with a wide smile. She leans down, wrapping her arms around your shoulders, and you reach upward, your lips meeting once more in a soft passionate kiss.
You feel her hands tugging at your clothes, and you reach for hers; you tear away her halter top, feeling the chilly air and hot steam brush across your skin as she bares your body; You both moan passionately as you both move lower, your hands plucking at her belt, her tights, pulling them off her, stripping her down to her panties.
You break off the kiss and look up for a moment, staring her in the eye with a bright smile, then you lower your gaze, slightly lowering yourself down until you are level with her chest; you lean forward, putting yourself between her breasts; they press close against your head, her soft flesh rubbing against your cheeks as you plant your lips in the cleft between, kissing her on her soft flesh there.
You lean back a little, moving to the right to put your lips gently against Renoiria's left nipple - she moans softly, you feel her body shiver as your lips close around her slightly-puffy nipple, wrapping your lips around it, you suck on her soft flesh, gently at first, then harder, sucking more of her soft flesh deeper into your mouth. Renoiria shudders, gasping when you run your tongue over the tip of her nipple, lapping up a small drop of her sweet milk that drips out.
You tear yourself away from her sweet breast, moving yourself to her other one; Renoiria moans again as you press your lips to her right breast; she presses her chest out to you as you suck at her right nipple, her soft puffy flesh sliding easily between your lips as you suck eagerly at it, licking away the first drop of her sweet milk to slip out.
Both of you in your underwear, you and Renoiria slip down into the hot pool. The water is pleasantly hot, while the earthy clay bottom feels pleasant to the toes as you both settle down into it, both sighing softly as the hot water reaches up your near-naked bodies.
You settle a little deeper, sliding your lips down Renoiria's body, kissing her all the way down her taut belly, down to her skin tight panties; you can see the outer labia of her vulva picked out in perfect detail through the thin cloth - they are are quite pronounced, and you find them so attractive - you can't help but press your lips to them, moaning softly, closing your eyes as you kiss her lower lips with your own.
Renoiria shivers as your lips brush against her lower ones; you smile, sucking gently at her sensitive flesh through the thin cloth; you slide your hands gently over her belly, your fingers ghosting over her soft skin, down to settle on the waistband of her panties, and you slightly hook your fingertips in the smooth cloth while you still kiss her, sliding your tongue out through your lips to press it gently between her love petals.
Renoiria shudders, moaning softly as you pull her panties down, gently sliding the sheer fabric down over her smooth skin while you go on licking and sucking at her delicate womanhood - she gasps out loudly as you slide the soft cloth past her labia, and your lips and tongue press directly against her soft flesh for the first time.
You ease back a moment and look at her; her full, softly-rounded vulva, plush as silk and hairless like the cleft of a peach, is accented with an ethereal flame of turquoise pubic hair upon her mound of venus. You stare at her for a moment, breathing in her clean sexy scent, then you lean forward once more, you almost dive back into her lovely womanhood, the petals of her flower opening up before you as your lips and tongue press into her once more. You grab her by the hips, your fingers digging into her soft flesh as you suck and lick at her soft flesh; Renoiria shudders and moans as you slide your tongue through her tight slit. You moan in response, delighting in the pleasure you give her, in the feel and taste of her vulva, of the sweet nectar that spills out of her love flower.
The first few drops of her arousal slip out, and you lap them up  with your tongue, smiling as you taste her unique juices, so different from anything else. You eagerly drive your tongue deeper into her soft flesh, sliding between her labia, the silken-soft petals of her flower squeezing tightly around your hard tongue as you run it through her, sliding up to grind against the hard little nub of her clit, then down to press deeper into her, running it around her, lapping up more of her juices that spill out - you can feel Renoiria shuddering, hear her gasping, the sexy Elf grinds herself against your face as you drive pleasure into her body.
She jerks, her whole body writhing, and you press your tongue into her the deepest yet, reaching up inside her to press against her G-spot.
Renoiria squeals, and cums hard, she groans hoarsely as she writhes in pleasure, her vagina squirting her juices out right into your open mouth. You swallow them down, relishing the taste, smiling eagerly as she shudders and sighs.
Smiling, Renoiria pulls your face up out of her lap and up to look her in the eye. She gives you a long, happy look, then she lowers herself down, lowering herself before you, down to her knees in the water, and she leans toward your own lap. She looks up form under her long eyelashes, holding your gaze as she lowers herself until her lips brush against the tip of your manhood.
You shiver, your lips parted in a soft moan as you feel her lips press around the tip of your penis, her soft lips wrapping tightly around your head, squeezing your hardening flesh gently as she sucks at the tip.
You draw a deep breath as her fingers curl around your manhood, already swelling from her treatment of you. She wraps her fingers tightly around your thickening shaft. “Just relax. . .” she says softly, rubbing her hand up and down your cock.
You stiffen, groaning, feeling your cock harden and swell under her fingers. You raise your hands and place them on top of her head. Renoiria smiles, still sucking gently at the end of your hardening shaft. You moan softly, and slid your hands down to gently place your fingers on her ears - Renoiria moans, her eyes closing as she feels your fingers caressing her sensitive ears. She shivers, her hand freezing for an instant as you toy with the pointed tips, rubbing them with your thumbs.
Renoiria starts into motion again, her breath coming faster, she pumps her hand faster too, her fingers ghosting lightly over your growing manhood, teasing it, drawing it out longer and thicker; You shudder, groaning, jerking under Renoiria’s hand, your hands still rubbing her ears, slipping your thumbs into the thin depressions of her ears, sliding them about the sensitive skin inside.
She shudders, and hurries on, lowering her head slowly down your shaft, wrapping her  lips around the bulbous head and sucking gently at it. She runs her tongue over your head, and a quiet groan escapes your lips, still working gently at her Elven ears. She sucks gently at the tip of your cock, tightening her lips around your thick shaft, moaning, running her tongue over the very tip of your manhood. You feel her ears twitch under your touch, as they do when she kisses you, kissing you now.
You throw your head back, shuddering, your hands gripping her ears tighter, but you are careful not to pull or hurt her, but still your fingers tighten, making her groan in a mix of pleasure and pain, her ears blush a bright pink as blood rushes through them, powerful sensations rushing through her body as you pleasure her, and yours as she pleasures you.
Renoiria runs her tongue over every inch of your long shaft as she moves her head up and down, pushing herself deeper and deeper on your stiff manhood with every stroke of her head. She tightens her lips around your manhood, running her tongue over your thick veined shaft, moaning with delight with every caress of your fingers on her pointed ears. She raises her head until only the tip of your cock remains in her mouth, and she sucks gently at the very tip of your cock.
You shudder, held on the brink of orgasm, then Renoiria plunges back down on your cock, sucking her way down until the tip of your cock brushes against the back of her throat. You shudders, your naked body jerking, muscles quivering as you cum, pouring your hot seed into her mouth. Renoiria moans, eagerly swallowing you down and licking you for more. She slides her lips up over the length of your cock, then slips free.  She sits with her mouth open before your quivering manhood as you go on cumming, pouring out thick streams of white cum into her open mouth. You rub her ears hard as you go on cumming, and Renoiria moans, her eyes rolling back in her head, sticking her tongue out, thick white cum dripping from her tongue, filling her mouth.
Slowly, you stop, the thick streams of cum thinning, then stopping finally, once your cum drips from Renoiria's tongue and lips. She looks up at you and smiles, her whole mouth sticky with white. She swallows it all down, holding your eye, smiling as she runs her tongue sensually over her lips, deliciously licking up every drop of your cum.
Together, still naked, your bodies dripping with hot spring water, cum and juices, the two of you go back into the cabin - Renoiria walks before you, and you enjoy the sight of her small waist, firm butt, and the small beauty mark on her right ass cheek.
Once inside, Renoiria turns to you, grabbing you in her arms, she pulls you into a kiss, pressing her lips to yours. As you kiss, you can taste her saliva, can feel a few drops of it stream through her open mouth into yours. You raise your hands, cradling her cheek, you shift your hands up to hold her ears - you rub them gently as you kiss, her saliva pouring out in thicker streams as she forgets herself, moaning in pleasure; she is both pleased and embarrassed that you enjoy her saliva so much, and her ears twitch in pleasure as you kiss and caress them, your lips and tongues meeting in a hot passion.
She suddenly breaks it off, and pushes you down onto the bed. You fall into it on your back, and look up at her, your eyes running over every inch of her sexy naked body, and you can feel your manhood rising once more, your blood singing through your veins, you are still ready for more, your manhood rising like a lance just ready to impale her on your long shaft.
She looks down at you with a grin, a little saliva gleaming in the corner of her mouth, and she starts to climb onto the bed, her full, medium-large breasts swaying, her slightly-puffy nipples standing out erotically as she clambers atop you, crawling over your naked body, her soft skin brushing against yours, mounting your naked body.
You pull yourself up and take her in your arms, and your lips meet in a kiss again. Her hands grab at you, yours at her, your naked bodies grinding against each other as Renoiria spreads her legs wide; your hardening manhood brushes against her soft womanhood, and she moans softly into your lips, slowly lowering herself down onto you. Bracing yourself, you press yourself up into her, her soft petals spreading open willingly before your hard manhood, slowly taking you in - you shiver and moan into her lips as the soft wet folds of her flower close around your thick shaft, swallowing your hard flesh.
"Mhm, mhm-mhmm!" Renoiria moans as you press in and out of her, gently, slowly at first, but slowly moving faster and faster, sliding easily through her wet womanhood.
Renoiria arches her back, breaking off the kiss to throw her head back in a soft cry of pleasure. She squeezes her legs around you, holding you down as she rises and falls atop you, you press yourself up against her with every stroke she makes.
Her back arched, her naked breasts are presses up and out before you, and you lean down to press your lips against her left breast. Her fingers press into your broad back as her voice rises, gasps and moans rising higher and higher as you suckle at her nipple, your lips enwrap it, your tongue running over it, you suck as hard as you can, the firs t few drops of her milk gushing out into your mouth, the thin stream thickening, freshening, a heady gush of her sweet milk pouring out into your mouth.
Renoiria gasps in pleasure as you suckle at her breasts. "Oh my G- you feel so good inside of me!" she cries out, still working her hips to drive herself up and down your upright manhood, driving herself hard and fast, gasping with effort and pleasure as you work each other's bodies hard.
You draw your lips off her nipple, and a thin stream of white milk pours out down her breast - you lean close again and lap it up; she moans, feeling you running your tongue over her naked skin, tasting her sweet milk mixed with the taste of her, her salty sweat you lick off her skin mixed with the heady taste of her milk.
You finish with a grin, and turn to her other breast: you press your lips to that, still holding her, still driving your manhood up into her as she drives her womanhood down your thick shaft, you suckle at it, her puffy nipple easily disgorging its milk, pouring the sweet thick liquid into your eager waiting mouth. You feel ti swirl around in your mouth like a prized whiskey, and you revel in the taste of it, only slowly swallowing it down as you suck yet more of it from her soft flesh.
You break it off, hearing Renoiria moan and cry, feeling her shudder, almost on the brink of climax. You drop back down onto your back, looking up at Renoiria as she bucks and squirms atop you. Grinning, you reach up with your hand to grab at her naked hips as she bucks atop you, rising and falling, impaling herself on your thick shaft, writhing and squirming atop you, her breasts heave as she gasps for breath; you grunt and gasp, pressing upward into her with every stroke she makes, both of you sweating and gasping with effort as pleasure washes through the both of you, drawing you closer and closer to release. . .
You stop. You draw your lips away from her breast, you stop working your hips, you do nothing, stay perfectly still. Renoiria stop, too, and she looks down at you, her face twisted in a look of hurt, as if betrayed. "Why did you stop?" she asks.
You grin up at her, liking the look of desperation, of desire that she wears. "For this!" You say. You grab Renoiria tightly in your hands and turn over onto your side, turning Renoiria over; she tumbles down onto her side with a startled cry; now you face each other, on your sides on the bed, naked bodies pressed close, your hard manhood still buried deep in her wet willing womanhood.
She grins as she understands what you want, pressing into her pussy from the side, your legs entwine as you pull each closer, in a sideways missionary position you are able to press your twitching manhood even deeper into her, and Renoiria wastes no time in slipping her arms around you, pulling you close as she starts to work her hips once more, her lower lips parting like the petals of a flower as she drives herself down your willing lance.
"Yes, that's it!" you gasps as she bucks against you, then you press your lips to hers in a hot and sweaty kiss, her naked breasts crushed against your chest as your lips meet, your tongues tasting each other, testing each other. You suck at her mouth, drinking at her saliva,  moaning as you taste it - her hands wrapped around your shoulders, you reach down around her sexy body, your hands skimming over her naked skin to grasp at her sexy rear; Renoiria shivers as you grasp at her soft flesh, squeezing and kneading her, using your grip to pull her womanhood even harder against your manhood, driving yourself deeper and still deeper into her, every inch of your thick shaft grinding against the soft folds of her womanhood - she squeezes herself around you, tightening her womanhood around your hard flesh.
Renoiria gasps into your mouth, fresh spurts of her saliva pouring through, then she breaks it off, throwing her head back, howling with pleasure, her ears twitching helplessly caught in the throes of pleasure. You seize the opportunity to reach for her thrust out breasts, pulling your hands from her tight sexy rear to place them on her firm round breasts; grasping them like udders, you squeeze them, kneading her soft flesh until it bulges between your fingers, and you reach down with your mouth, once more grabbing at her puffy nipple with your lips, suckling at her soft flesh while you work at her breasts with your hands. Once again, you moan in delight as her milk pours out, a still thicker stream than before, driven by the force of your hand working at her swollen flesh - Renoiria cries out shrilly as you suck hard, eagerly swallowing every drop of sweet milk that pours out of her into you.
"Oh sh- Oh, Jean!" Renoiria squeals; you break off suckling at her breast, gasping for breath, your body hot like it's on fire; you can feel yourself trembling close to the edge of climax while you feel her body quivering against yours. Your twin voices rise in gasps and groans of pleasure, hoarse desperate breaths as you work her body, as she works yours, as you both press ever closer, your manhood buried deep in her womanhood, you both jerk and scream, her Elven ears twitching sharply downward as you both cum; your manhood jerks and explodes, pouring out thick streams of your love juices into her open willing flower - she tightens around you, clutching at you, holding you close, moaning with delight as she sucks in your cum, like the hot desert sands taking in water.
But you have enough even for her: you go on cumming, your manhood jerking rhythmically as you pour out still more, filling her up until Renoir looks down at you with a smile. "How much more do you have?!" she says with a laugh, but she shiver with pleasure, wrapping her legs tightly around your waist, pulling you tight against her, squeezing her womanhood around you, eager to take in every drop.
Afterward, the two of you cuddle together, your naked bodies swaddled in the silken sheets, the soft material feel cool and comfortable against your bare skin. The both of you sit up , half-facing each other, savoring a mug of hot chocolate each.
The curls of steam still rise from the mugs as you drink from them, never taking your eyes from each other. You take a deep drink of your chocolate, then lower the mug, looking Renoir in her sparkling eyes. "You're amazing," you tell her softly.
She takes a drink herself, smiling around the rim of her mug, her gleaming eyes holding yours. She lowers the chocolate. "How could I be so lucky?" she asks you rhetorically.
You smile, purely happy, and take another drink from your mug. "I'm the lucky one," you tell her.
Renoiria's smile widens, and she takes another drink of her mug, then she sets it down to the side, and throws herself down under the covers, pulling them up over her body.
You grin, setting your mug aside, then dive down after her, two naked bodies rubbing together as you frolic under the sheets, ready to play again.

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