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JackieFox NSFW profile
JackieFox NSFW
JackieFox NSFW
I make erotic hypnosis and nsfw story content!

Subscription Tiers

USD monthly
Early Access/Suggestion

See my content three weeks earlier than it would be released publicly! (Do note that sometimes there may be months without new files)

Bonus: Suggest kinks or themes for my next file! I may not take the suggestion if I think I couldn't do much with it- but I will heavily consider if it may work!

USD monthly
Have me record something!

Once a month, send me a short (less than 100 word) script or comic you'd like me to voice! It could be a piece of smut you like, a birthday greeting, short fun with triggers, a personalized message, a meme- whatever you like! If I like it- I may even post it for everyone to see!

Either way- I would please ask that you have an exact 'script' in mind. This isn't really for full improv.

Be aware- I may ask you to select another depending on the content

(+ benefits of all lower tiers)

Tier 2 Sub :3
USD monthly
Personal Session

This is a bit experimental- I'm not sure how it will go

This tier will get you a ~20min voice call with me over discord, once a month! One-on-one, to be spent however you like! I could try out some triggers on you, tease, put you under and toy around with a quick improv session, take on a submissive role for you if you'd like to tease the hypnodom, or just play some games, I guess x3

We would need to spend some time setting things up- and it would really benefit from you being as detailed with your wants as possible- so I know exactly what things to focus on, and dont waste time meandering or thinking things through.

Im limiting this tier to just three people at the moment, as I want to test the waters. I've only done this kind of thing once or twice- and it does tend to be a little stressful, so it we'll just need to see how it goes!

(+ benefits of all lower tiers)

Limited (0 out of 3) subscriptions
VIP!!! <3


  • Early access to my hypnosis files and similar content- three weeks before the public release! (Do note: There may be months without releases.)
  • Suggest kinks or themes for my next file! Get short audios, or even one-on-one sessions!
  • Support me and my work! Id be very thankful! ^.^
JackieFox NSFW

Poll Results

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JackieFox NSFW

Project Poll! ~

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JackieFox NSFW
Public post

Monthly check-in/Updates!

Heya~. Its once again time to figure out whats next! But first off I'd like to give some updates on everything ♥

Status: Charmed Musings
I hope everyone liked Charmed ^^. It was great fun to make, even though the deadline had me a little freaked out <u>. I hope it wasn't disorienting to have it posted on subscribestar so early? But I really liked the idea of having it publicly release on Valentines.
I've heard a BIT of good things about it, but as is the norm lately: I've not gotten much feedback <u>. I hope folks enjoyed it. I tried out a lot of stuff that I'm unsure whether or not I'll keep, so we'll see how everything goes ^^'

One regret with the file: I feel like I should've named it something else. I forgot that the first Lesson file used 'charm' in the other sense of the word, and it irks me a little to have two things so similarly named. Oh well <u>. Thats what I get for rushing!

Lesson 2.5: Valentines Night Musings
I also hope folks got a kick out of this. I had hoped to get it done earlier, but... thats how things go! <u>

I really like the idea of expanding characters a little, and making them into something people can engage with or connect to. I talk about rapport in the last hypno file, and part of me wonders if building rapport as a character will help with hypnosis?
But beyond that: I like having stories to tell, and making people feel things ^~^. So if theres interest in doing similar sorta SFW things in the future, I could.

If not, it still works fine as a little standalone for the valentines season. It just felt right to put a bit of a love story in there, even if I'm known for my smut x3. Not too different to how I often make my text posts take a turn for the romantic or caring, y'know? Its just what I like ♥.

I recently took a whole bunch of pics in my latex a little while back, and I'm planning to edit them together to post on my fansly sometime soon! Look forward to that, if you're interested in that kinda thing <3. I don't advertise my fansly too much, but I was thinking of posting teasers for it here or there.

I kinda wish I could tie fansly to subscribestar, so that pledging on one gives you access to the other- I feel kinda scummy sorta... 'double dipping' otherwise?
Thankfully nobody whos on my fansly is on my subscribestar, or vice versa, so I've not needed to worry about that. I dunno. Its a conflict for me. I guess you're paying for two very different types of content, so maybe its fine as is... I dunno.
Right now I dont update my fansly too much either (part of why I'm hesitant to advertise >u>), but I'm trying to get a bit better with it. We'll see.

Whats up in Jackie's life?
Things have been a little hectic! I don't usually work with a hard deadline on the files, so having two in a row kinda messed me up a little <u>. On top of that I worked on a commission that you might see soon (!!!) that took a lot of time and effort to get right, made a voice pack for DID Game's Bondage Game Jam, and had some personal stuff to square away. With all that, I've been pretty beat! <u>.

Life is also... pretty stressful aswell. Money continues to be a strong worry, the AC is breaking (especially bad since I live in Florida), and one of my parents is doing some very frustrating things out of desperation or stupidity. 

But I'm living. And sometimes thats all you can do, y'know...?
Anyhow. I'm gonna make the project vote a separate post, since I don't want it getting bogged down to the bottom of this x3.
See you~ ♥
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JackieFox NSFW
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~Lesson 2.5: Valentines Night~

A moonlit encounter with the hypnotic, enslaving kitsune, Ren...
...But something is different. It is Valentines, but they haven't taken advantage of the season, or you, this whole month.
You could ask them about it, but are you ready for what you might find...?

This is a special little audio! It isn't a hypnosis file, or hypnosis related at all!
This is a little story, really~.

It takes place within the 'canon' of my 'Lesson [X]: files- where you take the role of the apprentice to a hypnotic kitsune, who loves to tease and torment you <3.

... But not this time. This time, they have been quiet. After an abrupt end to your last session together, they have cut off contact with you. Is something wrong...? Or could it be something to do with the fact that it is February, and Valentines Day is here...
Go on and ask them whats wrong.
You never know- you may end up learning a bit about your 'friend', and perhaps grow a little closer...

~So, what is the audio?~

This audio is somewhere nearer to a audiodrama or ASMR kind of thing. It Ren sitting and talking with you, their 'apprentice, as you try to figure out what is wrong and perhaps cheer them up!

Its a little short story, where you get to learn a little bit more about Ren, and experience a little emotional or even romantic moment with them ^^.

I call it Lesson 2.5, because its sort of a... intermediary chapter. A little bonus~. I may reference it in other files, but it is just a little story for you to enjoy ^^.
I hope it can make you feel something? Get you a little invested in this mysterious fox? Perhaps forge a greater connection and enjoy the scene? We'll see <3

~What isn't the audio?~
It isn't hypnosis, though it does reference hypnosis.
It doesn't contain any triggers, though it does reference and tease at using the 'Charmed' trigger I made recently.
It is not porn, though it does touch upon the play you've done together.

It is just an intimate moment shared with someone underneath a somewhat starry sky <3

~Does it require listening to the other Lesson files?~
Not really! It will work well enough standalone!
I express everything you should need in that opening narration. Ren is a hypnotic fiend who preys on the city. You are their apprentice. They are acting strangely lately. That should be enough to understand!~

Subscribestar Extras: Heres the transcript of this audio! Theres no other extras this time around, because theres no hypnosis stuff <u>

Thats everything! Please tell me what you think ^^. I've been really excited to make this and experiment with more stories~. I really wana make characters that folks can enjoy and get invested in, and Ren is one with a good bit of story to tell, so I'd love to do more if theres interest!
Thank you for supporting me, I hope you enjoy <3

Google drive for downloads and WAV version

Lesson 2.5 - Valentines.mp3
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JackieFox NSFW

~Status Series: Charmed~Love is in the air. . . All it takes is just few little words…Just a few ...

+ 2 other attachments
Posted for $3, $15, $35 tiers
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JackieFox NSFW
Public post
Time for another update, I decided!~
I wana do these semi-regularly, and it just so happens theres a bit to talk about!~

Whats the next file gonna be, then?

I was GOING to do a little vote on it, but something struck me soon after I made that last post!
Valentines day is coming up, and that is the perfect opportunity to make a file I've been mulling over for a while!~
'Status Series: Charmed'!
Imagine it like a love potion~. A trigger that instantly inspires deep and obsessive devotion towards someone else! Making you desperate and eager to please them, fawning over them as if they were your true love ♥.

Love is in the air, so it sounds like Valentines day would be the perfect time for that kind of file~. I'm hard at work on it right now, currently writing it up!
I'm hoping to get it recorded and released to you all fairly soon, since the goal is likely going to be to have the public release happen on valentines day itself!
That means you guys get to have fun with it for a good while beforehand~

We'll see how that goes, of course. I also have mulled over the idea of having the subscribestar release be on valentines day, but im worried that interest will have waned by the time it reaches the general public <u>. And even if I DO work on the file as fast as possible, that still means that it will only be likely TWO weeks before the public release, instead of the 3... We'll see. 

Working on ANOTHER valentines themed audio?!

Thats not all that I have planned!
I was inspired for ANOTHER valentines project, that I hope to try and release in time for the season aswell!
It isn't a trigger file, or even hypnosis themed in general! Its actually going to be more of a sfw story audio~.

I'm still in the outline phase, since I want to finish and release Charmed before I even think about touching this, but the idea is to have a cute little audio involving Ren!

They aren't their usual teasing and corrupting self this Valentines season... Maybe you should give them a little hand?

Whats up in Jackie's life?

Things are admittedly a little rocky <u>. I've been focusing on trying to get back into the swing of things, but its definitely been stressful! Issues with finances, my girlfriend struggling to go back to college, family troubles, and woes over the political climate- all have had me feeling pretty down if I'm honest ^.^'

But I'm getting through it! I'm inspired on my work, I'm getting a couple of commissions here and there, I have a lot of things to keep me busy and focused, and streaming is going alright!
So I'm hoping things go a little easier and start looking up ^^.

Part of me wants to try again to make enough income from voice acting and subscribestar, and potentially streaming to keep me above water... but I don't know <u>. It probably isn't in the cards for right now. The new job hunt is gonna kick off, and we'll see where all that goes. No sense getting all stressed over it.

Anyhow, thats it for now! See you around!~
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