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IonnisVN profile
Developing Clutch Time!

Subscription Tiers

per month
Enthusiastic Fan
  • All channels of discord
  • Access to patron-only posts
  • You’ll get the game three days after Dedicated Competitor
  • Access to walkthroughs
  • Discord role (Enthusiastic Fan)
  • My sincerest thanks!
Enthusiastic Fan
per month
Dedicated Competitor
  • All previous rewards
  • You’ll get the game three days after Star Athlete
  • Sneak peeks
  • Access to polls
  • Discord role (Dedicated Competitor)
  • Thanks you so much!
Dedicated Competitor
per month
Star Athlete
  • All previous rewards
  • You’ll get the game three days after Elite Contender
  • Bonus monthly 4k renders
  • Discord role (Star Athlete)
  • I owe you a virtual high-five!
Star Athlete
per month
Elite Contender
  • All previous rewards
  • You’ll get the game on the same day it’s finished!
  • You can request a monthly 4k render
  • Discord role (Elite Contender)
  • I'd buy you a coffee if I could!
Elite Contender
per month
Legendary Champion
  • All previous reward
  • Discord role (Legendary Champion)
  • This level doesn’t offer anything special. I’m leaving it here in case anyone wants to and can, above all, support me just a bit more in this adventure. If you choose to, I will be eternally grateful.
Legendary Champion


  • Access the latest version of the game!
  • See exclusive posts and bonus images!
  • Support the game!


Posted for $5, $10, $19.50, $39.50 tiers
Unlock Tier

Progress Report #1

Posted for $3, $5, $10, $19.50, $39.50 tiers
Unlock Tier


Posted for $10, $19.50, $39.50 tiers
Unlock Tier
Public post

What to expect from me and what's coming on the second update!

Hey guys, a few days have passed since the game’s release, and I’ve been checking out all the opinions and seeing how it’s been doing overall.
Honestly, I didn’t expect so much; I have to be honest. I wanted to release the first version so you could get a glimpse of what I’ve been working on. I’ve seen many downloads on Itch, more people are joining Discord, and a few members are joining on Patreon. I’m super happy to see that the game is being well received. That’s why I want to talk to you about version 0.2.
I’m going to focus mainly on the story. You don’t know much yet, just a flashback and that’s it. So, I want to give you more hints about what’s happening around the MC.
I’m aiming for around 10,000 words in this update, as 6,000 feels too short. I’m planning three new scenes, more images, and I want the next version to give you a bit more playtime so it doesn’t feel so brief. I also want to refresh the image of the Itch page a bit since I feel that the current picture isn’t quite convincing.
Now, let me tell you how the game is progressing so far (not too much, guys, mostly I've been writing). I’ll leave these kinds of updates for paying members from now on. I don’t want to force anyone, but please understand, the game takes up a significant part of my day-to-day life. I already have little time with university, so I would appreciate some support in return. So, I’ll start posting progress reports, sneak peeks, etc., only for paying members. I invite you to join and hope you enjoy what you’re seeing and reading.
I also invite you to join Discord, where you can talk to me, discuss the game, and maybe get some hints about the new version if you ask the right questions.
I might post public updates just showing the percentage of the game’s progress so you can see how it’s evolving and know how much is left. It’s an idea I have, and I’ll keep thinking about it.
I won’t ramble on any longer. I wanted to make a short post, but I always end up writing more. Thanks if you’ve read this far.

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Public post


Finally, I can say it, the game is out!
I've left the link for you to go check it out on Itch.
I hope you like it, I’m looking forward to your reactions and comments.
Enjoy, that’s what matters most.
Here’s what the first part of the game includes:
+3000 lines of code
+6000 words
+400 renders
+30 new tracks
+10 animations

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