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Graventhax profile
3D NSFW Animations and renders + sometimes drawings
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per month
Light supporter
  • Weekly 3D render image
  • Weekly work in progress content
  • Occasional outtakes
  • All public animations in higher quality
  • Support me in general
per month
Medium supporter
  • Biweekly uploads for half of the public animations but with a different viewing angle (Replaced by a new exclusive animation from time to time)
  • Weekly 3D render image
  • Weekly work in progress content
  • Occasional outtakes
  • All public animations in higher quality
  • Support me in general
per month
Advanced supporter
  • Weekly uploads for all of existing animations but with a different viewing angle (Replaced by a new exclusive animation from time to time)
  • Weekly 3D render image
  • Weekly work in progress content
  • All public animations in higher quality
  • Occasional outtakes
  • Support me in general
per month
Heavy supporter
  • Biweekly bonus 360 VR video uploads of existing animations
  • All public animations in higher quality
  • Weekly 3D render image
  • Weekly work in progress content
  • Weekly uploads for all of existing animations but with a different viewing angle (Replaced by a new exclusive animation from time to time)
  • Occasional outtakes
  • Support me in general


  • Supporter exclusive content
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Warming up Sarkin's snout
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