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Author's Note: Standard disclaimer applies: this story contains fictional depictions of erotic sc...

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Author's Note: Standard disclaimer applies: this story contains fictional depictions of erotic scenarios, so act accordingly! All characters are at least eighteen, all situations are entirely fictional, and any resemblance to any real-life individuals or situations is entirely coincidental. Copyright Fidget, all rights reserved. Enjoy!

RepliKate and the BunnyGirls

by Fidget

RepliKate impatiently waited for the patrol to walk by, activating her powers as she stepped into the hallway behind them. The classy, dark evening gown that molded itself to her smooth curves vanished suddenly, leaving her ample assets fully nude for an almost-imperceptible instant as she strode down the hall before rough Kevlar materialized around her body, wrapping her in dark blue body armor as a standard-issue visored helmet obscured her elegant features. She adopted the no-nonsense gait of a professional paramilitary guard, and reached a manicured finger down to switch on the radio at her hip, whose intermittent barking would allow her to avoid guard hotspots as she continued her infiltration.

Her first stop was the air defense control room, where she quickly disabled the automatic defenses once the single technician on duty had been dispatched. She now only had a limited amount of time before her presence was discovered, but it should be more than enough to complete her mission.

RepliKate made her way to central command, saluting the few soldiers she passed along the way, who had no reason to suspect someone who looked so much like they did.

The final test was the gaggle of guards outside the double doors that led to the Commander's office, but to her surprise, her flimsy claim that she had an "urgent message from Communications for the Commander. Eyes only," was somehow enough to merit being waved through with only a glance at her badge. Kate had been prepared for a firefight at this stage of the operation, but she would certainly settle for disappointingly lax security instead. Still, she couldn't really blame them. They had no reason to believe that someone could have gotten this deep into the compound without notice. But, RepliKate wasn't just anyone.

Commander Conquer looked up in surprise from his desk as an ordinary guard burst into his private office.

"What are you doing in here? There better be a good reason for this interruption," the tall man with the impressive mustache stated imperiously as he looked down at the interloper over folded hands, believing himself to be entirely in charge of the situation. His green and yellow camouflaged fatigues clashed severely with the dark blue body armor worn by all of his soldiers, and for just an instant Kate thought his crimes against fashion were already more than enough to warrant taking him in.

"Sir, there's no time! We have to secure the room!" RepliKate insisted as she bounded toward his desk.

"What? Who are you? What's your operating number?" The flustered Commander spluttered, losing his carefully cultivated composure as the guard quickly rounded the desk, drew her pistol, and placed it against his temple. She was glad to have chosen a uniform with a sidearm this time. It made things a bit less messy. Or more messy, depending on the mission.

"Commander Conquer, you are under arrest for organizing an armed insurrection, and will now accompany me back to the International Court to stand trial for your crimes", she stated matter-of-factly, lifting her visor to reveal her famous features.

"RepliKate! I should have known! What makes you think I'll-," the commander started, before slumping over as Kate injected a tranquilizer into his neck. Her target incapacitated, she deftly reached down to switch her radio frequency to the one used by her International Alliance allies.

"Command? It's RepliKate. I've got our man and we are clear for exfiltration," she said, dragging the limp body of the commander out onto his private helipad. Seconds later, a helicopter dropped onto the pad in front of her as a pair of IA troopers hopped down to help load the unconscious prisoner. With no alarm from air defense, by the time the commander's guards realized something was wrong, their leader was already gone.

After strapping herself in to her jumpseat, an instant later Kate was once again wearing the elegant evening gown from before the mission. The eyes of the other soldiers in the helicopter widened at the change, not only because of RepliKate's reputation or their own awe at seeing her legendary powers in action, but also because of the flash of creamy skin they thought they saw during her clothing's transformation.

Used to the stares, Kate settled in to enjoy the ride back to base. It was just another successful day on the job for RepliKate, valiant copycat superhero of the International Alliance.

"Another job well done RepliKate. You've just saved the lives of the hundreds of thousands of people who were under the thumb of that deranged warlord." Her department chief had a proud smile on her face as she congratulated her.

"Only doing my job, ma'am."

Kate was currently replicating her official IA uniform, which she kept stored back at her locker. RepliKate hadn't actually put on clothing in decades, but the duplicated garments themselves were completely real and perfectly accurate as long as they were on her body. Even so, however, she often had to be a bit careful, because though she could adopt any clothing and accessories she wanted at any time, her face remained the same, and she was very recognizable.

"It looks as though there's no rest for the weary, however. A new job has come in - it's a shady organization running a series of bunny-themed brothels, but not much is known about them. We think they may be engaging in sex slavery, but, like I said, we have no proof. We need you to infiltrate the largest of these brothels and collect intel on their operations."

How disgusting, Kate thought to herself, more than eager to help with taking down such a heinous organization. "You can count on me, ma'am."

The squat, nondescript building had no windows, but it wasn't overly difficult to sneak through the loading dock and conceal herself in the back of the lobby, where she was able to catch enough of a glimpse of the bunny girls inside to activate her powers. Kate had wanted to replicate a technician's uniform, but after a few hours of observation it was clear that none of the technicians ever made their way into either the loading dock or the lobby, and she currently had no other way of seeing what their uniforms looked like.

Still, after actually seeing the bunny suits in person, RepliKate was horrified at just how obscene they were. She had a job to do, however, so she focused her concentration on one of the girls walking by and instinctively activated her powers.

An instant later RepliKate shuddered in disgust at the latex wrapped around her torso, encasing some of it, but leaving the majority of her body bare. It was slightly reassuring to know that her suit was a manifestation of her own powers, but the amount of skin it put on display still bothered her, as did what the suit stood for. She didn't need to give herself a once-over, since her powers always replicated uniforms perfectly, but she did so anyway. Sure enough, she was now in a pornographic black bunnysuit, complete with long ears, a puffy tail, and even a tiny bowtie, mirroring all of the other women flouncing around the lobby.

The headband from which her new ears sprouted felt oddly tight against her head, almost as if it were connected to her somehow, and it sounded like there was a low hum coming from where it met her scalp. Probably just motors for animatronics or something, Kate thought, directing her attention toward the rest of her ridiculous getup.

The "bra" portion of the suit was a quarter-cup, which, with the perfect fit her powers guaranteed, meant that her large, fully-revealed C-cup breasts and naked nipples stood proud and perky off of her chest, jiggling and bouncing on their small shelf whenever she moved. This was also as high as the suit's coverage went, leaving the entire rest of her chest and shoulders exposed up to her choker bowtie. From the sides the suit dove down to the small of her back, revealing everything to the eye, from her shapely shoulder blades to her toned lats to the soft, smooth skin of her lower back. Moreover, as was perhaps to be expected from a brothel, the BunnySuits were all crotchless, allowing easy access to her vagina as it and the lower curve of her asscheeks hung out the bottom, emphasizing just where the BunnyGirls' value to the Company lay. Black stiletto heels completed the outfit, ensuring that Kate would be putting the creamy skin of her toned thighs and tight ass on display with every step.

Despite technically never wearing clothes, Kate still felt a deep embarrassment at being forced to wear an outfit that was so revealing and objectifying in front of so many people. Still, she knew that it would be more than worth the discomfort to take these bastards down, and so she adopted a confident stride as she stepped out from behind her potted plant into the large lobby that served as the customer reception area.

"Sister!" she immediately heard from her left, and upon turning, saw a busty bunny whose smooth motions practically oozed sex gliding across the floor toward her. Her breasts were unrealistically large for her frame, and her thick nipples stood out proudly above her deceptively strong shelf bra. Kate would have assumed they were implants if not for the obviously organic way they jiggled as she walked, and the way the bunny swayed across the floor gave an arousing impression of erotic, welcoming eagerness, as though one only had to ask to be whisked off to a private room where one could experience all of the pleasures of her tantalizing flesh. Under any other circumstances Kate would have been jealous of the woman's overwhelming sex appeal, and with her own bisexual tendencies, Kate couldn't deny the lust the mere presence of this woman evoked within her. Her eyes briefly flicked down to the tasty folds advertised by the woman's crotchless bunny suit, inviting and encouraging Kate's guilty glance.

This bunny didn't act like a woman who had been unwillingly sold into sex slavery and was just playing a role to avoid punishment. On the contrary, even with just the two of them present, she still seemed all too eager to stoke the lusts of those around her, just like all of the other bunnies RepliKate had seen in her brief glance around the room, who also seemed genuinely excited to offer themselves for pleasure to the few men milling around. The girls seemed like a team of trained professionals who prided themselves on, and thoroughly enjoyed, their work. More than anything, though, the girls seemed... happy. Fulfilled even. Something wasn't adding up.

"Yes Sister!" RepliKate immediately responded, pushing her initial thoughts and impressions of the bunnies out of her mind. This was it. The job had officially started. Kate basked in the addicting rush of adrenaline she always felt at the start of a new mission, and steeled herself for her performance. From this point on, for all intents and purposes, she was a BunnyGirl.

"A Customer in Room 12 requires your services," the enchanting vision dressed in a sexy bunny suit said, turning to lead the way.

"Yes Sister!" Kate fell into step behind the woman, doing her best to imitate the impossible sway of her exaggerated hips.

She was soon led into a small room off the main corridor, where a fat, balding, middle-aged man lay naked on a bed eyeing the two bunnies' uncovered breasts and vaginas hungrily.

RepliKate watched the other bunny seductively stride over to the bed on her tall heels and bend over at the waist to gently take a stack of cash from the man while he buried his face in her breasts and roughly groped her. When he had finished, the bunny turned around, presenting her thick ass so that he could stick an eager hand between her legs for a few seconds as well. Kate viewed the euphoric smile on the bunny's face with utter disbelief as he felt her up, before the bunny finally straightened up to walk away. As she did so, however, the man gave her ass a resounding SMACK, but even that only resulted in the bunny turning halfway around as she retreated to give him a coquettish look of flushed arousal, and then she swayed the rest of the way out of the room as the handprint on her bouncing asscheek turned bright pink.

Kate was disgusted at the display. How could that woman allow herself to be treated like that, much less encourage it? She didn't have time to let herself dwell on the thought though, as she now had more immediate problems to deal with.

Ok, I have to get out of-DING I have to please this customer, right? she finished asking herself, already knowing the answer. Of course she had to please the Customer. That was her function, and the Customer had paid very well for her use, Kate thought to herself, suddenly finding a new appreciation for the sexy transaction she had just witnessed. How else could BunnyCorp cover the cost of Kate's upkeep and maintenance, so that she could continue to serve their Customers' sexual needs?

This time Kate was the one who swayed over to the bed, her toned curves flexing and bouncing enticingly as she bent over and cupped her breasts in the Customer's face, waiting for his approval. The Customer's eyes lit up, and he dove into her cleavage, suckling and biting as Kate moaned encouragingly, stoically ignoring the pain, before sliding her soft, elegant body into the bed alongside him.

She waited for the Customer to take the lead, but he just lay back on the bed, looking up at her impatiently. This was exactly the answer Kate needed to get to work, of course, and so she swung one leg of her BunnyBod over his torso, straddling him, before leaning forward to dangle her breasts in his face once again as her left hand fished around behind her leg for his small, erect phallus. Finally finding it, she eagerly placed it against her tight entrance and slowly slid down, engulfing him in her warmth and wetness, which before had only felt the touch of the most attractive athletes, actors, and models in the world.

Even so, Kate felt right at home pleasing her Customer, her soft skin gliding over his torso, her nipples tracing up and down his chest as his stiff little cock slid in and out of her tight superhero body. Her Customer lay limp beneath her, satisfied to let her do all of the work. Instead, he stared up into the enchanting face of the BunnyGirl riding his cock while her ears bobbed at her efforts, until sudden recognition came into his eyes.

"Hey, don't I know you from somewhere?"

"Of course you do, Sir. I'm your Bunny!" Kate insisted without slowing her pace as her self-preservation instinct kicked in. Even so, however, her statement felt oddly appropriate.

The man chuckled and lay back down as RepliKate continued her work. She was glad to be able to relax a bit after her close call, and turned her attention back to the enjoyable sensations of pleasing her Customer, continuing to slowly slide his small dick in and out of her silky pussy as it twitched weakly inside of her.

All too soon, the inevitable happened, and the Customer gave a series of high-pitched wheezes as he lost control inside her body. Kate was just glad the Customer was enjoying himself, and tried to get as much of his small penis inside her as she could as it continued to feebly ooze his seed into her shallows.

Once her BunnyPussy had done its job, she waited patiently and dutifully as he enjoyed a few final thrusts between her slick folds before pulling out. The instant he did so, RepliKate was finally able and ready to spring into action-DING ready to slide off the bed and sink down onto her knees. As always, Kate had performed her role perfectly, but even so, it had been the temptation of her sexy BunnyBod and slick, enticing BunnyPussy that had caused the customer to pleasurably spend himself inside of her, and now that the customer's cock was covered in their combined juices, it was her responsibility as a dutiful BunnyGirl to see that his valued equipment was properly cleansed of the residue of her actions.

She gently took the Customer's small, slimy, flaccid penis into her mouth and began to suck and clean with her tongue, happy to be of such use. She was careful not to overstimulate, because the Customer's cock was still sensitive from using her body, and even though it gave a few weak twitches in her mouth, the customer was older, and of below average fitness, so there was little chance of a repeat performance from her ministrations.

When she had finished, she felt a certain odd freedom after completing her task, and decided to leave the room. On her way out, still brimming with pleasure at having satisfied her Customer so thoroughly, Kate suddenly remembered that she needed to infiltrate-DING needed to spend some time in the cleaning closet before interacting with the other customers. She abruptly turned around in the middle of the room and walked back across to the small door set in the opposite wall. Inside was what looked like a futuristic janitor's closet, complete with a cleaning pod.

She briefly thought about using this chance to do something drastic, but she did really want to clean herself out after her time with the Customer so that she would be ready for re-use by her next appointment, so she lowered herself into the cleaning pod, noting that her mind was free of *DING*s as she decided to do so.

Once settled comfortably into her pod, Kate was finally free to think about her exertions with the man in the room as her cleaning cycle began. Her actions had felt perfectly natural at the time, but now that she could reflect on them, she recognized that not only were they antithetical to who she was as a person, but they also perfectly matched the behavior she had seen from her BunnyGirl companion. She had been acting like a BunnyGirl herself without even meaning to, up to and including fucking an ugly old man bareback for money, and she hadn't even realized how out of place it was at the time.

Heck, even now thinking about how her Customer had used her body felt somehow normal and appropriate, (and even sexy, she thought as the machine deftly cleaned the cum that was running down her legs, leaving pleasurable tingles in their wake), and only in hindsight with the benefit of her training did she recognize that anything about the situation was amiss.

Oh no. That could only mean that they were using some sort of mind control technology, Kate realized as the cleaning pod inserted what felt like a small metal dildo into her vagina. She felt a tingle of pleasure as it cleaned her out, preparing her BunnyBod for her next Customer before finally releasing her. Kate noticed a second door in the small room, and upon going through it, found herself in the main hall once more as she continued her ruminations.

The mind control tech must be stored in the BunnySuit, and then when my powers perfectly replicated the suit, it began affecting me like it had all of the other girls! Even in her panic it now felt perfectly natural for Kate to throw a seductive sway into her walk like a horny Bunny in heat, swinging her puffy tail around above her powerful glutes that flexed as she strutted, shown off by the tight latex they were encased in. That didn't bode well. It seemed like each mental adjustment was permanent, and also likely cumulative.

She also vaguely recalled hearing a DING whenever she had decided to do something out of character for a Bunny. Hmm, as long as I do what I'm supposed to, I don't get corrected, she thought as she swayed back to the central lobby, before recoiling in disgust and correcting herself. As long as I act like a Bunny prostitute, my suit doesn't override my mind and add another layer of mental compulsion. No wonder the Bunnies seemed to enjoy their jobs so well.

I just have to make sure to not-DING ignore the other Customers! she thought, heading out into the central greeting room to tempt the men there with all of the appealing skin she had on display. She joined the many other BunnyGirls circulating the room, showing off her body however she could, and it wasn't long before her efforts were rewarded with quite a few eager gropes, for which she happily stuck out her chest or ass so the potential Customer could accurately gauge her services.

Unfortunately, while her BunnyBod garnered significant attention as she mingled over the next hour, along with significant exposure to prodding, exploring fingers that had left Kate burning with arousal, it was inevitably the other BunnyBods on display that ended up leading the customers away to sate their desire for the female form. It was too bad she didn't have a bigger chest and ass like the other girls. Why did the other girls have such large assets?

After she had greeted every potential Customer and made them all very aware of the sexy features and value provided by her BunnyBod, Kate finally felt like she had sufficiently accomplished the task set before her, and allowed herself a few minutes to reflect on her situation as she flushed with pride at having done her duty so thoroughly.

Oh no, it happened again! Kate realized in panic as the reality of her situation came crashing down on her once more. She hadn't even been able to tell that her mind had been changed until after she'd completed her instructions! And even now, it had felt so good to show herself off that, rather than feeling embarrassed about her shameless, half-naked flirting, she just felt helplessly aroused instead, and secretly wished that her tits and ass had been big enough to convince one of the Customers to purchase her services.

Recognizing the increasingly perilous nature of her situation, RepliKate redoubled her determination to resist her sexy BunnySuit's mind control. I just have to be careful to-DING go to maintenance, for regularly scheduled WaBBuT-augmentation, she thought to herself calmly, before heading into the labyrinth of hallways branching away from the lobby with singular purpose, on her way to a destination her conscious mind had no way of knowing the location of, all while her headband fed her brain information about her regularly scheduled Waist, Breast, Butt, and Thigh augmentation.

Apparently, the swelling effects of the chemical growth treatment led to undesirable stretch marks when undertaken too quickly, so BunnyCorp had developed a regular process of gradual inflation, to ensure that the skin had time to recover its elasticity as it stretched around the more and more exaggerated breasts and hips of the hypersexualized BunnyBods over time.

RepliKate was impressed by the simple logic and effective implementation of the idea. Hopefully once she was in the maintenance room she could find a way to fix these poor girls-DING she couldn't wait to receive her next treatment, so that her increasingly busty body would fill out her sexy BunnySuit even better, and make BunnyCorp's highly valued Customers want to fuck her BunnyBod that much more.

She finally reached the maintenance center, eager to receive her treatment, but in the meantime she looked around the room to check for security weaknesses. Maybe before my treatment there will be time to-DING assume the position for WaBBuT-augmentation, she thought to herself. She fell in line beside the other motionless BunnyGirls awaiting their treatment and excitedly struck a T-pose to facilitate the technicians' access to her Company property, with her back arched to emphasize the curve of her breasts for the technicians' convenience and pleasure.

They continued their work on the girls ahead of Kate, but when they finally got to her, they were surprised to discover that she didn't show up in any of their systems when they scanned her identification chip. This was the one major shortcoming of RepliKate's otherwise remarkable powers - she could perfectly replicate the technology of a suit to make her a unique member of an organization, but she couldn't change the organizations's records to account for her presence.

"That's odd. She's not one of ours," the first technician technician said, checking his datapad as Kate continued to stand motionlessly with her breasts thrust out in front of her, silently and eagerly waiting to become more of a sex object.

"She's looks like one of ours though," the second tech noted, appreciating the way the BunnySuit's quarter-cups propped up her naked tits, "and she's acting like one of ours."

"Better tell the boss, just in case," said the first tech, heading toward the door.

"Good call. I guess there's no harm in carrying out the procedure in the meantime." Kate's mind flooded with relief as the second tech filled a syringe and headed over toward her. She wasn't sure what they had been talking about, but she had been terrified that she wouldn't get her treatment.

The tech injected her boobs, ass, and hips with the clear liquid, taking the time to appreciate and squeeze her appealing curves as he did so. Kate ignored the slight sting of the needle and motionlessly welcomed the tech's attention. That was what she was for, after all.

She could feel the potent chemicals coursing through her, and a few seconds later she could tell that her superhero body had begun reacting to the treatment as intended. She closed her eyes in happiness at the uncomfortable sensation of her tits and ass irreversibly plumping up, wanting her BunnyBod to become even more of a desirable asset for the Company so that she could continue her work of freeing men from their sexual desire for her.

Kate had to admit that it was a bit of an counter-intuitive system, as she opened her eyes and watched her tits continue to swell further into her line of sight. Her breasts and ass were being technologically enhanced, being made curvier and more feminine to inflame the desires of her Customers, only for Kate to then encourage them to relieve that very same inflamed desire inside her enticing BunnyBod. She did seem custom-designed for that purpose, with her slick pussy that clearly felt great to slide a cock into, but the whole thing still seemed oddly circular. If BunnyCorp really wanted men to be free of their lust for her, there had to be more efficient ways. It's almost like BunnyCorp is designing my sexy BunnyBod to cause the very problem they're charging men to solve, Kate thought briefly, but she was just a lowly BunnyGirl, and it wasn't her place to question the wisdom of her betters. And letting Customers use her body for their pleasure felt so good and sexy and right that it was easier to just go along with it all.

Kate jiggled out of the room a few minutes later, feeling like a whole new BunnyGirl as she looked down over her heavy tits in pride, appreciating the way they pressed out noticeably further from her body than they had before her treatment. She had briefly considered using her powers to replicate one of the technician's suits, which would both allow her to access BunnyCorp's systems as well as free her from her own BunnySuit's built-in mind control, but the thought of how disappointed her Customers would be at not seeing her new, sensual curves displayed in all of their naked glory made her immediately give up the idea.

This was no time to dwell on how much better her new body would please the Corporation's customers, however - now that her treatment was over, it was finally time for action! Ok, time to shut down the-DING to give the CEO some personal * attention*, Kate thought happily, turning toward the wide hallway leading to the very center of the building.

As she enthusiastically flounced her BunnyBod down the hall toward the executive suite on her tall heels, ears bobbing, eager to show off her bouncy, swollen assets to everyone she passed, Kate was excited to finally be completing her infiltration. Soon she would be in the presence of the executives themselves, the real power behind BunnyCorp.

After a brief search by the attractive young door guard, who spent an awfully long time hefting and squeezing her breasts as Kate demurely arched her back to encourage his attentions, she was shown into a large, gilded conference room. She made a mental note to visit the guard again later to relieve some of his desire for her, before turning her attention to the Executives of the Company arrayed around a long conference table, all completely naked and being serviced by their own individual groups of BunnyGirls. Kate shuddered at being in the presence of these gods among men, and her own BunnyBod tingled with need as it silently begged to be used for their pleasure.

"Ah, RepliKate. We had anticipated that you might eventually stick your nose into our operations. How does it feel to know that your very own powers to perfectly replicate clothing and uniforms are what got you into this situation?"

What situation? BunnyKate wondered to herself. She was just a BunnyGirl, and had no reason or desire to ever use her powers again unless BunnyCorp desired it. Still trying to process his words, she noted that the speaker was Baron von Tycoon, a billionaire crime boss and longtime nemesis that she had put behind bars multiple times already. Somehow his chiseled features seemed more powerful, attractive, and masterful than they usually did, however, and BunnyKate counted herself incredibly lucky to be in his service this time around.

"Your powers are exceptional, and also exceptionally well documented," the Baron continued, "which is why we decided to build the mind control tech into our suits themselves instead of using simpler, more efficient solutions. It cost more, but I see that the extra investment has certainly paid off."

Knowing that it wasn't her place to respond, BunnyKate eagerly presented herself for her Master's pleasure instead, bending over the conference table in front of him so that her BunnyPussy would be maximally enticing and available, and then waited for the ever-present DING that always helpfully corrected her impetuous actions. This time, however, all she heard was silence and all she felt was blissful pleasure as the supervillain CEO of BunnyCorp slowly parted her labia with the tip of his thick cock before sliding himself deep into her slick depths.

"I've been waiting a long time to see what this pussy felt like," the Baron grunted as he bottomed out inside the sexy body of his submissive superhero nemesis. She felt just as fantastic wrapped around his cock as he thought she would, and as he grabbed onto her enhanced hips to pull himself as far into her as possible, he noted that RepliKate's first treatment looked great on her voluptuous figure, and made a mental note to schedule her for another soon.

It was silly of him to wait! BunnyKate thought to herself as her Master pleasured himself inside her. He could have tried out my BunnyPussy whenever he wanted!

As Kate's Bunny body did what came naturally to it, pressing back into the CEO's thrusts to ensure that his cock sank as deeply into her stimulating pussy as possible, she had some free time to review the information she had gleaned from her successful infiltration.

First off, whoever gave me my initial intel was obviously wrong about this place, she reflected as the Baron continued to pound her horny BunnyPussy through the hole convieniently built into her high-tech BunnySuit. That was such clever uniform design - everything sexual about her body should always be visible and accessible to Customers and to her superiors. Clearly everything going on at BunnyCorp was perfectly normal and above-board.

She stole a glance around the room at all of the other half-naked BunnyGirls, chemically-swollen tits and asses on display as they enthusiastically rubbed their busty bodies all over their Corporate overlords, as was only proper. One lucky Bunny at each station had the pleasure of directly stimulating each executive's cock within herself, encouraging him to release his carnal urges inside of her and temporarily free himself of his lust for their bodies. BunnyKate was only too lucky that that privilege had fallen to her, and with the Baron no less! She felt a swell of pride at being chosen to experience the satisfying presence of his thick cock inside of her, squeezing itself in and out of her tight BunnyPussy in a comforting rhythm as she drove him toward his own release.

Finally, she looked at all of the other executives having the time of their lives around the table. This was a company that prided itself on meeting the needs of others, and BunnyKate was proud to be a part of it. It was like a Red Cross for sex, and she was one of their horny little Bunny nurses, she thought to herself. She allowed herself a slight giggle at the ridiculousness of that image, and just enjoyed feeling the cool surface of the table pressing against her bouncing tits as Master's pounding picked up speed.

Everyone was here because they wanted to be, and that especially applied to her. BunnyKate basked in the deep, primal glow of satisfaction that only came from having a horny BunnyPussy stuffed with Corporate cock, while the Baron slid fully into her once more and held himself there for a few seconds, clearly enjoying the luxurious texture of her slick receptacle as he too began to feel the urge to empty himself into her willing superhero body.

She could feel him tensing inside of her, of course, but that just meant she would get to worship his cock more directly, so it was really a win-win. She honestly had no idea how anyone could construe the Company, or especially Master himself, as "evil", "villainous", or even anything other than completely virtuous. And generous, she giggled to herself as her exquisite BunnyPussy finally drove her arch-nemesis past the point of no return, and he began filling her with his seed while the two Bunnies on either side of him jiggled their enormous tits in his face encouragingly.

BunnyKate, of course, remained stoically silent as her Master's gooey cum drained into her so as not to distract from her Master's pleasure with her own, even as her pussy was on fire with ecstasy for serving her purpose so well. Afterward, this time completely unprompted by her helpful headband, BunnyKate slowly slid herself off her Master's deflating cock, turned around, and knelt between his legs, eager to use her mouth to clean off the residue of his desire for her BunnyBod. Her head bobbed in his lap, and the long ears containing the tech that had taught Kate her place lightly bounced against the Baron's chest.

It was just another successful day on the job for BunnyKate, loyal, horny BunnySlave of BunnyCorp.

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Author's Note: Standard disclaimer applies: this story contains fictional depictions of erotic scenarios, so act accordingly! All characters are at least eighteen, all situations are entirely fictional, and any resemblance to any real-life individuals or situations is entirely coincidental. Copyright Fidget, all rights reserved. Enjoy!

The Apple Doesn't Fall Far from the Tree

by Fidget

Chapter 1

Josh couldn't be more unlike his father, for all of the usual, stereotypical reasons.

Josh was smart, good grades, good with computers. He was on his high school's chess club and debate team, and hadn't played a sport since a particularly bad asthma attack in his last year of Little League.

His father, on the other hand, while by no means unintelligent, fit the jock stereotype perfectly. He was obsessed with following sports and showed zero interest in more intellectual pursuits, quickly becoming frustrated and angry when confronted with problems he couldn't solve with his considerable muscles.

His parents had been high school sweethearts. His dad was the captain of the football team, and went on to lead the league in rushing yards in college, before a knee injury ended his blossoming career prematurely. His mom had been head cheerleader, but dropped out to have Josh and be a stay-at-home mom while his dad went to college, though complications with his birth had prevented his mother from ever having any more children, in spite of her wishes for a whole housefull. She had died in a car crash when Josh was still a toddler.

His dad had worked as a mechanic in his hometown after his injury. He had never married again, though Josh was well aware that his dad made frequent calls to the apartments of various single women around town.

Josh had tried playing soccer and baseball when he was younger, but it quickly became clear that he didn't have the talent or the athleticism to succeed. Not to mention that it was boring to mindlessly run after a ball or stand in right field hoping a ball would be hit his way, and he'd much rather be teaching himself to code. Josh often worried that his lack of interest in sports and other stereotypically masculine activities disappointed his father, but if it did, his dad never let it show, and was always supportive of his interests, which Josh appreciated.

One summer day shortly after finishing his junior year of high school, his dad knocked on his bedroom door, and then let himself inside.

"You're a man now Josh; it's time you had this. It's something my dad gave me when I was your age, and it's the reason I've enjoyed all of my success."

He handed over a box wrapped with white paper and a bright blue bow, the colors of their local high school.

"Open it whenever you want, but be careful with it."

Later that day, Josh's best friend Amy came over with her laptop so they could work on their most recent programming project together.

They'd been best friends for a few years now, after discovering how much they had in common their freshman year. They both had interests in computers, chess, and debate, shared very progressive ideals, and were budding activists on a number of important fronts. They were both vegan, and, not wanting to contribute to an increasingly overpopulated earth, had fully committed to adoption over having their own children.

Amy was petite and somewhat attractive, but Josh respected Amy far too much to risk their friendship on a superficial relationship. For her part, Amy appreciated his lack of toxic masculine traits and the way he didn't view her as a sexual object, so their relationship had quickly grown close without ever becoming physical.

Josh showed her the gift from his father, still wrapped, and told her about the strange things his dad had said about it.

"Should I open it?" Josh asked hesitantly. He could see no reason why whatever was in the box should be overly dangerous (or life-changing, for that matter), but his dad had never been prone to unnecessary exaggeration or embellishment.

"Absolutely! I want to see what it is! It's weird that he just gave you a random present out of the blue like that though," Amy responded.

Josh untied the bow and slowly removed the wrapping paper from the box, careful not to rip it, before taking the top off and revealing... an old, deflated football.

Surprised, and more than a bit disappointed, Josh reached in to pull out the unexpected object, but, as soon as his fingers wrapped around the worn leather, what felt like an electric spark jolted into his hand, and he doubled over as what felt like all of the muscles in his body began to tighten and spasm. Between red flashes of pain in his mind, Josh saw fleeting images of himself reveling in his own physical strength as he angrily tore his way through the grips of weaker men on what looked like a football field, before this vision was replaced by one of him pressing himself against a half-naked cheerleader panting with arousal, his prize for his display of masculine virility on the field.

Amy noticed his distress when he touched the ball, and ran over to grab it away as his face contorted with uncharacteristic anger at the pain running through his body as his weak muscles continued to clench.

"Josh, what's wrong??" Amy asked, but then she felt a strange surge of energy jump from the ball she was holding into her hands as well, and her mind fogged as her body filled with giddy butterflies. Unable to stand with the intense fluttering sensation she was experiencing, she slowly let herself down on Josh's bed as her mind began to wander aimlessly. Images flashed through her head of short cheerleading skirts, halftime performances, and of a faceless, heavily muscled star quarterback pressing his powerful body and giant erection against an entirely willing, curvy, topless figure that Amy somehow knew was her own even though she didn't recognize it.

After a minute or so, Josh's muscles finally relaxed and Amy's mind cleared of her pleasant daydream. She abruptly remembered what had happened to Josh, and leapt off the bed to check on him.

"No, I'm fine. Let's just get to work," Josh mumbled as he tentatively picked the football back up off the floor to put it back in the box, relieved that his muscles didn't clench up again when he touched it this time.

They didn't make as much progress on their programming that day as they'd hoped, possibly because the weird experience they'd just shared had kept them from focusing on their work. With both of them unable to concentrate, Amy decided to go home early, and they agreed to meet again the next weekend to get back on track.


"Yeah son?"

"What was that ball thing in the box? Is it just an old football?"

"It's an original football from the early 1900s. My grandfather gave it to my father when he was ready for it, he gave it to me, and now I'm passing it down to you."

"Uhh, thanks. I'll try to take care of it because I know it's important to you. It felt weird though, almost like it gave me and Amy an electric shock or something."

"Did it? That's how I felt when I first touched it too, which is what gave me the idea to try out for football that summer. Maybe you take after your old dad more than you think!"

"If you say so, Dad, but I wouldn't hold your breath."

Even so, over the next few weeks, Josh noticed that his body seemed to be slowly growing larger. His arms and legs seemed bigger and slightly longer, and it felt like he had more energy, which initially translated into much more productive coding sessions, but eventually the continued energy increase was starting to become distracting, and sitting too long without some sort of physical activity was starting to make him more and more fidgety.

He began taking breaks to go for a walk every hour or so, but those walks soon became jogs, and his coding sessions got shorter as his jogs got longer. He also noticed that he was ravenously hungry by mealtimes, but his dad didn't seem surprised when he began asking for seconds, and instead simply began preparing more food for future meals.

"Josh, I think you're taller!" Amy exclaimed when she came over at  the end of the week to work on their project together.

He knew she was right. He was at least two inches taller, and it felt like he was looking down on everything even though he was still below six feet. It wasn't natural to grow this fast, and he was slightly worried about it. He decided not to voice his concerns to Amy, however, and they continued to work on their project together over the next several weeks, though it seemed like they were getting less and less done each session, partially because they were becoming more and more distracted by the other's presence.

In the meantime, Josh noticed that his cock had been growing as well, and he found himself giving in to his natural temptation to masturbate much more often. He had always avoided porn because it was demeaning to women, but now he found himself seeking it out, if only to temporarily sate the lust he was starting to feel whenever Amy was over.

He had always been slightly attracted to her, and knew that Amy experienced a surface-level attraction to him as well from time to time, but they had both openly and objectively acknowledged their bodies' natural lust for each other, and had agreed not to give in to their baser, animalistic urges, both because they respected each other too much to risk their friendship and because they felt they were above such vulgar behavior.

Still, Josh could clearly see that Amy's body had been just as affected by whatever was in the football as his had been, and his eyes were drawn to her larger breasts, which she gradually stopped hiding so much under loose clothing and eventually even began to display a bit, wearing tops that showed them off, and shorts and even skirts that emphasized the rest of her developing curves. His body was getting more and more eager to see hers each week, and hers was clearly being redesigned to attract and encourage his gaze in return. And, from the way her eyes widened as they lingered on his own broadening shoulders and thickening muscles, she was just as enticed by the sight of his physical transformations as he was hers.

Previously, Josh's attraction to Amy had always been relatively weak and easy to ignore, but she was becoming harder and harder for him to resist as her bust and hips continued to swell and his own sexual urges strengthened, to the point where jerking himself off before Amy arrived was less and less successful at distracting himself from her presence as they tried to work. By the end of each successive session, it was clearly becoming harder and harder for Amy to leave, and for Josh to let her go.

Even so, they still maintained a stubborn veneer of ignorance of their obvious growing attraction for each other, though their more frequent declarations of how happy they were with the strictly platonic nature of their friendship betrayed the increasing sexual agitation they were both clearly feeling.

Even when Amy wasn't there tempting his weakening control over his sex drive, his body and appetite continued to grow, and he was still taking larger and larger potions at dinner. Josh's dad had never commented on his veganism, and even did a bit of limited research to help him accommodate his son's choice in the meals he prepared, making smaller portions of meat on the side for himself.

One day toward the end of the week, however, Josh found himself practically salivating at the smell of the pork chop on his dad's plate, and felt himself becoming increasingly angry for denying himself such a delicious-smelling dish. Eventually, he could resist no longer, and found himself asking his dad, "Can I have some of your pork?"

"No need, son. I made extra today." His father rose and walked over to grab the pan from the stove and brought back two extra chops, which Josh tore into without a second thought as his stomach growled appreciatively.

"Amy, I've been eating meat for a few days now. I'm sorry, and I know you'll be upset with me, but I just keep craving it and it seems to be the only thing that can fill me up," Josh admitted remorsefully during Amy's visit that weekend.

"I know what you mean," Amy responded matter-of-factly. I've been having cravings like that too, but I've mostly stuck with veggies so that I can watch my figure," she finished, running her hands down over her widening hips.

That's unlike her on two fronts, Josh thought to himself. She's never talked about how she looked before, and she was the one who converted me to veganism in the first place. "Are you sure you're not mad about me eating meat?"

"Of course not, silly! With how tall you are now, and how wide your shoulders are getting, you probably need the extra protein!" As Josh watched her eyes wander hungrily over his new physique, almost as though he were a piece of meat himself, he felt a now-familiar tingle starting up between his legs and let his own attention fall to Amy's body, which seemed to be filling out her shorts and tight tank top even more than usual.

They tried to work on their project, but the concentration required by the coding soon made both of them fidgety with their shortening attention spans, and it wasn't long before they couldn't even act like they were still working. They decided to catch up on their favorite content creators instead, but quickly became distracted by how close their bodies were to each other on the couch as the videos cycled on autoplay in the background, forgotten. Every accidental touch sent pleasant tingles through each of them, and their bodies began to drift closer together as their "accidental" touches became increasingly less accidental.

The next few hours flew by in a haze of building sexual tension that continued to go pointedly unacknowledged, with each of them hyperaware of the brief, hesitant, thrilling touches between their tensed arms and legs. Their heightened libidos drove their bodies, shaking with apprehension and excitement, to repeat and prolong these touches and rewarded them generously in pleasure and arousal for each one. Inevitably, however, Josh's dad came home from work and the two hormonal teenagers reluctantly decided to call it a night, too embarrassed of their crude sexual attraction to each other's increasingly sexy bodies to make eye contact as they awkwardly stood up and said their goodbyes. They agreed to meet again on Wednesday instead of the following Saturday, ostensibly to try to catch up on their project a bit, and parted ways.

"How was your afternoon with Amy?" his father asked at dinner.

"It was good," Josh responded, still feeling his hand tingling where Amy's soft fingers had repeatedly brushed against it. "It was kinda hard to focus, so we didn't get as much work done as we wanted to, but it was still fun."

"I know what you mean," his dad said. "When your mother and I were assigned group projects together, we didn't get much work done either!"

"Dad, it's not like that!" Josh protested even as his cheeks turned pink and he felt a renewed, unexpectedly powerful yearning for Wednesday to come.

On Monday morning, Josh happened to notice the football in its box on his dresser and found himself walking over, picking it up once more, and tossing it up into the air a few times as he wrapped his strengthening fingers tightly around the laces. He was suddenly struck with a strange, uncharacteristic desire to try out for the team - it would give him an outlet both for all of the energy that seemed to build endlessly within him, and for the increasingly powerful emotions he had been feeling lately. He was also much stronger than he was two weeks ago, now over six feet tall with visible muscles, and so he felt that there must be some position on the team where he could be useful.

At breakfast, his dad was ecstatic when he mentioned what he was considering, and so, instead of attending summer chess club that afternoon, Josh walked onto the football field and asked for a tryout. He clearly knew nothing about the game, and his athletic performance was only middling, but he showed himself to be a quick learner and already performed better than some of the second string players, so the coaches set him to practicing with special teams while he familiarized himself with the basic rules and goals of the game.

That Wednesday Amy came over early, and as Josh admired the additional inch that just a few days apart had added to his less and less platonic friend's curves, he sheepishly admitted that he'd joined the football team.

Rather than being disappointed in him, however, Amy was unexpectedly bubbly and supportive. "That's such a good idea! You're so strong now, and this will give you a chance to work off all of that aggression you think I don't notice," she responded, giving him a wink as he flushed with embarrassment. "I know you'll do great, and that you'll be leading the team by the time school starts back.

"Also, that kinda makes me want to do something to support you! I know that I've talked about how demeaning cheerleading is to women, but the camaraderie and team-building experience you get in a demanding organization like that is anything but demeaning when you think about it, and it opens the doors to all sorts of scholarships and other opportunities later. If anything, joining the cheer squad would be empowering. Not to mention what a great workout it is, and I've been feeling a little stir-crazy at home recently. Maybe an organized athletic outlet would do me good," she concluded, enunciating her response with a slow stretch that lifted up her shirt a bit, baring her midriff in a subconscious effort to emphasize her assets for Josh's hungry eyes.

His growing muscles flexed involuntarily as the testosterone flooding through his body filled him with sexual desire at the sight of her swelling boobs and curvy hips, and his thin athletic shorts already began to tighten with an erection. Josh had conveniently "forgotten" to jerk off before Amy arrived that day, but he was still unprepared for the full intensity of his craving for her body. He saw her eyes flick down to the outline of his growing dick, which twitched in response to the attention, and Josh could clearly tell the exact moment that Amy's horniness got the better of her, broke through her inhibitions, and caused her to take a step toward him as her face transformed into a seductive pout that tightened his shorts even further.

"After Saturday, I think it's time we rethink our no physical contact policy," she purred as she approached.

"Are you sure? I don't want our friendship to change."

"It'll be fine," Amy said distractedly, at this point willing to say anything that would lead to his body touching hers. "I don't think I can hold myself back much longer anyway."

Josh felt exactly the same way, and knew the situation was quickly spiraling out of their control, but he made one final, desperate effort to slow their bodies' inexorable pull toward each other, in spite of the fact that Amy had clearly fully given in already. "We should at least sit down and talk about it first," Josh stammered as he dropped onto the couch. Amy, however, made the choice to sink onto the couch directly beside him, slowly sliding the entire length of her thigh against his, lighting up pleasure centers all along his central nervous system that overwhelmed his own crumbling inhibitions. Unable to hold himself back any longer, he abruptly pulled her face toward his with one hand and pressed his lips against hers as he unceremoniously and clumsily groped at her swollen breasts through her tight tank top and bra with the other.

It was Amy's turn to be surprised by the ferocity of his reaction, and she knew that they should probably take things a bit more slowly, but the intensity of the pleasure and stimulation running through her body as Josh teased her with his tongue while he roughly groped and squeezed her breasts filled her with unexpected and irresistible sexual need, and she found her left hand eagerly reaching over between Josh's legs, avoiding all ceremony herself as she began to instinctually stroke and squeeze the large, twitching bulge encased in his practice shorts. With her other hand, she unfastened her bra to give his hands more direct access to her sensitive breasts, in order to heighten the sensations that were sending waves of pleasure down to her already soaked pussy.

As they continued to make out, lost in sensation, Josh successfully removed Amy's bra and ventured a hand under her shirt to grope her unprotected tits. The direct skin contact and satisfying squeeze of her large, firm mounds of flesh made him even harder, but as Amy continued to grip and stroke him through his shorts, he felt an impending pressure growing in his cock, quickened by the taste of Amy's lips and the feel of her soft body against his as the pace of her hand on his sensitive, straining member sped up.

He grunted and tried to pull himself away, but he had driven Amy's arousal far too high, and she was completely unable to stop herself as she gave a throaty moan against his open mouth in return, gripped his cock even more tightly through his thin shorts, and jerked him past the point of no return. He tried to hold himself back, but she had pushed him too far; he couldn't stop himself from tightening against her hand and then his dick was surging as his large balls tensed and then he was helplessly sending spurt after enormous spurt of thick cum into his shorts in his ecstasy.

As his orgasm ran its course, his head finally began to clear a bit from the thick fog of insistent sexual desire it had been wrapped in, and he was filled with shame over what he had just done, at how completely beyond his control his body had felt the entire time, and at how good it had felt to give in to his urges. "Sorry about that," he mumbled to Amy in embarrassment.

"Don't apologize!" Amy insisted as she scooted a bit closer and pressed her body against his reassuringly. "I'm just glad I could make you feel good like that. Also, it was super hot." Her eyes glistened with unabated arousal, and Josh felt his guilt compound.

"But you didn't get to finish!"

"Oh, don't worry about that! I can take care of it later. I never really used to do anything like that, but over the past few weeks, I've kinda wanted to a lot, and by now I've gotten pretty good at it!" She gave him a wink. "I think it's more important that we try to talk about what's been going on this past month, and figure out what we are, and where to go from here."

"You're right. I think it's pretty obvious that all of this started with that stupid football that dad gave me. It looks like he was right - the football is clearly changing us, and the changes don't show any signs of slowing down."

"True, but I feel better than I ever have before. I have so much more energy, and I'm so happy all of the time now! It feels so good to just not worry about it and go with the flow, and for now, I think that means we explore this new side of our relationship a bit more thoroughly," she said, grinning in anticipation.

"Yeah, I don't know if I want to go back to being just friends, and honestly, I don't think I could even if I wanted to," Josh admitted as the sight of Amy's bra-less tits protruding against her tight shirt already began filling him with arousal again.

"I feel the same way," he was relieved to hear her say. "Whatever is happening to us, it's clearly a one-way street, and I don't think there's much we can do other than go along with it, and see where the journey takes us, taking advantage of whatever benefits our transformations have in store for us along the way." She smirked flirtatiously, and gently stroked a finger up his hardening cock through shorts still slick with copious amounts of cum, before getting up so she could leave before Josh's dad got home from work.

After Amy left and he had cleaned himself up and changed his shorts, Josh thought about what Amy had said. Even though she seemed fine with embracing her own changes and seeing where they took her, when Josh thought about what was happening to him, and his complete inability to do anything about it, he began to get angry, something that was happening more and more often these days. Josh had always been calm and collected when facing problems in the past, but now he was flexing his increasingly powerful muscles in impotent rage at his helplessness to stop the changes that were clearly affecting his body and mind, and those of his new girlfriend as well.

He knew that, eventually, he would have to confront his father about what had happened. His father had given him the football, after all, and thinking back to the conversations they'd had over the past month, it was clear that his father knew something about what was going on with him and Amy. That wasn't a conversation he was ready to have yet, though, and Amy was right - it was much easier to just go with the flow, especially when everything (and especially Amy) felt so good.

Over the next few weeks, he saw Amy more and more often, and, while they still hadn't gone all the way, they had lost all pretense of their earlier attempts at chastity, and went further and further each time they saw each other, each stimulating the other to an increasing number of powerful, satisfying orgasms with their mouths and fingers as they explored each other's increasingly sexy bodies, and they both knew that it wouldn't be long before they could no longer resist the blissful coupling that was becoming more and more appealing to both of them.

School started back a little over a month later. Josh had continued to grow larger and stronger, and his quick grasp of football strategy, combined with a superhuman athleticism that quickly outclassed everyone else on the team, had catapulted him to the role of starting quarterback in two short months, leaving his coaches dumbfounded at his meteoric improvement. And, while Amy wasn't head cheerleader yet for political reasons, everyone on the team knew who the real leader was as she continued to grow stronger, more athletic, and bustier herself with each passing day.

It was shaping up to be quite a senior year.

End of Chapter 1

Chapter 2 - Completing the Circle

"I think our changes are getting stronger, Amy. I've been feeling... really horny around you lately. Even more than usual," Josh grunted during one of Amy's daily after-school visits. His large dick throbbed visibly against his athletic shorts, and his new girlfriend's eyes widened rhythmically in excitement with each pulse. "It's making it... hard to think," he concluded roughly, as his own eyes hungrily devoured his girlfriend's curves. Her bust and hips had put on at least another three inches in the past month, and at this point his formerly petite best friend had to be at least a D-cup. It was getting harder not to grab her increasingly appealing feminine body as soon as he saw her each day, and squeeze, and grope, and thrust.

Josh had learned over the past month just how good thrusting could feel. In the weeks after their first explosive contact they had continued to explore their exciting new sexuality, encouraging each other's powerful new desires even as their urges continued to strengthen.

At first, they had experimented with heavy petting and hand play. The next time they hung out, Amy had secretly snuck Josh's cock out into the open after getting it all nice and hard under his shorts, and she was completely entranced the first time she watched his dick straining and jerking under her gentle strokes as it delivered its thick load onto Josh's washboard abs. Josh had gotten over his initial embarrassment more quickly this time, and had returned the favor with his own fingers, probing and exploring the tantalizing topology under Amy's shorts as he groped her heavy breasts with his other hand while Amy moaned in pleasure. His inexperience hadn't seemed to matter much, because the excitement and sensation soon had Amy clamping her toned thighs around his hand and grinding against his fingers as her own strengthening core muscles involuntarily clenched in her own climax.

They had quickly graduated to blowjobs, since the sight of Josh's cock twitching and throbbing filled Amy with an inexplicable desire to feel it moving like that within her own body. Josh clearly felt the same way, and as he eagerly watched Amy's soft lips closing around the head of his dick for the first time, he let out a low groan as his pelvis began reflexively thrusting into her slick mouth, and Amy sighed with pleasure as she felt his surprisingly tasty dick twitching strongly against the rough, wet stimulation provided by her tongue.

That stimulation quickly became too much for him, but he couldn't bring himself to stop, and his cock began to stiffen as his automatic thrusting increased in speed and urgency. "Amy, I think I'm gonna..." he growled, but Amy only cupped his balls gently with her free hand in response, suddenly obsessed with feeling them powerfully contracting as they forced his gooey reward out into her waiting mouth. Something about that process suddenly seemed so attractive, so masculine, and Amy couldn't help but feel a giddy thankfulness at Josh choosing her to receive his seed.

For his part, however, Josh had felt a distinct lack of choice ever since he had touched that stupid football, and even now a primal urge drove him to continue mindlessly thrusting into the willing female in front of him. His powerful muscles clenched in anticipation, and then choice was suddenly taken away from him entirely. His final thrust brought his mind back to reality even as he felt himself lose control, and his dick began involuntarily emptying itself into Amy's eager mouth. She did her best to swallow as much of the delicious liquid as she could, but Josh's heavy balls continued pumping, and eventually it overflowed her soft lips, ran thickly down her chin, and dripped down onto her large chest.

When Josh saw the mess he had made of his girlfriend's face and breasts, he felt an unexpected, inordinate swelling of pride and satisfaction at his actions, and that scared him a bit. Not enough to prevent him from compulsively repeating the entire process every time he saw Amy's fuckable body for the next month, but enough to regret how good he felt about his actions afterward as Amy lay back on the bed, apparently delirious with pleasure at being covered in his cum.

In sum, the main takeaway of the past month was that Josh liked thrusting now. He liked thrusting a lot, and he wanted more of it.

Amy was bobbing her head, making her tits jiggle delightfully to let him know that she agreed with his assessment. She was feeling even hornier lately too, if that were possible. Amy understood all too well how hard it was to think whenever she was near her tall, increasingly muscled boyfriend, and she was eager to let him know as much.

"I know what you mean Joshie. Whenever we hang out my little pussy gets so wet and tingly for you that I can hardly stand it!" Josh wasn't sure how he felt about "Joshie", but after what she had done to his dick with her still-growing tits the previous night, he figured she could call him whatever she wanted.

"Amy! You've never said anything like that before!" Josh exclaimed, trying to hide the fact that her words were going straight to his boner, which was also larger than it had even been.

"I can't help it. I know that whatever's changing us is making me feel this way, but you just smell so good and it makes me wanna... do things..." she said, her voice trailing off as she was once again distracted by her need for his powerful body. Over the past few weeks, Amy had noticed that whenever she was in Josh's presence, it became increasingly difficult to string together multiple coherent sentences. She looked back up at him and opened her mouth as if to speak, hesitated, and then decided to come right out and say it. "Josh, I think we should fuck."

"What? Are you sure that's what you want?" Josh growled as his stiff cock strained against the polyester of his practice shorts. He was barely able to hold himself back already, and knew that any more encouragement on her part would inevitably result in him fucking her, whether he wanted to or not.

"Oh god yes! I even bought a pack of condoms a few days ago, so that we could finally enjoy ourselves without worrying about anything!" she said enthusiastically, proud to display what remained of her ability to plan ahead.

"But we always said we would never do this, and there's no turning back from here," Josh responded even as his body had already backed hers up to the foot of the bed. His cock had decided to fuck her whether Josh wanted to or not, and its patience was wearing thin.

"I know, but I'm horny and want to feel your dick cumming in my pussy this time!" Amy giggled at the intense look on his face as he approached her, knowing that her words had had their intended effect on her big, manly boyfriend. She knew all too well how overwhelming his sexy, masculine urges had become for him, and now he definitely wouldn't be able to resist her big titties and curvy hips any longer as her small, receptive body continued to call to his.

Josh pushed her down onto the bed, gently but firmly, and ripped her tiny, soaked shorts from her hips. His own shorts soon followed, and then his dick was bouncing into view, fully erect and eager for action as it dripped with precum.

Josh was briefly distracted by what looked oddly like a hint of regret in Amy's eyes as she slowly rolled the condom over the tip of his cock, but then the feeling of her soft hands stroking the condom down his stiff shaft pulled his attention back to what she was doing. Finally Josh could take the delay no longer, pushed Amy down on the bed, and mounted her in his need, plunging himself into his enthusiastic girlfriend and unrolling the condom the rest of the way as he pressed himself fully into her.

He moaned as the tight pressure of her pussy pulled at his sensitive dick through the thin latex, and then his hips began their instinctive thrusting once again, sending him deep into his girlfriend's stimulating passage as the sight of Amy's firm breasts bouncing beneath him spurred him on to even more vigorous motion inside of her.

For Amy, the pleasure of feeling Josh powerfully pounding into her and the throaty grunts and moans he let out as he did so, clearly oblivious to everything but the call of her seductive pussy and the pleasure it could provide, was driving Amy wild with desire. She slammed herself down onto his dick, wanting his cock as deep inside of her as possible as her own high-pitched gasps and moans of pleasure echoed his with each thrust.

Her soft, increasingly alluring body was entirely too good at sex, however, and soon Josh felt a familiar euphoric feeling building within him, but many times stronger than ever before now that a silky, receptive pussy was the one doing the coaxing. The testosterone coursing through his veins wouldn't allow him to hold himself back, and the man who had so recently been a weak, stringy nerd with a squeaky voice now groaned in deep baritone satisfaction as his mind blanked with pleasure and his body began its procreative pulsing, sending a thick, heavy load spurting against the tenuous latex barrier protecting his girlfriend's vulnerable reproductive tract from his torrent of catalyzing seed.

Josh didn't remember pulling out, but when he came to and saw that Amy's tiny, curvy figure was snuggled up against his, he was overcome with a sudden, overwhelming urge to protect her as his body released powerful post-orgasm bonding hormones, and over the next few minutes he waxed poetic (or at least as poetic as he was currently able given their diminishing mental faculties) about how much he loved her and how she would always be the only one for him.

Amy, full of happy satisfaction herself after a good fucking, was drinking in every one of his words of devotion. Even so, she found herself frequently gazing over at the spent condom with disappointment; her first time with her sexy, masculine boyfriend had been amazing, but she couldn't help but feel like all of that tasty-looking jizz belonged inside of her instead of in the trash. She'd earned it, after all.

Josh's physical prowess on the football field had been improving just as quickly as his prowess in bed, and when the first game finally rolled around early in the school year, he was surprised to discover that his coach had made the choice to start him at quarterback. With the excitement and intensity of a real game it took a few minutes to settle down into the position, but by the end of the first half Josh already had two passing touchdowns and nearly a hundred yards rushing.

His dad came to watch him play, of course, and when Josh was off the field between possessions, he would look up in the stands and think about how he'd never seen his dad more proud than he was at that moment.

On the field, however, Josh wasn't thinking about anything. He was in his element, and everything was instinct. It was the best feeling in the world to just shut his brain off entirely once the play had been called, and let his strength, reflexes and muscle memory do the work for him. He loved the way his powerful legs flexed as he flew down the field on running plays, but his favorite part was taking hits from defenders larger than he was, testing his body against theirs as he roared with cathartic rage, and he won the clashes as often as not.

Football had become an important emotional outlet for Josh over the past month or so. He had been slowly losing his natural state of calm, objective detachment as his emotions became more intense and harder to control, but here on the field he was finally able to release all of his confusing, pent-up feelings about his father, Amy, and himself in a relatively controlled environment where he didn't have to hold anything back.

On the sidelines Josh's grunts and exertions were having a visible effect on the busty Amy, and she felt herself tingling with arousal as she tried to focus on leading the cheers, jiggling and bouncing in her revealing outfit for Josh's eyes alone. She was proud of his success, of course, and proud to be his girlfriend, but it went beyond that - watching his powerful body flexing as he established his dominance over the other players was striking a primal feminine chord somewhere deep within her, and she was filled with an oddly contradictory sense of submissive possessiveness, almost a need for Josh to mark her as his own in some more permanent way.

After winning handily, Josh was unprepared for his newfound popularity the week following the game, having been mostly ignored in school his entire life. Now, however, guys were chest bumping and high-fiving him as he walked through the halls wearing his letter jacket, but it was the senior girls' reactions that he really took notice of as they began seeking him out and showering him with flirty attention. The curves of their tight, eighteen- and nineteen-year-old bodies had grown increasingly enticing to him over the past month, and, though few of them could hold a candle to Amy's tits and ass at this point, his drastically strengthened reproductive urges still welcomed the other attractive females' not-so-subtle displays of sexual interest. He found himself eagerly anticipating the frequent embraces and other light physical contact the girls began giving him as their natural desire for his new chiseled looks and muscular physique increased. Their arched backs and "innocent" touches frequently sent blood rushing to his dick, resulting in a bulge too large for him to hide, and seeing the result of their flirtations and physical contact left many of the girls flushed and practically panting with their own arousal.

During the pep rally before the next game, Josh was surprised to see that there were actual signs made about him. He tried to keep his eyes on Amy as she flexed her own muscles and showed herself off for his benefit during the pep rally cheers, but his attention kept drifting to the smooth skin and petite curves of the other senior cheerleaders as well, and though he was still more attracted to Amy, he couldn't help but wonder how the other girls would feel pressed up against his powerful body, mewling with need as his thick cock probed and sought for what they both wanted.

Amy was more popular as well of course, with her busty new body, though she wasn't getting anywhere near the attention from the older senior guys that Josh was getting from the girls. This was partially because Josh had quickly made it known that she was taken, but also because Amy never showed any interest in the other guys in the first place. She felt a strong physical attraction to a few of the more masculine jocks on the various sports teams, but it paled in comparison to what she felt for Josh, who had quickly outstripped all of the others, and his attentions were more than enough to meet her needs.

Still, Josh noticed that the mysterious changes had affected her just as strongly as they had affected him, and mentally just as much as physically. Their much less frequent conversations were rarely about anything more complex than cheerleading or football, and Amy was also becoming increasingly obsessed with makeup and fashion. She no longer hung out with her nerdy friends from before her transformation, and instead spent all of her time with the other cheerleaders and popular girls. Also, Amy's grades had dropped, and on some level Josh found himself missing the close friendship he had had with the girl Amy used to be.

Even so, Josh was finding it harder and harder to care. His own grades had slipped a bit due to all of the time he devoted to football (and fucking Amy), and his interests had shifted as well. Even if Amy were the same person she used to be, he didn't think they would have enough in common to share that kind of friendship any longer. Also, he appreciated what her new interest in makeup and clothing did for her ridiculously sexy body, and, though he wouldn't admit it to himself, he also found himself appreciating her increasing submissiveness and eagerness to please him sexually. So, in the end, as much as he missed the friendship they used to have, he couldn't deny the intense, carnal pleasure he got from fucking every part of her willing, delightful little body over and over again.

At home, the two of them were fucking more and more often, especially with the sexual frustration building up inside Josh everyday at school from the other girls' flirtations, and Amy was more than willing to relieve all of that pressure, encouraging Josh to use her any way he wanted, especially if it resulted in watching his balls clench as he covered her with his cum. If Amy was ever bothered by the other girls' interest in her man, she never mentioned it.

Josh was filling their condoms up fuller and fuller each day as his balls continued to grow and he produced more and more cum with each release. Amy eyed each discarded condom full of potent jizz greedily, and first brought up the possibility of fucking bareback in early October, initially couching it as a response to the fact that at this point most of his cum squeezed out of the condom and ended up all over her crotch anyway. Her advances were getting harder for Josh to resist, especially because he too was now feeling a desire to thrust himself into his girlfriend's enticing body without protection, and that need was growing stronger and more insistent with each passing day. He would come home incredibly horny after eight hours of constant titillating yet unfulfilling sexual attention from the other senior girls, and it was all too easy to just lie back and let his seductive, smoking hot girlfriend release all of that tension with her body. It felt so good to let her go further and further each day before reluctantly telling her to put a condom on, and then he'd throw her down and fuck her with reckless abandon, grunting and straining with his need for release, asking himself why he was still wearing a condom and coming up with fewer reasons each time.

For her part, Amy was completely unable to resist her growing need to feel him thrusting raw inside of her. It was like a primal instinct deep within was driving her to get just the tip of his dick inside her pussy, where she knew everything would take care of itself and all would be right with the world, whatever that meant.

One inevitable day in late October the mindless pleasure of thrusting his naked cock against the curvy, inviting body beneath his was more than Josh could resist, and after Amy had teased his throbbing erection against the smooth skin of her mons a few times, she eased it a bit lower and looked up at him with the coquettish, come-hither eyes her transformation had recently caused her to develop, and which tugged at his cock whenever he saw them. That look, combined with the soft, encouraging folds surrounding the entrance he suddenly found himself pressing up against, ready to submissively give way to his eagerly probing dick, silently convinced him to allow just the tip to slide into her warm, slick canal unprotected, just to see what it felt like. Predictably, it felt very good, and as Amy pressed her new bombshell body up against the hard muscles of his chest and abs in wide-eyed urgency, it was all too easy to allow himself to slide in another centimeter.

This felt even better, and just as Amy's honed reproductive instincts had known it would, the pull of her tight pussy against the sensitive skin of his hard cock as he squeezed it into her was too much for Josh to resist. His body flooded with a cocktail of testosterone and endorphins specifically designed to convince him to drive his dick further into that pussy, and Josh's resistance to his body's compelling new urges finally broke down entirely. He released a primal groan as his powerful abdominal muscles clenched instinctively, sending his hard cock sliding deep into his girlfriend's tight, unprotected pussy, where it throbbed with pleasure as Amy cooed encouragingly. She playfully offered her massive, tempting tits up to his greedy male gaze, secure in the knowledge that her virile, masculine boyfriend would no longer be able to resist doing to her what came naturally.

Josh had been convinced that giving in to his body's insistent demands and fully thrusting into Amy's enticing pussy bareback like this would somewhat relieve the desire and need that currently overwhelmed him, but now that his dick was inside her where it belonged, experiencing the soft slickness of her pussy rubbing directly against his sensitive skin, Josh instead felt his need becoming even more unbearable. A new urge was growing within him now, driving him to continue moving his dick inside of her, to stroke it against the stimulating pressure of her tight embrace. He slid out a bit to experience more of that delightful friction, but his cock knew what its true objective was, and he found himself helplessly shoving himself back inside, feeling the silky grip of her slick walls pulling and tugging at him enticingly.

This new pleasure built on top of the pleasure of his previous stroke, and Josh lost himself in chasing the sensation, feeding and encouraging it as he increased his pace, sliding his cock back into her seductive depths again and again, groaning in need as the feeling continued to build. It felt like the cycle could go on like this forever, growing more and more intense, but Josh's ability to indulge in the pleasures of Amy's flesh without consequence was finite, and eventually his mindless bliss began to tingle with urgency as pressure slowly began building at the base of his shaft. He briefly recalled the ultimate purpose of this pleasure and realized that result was becoming more of an inevitability with each thrust, but his body was moving on pure instinct now, driving him back into his slutty girlfriend over and over again as his dick throbbed and tightened ecstatically inside of her, each new burst of dangerous pleasure threatening to trigger his involuntary ejaculation.

Amy was deep in the grip of instinct and thousands of years of human evolution as well, her hypersexual body knowing exactly what to do to get what it needed from the irresistible hunk of testosterone and powerful masculinity that was plunging himself into her. Josh lost more control with each thrust as her receptive body exerted its own power over his, and Amy knew that soon he'd no longer be able to resist the urge to cum inside her. She arched her back to let her swollen tits, symbols of her fertility and suitability as a mate, bounce and jiggle in her boyfriend's face, and she enjoyed the pleasure of friction and fullness as he continued to slam himself into her, panting and grunting from the exertion of driving himself ever closer to the edge. Meanwhile, the slick folds of her sly pussy continued to gently massage his cock with each deliberate stroke, quickly eroding what remained of his self-control as she drove him toward his blissful release.

"Oh God Joshie, you're gonna cum in me! You're gonna fill me up! I can feel it! I want you to do it!" Amy cried, overwhelmed with need at being this close to her goal, and full of satisfaction from using her body for its intended purpose. She had never felt more in love with Josh than she did at that moment, looking up at him euphorically as his eyes clouded with mindless intensity, no longer seeing hers as the pressure building within his body threatened to overwhelm him.

Josh, on the other hand, didn't care who the girl beneath him was at that moment - he just knew his dick wanted to cum inside that pussy. The testosterone his body had been manufacturing nonstop for months had given him an irresistible urge to spread his seed, to pass on his strong genes to the next generation and add as much of his strength to the world as he could. It didn't occur to him that his former weak, nerdy self had been the product of his father's body, but even if it had, his testosterone-fueled need to reproduce was beyond his power to resist. Thrusting himself to completion inside whoever this chick was was an inevitability, a law of nature, and even now his body was tightening, his large muscles clenching, wavering on the edge of release.

He had never felt manlier than he did at that moment, as he chose to thrust his stiffening dick into the hot slut beneath him once more knowing full well what would happen even as he did so, and then he was roaring out the satisfying agony of his climax, a flash of anger rippling through him as control of his body was forcibly wrested away by unstoppable reflex. The muscles of his arms tensed as he grabbed Amy's shoulders and sank himself fully into her one last time, and his large balls clenched with irrevocable finality. His dick began its own rhythmic pulsing deep inside the fertile body of his former nerdy best friend, and Josh couldn't help but send his largest load yet spurting into her unprotected depths as his bimbo cheerleader girlfriend's slutty pussy continued to exert its irresistible influence over his powerful body.

For her part, Amy was overwhelmed with bliss as soon as she felt his cock jerking inside of her, steadily pushing against her walls with each throb. She remembered the first time she had been entranced by the hypnotic pulsing of his cock in her hand, watching it tense and surge as it released its load in response to her stimulations, and the knowledge that that was happening inside her flirty pussy at that very moment was more than she could take. She sank her fingernails into her Josh's broad back as she screamed out her own orgasm, and the contractions of her powerful abdominal muscles involuntarily pulled Josh's potent seed further up into her fertile reproductive tract, making it more likely that his strong genes would merge with hers. Amy had finally accomplished her goal, and she reveled in the sensation of warm, sticky fullness growing within her as his large balls continued to pump what seemed like an endless supply of cum into her body, full of catalyzing potential.

As her virile mate filled her pussy to overflowing, unknowingly intent on using her body to make more copies of himself, Amy realized she'd never felt happier or more fulfilled in her life.

The day after not being able to resist busting a fat nut raw inside his sexy girlfriend for the first time, Josh finally decided that it was time to face his father.

"Dad, what was Grandpa like? I was so young when he died that I don't really remember him." Josh said, trying to stay calm and control his churning emotions as he fished for info.

His father leaned back in his chair, and his eyes took on a faraway look. "He was a powerful man. Even taller than I am, and strong as an ox. .... He played professionally for a couple years, but this was before you could make any money at it, so he quit to get a factory job to support his large family."

"Was he always that big?"

"He did mention a few times that he had hit a sudden growth spurt after he turned eighteen."

"What about you, dad? Were you always this big and strong?"

His father looked him solidly in the eye for a few seconds before answering. "No. I was pretty small when I was a kid. Kinda bookish. I got beat up a lot, and didn't have many friends. That all changed around my 18th birthday. I met your mom, went out for the football team, and from that point on life kept getting better."

Josh felt himself growing angrier, and his frustration at himself for not being able to help it just increased his rage.

"It's the football, isn't it?! That's what's changing me and Amy?"

"Yes son, it is," his father responded calmly.

"Why would you do something like that to your own son!?"

"Because I wanted you to see the same success your grandfather and I have. Also, it's an heirloom in our family, and it's your birthright."

"Birthright!? How is becoming dumber and angrier a 'birthright'? And how is working for an auto shop 'success'?"

His father ignored the jab. "Son, you have to look at it pragmatically. Eventually you'll see that it's a change for the better, just as I did."

"But I didn't want to change!"

"Are you sure? Do you hate being the star quarterback of the football team? Having beautiful women throw themselves at you day after day? You would rather choose to continue to be ignored, in the hopes that a decade from now you might make enough money from being smart to make up for losing the best years of your youth?"

Josh was a bit taken aback at the intensity of his father's words, though his father was just as patient as ever as he uttered them. Josh took a second to calm himself down and tried to think about the situation rationally, still unused to how much harder it was to spend any lengthy amount of time in thought. He wasn't sure how much he could trust his feelings after his transformation, but as much as he hated it, his dad was right. He loved playing football now, and he loved the attention and popularity that came with being really good at it. And he especially loved the attention he was getting from women. Particularly from Amy, he thought, remembering how good her sexy body had felt on the end of his cock the night before as he emptied himself into her.

"But what about Amy? She didn't ask for any of this!" he demanded next, having remembered that he wasn't the only one affected by his current predicament.

"Ah yes, Amy. I've noticed the way she's been filling out recently. She was an excellent choice, son."

"It wasn't a choice! She touched the ball by accident and now she's becoming a sexy bimbo cheerleader!"

"Have you talked to her about all this? What does she think about what's happening? Son, you're going through some pretty powerful changes right now, and you're probably starting to feel some powerful new urges to go along with it. It was very important that you pick someone who can go through this alongside you, who can keep up with you, because things can easily get a bit... out of control if you're not careful. Don't worry about Amy. I promise that if she's anything like your mother, she's loving every bit of what's happening."

That evening Amy came back over, now that the cat was out of the bag about their relationship. His dad greeted her politely, told the two of them to stay safe and have fun, and went back to watching his football game.

"I talked to Dad," Josh informed her once they were alone. "He confirmed that the football is what's been changing us, and that he did it to us on purpose," Josh said, watching her face intently for her reaction to the news.

"Oh. Well, that's what we thought anyway though, right? At least now we know, I guess. Wanna fuck?" she asked, grinning and cupping her bra-less tits for him, knowing the effect they would have on his supercharged libido.

"Amy, don't you even care that this has been done to you without your consent?"

"I mean, I guess. But there's nothing we can do about it now, right? I know that you'll take care of me, and I'm really enjoying cheerleading and fucking you, so I'm not too worried about it. Plus, I feel so good all the time now!"

"But what about your dreams? You were going to be an award-winning author!"

"Yeah, and I guess I should totally be sad about that, but that stuff just seems so boring now..." Amy made a show of acting disappointed about not becoming an author, but Josh could tell that, ultimately, she was glad the football had made her so happy and sexy. "There are plenty of people writing books, though, and I, like, want to enjoy my own life! With you!" she said, glancing down at his crotch suggestively.

"If you're sure..." he grunted as his dick swelled. Josh felt the familiar sensation of his mind clouding as the proximity of his sexy girlfriend's enticing pussy began monopolizing his thoughts once more.

"I'm sure! Will you fuck me now? I forgot to bring the condoms though," she said impishly, looking down at his hardening dick with a twinkle in her eye. She already knew the answer, of course.

End of Chapter 2

Chapter 3 - Falling a bit farther

"Joshie, do you wanna come fuck me?"

Josh shifted his glance from the TV over to Amy seated on the edge of the bed. She had pulled down her top to let her heavy tits hang out, and had flipped her short skirt up, spreading her bare pussy lips for him. His cum was still slowly oozing out of her from their last session a few hours before. Even so, he began to feel that familiar, insistent desire to go stuff his hardening cock back into her enticing cunt nonetheless, but the game was still on.

"No babe, I already told you! Not while I'm watching the game! You'll have to wait until half time!" he said shortly, annoyed by the fact that the sexual pull of her body held such influence over him now as he tried to focus on the TV. Now that he was starting to want to fuck again, however, the presence of her receptive curves so close by began chipping away at his focus on the action on screen.

"But Joshie, I wanna fuck now! Look how wet my little pussy is for you!" she teased, sliding a finger into herself to show off her lubrication, which, to be honest, consisted mostly of Josh's cum at this point.

He whipped his head around, experiencing a brief flash of anger at the constant interruption, but then his cock got even harder at the sight of her wanton display, and the game began to seem less important as his slutty girlfriend demanded more and more of his attention. He could practically feel the cocktail of sex hormones rushing through his body, urging him to let the sight of her sexy body arouse him even further, to press himself against her soft, smooth skin and let his sensitive cock effortlessly slide into her tight, slick passage. His entire body demanded copulation, and unable to resist the hypermasculine desires the football had cursed him with any longer, he finally got up, walked over to Amy, and roughly pushed her down onto the bed. Amy giggled as he pulled his massive, rock-hard cock out of his boxers and prepared to mount her, his large balls already brimming with potent seed once more and the tip of his cock dripping with thick pre-cum.

"I can never say no to you for long," he said affectionately, and his cockhead began to part her labia, driving his need to fully sink his cock into her silky depths even higher.

"I know", she giggled as he began yet another session of mindlessly pumping his cock in and out of her ravenous cunt, while she basked in the instinctively satisfying feeling of primal fullness that accompanied being stuffed with his dick, enjoying the power that her flirty pussy gave her over her strong boyfriend in spite of all of his muscles.

It was late November. These days they only fucked raw, because they couldn't help it; Josh knew what the likely consequence would be, but was still entirely unable to stop. Whenever Amy was too close to him for too long, his conscious mind would go all fuzzy next to her soft skin and the smell of her hair and the enticing hole between her legs that was just so nice to thrust his cock into... and the next thing he knew, he'd be laying beside her once again, having dumped yet another massive load of jizz into her body.

Amy knew exactly what was happening, of course, but the sensation of feeling him inside her, filling her up as his cock bucked and jerked, dutifully delivering the potent contents of his massive balls, gave her such a feeling of completion, of purpose, that she couldn't stop herself from seducing her virile boyfriend over and over again. It was as though he belonged on top of her, filling her emptiness, and so whenever he wasn't, it was the most natural thing in the world for Amy to seductively display herself for him, to tempt him once more with the pleasures of her flesh. And she loved how impossible it was for him to resist her wiles, how strong his masculine urges for her body were, and how easy it was to tempt him into giving her exactly what she needed, hour after hour, day after day. Not to mention, the idea of her toned, athletic body being helplessly altered by Josh's virile cum was becoming more and more of a turn-on for her, and so whenever she thought about the end result of what they were doing, it just made her want to let him fuck her all the more.

Neither of them knew it yet, but cumming in his girlfriend's slutty pussy every day had already had its natural effect on Amy's fertile eighteen year-old body. Josh's nerdy genes had overwhelmed Amy's waiting egg the very first time she had successfully tempted him to go without protection, and their genetic material had already fused and begun growing. Soon she would begin swelling with life, but in the meantime she was still loving cheerleading, flexing and showing off her athletic young body in her tight cheerleading outfit, not knowing that her enticing curves had already accomplished their evolutionary goal of attracting a mate, who had been unable to resist the lure of her flirtations and the promise of her soft, inviting flesh.

Josh roared as he lost control inside his slutty girlfriend yet again. The stimulation of her slick pussy had triggered his ejaculation reflex, and his massive balls began involuntarily pulsing, filling Amy's womb with millions of copies of his genetic material that had already been made redundant by their frequent coupling, though their bodies' new urges continued to insist that they perform the act nonetheless.

Afterward, Amy murmured with self-satisfied pleasure as she gently stroked her abdomen and cuddled Josh's thick arms. Meanwhile, Josh refocused his attention on the tail end of the game, mollified by the equally powerful bonding hormones now coursing through him in his post-orgasm relaxation. He recognized how much he had changed, but his affection for Amy had persisted through all of the odd new developments that had come about in both of their lives. He realized that he loved her more than anything, and fully planned to be with her forever. Hell, he loved her far more now than he had back when they were friends, even though from time to time he still missed the relationship they used to share. There was nothing to be done though, since they couldn't resist fucking each other, and in any case they no longer shared the interests that they used to.

Back at school, even though the other eighteen and nineteen year-old senior girls were clearly aware of Josh's steadfast devotion to his girlfriend, they continued to relentlessly flirt with him every chance they got, and their advances only became more overt as he continued to grow larger and stronger. And when Amy wasn't around it was getting harder and harder to resist their flirtations. Even with how often he and Amy were fucking nowadays, he still constantly felt that new, deeply instinctive, powerfully masculine drive to spread his seed, to fuse his genetic material with as wide a variety of attractive females as he could, and that urge was continuing to grow stronger by the day.

When there were so many sexy women of legal age at his school, of all shapes and sizes, with their smooth, nubile bodies practically begging to be inseminated by him as they accidentally brushed their breasts against his arm in the hall, or gave him a wink as they suggestively stretched in front of him, there seemed to be less and less reason to discourage their affections. He couldn't help but love all of the female attention he was getting, but it also left him constantly turned on, awash wish sexual frustration that was recognized and encouraged by the girls around him. Many of the women were themselves confused by the flirty, giggly behavior they couldn't help but exhibit when they were in his presence, but they continued to do so nonetheless, thinking it nothing but a bit of harmless fun that gave them a tingly sexual thrill.

The other cheerleaders were the worst about it. Amy had cheerfully told them in excruciating detail just how well-endowed and fantastic Josh was in bed, and, armed with this knowledge, the other cheerleaders' youthful hormones drove them to shamelessly flirt with him and hang off his muscular arms in the hallways, evolutionarily drawn to his powerful features that promised them both protection and strong, viable offspring. Most were even willing to make out when they "coincidentally" found themselves alone with him, and Josh ultimately gave in to the temptation to take them up on their unspoken offers. In the locker room, in deserted classrooms, and even in the janitor's closet, Josh discovered just how good it could feel to have a wide variety of girls press their delightfully soft and shapely bodies against him, and more and more of the cheerleaders began to seek him out to discreetly indulge in just a bit of their instinctual desire for each other.

Each time, Josh would quickly get caught up in the addictive sensation of sexual contact with these eager young women, and couldn't help but try to take the situations to the next level. All he knew was that he needed more and more of his skin to be pressed against theirs, though he couldn't consciously conceive of why at the time, or consider what his desires would eventually lead to. When a woman was in his arms he was all id, helplessly obeying the whims of his hormones, yet entirely ignorant of his body's ultimate goal as it unconsciously drove him toward filling the girls' fertile young bodies with his seed.

The girls had significantly more self-control, and would usually let him explore underneath their tight tops a little bit, enjoying his coaxing caresses on the soft skin of their slim torsos, but, without exception, they would always chicken out once they felt the full size of his massive manhood slowly and insistently pulsing through his clothing against their abdomens. Despite their obvious arousal, cheeks pink, breathing heavy, eyes large and sparkling, and erect nipples poking visibly through their thin tops, their discomfort at just how much they wanted to let Josh have his way with them would become too intense, and they would flee to silently masturbate away their frustrations in the security of the women's bathroom.

Their refusal, of course, made Josh angry and gave him blue balls, but his father had always taught him to respect when a woman said "no", and so he would go home and take out his sexual frustrations on the very willing Amy, who if anything looked forward to the slightly rougher treatment that came inexplicably every few days.

One day, however, Josh finally grew tired of their horny, endless cockteasing, and realized he had just the thing to encourage them to embrace their obvious sexual attraction for him a bit more fully. He knew it was probably a bad idea for some reason, and remembered his father's admonition to be careful, but he justified it by telling himself that he probably wouldn't even use it anyway. And even if he did, it would only be on cheerleader types who clearly wanted to go further with him already, just to help them get past their inexperience and inhibitions. Plus, if Amy was any indication, the football's effects would probably help them fill out their cheerleading outfits a bit more as well. What girl didn't want to be sexier, after all? He'd really be doing them a favor, and they'd probably just end up slightly bustier and just a bit more inclined to indulge in some harmless fun with him. Not to mention, he had no evidence that the football would even work on any other girls. Maybe it was restricted to his bloodline or something, or could only be used once per generation.

And so he began bringing the box containing the old football to school with him, just in case, never intending to use it, of course, but feeling somehow comforted by its presence as he faced the daily onslaught of enticingly flirty, yet infuriatingly inhibited cheerleaders. But then, Samantha, one of the smoking hot eighteen year-olds, begged him to give her an "intimate" tour of the back corner of the varsity football locker room. She was a bubbly brunette with a cute face, a shy little thing awash with hormones, craving his body, but again clearly uncomfortable with the strength of her attraction to him. Even so, against his better judgment, Josh couldn't help but agree, and led her to the locker room where the over-the-clothes petting quickly got hot and heavy.

But, when the encounter inevitably resulted in yet another bashful, reluctant refusal from his clearly aroused female companion once his strong hands began exploring under her clothes, it was more than Josh could take. In a fit of spontaneous, testosterone-induced anger he decided to make it a bit more difficult for the cute brunette to resist her urges in the future. As he reached for the box and pulled out the fateful football, his arousal-clouded brain was already imagining the heavy tits he knew Samantha's body would be forced to grow. They would look just right on her slim frame, jiggling in his face as she bounced helplessly on his cock and begged for his cum, a slave to her new desires just like Amy was. And I am, he thought briefly, with a hint of regret, before deliberately placing the football in Samantha's confused grasp.

The poor girl was stopped in her tracks as soon as the football touched her skin, just as Josh had always known she would be, despite his feeble attempts to convince himself otherwise and justify his decision to transform her into a busty bimbo cheerleader. Whether he regretted it or not, however, the deed was done. Samantha's cute features blanked as the ball pumped her full of its slow-acting yet irresistible hypersexuality, and her distracted mind filled with the same appealing images of lust-filled couplings with beefy, masculine jocks with huge cocks that Amy's had. When Samantha noticed that there were hands moving over her body throughout her reverie, caressing her in just the right places, she offered herself up to them, temporarily overwhelmed by the fluttery pleasure induced by her initial contact with the football, and the strong hands began to explore further under her clothes than any had before.

When Samantha finally came to, she noticed that her shirt and bra had been fully pulled up, and that Josh was eagerly groping her small tits while his large shaft visibly throbbed against his shorts. As much as Samantha wanted the pleasant tingles coursing through her body to continue, spreading outward and downward from where his fingers were gripping and stroking her bare breasts, she instead rebuffed him, straightened her disheveled clothing, and marched out of the empty locker room in a huff, as though Josh were somehow the one who had sought out this private rendezvous in the first place.

Once more Josh was left with the impotent rage that always came with his frequent sexual frustration, but this time he knew a seed had been irrevocably planted, and that it was only a matter of time before his thick cock would be fertilizing it.

This happened a few more times over the next few weeks with the other cheerleaders that were less able to resist the pull of their hormonal young bodies toward his overwhelming masculinity. Just as Samantha had, they all ended up getting cold feet, and Josh ended up showing each of them his "special football", which without exception triggered the same initial reactions in them that it had in Samantha and Amy.

Each time Josh changed a girl it got easier to do so again in the future, and Josh eventually began giving in to the temptation to use the ball preemptively as more and more of the other cheerleaders over eighteen succeeded in getting him alone. Still, he knew that it would be wrong to just change every girl he found attractive, and so he continued to justify his actions by only affecting the older girls who went out of their way to seduce him. He figured that their changes would probably be less noticeable anyway since they were all cheerleaders already, and that a few more girls on the squad suddenly following their captain's example of stereotypically sexy bodies and behavior wouldn't be seen as out of place.

In the meantime, Josh continued to excel on the football field as his grades continued to slide. He broke many of his father's single-season records, and led his team to the state championship. With his performance in the finals, he knew that he was practically guaranteed a full ride to the football school of his choice, and so after the season ended he turned to weightlifting, both to improve his scholarship prospects and to work off the constant aggression building up inside his powerful frame. Amy was finally made official cheer team captain after the football season ended, and quickly put the team to work preparing for the spring sports, setting an example in team workouts with her surprising strength, flexibility, and stamina in spite of her curves, which by this point were almost cartoonish.

Over the next few weeks, into mid December and up to the start of winter break, Josh began to notice that his other football efforts had started paying dividends as well. The few cheerleaders who had gotten a bit too intimate with Josh suddenly seemed to fill out their tops a bit more than usual, with their chests sticking out slightly further above their slim waists and thicker hips, and they seemed drawn to more revealing outfits as well. Josh was ashamed of his actions, but even so, he couldn't stop himself from admiring their increasingly shapely bodies, or from unconsciously looking forward to the day each of them would inevitably seek him out to fully sate their growing lust.

The football's effects continued to manifest in the oblivious cheerleaders over break, who suddenly couldn't seem to keep their bodies from inexplicably swelling with overt sexuality, or to keep their minds from thinking about tall, muscly hunks with thick dicks as their carnal urges grew along with their bodies. Despite their confusion and worry, every morning they would wake up bustier and hornier, and it was becoming increasingly difficult to resist seeking out the male attention they found themselves beginning to crave. And yet, the more these new feelings strengthened within them, the more natural they felt, and it became harder and harder to feel concerned about the repercussions of their new impulses. They began to love that they were getting curvier, especially since they were also becoming more muscled and athletic at the same time, and it was so hard to worry when they felt so happy and giggly and sexy and just plain good all the time! It was so much easier to just go with the flow, embrace their unexpected new changes and desires, and enjoy the pleasant, hungry tingle that now started up between their perfectly toned legs whenever guys showed the slightest sexual interest in their bodies.

When school started back in January, the affected girls all unconsciously agreed to take their normal social role as sexy, flirty cheerleaders to the next level, wearing bolder makeup and more revealing clothing to advertise their heightened libidos and the tempting offer of their swelling bodies. The unaffected cheerleaders were confused when they saw their inexplicably busty friends acting sluttier than usual, but the eighteen and nineteen year-old male seniors immediately reacted to their displays, becoming more and more daring with their own advances, all of which were all happily welcomed by the new clique of de facto school sluts.

By this point the group of curvy, cock-hungry cheerleaders had fully embraced the football's addictive changes, just like Amy had, and were more than eager to offer themselves to the more masculine jocks on the school's sports teams. It just felt so good to let the jocks feel them up as much as they liked, driving their own arousal higher upon seeing the guys' clear sexual interest in their bodies, before giving out blowjobs and handjobs and titjobs like candy. The girls were driven by instinct to stimulate as many of those cocks to orgasm as possible, to feel the men's balls clenching in sexual ecstasy as the big-titted sluts teased jet after jet of dangerously potent semen out of the jocks' stiff cocks and into the girls' mouths or onto their bodies, and then the busty cheerleaders would bask in sticky, primal satisfaction and wish that they had let the jocks cum inside of their hungry pussies instead.

But they never did. As their figures continued to inexplicably fill out over the next few weeks and they continued to cover their naked, swollen tits in copious amounts of jock cum, they instinctively kept it all away from their hungry, susceptible pussies, aware of their vulnerable fertility, which could be exploited in a moment by a single errant drop of potent, virile masculinity if they weren't careful. Their pussies, as fascinated by the call of semen as they were now, still couldn't differentiate between the sperm of a powerful, virile male and the sperm of a weakling, and at some level the girls knew just how easily they could be thoroughly and irreversibly impregnated by either if they weren't careful. 

Their new reproduction-obsessed minds wanted only the strongest genes in town for themselves, of course, so as much as they wanted to fill themselves with the cum of these run-of-the-mill jocks, they unconsciously knew the consequences that would have on their receptive, hyperfertile bodies, so eager to be used for procreation. It could only result in wastefully fusing their superior genes with those of a lesser man, and, with how much their bodies seemed to want them to be pregnant now, it wasn't likely that they'd be able to resist the urge to wait out their pregnancy and give birth. This would tie up their reproductive organs for a full year of their lives that they could otherwise spend breeding with the one man they were clearly designed for: Josh.

None of these decisions were conscious, of course. As far as the girls knew, they just wanted to have a bit of harmless, slutty fun, and they really wanted to have a bit of harmless, slutty fun with Josh.

Naturally, all of the affected girls developed the same obsession with Josh's visible bulge that Amy had. They couldn't stop thinking about the large balls that Amy had described to them in excruciating detail powerfully pulsing between their shapely legs, imagining the inviting slickness of their flirty pussies teasing Josh's powerful cock just past the limits of his resistance. Thanks to Josh, they all now shared Amy's deep, instinctive drive to get just the tip his naked dick inside them, where they knew that everything would naturally work itself out, though they too never really stopped to consider why, and as the days passed it became more and more clear that these confrontations were inevitable.

And so their busts and hips continued to swell, with or without their approval, into shapely hourglass figures with full, bouncy tits that they couldn't help but show off. They became even bolder in their interactions with Josh, as the need to see his cock powerfully pulsing in person inevitably grew in each and every girl who touched the football, becoming harder and harder to resist as their own increasingly willing bodies became ever more appealing to Josh's own hungry eyes.

And all the while Amy silently watched her teammates' sudden changes accelerate as her own began to slow, as yet unaware that she had a whole new series of changes of her own to look forward to in the near future.

End of Chapter 3

Chapter 4 - Too Many Apples

Over the next few weeks, Josh watched guiltily as the cheerleaders he had infected with the football's sinister influence involuntarily ripened into sex-obsessed goddesses of femininity and fertility, just as Amy had, and just as Josh had known they would. In the end, he had been equally unable to resist his own ravenous new sexual appetites, and had quickly caved to the temptation to increase the number of irresistible bimbos available to him, each of whom was instinctively driven to sate his powerful lusts with their eager, receptive bodies.

Eventually, Josh found himself in a situation where he was forced to fully enjoy the fruit of his labors. It was the cute brunette, Samantha, whose changes were a few days further along than the other girls. When she approached him yet again for some quality private time in mid-January, Josh should have expected the overwhelming lure of the powerful new femininity he had forced upon her, but he was still under the mistaken notion that Amy was somehow unique, and that Samantha couldn't possibly become sexy enough to compete with her and tempt him into infidelity.

So, Josh was completely blindsided when she finally confronted him with the overwhelming sex appeal of her fully transformed body as it spilled out of her revealing cheerleading outfit, and his need for her quickly began to overpower the diminished self control of his jock body, exacerbated by his hypermasculine urges. To be fair, Samantha didn't look like Amy, not at all, but her own idealized features - silky dark brown hair framing a refined, elegant face and smoky green eyes that sparkled with playful promises of pleasure, not to mention her thick, voluptuous new figure - was just as intoxicating as Amy's blonde, bubbly hourglass physique, and within seconds Josh was allowing himself to be led by the hand back to the scene of his original debauchery, his eyes glued to Samantha's ass deliciously bouncing in front of him as his enhanced cock stiffened and eagerly began to prepare for intercourse.

Calling back to their original conversation, Samantha once again coquettishly asked for a tour of the locker room, but Josh could tell from the hungry look in the busty cheerleader's eyes that this time she wanted much more than that first innocent makeout session, driven by youthful hormones but tempered by embarrassment, inexperience, and social inhibitions. This was the face of a mature sexual being who knew exactly what her body really wanted, and who knew equally well that Josh wouldn't be able to resist giving it to her.

Once more in the back corner of the locker room, Samantha forcefully pressed her body against his, her small, soft hands already teasing along the massive rod tenting his athletic shorts, and Josh allowed himself to be maneuvered down onto a bench in the middle of the floor, helpless to resist the powerful femininity of the two massive tits in his face as she smoothly slid his shorts down and his enormous phallus and heavy testicles bounced into view. Samantha was immediately distracted at the sight, having finally come face to face with the daunting rod of tasty man-meat and large, fascinating balls that had filled her dreams for over a month at this point.

Her tits were still dangling in Josh's face, however, and so his arousal too continued to grow until he finally reached up and began to roughly grope them, squeezing them together and jiggling them back and forth as the creamy, bouncy globes continued to erode his capacity for rational thought.

Josh vaguely recalled how he'd convinced himself that he had only started changing girls for their own good, and maybe so that they'd jerk him off every once in a while, but now that he had actively come face to face with the results of the football's effects once more, with the irresistible seductresses who needed his dick jerking in their pussies just as bad as Amy had, he realized the truth: he had always intended to fuck these girls. Once faced with this new raw, receptive femininity that was easily as overpowering as Amy's, he recognized that in his current testosterone-flooded body he wouldn't be able to resist, and he realized that that had really been his plan all along.

He didn't want to resist. He loved the way Samantha looked, the way she felt, the way she smelled, and he loved what being near her did to him, how hard it got his giant cock and how much it made him want to slide it inside her and just thrust. It was so easy to go along with her, to enjoy her body and indulge in harmless, flirty fun with her, and so when Samantha began to straddle him, obeying her own mating instinct, Josh was eager to let her slide down onto the tip of his straining cock and let it slip all too easily into this new, enticing pussy where everything felt so perfectly soft and slick and stimulating. Of course, once he had been inside for a second, and both of them had gasped in pleasure and his eyes had met hers, smoldering with mutual, irresistible need, things stopped feeling so perfect to Josh, and he began to need more of that slick stimulation, to chase that perfect sensation once again, and so his hips began rocking automatically, sending his massive, sensitive cock sliding in and out of another bimbofied cheerleader, and his lizard brain was once again satisfied, though at the base of his dick a familiar, insidious pressure slowly began to build as well.

Josh wasn't even thinking about cumming inside her when he entered her, of course. He was past being capable of those sorts of thoughts. He only knew that he needed to thrust himself into this new vision of feminine sexuality, who clearly wanted his cock inside her as much as he did. His mating instincts had entirely taken over his actions, and he began quickly driving himself toward orgasm inside her tight reproductive tract, only aware of the need to continue thrusting, and the pleasure he got from doing so, and his large balls continued to tighten as he grew ever closer to his involuntary, lifegiving release.

The curvy brunette whose tits were bouncing in his face as she rode him, on the other hand, was entirely focused on teasing and squeezing his giant cock until she triggered that release. She too was experiencing nearly debilitating pleasure and bliss with each powerful thrust, but a part of her mind remained razor-focused on the increasingly insistent twitchings of that cock inside her as his arousal continued to build from the slick friction of her tight receptacle. She knew exactly what that thick, throbbing cock and those massive twitching balls signified the moment they had come into view; the hyperfertile body the football had given her flooded her slutty mind with excitement and anticipation at the sight, and her ever-present desire to feel a virile cock jerking and surging and spurting inside her began to assert itself with a vengeance.

This time, however, there was none of the hesitation that had accompanied her earlier dalliances, only a feeling of euphoric satisfaction at finally being able to fully indulge in her new body's strongest craving. Samantha couldn't explain her newfound obsession with feeling that monster reflexively jerking inside her, filling her with warm, gooey potential, but that didn't make the drive to experience it any less overpowering, and willing Josh to cum inside her became a wordless mantra inside her mind with each thrust. Not that she needed to worry, of course, since Josh's instincts were driving him to do just that, and he didn't notice that with each thrust his dick became a bit more insistent.

Before either of them knew it, the inexorable coaxing of her body became more than Josh could take. Just when he felt himself losing control as his orgasm triggered and his balls began to tighten in reflex, instinct overcame him once more and he wrapped his powerful arms tightly around her soft, curvy body, pulling her down fully onto his dick as he roared and began mindlessly pumping the copious contents of his heavy balls deep into the fertile young slut.

Samantha loved the feel of his hard muscles tightening around her body as she felt his cock stiffening inside her, locking her into position and forcing her body to receive what it had craved for so long, and sure enough, a second later she felt the first thick spurt of his load blast powerfully against her cervix and soak into her greedy womb. She reached around underneath herself, where her dainty hand quickly found Josh's massive, weighty testicles reflexively tensing and tightening with the effort of delivering so much of his genetic material into her body. She wasn't sure it would help, especially because her hand felt so tiny against his swollen, pulsing ballsack, but she began to massage and fondle nonetheless as her body drove her to get as much of their contents into her as possible. Despite her eagerness to take it all in, the sheer volume of Josh's spunk quickly filled her tunnel and began to overflow onto the bench, but even so she continued her squeezing and coaxing, knowing instinctively that a steady stream flowing and soaking against her innermost recesses was what her body wanted.

As Josh finally began to come down from his ecstasy what felt like an eternity later, and his cock's pleasurable pulsing deep within the cunt of a slutty cheerleader who definitely wasn't his girlfriend began to subside, he was finally able to acknowledge the fact that Samantha had definitely become just as irresistible as Amy had, and had felt just as good to cum inside. If anything, she had almost felt better, since everything about her was new and different, including the luxurious feel of her tight pussy gripping and stroking his dick, and it seemed like his body could tell somehow, giving him an even more intense orgasm than usual, and releasing copious amounts of jizz into her in the process to ensure that she was well and truly impregnated.

Finally, Josh recognized that affecting so many girls with the football had definitely been a huge mistake, though not for the reason he had initially suspected. Before, the other girls had just been an annoying temptation that paled in comparison to the one goddess the football had chosen for him. Now, however, he knew that Amy's hadn't been unique, that the football indiscriminately made sure that every girl could be perfectly tailored to coaxing his cum into her enticing vagina, and now that he had seen how good fucking two of them could be, he could feel his desire to fuck all of them getting stronger. Still, Josh did love Amy, and at that moment committed himself to never abandoning her, no matter what happened with the other busty sluts he had been slowly filling the school with for the past few months.

He gently lifted Samantha off his body, feeling guilty at the intense aftershocks of pleasure he experienced as he slowly slid her tight, textured pussy up his shaft and his cock released a few final squirts of potent cum into her. She relaxed on the bench next to him with a glazed look of bliss on her face as he put his clothes back on, her body still rewarding her with pleasure at having accomplished its goal, and she sat there absent-mindedly squeezing a heavy breast while the other hand played with her used pussy. Josh's seed continued to drip out of her in large globs, onto the bench and down onto the floor where it began to form a pool. He could already feel the closeness of her naked body and the appealing pull of the cock-sheath nestled between her thick thighs starting to affect him again, so, having accepted his fate for better and for worse, he left her there to clean up the mess and went back to class, knowing there was nothing he could do to prevent his cum from having its own natural, transformative effect inside her vulnerable body.

Maybe she won't get pregnant, he thought to himself hopefully. Amy hadn't gotten pregnant yet, and they'd been fucking non-stop every day. In fact, now that he had resisted a second round with Samantha he could feel his body looking forward to going home and filling up his slutty cheerleader girlfriend once again with the virtually endless supply of thick cum his balls produced.

That very day, however, Amy finally noticed that she had missed her period, and realized with glee that it wouldn't be long before her tight abdomen began to swell as a result of her frequent intimate exposure to the very cum that was currently working its magic within Samantha. She was ecstatic, and immediately told Josh the good news that evening (as soon as she had enjoyed being pumped full of a fresh load, of course). Josh was excited too, though he also realized that this development had likely sealed his fate with Samantha and the other girls who were still deep in the throes of their transformations. Still, there was nothing to be done, and though he was also worried that things had moved a bit too fast between Amy and himself, he also somehow couldn't wait to settle down and start a family with her. He knew that his urges would continue to drive him to seek out other women, especially since he seemingly couldn't stop himself from turning them into busty bimbo sluts obsessed with his cock, but even so he knew deep down that Amy was the only girl for him. Whether that was another one of the football's effects, tying him to the first bimbo he fucked, he had no way of knowing, but either way he knew it was the truth.

For her part, Amy knew that Josh had begun not-so-subtly pursuing other girls, of course, and as ditzy and sex-obsessed as the football had made her, she had immediately figured out what the swelling busts and increasingly slutty behavior of her fellow cheerleaders had signified. Still, if it ever bothered her, she never let it show, even after the other cheerleaders' bellies began to swell like hers was. It may have been that she instinctively knew that Josh was loyal only to her, and so as long as he continued to feed her needy pussy a healthy diet of cock, she was unbothered by his powerful, testosterone-driven urge to sow his wild oats. Not to mention that that obscene, unfettered masculinity was exactly what had drawn her to him in the first place, and she understood the strength of the football's effects all too well. They had led to her own sexy body getting so thoroughly knocked up too, after all.

Life didn't stop for Josh after receiving this news, of course, and the other cheerleaders he had affected soon followed Samantha's lead in seducing him. As their reproductive urges continued to ramp up and they tired of their fruitless toying with lesser men, they sought Josh out one after another, and each time it was a little easier for Josh to give in to his desire for their nubile young bodies and allow himself to experience the carnal pleasures of their enhanced curves, and, ultimately, their flirty, stimulating pussies. Time and time again he would return to his senses riding the aftershocks of orgasm, balls deep in yet another needy cheerleader bimbo slut as he felt his body reflexively blasting rope after rope of dangerous baby juice into their vulnerable reproductive tracts while they screamed his name.

Moreover, indulging in his need to spread his seed seemed only to strengthen it, and he began expanding his sights beyond just the cheerleaders, to any girls who came on to him, knowing that all it would take was a quick touch of his football to guarantee that they would be willing to fully act out their desires, and as idealized, hypersexual versions of themselves, no less.

He could have any girl he wanted, and he knew it. Eventually, the power began to go to his head, and he began affecting girls more indiscriminately, even openly carrying the football through the halls with him so he could change girls on a whim. The shy, bookish blonde found herself becoming a lot more outgoing as her tits grew out, eventually going out for the cheerleading team, and then going out of her way to be alone with Josh, who savored the exquisite sensation of cumming in her. The petite, giggly redhead with freckles and green eyes became a much bustier, curvier, hornier redhead, though she still giggled in mindless bliss when her fun game of "just the tip" ultimately led to Josh ejaculating deep inside her. One touch of his football, and Josh would inevitably get to see what it felt like to combine his DNA with theirs. And it always felt fantastic. So many tempting pussies begging for his seed, and Josh couldn't help but fill them all. Over and over. It was never enough.

It was only when he accidentally changed one of his former, unpopular friends that he began to consider the results of his actions, albeit briefly. The clumsy, decidedly unattractive girl had accidentally bumped into the football as he carelessly carried it through the halls of the school, and though he hadn't meant to affect her, he noticed her eyes fluttering nonetheless in the characteristic look of dazed pleasure all of the girls exhibited as the football's effects took hold within their bodies, and it became increasingly clear over the next few weeks that she had indeed been fully affected.

Her complexion cleared, and her nerdy body began to swell in all of the enticing ways that the other girls' had, and Josh's testosterone-fueled mind was forced to take notice of her developing curves in spite of himself. He hated watching her initial panic at having been infected with whatever had turned the more attractive senior girls into busty sluts, but she too eventually succumbed to the effects and fully embraced her new bimbo body and persona. Once she was far enough along to seek out Josh's attentions, her new body was more than his implacable cock could resist as she continued to swell and tighten, and in spite of his reluctance and guilt he found himself unintentionally cumming in her slutty pussy anyway, spreading his seed yet further. She, of course, loved every second of it. All of the girls did. Once affected, every girl inevitably embraced her slutty new body and slutty new personality, and wanted nothing more than to get Josh alone where they could persuade him to breed them.

Even so, once he had indulged his reproductive urges with his newest bimbo, he took the incident to heart, realizing that the ball would change anyone who touched it, regardless of his own intentions. He resolved to be more careful in the future, though of course the damage had already been done as far as his thoroughly smitten, slutty, impregnated former friend was concerned, who quit the yearbook staff soon afterward to join the ever-growing cheerleading team.

Interest in the cheerleading team was at an all-time high, and the team's numbers continued to grow as more and more busty, athletic young women came forward to try out. In the spring, they had the best cheerleading team in the state, as well as the best looking, by far. The girls still deferred to Amy's leadership, not only because she was Josh's chosen mate and the first of the cheer-bimbos, but, once they noticed that she was pregnant, possibly also because they subconsciously knew that they would soon experience the same fate, especially with how often all of them were letting Josh spurt his massive loads inside their unprotected pussies.

It had gotten increasingly easy to find teachers to sponsor the team as well, after a few of the female teachers got a bit too close to Josh in the hall while he was carrying the football, and a few weeks later had gotten much too close to Josh in their classrooms after hours with some hands-on, mutually fulfilling lessons in sex-ed.

All of Josh's bimbos tried to convince him to dump Amy for them, but he never even considered it. Sex with them was just sex for him, an irresistible bodily function that just happened to result in impregnation, and he never experienced the powerful bonding experience with them that he felt with Amy. "Amy's the only girl for me" is all that he would say, and then he would head out, leaving his most recent load dripping out of the slutty pussy that the increasingly busty girl couldn't resist offering to him.

Eventually, filling their fertile young bodies with copious amounts of virile seed had its inevitable effect on Samantha and the other earliest-affected cheerleaders, and they began to swell just as Amy had as their bodies unconsciously and involuntarily blended their genetic information with Josh's and began to produce his offspring.

Many of the girls had expected their inevitable pregnancies, given the nature of their recent behavior and the copious volume of Josh's sexy emissions each time he filled them with his catalyzing cum, but just as many of the busty sluts were caught by surprise. They hadn't been able to resist their instinct to mate with Josh, so perhaps they thought their repeated couplings wouldn't have consequences, despite the fact that their bodies had swollen into caricatures of fertility in the first place, and their thoughts had become increasingly focused on feeling Josh's massive balls tightening and filling them with his fascinating, yummy jizz. Either way, after the deed was done their hyperfertile bodies reacted completely naturally to the potent seed inside them, and used that genetic material to make more copies of Josh, whether they wanted them to or not.

Even so, in all cases the bimbos were bombarded with powerful maternal instincts as soon as the found out they were pregnant, just as Amy had been, and they were all incredibly eager to have Josh's babies. Once Josh had made it clear that he wouldn't leave Amy for them, however, the girls instead found themselves drawn toward the other senior jocks as their nesting instincts asserted themselves, and they had no trouble using their hyperfeminine bodies to convince the hormonal young men to slide their cocks into their slick, flirty pussies, just to see what it felt like. It felt great, of course, and without exception the young men found their cocks teased into unprotected ejaculation. The girls loved it, but they couldn't help but be aware that they were settling after having experienced Josh's incomparably massive schlong for themselves. Still, cum was cum, and at the end of the day it was all delightfully masculine and practically irresistible. Plus, the girls knew they would need partners to help raise their children, and what better way to snare a horny young man than to offer him all the sex he could ever want with a voluptuous cheerleader straight out of his wet dreams?

Samatha had had first pick, of course, and mere days after she got her positive test, she could be seen hanging off the arm of the backup quarterback. Over the next few weeks, the other jocks had slowly been paired off with the other irresistibly sexy bimbos as well, not knowing that the receptive reproductive organs they were filling daily had already been tied up for the next nine months by Josh.

Some of the girls Josh affected with the football already had boyfriends. Initially these had been accidents, and Josh had regretted it when he saw the girls succumbing to the football's bimbofying effects right before their boyfriends' eyes, but once he saw the blissful looks of happiness on their faces as their girlfriends swelled into voluptuous bimbos, he began to feel significantly less bad about it. The girls' inhibitions shrank as their sexual appetites grew, and the curvy sluts began putting out as much as their delighted boyfriends wanted. Upon seeing how happy the couples were afterward, Josh stopped worrying about whether the girls he affected were already spoken for.

Unbeknownst to Josh, however, despite their willingness to engage in practically any sexual act as long as it resulted in clenching balls and spurting cocks, the girls still never let their boyfriends cum in them. Then, once they had progressed far enough into their transformations, they were forced to seek Josh out to be properly inseminated, just as all the other girls were. Josh initially tried to resist their advances, but inevitably his cock found its way into their tempting pussies nonetheless, and the stimulation and their overwhelming femininity would cause him to lose control inside of them, and he would end up coating their insides with his genetic material anyway. After a few such sessions, the bimbos would go back to their boyfriends, this time insisting that they empty their balls inside their tight pussies, which the men were always more than eager to do. Eventually, Josh began to consider secretly knocking up the girls almost a fee for his services, and everyone was happy.

Finally, the teachers who had succumbed to the football's influence had begun to see the effects of their private sessions with Josh as well. The quality of their teaching had degraded as their bodies had inexplicably filled out and their priorities had begun to shift, but once they were sure their slutty bodies had gotten exactly what they needed from Josh, the voluptuous, oversexed educators began to seek out private "mentorship" meetings with the principal and other senior male staff, such that by the time their bodies began to swell from the consequences of using their own fertile vaginas to teach Josh about reproductive anatomy, they had already gotten engaged and were busy fucking their lucky older fiances into blissful stupors.

In all cases, once it became known that the women were pregnant, the men stayed. The girls were just too hot, and the sex was entirely too good to walk away from.

In early spring, Josh's father finally noticed all of the pregnancies among the surprisingly busty eighteen and nineteen year-old girls around town and asked Josh if it was his doing.

Josh said yes, feeling his powerful muscles tensing and his temper rising, ready for a confrontation, though he knew his soft-spoken father would never raise a hand against him.

"Son, I know better than anyone how strong the urges can get. Still, you should stop using the ball so willy-nilly. You're changing these girls forever, you know."

"Oh, like you changed me and Amy forever?" Josh shot back angrily, and his father sat back, deep in thought.

Perhaps he was beginning to question what he'd done to his son. He'd always assumed that the football had improved his own life, and to be sure, he'd thoroughly enjoyed its effects over the years, and had never questioned his own father's decision to pass the ball down to him. Sure, he'd occasionally been tempted to use the ball on other women, but the special bond that the ball had forged between him and his wife had kept him from doing so. With Josh, however, it was clear that the ball's effects were much more pronounced than they had been with him, and he knew how good it felt to give in to that urge to knock up sexy young women, especially ones who had fallen under the ball's influence.

"You may be right, son. I gave you the ball, but didn't give you a choice in the matter. Now the ball's your responsibility, and it's up to you to decide how to use it. Just be careful."

And so the sudden epidemic of incredibly hot cheerleaders just as quickly became an epidemic of incredibly hot pregnant cheerleaders, and their athletic young bodies continued to swell as their pregnancies progressed. By the time graduation came, the majority of the eighteen and nineteen year-old seniors were in various stages of showing as the walked across the stage to collect their diplomas, and the furthest along had begun to notice their massive breasts growing even heavier as their bodies prepared for motherhood.

Josh had no trouble securing a football scholarship to a prestigious state school, even after only having played his senior year, and while his visibly pregnant girlfriend made plans for their wedding, he made plans to move his small family to the big city. Even with her swollen belly, Amy was just as sexually insatiable as always, if not more so, and Josh was more than happy to keep filling her expanding abdomen with cum, morning, noon, and night.

Still, as he packed for the city, he couldn't help but pack his trusty old football, just in case.

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Author's Note: Standard disclaimer applies: this story contains fictional depictions of erotic scenarios, so act accordingly! All characters are at least eighteen, all situations are entirely fictional, and any resemblance to any real-life individuals or situations is entirely coincidental. Copyright Fidget, all rights reserved. Enjoy!

Master PC: The Coffeeshop

by Fidget

Chapter 1

"Amy!" the barista called out.

Amy walked over, grabbed her decaf latte, sat down at a table that would give her a nice view of the entire shop, and pulled out her laptop. She opened the program that her brother had sent her for her birthday last week, eager to see if it was all that he claimed it was. "Master PC" briefly flashed across the screen, and was then replaced with a text box. “Welcome to the Master Command Center... where the Master allows you to become a virtual god to the people around you... Now, you possess the power to bend their reality to your specifications. You are the Master’s representative.” Weird, she thought, still skeptical that it could change reality like her brother had claimed.

She typed her own name in when prompted to enter a user, and then again when prompted to enter a subject. Suddenly, she was surprised to find a naked image of herself spinning on the screen, with multiple sliders for adjusting various physical and mental characteristics. Not wanting anyone looking over her shoulder to notice any naked pictures of herself or of the the coffeeshop's other patrons, she decided to input all of her instructions through the program's command line interface, instead of using the GUI. After making the change and familiarizing herself with the syntax of the commands, she figured she'd start off with a small test.

[Subject's nails always look perfectly manicured], she typed. She braced herself, hit Enter, and was delighted to see that her usually chipped nails now looked as though they were fresh out of the salon! The program works! she thought gleefully, before sobering up at the implications of what she had just done. The program worked. She had changed reality. She now had the ability to change anything she wanted about anyone in this coffeeshop, including herself.

She briefly considered deleting the program altogether, feeling that this was entirely too much power for one person to wield. But then she remembered why she had come here in the first place, and assured herself that she didn't really want that much from the program after all.

Amy was lonely. It had been two years since she'd even been on a date. She wasn't unattractive, but she felt that her quiet nature, lack of confidence, and conservative clothing choices, in combination with her utter lack of curves, prevented her from getting any attention from men. She felt plain looking and unwanted, and wished that just once an attractive stranger would strike up a flirty conversation with her at a coffeeshop. That's all. If that conversation developed into a second date down the line, then great, but if not, at least she would have the experience to look back on. And now, thanks to Master PC, Amy could finally make that simple conversation a reality.

She looked around the shop, and finally settled on an attractive guy in a business suit typing busily on his own laptop at a table across from her. She secretly snapped a pic of him with her phone, and put it through Master PC's image recognition program. A few seconds later the program identified him as Michael. She activated his profile and glanced at some of his physical values. Seeing that his penis was seven inches fully erect, she flushed with embarrassed and navigated back to the command line.

[Subject finds themselves slightly physically attracted to user], she wrote, and was about to hit Enter, when she noticed that a checkbox called "Subject will be aware of any modifications" was checked. Oh, so by default the subject would notice the changes too, in addition to the user. She recalled that she had noticed her new nails immediately, and didn't know how he'd react if he discovered that he was spontaneously changing, so she unchecked the box and hit Enter, feeling slightly guilty about changing him without his knowledge but excited nevertheless.

A few seconds later, he looked up, glanced over at her, gave her the briefest of smiles, and returned to work. Amy flushed with pleasure and embarrassment at the attention, and thought about her next instruction for the program.

She realized that she didn't know how long he planned to be there, and she didn't want him leaving before she'd finished her fun. The command subject will stay in this coffeeshop until the user leaves quickly took care of that worry, however, and Amy giggled at just how easy it was to change things with the program. She noticed that there was another check box by her cursor, which said "Everyone will be aware of any modifications". This box was unchecked, which, along with the other checkbox, Amy interpreted to mean that none of the changes she was making would be noticed by anyone other than herself at this point, since she was the user. That was exactly the way she wanted it, so she left both boxes blank, and looked back over at Michael.

She noticed that he had glanced up from his computer, and was sad to see that he was looking at one of the baristas instead of at her. Amy looked the pretty barista up and down, and decided that her own dull brown eyes couldn't compare to the other girl's bright blue ones, so she decided to do her one better. Switching back to her profile, she typed, [Subject now has striking green eyes.] There, let's see Ms. Flirty Barista deal with that, she thought with satisfaction, before pressing Enter.

She reflected on how typical it was for him to look at the barista instead of her. All her life men had passed her over in favor of prettier and more outgoing girls like the barista, even if Amy had been the one the men were initially focused on. 

With a magic computer program I still can't keep a guy's interest for more than ten seconds, she thought bitterly. Well, she knew how to get him back for ignoring her, especially now that he was at least sightly attracted to her, thanks to the program.

[Subject will become more sexually aroused whenever Michael and Amy lock eyes], she typed, and hit Enter. Now every time he looked at her, he'd want her more. That would teach him to look at other women.

She waited until he looked up and caught her eye again, and felt herself flush slightly at the knowledge that he would get more turned on each time he did so. It would only be a matter of time before that building arousal of his drove him to act, she thought with a smile.

Amy decided to make it a bit easier for him to find the courage to come over and talk to her. [Subject's inhibitions are reduced. Subject is compelled to give in to their desires and act on their thoughts.] Enter.

I have to remember to change that back before he leaves the shop. It wouldn't be right to leave him with a compulsion to do everything that occurred to him. That could easily ruin his life, she thought, wondering not for the last time whether she had gone too far.

After he went back to typing on his laptop, she looked him up and down once more. She certainly enjoyed the view, but it occurred to her just how easily she could make improvements to what she saw with the program. Heck, he was already practically a model - might as well take him the rest of the way there. Not to mention she could undo it before they left the shop. It wouldn't be so terrible to improve him, just a bit.

[Subject has the body of an ideal cover model from a dirty magazine], she typed naughtily. She was surprised by her own audacity, and reminded herself that she was only here to have a fun, flirty conversation. She even considered deleting the command, but ultimately convinced herself that it was temporary and harmless, and hit Enter.

She examined him closely, and thought she could see his jawline become a bit more chiseled, and his muscles grow a bit more defined, but it was hard to tell with them being hidden under his tailored suit. Plus, he's already so attractive that maybe there's not much the program can do to improve him, she giggled to herself.

He glanced back up at her, and she flushed with arousal at the thought of him getting hornier as they locked eyes. He immediately broke eye contact again, however, frustrating her. Here she was getting all turned on thinking about how much he would want her, and he still wouldn't give her the time of day.

She looked back down at the keyboard, past her large, jiggly boobs, and thought about how badly she wanted him to notice her. Maybe he was just so shy that it never even occurred to him to come over and talk to her, despite his attraction to her and his increasing arousal. I can relate, she thought, remembering her own shyness, and thinking about how tied to her own self-image it was.

She decided that a change in wardrobe might make him more outgoing. She loved looking at him in his suit, but maybe it was making him feel stuffy and repressed.

[Subject is now wearing a sexy outfit], she typed, and hit Enter. She looked back up at him, eager to see what clothes Master PC had decided on, but was surprised to see him in the exact same suit. Of course! she thought, nearly facepalming. What outfit could a guy like him possibly look sexier in than a tailored suit? Of course it hadn't changed. She thought she could see a bit more appealing tightness in the suit's slim fit, though.

She glanced back up at him, and caught him checking out her tits. Their eyes met briefly, his cheeks reddened, and he made a show of looking back down at his laptop busily. Finally! Amy thought, starting to feel legitimately horny now that his resolve was finally cracking and he was letting his increasing attraction for her show. It wouldn't be long now before he got turned on enough to come over and talk to her, she thought, squirming a bit herself at the idea.

Still though, he sure was taking his sweet time about it. [Subject gets turned on by the idea of hitting on people at a coffee shop], she typed, and pressed Enter. There, that'll light a fire under his ass, she thought. Now he'd be turned on whenever he looked at her, and whenever he thought about coming over to talk to her. Heck, I might have hit on him myself if I didn't specifically come here to be hit on. What was taking him so long?

Well, in the meantime she might as well improve her view again. She briefly worried that she might be taking this a bit too far, and that her growing horniness was clouding her judgment. She again reassured herself that this was all only temporary, and that she'd reverse all of the changes once he came over and flirted with her for a bit. Plus, she really wanted to do it. Ok, here goes nothing.

[Subject has a strong desire to show off their sexy body.] Enter.

She looked up expectantly, waiting for him to take his jacket off, or loosen his tie and unbutton a button, or something, but he just sat there, typing away on his laptop. Ah, there! He... pulled at his tie a bit. Wow, either this guys is really repressed, or this program is a lot weaker than my brother led me to believe, she thought. Still though, society can be pretty prudish. It's not that surprising that he wants to stay professional in public. She pulled the low neckline of her tight crop top down a bit further, hoping his view of her impressive cleavage would encourage him to loosen up a bit.

Maybe his work was too important? After all, she'd only said that he had a desire to show off his body, not that he had to. He should still be pretty aroused by now from my earlier commands, though, she thought as she slid her short, pleated skirt up a bit to show him some more thigh.

Something else then occurred to her. Maybe he's gay? Could that mean her commands to find her attractive weren't working? That made sense, and even though she could change his orientation with the program, she'd feel pretty guilty at messing with his sexuality too much. Hmm...

[Subject's unnaturally strong sexual desire for women is limited to the women currently in this coffeeshop.] There. That would ensure that he'd come flirt with her whether or not he was gay, but if he was he'd still be gay afterwards. Enter.

She briefly wondered about the ethics of the command she'd just entered. Was it more ok to change someone's orientation temporarily than permanently? Also, from the way she'd worded it, he would be attracted to the women in here forever if she didn't undo the command at some point. Did it make it more acceptable if he enjoyed his new attractions (which he would now, of course)? In the end, she supposed it didn't really matter, since she'd return him to normal at some point today.

By now Amy had finished her latte, so she got up to go order another. She enjoyed the way Michael's eyes now bounced between the firm ass under her short skirt and the full breasts on display in her low-cut crop top as she walked up to the counter and ordered, making sure to bend over a bit to give Michael a nice view of the pink thong peeking out from her thigh gap. On the way back to her chair, she met Michael's eyes above his flushed cheeks, and got even hornier.

I may not be able to hold myself to just a conversation with him at this rate, Amy thought as she sat down down. Her toned legs drifted apart slightly and she dropped one hand to stealthily press on herself a little, to take the edge off. While she was down there, it occurred to her that she should pull her skirt up a bit higher, so she did. Hopefully that would tease Michael into finally coming over.

A few minutes later, as the blue-eyed barista bent over to deliver a cappuccino to the table next to her, Amy noticed how cute her butt was and began to understand why Michael had been so focused on her earlier. Feeling devilish, Amy impulsively snapped a pic of her and fed it into the Master PC image detector. There was plenty of time to work on Michael later, she thought. She wanted to have some fun with, uh... she checked the name on the new profile that had just popped up ...Jill now. She deserved it anyway for distracting Michael from Amy.

[Subject has big tits.] Enter. Jill's tits were suddenly large, jiggly D cups. Amy giggled at her own impulsive audacity, appreciating how hot they looked on Jill's slim, athletic frame. Amy briefly wondered which way she swung. Where did that idea come from, she thought, surprised, but then continued to check out Jill's new assets in spite of herself.

When she finally turned her gaze back to Michael, however, she noticed that his attention had been drawn to Jill's prominent chest as well. At least the command to find the women in here attractive worked, she thought, her bright green eyes filling with envy. Well, that was easily fixed.

[Subject is strongly sexually attracted to user], she typed quickly, and then hit Enter in a huff.

She looked up in satisfaction, but was surprised to notice Michael's gaze still firmly fixated on Jill's bouncing bosom. With how passive Michael had been through all of this, Amy was starting to think that Master PC was only selectively applying her commands, but then she noticed that Jill's gaze was firmly fixated on her own, her cheeks pink with arousal. Amy was confused for a second, before figuring out what had happened. Of course, I forgot to switch back to Michael's profile, and the command to find me attractive affected Jill instead! She's totally got the hots for me! she giggled. 

She found herself enjoying the attention (for once, she thought despondently), so she decided that leaving Jill attracted to her for now wasn't really hurting anything. Plus, she's pretty easy on the eyes too, Amy thought while Jill leaned over the bar toward her, tank top and apron pulled dangerously low. After enjoying her view of the creamy boobs on display, Amy glanced over, meeting Michael's eyes, and felt herself getting even hornier. The thought of hitting on Jill here in the coffeeshop to turn Michael on briefly flitted through Amy's mind, and she felt the heat in her crotch flame into a burning fire. It was time to up the ante a bit.

[Subject feels a strong desire to physically flirt with user], she typed, and hit Enter. Killing two birds with one stone, she thought. This way, she'd get some more fun, lighthearted attention from Jill, all the while hopefully getting Michael interested enough to actually come talk to her.

Bringing Amy's order over a few minutes later, Jill ran her hand across Amy's shoulder and leaned around to her right, resting her pillowy tits on Amy's arm as she placed the coffee down in front of her. "Is there anything else I can get you?" she asked breathily, her blue eyes sparkling with arousal and excitement only a few inches away from Amy's. Completely taken by surprise, Amy was captivated by the pretty barista and couldn't resist leaning in to briefly taste the brunette's luscious lips, enjoying the sensation of Jill's boobs pressing into her side.

When Amy finally broke the kiss, breathless, she glanced around the shop to see if anyone had seen. Michael, of course, was staring right at them, but quickly looked down again after meeting her gaze. Feeling a fresh surge of arousal, Amy squirmed in her seat as Jill whispered "let me know if there's anything else I can help you with" into her ear, and then she slowly let go and walked back behind the counter.

Maybe Michael, Jill, and I could enjoy some three-way flirting, Amy thought, suddenly significantly more interested in Jill's attentions than she had been. She decided that Jill could benefit from some of the enhancements that she had made to Michael.

[Subject loves to show off their sexy body.] Enter. Jill absentmindedly pulled her top and apron even lower, and rubbed her hands across her tight jeans as though she suddenly wished she were wearing something else. [Subject is strongly sexually attracted to Michael in addition to user.] Jill's bright eyes bounced between Michael and Amy as her cheeks got even pinker, and her delicious cleavage reddened. [Subject has a shaved pussy], Amy added naughtily, on a whim.

Hmm, that might not be so bad a change for me either, Amy thought, and once that appealing idea was in her head, she felt practically compelled to switch over to her own profile to retype the command. [Subject has a shaved pussy.] Enter.

When she looked back up, she noticed that Jill had gone over to Michael and was sensually whispering something into his ear as she ran her fingers up his arm. Michael glanced at Amy with raised eyebrows, and Jill walked back behind the counter, smiling impishly.

What had Jill said to Michael? Was she trying to set up something for the three of them? Or was she trying to steal Michael for herself? Maybe it had been a mistake to make Jill so interested in Michael, Amy thought. She didn't want to have her prey poached from her, especially this close to getting what she had come here for.

Perhaps one more small change to Jill could fix that. She switched back over to Jill's profile. She would look awfully cute as an empty-headed bimbo, and that would keep her from being so devious as well, Amy thought. She ultimately decided that would be a step too far, however, especially since she had no evidence that Jill was trying to undermine her, but for some reason the idea of turning Jill into a bimbo was becoming more and more appealing in spite of herself.

[Subject is now a cute, slutty bimbo.] Enter.

Well, now it was done, for better or worse. Amy knew all too well how impulsive she was - once she got an idea into her head, it was nearly impossible for her to resist the urge to act on it. I never should have thought about making her a bimbo in the first place, she thought glumly. Oh well, it was too late now. She might as well enjoy the show.

She looked back over at Jill, and saw that she was leaning over the counter, cheerfully bouncing her tits back and forth between her hands as she smiled playfully at Amy with her bright, unfocused eyes.

Wow, Jill looks so happy! And the program turned her cuteness up to 11 - I can hardly stand it! I wonder what it would be like to feel like that: a sexy piece of eye candy without a care in the world, she reflected with jealous curiosity, as she absentmindedly pulled her top down until the tops of her rosy nipples were showing. Too late, she realized what she was thinking about and attempted to snap out of her careless reverie.

Now that the possibility of trying out being a bimbo herself was in her head, of course, it didn't seem to want to leave. Amy knew it was a terrible idea, especially with all the power of Master PC at her disposal, but now that she had considered it she knew it was already too late to stop herself.

Amy couldn't help switching back over to her own profile and beginning to type. She was just too impulsive. Driven by her accursed need to put all of her thoughts into action, she watched in horror and excitement as her fingers finished inputting the command and decisively hit Enter...

... and suddenly she couldn't remember what she had been worried about. Oh well, it probably hadn't been important. What was important was how good she felt all of a sudden! Good and horny, she thought, looking around the room and giggling. She saw Michael, and when he met her glance, she squirmed in her seat as she felt her soaked pussy grow even wetter with need.

Oh yeah, he's the one I'm here to fuck! she thought to herself. She pulled up her skirt, slid her thong to the side, and began absentmindedly playing with herself, oblivious to the fact that she was giving Michael an appetizing eyeful of her lovely honeypot all the while, or the fact that Jill was watching her masturbate with keen interest.

Glancing over at Jill, Amy noticed that her arm was now working furiously behind the counter. Amy couldn't tell what her hand was doing, but whatever it was, it must have been important, because Jill had a look of deep focus on her beautiful face.

I wish Jill would show me her tits! Amy thought suddenly. That would be so great! Wait, I can make Jill show me her tits! I just have to type it into this box thingy! [Jill flashes her tits!] She pressed Enter, but nothing happened.

Amy was confused. Why hadn't it worked? Oh yeah! I have to say "Subject"! She typed [Subject flashes her tits!] and pressed Enter.

Nothing happened again! Amy thought dejectedly, as she pulled her top down to flash her perky tits at the delighted Jill. Michael nearly spit out his coffee and stared in awe at Amy's glorious rack, while Jill's face became even redder as her arm picked up speed with whatever it was doing behind the counter.

Why didn't that work? Oh, it says my name at the top up here! That means the program will make me do the thing! That's silly! She switched over to Jill's profile, re-entered her command, and pressed Enter.

Amy looked back over at Jill as she - and Michael, and most of the other customers in the shop - was rewarded with the sight of Jill's bare boobs resting softly on top of the countertop, jiggling pleasantly along with the frantic movements of her arm. Amy ogled Jill's naked titties and clapped her hands gleefully. She had made the computer work! And Jill's titties were so hot! Maybe Amy should fuck her and Michael!

But Michael still didn't seem to want to fuck her like Jill did, she reflected sadly. Well maybe she should just fuck him instead, she thought, and, proud of her smart idea, she switched back over to her own profile to enter one final command.

[Subject totally goes and fucks Jill and Michael!] Amy typed, and then impatiently pressed Enter.

Two minutes later Amy and Jill walked out of the coffeeshop together, hanging off the arms of a very confused but very eager Michael, happy as clams. Clams about to get stuffed, Amy giggled to herself, and as they walked down the street to Michael's nearby apartment, she rubbed her tits on Michael's arm and enjoyed the feeling of Jill's hand up her miniskirt playing with her needy pussy.

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Author's Note: Standard disclaimer applies: this story contains fictional depictions of erotic scenarios, so act accordingly! All characters are at least eighteen, all situations are entirely fictional, and any resemblance to any real-life individuals or situations is entirely coincidental. Copyright Fidget, all rights reserved. Enjoy!


by Fidget


Amy was sitting at home, lounging comfortably in a bathrobe, reading a trashy romance novel when it happened.

You might think it odd for an up-and-coming aeronautics research scientist to spend her Saturdays reading smut, but there was something about the stories of plain, everyday women having torrid affairs with gorgeous, unattainable men that she couldn't get enough of, possibly because she herself was plain, with mousy brown hair and no curves to speak of. She had tried to get the attention of the popular boys in school, but just didn't have what it took, and had turned to books about unrealistic relationships instead. Her love of reading was what had started her on her ridiculously successful career path, but it was also what had earned her her nickname, "Worm", short for "Bookworm". She absolutely hated her nickname, as it simultaneously pointed out both her underdeveloped body, and the social isolation that had resulted from it.

That fateful Saturday, Amy's feelings of pleasant arousal from the sexual antics in her book were shattered as her entire house shook, accompanied by what sounded like a small explosion from her backyard. Running outside, she saw a small crater, with a still-glowing lump of metal in the center. As she approached it, she noticed a strange buzzing sensation in her head that got stronger the closer she got to the stone.

What the hell was that?!? she suddenly heard, and turned around to see her neighbor, Tom, leaning over the fence between their property.

"I think it's a meteorite!" Amy responded. "It must have just landed in my back yard!" Amy drew as close to the glowing rock as she could, before the heat radiating off it became too strong, and she was forced to retreat over to the fence by Tom.

"Weird!" Tom said, before shaking his head as though he was feeling the same buzzing. I hope this weird headache goes away soon - I think Melissa might be in the mood tonight, and I don't want to miss my chance to get lucky!

"Wait, what did you just say?" Amy asked, sure she must have somehow misheard him. Which itself was odd, since she didn't think she had seen his mouth move.

"I didn't say anything," Tom said, confirming Amy's suspicions that his mouth in fact hadn't been moving, which just left her feeling more confused.

Even so, the thought of Tom having sex had caused Amy to take a few surreptitious glances at his arms and chest before heading back to her house. For an accountant, Tom was pretty attractive, and as Amy glanced back at him while walking inside, she briefly thought, I bet he looks like he just stepped out of a romance novel under those clothes, before closing the door behind her.

Tom gave his neighbor an odd look as she disappeared, as though he'd somehow heard what she had thought, but as he turned back toward his own house, his muscles began to bulge and ripple under his dress shirt. Completely unaware of his new physique, Tom walked inside and proceeded to make powerful love to his incredibly lucky wife like he did every day. As Melissa recovered from her usual string of orgasms, she wondered, as she often did, how on earth she managed to snag a ridiculously hot underwear model with a massive cock, who was also godly at sex.


Melissa is such a lucky girl, Amy thought as she walked out her front door to check the mail, still in her bathrobe. She still couldn't believe that she lived next door to a real-life underwear model. It was like fate was tormenting her daily with what she couldn't have.

More importantly though, what was going on with Tom? She was certain that he hadn't been moving his lips, yet she'd still heard him talking about banging his wife, plain as day. Maybe it had something to do with the weird buzzing she had felt in her head, which hadn't decreased in intensity, even though she was now dozens of feet away from the meteorite. Well, she was a researcher, wasn't she? It was time for an experiment.

Reaching into her mailbox to grab her daily junk mail, Amy looked around for a likely test subject. Spotting the crotchety old woman who lived across the street sitting on her porch, Amy called out, "Hi Mrs. Henderson!" and waved. As usual, the old woman seemed to completely ignore her, but then Amy clearly heard, Young people these days, always desperate to draw attention to themselves, even though Amy was sure that Mrs. Henderson's lips hadn't moved.

I have always been pretty desperate for attention, Amy conceded. She recalled her high school days, where after constantly being rejected by her crushes, she had taken to wearing increasingly revealing outfits in an attempt to draw their attention, but that had only drawn more attention to her complete lack of curves, and her acting out had earned her a healthy amount of detention. Even so, Amy couldn't seem to help it, and her habit of wearing revealing clothing had stuck.

Amy looked down at the low-cut, midriff-baring tank top and dangerously short shorts currently hanging off her boyish figure, before continuing to excitedly wave at the old woman across the street, bouncing up and down this time, overwhelmed with youthful exuberance at being the center of her attention, until finally the old woman grew tired of her antics and turned away.

Even so, Amy's excitement was undiminished. It had happened again! It had to be that meteor that had fallen in her backyard - somehow that weird buzzing it had put in her head was allowing her to hear what other people thought!

Still half-convinced that she was crazy, Amy focused her attention on a girl down the street standing beside her squatting dog, and clearly heard the words, Nobody will notice if I don't pick it up this once, as the girl ignored her dog's business and continued walking.

There was no doubt about it - Amy could read minds. This was the discovery of the century! Amy couldn't wait to be the center of the scientific community's attention as she showed off her mind-reading powers in front of hundreds of other researchers, and it was all thanks to that weird glowy rock that had fallen into her backyard.

She suddenly felt a familiar urge to be near other people, partially so that she could test out her newfound mind-reading powers, of course, but mostly so that she could hear what other people thought about her.

She ran inside, grabbed her keys, hopped in her car, and headed to the mall.


Along the way, while stopped at a red light, she glanced into the car next to her and noticed a cute guy looking in her direction. She smiled at him, always eager for the attention, and focused on his thoughts. She's kinda cute was all she heard before the light turned green, and he drove off.

I am kind of cute, Amy thought to herself happily, not noticing as her complexion cleared and took on a bit of color, her eyelashes lengthened, and her lips reddened, swelling a bit into a seductive pout. As the man's words echoed in her mind, Amy could remember her face getting all of the attention as she was growing up, as it was by far her best feature. If she had a nickel for every time she overheard someone in high school say, "Worm? Yeah she's cute, but...", well, she'd have a lot of nickels.


Once she arrived at the mall, she briefly glanced in her vanity mirror to check the carefully-applied makeup that had appeared on her face minutes before as the words I'm kinda cute continued to buzz around inside her mind, before getting out of the car and heading toward the mall.

Upon opening the doors, she was immediately overwhelmed by the thoughts loudly coming at her from every direction. way it'll fit...

...a watch for his birthday?

...just get a pizza! I don't...

Maybe coming to the mall was a mistake, Amy thought to herself as the cacophony started to give her a headache, but then she noticed that when she focused her attention on one voice in the crowd at a time, the other voices got quieter. Proud of herself for discovering a new aspect of her mind-reading powers, Amy began to make her way through the crowd, excitedly listening in on the thoughts of all of the people she passed.


Twenty minutes later, after overhearing to the exact same thoughts in the minds of hundreds of horny men and insecure women, however, Amy began to grow bored. Not a single person had so much as noticed that she was there, and even though she now knew the deepest secrets, desires, and insecurities of dozens of people, she still hadn't heard a single person think anything about her at all.

Her familiar desire to act out began to grow, and Amy began to sway her hips as she walked, as weird and unnatural as it felt with her narrow figure. She remembered similar desperate attempts to get the attention of the popular kids in high school, which had only resulted in her embarrassment, but she had to do something.

After a few minutes of exaggerated swaying, she passed a thin, mousy girl that reminded her a lot of herself. She saw the girl glance over at her as she walked by, and heard her think I wish I had hips that made me sway when I walk like that girl does. Amy grinned at finally getting some of the attention she craved, and, running her hands over her wide, flaring hips, Amy was thankful once again for the natural, effortless sway they gave her walk as she felt them pressing outward into the sides of her tight shorts. She hadn't always liked them - she'd gotten made fun of in high school for her "birthin' hips", as her bullies had often called them, once puberty had hit and caused them to swell into their current, overtly sexual curve. In the end, however, it had all been worth it for all of the attention they got her, she thought, throwing a bit more suggestive swagger into her disproportionately wide hips.


A few minutes later she noticed a guy walking toward her, and she felt a small flush of pride as her natural swaying strut immediately drew his attention, as it had so many other guys in the past. It was unfortunate that her only assets were her wide hips and cute face, but even so, she focused in on his thoughts, eager to find out his opinion of her.

Damn that girl is thicc, she heard, and gave an appreciative jiggle of the large ass and thick thighs that perfectly complemented her flaring hips. Amy wasn't trying to overhear another thought, but one came nonetheless, and as I can't wait to see that bubble butt she's got going on back there entered her mind unbidden, she smiled at just how right he was as her ass bounced even more heavily. When he finally passed her, she blushed as she heard him give a low whistle at the sight of her booty and hips continuing to jiggle and shake with each step she took, like they always had.

Amy had always been pear-shaped, with hardly anything up top but plenty going on down below. It was the reason she'd been somewhat popular in high school, as hormonal teenage boys were instinctively lured by the pleasure they knew they could find between her thick, cushiony thighs. And, since she'd loved the attention, and wanted to be popular, she'd gone along with them a bit too far, giving out more than her share of handjobs and blowjobs to quench the desire they felt for her plump pussy. That was where she'd gotten her nickname, "Dumptruck", as much as she hated it, both for her thick ass and for all of the loads the boys had dumped on her face and down her throat.


Amy was beginning to feel a bit wiped from walking on high heels all afternoon, even though she loved the attention they drew to her ass and thighs as she strolled through the mall. Plus, the constant buzzing in her head was starting to get a bit tiresome, and she thought she had learned enough about her new powers for one day. As she turned toward the exit though, another stray thought about herself from yet another horny guy behind her suddenly popped into her mind. Man, with an ass like that, she's gotta be packin' some tits too.

Once heard, it couldn't be unheard, and now Amy couldn't seem to ignore those words as they wrote themselves across her consciousness. Instead of continuing toward the exit, she impulsively decided to turn back around to show him that she was indeed "packin' some tits". To be honest, Amy was kinda self-conscious about leaving the house without a bra that day, not sure why she'd thought her large C-cups with their prominent nipples wouldn't need one as her bouncy breasts pressed out tightly against the thin material of her tank top. Oh well, too late now, better just own it, she thought, before swinging her top-heavy torso around for his appreciation.

I was right on the money! Damn she's got some sweet tits. Amy blushed as she looked down at her heavy chest in pride, not noticing that it now jutted out even further above her narrow waist than it had before. She did have some pretty sweet tits, she thought happily, giving him a wink before turning back around and continuing on her way. It briefly occurred to her how odd it was that she somehow seemed to be getting more and more attention after each new thought that she overheard, but that was exactly what she wanted anyway, so she didn't dwell on it.


Still gradually making her way toward the exit, Amy was excited to notice a butch girl openly checking her out as she walked by. While her attention was fully on the girl, Amy clearly overheard her thinking, Man, I wish I was on her cheerleading team in high school, which made Amy grin as she thought back to all of the wonderful years she had spent on the squad. Amy had been far too curvy to participate in many of the lifts or acrobatics, but every cheerleading squad needed eye candy, and Amy filled that role perfectly. Her grades had dropped significantly because of all the time she dedicated to practice and hanging out with the squad, but it had totally been worth it in the end with all of the attention and popularity she had gotten as a result, and she was still able to pass most of her classes through a combination of showing off her young, sexy body to her male teachers during class, and by flirting and begging afterward.


Thoroughly exhausted by this point, Amy was just trying to make it back to the mall exit without overhearing anything else about herself, but before she could get there, from out of nowhere came, That slut looks like she's out to get some dick. She spun around to see where such a crude comment could have come from, but having no way to tell she instead began considering the veracity of the remark.

I guess that's because I am out to get some dick, she thought smugly as her horniness started to get the better of her. Her exhaustion forgotten, Amy was now on the hunt, and, with her body, she knew it wouldn't be long before she got the dick that she was looking for. It briefly occurred to her how weird it was that everyone's thoughts about her had been so on the nose, but with how much the curvy, oversexed body nature had decided to bless her with stood out in a crowd, she supposed it was no wonder. Her musings couldn't distract her from her craving for cock forever, though, and before Amy knew it, she was once again scanning the food court for the lucky guy that would get to fill her hungry pussy as she made her way to the exit.

It had been this way since high school, with the hormones that had given her her voluptuous body also sending her sex drive through the roof. It wasn't like she could help it though, so she eagerly accepted her role as the cheerleading team's slut, especially because she got her pick of the hottest guys in school to fuck, and was still solidly in the popular crowd since she was entirely too hot not to be. She had even sucked off a few of her more lecherous teachers, when giving them an eyefull of her tits and pussy in class all year hadn't been enough to get her a passing grade. All of that was how she had gotten her nickname, "Cumslut", which she absolutely loved, because it was so accurate.


Finally making it to the exit, Amy walked past a sleazy guy by the door blatantly ogling the women as they passed by. I wonder what creeps like him think about, she mused, briefly focusing her attention on him as she walked by.

Just another dumb blond type who thinks she's better than me, she heard, and was momentarily confused. But I'm not- she began, reaching up toward her brunette hair even as it immediately began to lighten toward a bright, audacious platinum. -a real blond! I have to go get my roots done every week! And I'm not that dumb! she thought, even as her mind clouded and her thoughts began to jumble.

Even so, she still knew how much better she was than this creep. "Like, I'm totally out of your league," she shot back as he stared at her, completely bewildered by her unprovoked outburst. Amy was proud of herself though - even with her constant need for dick, she still had some standards, though she did give his crotch one final, sad look before turning and walking off toward her car.

As she jiggled away, however, her mind reading powers forced her to overhear yet another unbidden thought. She acts all high and mighty, but I bet she's actually a submissive little slut that gets off on doing what she's told, she felt him think, and momentarily had the presence of mind to be offended, before the command he shouted after her, "Get back here, bitch!" stopped her in her tracks.

Like, is it that obvious? she wondered, even as she couldn't resist turning around and slowly walking back over toward him, helplessly turned on by doing what she had been told, and enjoying the sight of him openly leering at her massive D-cups as they jiggled and bounced, threatening to spill out of her straining tank top.

"That's right bitch! You want to come home with me, don't you?"

"Yes," Amy heard herself respond meekly, mesmerized by the sleazy guy's confidence as she followed him out to his car.


A few minutes later, she found herself inside his cheap apartment being commanded to take her top off. She immediately complied, feeling the fresh rush of arousal that always came with doing what she was told, as he began to painfully grope her large, sensitive tits.

"Time to suck my dick bitch, since it's probably all you're good at!"

"I'm totally good at other stuff too though!" Amy managed to reply, offended by his outburst even as she sank down to her knees in front of him. "I can even read minds!"

What a bunch of horseshit. She can't read minds, she heard him think, and suddenly the buzzing sensation that had been in the back of her mind all day finally started to fade to a blissful silence.

"Ok then, prove it! What am I thinking about now?" he asked, but as she listened in on his incredibly offensive thoughts, that internal voice grew ever quieter, and she couldn't quite catch the last few words as they dwindled away to nothing.

"You were thinking that maybe I'm just, like, a dumb, submissive bimbo slut that's about to suck you off?" she guessed as her hand unconsciously reached out to stroke the dick sticking out of the guy's jeans. She was almost aware of the sensation of her clothes filling out one final time, as her fuzzy thoughts grew cloudier and her need for his cock became even stronger.

"Wrong bitch! I was thinking, 'maybe this dumb, submissive bimbo slut that's about to suck me off is actually a brilliant rocket scientist'", he said sarcastically. "Except that's clearly not true, since, like you said, you are just a dumb, submissive little bimbo slut sucking me off, isn't that right?"

Amy nodded obediently and got to work. Scant seconds later, however, it became apparent that the cocksucking skills she had honed over the years were entirely wasted on this loser as she felt his cock already beginning to stiffen reflexively in her mouth. He sneered down at the curvy, slutty body and big blue eyes looking up at him as her deepthroating sent him over the edge, and he found himself spurting burst after burst of his thick seed into her mouth.

Amy giggled as she wandered out of his apartment minutes later with a belly full of cum, completely satisfied. She was living the dream. It was as though her entire life had somehow been one long, trashy romance novel magically brought to life, and she had loved every second of it.

Back at Amy's house, Tom the underwear model had grabbed the meteorite and brought it inside with him to show to his wife, whose head had started filling with a weird buzzing as soon as the rock had come inside.

As Melissa held the still-warm object in her hand, she glanced up to catch her husband checking out her body. She stuck out her chest a bit in pride, but then somehow heard his voice inside her head, filling her with an odd sense of deja vu:

Man I wish Melissa had gigantic tits.

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Author's Note: Standard disclaimer applies: this story contains fictional depictions of erotic scenarios, so act accordingly! All characters are at least eighteen, all situations are entirely fictional, and any resemblance to any real-life individuals or situations is entirely coincidental. Copyright Fidget, all rights reserved. Enjoy!


Bimbo Potion: Revenge Chs. 1-7
by Fidget


Chapter 1

Amy dreaded going to work. She loved her job, but the other women in her office drove her absolutely insane. Linda was nosy and a relentless gossip, and Valerie was a know-it-all who belittled her every chance she got. Sam, however, was the worst, not because she was particularly annoying, but because she was constantly hitting on the boss in the hopes of turning an affair into a promotion, and that directly threatened Amy's own career aspirations. Not that she would sleep her way to the top like Sam, of course. Phil was cute, but Amy was too focused on her work at this point in her life to have time for relationships. In any case, this all resulted in what she considered a hostile work environment, and one day she just couldn't take it anymore.

That fateful Monday afternoon, after being lectured by Linda (again) and catching Val whispering about her lack of fashion sense (again), Amy caught Sam "accidentally" dropping a pencil in front of her boss' door. She slowly bent over to pick it up, showing off her short skirt and toned thighs, and Amy just lost it.

She followed Sam to the breakroom and confronted her. "You know Phil would never fall for a bimbo like you, right?" she snapped.

"Wow, Amy. I knew you were jealous of me, but I didn't know you were that jealous," Sam shot back. "It won't matter anyway. By the end of the month I'll have both Phil and your supervisor job, and there's nothing you can do about it."

"We'll see about that," Amy said, angrily stomping back to her desk to plan her revenge. After a few minutes of coming up with a string of terrible ideas, she impulsively googled "how to deal with the annoying bitches in your life", and came across an ad for a product that had potential.

"Bimbo Potion. Turn a lame girl into your dream girl! Just place a few drops onto her skin, and watch as she gets curvier, sexier, and hornier! Plus, whenever she is turned on, she will produce pheromones that attract and entice men, increasing the chances that your special lady won't be able to resist getting good and fucked. More drops will increase the effects of the potion, but never use more than 5 at one time!"

It was perfect. It would get the girls off her back at work, and hell, they'd probably enjoy it too! She was doing them a favor, really. She ordered a bottle, and with 2-day shipping, it was on her doorstep by Wednesday.

The question was how to apply it. She ultimately decided to put together surprise gift baskets for all of her coworkers, and to include a bottle of hand sanitizer in each. Three of those bottles, however, would have a few drops of Bimbo Potion floating on top of the hand sanitizer. This would ensure that the intended recipient would feel the effects of the full dose on first usage.

After buying the other supplies, she sat down that evening to dose the hand sanitizer and assemble the baskets. First up was Linda. Linda wasn't terrible; she just needed to lighten up a bit. Two drops ought to change her perspective, Amy concluded, filling the eyedropper with the potion and letting two drops fall into the top of the open bottle. Next was Valerie's basket. Amy thought back to all of the times that Val had belittled and made fun of her, and dropped three drops into Val's bottle out of spite.

Then, as she brought the dropper over to the final bottle, she felt a splatter on her leg and froze, horrified. She looked down and saw that a small drop had leaked out of the tip of the dropper and fallen onto her exposed skin. She immediately grabbed a tissue and wiped it off, hoping that she'd removed it before it could affect her. After washing her leg with soap and water, she got back to work, and very carefully put four drops into the final bottle, intended for that flirty bitch Sam. She'll definitely get the attention she's been wanting now! she thought, feeling satisfied with herself. But she won't have the brains to warrant a promotion!

At that moment, however, she began to notice a small tightening feeling in her own waist, and knew that she was indeed being affected. The question was how much. She wrapped her arms around her abdomen and was troubled to find that they went very slightly farther around than they should have. Next, her center of balance shifted as she felt her hips widening, and her pants were starting to feel a bit tight. Reaching around and cupping her butt, she realized that it was noticeably firmer and larger than she remembered.

She dreaded the change that she could already feel washing over her now. Her chest tingled as the drug began to whisper to her small breasts, which were suddenly infected with an unwelcome yearning to grow and press out proudly from her body. They needed to grow, so that they would be seen and desired by men. She tried to fight it, but they were enjoying their growing intoxication at the hands of the chemical onslaught, and she shared their tipsy giddiness as they finally succumbed to its influence, and began to swell slowly and luxuriously. She sat there, unable to stop them as they dutifully carried out the potion's instructions, responding to her half-hearted pleas with seductive promises of pleasure. She hated it, and especially hated that part of herself feeling a small but growing eagerness to discover and embrace the changes she had inflicted on herself. She knew it wasn't her own voice, and that it was only the potion talking, but that didn't make it any easier to ignore, and it didn't prevent her from getting more and more turned on at the thought of the attention her new boobs would get. 

Looking down, she watched helplessly as her chest expanded, pushing her t-shirt out, and tenting it with her now-prominent nipples. Just as she was wondering how big her breasts would get, she felt their compulsion to grow subside, replaced by a feeling of satisfaction as they proudly displayed themselves. For better or worse, she had tits now. Great, I'll have to buy new bras (so I can show off my new cleavage!), she thought, recoiling at the second half even though it had felt perfectly natural when she was thinking it.

A new swelling drew her attention downward. She was suddenly hyper-aware of her pussy, as she felt it moisten with arousal. Her pants began to feel even more crowded, as her labia puffed up a bit fuller than they should have. Her breathing quickened, and she felt herself flush slightly as her pussy began to beg for her attention.

As the change moved back up her body, she felt her hair lengthen and her face tighten, and knew that her complexion had cleared. Finally, inevitably, she felt her head fog slightly, and while fighting to clear it she was suddenly hit by an even stronger surge of arousal. Overcome with need, she fought her zipper down, ripped her panties aside, and shuddered at just how good touching herself felt. She groped her new tits and squeezed her sensitive nipples with her left hand as she worked the fingers on her right in and out of her greedy pussy. In her hypersensitive state it didn't take her long to climax from the stimulation, and she collapsed backward into her chair after the best orgasm of her life.

As the changes finished, her arousal subsided and she was in a better state of mind to examine the damage. She was drawn first to the tightness of her shirt, and noted that she had gone from an AA cup to probably a small B. Funny, they felt larger than that while they were growing, she thought. Her pants still mostly fit, tight in the hips and slightly too large in the waist, but that could be fixed by the right belt. She looked into the mirror and saw that the face looking back was almost indistinguishable from her own, if a bit cuter. Her hair, which had been a dull brown, now looked glossier with a slight wave and even sported some highlights. She tried a smile and saw that her lips were slightly redder, her teeth were whiter, and she now had dimples! Wow, I look fantastic! she thought, before catching herself and deciding to check for any mental changes. If she would even notice any, of course. Stupid potion.

She sat down in front of her computer and pulled up the hottest guys she could think of. Her celebrity crushes were definitely still crushes, but she felt none of the irresistible urge to masturbate that had taken hold of her earlier. That must've just been a side effect during the change she thought, relieved. All in all, she seemed to be in pretty good shape, considering that she'd just accidentally dosed herself with a bimbo potion. Her clothes still fit (if anything, they looked better on her than before), she felt great, and she hadn't become a horny slut.

Finally calming down, she sat back down at the table to finish the gift baskets. Even after her small setback, she was still just as determined to get the girls back for the way they had treated her. After double-checking that she put each doctored hand sanitizer in the correct basket, she wrapped them in clear plastic to increase the odds that the women wouldn't open them until they got home the next night.

Later, as she was getting ready for bed, she was tempted to sleep in the nude for the first time to get to know her new body a bit better. After all, her tits wanted attention, and her pussy pulsed with the promise of pleasure. No, I'm stronger than this stupid drug, she thought, put on her pajamas, and quickly fell asleep.


She woke up the next morning in the glow of a pleasant dream that she couldn't quite remember. Getting ready was uneventful, other than stopping to admire her slightly improved self in the mirror for a few minutes, and she grabbed all of the baskets on her way out the door.

When she arrived at work, she made the rounds to all of her coworkers' desks, giving them the gift baskets along with her prefabricated tale of how an online retailer had accidentally sent her too much product. Everyone was appreciative, though she noted that Linda was curt, Val looked down her nose at the brand of the sanitizer, and Sam clearly suspected that this was a ploy to undermine her efforts in the office somehow. If she only knew, Amy giggled to herself as she headed back to her desk.

"Amy, could you come in here please?" her boss called a few minutes later. She went in and took a seat in front of his desk as he began to tell her about the preparations that needed to be made for the next quarterly meeting. As he spoke, she found herself absentmindedly admiring his wide shoulders and strong-looking hands. Her gaze had drifted up to his warm eyes and masculine features when she was suddenly startled out of her reverie by a change in his voice. "So, if you have any questions, just let me know," he concluded. "No problem!" she said with a big smile and a bit of a giggle, and got up to leave.

Why did I giggle in there? she wondered on the way back to her desk. He didn't seem any different to her, and she felt no desire to throw herself at him or anything, but something still felt slightly off as she sat down at her desk and got back to work.

A few hours later, when her boss called her back into his office to discuss one of her reports, she figured out what it was. She could smell him. A faint hint of a delicious musk was just detectable in the air of his office, and it was making her the slightest bit giddy. She tried to calm down, and nearly succeeded, until she saw her boss' eyes momentarily flick down to her chest. Immediately she felt her brainwashed breasts' desire to stand out proudly, finally getting the attention they craved. She could feel her nipples harden against her too-small bra, Her boss continued on as though he hadn't noticed, possibly in embarrassment at having been caught looking. She wanted him to look again though, and found herself arching her back ever so slightly as a flush crept up her chest.

Embarrassed at her behavior, she forced herself to sit up straight as her boss continued to talk about the earnings report, but her traitorous breasts had already signaled their interest to her pussy, which tingled and swelled in response. Just as she feared she might lose control of herself, however, her arousal plateaued and settled down to a warm buzz. Realizing that she was still firmly in control of herself, she decided to relax a bit and enjoy the pleasant pull of attraction as she leaned over the desk to point out some figures. His eyes flicked down again and her nipples tightened, but she now welcomed the sensation and kept her conversation strictly professional, proud of herself for having her cake and eating it too. Maybe this isn't so bad after all, she thought.

A few minutes later, however, she saw his nostrils flare slightly, and she remembered the pheromones the ad had mentioned. She wondered if her pussy had started producing them without her even noticing. Hopefully they're relatively weak, like the other changes have been, she thought, as she decided her fun had gone far enough and reluctantly reigned herself back in to a calm indifference. His nose flared again though as he took in a deep breath, and then asked, "Is that a new perfume you're wearing?"

"Oh, yes!" she answered, worried about her pussy's sudden renewed interest in him.

"It's nice," he said, shifting slightly in his chair and taking one more lingering glance at her chest before beginning to wrap up the meeting. She was glad it was over, because she knew she was now producing her "perfume" in a much higher quantity, and her fingers were beginning to tug at the hem of her shirt as her breasts convinced her that maybe showing a bit more skin wouldn't hurt.

And then it was over. She stood up and they shook hands, but she could feel his eyes glued to her hips as she walked out the door...


Chapter 2

Thursday night - Valerie

When Val got home, she changed out of her work clothes and went to the bathroom to freshen up. Coming back out, she noticed the gift basket sitting on her living room table, and gave herself a small squirt of hand sanitizer before plopping down on the couch to spend a few minutes on social media. Not too long though - I have to go get ready for my workout. She prided herself on her slim, athletic body, which she had kept in top shape since her competitive gymnastics days in college.

A few minutes later, however, Val noticed that she was feeling oddly light and tingly, and that the sensation was getting stronger. Something was very wrong. More like something is very right, she corrected as a wave of euphoria swept over her, leaving her gasping in pleasure. 

She found herself picturing her ideal body, lean and fit, and was proud at how close her she came to that ideal. However, she felt that mental image start to shift as her euphoria was augmented by a giggly horniness, and her thoughts turned to how good it would feel to use her body for sex instead. Before she knew it, her mental image had developed larger tits and an inviting ass, as her visions of acrobatics were replaced by visions of a much more pleasurable extracurricular activity. "Now that's more like it", she sighed, as she felt the powerful triple dose of bimbo drug release endorphins to reward her for her hard work, before it took her image as its template and got started making her new dream a reality.

Val somehow knew that, inevitably, these curves would soon be hers, so she settled back into the couch to lazily masturbate and enjoy the ride as the gymnast body she had worked so hard for was redesigned for marathon sex instead. 

As her muscles lost definition and her ass began to swell, she imagined all of the strong hands and hard cocks that would soon be pressed against it. She could feel those same hands sensuously encircling her waist as it tapered, and roughly grabbing her hips as they flared.

"Ohhh god..." she moaned in pleasure as her tits began to grow. It was lucky that she was just wearing a loose nightshirt, she thought, as her new body began to fill out the flimsy piece of fabric. Her tits ballooned outward, and she began to jiggle them happily as she thought of all the men that would soon be sucking on her large nipples.

Down below, her pussy suddenly flared with need, and refused to calm down as she jilled herself faster. It tightened into a cock-milking machine, and let her know in no uncertain terms that that was the only thing that could quench its fire. She moaned in frustration, but knew this discomfort was necessary and temporary, since her new pussy would now irresistibly pull her toward cock like gravity. And, as Val noticed a sweet, seductive odor fill the air, she knew that her pussy would do its part to ensure that her interest was returned as well.

Finally, her lashes lengthened, her lips swelled, and her long brown hair straightened, as her head filled with pink cotton candy and her empty pussy spasmed in orgasm in response to her silent promise to feed it a healthy diet of cock.

Coming down from her high, her head cleared slightly, and for a second she wondered what had happened to her, but she was so infatuated with her new body and desires that she didn't dwell on the thought. She decided to skip working out to get to know herself a bit better instead.


The next morning - Amy

Amy woke up feeling a bit flushed from a dream that immediately faded from her memory, but for some reason left her with some incredibly naughty thoughts about her boss. Embarrassed at herself, she was nonetheless tempted to wear a low-cut blouse that would draw attention to her chest. Instead, she purposefully chose a sweater with a slightly higher neckline and a modest skirt, proud of herself at resisting the potion's sinister influence.

She arrived at work a few minutes early, so that she could watch the fireworks when her three victims arrived. Linda and Sam arrived right on time, but Amy was disappointed to see that they didn't look any different. She watched them for a while just in case, hoping to see something different about them, but after her own experience with just a touch of the potion she quickly determined that there was no way they had been dosed.

Her patience was finally rewarded when Valerie came in ten minutes late, noticeably preceded by the D cup tits that she had squeezed into a spaghetti strap tank top, and followed both by her miniskirt-clad ass and the eyes of her male coworkers. The potion had clearly worked its irresistible magic on her, Amy thought, looking down at her own perky little chest and recalling her helplessness to fight the potion's effects the day before. Amy wondered whether Val's apparent lack of awareness of her transformation was due to the larger dose of bimbo potion, or if Amy's understanding of what was happening to her had kept her mind safe from any effects.

She was already a slut anyway. She probably didn't even notice that anything had changed, Amy thought gleefully as Val swayed her wide hips over to her desk and sat down, pulling her top dangerously low to give the guys in the office a nice view of her impressive cleavage.

Amy spent an enjoyable morning watching Val shamelessly flirt with any guy who got near her desk. It wasn't long before men were making detours to spend time with her, and she rewarded their attention by pressing her boobs together and crossing her legs to show off her silky thighs as she unabashedly teased them. The longer the men hung around, the more reluctant they were to leave, as they basked in the alluring fragrance that swirled around this new, inexplicably seductive Val.

Linda kept sending disapproving glances in Val's direction, and Amy caught her and Sam whispering back and forth to each other. That should give them something to talk about besides me for a few days. Until they try their own hand sanitizer, that is, Amy thought deviously.


Late that morning she took a break from watching Val throw herself at men to go to the bathroom, passing Linda on the way. When she had finished, she washed her hands and grabbed a splash of hand sanitizer on her way out the door. Suddenly, she noticed a very familiar, unwelcome feeling washing over her. Oh no, not again! How did this happen? This is just the bathroom sanitizer! It was then that she realized her error. One of those bitches had probably not wanted their hand sanitizer, and had put it in the bathroom to get rid of it. And Amy had used it without realizing! But was it Sam or Linda who had put it there? Would she be getting 2 doses or 4?

She suddenly realized that she didn't care, and was struck with a wonderful feeling of destiny, like she was finally becoming the sexual center of attention she was always meant to be. This must be the first of the potions' effects, she thought. I can resist it though, she reassured herself, as she pretended to fight her body's renewed yearning to become a bimbo. For now all she could do was hide in the farthest stall from the door and wait out the changes. She had the foresight to remove her bra, and was glad that she had decided to wear a sweater today, though she knew she would regret its low neckline in a few minutes.

There goes my waist again, she thought distractedly, feeling it tighten, but it was a subtler change than before, and she soon realized why. This time the potion was more intent on giving her wide, seductive hips and a large, tight bubble butt, which she began softly squeezing as she willed it to round out against her hands even more. Before she realized it, she had given her new butt a sharp smack, felt it jiggle far too enticingly for her liking, and experienced a pleasant, unwelcome tingle start up a bit farther forward, while her thighs swelled and toned and tightened below, preparing to powerfully grip any man they managed to wrap themselves around.

Her boobs had clearly been awaiting their own changes, and eagerly surrendered themselves to the potion's enthralling influence once more, embracing their familiar compulsion to swell, to joyously fill her sweater to the brim with their soft, bouncy sensuality. And she wanted them to, she reluctantly admitted, as she found herself encouraging her brainwashed breasts to grow even larger, driven by the powerful dose of Bimbo Potion that she could feel coursing through her veins. This was their purpose, she realized, to advertise her fertile female body to all of the red-blooded males in the room, and to make their cocks all nice and hard so that they would want to fuck her. Her nipples, not to be left out, doubled in size while instilling in her a new desire for them to be seen, and touched. Her tits loved being shown off, and now she longed to put them on display.

Their growth finally slowed, almost regretfully, but they contented themselves with the possibility that she might "accidentally" dose herself yet again. Amy needed to feel them growing even larger and heavier as well, and was suddenly tempted to go home, find the little bottle, unscrew the eyedropper and try just one more drop... Never! she thought angrily, absentmindedly playing with her sensitive new tits and inadvertently sending jolts of arousal to her groin.

When she finally noticed and stopped herself, she found that her arousal continued to grow anyway. Oh no, she thought, as her attention was pulled down to her playful little pussy, its exciting new changes having been jumpstarted and strengthened by the sensations coming from her boobs. She shivered as her vagina tightened, eagerly preparing to pump the cum out of any yummy cock that she could get inside of it. Amy suddenly felt a powerful desire to fill her emptiness, and knew that it was only a matter of time before her hungry pussy would ensnare the meat that it wanted, especially with the powerful new pheromones the potion had programmed her to produce. She snuck out of the stall and grabbed the sanitizer bottle, which happened to be just the right size for what she had in mind, and sat down on the lid of the toilet. She savored the addictive sensation of giving in to her craving, slowly sliding more and more of the bottle in and out of herself while she pinched her new nipples.

The changes traveled back up her body, and her head began to itch as her hair lengthened and twisted up into a fountain of waves and curls. Her face ached as her cheekbones lifted and her nose shrunk into a cute button. Her lips swelled into a seductive pout, and as she increased her pace with the bottle, she felt unlooked-for yet appealing ideas pop into her head about all of the things she could do with her new lips.

Her mind started to blur a bit as she approached her climax. Her thoughts turned entirely to using her body for what it was clearly designed for, and she fantasized that the bottle she was pounding herself with was a large, throbbing cock. Imagining it tightening in anticipation of release sent her over the edge, and she rode out her climax with a series of high-pitched gasps, before finally collapsing in satisfaction.

"Everything ok in there?"

She instantly snapped out of her daze, and somehow managed a "Yes, thanks!" in spite of her extreme embarrassment.

Her anonymous do-gooder apparently didn't need to use the restroom herself, which gave Amy time to reflect on what had just happened. She had accidentally dosed herself with the Bimbo Potion again, and from the looks of her, it was probably Linda's, thankfully. So, two and a half to three doses total. "Linda would be too good for my gift", she muttered indignantly.

Just like before, her need to masturbate was gone now. She also no longer had that intense need to feel her boobs growing, and looking back on it she felt a bit silly at just how badly she had craved to watch them grow larger and larger, and to see rooms of men with their pants tenting at the sight. As she cupped them though, she couldn't help but feel a warm affection at the way they hung off her frame in perfect teardrops with just the right amount of sag, prominent and perky. Maybe wearing something that shows a bit of cleavage from time to time wouldn't be such a bad idea, she mused happily, noting that she was definitely at least a large C cup now.

She walked over to the mirror, and saw a face that was not unlike her own, but was much more attractive. Her cute nose was perfectly framed by her model's cheekbones, and her lush lips practically begged to be kissed, even while they hinted at other activities. Her face was ringed with shimmering blond waves, which bounced enticingly whenever she moved. Her bright blue eyes hadn't changed though, and she still recognized herself in them, which reassured her.

Her hips had flared, of course, and her butt was round and inviting. Her legs felt powerful, and she could see the new muscle tone in her thighs. It was a good thing she had worn a skirt, especially since anyone who sees me in it will want to bend me over a table, she thought naughtily. Crap, she worried. Time to take stock of the mental stuff.

She felt... happy. She seemed to have boundless energy, and was infused with a bright optimism that made her feel like giggling about everything. She tried to feel annoyed about that fact, but couldn't quite bring herself to. Oh well, what's the harm in enjoying life a bit more? she reasoned, while enjoying the view of her creamy boobies poking out of the top of her sweater in the mirror.

She considered whether she felt especially horny, and concluded that while her pussy perked up in eager anticipation whenever she gave it her attention, she felt fine otherwise. She thought she was starting to understand the potion a bit: while under its influence, you craved becoming a bimbo, and were filled with an irresistible need to fuck, but after the effects subsided, you returned to normal mentally, with a few lingering physical effects and enhanced "assets".

Satisfied with her control over the situation, and with how calmly she had assessed her changes, she hid her bra under her sweater and headed back to her desk. As she walked, she couldn't help but swing her hips a bit. It was just so much fun!

Along the way she passed an intern coming out of the janitor's closet with a glazed smile on his face. Val was just settling back into her desk, her eyes twinkling with delight and satisfaction as she licked something off her index finger and adjusted the large tits spilling out of her revealing top.


Chapter 3

Amy had a meeting scheduled with her boss after lunch, and she wasn't sure whether she was dreading it or looking forward to it. In the meantime, she noticed how cute all of the guys in her office looked today, and with the attention her increasingly extroverted boobs were enjoying from their glances, she knew it wouldn't be long before her frisky pussy would begin enticing them with a barrage of new, powerful pheromones.

Her meeting with Phil arrived just in time to escape her admirers, who immediately focused their attentions entirely on the voluptuous Val.


As Amy bounced into Phil's office she knew she should be worried, especially with how their meetings had gone the day before, but she was so happy to see him that her concerns quickly faded. After all, I made it out of here just fine yesterday, she thought, smiling brilliantly at him as she sat down.

They began to discuss the week's numbers, but Amy was aware that Phil was more focused on her than he had been the day before. He kept meeting her bright blue eyes with his own dark brown ones, and then holding her gaze with an uncharacteristic intensity. Amy enjoyed being the center of his attention, and slightly exaggerated her lips' natural pout while slowly batting her long eyelashes at him.

Her greedy tits began to complain that they were being ignored on purpose, so Amy pulled her sweater down a bit so they could peek further out. Phil's eyes immediately dropped to them, and he appreciated the way they swelled invitingly against the thick wool of her sweater for a minute before returning his attention to the topic at hand.

This wasn't enough for Amy's tits, of course, so they arched her back to try to draw his gaze back to her chest, but through herculean effort Phil kept his eyes on hers. Desperate for his attention, her reprogrammed breasts inundated Amy with promises of pleasure if she would just lift up her sweater and show them off properly, and Amy found her hands slowly reaching for the hem. As she fought the temptation to give in and flash her tits at her boss, her sneaky pussy, which hadn't fully calmed down from the attention she had received back at her desk, took advantage of her distraction to fill the air with as many pheromones as possible.

The situation was quickly getting out of her control. She squeezed her legs together and tried to will herself to relax, but her rewired central nervous system was sending electrical signals that her primed pussy couldn't ignore, and those signals catalyzed a series of involuntary chemical reactions that soon filled the enclosed office with her intoxicating musky sweetness. Amy's bimbofied body was broadcasting her readiness for sexual intercourse whether she wanted it to or not, and her potent pheromones would soon drive the nearest available male into a sexual frenzy.

Phil, the nearest available male, was confused and uncomfortable. Yesterday he had found himself unusually drawn to Amy's cute, petite body, but today her inexplicable curves positively radiated sexuality. The perfume she had been wearing was back with a vengeance, and as he continued to inhale its pleasant musk, he felt his pants tighten as blood flooded into his penis. Unprofessional or not, his body was signaling to him that it was time to have sex, and he became more and more distracted by the twin mounds hinting at the feminine body Amy was hiding under her sweater. The conversation slowed as her pheromones drove him to fantasize about how good it would feel to get to know that body much more intimately.

Amy, meanwhile, was overwhelmed with desire; the pull of attraction she felt toward Phil was so much stronger than it had been yesterday. Trying to force herself to ignore how much she wanted him to fuck her, she instead found herself drawn to his confident authority as she remembered all of the times his advice and direction had effortlessly solved her problems. She needed a way to thank him, to pay him back him for his strong, masculine leadership. As she noticed the powerful effect her pheromones were having on him, she came up with the perfect way to show her gratitude, resist the potion's devious attempts to fill her pussy with cock like a slutty bimbo, and still have a little fun all at the same time.

Embracing her burning arousal, she stood up and walked around to his side of the desk, confident that she would be able to resist her urge to luxuriously slide his dick into her wet pussy. Bending over next to him, she pointed at some figures, her face only inches from his. He reached an arm around underneath her body to point at that column's total, but his forearm bumped into one of her breasts, hanging low and heavy from her chest. Her pussy gushed with pheromone-laden lubrication at this contact, but, knowing what she had planned, reluctantly accepted that it wouldn't be seeing any action this time.

Phil froze for a second after touching his employee so inappropriately, but then Amy began to slowly swing her dangling teat back and forth across his forearm, sending tingles up and down his spine. He didn't react or resist, and just sat there enjoying the sensation as his dick grew even harder and his pheromone-addled brain began to demand sexual release.

This sensual contact, combined with the potent effect of Amy's heady scent, finally triggered something deep within the usually levelheaded Phil, who suddenly stood up, grabbed her shoulders, and forcefully backed her against the wall. Her seductive lips parted in anticipation as he greedily kissed her, and his hand slipped underneath her sweater to inspect her body's irresistible curves. She moaned as his hand explored higher up her narrow waist, until eventually he touched the swell of her breast, which he began to roughly grope and caress. Her nipples hardened at the attention, satisfied that they had finally accomplished their goal: luring a man into Amy's bimbofied embrace. As his tongue explored her mouth and his crotch ground against her pheromone-smeared groin, Amy knew that he was ready for his reward.

She sank to her knees, massaging his member through his trousers with her left hand as she undid his belt and unzipped him with her right. Pulling out his small cock, she began to gently stroke it as she leaned forward and softly licked the tip. It jerked reflexively, making her giggle, before she engulfed his sensitive head in her soft, pillowy lips.

Phil groaned as she lubricated his penis with her saliva and began running her soft hand up and down his slick shaft. Her skill and eagerness soon proved too much for Phil, however, and before he knew it he had sunk his hands into Amy's curls, pulled her head down onto his dick, and shot his load into her throat as she tickled his balls with her tongue.

While he recovered, Amy cleaned him off with her mouth and slid his deflated dick back into his pants. She stood back up, leaned in close, and whispered into his ear. "I just wanted to let you know how grateful I am for everything you do here. If you ever need to hear it again, just ask."

Enjoying the feel of her tits against his chest as he came down from his orgasmic high, and full of confidence at his newfound sexual prowess, Phil responded, "Thank you, Amy. I won't forget how valuable your... assets and skills... have been to this office."

She walked out still glowing with warm sexuality, proud of herself for not only resisting the bimbo potion yet again, but for finally making a move that could very well help her career in the process. Things were definitely looking up.


Back at her desk, she tried to calm down and compose herself as justifications for her behavior ran through her mind. She knew that her actions probably looked pretty slutty at first glance, but she was just trying to reward Phil for being a good boss, and he had looked so cute filling her mouth with his yummy cum! It had nothing to do with the bimbo potion, especially since he hadn't even cum in her pussy, which was still awash with pheromones and ready for action. Still, it wouldn't do for anyone else to hear about what she had done, so all she wanted now was to avoid attention for the rest of the day.

Her reprogrammed body had different ideas, of course, and Amy continued to feel pulses of arousal coming from her pussy, which she knew meant that it was continuing to release its potent pheromones in spite of her protestations. Before long, the few men in the office not gathered around Valerie's desk inevitably made their way over to Amy's, as their will was overpowered by the irresistible carnal pull they felt toward her sexy body.

As they converged on her, she was simultaneously glad and disappointed that her clothes hid her new body as well as they did, but she found herself tugging her sweater down a bit anyway as she flirted with them. Before her frisky pussy could get her into any new trouble, however, Valerie noticed the attention Amy was getting, stood up, and swayed her wide hips over to Amy's corner desk. Amy braced for the storm of cattiness that was sure to ensue.

"Omigod, Ames, you look so good today!" Val gushed, bending over and putting her hands on the desk to show off her cleavage. Her gaggle of zombies had slowly followed her over and were now clustered around Amy's desk, attempting to discreetly get their hands on Val's sensuous body as they began to feel the effects of Amy's pheromones as well.

Amy feigned ignorance, taken aback by Val's friendly demeanor. "No, I just tried something new with my hair and makeup." She felt a hand on her shoulder, and somehow managed to brush it off instead of leaning her cheek into it like she wanted to.

"I'm not talking about the makeup! I'm talking about the girls!" Val giggled. She cupped her own noticeably enhanced bosom filling out her tight tank top, and the men gathered around the desk felt themselves stiffen even further. Amy noticed a few fingers sliding over Val's wide hips, but rather than rebuff them Val leaned back into them, squirming a bit as their strong hands began to insistently grip her tight curves.

"Oh, yeah. When I woke up this morning, my chest felt all swollen for some reason," Amy fibbed, resisting her growing urge to lift her sweater and show off her tits properly.

"I had the same thing happen to me last night!" Val said, pulling down her own top to display her full breasts and dark, prominent nipples. "Isn't it great??" The stealthy hands on her hips began to slide themselves up her waist, magnetically drawn toward the fleshy orbs now hanging free.

"Wow Val, those are... very nice," Amy said, surprised that Val would just flash her tits in the office. I'd never do that Amy thought. and reassured herself that the Bimbo Potion had clearly had a much weaker effect on her than it had on Val. She still pulled her top down a bit more to give Val a better view of her own assets, but that was only polite.

"I know! I feel so good today too! We should go out together after work! It's Friday night!" Val shouted. "Gal pals!" She stuffed her tits back into her tight top, disappointing the hands that had just begun to caress the soft skin of her ample sideboob.

Amy was a bit reluctant to go out in public after what had happened with her boss, but it sounded like so much fun that she couldn't help but giggle and agree. Val has really loosened up, Amy thought, pleased at how well the Bimbo Potion was working out for her. She could even see them becoming friends at this rate.

Val's stronger pheromones took most of Amy's admirers with her when she left, and Amy made it to five o'clock without further incident. She noticed Val disappear with one of her suitors in tow a few minutes before closing, but they hadn't returned by the time Amy headed out, and it wasn't any of her business anyway.


She had made plans to head to the club later that night, but after going home to change, Amy realized that with her new hips and big boobies she didn't have much in her wardrobe that still fit. 

That means I get to go shopping! she giggled to herself, grabbing the Bimbo Potion and sticking it in her purse as she walked out to her car. She headed to a nearby outlet mall that had the variety she needed to completely refurnish her closet, and within two hours had spent nearly a thousand dollars on clothing. She justified her splurging with the argument that none of her old clothes would fit her, which made replacing all of them an absolute necessity. Plus, her supervisor position came with a very comfortable salary, and she could more than afford it.

Predictably, she had been drawn to revealing tops and short skirts that showed off her bubbly ass and toned legs, but had purchased a few "modest" items as well, to make sure that she still looked professional around the office. There's nothing wrong with enjoying some revealing clothes from time to time, especially now that I've got a body worth showing off! And my new work clothes, while tasteful, definitely won't hurt my chances for a promotion either! she thought, proud of herself for yet again triumphing over the potion's surprisingly weak mental effects.

She decided to reward herself with some skimpy lingerie, and headed into her favorite underwear store. Within a few minutes she had gathered a cartfull of undergarments that would be sure to titillate any guy lucky enough to see them. Not that I'll need the help with how much men seem to like the way I smell now, she thought, amazed at just how ruthlessly efficient the Bimbo Potion had been in redesigning her body for sex. Everything a man could possibly find attractive about her had been enhanced in some way, all working together toward the same goal: filling her with cock. And even though she knew she could resist, she still felt her reprogrammed body's intense need to do exactly what it had been designed for.

Well, no use dwelling on it anyway, Amy thought, and she happily went to the fitting rooms in the back of the store to try on her new bras. Unable to decide between two especially revealing designs, she stepped out of the fitting room and called a saleswoman over to get a second opinion.

"Which of these do you think is sexier?" she asked, giggling as her perky nipples poked through the sheer material.

"For a bimbo like you, I'm sure you'll look equally slutty wearing either," the saleswoman snapped. She was in her late 30s, and was tired of the utter lack of decorum shown by young people these days.

"I'm not a bimbo, and I only wanted your advice!" Amy responded indignantly.

"If you want my advice, I recommend that you stop being such a slut!"

"Oh yeah? Well don't knock it 'til you try it!" Amy said, taking the bottle of Bimbo Potion out of her purse, opening the top, and flicking a few drops at the saleswoman with the eyedropper.

"What the fuck is that??" she yelled, but then the drops splattered up her arm, and a rush of lightheadedness left her swaying on her feet as her body eagerly sucked up the drug and appealing new ideas began to invade her vulnerable mind.

Amy enjoyed watching the saleswoman's futile struggle against the effects of the potion, and felt a rush of arousal when it inevitably broke through the woman's defenses and her chest began to slowly expand.

Amy remembered all too well how wonderful it felt to succumb to the potion's tempting influence, arching her back as she imagined that it was her own tits swelling seductively, helpless to fight against the drug's programming. But then her enthralled breasts spoke up, and pointed out how easily Amy could make her desires a reality. One little drop, and her tits would be overcome with a renewed need to grow alongside the saleswoman's, with Amy being forced to undergo the same blissful changes she was.

It would be so easy, and it would feel so good. Her body would eagerly bimbofy even further, and would become even more irresistible to men. Her pussy's need for cock would grow, but so would the strength of her pheromones, ensuring that she wouldn't be able to avoid the sex that her slutty body would crave. Amy impulsively pulled the bottle back out of her purse, and began to slowly unscrew the cap...

While Amy fought against her sudden temptation to dose herself yet again, the saleswoman was deep in the throes of her own changes. She looked around the store as her mind grew fuzzy with arousal, noticing just how many of the undergarments were designed to attract and arouse men. She realized how wrong she had been about everything - her store was intended for sexy women like herself and Amy, and it was her job to make sure that they could entice as many men as possible!

She thought about all of the men who came into the store to ogle the displays and mannequins, and knew that she was missing a huge marketing opportunity by not encouraging them to ogle her as well. Her fingers absentmindedly began unbuttoning her blouse to better display her products to all of her customers, male and female alike, but her massive tits quickly outgrew her small bra and flopped out into the open.

Luckily, however, she worked in a lingerie store, so she could buy everything she needed to show off her sexy new body properly, and at a discount too, especially since she was using it to advertise! And heck, if she was able to make a few more sales by allowing her male clients to get some hands-on experience with her "wares", so much the better! After all, the fitting rooms in the back were perfect for seeing just how well their cocks would fit into her tight little pussy!

"Like, what did you do to me?" the bimbofied saleswoman asked, as her definition of "quality customer service" was rewritten for her.

"I just gave you a better idea of what it's like to be in a bimbo's shoes," Amy giggled, her need to dose herself again finally easing off as the saleswoman's transformation finished. She sighed with relief as her fingers once more tightened the cap of the bottle and slipped it back into her purse.

"Well, whatever you did, I definitely think I need a new bra now! Oh, and by the way, you should definitely go with the white bra - the pink one is too close to the color of your nipples, so they won't stand out as well," she said with a smile, oblivious to the fact that her own massive tits were still completely visible within her open blouse.

"Thanks!" Amy said, leaving the MILFy saleswoman to find a new bra or a cock to suck, whichever came first.

She grabbed her purchases, headed back out to her car, and finally pulled up to the club a few minutes before 9.

Ok, I'm just here to dance and have fun. Not to pick up any cute guys, she told herself sternly. She walked to the front of the line, was immediately waved through by the bouncer, and went inside.


Chapter 4

"Ames!" Val shouted, running over and throwing her arms around Amy in a crushing hug. The novel feeling of her large tits mashed up against Val's even larger ones gave Amy a small thrill as she explored the contours of Val's soft, sensual body with her arms. Amy could see why guys liked touching her; she was surprisingly difficult to let go of. She briefly wished that her own curves were that irresistible, before reminding herself that if she wasn't more careful with the potion in the future, they probably soon would be.

"Let's go get a drink!" Val gushed, disentangling herself from Amy's arms and skipping over to the bar. The swarm of guys standing around parted like the Red Sea as Val and Amy walked past, before flooding back in around them to compete for the privilege of buying them their first drink.

"What can I getcha?" the bartender asked their tits. "Two Sex on the Beaches! Uh... Sexes on the Beach! Two of those!" Val giggled confusedly in response as her boobs jiggled pleasantly for the appreciative bartender, and seconds later they had drinks in their hands.

As Amy sipped her cocktail, she basked in the overt sexual interest of the men surrounding her, and arched her back so the girls would stand out a bit farther from her chest. She tried to keep her arousal down to a pleasant tingle, but her exhibitionist breasts knew how ready and willing these men were to give her needy body the sex it now craved, and began to pass familiar messages along her supercharged neurons down to her eagerly waiting pussy.

Uh oh, Amy thought. Coming here had been a mistake after all. The guys were just too hot, and the atmosphere too sexually charged to resist getting at least a little turned on. So much for not attracting attention, she giggled helplessly as she felt her nether lips swell in anticipation of being luxuriously penetrated by a nice, thick cock, encouraging her to sink further into a haze of warm arousal and let her new bimbo body do what came naturally. Overwhelmed with sensation, Amy briefly gave in and embraced the pulses of pleasure coming from her playful pussy, knowing what those tempting tingles signaled but too caught up in them to resist. Her pussy, of course, had once again dutifully obeyed its programming and began to enthusiastically fill the air with her potent pheromones even as it rewarded her with an intoxicating dose of endorphins for her compliance.

With the intensity of the stares being directed at Val by the guys surrounding them, Amy could tell that her late arrival had given her friend quite a head start. Plus, Val had completely embraced her own transformation, lacking any hint of Amy's reluctance, and had fully surrendered herself to the pleasure the potion promised. Val sat there in horny bliss, knowingly fueling her pheromone production to new heights with her arousal and eagerly looking forward to finally filling her perfected pussy with the throbbing cocks it was made to envelop.

It briefly occurred to Amy how strange it was that she couldn't smell Val's scent, though its efficacy was perfectly clear from the hungry looks on the faces of the men surrounding them. As Amy's legs subconsciously spread themselves in an attempt to compete, she had a sinking feeling that even Val's presence wouldn't be enough to distract the men from her own chemical onslaught for long, and she squirmed in pleasure as she felt her oversexed body redouble its efforts in excitement at the thought.

She watched as one of Val's bewitched suitors inevitably took the plunge and wrapped his arm around her slim waist; Val rewarded him for his boldness by pressing her curves against him encouragingly. Her shameless flirting and the full splendor of her massive cleavage quickly overwhelmed his remaining inhibitions, and he was compelled to openly grope her willing body through her clothes as she pulled him in for a kiss. Val's other admirers, knowing that they had been beaten to the punch and that she had made her choice, began to focus their attention on Amy instead as she involuntarily grew more enticing with each passing second.

Amy, meanwhile, slightly sobered by Val's obscene behavior, had noticed just how far apart her legs were. Realizing the danger of the situation, she quickly squeezed her thighs together in an attempt to prevent herself from affecting the cute guys around her any more than she already had, knowing all the while that It was too late. She silently pleaded for them to leave her alone, but she felt her treasonous body getting more and more turned on by their increasing interest as they began to draw toward her, and her halfhearted pleas died away as she instead began silently begging them to grope her hypersensitive body as well. All the while she just sat there, powerless to escape the sexual spotlight focused on the voluptuous curves she had unwittingly given herself, waiting for the inevitable masculine touch that would shatter what remained of her self control. Amy knew why she didn't try to leave: she secretly wanted to fill her perfumed pussy with their throbbing cocks because she knew how good it would make her feel, and so she continued to fill her victims with longing for her heavenly body as they gravitated ever closer.


Ted and Michelle

Ted, one of the men caught in Amy's orbit, had originally come to the club with his girlfriend Michelle for a fun night of drinking and dancing to celebrate Michelle's recent promotion. He had initially been annoyed when the hot blonde and brunette had come up to the bar beside them trailing a flock of obnoxious groupies, and Michelle had made fun of them for being "a couple of bimbos".

The longer he stood next to them, however, the more Ted found his gaze drawn to the shapely bodies swelling invitingly under their skimpy outfits. Their exaggerated sexual features were specifically designed to attract his male attention, and as the air around him thickened with their scent, Ted soon found himself stiffening with arousal along with all of the other men at the bar as his mind clouded with thoughts of sex. He fought to keep his attention on his girlfriend, but the pheromones the bimbos' pussies were pumping out could not be denied. The potion had done its job too well, and he began to give in to his lust in spite of himself.

Michelle had noticed his growing interest in the two bimbos and was angrily clearing her throat to communicate her discontent, but Ted had already forgotten that she was there, entirely focused on his building urge to fill those slutty pussies with his cock. He felt a stronger yearning toward the brunette, but by this time she was already being felt up by another guy, so he directed his efforts toward the quiet blonde instead. Her brow was furrowed in concentration, which led him to think that she might not be receptive to his advances, but at this point that was irrelevant since he could no longer resist his growing need to shoot his shot.

Turning toward her and sliding closer, Ted's head swam as her heady scent grew even stronger. He drunkenly slid an arm around her waist, firmly grasped her inviting hip, and asked her to dance. The blonde shook herself out of her reverie with a brief look of anxious excitement, before turning a brilliant smile on him as she molded her body into his, her curves pressed against him in all of the right places.

"Ted? What are you doing? Ted!?" Michelle yelled as he turned away from her, but his body was on autopilot, driven by a biological necessity that overruled all other concerns.

"Here, this'll help," the blond said, pulling out a small bottle and offering it to the confused Michelle. She stuck out her hand without thinking, and flinched as three drops fell onto her outstretched palm. She immediately regretted her decision to accept a random lotion from a strange bimbo, but her head was already filling with cotton candy as her skin greedily soaked up the potent liquid, and her attention began to drift toward the attractive men surrounding her.

This is all Ted's fault, she thought, putting on a cute pout even as her body began to tingle with pleasure at the powerful triple dose of Bimbo Potion she had received. She began to wish that she was a bit more like the two bimbos next to her, so that she could seduce the other men here to get back at Ted for his infidelity; after all, if Ted hadn't started hitting on those two sluts in the first place, Michelle would never have been inflicted with this tempting urge to sensuously swell into a sexy temptress who could fuck anyone she wanted. He deserves everything that happens to me.

By this point she was aware of what the potion was doing to her, but her artificial desire to join the two voluptuous women beside her as a bimbo herself continued to grow, and, still mad at Ted, she decided to fully embrace out of spite the changes she could feel the drug triggering in her susceptible female body. That'll teach him, she thought, encouraging her petite frame to succumb to the sinister effects as quickly as possible. Fueled by Michelle's anger and emboldened by her eager acceptance of her transformation, the potion began its fiendish work.

She thrust her chest out in triumph as her tits finally began to expand, and removed her bra so that her erect nipples could fully stand out against the thin fabric of her loose t-shirt as her growing boobs began to press against it. The heavy dose of bimbo potion latched onto her bitterness at having been so neglected, and used it to give her a figure that would be impossible to ignore. Her tits ballooned outward from her small body as though they were trying to attract as much attention as they could as quickly as possible, and it wasn't long before they rivaled Val's massive mounds, defying gravity as they sat high and firm on her chest.

She felt a surge of pride at just how receptive her body had been to the potion's intoxicating effects, and was suddenly struck with an impulsive desire to lift her shirt and show off her burgeoning breasts to the men around her. She couldn't think of a reason not to: obeying the potion's commands had resulted in nothing but pleasure for her so far, and it would help attract the male attention that she now desperately craved. So, as her glorious tits continued to press out further from her tightening torso, she pulled up her shirt and allowed them to bounce out into the open air for all to see. Her fingers roughly pinched her growing nipples, which sent exciting new tingles to her pussy and jumpstarted the next phase of her transformation.

She unbuttoned her shorts and reached a hand inside to touch her tightening pussy as the potion redesigned it to deliver maximum stimulation to the sensitive cocks that she would soon be filling it with, though as far as Michelle knew it just felt really good to play with herself all of a sudden. I deserve to relax and enjoy all of this pleasure because of what Ted put me through tonight, she thought weakly, but as she continued to finger herself she forgot about her desire for revenge, and instead embraced her new, unexpectedly strong desire for cock. Wait, that wasn't right - she had just wanted a sexy body, not to become a total slut like the two bimbos next to her. Regardless of her intentions however, her mouth was starting to water at the thought of all the dick she was surrounded by, and the potion ignored her pleas as it continued to bimbofy her increasingly slutty body against her will.

Too late she began to understand Ted's inability to resist the bimbos as her pussy filled with her own unique blend of pheromones, specially designed to ensure that no man ever ignored her again, and her eager body began to advertise its readiness for sex to all of the virile men around her. Michelle finally regretted her jealousy and wished she had given Ted the benefit of the doubt, but she knew that it was too late, that her negative thoughts about Ted had been enhanced and used against her by the potion, and that she had been tricked into fully embracing her transformation at Ted's expense. 

And then her fully bimbofied body and urges took over, filling her head with thoughts of sex and drawing her gaze toward the cocks of all the men surrounding her, cocks that should be throbbing inside her slick pussy. Now that Amy and Val were both taken, Michelle quickly found herself swarmed by their leftovers as her scent began to irresistibly direct their attention toward her increasingly needy body, and, overwhelmed by the arousal that came with her transformation, she welcomed the hands she felt grabbing at her enhanced curves. Each of her suitors was eager to take her for himself, having been cheated out of two sexual conquests already, but only one finally succeeded in pushing his way through the pack and pulling her overstimulated body tight against his. He cupped the heavy breasts still hanging naked below her pulled-up shirt and suggested they go somewhere more private, and before she knew it Michelle was hanging off his arm and rubbing her swollen body against his as she submissively followed him back to his place so he could fuck her.



Amy was still focused on her growing arousal when Ted had grabbed her waist. Her concentration was completely broken by her body's sudden infatuation with the virile male demanding her attention, and she let out a small sigh of relief as she gave in to her desire and sensuously pressed herself against him. The girl beside her new beau was getting angry, but Amy had just the thing to help her calm down and find a guy of her own!

She decided that three drops would be appropriate for the petite girl and dosed her accordingly, happy to help and eager to see what changes the potion had in store. The girl immediately calmed down as her pupils dilated, and she glanced at the men around her in growing interest before shooting a fresh look of anger back at her oblivious boyfriend. As her tits expanded at an alarming rate, Amy could practically feel the girl give in to her new desire to show them off, and she lifted her shirt and pinched her thick nipples for a few seconds, before transferring one hand to her panties to unwittingly strengthen her nascent pheromone production. Her look of bliss was briefly replaced by an expression of pure panic as the gravity of her situation finally sunk in, but by then the men around her had begun to fondle her still-swelling body, and her eyes glazed over with the cock-hunger Amy knew so well as she forgot about her boyfriend entirely and surrendered herself to her new, unquenchable lust.

There, now she'll be happy! Amy thought, and was briefly tempted to join her in her bimbofication, but she was distracted by Ted's hands exploring her body and the imminent promise of cock that he represented. Now that his girl was taken care of, Amy was finally free to have her way with him.

She pulled him out onto the dance floor, but their movements were more foreplay than dance. They greedily pressed their bodies against each other, her smoldering eyes staring up at his as he gripped her thick ass and she rubbed herself against the bulge pressing into her abdomen. Amy turned around so she could grind on him, wiggling her butt into his crotch, and enjoyed feeling the lump in his pants fit itself comfortably between her asscheeks. Ted grabbed her hips and pulled her backwards, sliding his dick up and down her crack as she bent over even further to get his twitching cock closer to her sensitive pussy, filling Ted's view with the curve of her ample ass peeking out under her short skirt in the process. She eventually straightened back up, and he pulled down her top to roughly grope her large tits with his left hand as his right teased around her hips toward his ultimate goal hidden between her thighs. She spread her legs encouragingly and reached behind herself to unzip his pants in response, stroking him through his boxers as he slid his fingers under her skirt and began to tease her slick pussy.

Unable to resist her body's need any longer, Amy led him off the dance floor to a dark corner table and wasted no time pulling up her skirt and straddling him. She ground against him for a few seconds, both of them enjoying the friction of the thin cotton of his boxers against their engorged sexual organs.

Finally, Amy reached down between her legs, gently freed his straining cock, and resumed grinding into him, with only her tiny thong protecting her exposed pussy from his cockhead's eager probing. It teased around her G-string's skimpy defenses, looking for weakness as it slid itself up and down her swollen labia, tantalizingly close to reaching its objective. As the couple continued to indulge in their pleasurable skin-on-skin contact, Ted's cock was busy lubricating itself with the pheromone-filled juices her body had produced, and his thrusting became more and more urgent as his cock continued to slide up and down her swollen lips, seeking a way to enter her.

Amy was just as intent on getting entered, and she made a mental note not to wear any underwear in the future. She began to wiggle her hips to tease the thin strip of fabric aside, and, before she knew it, his slippery cock had slid past the thong and was pressed right up against her tight opening, with nothing left to protect her vulnerable pussy from his penetration. Ted's cock, having realized that the way to its goal was now clear, without hesitation sank itself deep into her silky, welcoming depths. Amy's perfect pussy got to work doing what the potion had designed it for, and Ted was completely unprepared for the intensity of the stimulation he felt inside her as her tight passage squeezed him from base to tip and her textured folds began to pull pleasurably against his sensitive shaft as he slid himself in and out of her.

Ted couldn't believe his luck, and relished the feeling of this incredibly hot slut coaxing him closer and closer to release with her amazingly persuasive pussy. Of course it wasn't as though he could help himself, since every whiff of her intoxicating musk drove him back inside her again and again, closer and closer to the edge, until he felt his body seize up and his dick begin to stiffen. His fuzzy mind blanked completely as he instinctively grabbed Amy's flared hips and forcefully pulled her down onto him as he erupted inside her, reflexively filling her with burst after burst of his essence.

A few seconds later his cock's pleasurable throbbing finally slowed, and as he started to come down from his high his head began to clear slightly. "Uhh... thanks," Ted said, a bit self-conscious about his uncharacteristically wanton behavior now that he had finally cum in her slutty pussy. He lifted her off of him, zipped himself back up, and was gone, trying to find his girlfriend and salvage whatever was left of their relationship, unaware that she had already been driven to fill her own slutty pussy with cum by the Bimbo Potion's irresistible influence.


It would all end well for the two of them though. Michelle met Ted at his apartment the next day to explain that she had just needed to get some dick to satisfy her cravings, and that it was no big deal. She told him that she still loved him, and that she felt terrible about giving in to the potion's tempting influence and allowing herself to be bimbofied out of jealousy for something that Ted hadn't been able to control. It was too late now, however, so she also let him know that her changes were permanent, and that there was no way she'd be able to prevent herself from filling her hungry pussy over and over again. Ted was stunned by Michelle's crazy story and centerfold body, but as she drew near him to apologize properly, Ted began to feel a familiar urge growing within him, and the longer he was near her, the less Ted wanted to resist his sudden desire to stick his cock into his girlfriend's slutty pussy. A scent permeated the air that he recognized as uniquely Michelle's, and he began to feel a renewed affection for his girlfriend even as the potion's effects on her body filled him with an irresistible need to mate with her. A half hour later, after Ted had thoroughly enjoyed the considerable pleasures of his girlfriend's enticing flesh, all was forgiven. They immediately moved in together, and Michelle resolved to stay at home to keep from ensnaring other men with her alluring pussy, while Ted continued to provide her with the dick that she craved. Not that he was able to resist his own urge to cum inside her fertile pussy, of course, and a few months later he would discover that blissfully filling her receptive body with his potent seed over and over again had inevitably knocked her up.  He soon proposed, and they spent the next few decades having child after child, since the temptations of the new and improved Michelle were more than either of them could resist.


Meanwhile, Amy hadn't noticed that Ted had left, as she was too focused on the sensations radiating from her delighted pussy, which was still twitching with the satisfying aftershocks of her own orgasm. Feeling Ted's cock jerking inside her in ecstasy had felt so right somehow, and she was overwhelmed with a sublime feeling of contentment, as though she had finally fulfilled her purpose, at least for a little while. She sat there motionless, legs spread and dazed with pleasure as her bimbofied body continued to reward her for achieving its goal of filling her with thick, gooey cum, until Val bounced over to her a few minutes later with an entirely new guy hanging off her arm.

"You totally got your pussy creamed!" Val giggled at her, as the guy she was with stuck his hand up Val's skirt to play with her slick pussy, unknowingly releasing even more of her pheromones into the air and making himself more and more eager to stick his cock into her over and over again until he came.

"Wh-what happened to the other guy?" Amy asked, trying to clear her head of the pleasant fog she still found herself floating in.

"Oh, I gave him a blowjob in the bathroom! But after he filled my mouth with his yummy cummy he suddenly didn't want to fuck me anymore! But then I found... uh... this guy!" Val exclaimed, as he completely ignored what she was saying and focused instead on how sexy she smelled and how good her big boobies felt in his hands.

"Ok, I'm gonna go fuck him now!" Val said happily. "Have a good rest of the weekend Ames! See you at work on Monday!" and then she was gone, taking her cute boytoy with her.

Wow, she's such a slutty bimbo now! Amy thought as Ted's warm cum oozed delightfully out of her used cunt and down her leg. She was once again thankful for how resistant she was to the mental effects of the potion, especially since it had turned everyone else it had touched into a wanton slut. She briefly recalled that she'd gotten her own pussy plowed just minutes before, but that had been different. Amy had just really needed to get laid, and ...Todd?... had looked so cute under the irresistible influence of her pheromones, mindlessly spurting himself into her. She could have stopped anytime she wanted to; it had just felt so good that she hadn't wanted to.

Anyhow, full of floaty satisfaction at the delicious fucking she had received, Amy decided to call it a night as well, and headed home to masturbate herself to sleep.


Chapter 5

The next morning, sexually sated for the first time in days after getting stuffed with cock at the club the night before, Amy was sitting on the couch absentmindedly playing with her jiggly new C-cups when they began to remind her of their ever-present need for another splash of the bimbo potion. As tempting as it would be to indulge them, to allow the drug to trigger their sensuous swelling once again, Amy obviously wasn't going to turn herself into even more of a bimbo just to experience it. Then again, she thought as a new idea occurred to her, maybe I can have my cake and eat it too...

She picked up the potion, opened the top, and took a deep whiff. She smiled as it had the effect she had hoped it would on her hypersensitive body, and she savored the pleasant sensation of her breasts' sudden, urgent need to expand even further, secure in the knowledge that she was safe from that growth as long as she could keep the drug off her skin. She arched her back as she took another long sniff, imagining that her tits were actually swelling, advertising her sexual availability even more openly than they had last night. She slid a few fingers into herself at the memory as she inhaled the drug's potent scent, feeling her pleasant yearning to become a sexy bimbo increase, strengthened by an abrupt demand for stronger pheromones from her hungry pussy, whose need for cock had swiftly reawakened due to a combination of her fingers' stimulation and the drug's influence.

As she continued to mindlessly breathe the addictive fumes and her renewed need for cock continued to grow, Amy suddenly couldn't think of a reason not to sprinkle just a bit of the tempting liquid on her skin, and found herself eagerly removing the stopper and preparing to dump a generous helping onto her large, naked breasts, which were filled with delight at this new opportunity to bimbofy her further. Because that's what it was at this point - her tits wanted her to be a busty, brainless sex toy, and right now that was exactly what Amy wanted too. As she began to tilt the bottle, however, she squirmed uncontrollably in anticipation, which caused her to slam her knee against the corner of her coffee table. The pain brought a brief moment of acute clarity to her enthralled mind, and she was able to find the strength to force the stopper back into the bottle, and place it back onto the table unused.

"That was totally too close", Amy giggled, breathing a sigh of relief and rubbing her sore knee. She tried to be mad at herself for her stupidity, but her head was too saturated with feelings of warm, fuzzy sexuality to be anything other than horny at the moment. Even so, she made a mental note to never smell the potion again, since it had apparently been designed to eventually compel anyone breathing it in to put some on their skin. This realization didn't make resisting her renewed cravings any easier though; she was still just as tempted to dose herself as she had been - moreso in fact - and now she was sexually frustrated again too, with her pussy once more begging for the pleasure that only a large, throbbing cock could provide. And, since no man could resist her enhanced pussy's charms, Amy knew that it was only a matter of time before her own need would drive her to fill herself with eager, spurting dick once again.

Her only solace was the inkling of an evil idea which had just occurred to her. There was no way that Sam (or any other woman, for that matter) would be able to resist the smell of the potion, and as Amy thought back to how fun it had been to bimbofy the annoying salesgirl and the unsuspecting girl at the bar the previous day, she realized that if you wanted something done right, you should just do it yourself. Sam was becoming a bimbo today; she just didn't know it yet.

Amy finally dragged herself up off the couch to go get dressed, away from the ever-present temptation of the Bimbo Potion. She briefly considered resisting her urge to wear a revealing top and a short skirt, but with how cute they would look on her and how much skin they would show, the thought of all of the welcome attention her new, curvy body was sure to get from any man who saw her was far too appealing. Well, in for a penny... she giggled to herself, and decided not to wear any underwear as well. Not because that would make the process of getting a cock in her needy pussy much more straightforward, of course, but because her pussy just felt so much more comfortable exposed to the open air. Sam would doubtlessly make fun of her for her outfit, but the clothes Sam would soon find herself compelled to wear would put these to shame anyway.

She grabbed the potion, walked out to her car, and drove over to Sam's, all the while trying to remember what came after "in for a penny...".


"Wow Amy, you look like a slut! Are you copying Val's new look?" Sam jeered as she opened the door.

Just this once, Amy decided to fully embrace her inner bimbo. "Hey Sammy! I got a new perfume, and I thought you might want to see what it smelled like!" she said as she stuck the potion in Sam's face and giggled, enjoying the feeling of her bra-less boobs bouncing in her low-cut tank top. She felt a bit self-conscious at just how much fun it was to act like a bimbo, and at how naturally it came to her now, but if it got Sam to sniff the potion just once without her getting too suspicious, it would be worth it.

"Jesus, Amy, you really are a brainless bimbo! If I smell your stupid perfume, will you go away?"

"Yuppers!" Amy smiled, her bright blue eyes twinkling.

"Fine, give it here." Sam said, grabbing the bottle, taking a big whiff, and shoving it back at Amy before preparing to go back inside and slam the door in her face. Suddenly, however, Sam could tell that something was different, that the liquid had affected her somehow.

"Wh-what did you do to me?" the attractive, soon-to-be irresistible redhead asked in a thick voice as she swayed unsteadily on her feet.

Amy watched Sam's pupils dilate as the influence of the potion's powerful fumes grew. Sam felt an odd pressure building within her, as though the mere scent of that liquid was filling her with potential, with a transformative energy that would soon compel her to become... something. Something better. Something desirable. There was a growing hunger, a growing need that she couldn't quite put her finger on, and all the while, her urge to smell that scent again was getting stronger.

"Do you like it?" Amy asked coyly as Sam mindlessly leaned forward to inhale the potent fumes again. This time, however, she didn't lean back, leaving her nose only centimeters above the increasingly enticing liquid stored in the bottle, becoming more and more captivated by it as her thoughts continued to drift. She became filled with reckless pride at her own powerful womanhood, which she had skillfully leveraged to become a successful young businesswoman in spite of existing in such a male-dominated world. Even so, however, Sam began to feel that as powerful as she was, her alluring femininity could be stronger, should be stronger. Sam had been chosen by this wonderful liquid - it was tempting her, compelling her to fulfill her destiny and fully unlock her power over men. Sam wasn't sure how, but she knew that this perfume was the key to everything she had ever wanted. Her thoughts turned to her personal goals and aspirations, the fame and success she was owed, and she knew that her innate feminine power, combined with whatever this potion was, could conquer the world.

Amy, her own irresistibly alluring power over men already having been forcibly unlocked for her by the potion, began to slowly sneak past Sam into her house, carefully keeping the open bottle at an arm's length. As she squeezed by Sam, the swollen tits that Amy now had no choice but to love displaying for men as proof of that irresistible femininity bumped pleasantly into Sam's arm as Amy led the potion's latest thrall by the nose behind her. Once they were safely inside, Amy shut the door to give Sam some privacy for the personal growth that was soon to follow.

All the while Sam continued to breathe in the addicting aroma, feeling her desire to smell it being quickly replaced by a desire to feel it on her skin.

"Oh, do you want to try some?" Amy asked playfully, feigning surprise. "It gets even better once it's on you!" she exclaimed, an evil grin spread across the elegant features of her supernaturally alluring face, not that Sam noticed, of course, as she was entirely focused on the contents of the bottle. Amy tilted it and offered it to the increasingly needy Sam, who was momentarily suspicious that Amy was willing to part with so much power so easily, but by this point she lacked the willpower to resist the potion's temptation any longer. As four drops splashed onto her outstretched palm, she instinctively rubbed the cool liquid deep into her skin, which immediately began to tingle with the feminine power she had sensed from the potion's scent.


Amy watched as Sam embraced her transformation, again reliving the overpowering desire to swell into a voluptuous bimbo that she had felt in the throes of the drug. She knew that Sam wouldn't be able to resist, just like she hadn't, so she put the bottle on the counter and sat down on the couch to watch the show, slipping her hand into her panties as she vicariously experienced the drug's intoxicating effects. She had apparently gotten better at resisting her desire to dose herself when she watched someone else's transformation, since all she really wanted to do now was play with herself while Sam bimbofied, but maybe it was that she just hated Sam that much.

Sam, meanwhile, had forgotten that Amy was even there, as she was suddenly filled to bursting with an unrestrained femininity that concentrated itself in her bust, her hips, and her tight little ass, making Sam feel like she had to swell with that boundless sexuality or she would explode. She was already aware of the powerful allure of her sexy female body from using it to get ahead at work, taking advantage of the power over men that their instinctive sexual attraction gave her, but as her boobs were overpowered by the potion's influence and began to expand, Sam realized that she could be so much more. If her influence over men was due to their sexual attraction to her, the key to her success was a body that would overwhelm their lustful eyes with sexual femininity, and that meant that her secondary sex characteristics needed to be conspicuous, obscene even, in order to attract the attention that she wanted.

The potion obeyed her wishes, and her body became soft and inviting as her curves continued to swell to generous, even pornographic proportions due to the powerful quadruple dose she had received, but she suddenly realized that it wasn't enough to just be sexy. She also needed to be able to command respect, to make men take her seriously so that she could direct her sexual power over them to her own purposes. She could feel the potion bending to her wishes here as well, could feel herself stretching, becoming taller and more imposing even as her breasts and butt continued to swell and her hips flared, and Sam grew giddy with the realization that she could actually direct the power of this liquid, as long as she directed it toward sex in some way, of course. But then why wouldn't she, when her sexuality was the key to unlocking her influence over men? Her body had to demand sex if she were to be able to demand male obedience. It never occurred to her to think about what would happen if she stopped directing that power, but since both she and the potion were currently content with making her tits and ass swell it didn't seem to matter too much.

Suddenly, however, it stopped obeying her wishes and refocused its attention and Sam's on the tight little pussy between her legs. Sam was momentarily taken aback, since the overwhelming sexuality of the rest of her voluptuous body should be more than enough to get her way and achieve her goals, so she should never need to debase herself by allowing a man to actually stick his cock into her, but then the potion made her aware of the pheromones that she was now producing, and Sam was astounded by the brilliance of the idea. She would never have thought of a detail like that, but now even being close to a man would be enough to draw him into her sphere of influence, and focus his attention on the sex he wanted to have with her that would leave him pliable and obedient. Sam and the potion were a team, working in tandem to make her an irresistible bombshell so that her dreams and aspirations could all become a reality.

As she willed her new pheromones to grow even stronger, however, Sam failed to notice that the potion was tightening her pussy and heightening its sensitivity in the meantime, and she failed to recognize that her pheromones were tied to her own sexual arousal, which had been growing unnoticed for a while now. Sam had conflated her growing need for sex with her desire for power, which had made her all the more receptive to the potion's sinister suggestions, and would soon make herself more receptive to cock.

As the potion's influence moved back up her body, Sam felt her thighs grow thick and powerful, perfect for wrapping around a man's torso and pulling him into her, forcing him to finish deep inside of her pussy. Not that she would ever need to go that far, of course, but the idea did send a pleasant tingle down to her swollen sex. Sam's waist slimmed and her abs tightened into a six-pack, while her back muscles strengthened to support the massive mammaries that would advertise her sexual availability to all virile males in sight. Her arms grew as well; not bulging like a bodybuilder's, but lean and toned, while keeping the inviting softness that was the theme of her new, redesigned body. Sam was tall, fit, and strong, just as she had imagined herself, but more importantly, her new curves exuded an overt sexuality that was impossible to ignore. This would especially be the case once she went out and got herself a new wardrobe, one that would show enough skin to properly display the tantalizing assets that Sam now had a desire to offer to any man willing to meet her demands.

Finally the potion reached her face, where, once again, Sam directed it to make her irresistible, but strong. Her cheeks ached as her cheekbones rose, high and severe, and her features became elegant and seductive, yet powerful and in control, just like the rest of her. Even so, however, the potion slightly altered the femme fatale image that she was going for, and secretly caused her lips to swell, redden, and soften. Sam found herself absentmindedly slipping a finger between them to suckle seductively as her other hand began to explore her new, hypersensitive body.

But then, just as her mind was full of images of men helplessly giving her everything she wanted, her head fogged slightly, and she began to realize that what she really wanted was to get her hands on their nice, thick cocks. She immediately recognized that the potion had betrayed her, but it was too late, of course. The dose she had received was far too strong, and she felt her thoughts continuing to shift against her will as she continued to succumb to the drug's terrible influence. Even so, she held on to the thought that was the core of her identity - that she was a strong, independent woman, and didn't need any man - but the potion unexpectedly agreed with her, and showed her that she could just use them for their sexy bodies, and for the thick, throbbing cocks that could give her the cum that she really needed. Sam found herself reluctantly agreeing with the potion's position, unable to find a flaw in the logic as she thought about how good a cock would feel right about now in her new body, which she now realized the potion had been designing specifically for sex all along.

Sam still wanted to use men for her success, and knew that she been given practically unlimited power over them to do so, but in exchange, their thick, throbbing cocks had been given a delicious power over her as well. Men would be driven to give her practically anything she wanted, but she would also be driven to fill herself with their cum in return.


As the potion's effects finally wore off and Sam returned to full awareness, she turned to Amy on the couch who was still playing with herself with a shit-eating grin on her beautiful face, in which Sam could now clearly see the potion's influence.

"Omigod, Amy! You, like, tricked me! You made me all sexy and slutty like you!" the new and improved Sam yelled with a pout that was more cute than angry, with her pale, freckled cheeks framing her bright green, come-hither eyes and thick, red cocksucking lips.

Amy laughed, a deep, satisfied laugh in a voice that the potion had filled with seduction, while the movement made her body, now completely outclassed by Sam's, of course, jiggle delightfully nonetheless with her own considerable sex appeal.

There was still just enough of the old vindictive Sam left to pick up the bottle of Bimbo Potion off the counter and throw it at Amy as she finally gave herself up to her new, inescapable desire for cock. The top of the bottle came off in the air, and Amy felt two small splashes across her boobs as it flew past her, bounced off the wall, and landed, intact, on the floor.

Amy hurriedly wiped her chest off with her tank top and ran over to grab the bottle of Bimbo Potion to put its cap back on, but her greedy boobs had already sucked up as much potion as they could, and Amy began to feel the familiar euphoria that signaled the onset of her unavoidable bimbofication.

*Oh nooooo..." Amy moaned in faux disappointment as her ecstasy grew. Secretly, of course, she eagerly looked forward to her drugged boobs beginning to grow again, filling her with yet more desire to fill herself with cock, knowing that it was only a matter of time before the potion coursing through her veins triggered her transformation into an even sexier, hornier bimbo.

Was she really this weak? Was she just going to sit here and turn into a bimbo like a good girl just because that bitch Sam had dosed her? No! She decided that this time she'd resist with all of her might. Having been dosed twice already, she was familiar with the drug's tricks and was sure she could beat it. She began to feel her boobs' overwhelming need to grow, but she didn't give in to the temptation, and fought the sensation with all her might. She clutched her hands to her chest and pressed until her large, bouncy boobies hurt from the pressure. The potion took that opportunity to switch its attention to her hips, but she met its advances there too, holding her hips in as a visual metaphor for her internal struggle, refusing to give in to the pleasure. The drug tried to convince her that letting it alter her just a bit wouldn't matter, but Amy was steadfast in her resolution, and she allowed the potion no purchase.

She wanted to though, and all the while knew exactly how good it would feel to give in.

Finally, she felt the potion's probing weaken, and knew that she was winning. Her pride led to her fall, however; in its final push, the potion successfully convinced her that she was clearly too strong to be affected, taking advantage of her self-congratulation to rush past her defenses, overwhelm her with pleasure, and change as much as it could even as its power ran out. Amy couldn't help but be swept up in the sensation, urging her boobs to grow as much as they could and bemoaning her stupid decision to resist her unavoidable destiny as a blissfully brainless, voluptuous bimbo. She pressed her hands to her hips again, this time needing to feel them filling out against her skirt, and finally she stuck two fingers into her pussy, encouraging its pheromones to grow even stronger so that men would even more eagerly seek out its stimulating embrace.

All too soon, however, she felt the effects of the potion begin to fail, leaving her full of regret and longing as her minimal changes slowed and stopped.


As the drug's power over her mind waned, Amy felt a bit sheepish at how strongly she had craved becoming a bimbo, but was glad to see that she was still fully in control of herself, and that she had by and large resisted the drug's tempting transformation. I'm, like, totally stronger than this stupid potion, Amy thought, happily pinching her large nipples, which stood out ever so slightly more against the thin fabric of her tight t-shirt. At least my sexy clothes still fit. Heck, if anything they fit better now, since their increased tightness was sure to draw more attention to her imperceptibly enhanced curves. Men are going to want to stick their cocks in me even more now, she thought happily, before turning her attention back to Sam.

"God, Sammy, you're such a bitch," Amy yelled, bouncing up onto her heels and preparing to leave. "Well, you've always been a bitch, but now you're a slutty bimbo bitch!"

As she walked to the door, Amy turned around briefly to say, "Oh, and by the way Sammy, there's some more of that fun potion in the bottle of hand sanitizer I gave you! Be careful not to use it or you'll become even more of a slutty bimbo!" But, when she saw Sam's eyes filling with newfound desire, Amy impulsively walked back over and pulled her in for a cruel kiss, teasing Sam with the tip of her tongue while their sensitive, pillowy lips locked, driving them both to new heights of arousal as Amy slid her hand into Sam's now-skintight pajama pants and gently stroked one perfect finger along Sam's new, swollen, hungry pussy.

Amy abruptly broke the kiss, leaving Sam clearly wanting more, before turning on her heel, tossing her blond curls over her shoulder, and walking away. With a brief "Byeee, have fun!" Amy closed the door behind her and was gone, leaving the quivering, voluptuous Sam to try to resist her growing desire to dose herself once more with the four drops of powerful poison floating on top of her hand sanitizer.


A few hours later, Sam sat naked on her couch, proud of herself for resisting her urge to use the potion again, but angry with herself for not being able to stop her hands from diving in and out of her needy pussy and squeezing her massive, sensitive new E-cups. She was even angrier at how good it felt, and at how much she wanted to replace her fingers with a nice, hard cock. But, most of all, she was angry with Amy for doing this to her.

Suddenly, however, she was startled out of her reverie of impotent rage and wanton sexual need by a knock at her door. Oh no. She had forgotten that she had scheduled a cable installation for today, since it was Saturday, and she'd be home from work.

As she looked out the peephole at the rugged, sexy working-class man on the other side, however, she realized that this wasn't a time to be afraid - this was her chance to demonstrate her newfound influence over men. She could feel how strongly her sexy body wanted to exert its control over this man's cock, and she reveled in the knowledge that he would be entirely unable to resist the pull of her new curves, especially now that she could already feel her tight pussy growing slicker with chemical compulsion as her arousal grew. She paused for a second before opening the door to work a couple of fingers in and out of her tight vagina, filling the air with her pheromones so that he'd be unable to resist filling her with his throbbing dick. Once she got what she wanted from him, of course.


As the door opened in front of him, Frank thought he had walked into some sort of porno, as the most attractive woman he had ever seen stood there, entirely naked, inviting him in with a crooked finger as she winked the luxurious lashes of an enchanting green eye at him.

He knew it was asking for trouble, not least because of the hint of crazy he saw in those eyes, but he also knew what they said about gift horses, and he still had a job to do. Not to mention that the longer he stood there looking at her, the more he felt his desire for her body inexplicably growing, and the more he felt his cock growing as well, magnetically drawn to the swollen pussy clearly visible beneath a neat patch of fiery red pubic hair. His eyes, meanwhile, were drawn to the large, pale breasts hanging pendulously off her hourglass frame, openly advertising her soft, receptive, feminine sexuality and arousing his masculine hunger for her sexy body.

Unable to resist, he allowed himself to be led into her house, and once the door was securely closed behind him, the tall, strong redhead pressed her massive tits into his chest, and pulled him tight against her.


Mmm... Sam thought. It felt so good to press her soft body against his, and it was so addictive to let herself sink into his embrace and just do what came naturally to both of them. He was clearly enjoying himself as well though, which made her hesitate, and she had a strange sneaking suspicion that her powerful feminine body was somehow betraying her even as she began to rub her pelvis against the bulge twitching in his work jeans.

Before she allowed her need for his cock to run away with her, however, she got control of herself, looked down into his eyes, and said, "I, like, need a better cable package," with a cocked eyebrow so he would know exactly what she meant.

"Yes ma'am, that's what I'm here for," Frank responded distractedly, as she continued to rub her crotch against his.

"They're all so expensive though. I thought that, since you work for the cable company and stuff, you could, like, figure something out for me," she said, continuing to stare knowingly into his eyes as she brought one of his hands up to cup her heavy breasts while her other hand teased along the rock-hard outline in his pants.

He started to respond, but Sam couldn't wait any longer. She had to get her hands on that cock, so while he told her how much he wished he could help her, she unzipped his pants, and pulled out his throbbing member. It felt so good twitching in her hand that she was nearly overcome by how badly she needed it inside her, but she refused to acknowledge its power over her, and instead began to tease, softly stroking her fingertip up its sensitive underside as she stared hard into his eyes. She watched the lust there grow even more urgent as he tried to explain that there was nothing he could do, but as his protestations began to weaken and her control over the situation increased, Sam decided to up the ante.

She ordered him to strip and he eagerly complied, surrendering to his sexual pull toward that pussy, and the pleasure that it promised in exchange for his obedience. Once he he was naked and looking back into her eyes, he saw that same frenetic energy he had noticed outside, and knew that his dick had gotten him into quite a pickle. But, unable to resist the call of her body and the pheromones that were signaling to him that it was time for them to mate, when he saw her lay down on the couch and beckon him to join her, he eagerly pulled himself down onto her receptive, feminine body and began to instinctively thrust himself against the slick mound inviting him to luxuriously slide himself between her long, powerful legs.

Just as he prepared to enter her, overwhelmed with arousal and need for release, she firmly pressed him back with one hand, stared hard into his eyes, and said, "You are going to ensure that not only is my cable free, but I have access to any channel I want, including pay-per-view, at no charge. Is that clear?"

Frank knew of an exploit to give her what she wanted, though he could get fired if he ever got caught. But she was so strong and so powerful and he wanted her so badly that he would say yes to literally anything if it meant he got to stick his dick in her pussy. He immediately agreed, and plunged himself into paradise.


The potion, of course, had been more than happy to indulge in Sam's little control fantasy; whatever it could do to convince its victim to go along with the bimbofication and not resist like Amy had, the drug was willing to do. At the end of the day, whatever got Sam's slutty, bimbofied body filled with cum was acceptable.


As Frank slammed himself into her over and over again, driving them both closer and closer to climax, Sam focused on just how much she was taking advantage of this man as her giant tits bounced wildly in his face and her pussy wrapped them both in waves of sexual pleasure. True, he was about to cum inside the woman of his dreams, but she was getting to have her way with his sexy, masculine body, getting to feel his hard cock thrusting deep into her hungry pussy, and she knew that soon he would be filling her up with the warm, gooey cum that she needed inside of her. That was, like, three times more than he was getting out of this! And, she was getting free cable.

That last thought was more than her overstimulated body could take, and she felt herself gripped in the powerful throes of orgasm as her entire body clenched against him and her legs instinctively wrapped around his body, pulling him deep into her tight, pulsing pussy. He quickly succumbed to the sensation himself, and his cock began pumping involuntarily inside her, filling her with burst after burst of his thick cum.

As his cock began to deflate, Sam roughly pushed him off and told him to get to work, before lying back down on the couch to play with her gigantic breasts as she watched him. She took her time enjoying the deep, satisfying afterglow of a deal well struck, as the evidence of their mutually beneficial transaction oozed delightfully out of her still-pulsing object of interest and onto her expensive cushions.


Chapter 6

On her way home from bimbofying Sam, pleased with how well it had gone, Amy stopped by the supermarket to grab a few essentials.

As she entered the store, she immediately noticed all of the delicious-looking men in sight and unconsciously arched her back to grab their attention with the greedy, bimbofied tits on display in her lowcut tank top. However, rather than indulging in the tempting arousal pulsing between her legs, which would inevitably lead to approaching one of the men and ensnaring him with the pheromones she was already dangerously close to producing, Amy made an effort to ignore her body's ever-present urge to fill itself with cock, and instead grabbed a cart and began making her way around the aisles.

She noticed that as long as she could focus on the task at hand and keep her mind distracted from all of the sexy men around her, she was able to temporarily forget that she should obviously be having sex with all of them. She congratulated herself on successfully managing her arousal and pheromones, proud of showing once more just how much stronger she was than the potion. She just needed to stay focused and not stay in one place for too long and she'd be fine.

As she walked by the produce section, however, full of self-satisfaction, Amy impulsively pulled out the Bimbo Potion and let four drops fall into the water reservoir for the vegetable misting system, figuring that the drops would dilute significantly before affecting anyone, and that they would merely add a bit of a spark to the love lives of any women lucky enough to walk by in the next hour or so. Giggling to herself, Amy grabbed a couple of long, thick cucumbers and continued on her way.


Five minutes later, Tracy Wilson stopped by the vegetables to restock on kale, feeling slightly annoyed as the misters kicked on and bathed her in its fine vapor. As it did so, Tracy became aware of a pleasurable tingling sensation on her skin, which intensified as her pussy swelled and lubricated, sending unfamiliar waves of arousal through her body. The 28 year-old trophy wife had never felt a desire for sex herself, viewing it only as a means of getting what she wanted from men, and she found their base urges for the soft, curvy body nature had given her disgusting. She patiently put up with her husband's vulgar rutting once a week, imagining herself vacationing at the beach as he groped her motionless body and drove himself to orgasm inside her, with the understanding that he would give her basically anything that she wanted in return. All of a sudden, however, Tracy was finding the idea of a hard cock thrusting itself into her tingly pussy oddly appealing. Her blouse was beginning to feel tight around her already full C-cup breasts, and the topmost button holding her top together began to strain under the pressure. Tracy herself was in an incredibly good mood for some reason, feeling uncharacteristically giggly, and she impulsively unfastened the top button of her blouse, revealing most of her lacy black bra along with a healthy amount of cleavage spilling out of it. She looked around to see if her actions had been noticed by any of the men in the store, who were beginning to tempt her increasingly hungry body. Seeing that none of the men had noticed, Tracy recalled that she had her own sexy man at home, one who was always eager to fill her up with his cock, so she headed toward the checkout, enjoying the novel feelings of  arousal triggered by the men along the way, who were now openly gaping at her sexy body, not realizing that a large part of their powerful attraction to the busty slut walking by was due to the musky perfume that filled the air around her. Tracy passed a ridiculously well-endowed woman on her way out, whose brow seemed to be furrowed in concentration as her wide hips swayed sexily toward the exit, but Tracy paid her no attention, in a hurry herself to get home and impale herself on her soon-to-be delighted husband's cock.


Amy managed to complete her shopping without incident, and headed back toward the front to pay. In line for the checkout, however, Amy noticed that the man behind her was becoming more and more focused on her body, and she wasn't able to prevent her pussy from going into overdrive as a result of his obvious interest. The eyes of the young college kid manning the checkout never made it above her breasts as his nostrils flared, and the breathing of all the men around her got progressively heavier. There was nothing Amy wanted more than to give in to her slutty urges and start an orgy right there at the checkout counter, but, once again, Amy somehow found the strength to throw fifty bucks into the till, swipe her groceries back into her cart, and rush out of the store, even as her brainwashed pussy continued to fill the air around her with more and more of her irresistible scent.

She was so proud of herself for leaving without fucking anyone, that when the college kid returning carts in the parking lot wolf-whistled as she walked by, she was blindsided by her bimbo breasts' overwhelming demands to be seen, reflexively pulled up her top, and winked as she jiggled her large tits at him. Unfortunately, Amy hadn't accounted for how close he was to her, or how turned on she was, and as his eyes locked onto her chest and widened with undisguised lust, Amy's emboldened tits redoubled the signals telling her needy pussy to prepare for sex, and, unprepared for the strength of her arousal, Amy found herself unconsciously moving toward his body as she walked by.

He continued to stare at her tits as they grew larger in his field of vision, and once they were almost close enough to reach out and touch, he began to feel a powerful desire to edge closer to her delightful body and do just that. The closer he got, the more he wanted her, and when he finally reached her side, he wrapped one hand around her waist and pulled her against him possessively as his other roughly groped and squeezed her fascinating breasts, and his own body began to prepare itself for sex as well.

Amy realized what had happened as soon as the young stud began to make his way over toward her, but with all of the sexual frustration that had built up inside her after the events in the store, she no longer had the strength to resist her bimbo urges. Her body molded into his as his inexperienced hands explored her heavy breasts, and she welcomed the throb of his erect masculinity against her needy pussy as he unconsciously ground his crotch against her. She grabbed his hand and pulled him back to her car, opened the back door, and pushed him down onto the seat. With her wide hips and enhanced bust, she didn't have enough room in the backseat to mount him, but, still unable to resist her need for his cock, she bent over his lower body, unzipped his pants, and pulled out his thick dick. She wrapped his sensitive cockhead in the soft, slick embrace of her cocksucking lips, and teased him with her tongue as her young stud began to instinctively thrust into her mouth.

Unable to slow his pace due to the irresistible effects of Amy's pheromones, the overwhelmed young man soon felt his cock thickening with pleasurable finality in her mouth. Amy, too overwhelmed with her intense need for cum to slow down herself, began to jack his slick cock with her hand as her tongue flicked around his glans, sending him over the edge and filling her mouth with the cum that she craved in burst after shuddering burst. 

"Holy fuck that was hot," the young man said as he put his softening dick back in his pants and slid out of her car.

Amy just winked at him again as she licked the remaining cum off her lips, loaded her groceries, and drove away satisfied.


At home, while she was putting her groceries away, Amy was surprised to hear a knock on her door. Looking through the peephole, she was embarrassed to see that it was her younger sister Jill, dropping in for a visit from the local community college. Like Amy had been before her accidents with the Bimbo Potion, Jill was mature, smart, level-headed, and definitely going places.

Amy didn't want her sister to see what the potion had done to her, but the potion's effects were permanent, and Jill would find out eventually, so Amy might as well get it over with.

On entering, as expected, Jill immediately noticed Amy's curvy, bimbofied body. "Wow, what happened to you Amy?! Did you get implants? You look like a slut!"

"No, it was this silly bimbo potion! It makes you all sexy, and it, like, makes guys want to fuck you!"

Sitting down on the couch together, Amy quickly filled Jill in on the events of the past few days. Jill wasn't sure she believed Amy's story, but couldn't think of any other explanation for either her big sister's current appearance, which looked like something out of a horny teenager's wet dream, or for the way her sister was talking and giggling like a vapid bimbo. It was a lot to take in.

"Could you go get me some water, Amy? I'm feeling a bit lightheaded."

"Yuppers!" Amy said, her bra-less basketball-sized tits bouncing as she hopped up and headed to the kitchen.

When she came back with the glass of water a minute later, however, Amy was horrified to see that her sister had picked up the bimbo potion, opened it, and was curiously holding it under her cute little button nose, breathing in the potent fumes. Having failed to mention the potion's addictive scent, Amy watched helplessly as the same look of wanton desire that she had been so eager to see on Sam's face earlier that day crept over her little sister's features as well, the expression of sinful eroticism looking uncomfortably out of place in the youthful innocence of her sister's face. Inevitably, Jill gave in to the temptation to pull out the stopper and let one drop fall onto her outstretched palm.

Amy ran to stop her, but Amy's body was designed for fucking, not for running, and she only succeeded in spilling the entire glass of water down the front of her shirt as she futilely jiggled across the room, knowing that it was too late. Her baby sister's eyes had already begun to glaze over with pleasure from the tingling sensation in her palm as her cute, feminine body quickly absorbed the potent liquid.

"What do I do with it?" Jill asked distractedly, but then fell silent and unconsciously rubbed her palm across the skin of her chest as the potion began to exert its influence over her behavior.

"You've totally already done it," Amy said, giggling in spite of herself as Jill moaned and her pupils dilated, face flushed with arousal.

"Amy, it feels so good!"

"No Jill! You gotta fight! You can, like, resist it like I did!" Amy shouted, but she knew that her own increasing tolerance to the potion was due to her familiarity with its effects after being dosed so many times, and that her little sister would likely be blindsided by the rush of pleasure the drug would flood her body with to tempt her into embracing her bimbofication. Further, Jill had inhaled the potion's intoxicating fumes, and Amy recalled all to well how much the potion's scent had made her want to swell into a horny bimbo herself.

She tried to will her baby sister to resist the potion's changes, but Jill was female too, and therefore just as susceptible to the Bimbo Potion's insidious effects as Amy had been. Jill's cute, co-ed body was fully equipped for sex, and therefore she should be having it, according to the potion at least, and Jill was too turned on to argue. In pursuit of that goal the potion began to target her vulnerable sexual organs, rendered giddy and suggestible by the intense arousal the potion had triggered, and eager to accept the bimbo brainwashing that would heighten their own pleasure response even as it enslaved them to it. Coincidentally, at that very moment Sam was using her own bimbo-brainwashed sexual organs to score free cable across town.

Amy wished there was some way she could help her sister combat the effects as she herself had done somewhat successfully earlier that day. Maybe she'll have a natural resistance to the potion like I do, Amy thought as she unconsciously pinched her large nipples, standing out proudly through the thin material of her drenched shirt, stiff with arousal as Amy vicariously watched her little sister give in to the pleasure that her own curvy body craved for itself.

Jill didn't seem to be able to hear her pleas, and once Amy noticed that her sister was cupping and kneading her small breasts in concentration, she knew that Jill had fully embraced the potion's promises of pleasure and was actively willing her tiny tits to grow into the large, sensual mounds that would demand male sexual attention. Sure enough, her breasts began to excitedly press out from her petite body seconds later, and as Amy watched her little sister's tits start to swell, her own arousal continued to grow. Amy absent-mindedly pulled down her top to grope herself more roughly, tugging on her nipples as watching the potion force her little sister's breasts to expand triggered her own massive tits' need to grow even larger as well.

She watched as her sister's narrow hips began to fill out, widening into a slight but noticeable flare, with an inviting curve that added an overt sex appeal to her cute youthfulness. Jill's body was now practically designed for midriff-baring tops and tight jeans, and her mind was filling with an inclination toward form-fitting clothing as well, ensuring that her choice of outfits in the future would be quite pleasant to the eyes of the men around her.

Amy watched as her sister's thighs squeezed together in pleasure, recognizing with dismay that the potion had begun its work on her tight young pussy, elevating her natural attractions to supernatural levels, and then she saw Jill's eyes widen with a hint of a new, unfamiliar hunger as her eyelashes lengthened and her facial features softened.

Having only taken one drop of the potion, its effects soon faded, leaving Jill mostly unchanged but with an appealing air of subtle yet unmistakable sexuality about her. The potion had used its limited power efficiently, tweaking and emphasizing her natural attributes just enough that the thoughts of any guy looking at her would quickly drift toward the pleasures of the flesh.


"Omigod, I'm so sexy now!" Jill burst out once the drug had fully worn off, bouncing over to the mirror to stick out her new B-cups and to check out the pert backside filling out her leggings. "That was so cool! I'll have no trouble getting a guy now!"

"Jill, you're only 19! You're too young to be getting guys! You gotta study so you can be all smart and stuff!"

"I can still study! I just want to try out some of the fun college ideas that keep popping in my head! Going out to parties, flirting with guys, flashing them my tits! And maybe more..." Jill said, her voice trailing off as appealing fantasies of an increasingly sexual nature imposed themselves on her young mind, causing a flush of arousal to creep into her cheeks. She continued in the slightly flirtatious voice that was now natural to her, "And somehow I know they'll be drawn to me too, that I'll be just as enticing and attractive to them as they are to me!" Jill licked her lips, her thoughts filling with visions of frat boys with hard muscles and even harder cocks.

"Jill, the potion makes you think sexy stuff! You gotta fight it!"

"My titties feel so nice and big now!" Jill said, ignoring her sister completely as she pulled down her top to play with her slightly enhanced breasts and larger, sensitive nipples. "They still want to grow though. Come on sis! Can't I have one more drop? My titties want to be bigger!"

Amy knew the feeling, familiar with her own breasts' constant begging for just one more little drop. Their shared genes had apparently reacted similarly to the Bimbo Potion, and it had infected her little sister's perky tits with the same desire to grow that it had given her own. Jill, still overwhelmed by the pleasure and arousal that accompanied the potion's effects, was eager to give in to her brainwashed tits' sinister urge to bimbofy her further, especially since the heady scent of the Bimbo Potion was still lingering in her nostrils, making becoming a bimbo seem like that much more of a good idea. Amy briefly wondered how strong her sister's pheromones would be after just one dose, but knew that Jill would likely have no problem attracting the male companionship her body was clearly already encouraging her to seek out.

Amy recalled what the potion had done to Val, Sam, and the other girls, how it had turned them into cock-hungry bimbo sluts. Determined to save her little sister from that same sexy fate, she quickly grabbed the potion off the table, resisting her own growing urge to give her swollen tits another compelling drop.

"No, Jill! I know your perky little titties want to get bigger, but I can't, like, let you have any more!"

"That's so hypocritical" You've clearly had more of the potion than I have, and that's not fair."

"You don't get how dangerous the potion is, Jilly!" Amy exclaimed as she struggled to stuff her rebellious breasts back into her top with only one hand. "I didn't want to be like this, but the potion made my body all sexy and made me think that cock is super yummy anyway! You don't really want to become a bimbo - the potion just makes you think you do!"

Rather than convincing Jill, however, who was still fully caught up in the throes of her potion-induced craving to bimbofy herself, Amy's pleas gave her a great idea, and Jill suddenly changed her voice to even more of a seductive purr. "Come on, Sis. I know you have the same need to feel these growing again that I do," Jill wheedled as she walked over and began to gently caress Amy's massive tits, causing her thick nipples to stiffen in arousal once more. As her slutty tits pressed themselves out into Jill's hands, Amy knew that her sister was right, and her resolve began to crumble as Jill began to tug on her nipples, emulating the addictive sensation of feeling her tits pulling further and further away from her chest as they grew.

"Just give in to it, Amy. I'll only need the potion for a second, and you don't have to worry at all, because I'll take care of everything. This is my choice - you won't be responsible, and I promise that you'll enjoy it too." Jill smiled knowingly as she reached for the potion gripped loosely in Amy's manicured fingers.

As her tits bombarded her with their irresistible need to grow again, Amy found herself inclined to agree with Jill: this was her decision, and Amy was absolved of all responsibility. Whatever happened next would be Jill's fault, and there was nothing Amy could do to stop it. Her mind latched onto the idea, eager to feel the effects of the Bimbo Potion once more, guilt-free, and Amy couldn't quite muster the willpower to resist as Jill slowly slid the bottle out of her hand.

"That's it... good girl. Here, just smell it. You know how good it smells," she said, holding the potion under Amy's nose. Amy couldn't resist taking a small, tentative sniff, even though she knew what the inevitable result would be, because the truth was that she wanted it to happen. She was so tired of fighting what her body wanted, and knew that even the slightest hint of the potion's sweet scent would take the choice out of her hands entirely.

Predictably, once the potion's musk was in her head, Amy suddenly realized that she wanted to smell it again, and leaned back in. She continued to calmly inhale the pleasant aroma, no longer caring that her desire to swell into a voluptuous bimbo was growing stronger with each addicting sniff. Jill leaned in to join her, and soon the two sisters shared an urgent, growing need to spread just a bit more of the sexy liquid on their vulnerable skin.

A few seconds later, once again thoroughly brainwashed by the potion's intoxicating scent, Amy watched impassively as her little sister gave in to the potion's irresistible temptation, and soon each of Jill's small, needy breasts briefly sparkled with another drop of the Bimbo Potion before she began to excitedly rub the tingly drug into her skin. 

Jealous, Amy watched Jill's eyes cloud with bliss once more as her sister's receptive body once again succumbed to the potion's chemical onslaught and her tits resumed their out-of-control swelling, but then Jill whispered, "Don't worry, Big Sis. I didn't forget about you."

Embracing the inevitable, Amy pulled her top down and eagerly stuck out her large, naked chest, leaving herself entirely in the hands of her enthralled younger sister, who was already beginning to bimbofy right before her eyes. Amy felt a small thrill run through her at giving in so easily, and at the excitement of not knowing how far her bimbo-brainwashed sister would go.

Jill immediately let one drop fall onto Amy's left breast, the bead of liquid looking small but potent against the wide expanse of soft, gently curving skin, and this time, rather than fighting it as she had earlier that day, Amy welcomed the tingly euphoria that finally signaled the onset of her own exciting new changes. It was just too tempting to give in, everything felt too good, and regardless of whether Amy blamed it on the captivating scent of the bimbo potion floating around her head, or excused it as an act of contrition and solidarity with her helplessly enthralled sister, in the end Amy couldn't help but allow herself to sink into the potion's embrace yet again and urge it to have its way with her, to make her into the perfect, slutty bimbo that she once more realized she was destined to become. The potion, of course, didn't care why Amy was suddenly so eager to be bimbofied, and now that the drug was inside of her, neither did Amy.

Shifting her gaze back to her sister, Amy saw the hunger in her eyes as the potion's intoxicating influence filled Jill with a mischievous desire to let a few more drops fall onto her big sister's already impressive rack. Amy felt herself starting to succumb to the potion's effects as the first drop began to fill her body with a pleasant, distracting need to sensuously swell, and she could only watch helplessly as a second drop wiggled at the tip of the eyedropper and a playful grin spread across her sister's increasingly seductive features. Amy was powerless to pull away as the second drop finally shook itself free, fell, and splattered against her massive right breast, which immediately began to tingle joyously as well, strengthening both her pleasure and her corresponding urge to swell with bouncy sexuality.

As she looked back at her sister, however, Amy felt an odd discomfort at the sight of the raw sexual hunger burning in Jill's eyes that began to take away from Amy's own mindless pleasure, so she encouraged the potion to begin affecting her thoughts, and suddenly realized that as sexy as her overpronounced hourglass figure had been before, it still wasn't irresistible enough - she needed a body that would drive all men who saw it into an immediate sexual frenzy.

Meanwhile, the uncontrollable need in Jill's eyes continued to smolder, and Amy noticed that there was now a third drop of potent Bimbo Potion dangling at the end of the eyedropper, as the drug continued to compel Jill to share her addictive bimbo transformation with her big sister. Amy drunkenly offered her tits up once again, even as they were finally overcome by the pulsing bimbo energy growing within them and began their own blissful expansion, delirious with pleasure and arousal and need and satisfaction all at once.

Just at that moment, however, the fire in Jill's eyes died down slightly as she somehow regained a modicum of control over her actions, even though her own body continued to grow sluttier under the potion's irresistible influence, and she was able to replace the stopper in the bottle, leaving Amy filled with longing and regret at only having received the two strong doses she now felt coursing powerfully through her veins, having its way with her entirely willing body.

"See, Amy? I'd never do anything to hurt you," Jill whispered, leaning forward to taste her sister's luscious lips as her own began to swell. Lost in pleasure and caught up in the erotic energy of the moment, Amy impulsively pulled her little sister's body tight against her own, enjoying the feeling of their boobs growing against one another, slowly pushing them apart; two increasingly beautiful creatures lip-locked in an increasingly sexual embrace.

As Amy groped her sister's increasingly curvy body as it continued to swell softly against her, she once again realized how silly she had been to try to prevent the two of them from becoming bimbos. It was what she and her sister were clearly destined to be, and it felt so good! Think of all the yummy sex they were going to get! It was good that she had helped her sister dose herself with the potion, and discover their shared purpose, which was to use their sexy, slutty bodies to coax men's hard, throbbing cocks into spurting inside of them.

Jill finally broke the kiss, grabbing her own boobs as the potion once more catalyzed them into growth, and the cute, perky B-cups she had had for less than five minutes slowly expanded into heavy, majestic, attention-grabbing Ds. Amy watched with pride as her little sister's body continued its erotic swelling, and then slid a hand down between her sister's legs to help jumpstart the change she knew was coming next, nodding approvingly as Jill's thickening thighs squeezed together in squirming heat around her hand.

Amy's tits began to get in the way as her own compelling bimbo energy continued to pulse, forcing her massive breasts to fill out in mindless bliss against her sister's own expanding assets, pushing the two of them farther apart the sluttier they became. Undaunted, Amy began to stroke and caress between her sister's legs, causing Jill to gasp in pleasure as the stimulation increased her arousal, which in turn strengthened her unconscious pheromone production, and her reprogrammed pussy began to fill the air with her unique chemical compulsion searching for a susceptible male.

Amy was excited to feel her own intense tingle starting up between her legs as she encouraged the potion to begin its nefarious work on her own pussy. She felt an odd tightening sensation, unaware that her vagina was now ribbed for his pleasure, ensuring that his already-inevitable ejaculation would now come that much faster. She couldn't feel it directly, but she could still tell that the even stronger pheromones her pussy was mindlessly manufacturing were mixing in the air with her little sister's as the two of them effectively hotboxed her apartment with overwhelming sexual compulsion for any man lucky enough to be lured into their love nest.

She stuck her free hand between her legs to bimbofy her pussy as much as possible even as she continued to selflessly stimulate her sister, whose sensitive lips were still swelling against Amy's fingers, plump and inviting, now hiding a tunnel of pleasure that would be impossible to pull out of. With a little help from the Bimbo Potion, her little sister had successfully grown into an irresistible cock-milking machine, and Amy had never been more proud of her.

She allowed her fingers to drift away from Jill's puffy cameltoe to her sides, pulling their waists together as both of their torsos continued to expand with burgeoning sexuality. She felt the curve of her sister's hips, which had been subtle and inviting a few moments ago, become overt and demanding as the potion forced them to widen into an exaggerated hourglass. Jill's brief interlude as a petite co-ed bubbling with subtle sexuality had been short lived, and the drug quickly transformed her young, innocent body into that of a voluptuous, cock-hungry bimbo slut just like her big sister.

The potion did play up her cuteness, however, ensuring that Jill still had the button nose and the round, youthful facial features of a sweet girl next door, but now the angelic, wide-eyed innocence of her face was tempered by the sinful, overt sexuality of her body, which was now undeniably designed for carnal activity. Jill was still infused with that bubbly, energetic flirtatiousness that would attract men to her side, but, as they spent more time with their disarmingly cute companion, her body's blatant, overwhelming sexuality and her enthusiastic encouragement of their inevitable sexual interest would take its toll, and they would soon find themselves unable to resist sticking their cocks deep inside her and urgently thrusting to a satisfying ejaculation.


Amy's enthusiasm for her sister's changes dimmed slightly when she saw Jill's beautiful blue eyes widen in surprise and delight as her new, much more powerful mental changes began to wash over her. Amy had always been proud of her sister's intelligence, and now that she realized just how much power over her sister cock would have, thanks to her own inability to resist the potion's temptations, Amy once more began to feel a hint of regret. So, when the potion began to cloud her own mind even further, she gladly embraced the growing need for dick that distracted her from her worries, and her knees trembled and her mouth began to water at the thought of just how yummy cock was, and at just how much she needed it throbbing its way toward orgasm inside of her at all times.


Amy's head began to clear as the double dose of Bimbo Potion finally burnt itself out inside her, and she once more realized that she did not, in fact, want to be a bimbo. She did, however, want to keep kissing her sister's soft lips, and touching her curvy, jiggly new body, so that's exactly what she did.

After a few more minutes of making out, Amy pulled her head far enough away to say, "Jill! You, like, made us even more bimbo-ey!" She tried to sound angry, but only succeeded in giggling as her sister nuzzled her with her cute little nose.

Amy felt like she should be mad at herself for allowing the potion to seduce her again - and turn her sister into a bimbo too, no less! - but Jill looked so happy and sexy in her haze of cute, jiggly horniness, her stunning face flushed with excitement and arousal as she pulled Amy back in for another delicate kiss that caused Jill's young, oversexed neurons to fire with addictive sensual pleasure, that Amy couldn't help but feel happy for her. And horny. Amy felt very horny. Between Jill's bubbly enthusiasm and her own desire to get a nice cock into her tight, soaked pussy, Amy was far too distracted by thoughts of how good sex would feel right now to be mad at herself.

"Mmmm, I feel so good now!" Jill purred, still holding her big sister tight against her new body, lovely eyes wide with pleasure. "I really need a cock in my pussy though!" she realized as her euphoria was suddenly tempered by the constant sensation of emptiness the potion had filled her with, and she began to feel an even stronger urge to fulfill the sexual compulsions the potion had given her.

Amy, having encouraged the potion to elevate her own need for cock to the level of obsession, knew exactly what her sister meant, but she was also secure in the knowledge that her almost six cumulative doses of Bimbo Potion would ensure that she got to fuck any man she wanted.

"Me too! You made me, like, really want cock, Jilly, even more than I already did! Now I'll always be trying to get my pussy pounded!" she said, looking forward to exactly that. Now Amy just had to be sure to keep resisting the potion's mental changes, so that she would still be all smart and stuff, like Jill!

"Jill, your titties are so cute now!" Amy gushed, hefting her sister's heavy new breasts and watching her wiggle with pleasure at the sensation.

"Hehe, thanks Sis! Yours are much sexier though, so big and jiggly!" Jill responded as she bounced her sister's massive, beach ball-sized boobs in her hands, this time causing Amy to squirm with arousal. "I want my titties to be big and jiggly like yours are!"

"No Jilly! The potion, like, makes you want bad stuff! You gotta, like, be careful not to let the potion make your mind different! You gotta be like me and still be like smart and stuff!" Amy insisted, her voice full of concern for her sister.

"But Amy, I want the potion to change me! That'll make sure that I'm ready for all of the sex that my bimbo body is gonna get me!"

"No Jill! You're smart like me, and you gotta, like, be successful!"

"No Amy, you want to be successful. I just want to find a hot guy who will take care of me, and cum in my slutty pussy all day every day!"

With that, Amy finally realized that the potion had won: her little sister's body had been permanently redesigned to constantly seek out sex, just like hers had been. With Jill's new craving for cock, and the irresistible pheromones that the potion had compelled her body to produce, her sister's future (and mouth, and pussy) was going to be filled with cock, whether Amy liked it or not.

She looked into her sister's flushed, supernaturally alluring face with a new understanding and acceptance, and resolved to refocus her efforts on making sure her slutty bimbo sister got all the cock she wanted. In the meantime, however, their hands continued to explore and grope and titillate in their tight embrace until Jill just couldn't wait any longer and pushed Amy away.

"Sis, this feels really good, but I need cock!"

"Me too!" Amy said, as her own her craving began to override all other concerns as well. "Let's go find some! I'll, like, teach you how to make a guy want to fuck you!"


Jim was walking down the sidewalk minding his own business when two stunning bombshells, basically the physical embodiments of every adolescent sexual fantasy he had ever had, bounded out of a nearby apartment building and headed directly for him. He could tell that trouble was in his near future, but as his eyes fixated on the curves of the bustier of the two girls, he suddenly found himself welcoming their approach in spite of himself, and his blood began to pump harder than it usually did at the mere sight of an attractive female body.

"Can I, like, use you to show my little sister something real quick? It's super important!", the more well-endowed of the two pleaded, eyes bright with flirtatious excitement as she came to a stop uncomfortably close to him. Jim suddenly noticed a pleasant musk filling the air, which somehow seemed custom-made to inflame his natural desire for the blatantly sexual body on display in her tiny skirt and tight tube top.

"Sure", he responded without thinking as her intoxicating scent continued to go directly to his head and his dick began to harden, making him increasingly willing to do whatever it took to keep the two goddesses near him, especially once the older sister suddenly leaned her soft curves against him.

"Thanks! Like, see Jilly? Once they've seen your body and they've started thinking sexy thoughts about you, all you have to do is stand near them and your ferro-thingies will do the job for you!" he only half-heard the bustier siren say to her cute protegé, which would have confused him, but his nervous system was currently bombarding his mind with pleasure from feeling so much of her curvy body touching his. His arm reached around her waist and reflexively pulled her tight against him, his dick pressing eagerly against her hip as it throbbed down the leg of his pants. She giggled, a seductive and musical sound that somehow made him even harder. "Then, once he, like, grabs you and his cock is all hard and needy, you know that he's going to go fuck you!" she said, giving his cock an affectionate squeeze.

"Thanks Sis! Let me try now!" the cute co-ed with the X-rated body responded, before she too sidled up and pressed her unexpectedly naughty schoolgirl curves against him. A new fragrant note began to make its way into the chemical cocktail attacking his olfactory receptors, though slightly weaker than the overwhelming sexual need the older sister's perfume filled him with, and he soon found himself grabbing the younger sister's tight curves as well, squeezing both girls against him as their aroused bodies continued to pump out their irresistible pheromones and his helpless sexual need continued to grow.

Finally, the bimbofied duo gently broke out of his grip and bounced back toward the apartment, jiggling their curves enticingly at him in as they retreated.

Intellectually, Jim knew that fucking two random girls off the street was a bad idea, but his body seemed to have a strikingly different attitude toward the situation, and he began to follow them back toward their apartment nonetheless as the overpowering sexual pull of his body toward theirs overrode his rational thought. His dick convinced him that he'd just go in with them for a few minutes, chat politely, and then leave, but deep down he knew that he was about to get his dick very satisfyingly wet. His cock was designed, no, destined to cum deep inside the sexy bodies of these two women, and at some level he knew that that was exactly what was about to happen. There was absolutely nothing he could do to stop it; it was as inevitable as the sunset.


As Jim walked into Amy's apartment, he was engulfed in the cloud of sexual musk generated by the two women during their earlier transformations, which instantly had him hard as a rock and overwhelmed with need for the stimulating comfort of a soft, slick pussy. Both women had come well-prepared to meet that need, since Amy had outfitted both of them in short, pleated skirts with no underwear, having learned her lesson about ease of access the night before at the club. Jim's hands instinctively found their way under the girls' skirts and began to stroke and probe the slick, naked flesh he found hidden there, filling the air with even more of their powerful pheromones and increasing his need for the soft, welcoming embrace of their bodies as the two sisters worked in tandem to free his straining cock from his pants.

Once they had succeeded, Jill was driven to drop to her knees to taste that yummy cock for herself, but Jim began to focus all of his efforts on Amy's irresistible curves, pulling down her top to play with her perfect, massive breasts with one hand, while the other drove himself into even more of a sexual frenzy as it continued to stimulate and explore Amy's tight, eager pussy. Meanwhile, Jim's lower body was reacting dully, almost mechanically, to Jill's ministrations, and as he found his attention drawn more and more strongly toward Amy's fascinating pussy, he began to pull his dick out of Jill's mouth entirely as it sought the embrace of the enticing mound between Amy's legs.

Amy realized that though Jim would clearly be irresistibly attracted to both of them, her much stronger pheromones meant that he would unintentionally focus more of his attention on her at the expense of her sister, so she decided to personally make sure that Jill got plenty of action too. There was plenty of cock to go around, after all.

To remove herself from the situation a bit, Amy dropped to her knees herself and pushed Jill out of the way, aiming to distract Jim with her mouth so that he would focus on Jill's body instead. Jill was initially upset at her sister's actions, but quickly caught on once Amy motioned for her to get up and offer herself to Jim instead. Initially, the plan seemed to work, and Jim did spend a few seconds groping and squeezing her big D-cups as she moaned in pleasure, but Amy noticed that his attention shifted back to her all too quickly, and then his hands buried themselves in her golden hair as he began to pull her head down farther and farther onto his cock, which was starting to throb more strongly in her mouth.

Amy was tempted to relax and just let him keep fucking her face. It would be so easy to continue what she was doing, and let him fill her with the gooey reward that she so badly needed, but, Jill needed her, and she wasn't about to abandon her sister.

Amy decided to lay down on the floor, flip up her skirt, and hope that the tempting sight and scent of her naked pussy would be enough to lure Jim down to her level. If she could get him to eat her out, that would leave his cock free for her sister to take care of in the meantime.

As it turned out, Jim had always enjoyed giving pleasure, so once Amy was on the floor and her little pink pussy was exposed and calling to him, he lost no time diving between the legs of the busty blonde, intending to drink his fill of her sweet nectar. The closer he got to her crotch, however, the thicker the cloud of pheromones being pumped out by Amy's aroused pussy got, and Jim found himself unintentionally moving past her pussy, and farther up her body. his chest finally coming to rest on top of Amy's massive tits as his cock began to involuntarily tease against her slick entrance.

Once his cock had made contact with its goal, Jim could no longer hold himself back, and Amy could only let it happen, her body craving the feel of that cock inside her far too much to prevent him from sliding easily into her depths, and her tight, ribbed pussy began to pull at something deep and primal within Jim in return as he slowly withdrew, inch by agonizing inch as she squeezed him with purposeful intensity, before he plunged himself back inside to begin the process anew, having no choice but to let the sensual delights of her provocative body drive him closer and closer to the inevitable result of her relentless stimulation.


"Sis, you're taking him all for yourself!" Jill loudly complained, following Amy's lead and lying down on the floor next to her sister's head, legs open in a futile attempt to coax the enthralled male away from her sluttier sister.

Jim heard her protestations, and, realizing that he'd allowed himself to rudely ignore the other member of their incestuous threesome, he tried to redirect his attentions toward the other sister, licking eagerly at her delicious honeypot as her own strong scent began to make some slight headway so close to his nose. Even so, however, Jim's body was on autopilot and wouldn't allow him to stop shoving his dick into the bustier slut, and, eventually, Amy's stronger scent once more overpowered his attentions, and he found himself unconsciously turning away from the slightly less fascinating sister to stare blankly into Amy's perfectly sculpted features as he drove himself closer and closer to losing control inside of her.

His thrusts were becoming more insistent, but Amy was powerless to prevent herself from encouraging his impending orgasm, her body far too overcome with pleasure and need to stop stimulating that sensitive cock with her satisfying pussy, and she knowingly squeezed him past the point of no return as his body began to tense up inside of her in unstoppable release. As his eyes went wide and he instinctively thrust himself as far into the slutty bimbo as he could and prepared to fill her receptive body with his seed, Amy's first instinct was to let her greedy pussy suck up all of his sexy cum, but then she saw that Jill was staring at her pussy with a mixture of hunger and sadness as Jim's cock began to reflexively spasm inside it, and Amy felt an immediate, extreme sense of guilt at having betrayed her beloved sister so shortly after letting her turn herself into a bimbo slut in the first place.

So, exercising an almost superhuman strength of will for the love of her sister, Amy forced herself to pull off of that delicious, spurting cock halfway through her own orgasm, and watched with a sense of pride and slight sexual frustration as her bimbofied little sister immediately pounced on Jim's dick, wrapped her soft lips around it once more, and milked all the creamy reward out of it that she could get as Jim moaned in helpless pleasure.


"Omigod Amy, that was So. Much. Fun!" Jill gushed once Jim had sheepishly collected his clothes and left, licking her swollen lips in bliss as the savory taste of his cum lingered on her tongue.

"You totally didn't get to cum though!" Amy complained indignantly.

"Oh, that's ok! I can do it myself later. It was too much fun watching him pound your cute little pussy anyway, and you even let me suck some cum out of his yummy cock! I know how hard it must have been for you to do that for me, and I'll never forget it. I love you, Amy."

"Like, I love you too, Jilly, but you still gotta cum!" Amy insisted, pushing her sister down onto the couch. "Lie down, silly!"


Maybe this whole Bimbo Potion thing isn't so bad, Amy thought as her little sister's thighs locked tightly around her head a few minutes later, and Jill's hips began to buck uncontrollably against her mouth. After all, the potion continued to make sure Amy's pussy got the regular supply of cock that it needed, and it had even brought her and her sister much, much closer together.


Chapter 7

Jill left early Monday morning, eager to get back to school so she could begin using her bimbofied breasts and hips, along with the irresistible pheromones coming from her tight little pussy, to pursue a lucrative MRS degree. After she spent a few years making the most of college life first, of course.

Amy headed to work, ready to continue pursuing her own dreams of rising up the corporate ladder. And no fucking yummy men and their hard cocks at work this time! Gotta be professional!, she told herself, but her pussy only tingled in response, ready and eager to overwhelm every man around her with the urge to fill her slutty body with their cum at the slightest provocation. She squeezed her massive tits into a tight, lowcut top so they could show themselves off as much as they wanted, and garner the instinctive male attention that was sure to provoke her slutty body into preparing itself for sex.


When she arrived at the office, Phil immediately called her in for a meeting.

"I've put you up for a promotion, Amy. I was more than happy to relay my opinions of your diligent service to my superiors, and I think having introduced them to someone of your talents will reflect well on me in the future."

"Yay! Omigod, thank you so much Phil!" Amy gushed, rushing over to wrap her boss in a tight hug as he enjoyed the feeling of her exaggerated curves pressed so snugly against his body.

"After making them aware of your considerable contributions to the office," he continued, his eyes dropping to the bulging breasts emphasized by Amy's revealing top, which had felt heavenly against his chest just a second ago, "they wanted to meet with you personally in the conference room at your earliest convenience. They're there right now waiting for you."

Amy's earlier naive resolution to be professional went out the window as soon as her exhibitionist tits felt his eyes on them again, and the cumulative effects of her exposures to the potion and the craving for cum it had induced in her quickly overrode much of her capacity for rational thought. She found herself seriously questioning the wisdom of her decision not to fuck yummy men and their hard cocks at work, and completely forgot about the men in the conference room waiting for her, since she had plenty of man right here and now for what she had in mind.

Like, Phil totally has a cock! And I know from experience how *yummy it is! Why wouldn't I fuck him? I should at least blow him again, to thank him for putting me up for a promotion!* she rationalized to herself, and her pussy enthusiastically agreed, helping Phil overcome any of his remaining inhibitions as it releasing a cloud of pheromones into the air that soon had him unconsciously leaning into Amy's body once more, dick hardening with keen interest in Amy's new, much sluttier figure as he gave in to his desire to press his hands into her large, pillowy breasts. This was all the encouragement Amy needed, and when she felt Phil's hard dick against her slim waist, pulsing with his irresistible need to use her body for his pleasure as he pulled her against himself possessively, Amy quickly dropped to her knees, unzipped him, and popped his dick into her mouth, where it belonged.

As Amy's body rewarded her with an intense feeling of pleasure and satisfaction at giving in to her urges, she had to admit that she loved having a dick in her mouth. Feeling its slick hardness sliding against her tongue, twitching inside her as she teased it closer to spontaneously ejaculating its gooey prize for her just felt so right, she reflected, and as she bobbed her head up and down and then pulled off a bit to slowly suck on the tip she looked up into her boss' eyes expectantly. They clouded with pleasure as Phil's slutty subordinate triggered his orgasm, and then Amy was filled with giddy happiness as her mouth filled with his yummy reward, and she eagerly sucked and swallowed as her bimbofied body squirmed with the simple pleasure of having a belly full of warm cum.

Her cravings satisfied for the moment, Amy pulled off and zipped him back up, and Phil looked down at her in dazed appreciation and only slightly diminished lust before he remembered the execs in the next room.

"Thanks Amy, now hurry! You'll be late for your meeting!"

"Thanks for everything babe," Amy responded, giving him a brief kiss on the lips before swaying out the door.

"Good luck!" he called after her, sinking into his chair with the deep satisfaction that only comes from emptying your balls into a hot bimbo slut. He would be sad to lose Amy, but with the way Sam and Val had been dressing and acting, he was pretty sure he'd be fine.


Amy jiggled into the conference room moments later, wiping the last of her boss's cum off her lips in as professional a manner as she could manage, but with her pussy still on overdrive. It distracted her with pleasure as it pulsed between her legs, persuasively encouraging her to use it as intended as her arousal involuntarily began filling the conference room with chemical attraction.

The two men at the head of the table rose at her entrance, eyes widening at the sight of the appetizing flesh on display as their dicks hardened in instinctual desire for the exaggerated femininity of her body, even before the enthralling effects of her heady scent could begin dulling their free will and reducing them to their sexual impulse. Phil had told them that he had found the perfect candidate for the special "Private Executive Secretary" hole the execs had hinted about wanting to fill, and it seemed like this sexy slut would satisfy their needs even better than expected.

To be fair, they weren't looking for a prostitute, or to receive any sort of sexual favors - they just wanted some eye candy to sit behind a desk in front of their offices, whom they could trot out and put on display whenever high-profile clients were visiting.

Regardless of their merely sexist intentions, however, all the attention they were paying her body just revved up Amy's greedy pussy that much more as she felt her bimbo urges beginning to take hold of her once again. Deep down she already knew this would happen, of course, having already secretly accepted her fate as an eager slave to her increasingly slutty nature, even as her conscious mind continued to vehemently deny having fully given in to the potion's seductive influence over her vulnerable body and mind. In truth, she was looking forward to feeling her sexy bimbo alter-ego effortlessly brushing aside what remained of her rational self as the promise of cock and the erotic pleasure it represented became more and more irresistible to her.

"Ms. Anderson, Phil has told us about all of the good work you've done here, and so we wanted to talk about having you take on a more visible position in the company."

Her brainwashed tits perked up at the idea of being more visible, but this time Amy didn't even notice as she reflexively pulled the neckline of her tight top even lower in response, revealing the edges of her large, dark areolas to the eyes of the increasingly horny men around the table. Normally they would have thought this display was vulgar and inappropriate, but now they just watched hungrily as more of her cleavage came into view, hoping she would reveal more of her naked flesh to them. The hint of dark skin visible near the center of each massive mound only served to titillate them further as now only the hem of her blouse prevented the thick nipples standing out proudly through the thin fabric from popping out into full view.

"This role will require interfacing with customers and clients, in addition to the kind of work you're more accustomed to performing for Phil," the president continued, though his voice trailed off slightly as his mind clouded with uncharacteristic thoughts of sex. He began to wonder exactly what sorts of duties those had been, and whether he could convince her to perform similar duties for him in the privacy of his office. Meanwhile, his cock was responding to the signals of arousal his compromised nervous system was involuntarily sending and began to throb with need, demanding female attention.

"Mr. President, I'm totally ready for this challenge. I'm sure I can, like, handle a heavy load from both of you, no problem!" Amy asserted confidently, thrusting out her chest a bit to emphasize her unrestrained enthusiasm for the position and to demonstrate that she wouldn't need any external support for her two prominent roles.

"We'll need a hands-on demonstration of your job performance," the president said thickly, already anticipating her answer and abandoning all pretense by sliding his chair back from the table. He unzipped his pants as the musk from her bimbo pussy exerted its influence over his actions and his sense of propriety finally lost its battle with his artificially enhanced libido. His associate feigned mild offense at the salacious act, even as his hand began to tease and pull at his own increasingly insistent cock under the table.

This was exactly the chance that Amy had been waiting for, and she eagerly bounced over and took her place between her new boss' knees, confident that she would perform above expectations. She knew how to make a good impression, and would soon have them eating out of her hand. Or eating out of something, at least. She just needed to stay professional - give them each a neat, tidy blowjob, and nothing more. Perfectly normal. No letting them sink their throbbing cocks into her slick pussy and fill her needy canal with their hot jizz. At least, not yet. She didn't want them to think she was just a slutty bimbo, after all.


As Amy's tongue touched the president's cock, however, and he moaned in pleasure and thrust himself between her soft lips, a furious Sam burst into the room. She had somehow sensed that she was losing her chance at a promotion, but was more than eager to use her body to ensure that she got it instead.

"Miss, this is a private meeting! I'm sorry, but you'll have to leave," the president sputtered as he tried to hide the head bobbing enthusiastically between his legs. He regretted having to send this towering new girl away in his aroused state, however, due to her own considerable curves shown off by what could only be described as a pornographic version of a women's dress suit, with a blouse open almost to her navel, drawing attention to the ample globes that jutted out on either side of the deep valley in the center of her chest. A tiny pencil skirt that showed off her wide hips and thick thighs, while hinting at what was almost visible between them, completed the look.

"I'm not leaving until you give me a chance too! I'll show you that I'm a better cocksucker than that slut Amy!" Sam insisted as her pussy moistened at the idea, sending her own imperious pheromones out to mix with Amy's enticing scent throughout the room. Sam stomped over to the CFO, her slutty mouth already salivating in anticipation as her intimidated prey rushed to undo his belt.

"Sam you bitch! Go find your own dick!" Amy yelled angrily during the few seconds she could bear to spend without that tasty cock between her lips, but Sam completely ignored her and began working the CFO's shaft and balls with a vengeance. Even if she'd wanted to leave, however, Sam was powerless to resist her own compulsion for dick, which had been the cost of the powerful, irresistible bimbo body the potion had blessed her with.

Even over the sound of her own slurping as she continued to massage the president's cock with her tongue, Amy could hear Sam across the table teasing the CFO as she alternated thinly veiled threats with stimulating him with her lips and tongue.

"Your cock is so hard! I bet it really wants to cum, doesn't it? It'd be a shame if you, like, didn't hire me and I had to stop. You do want to hire me so I can keep going, right?" she wheedled as she gave him one final brief lick and looked up into his eyes hungrily.

Surely he knows that Sammy won't be able to stop until she gets his yummy cum, Amy thought to herself. She gathered enough willpower to briefly look up from her own irresistible cum dispenser, and was rewarded with the sight of Sam's delicate fingers continuing to mechanically stroke the CFO's cock even as she threatened to stop.

All too predictably, however, Amy heard the CFO nonetheless responding, "Oh God yes! Of course! Anything you want! Just don't stop!" as the sensation of her thumb rubbing up and down his sensitive frenulum became more than he could handle. His overstimulated cock began to shoot its load all over her statuesque features framed by her silky black hair, and her seductive green eyes glimmered with excitement and satisfaction as the first spurts of his semen painted creamy trails across her face. As his ejaculation began to tail off and her compulsion to direct all of her attention to the cock jerking in her hands lessened, Sam glanced back across the table at Amy with a cum-coated smirk of victory.

Undeterred, Amy looked up at the company president she was fellating, a captivating smile on her own angelic features, and said "I, like, just want to do a good job, sir. I hope you're enjoying yourself," before sensuously sliding her tongue up the underside of his dick. Then, throwing caution, modesty, and professionalism to the wind, recognizing that she would need to go all out to beat Sam, Amy finally gave in to her pussy's demands to be filled. She stood up, turned around, pulled her skirt aside, and slowly slid his slick cock deep into her silky, luxurious depths.

As wave after wave of pleasure rewarded her for using her body the way it was designed, Amy admitted that she loved having a dick in her pussy too, possibly even more than she loved having one in her mouth. All the while, her pussy did what came naturally, enthusiastically pulling and gripping at the skin of the president's sensitive cock, coaxing him back inside when he withdrew and then tightly squeezing him in her slick, inviting embrace as he reflexively slid himself back into her, forcing him ever closer to his limit as her pussy persuasively encouraged him to lose control inside of her, to give in and let her relieve him of all of that cum uncomfortably filling his balls and beginning to pulse urgently at the base of his cock.

Recognizing his imminent orgasm, Amy pulled off completely, and then slowly pressed his cock deep into her stimulating pussy one last time, finally triggering his involuntary response, and he moaned as his body began to release itself into her heavenly embrace. His eyes rolled back into his head as the most pleasurable sensation he had ever felt seemed to go on and on as her tight grip continued to milk him into oblivion, and he was forced to fully empty himself into this slutty bimbo, specifically engineered to be the perfect receptacle for his cum.


"Thank you, ladies. You've both capable of very, eh-hem, persuasive performances. Now we'll need some time to deliberate privately, and then Phil will let you know our decision."


It came as no surprise to Amy when Phil summoned her into his office a half hour later. Once the CFO had been freed from Sam's imperious influence, the choice had been clear. Sam, of course, was livid when Phil called Amy back, but there was nothing she could do, and the look of furious impotence on her face at having been outperformed made all of Amy's tribulations of the past week more than worth it.

As Amy walked into Phil's office to accept her promotion, she was again impressed with just how cute and manly he was as her slutty cravings were rekindled at once more. Phil was talking though, so Amy tried to listen and not be distracted with thoughts of what they should obviously be doing instead.

"They were very impressed by your performance, and are prepared to offer you the position. It was a tough choice between you and Sam, but while Sam was self-confident, knew exactly what she wanted, and was practically impossible to say no to, your clear eagerness to please won the day."

Amy flushed at the praise, and at her ultimate victory over Sam. "You won't regret this sir!" she gushed, licking her thick lips suggestively, and encouraging her pussy as it began to pulse anew. She walked around his desk, embracing her urge to show her boobs along the way as she unbuttoned her blouse and allowed her massive tits to swing freely in his face for a few seconds before bending down in front of him.

"Amy, while I appreciate your initiative, I'm not sure I'm-" he began, but then her scent began to have its effect on him once more, and he realized that he did want one final round with the slut after all.

"Shhh..." she whispered as she pulled his chair out from behind his desk and sank between his legs. This time she had something slightly different in mind, and after pleasantly lubricating his cock with her soft mouth and tongue as he moaned, she wrapped her giant tits around his short dick and began squeezing and pulling up and down, enveloping him in the sight and sensation of her soft, jiggly breasts. When she sensed him ready to cum, she pulled her tits apart enough to reach him with her mouth, and gently closed her puffy lips around his cockhead as she continued to stroke his shaft with her fist, shivering with pleasure when she felt him reflexively pumping her mouth full for the second time that morning.


Afterward, Amy went back to her desk licking her lips clean, once again filled with satisfaction for filling her bimbofied body with the yummy cum that it craved. She was so happy - she'd gotten everything she had ever wanted. Success, a promotion, revenge on Val and Sam, and all the throbbing cock she could take. I'm a woman with needs, after all, she giggled to herself, and then watched Val heading back to her desk after another session in the janitor's closet, closely followed by a delicious-looking young man with a glazed smile on his face.

She watched Val stop briefly by Sam's desk and grab a familiar bottle of hand sanitizer to clean the cum off her fingers, and she watched as Sam freaked out and tried in vain to prevent Val from squirting the liquid into her hand. Val did so nonetheless, froze briefly, and then began excitedly rubbing the hand sanitizer into the creamy tops of her boobs as they pressed out above her tight tube top, before pulling her top down entirely and massaging the tingly liquid into her large, naked breasts, twisting her thick nipples as her eyes widened and her pupils dilated in pleasure.

Sam slumped down into her chair, completely defeated, absent-mindedly pulling apart her blouse to squeeze the needy bimbo tits that Amy had inflicted upon her as Val calmly succumbed to the effects of the potion once again. Sam hadn't even wanted big, sexy bimbo tits before Amy had tricked her into dosing herself with the potion, and now that she had them she couldn't help but love the way they hung heavily from her chest, the way they demanded her attention and rewarded her with pleasure for indulging them, and the way they caught men's eyes and were the first step in making them want to fuck her. The anticipation of getting Amy back, of watching Amy helplessly turning into even more of a cock-hungry bimbo slut was all that had kept Sam from dosing herself again, but now that Val had stolen her revenge, Sam regretted not having just dosed herself so she could be the one experiencing the mind-numbing pleasure of swelling into an even bigger bimbo instead.


Val was momentarily confused as she suddenly felt a familiar, powerful urge to embrace a tempting transformation growing within her. She had been perfectly satisfied with the original changes that had been thrust upon her the previous week, content with a body that advertised her sexual availability and a pussy that drove her to fuck with abandon. She had experienced none of Amy and Sam's desire to dose themselves again, but now, full of tingly pleasure as her body pulsed with four doses of uncontainable Bimbo energy, overwhelmed by the irresistible appeal of the potion once more, she suddenly decided that it wouldn't be so bad to see what other interesting ideas the magical hand sanitizer had in store for her. She had enjoyed her first round of changes of course, not having a choice in the matter, and now found herself unable to resist wanting more.

Lost to the world, entirely unaware of her audience as she pulled down her top and massaged the potion's tingly influence deep into her bouncy, exposed boobs, the first thing Val discovered was that she had been entirely mistaken about her ideal body. She remembered the sensation of her goals for herself reorienting from petite and athletic to busty and fuckable, but now she felt her aspirations involuntarily shifting once again. She realized that her ideal body didn't have large breasts and wide thighs like she had initially thought - it actually had colossal breasts and a bouncy bubble butt that screamed "fucktoy". We'd, like, better get to work then, Val giggled to herself, eager to begin her exciting transformation into an ever more insatiable bimbo slut. The Bimbo Potion heartily agreed, and began giving her exactly the figure that it had made her want.

As the drug's effects overwhelmed her body and forced her heavy breasts to expand once more, Val's hypersensitive nose caught the faint scent of male arousal coming from down the hall. Still naked from the waist up, groping her massive teats as their growth accelerated, Val staggered toward the conference room where the execs were still discussing other business.

She stumbled into the room just as her widening hips burst the seams of her tight skirt, and the executives gaped in dumbfounded confusion at the comically exaggerated features of the voluptuous bimbo lurching toward them, eyes glassy with lust as her clothing hung from her body in tatters and her basketball-sized breasts continued to swell before their very eyes. Val's crotch, however, quickly began to tingle at the proximity of the two men, and the potion, sensing the presence of cocks she should be fucking, turned its attention to strengthening her involuntary pheromone production as her pussy began to instinctively pulse with industrious pleasure.

The executives, initially shocked into stillness, were instead soon overcome with a vibrant, erotic joy, as Val's own unique blend of pheromones breathed new life into their stiffening cocks and filled them with a euphoric desire to celebrate life and love with this irresistible goddess of sensuality by indulging in uninhibited sexual intercourse and copious orgasmic release. The enraptured worshipers surrounded Val and began their bacchanalia, dicks filling her mouth and her still-tightening pussy as the men ecstatically thrust themselves into her willing body.


A few hours later, Phil called Amy back into his office to deliver the unfortunate news. The executives had changed their minds, and had chosen Val as their new secretary over Amy. There was nothing to be done, and though both Phil and Amy still felt the powerful pull of their bodies toward one another, neither of them felt much like fucking. So, Amy dejectedly returned to her desk to finish out the rest of the workday, sadly groping her horny body to take the edge off the constant craving for sex that still tormented her just as strongly, even after losing her chance at achieving her goals.

Sam, meanwhile, filled the time by half-heartedly letting an intern blissfully cum in her slutty, insatiable pussy in exchange for a piece of his fried chicken, blaming Amy the entire time for how much she enjoyed letting him use her body, and knowing that it was Amy's fault that she would never be free of this desire to fill herself with cock.


That evening, while Amy was indulging in a marathon masturbation session to take her mind off what had happened at work, she was interrupted by a knock at the door and was surprised to see the busty, imposing figure of Sam on the other side, who had ostensibly come by to bury the hatchet.

"Hey Amy, I just wanted to apologize for what happened at work today. I know you won fair and square, and that it's my fault that bitch Val stole your promotion!"

"Aw, that's super sweet Sammy! It's ok - Val was just sexier and sluttier than we were, and, like, how can you compete against someone who's that much of a bimbo??"

"Yeah, if we were the ones who had bigger, sluttier bimbo tits they totally would have picked us over Val!" Sam exclaimed, trying to ignore how logical and appealing her argument sounded, even to her.

"Totally!" Amy agreed, thinking how great it would be to have even bigger tits, before remembering that her tits could be bigger! And why shouldn't they be? she asked herself with a sultry pout on her face. Sam was right. That promotion should have been hers. Heck, that dose was even intended for her - Sam had been meaning to dose Amy with that sanitizer, before that slut Val had stolen it from her and become a bigger bimbo than Amy could compete with.

Well, she knew how to fix that.

"Wait Sammy! I have a really great idea!" Amy yelled as her brainwashed tits and pussy made her plan seem even more appealing, craving the transformative high of the bimbo potion one final time. "I should, like, dump a bunch of the potion on myself! Then I'd have even bigger boobies and could get any job I want!" she concluded, tugging on her puffy nipples and letting their desire to swell flow through her, strengthening her resolve even further as her eyes flicked over to the small bottle sitting on the counter.

"That's is a really great idea!" Val confirmed, half-persuaded that that was what she should do as well, even thought she had firmly resolved to do nothing of the sort when she had decided to head over to Amy's house and convince her to dose herself. "You'll show Val! You'll get her back for trying to take your promotion away from you!"

"Yeah!" Amy agreed as the urge to give herself even bigger bimbo tits to put Val in her place once and for all became overwhelming. Sammy isn't so bad after all, she thought as she unscrewed the top and gave her boobs what they wanted, inverting the bottle above her enormous chest. Splash after splash fell onto her naked skin, tingling more and more intensely until the pleasure drove her to her knees and she dropped the bottle onto the floor, still more than half full.

Her massive breasts rejoiced as drops of potent potion ran in rivulets between them. They initially welcomed the familiar urge to swell and expand, the potion's intoxicating effects making them feel light and fluffy even as they involuntarily grew larger and heavier in exchange for their blissful high. This time, however, the sensation never weakened, but only accelerated, and her tits became increasingly drunk with the never-ending torrent of Bimbo energy pulsing through them that grew ever stronger, overwhelming them in erotic sensation that quickly became disorienting, and then uncomfortable, and then unbearable.

It was far too much for Amy's brainwashed tits to handle, but even as they regretted their decision, they continued to involuntarily grow larger, heavier, thicker, jigglier, softer, pillowier, sexier. It wouldn't stop. It couldn't stop. They needed to be seen. They needed men. They needed cock. They needed cum. Amy's tits were drowning in an endless pool of swirling desire, weighing her down more and more as she remained blissfully unaware of the results of her overdose. Her conscious mind had quickly been overwhelmed with the blazing brilliance of the more than thirty doses of irresistible transformative power that filled her body full to bursting, beyond bursting, immediately washing away Amy's consciousness and leaving only the pure essense of bimbofied lust in its wake.

As such, she didn't notice that the rapidly increasing weight of her beach ball-sized tits was pulling her down until she found herself lying dreamily on the floor, supported by her massive mammaries whose growth showed no signs of slowing as they filled out the space around her body and then began to press her up off the ground, soft and buoyant. Soon they were fully carrying her weight and she was effectively hanging from them, pussy thrust out behind her into the air, easily accessible as the potion concentrated her essence to levels of potency orders of magnitude beyond even Val's saturnalian influence. The room immediately filled with a thick cloud of mind-melting musk that quickly saturated the house and billowed out into the world through Amy's open windows.

Such a powerful dose of Bimbo Potion still had a limit, however, and eventually ran its course, this time leaving a simple bimbo where Amy had once been, now nothing more than a pair of Volkswagen-sized tits attached to a black hole for cum, good for one thing only.


"Are you ready to go out and take your job back from Val?" Sam asked, no longer able to hold back her laughter at Amy's massive tits that now filled most of the room.

"Huh? Who's Val? Jus' want cock!" the bimbo insisted, not sure why this girl was talking about another bimbo instead of trying to go out and get cock herself. She also knew that she no longer needed to worry about having to go find cock for herself. With her new pheromones, it would come to her.

Sam grinned. Apparently, the potion had finally cured Amy of her desire for vengeance, along with most of her intelligence, and at the sight of her in the middle of the the floor, tits so big she was unable to move, Sam felt her own sense of justice satisfied as well. She still felt the urge to dose herself, of course, but rationalized that she'd need to keep her brains intact to get what she wanted out of men, so that she wouldn't just screw them out of base sexual need like some sort of slut. Like Amy! she thought to herself happily.

Her work here finished, Sam prepared to leave, grabbing the bottle of bimbo potion on the way out, but the concentrated potency of the bimbo's new scent had beaten her outside, drifting out of the open windows, and when Sam opened the door she found herself staring into the face of a jogger with a look of primal intensity on his face and a bulge in his shorts that demanded her attention.

He immediately pushed past her, of course, as his overwhelming need drove him to completely ignore the tall, raven-haired beauty, even as she pulled her massive breasts out of her top in a futile attempt to distract him. His dick knew what it wanted, and as soon as he saw the bimbo supported by her tits in the middle of the room, pussy thrust up into the air in need, he ripped off his shorts and hopped on, immediately shoving his cock up to the hilt into the bimbo's waiting pussy as she squealed with glee. He reached around her body and buried his hands in the massive piles of titflesh that supported them both as he mindlessly drove himself into her body over and over again.

Sam, despite her insistence that she was the one using men, was still a slave to her own voluptuous body's bimbo urges, and couldn't resist sliding herself under Amy's pussy as the jogger pounded it. Between each thrust Sam used her tongue to make as much contact with the underside of the jogger's thick shaft as she could before he buried himself back inside. Unable to withstand the onslaught of sensation from Sam's talented tongue and the bimbo's irresistible pussy, he buried himself as deeply as he could and let fly, with Sam sucking on his balls as she felt them tighten and pulse in her mouth, jealous of Amy's pussy as she felt him send burst after burst of seed deep into her.

Once the jogger was fully spent, he mechanically pulled out and staggered toward the door in a daze. As he wandered off, however, Sam realized that she hadn't received payment for her services yet, and called out for him to leave some money on the table as he left, but then the sight of the cum dripping from Amy's used pussy caught her eye, and she found herself attacking her rival's nethers with her tongue, thrusting deep inside to appease her own bimbofied body's craving for cum as Amy cooed with pleasure.


Once she had compulsively eaten out her nemesis to another orgasm, Sam went to check the table by the door and was surprised to see a hundred dollar bill lying on it, which gave her a new idea. She ran back over to the bimbo, still lying in the middle of the floor supported by her massive cushiony breasts, and attempted to make a business proposition.

"Hey Amy, you know how you wanted big boobies so you could get a job?"

The bimbo looked up at her blankly. She wanted her big boobies so she could get another cock.

"Never mind. How about this: would you like your job to be fucking and sucking cock all day every day? You'll still be having lots of sex, but you'll be getting paid to do it!"

"I can fuck?"

"Absolutely! The more, the better! You'll, like, need a business manager though. If you let me handle the money, that'll give you more time to fuck!"

"Good!" the bimbo gushed. "Smart!"

"It gets even better! That guy was only here for like five minutes, so if we start charging $100 per guy, and I give you 10% of that, that means you'll be making like $100/hour!"

"Ok!" the bimbo immediately agreed. That sounded like a whole lot, and all of this talk about money was boring anyway, especially when the bimbo could be fucking a nice, hard cock instead!


Sam opened all of the doors and windows in the house, and soon there was a steady stream of men flooding into the living room, inexplicably drawn there with hard dicks and full wallets. Somewhat unexpectedly, they all waited patiently for their turn, openly stroking their naked cocks in anticipation, which meant that Sam got her pick of the dick waiting for Amy to fulfill her own urges in addition to 90% of the profits from her operation.The bimbo, of course, welcomed all cummers.

It wasn't long before the police heard about what was going on, and they quickly closed down the block, since any man who got too close inevitably found himself fucking the bimbo. Their perimeter kept expanding however, as the bimbo's musk continued to grow more concentrated and more and more officers were lured into blissful release inside the bimbo's or Sam's enticing pussies. Furthermore, as word spread, men of all shapes and sizes and from all walks of life began sneaking past the line on purpose, each of them hoping to cum in a willing pussy, and all of them inevitably forced to do so once they got too close.

Soon, Sam had to admit that there was far more cock than she or even Amy could handle, and rebranded the abandoned neighborhood as an amusement park, owned and operated solely by a growing number of busty women, but with Amy as the main attraction. The state sent female agents to try to shut them down, since all of the male agents they sent just ended up paying for the privilege of cumming in the Amy's pussy, but the women kept getting inexplicably bimbofied. Afterward, they inevitably joined the park staff themselves, unable to resist the new, constant craving for cock their slutty bodies had been involuntarily programmed with. Ultimately, the area was designated a legal prostitution zone, and at regular intervals the police chief or the mayor would "accidentally" get too close, in order to be pulled across the line by the irresistible scent of bimbo pussy for some private, VIP treatment.

It wasn't long before Jill and her new boyfriend came to visit. Jill didn't seem overly bothered by Amy's lack of conversational ability, and the two girls happily reminisced about boys and cocks in Amy's familiar living room, now the center and main attraction of Bimboland. As they chatted, Jill helped out with one of the customers, who was eager to bury himself in the busty, flirty coed and thrust himself to completion, while Jill's similarly affected boyfriend mindlessly emptied his balls into the bimbo's irresistible pussy, on the house.

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