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Author's Note: Standard disclaimer applies: this story contains fictional depictions of erotic scenarios, so act accordingly! All characters are at least eighteen, all situations are entirely fictional, and any resemblance to any real-life individuals or situations is entirely coincidental. Copyright Fidget, all rights reserved. Enjoy!

The Body Whisperer

by Fidget

Amanda sighed in sadness and frustration after yet another unsuccessful night at the club, slouching against her door as her keys once again missed the lock. She grimaced as they banged into the wood almost a foot below their intended target, before resignedly taking her time to focus her attention on opening the door properly. Once safely inside her apartment the petite brunette dropped into what was usually her favorite chair, though now she almost hated the wide, endless expanse of cold leather against her thin legs and waist as it threatened to swallow her tiny, 4'8" frame entirely. She shivered from the chill that seemed to permanently follow her small body through life, and wrapped herself up in a blanket as her phone buzzed.

As expected, it was her best friend Jane. How did it go??

Same as usual... she sent back, her fingers feeling like needles against the massive screen of the device, which felt like it was practically the size of her face.

I'm coming right over!

Amanda sighed again, knowing that her gorgeous friend's presence would just make her feel worse at this point, but once her extroverted friend got an idea in her head, nobody could change her mind. And the company would be nice.

Ten minutes later Jane burst through the door with a pint of Amanda's favorite ice cream, dropped onto the couch, and smiled understandingly at her small, mousy friend.

When Amanda was younger she had always felt supremely self-confident and assertive, like Jane, but those feelings had waned over the years due to the constant social punishment she faced for acting the way that felt most natural to her, especially with guys. Everyone insisted on treating her as though she were dainty and breakable because of the way she looked, and over time she had become more shy and introverted, not because that's who she was, but because that's who everyone insisted she be.

Everyone but Jane, that is. Amanda's best friend had inarguably won the genetic lottery. Tall and leggy, and with a slim waist that flared into a voluptuous ass and a glorious rack, Jane's centerfold looks had been making Amanda jealous ever since they'd met in college almost a decade before. The two had hit it off immediately, and for some reason Jane of all people had always loved her just the way she was, and always went out of her way to encourage Amanda to be just as brash and rowdy as she felt like being. In fact, the only times Amanda ever really felt like herself was when she was with Jane.

Jane was still far more outgoing than even Amanda was (with her looks, how could you not be?), and, though she was currently between boyfriends, she practically always had a chiseled hunk wrapped around her little finger. This never ceased to fill Amanda with jealousy, both for her friend's body and popularity, of course, but also for some other reason that she couldn't quite put her finger on.

Amanda, on the other hand, had never been able to hold a boyfriend for long. She wanted to, but whenever she finally succeeded in having a few successful dates, something inevitably began to feel... off, somehow. Plus, her true boisterous, confident personality would inevitably begin to shine through the cracks of her mask, and the guy would quickly get weirded out and split. Her looks and stick-figure body certainly didn't help on the boyfriend front, either, though she didn't seem able to let that stop her. Amanda always found herself going after the hottest guys in the room anyway, just knowing somehow that they should be the ones drooling over how unattainable she was, but then she'd inevitably get rejected again, and return home to be surprised and disappointed by the small, shapeless, almost boyish figure she had to face in the mirror, alone.

"Why can't I be more like you, Jane??" Amanda lamented, as she so often would after being shot down by yet another guy. "You're so perfect! No wonder guys always love you!"

"It's not as perfect as you think," Jane responded with a strangely dark look, before her beautiful face brightened again in an effort to cheer her friend up. "And you're gorgeous, Amanda! Any guy would be lucky to have you!"

"Don't patronize me, Jane. I know what I look like. Still, I dunno, I just feel like something's wrong with me," Amanda responded helplessly. "Like this isn't really me, like I was always supposed to be more like you, or something, but I just came out wrong somehow." Amanda's attention focused on Jane's perfect physique, her slim waist and tight, bubbly ass shown off to perfection by her skintight workout pants, making Amanda feel like even more of a shapeless blob as her tiny body took up less than half of her chair. Ten years ago Amanda would have sat in the middle of the cushion, letting her presence fill the space her tiny body couldn't, but life and experience had beaten her down, and so now she huddled against one arm, taking up as little space as possible.

"Ok, that's enough of this," Amanda muttered gruffly as she opened her ice cream, just wanting the conversation to go somewhere else so she wouldn't have to keep thinking about how unhappy she was with herself. "I'm going get a spoon. Do you want anything?" Amanda asked as she stood up, her head still somehow below her friend's even though Amanda was standing and Jane was still seated with her irritatingly perfect posture on the couch. When Amanda turned toward the kitchen, however, she noticed that light was filtering out through the doorframe. That's odd, she thought to herself. I never leave the light on.

When she turned the knob and opened the door, however, it quickly became clear that she had not, in fact, left the kitchen light on.



"I, uh, I think you better come see this!"

Her tall friend hopped up and bounded over to her side, and Amanda heard her gasp as she too looked through what should have been the door to Amanda's kitchen, but instead was now very clearly the front door to an odd, rustic little shop.

It was like something out of a dream, or a cartoon. As Amanda fully opened the door and both women stumbled onto the ancient wooden planks beneath their feet, a small bell tingled above their heads, letting whoever was in charge of the small store know that they had customers.

The interior was small and cozy due to being absolutely packed with knickknacks and antiques, all lovingly depicting the human body in an infinite combination of shapes, sizes, and features. As cluttered as the shop was, however, everything somehow seemed to be in its proper place, giving the small room a feeling of fragile order that might collapse into complete chaos at any moment if the two women were to touch anything. And, possibly the oddest thing, above their heads hung hundreds of pocket watches of all shapes and sizes, dangling from the ceiling on chains of varying materials and lengths, all somehow ticking in perfect time.

"This place is so cool! Like some kind of fairytale magic shop!" Jane exclaimed. Amanda didn't answer as she was busy trying to get a handle on the extreme weirdness of her surroundings, still not really even sure why she was there in the first place, but even so a feeling that being here was incredibly, life-changingly important to her was growing every second.

"Oh, there you are, Dears!" boomed a deep, husky voice that despite its baritone timbre still somehow felt soft and feminine. A second later a huge figure appeared behind the ancient wooden counter, and then the imposing individual made their way around to greet the two flabbergasted women. "Come in, come in! I've been waiting for you!"

The most noticeable feature of their host was their massive breasts, covered by a delicately embroidered strapless bralette that miraculously seemed to support their hefty weight. The next was the monstrously large cock outlined in impressive detail by a pair of practically sheer orange leggings that may as well have been painted on. The enormous cock, which had to be at least a semi-chub, hung nearly halfway down the left leg of the host's bright leggings. Their hair and clothing was eccentric, to say the least, and was capped off with a perfectly trimmed blue beard around their incredibly wide face. Underneath their giant tits was a large exposed belly, which the shopkeeper clearly had no qualms about showing off.

The final defining feature the two women noticed about their odd host was their completely open and earnest smile that radiated generosity and good intentions. The two immediately felt more at ease, even with how strange the shopkeeper looked.

"Well, don't be shy! Come on over so I can get a look at you!" the gentle giant enthused.

Amanda obediently walked over, awkwardly attempting to excuse her presence and behavior as she did so. "Yeah, hi, I'm Amanda, and I'm not really sure what I'm doing here, or even where here is, for that matter..."

"Yes, yes, Honey," they responded as they gently bent down to take the diminutive woman by the shoulders and look into her eyes. "Have you been feeling off, Dear, like something's wrong but you can't put your finger on what?"

"Have I ever!" Amanda exclaimed, glad to have found someone else who seemed to understand what she'd been going through, especially when her impressive interlocutor was so easy to talk to. "It's not just recently though - it's practically my entire life!"

"I know, Hon," that deep, kind voice lilted. "You've been brought here for spiritual healing. I'm the Body Whisperer."

"Um... okay," Amanda responded, suddenly starting to feel a bit weirded out by this whole thing in spite of her host's clear earnestness. "I'm not sure what a Body Whisperer is, and I'm not entirely sure I want to know, but I don't think I need any spiritual healing, so I think I'm just going to go now."

"All over the world, there are people whose bodies are misaligned with their spirit," the Body Whisperer continued. "It's an unfortunate fact of life, but it is the truth. That's where I come in, to fix your reality and bring your body in line with your soul's natural conception of yourself. You've always known that something about you didn't quite feel right, haven't you?"

Amanda wanted to scream "Yes! That's exactly how I feel!" but instead she could feel a strange, rising urge to fight what was going on around her for some reason, and just abruptly shook her head instead.

The Body Whisperer just smiled understandingly and shifted her attention, addressing Jane for the first time. "Has your friend here complained about feeling like there's something off about her, like she doesn't feel right in their body somehow?"

"Constantly!" Jane responded honestly, still not sure herself what was going on here, but glad to hear that someone seemed to understand what Amanda had been going through.

"People with misaligned spirits always know that something is off, but usually can't quite place what. You seem to be luckier than most in being able to identify that it's the body your soul is housed in that's causing the issue."

"That doesn't make any sense," Amanda said, still feeling a need to push back against what the Body Whisperer was offering her for some reason. "We just have to accept ourselves for who we are, not wait for some magic Santa Clause of depression to swoop in and fix all of our problems!"

The Body Whisperer's deep voice again reverberated around the small room. "Sometimes that's what it takes, yes. But sometimes that's not enough, and people need a bit of extra help. That's where I come in. Either way the change comes from within; your soul already knows what your body needs it to be, I'm just here to help... guide you through that process. If you'll let me."

"I dunno," Amanda said, still feeling like this was all a weird scam somehow, and feeling an odd resistance, almost a fear, growing within her body at the implications of this crazy story being true. At the same time, however, the internal voice that had been stuck in a rut of sadness and confusion for so long was crying out for relief. "I suppose we can give it a try. But no funny business."

"You can tell me to stop touching you whenever you need to," the Body Whisperer said. "Once the process has started, it can't be stopped, but I won't do anything you don't want me to. Now close your eyes, and try to let yourself visualize the body you were meant to have."

Amanda closed her eyes, but all she could see was her own tiny, dumpy self, just as she'd seen it every day of her life. But then, she felt the Body Whisperer's gentle touch on the bare skin of her arms, stroking softly, and then she heard a low whisper that seemed to pass directly through her skin and into the core of her being, somehow speaking directly to her soul even though she couldn't make out any of the words.

As much as her body rejoiced in the freeing sensation of that touch on her skin, though, another part of her was repelled by it at the same time, almost as though her body knew that change was coming, and hated it. Still, as the seconds of gentle sensation and soothing whispering grew into minutes, the part of her body fighting the process began to calm down, and Amanda began to feel oddly energized, full of potential and hope for the first time in a long time.

The Body Whisperer's light touches slowly drifted up her arms, brushing past her cheek, on the way to the top of her head, where strong hands briefly stroked her limp brown hair before beginning to purposefully massage the crown of Amanda's head. Amanda immediately felt her awareness drift to the top of her tiny body, yearning to be free of the artificiality of its genetically-induced constraints. The gentle coaxing and massaging quickly broke through those constraints, along with her resistance to what was happening, and Amanda felt herself stretching, her body finally allowing itself to be persuaded to become larger, beginning its transformation into the image that had always been written on her soul.

With each caress, Amanda began to grow taller. Her miniscule 4'8" stature had suddenly gained an inch. And then three more. And then another five as her body finally began to accept how right everything had started to feel and Amanda started the journey toward spiritual alignment. And it wasn't just her height. Amanda's frame began to expand accordingly as the Body Whisperer continued to coax and whisper and her body filled with the magic, her shoulders broadening, her hips widening, her thighs thickening, and Amanda's mind rejoiced as the space filled by her physical presence began to slowly approach the enormous space her spiritual presence had filled, step by step. She briefly wondered in her mind's hazy pool of excited contentment if that was what had always driven people away -- the disconnect between being able to feel the size of her soul, but not feel the touch of her physical body at the same time.

Meanwhile, Jane stood there in amazement, hardly able to believe her eyes as her best friend began to literally grow taller right in front of her. At the same time, she experienced a slight feeling of hesitation of her own, wondering if they had done the right thing as she recalled all of the trouble and unwanted attention that her own conspicuous stature had drawn to her over the years.

And then the tapping stopped briefly as the Body Whisperer addressed Amanda once more, pointing at her tightening clothing. "We'll need to take these off now, Hon. At the rate you're going they'll be lying in shreds on the floor otherwise," they murmured, and Amanda felt herself absent-mindedly pulling her shirt over her head. She hadn't bothered to wear a bra, of course. Why wear a bra when you have nothing to support? Then, still caught up in the feelings of happiness and contentment flowing through her from the increasing unification of her soul and body, she let her tiny shorts fall to the floor as well, leaving her significantly larger body naked before the Body Whisperer as they now gently moved to cup her nonexistent breasts.

Jane considered intervening when the Body Whisperer touched her friend's flat chest, thinking it entirely inappropriate, but a reassuring glance from their host and the respectful, almost reverential way they were touching Amanda's body put Jane's mind at ease. She could always step in if things got weird. Or, bad weird, at least. Things were already pretty far past weird as it was.

Amanda too had brief second thoughts once she felt the hands on her bare chest. Having become more in tune with her inner self she already knew exactly what was about to happen, but felt her body rebelling once again nonetheless at the knowledge that from this moment onward her chest would inevitably draw endless attention to her body, from all directions.

At the same time, however, she could tell that that was what she had always craved in the first place. Amanda's soul was unapologetically big and bombastic, practically a force of nature, and now her body finally would be as well. She was beginning to understand the sheer magnitude of her body's magical transformation, just how much her body needed to change, and the incredible distance between the two extremes representing the beginning and ending of her journey. And she wasn't even halfway done yet...

Amanda still couldn't make out what the Body Whisperer was whispering to her chest, but whatever it was, it was clearly working. As the Body Whisperer gently cupped Amanda's flat torso, her breasts began to tingle with the strength of her soul's fire, burning deep within Amanda's tiny body, and when the Body Whisperer lifted their hands as though hefting Amanda's nonexistent breasts, she felt them filling with that flame, just beginning to protrude. For the first time in her life, Amanda's tits were more than nothing.

And then the Body Whisperer hefted again, and Amanda felt them grow even larger, now almost big enough to hold in her hand. Her body was full of sensation, and when the Body Whisperer hefted again, Amanda failed to notice that her own hands had joined the Body Whisperer's efforts, cupping and lifting her own small breasts before they fell back once again, significantly larger this time. Now they were big enough to lift to her lips, and so Amanda immediately did so, loving the arousal coursing through her busty body as she began to show herself some long-overdue love.

She had no idea that the Body Whisperer had already stopped touching her entirely, knowing that Amanda now had the will and the wherewithal to bring her own body into balance, so they stood aside and nodded approvingly as Amanda took charge of her own destiny.

Suddenly, Jane noticed that the simultaneous ticking of the pocket watches hanging above their heads had begun to grow louder, and when she glanced up at them, she also saw that they had begun to gently spin and sway as well, in time with their ticking. Something about their movements oddly fascinated her, and as Jane's eyes locked onto their subtle gyrations, she started to feel somewhat strange.

"What's going on?" she asked the Body Whisperer as her head began to cloud. Amanda was too deep in the sensations to notice the pocket watches, and her breathing only grew heavier as those ticks infiltrated her mind and began to change her thoughts, flooding her with new memories of her life as a confident woman of slightly above-average height. All the while, she loved how big her boobies were getting, or how big they had always been? Amanda shook her head momentarily at the strange cognitive dissonance passing through her, before going back to being flooded with the sensation of how good it felt to love herself, beginning to suck on her small nipples as they began to perk up in her mouth.

Jane began to feel a bit of panic as she experienced the same thing, suddenly not sure if her increasingly sexy friend's growing boobs were new, or if they'd somehow always been that way. But if they'd always been that way, why had they come to the Body Whisperer in the first place? Something wasn't making sense.

The Whisperer's eyes flashed with a sudden ecstatic intensity at her question. "What's going on is that she isn't just changing her body, Sugar, but reality itself. Thanks to my little babies here, as she molds her breasts she also reshapes the world in her own image, leveraging all of time and space to give birth to the true her. That includes you, Dear," their non-explanation concluded mysteriously.

"Oh," Jane said simply as her thoughts continued to swirl along with the watches and two strikingly different images of Amanda struggled against each other in her head. It occurred to her that she should to fight to keep her memories, or something, but it just felt so right to think of Amanda as she was now that Jane figured it wasn't worth the effort. It was what was best for her fried, after all, and, to be honest, probably what was best for her too. So, Jane just sat there and enjoyed remembering all of the good times she'd had with her increasingly voluptuous friend, and Amanda continued to moan with pleasure as she continued to grope and coax her body into the goddess she was always meant to be.

Amanda had heard the conversation, but mostly ignored it as her own new memories flooded into her mind, and she recalled all the attention and popularity her impressive figure had earned her in college. As nice as the memories were, though, they still weren't quite right, and Amanda knew it, so she got back to work.

Her large breast was still in her mouth, and as she continued to suck on her perky nipple she felt it plumping up at the attention, thickening and swelling even as it became more sensitive, and the arousing sensations flooding her body continued to grow. And as they did so, her body continued to grow as well; her height pushed past that of most of the guys she had tried to date, but even as her center of gravity and perspective of the ground changed, she felt herself somehow becoming more balanced and comfortable, not less.

Now almost six feet tall, having grown well over a foot, Amanda had continued to subconsciously heft her massive tits as they magically grew bigger than her head, but they still showed no signs of stopping. They were now big enough to require both hands to manipulate, and had fully lost all of the perkiness they had exhibited early in her transformation, hanging heavily and naturally down to her mid-waist as they continued to bulge and grow, bit by bit, smacking back against her torso each time she released them with a deep, satisfying thud. Even so, Amanda reveled in their increasing weight, continuing to heft and squeeze and grope, though now only one massive milker at a time since she could no longer lift them both simultaneously. Her memories continued to shift in the process, and she now remembered when she had been forced to give up push-ups, both because her upper body had become too heavy to lift, and because her titanic tits were fully large enough to support her weight on their own.

She continued to squeeze and massage as she recalled that her entire wardrobe had had to be made with custom built-in support for her chest, and, as she finally felt their growth beginning to slow, she recalled how wonderful it felt to cuddle up next to her gargantuan gazongas in bed at night, like two soft, warm body pillows. This love of her new breasts continued to grow as well, and Amanda now began to realize why the attention of all of those men in the club should have been on her all this time - because it was only right for anyone who could see her tits to be just as infatuated with them as she was, especially with the way she flaunted them in public, fondling herself and reveling in the erotic pleasure they gave her and everyone around her.

Her breasts finally seemed satisfied with this, though not until they were hanging down far below her waist, almost knee-knocking knockers at this point, and Amanda dropped them one final time, loving the sensation of them slamming against her entire body like a teetering stack of Playboys being dumped unceremoniously into a beanbag chair. Amanda had gone from a tiny, invisible mouse to a glorious, erotic giantess, standing almost seven feet tall, what felt like twice as tall as the tiny, weak body she had left behind, and weighing almost five times more to boot.

And so she stood there, filling the tiny shop with her enormity, towering over both Jane and the Body Whisperer, panting in exertion and extreme arousal at the success of her efforts.

"Wow, look at you!" Jane laughed in equal parts excitement and odd discomfort. "We're a couple of heartbreakers now! The guys won't stand a chance!"

"Not so fast, Sug," the Body Whisperer rumbled in their seductive lilt. "She's got a bit more work to do first."

"Are you sure?" Amanda asked, though with how in-tune she was with herself at this point she quickly realized that the Body Whisperer was right. Still, she was much more uncomfortable with the direction she knew her soul was leading her now, especially with how society had always conditioned her to feel about the relationship between human bodies and sexuality. "I feel so much better already! Can't we just stop here?"

"Sorry, Baby, but there's still so much to do! You and I are going to have a lot more in common in just a few minutes. It's time to really start to love yourself, if you get what I mean," they smiled with a naughty wink of their long eyelashes, thick with mascara, as they gently took Amanda's large, soft hand and led it down between her legs.

Again, as soon as her fingers made contact, her body recoiled, clearly trying to resist its inevitable change. But the Body Whisperer continued to gently guide her hand nonetheless, showing her how to lightly stroke herself, whispering to her to feel herself, to love herself, and once again the magic gradually got to work. Soon Amanda's fingers, and the pleasurable sensations they were evoking, had focused their efforts above her vagina, where she was starting to feel a small bulge. She knew intellectually that it was her clitoris, though it seemed much larger than it ever had before, and that ticking was getting so loud in her head again that she couldn't quite be sure. All she knew was that she wanted to keep stroking it, and coaxing, and urging, and then pulling it, not just because it felt good, but because it felt right. And, as she did so, she felt her nub continuing to swell and grow, the size of an almond, and then the size of a baby carrot, and then a small cucumber. Without even thinking about it, Amanda had shifted from rubbing to gripping and stroking, first mindlessly wrapping her fingers around her swelling new organ, and then her entire hand as her girth increased.

By this point the Body Whisperer had completely backed off again, confident that Amanda knew exactly what to do to bring her soul and body into balance now that they had guided her, and Jane watched, amazed, as Amanda steadily stroked her small, diminutive phallus, and it grew and swelled and throbbed with each stroke, until a giant, pulsing monster of a cock hung between the seductive giantess's thick thighs.

Amanda stroked harder and harder in automatic bliss, her closed eyes tightening with the increasing pleasure as memories of the sensations currently flowing through her cock filled her mind. Her brow furrowed expectantly as though she were waiting for something to happen, but eventually that look of pleasure turned to frustration, and then confusion, and then Jane saw the Body Whisperer lightly nodding in pride as Amanda let her other hand slide back down the shaft of her colossal cock to once again gently stroke at the petite labia that continued to rest unnoticed below her bouncing, engorged mast, a look of intense concentration etched into the sharp new lines of her face.

Jane wasn't able to see it, but Amanda was certainly able to feel it as her labia slowly began to puff up, thickening with her arousal as she continued to encourage herself to swell, to grow, to become the fertile goddess she was meant to be. Although... that wasn't quite right either, Amanda now realized, eyes still tightly shut, and she felt her grip change from stroking herself to gently cupping and squeezing. Her labia eagerly responded now that her body's resistance had fully been worn down under the onslaught of sensation rushing through her, and Amanda felt them growing again, though this time her puffy lips quickly eclipsed the size of even the most fertile of goddesses, yet continued to swell, beginning to feel heavy against her fingers and palm, fusing together, bulging, almost like they were filling with something...

Amanda didn't notice that she'd started subconsciously stroking her throbbing dick once again with her other hand as her massive right breast bounced and jiggled and smacked against her thigh with the exertion of her masturbation, and then Jane was watching, now no longer denying her own arousal as Amanda's eyes suddenly burst open with release, and her wide hips began to jerk back and forth as massive spurts of thick, white liquid were expelled from the towering rod of pulsing purple pleasure, which had so recently been the smallest and tightest of delicate pussies.

Jane stared in awe as Amanda finally finished her transformation. She looked so blissfully happy, and not just because of the sexual release that was now pooling on the antique wood floor.

Jane was happy for Amanda, of course, but she couldn't help but feel apprehensive at what now awaited her friend. Constantly being the center of attention, and having to act as though you wanted to be. But then that ticking filled her head again, and she remembered that, somehow, Amanda had always been okay with it, even wanted it. Which made no sense, and just left Jane feeling more uncomfortable. She also remembered how strongly she had been attracted to her friend's enormous, hypersexual body, and especially that tasty monster hanging between her legs. But, for some reason, it had never felt quite right to either of them to do something about their clear attraction to each other. Jane didn't know what it was, but something was still clearly off. Maybe Amanda wasn't finished with her transformation yet?

Jane snapped out of her reverie when she noticed that the Body Whisperer had now turned their attention to her.

"What?" Jane asked, confused.

"It's your turn, Dear," the deep baritone voice boomed patiently.

"Oh, no, you must be mistaken. I'm fine. I'm just here to help Amanda, which now seems weird to even think about, thanks to your watches and all, I guess, but now that she's all fixed up we can be on our way! Thanks!" Jane rambled, starting to make her way toward the shop's small exit door.

"Honey, nobody finds their way in here unless they need to. Nobody. Now come here so we can finally do something about that weight of the world you've been carrying around on your shoulders."

And so Jane found herself walking back toward the Body Whisperer, with each step feeling a bit lighter somehow, even though the weight of the tall, model's body she had been carrying around all her life still felt just as heavy.

The Whisperer reached their large hand up once more and gently started stroking the gorgeous blonde's long, flowing locks, before gently patting her head, almost in understanding of the stress she'd faced going through life constantly being the center of attention. But, somehow, with each pat of the Body Whisperer's hand, some of that weight lifted off her body, this time physically instead of just metaphorically, and Jane found herself growing smaller with each touch, now feeling for herself the amazing sensation of her body and her spirit being coaxed into alignment as her large, extroverted frame was slowly persuaded to reflect her small, cozy, introverted soul.

Her body resisted, just as Amanda's had, and Jane could feel her practiced obstinacy growing within her as the powerful flame that had fueled the growth of her leggy, voluptuous figure briefly burned all the brighter in the face of these unwelcome attempts to cool its misdirected ardor. But, eventually, the Whisperer's calm, soothing voice, full of unintelligible words of inarguable wisdom, began to prevail against the stubbornness that had gotten Jane through life with the wrong body, and she finally began to relax under those gentle caresses, freeing herself from the harmful notion that she always had to be perfect to deserve love.

And, all the while, her own frame continued to grow shorter as everyone around her seemed to grow taller, from her own original height of over six feet, down, down, down, until she had passed even Amanda's original height, settling in at just 4'6". Jane suddenly realized that the Body Whisperer had long since stopped patting her head, and that she'd taken over of her own volition, sensuously massaging her scalp as she shrank, little by little, knowing instinctively just how small she'd need to be to live the small-scale, contented life her soul envisioned for herself.

It struck Jane how different the world looked from down here, but not as though everyone were towering over her imposingly as she might've thought, but more like she had everything all to herself now, her own little world that the could fill as she liked. At that telling thought, Jane also noticed that, unlike Amanda, her frame hadn't shrunk to match her new height, and she now found that her tits and ass were somehow even larger now, and squeezed into a much smaller vertical area at that.

From what society had taught her about how bodies should look, Jane knew she should feel frumpy, bloated, and disproportionate, but instead all she felt was comfortable. The ticking grew louder, and Jane suddenly remembered the peacefulness of her life, so easily overlooked because of her small stature, but that was just the way she liked it so that she could take plenty of time to focus on herself.

She heard the Body Whisperer once again. "You'll need to take off that bra, Hon. I still don't understand why anyone with tits smaller that Amanda's insists on wearing those damn things anyway." She eagerly did so, though as soon as she did, that familiar feeling of grossness and imperfection welled up inside her once again as her even larger breasts sagged down against her body, covering the entirety of her now much shorter torso. She had always secretly hated her large breasts, but had trained herself to ignore her discomfort whenever a push-up bra had offered them up to others' eyes like they were supposed to be, large and perky, but now that her body had finally been freed from society's artificial constraints, she again felt just how wrong they were.

But, the Body Whisperer was approaching once more, and now it was Jane's turn to feel their soft, strong hands gently cupping her heavy breasts and slowly lifting, and then letting them drop back down just as they had Amanda's. This time, however, with each heft there was a little less weight hanging off her chest, and Jane felt that flame within her continuing to dim as she joined the Whisperer in their efforts, and soon her tits were growing smaller and smaller under her own ministrations.

"Such hard, harsh angles on this body," the Whisperer rumbled pleasantly as their large belly jiggled with concentration. "This soul wants to be softer, to be able to lay back and enjoy life without letting what others think get in the way, on its own terms, beholden to no one. We have a lot in common too, Honey, though you don't know it yet!"

At their words, Jane finally noticed where all of the extra mass from her height loss had been going. It hadn't all disappeared, as she'd assumed. Instead, Jane found that it was merely being redistributed, and that the toned abs she worked so hard on every day were starting to soften as her large ass also began to grow even larger. If anything, she somehow weighed more now than she had originally, and as the ticking far above her head continued, her thoughts filled with memories of treating herself to copious amounts of rich, delicious food, and of gaining weight practically the moment that luxurious fatty goodness had touched her lips.

Jane immediately ceased her efforts, horrified at the idea that her true self was fat, but the Body Whisperer continued rhythmically squeezing her breasts anyway, and they continued to grow smaller as her belly continued to swell to match her spirit. Even so Jane continued to resist the changes, the social norms beaten into her brain blocking her ultimate realization that a happy Jane was a short, pudgy, flabby Jane with a giant ass and belly.

Still, the Whisperer's gentle whispers and encouraging caresses continued unabated, peeling away those layers of discomfort and worry, and Jane began to enjoy the sensation in spite of herself as the curves on her upper torso began to dwindle, and the curves of her lower torso continued to bulge.

Amanda could vaguely remember what it had felt like to have her own body change like that as she watched, and now those same healing sensations were evident in the bliss of Jane's face as her body finally became a true reflection of her own inner self. As the ticks and intricate revolutions of the pocket watches above her made her head grow fuzzy once again, Amanda wondered how she could have been so blind as to not realize her cute, soft, sexy best friend's true nature when it had been right in front of her the entire time.

Eventually Jane took over for the Body Whisperer once again, and as her breasts finally reached flatness, sending all of their soft mass into the lower half of her body, Jane realized that she finally felt complete.

Even with how pleasantly large her belly and ass had become, Jane loved how short she she was now, knowing that at anytime she could just sink into a corner and be invisible. No longer would her body be a lightning rod for attention, and no longer would she have to act as though she wanted that attention, or face being called frigid, a bitch, or worse. And she loved how big and powerful Amanda had always been, or was now, actually. It was still odd how natural everything felt now that those pocket watches had done their work. Anyhow, she loved feeling like Amanda could surround and protect her with the sheer magnitude of her soul, just as easily as Amanda could hold her down and smother her with her massive tits as she filled her up with that magnificent cock, the thought of which now sent a shiver of familiar need down her tiny spine, after which Jane could nestle perfectly into the gap between her partner's breasts as though they had been made for her. And, in a way, they clearly had.

The watches finally grew quiet once more as the two lovers' minds filled with the memories of all of the satisfying, mind-blowing pleasure their complementary bodies had given each other over the years, and the Body Whisperer giggled as they walked over to the door to the small shop and opened it for the happy couple as they squeezed their new bodies into the clothes the other had worn.

"Don't forget to enjoy yourselves, ladies!" they heard the Body Whisperer calling after them as they walked away, trying to keep their hands to themselves and failing miserably. "That's what we're all here for, after all! Oh, and, uh, be careful with that thing!" she called after Amanda specifically as her dick flexed in new eagerness. "I think you'll find that it's got a mind of its own, and things can get out of hand quickly. Let your cute little sweetheart enjoy her plump little body for a while before you pump it up even larger!"

Amanda looked hungrily down at Jane, knowing all too well from her new memories how true the Body Whisperer's words were, while Jane blushed furiously at how appealing the idea seemed all of a sudden of letting her best friend in the world knock her up with her enormous, enticing phallus. She briefly felt herself wondering what their kids would look like, given the incredible extremes of their individual bodies and the magnitude of the differences between them. Either way, Jane thought as the two walked out into the sunshine with only a fuzzy idea of the discomfort that had brought them both there in the first place, the future certainly looks bright.

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Author's Note: Standard disclaimer applies: this story contains fictional depictions of erotic scenarios, so act accordingly! All characters are at least eighteen, all situations are entirely fictional, and any resemblance to any real-life individuals or situations is entirely coincidental. Copyright Fidget, all rights reserved. Enjoy!

Master PC: The Coffeeshop

by Fidget

Chapter 1

"Amy!" the barista called out.

Amy walked over, grabbed her decaf latte, sat down at a table that would give her a nice view of the entire shop, and pulled out her laptop. She opened the program that her brother had sent her for her birthday last week, eager to see if it was all that he claimed it was. "Master PC" briefly flashed across the screen, and was then replaced with a text box. “Welcome to the Master Command Center... where the Master allows you to become a virtual god to the people around you... Now, you possess the power to bend their reality to your specifications. You are the Master’s representative.” Weird, she thought, still skeptical that it could change reality like her brother had claimed.

She typed her own name in when prompted to enter a user, and then again when prompted to enter a subject. Suddenly, she was surprised to find a naked image of herself spinning on the screen, with multiple sliders for adjusting various physical and mental characteristics. Not wanting anyone looking over her shoulder to notice any naked pictures of herself or of the the coffeeshop's other patrons, she decided to input all of her instructions through the program's command line interface, instead of using the GUI. After making the change and familiarizing herself with the syntax of the commands, she figured she'd start off with a small test.

[Subject's nails always look perfectly manicured], she typed. She braced herself, hit Enter, and was delighted to see that her usually chipped nails now looked as though they were fresh out of the salon! The program works! she thought gleefully, before sobering up at the implications of what she had just done. The program worked. She had changed reality. She now had the ability to change anything she wanted about anyone in this coffeeshop, including herself.

She briefly considered deleting the program altogether, feeling that this was entirely too much power for one person to wield. But then she remembered why she had come here in the first place, and assured herself that she didn't really want that much from the program after all.

Amy was lonely. It had been two years since she'd even been on a date. She wasn't unattractive, but she felt that her quiet nature, lack of confidence, and conservative clothing choices, in combination with her utter lack of curves, prevented her from getting any attention from men. She felt plain looking and unwanted, and wished that just once an attractive stranger would strike up a flirty conversation with her at a coffeeshop. That's all. If that conversation developed into a second date down the line, then great, but if not, at least she would have the experience to look back on. And now, thanks to Master PC, Amy could finally make that simple conversation a reality.

She looked around the shop, and finally settled on an attractive guy in a business suit typing busily on his own laptop at a table across from her. She secretly snapped a pic of him with her phone, and put it through Master PC's image recognition program. A few seconds later the program identified him as Michael. She activated his profile and glanced at some of his physical values. Seeing that his penis was seven inches fully erect, she flushed with embarrassed and navigated back to the command line.

[Subject finds themselves slightly physically attracted to user], she wrote, and was about to hit Enter, when she noticed that a checkbox called "Subject will be aware of any modifications" was checked. Oh, so by default the subject would notice the changes too, in addition to the user. She recalled that she had noticed her new nails immediately, and didn't know how he'd react if he discovered that he was spontaneously changing, so she unchecked the box and hit Enter, feeling slightly guilty about changing him without his knowledge but excited nevertheless.

A few seconds later, he looked up, glanced over at her, gave her the briefest of smiles, and returned to work. Amy flushed with pleasure and embarrassment at the attention, and thought about her next instruction for the program.

She realized that she didn't know how long he planned to be there, and she didn't want him leaving before she'd finished her fun. The command subject will stay in this coffeeshop until the user leaves quickly took care of that worry, however, and Amy giggled at just how easy it was to change things with the program. She noticed that there was another check box by her cursor, which said "Everyone will be aware of any modifications". This box was unchecked, which, along with the other checkbox, Amy interpreted to mean that none of the changes she was making would be noticed by anyone other than herself at this point, since she was the user. That was exactly the way she wanted it, so she left both boxes blank, and looked back over at Michael.

She noticed that he had glanced up from his computer, and was sad to see that he was looking at one of the baristas instead of at her. Amy looked the pretty barista up and down, and decided that her own dull brown eyes couldn't compare to the other girl's bright blue ones, so she decided to do her one better. Switching back to her profile, she typed, [Subject now has striking green eyes.] There, let's see Ms. Flirty Barista deal with that, she thought with satisfaction, before pressing Enter.

She reflected on how typical it was for him to look at the barista instead of her. All her life men had passed her over in favor of prettier and more outgoing girls like the barista, even if Amy had been the one the men were initially focused on. 

With a magic computer program I still can't keep a guy's interest for more than ten seconds, she thought bitterly. Well, she knew how to get him back for ignoring her, especially now that he was at least sightly attracted to her, thanks to the program.

[Subject will become more sexually aroused whenever Michael and Amy lock eyes], she typed, and hit Enter. Now every time he looked at her, he'd want her more. That would teach him to look at other women.

She waited until he looked up and caught her eye again, and felt herself flush slightly at the knowledge that he would get more turned on each time he did so. It would only be a matter of time before that building arousal of his drove him to act, she thought with a smile.

Amy decided to make it a bit easier for him to find the courage to come over and talk to her. [Subject's inhibitions are reduced. Subject is compelled to give in to their desires and act on their thoughts.] Enter.

I have to remember to change that back before he leaves the shop. It wouldn't be right to leave him with a compulsion to do everything that occurred to him. That could easily ruin his life, she thought, wondering not for the last time whether she had gone too far.

After he went back to typing on his laptop, she looked him up and down once more. She certainly enjoyed the view, but it occurred to her just how easily she could make improvements to what she saw with the program. Heck, he was already practically a model - might as well take him the rest of the way there. Not to mention she could undo it before they left the shop. It wouldn't be so terrible to improve him, just a bit.

[Subject has the body of an ideal cover model from a dirty magazine], she typed naughtily. She was surprised by her own audacity, and reminded herself that she was only here to have a fun, flirty conversation. She even considered deleting the command, but ultimately convinced herself that it was temporary and harmless, and hit Enter.

She examined him closely, and thought she could see his jawline become a bit more chiseled, and his muscles grow a bit more defined, but it was hard to tell with them being hidden under his tailored suit. Plus, he's already so attractive that maybe there's not much the program can do to improve him, she giggled to herself.

He glanced back up at her, and she flushed with arousal at the thought of him getting hornier as they locked eyes. He immediately broke eye contact again, however, frustrating her. Here she was getting all turned on thinking about how much he would want her, and he still wouldn't give her the time of day.

She looked back down at the keyboard, past her large, jiggly boobs, and thought about how badly she wanted him to notice her. Maybe he was just so shy that it never even occurred to him to come over and talk to her, despite his attraction to her and his increasing arousal. I can relate, she thought, remembering her own shyness, and thinking about how tied to her own self-image it was.

She decided that a change in wardrobe might make him more outgoing. She loved looking at him in his suit, but maybe it was making him feel stuffy and repressed.

[Subject is now wearing a sexy outfit], she typed, and hit Enter. She looked back up at him, eager to see what clothes Master PC had decided on, but was surprised to see him in the exact same suit. Of course! she thought, nearly facepalming. What outfit could a guy like him possibly look sexier in than a tailored suit? Of course it hadn't changed. She thought she could see a bit more appealing tightness in the suit's slim fit, though.

She glanced back up at him, and caught him checking out her tits. Their eyes met briefly, his cheeks reddened, and he made a show of looking back down at his laptop busily. Finally! Amy thought, starting to feel legitimately horny now that his resolve was finally cracking and he was letting his increasing attraction for her show. It wouldn't be long now before he got turned on enough to come over and talk to her, she thought, squirming a bit herself at the idea.

Still though, he sure was taking his sweet time about it. [Subject gets turned on by the idea of hitting on people at a coffee shop], she typed, and pressed Enter. There, that'll light a fire under his ass, she thought. Now he'd be turned on whenever he looked at her, and whenever he thought about coming over to talk to her. Heck, I might have hit on him myself if I didn't specifically come here to be hit on. What was taking him so long?

Well, in the meantime she might as well improve her view again. She briefly worried that she might be taking this a bit too far, and that her growing horniness was clouding her judgment. She again reassured herself that this was all only temporary, and that she'd reverse all of the changes once he came over and flirted with her for a bit. Plus, she really wanted to do it. Ok, here goes nothing.

[Subject has a strong desire to show off their sexy body.] Enter.

She looked up expectantly, waiting for him to take his jacket off, or loosen his tie and unbutton a button, or something, but he just sat there, typing away on his laptop. Ah, there! He... pulled at his tie a bit. Wow, either this guys is really repressed, or this program is a lot weaker than my brother led me to believe, she thought. Still though, society can be pretty prudish. It's not that surprising that he wants to stay professional in public. She pulled the low neckline of her tight crop top down a bit further, hoping his view of her impressive cleavage would encourage him to loosen up a bit.

Maybe his work was too important? After all, she'd only said that he had a desire to show off his body, not that he had to. He should still be pretty aroused by now from my earlier commands, though, she thought as she slid her short, pleated skirt up a bit to show him some more thigh.

Something else then occurred to her. Maybe he's gay? Could that mean her commands to find her attractive weren't working? That made sense, and even though she could change his orientation with the program, she'd feel pretty guilty at messing with his sexuality too much. Hmm...

[Subject's unnaturally strong sexual desire for women is limited to the women currently in this coffeeshop.] There. That would ensure that he'd come flirt with her whether or not he was gay, but if he was he'd still be gay afterwards. Enter.

She briefly wondered about the ethics of the command she'd just entered. Was it more ok to change someone's orientation temporarily than permanently? Also, from the way she'd worded it, he would be attracted to the women in here forever if she didn't undo the command at some point. Did it make it more acceptable if he enjoyed his new attractions (which he would now, of course)? In the end, she supposed it didn't really matter, since she'd return him to normal at some point today.

By now Amy had finished her latte, so she got up to go order another. She enjoyed the way Michael's eyes now bounced between the firm ass under her short skirt and the full breasts on display in her low-cut crop top as she walked up to the counter and ordered, making sure to bend over a bit to give Michael a nice view of the pink thong peeking out from her thigh gap. On the way back to her chair, she met Michael's eyes above his flushed cheeks, and got even hornier.

I may not be able to hold myself to just a conversation with him at this rate, Amy thought as she sat down down. Her toned legs drifted apart slightly and she dropped one hand to stealthily press on herself a little, to take the edge off. While she was down there, it occurred to her that she should pull her skirt up a bit higher, so she did. Hopefully that would tease Michael into finally coming over.

A few minutes later, as the blue-eyed barista bent over to deliver a cappuccino to the table next to her, Amy noticed how cute her butt was and began to understand why Michael had been so focused on her earlier. Feeling devilish, Amy impulsively snapped a pic of her and fed it into the Master PC image detector. There was plenty of time to work on Michael later, she thought. She wanted to have some fun with, uh... she checked the name on the new profile that had just popped up ...Jill now. She deserved it anyway for distracting Michael from Amy.

[Subject has big tits.] Enter. Jill's tits were suddenly large, jiggly D cups. Amy giggled at her own impulsive audacity, appreciating how hot they looked on Jill's slim, athletic frame. Amy briefly wondered which way she swung. Where did that idea come from, she thought, surprised, but then continued to check out Jill's new assets in spite of herself.

When she finally turned her gaze back to Michael, however, she noticed that his attention had been drawn to Jill's prominent chest as well. At least the command to find the women in here attractive worked, she thought, her bright green eyes filling with envy. Well, that was easily fixed.

[Subject is strongly sexually attracted to user], she typed quickly, and then hit Enter in a huff.

She looked up in satisfaction, but was surprised to notice Michael's gaze still firmly fixated on Jill's bouncing bosom. With how passive Michael had been through all of this, Amy was starting to think that Master PC was only selectively applying her commands, but then she noticed that Jill's gaze was firmly fixated on her own, her cheeks pink with arousal. Amy was confused for a second, before figuring out what had happened. Of course, I forgot to switch back to Michael's profile, and the command to find me attractive affected Jill instead! She's totally got the hots for me! she giggled. 

She found herself enjoying the attention (for once, she thought despondently), so she decided that leaving Jill attracted to her for now wasn't really hurting anything. Plus, she's pretty easy on the eyes too, Amy thought while Jill leaned over the bar toward her, tank top and apron pulled dangerously low. After enjoying her view of the creamy boobs on display, Amy glanced over, meeting Michael's eyes, and felt herself getting even hornier. The thought of hitting on Jill here in the coffeeshop to turn Michael on briefly flitted through Amy's mind, and she felt the heat in her crotch flame into a burning fire. It was time to up the ante a bit.

[Subject feels a strong desire to physically flirt with user], she typed, and hit Enter. Killing two birds with one stone, she thought. This way, she'd get some more fun, lighthearted attention from Jill, all the while hopefully getting Michael interested enough to actually come talk to her.

Bringing Amy's order over a few minutes later, Jill ran her hand across Amy's shoulder and leaned around to her right, resting her pillowy tits on Amy's arm as she placed the coffee down in front of her. "Is there anything else I can get you?" she asked breathily, her blue eyes sparkling with arousal and excitement only a few inches away from Amy's. Completely taken by surprise, Amy was captivated by the pretty barista and couldn't resist leaning in to briefly taste the brunette's luscious lips, enjoying the sensation of Jill's boobs pressing into her side.

When Amy finally broke the kiss, breathless, she glanced around the shop to see if anyone had seen. Michael, of course, was staring right at them, but quickly looked down again after meeting her gaze. Feeling a fresh surge of arousal, Amy squirmed in her seat as Jill whispered "let me know if there's anything else I can help you with" into her ear, and then she slowly let go and walked back behind the counter.

Maybe Michael, Jill, and I could enjoy some three-way flirting, Amy thought, suddenly significantly more interested in Jill's attentions than she had been. She decided that Jill could benefit from some of the enhancements that she had made to Michael.

[Subject loves to show off their sexy body.] Enter. Jill absentmindedly pulled her top and apron even lower, and rubbed her hands across her tight jeans as though she suddenly wished she were wearing something else. [Subject is strongly sexually attracted to Michael in addition to user.] Jill's bright eyes bounced between Michael and Amy as her cheeks got even pinker, and her delicious cleavage reddened. [Subject has a shaved pussy], Amy added naughtily, on a whim.

Hmm, that might not be so bad a change for me either, Amy thought, and once that appealing idea was in her head, she felt practically compelled to switch over to her own profile to retype the command. [Subject has a shaved pussy.] Enter.

When she looked back up, she noticed that Jill had gone over to Michael and was sensually whispering something into his ear as she ran her fingers up his arm. Michael glanced at Amy with raised eyebrows, and Jill walked back behind the counter, smiling impishly.

What had Jill said to Michael? Was she trying to set up something for the three of them? Or was she trying to steal Michael for herself? Maybe it had been a mistake to make Jill so interested in Michael, Amy thought. She didn't want to have her prey poached from her, especially this close to getting what she had come here for.

Perhaps one more small change to Jill could fix that. She switched back over to Jill's profile. She would look awfully cute as an empty-headed bimbo, and that would keep her from being so devious as well, Amy thought. She ultimately decided that would be a step too far, however, especially since she had no evidence that Jill was trying to undermine her, but for some reason the idea of turning Jill into a bimbo was becoming more and more appealing in spite of herself.

[Subject is now a cute, slutty bimbo.] Enter.

Well, now it was done, for better or worse. Amy knew all too well how impulsive she was - once she got an idea into her head, it was nearly impossible for her to resist the urge to act on it. I never should have thought about making her a bimbo in the first place, she thought glumly. Oh well, it was too late now. She might as well enjoy the show.

She looked back over at Jill, and saw that she was leaning over the counter, cheerfully bouncing her tits back and forth between her hands as she smiled playfully at Amy with her bright, unfocused eyes.

Wow, Jill looks so happy! And the program turned her cuteness up to 11 - I can hardly stand it! I wonder what it would be like to feel like that: a sexy piece of eye candy without a care in the world, she reflected with jealous curiosity, as she absentmindedly pulled her top down until the tops of her rosy nipples were showing. Too late, she realized what she was thinking about and attempted to snap out of her careless reverie.

Now that the possibility of trying out being a bimbo herself was in her head, of course, it didn't seem to want to leave. Amy knew it was a terrible idea, especially with all the power of Master PC at her disposal, but now that she had considered it she knew it was already too late to stop herself.

Amy couldn't help switching back over to her own profile and beginning to type. She was just too impulsive. Driven by her accursed need to put all of her thoughts into action, she watched in horror and excitement as her fingers finished inputting the command and decisively hit Enter...

... and suddenly she couldn't remember what she had been worried about. Oh well, it probably hadn't been important. What was important was how good she felt all of a sudden! Good and horny, she thought, looking around the room and giggling. She saw Michael, and when he met her glance, she squirmed in her seat as she felt her soaked pussy grow even wetter with need.

Oh yeah, he's the one I'm here to fuck! she thought to herself. She pulled up her skirt, slid her thong to the side, and began absentmindedly playing with herself, oblivious to the fact that she was giving Michael an appetizing eyeful of her lovely honeypot all the while, or the fact that Jill was watching her masturbate with keen interest.

Glancing over at Jill, Amy noticed that her arm was now working furiously behind the counter. Amy couldn't tell what her hand was doing, but whatever it was, it must have been important, because Jill had a look of deep focus on her beautiful face.

I wish Jill would show me her tits! Amy thought suddenly. That would be so great! Wait, I can make Jill show me her tits! I just have to type it into this box thingy! [Jill flashes her tits!] She pressed Enter, but nothing happened.

Amy was confused. Why hadn't it worked? Oh yeah! I have to say "Subject"! She typed [Subject flashes her tits!] and pressed Enter.

Nothing happened again! Amy thought dejectedly, as she pulled her top down to flash her perky tits at the delighted Jill. Michael nearly spit out his coffee and stared in awe at Amy's glorious rack, while Jill's face became even redder as her arm picked up speed with whatever it was doing behind the counter.

Why didn't that work? Oh, it says my name at the top up here! That means the program will make me do the thing! That's silly! She switched over to Jill's profile, re-entered her command, and pressed Enter.

Amy looked back over at Jill as she - and Michael, and most of the other customers in the shop - was rewarded with the sight of Jill's bare boobs resting softly on top of the countertop, jiggling pleasantly along with the frantic movements of her arm. Amy ogled Jill's naked titties and clapped her hands gleefully. She had made the computer work! And Jill's titties were so hot! Maybe Amy should fuck her and Michael!

But Michael still didn't seem to want to fuck her like Jill did, she reflected sadly. Well maybe she should just fuck him instead, she thought, and, proud of her smart idea, she switched back over to her own profile to enter one final command.

[Subject totally goes and fucks Jill and Michael!] Amy typed, and then impatiently pressed Enter.

Two minutes later Amy and Jill walked out of the coffeeshop together, hanging off the arms of a very confused but very eager Michael, happy as clams. Clams about to get stuffed, Amy giggled to herself, and as they walked down the street to Michael's nearby apartment, she rubbed her tits on Michael's arm and enjoyed the feeling of Jill's hand up her miniskirt playing with her needy pussy.

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Author's Note: Standard disclaimer applies: this story contains fictional depictions of erotic scenarios, so act accordingly! All characters are at least eighteen, all situations are entirely fictional, and any resemblance to any real-life individuals or situations is entirely coincidental. Copyright Fidget, all rights reserved. Enjoy!

The F.E.T.I.S.H. Ray Tales

by Fidget

The audition: Cindy's story

Cindy walked timidly into the room, her small hand shaking as she closed the door behind her. The room's layout was stereotypical, with a large wooden desk and camera on one side, and what was clearly a casting couch on the other. Cindy briefly wondered what sorts of acts had happened on that couch as she walked to the center of the room and faced the man in a sleazy-looking suit sitting behind the desk.

James looked her up and down, quickly assessing her potential value to his company with an experienced eye. He smiled at the fit, nubile young body filling out her clothes, and at the cute face with a button nose that just screamed "naughty sorority girl". That could be valuable. She was clearly terrified, however, and probably wouldn't have cut it at most other studios due to her extreme skittishness, but that had never been a problem for Prurient Productions.

"Hi... Cindy? Please, take a seat and let me know what I can do for you today."

Cindy looked back at the couch and winced, before gathering her courage and sitting down on the edge of the center cushion. "H-hi. I'm trying to finish my undergrad, but I really need some money, and I was hoping you might have some work that I could do."

"Hmm, it's possible, but we usually go with more experienced performers. We might be able to find a position for you though, if you show the right... motivation. Have you ever shown off your body before? Like flashed a car full of frat guys or something?" he asked, beginning the interview process and eager to see just what the tight body hiding under those clothes looked like.

"No..." she began, but paused for a second as she was engulfed in a golden glow. James had pulled the trigger of the F.E.T.I.S.H. ray he was hiding under the desk, and her susceptible young mind was filling with an irresistible compulsion to flash herself to anyone who asked. Her reluctance had been cute, but it was ultimately unprofitable, and so it had to go.

"...but I've always wanted to give it a try!" she finished excitedly, feeling a familiar, welcome desire to show herself off growing within her. Cindy had no way of knowing that her new urge to titillate was anything out of the ordinary, of course; as far as she knew, provocatively displaying her body was completely natural behavior.

"Well, you'd better let me see your assets then," James said, finally issuing the command Cindy had been waiting for and triggering her new compulsion. She giggled and gave into the impulse to pull up her t-shirt and bra, letting her confined tits bounce out into the open for the first time. James leaned back in his chair and appreciated the view. He never got tired of seeing a new model's tits for the first time, and Cindy's were particularly nice: B-cups that stood out proudly from her small frame, round and perky, with no visible tan lines on her pale skin and bright pink nipples just begging to be sucked on.

"Wow Cindy, those are absolutely stunning," James said, and he meant it.

"Thanks!" Cindy giggled, blushing with pride at his reaction to her sexy body and giving her small titties one final shake before pulling her shirt back down, hiding them from view.

"Ok, now let's see that pussy. Bend over the couch and show me what you're working with."

Cindy hopped up, full of excitement at the opportunity to show off her most private place to a complete stranger, blissfully unaware that the idea would have horrified her not five minutes ago. She turned around and pulled her shorts and panties down, bending as far over the couch as she could and spreading her legs to give James a clear view of her tight slit. He was, again, incredibly impressed by what she had on display. She was unshaved, of course, and that was easily fixed, but her pussy was perfect: soft and inviting with a bit of pleasant puffiness, and a tantalizing hint of her inner lips just peeking out, framed by toned thighs and a bubbly ass that begged to be smacked, grabbed, and thrust against.

Cindy grinned back at him as she spread herself with her fingers, giving James an eyeful of her tight entrance and silky depths. James was a professional, had worked in the industry for years, but he was blown away at just how strongly the mere sight of this girl filled him with desire to slide himself into her tight hole, and he knew that Cindy was a rare find indeed. She was a natural; that body was begging to be used for porn, and he was going to make sure she was compelled to use it that way. Unbeknownst to her, of course.

Cindy squirmed as she pulled her shorts back up against her pussy, feeling it tingle with pleasure at James' clear, increasing interest in her sexy young body. God I love being looked at!

"Cindy, that was amazing, and I don't say that lightly. We might be able to find a place for you here after all," James said, having already decided that would be the case, of course.

She blushed again at the praise, and wished there were more she could do for him, but she'd already shown him all of her, and she didn't feel comfortable with anything else.

"How would you feel about going further than just flashing?" James asked suddenly, confirming her fears and causing her to withdraw in discomfort once more. "How about actual physical pleasure in front of a camera for millions of people?"

"Oh, I don't know - I'd be really nervous," she said. "While I love showing off my body as much as the next girl, I think having others watch me do actual sexual stuff would make me feel objectified and... dirty," she concluded, but then froze for a few seconds as her vulnerable mind obediently succumbed to the ray's "Exhibitionism" setting. When she came to a few seconds later, she had no idea that objectification wasn't the object of sexual activity, since the idea of being watched made the pleasure so much more intense. And, as far as she could tell, she had always had an instinctual urge to have people ogle her, gotten off on the thought of how her viewers would objectify her sexy body and use her for their own sexual pleasure. She just hadn't acted on that urge until now, for some reason.

"Are you sure?" James asked. He watched sparkles of excitement fill her beautiful blue eyes as she reconsidered the idea, amused by how eagerly her mind welcomed his efforts to chip away at her innocence. It was almost as though deep down she knew what her attractive young body was designed for, and just needed the ray to nudge her in the right direction and get rid of all of those unpleasant inhibitions.

"Actually, now that you mention it, it seems like the most natural thing in the world," Cindy said, practically quaking with excitement to get started.

"Would you play with yourself for me then?"

"Absolutely!" Cindy said, completely unaware that her new need to have others watch her get off had been programmed into her seconds before. Now, however, she slowly, sensually, stripped off her clothes and sat down on the couch, suddenly much less concerned with what had been done on the couch in the past than with what she could do on it now. Her wide blue eyes locked on James' as she began to grope her tits with her left hand, and began to tease at her pussy with her right.

Again James felt himself becoming uncharacteristically horny as he watched her play with herself, even with how unpracticed and rudimentary her techniques were. Cindy was clearly enjoying the attention as well. Her enthusiasm more than made up for her inexperience, and her flush of arousal deepened with the knowledge that he was watching her as she stroked herself closer and closer to orgasm. When she finally felt her climax beginning to wash over her, she moaned and seductively spread her legs as wide as she could while she furiously rubbed her clit, so that James could watch as her cute little pussy began tightening in reflex.

James, meanwhile, found that his own breathing had grown heavy as he imagined that pussy rhythmically clenching around his own dick, and Cindy, well aware of his thoughts and excited by the hungry look on his face, slid two fingers into herself as her orgasm continued, showing off just how easy it would be for James to guide himself in and feel her pulsing slickness gripping him tightly. Not that she'd ever actually let him do something like that, of course; it was all for show, and Cindy was already more than satisfied with how much her orgasm had been intensified by having an audience.

James took a few seconds to calm himself down before continuing the interview, though Cindy did her best to make it difficult for him, sitting naked on the couch shaking her tits at him as she continued to play with herself, advertising how available, yet agonizingly untouchable, her sexy young body was. This girl really was a natural, and what James was doing to her was a gift to the world, even if Cindy didn't realize it.

Finally, James was composed and professional once more. "Have you thought at all about what kinds of videos you'd star in?" he asked.

"Not really. I like being watched though," she said, winking at him as she licked her lips and tweaked a hard nipple. "So maybe I could just do that."

"Softcore is definitely an option, but hardcore is where all of the money is." He pressed a button on the intercom on his desk. "Stacey, would you come in here for a minute?"

Cindy gaped as a bubbly brunette with huge tits bounced into the room. She was practically naked, wearing nothing but a string bikini that somehow left less to the imagination than wearing nothing at all. Her large areolas were clearly visible around the tiny triangles covering her nipples, and her tiny patch of pubic hair was clearly intended to draw attention to the hint of slit peeking out from her incredibly low-cut thong bottoms. Stacey winked at James before looking Cindy up and down appreciatively, thinking of all the naughty ways she'd like to make the sexy little co-ed squirm.

"Cindy, there's a reason we're the fastest-growing pornography company in the country, and that reason is our talent. They're all passionate about their work, motivated, and they all love their jobs. It's important that you feel the same way and show that same passion. Cindy, how much do you love eating pussy?"

"I... I don't-" she began, but fell silent as she entrusted her impressionable mind to the golden glow once again. James waited patiently while she was reprogrammed by "Cunnilingus", and continued to admire the soft curves of her naked young body, frozen on the couch. "-love eating pussy," she finished once her glow faded and her imperceptibly altered consciousness returned, but then she stopped for a second, confused, and corrected herself. "I mean, I do love eating pussy." Her eyes were now intently focused on Stacey's crotch, hoping she'd get the opportunity to taste the delicious pussy her low-cut bikini bottoms were hinting at.

"Would you mind eating out Stacey here then?"

That was exactly what Cindy was waiting to hear, and, irresistibly gripped by her new compulsion, she wasted no time in diving between Stacey's legs once she sat down on the couch, pulling aside her bottoms and lapping amateurishly but enthusiastically at the other woman's labia. She loved teasing Stacey with her tongue - there were just so many interesting tastes and textures to experience, and all the while she was intensely focused on what made Stacey squirm the most as she explored the unfamiliar territory of another girl's pussy.

She quickly found Stacey's clit, and looked up to watch her grow more and more flushed as Cindy got better and better at teasing her. It was like Cindy's textured tongue was specifically designed to stimulate Stacey's soft, sensitive flesh, and Cindy felt compelled to continue her ministrations until Stacey was writhing in orgasmic release. And why shouldn't she? Women giving each other pleasure was the most natural thing in the world. Cindy would gladly go down on any girl who asked without a second thought, especially if someone was watching them

The entire time, of course, they unconsciously made sure to frame their lovemaking for James' benefit, with Stacey tilting her body slightly so that her hips were facing him as much as possible, and Cindy sticking her tongue all the way out to lick from a distance so that James would have a clear view of her sensual licking.

James suddenly interrupted their play. "Stacey, how about returning the favor?"

Stacey straightened and her eyes fluttered briefly, before looking down at Cindy's enticing body as her own familiar need began to assert itself. She tried to pull herself away, but Cindy was unable to let go, enjoying the taste of her pussy too much, and having not yet fully satisfied her own compulsion. So, Stacey pulled her up onto the couch with her, and once Cindy's small body was resting comfortably atop her own, they began to 69, each of them entirely focused on their perfectly natural, irresistible obsession with stimulating the pussy in front of their face until it orgasmed.

Stacey's practiced tongue quickly had Cindy just as aroused as she was, and as they continued to drive each other to new heights, they looked back over at James. The sight of his right hand slowly moving under the desk as he watched them was more than either of them could handle, and they began to buck against each other as their muscles clenched in ecstasy.

They gave each other a few final, gentle licks as they came down, both enjoying a sensation of warm satisfaction as a reward for giving in to their compulsion. When they sat back up, Stacey surprised Cindy by leaning over and giving her a deep, sensual kiss, before standing up and squeezing herself back into her tiny bikini.

"That was great, hon. Looking forward to doing it again. Thanks James," Stacey said as she headed out the room with a wink. "I'll be back later."

Cindy was momentarily confused by her last sentence - it pretty clearly implied that Stacey was going to come back and engage in some sort of highly inappropriate, unprofessional activity with James. A second later, however, her misgivings were interrupted by James' composed, professional voice.

"That was fantastic, Cindy. What other genres would you be interested in?" James asked. He thought that Cindy had done wonderfully with Stacey, but wasn't sure that lesbian porn was the niche he wanted for his new star. Her body was clearly designed for cock, and James was determined to see that she got it.

"I dunno, I really enjoyed going down on Stacey, but I don't think I'd want to do much beyond that. I think I'd rather stick with girls and getting myself off on camera."

James pressed the intercom button again. "Brad, could you come in here please."

Cindy was shocked as a gorgeous, naked man with a giant dick opened the door and walked into the room. Brad enjoyed the look of amazement on her face as his cock started to rise at the sight of her tight, naked body and the thought of all the things they should be doing to each other. They were both hot, and they were both obviously aroused by each other's bodies, so it was only natural that they fuck.

Meanwhile, Cindy happily jiggled her tits in response to his interest, excited to show off her body for him, but as he continued to eye her hungrily, clearly fantasizing about the pleasure Cindy was designed to bring to his massive member, she began to feel the slightest bit of discomfort conflicting with her exhibitionist instincts.

"Do you think you'd want to give Brad a blowjob?" James asked matter-of-factly.

She looked at his throbbing dick again as she considered his question. She could feel her body's attraction to this beautiful man, and thought about how hot it would be to have an audience watching her suck him off, but in the end she was just too uncomfortable at the thought of casual sex with a guy, even if others were watching, and ultimately recoiled at the idea.

James noticed the change in her expression as she decided against it, and zapped her with the "Blowjob" setting. Once her glow had faded and she had once again calmly accepted her new reality - that blowjobs had always been a perfectly natural and desirable activity for her to engage in as often as she could with any willing male - James enjoyed watching her face light up as she looked back at that dick and licked her lips hungrily. Yet another piece of the innocent girl who had walked through the door that day had given way to new, increasingly slutty impulses, and at the memory of James' question and the brazen desire for her body written all over Brad's face, she found herself tightly gripped in the inextricable clutches of the ray's welcome compulsions once again. She eagerly bounced over to Brad and dropping to her knees in front of him, lightly running her hand along his prodigious length and feeling her own arousal growing at how hot it was to blow him while James watched.

Having never given a blowjob before, the inexperienced girl eagerly leaned forward and gave the tip an experimental lick, giggling as his dick jerked at the pleasurable stimulation. She gently took the tip into her mouth and teased it with her tongue, and was surprised at the strength with which it throbbed against her palate. Wow, having a dick in my mouth is the best feeling in the world, she thought, clearly having the time of her life. I wonder why it never occurred to me to do this before.

She tried to take him as deeply as she could, but made it less than halfway before her gag reflex kicked in and stopped her from going further. Undeterred, she gently ran a fingernail up the underside of the lower half of his shaft, and shivered in pleasure as she felt his dick powerfully jerk in her mouth once again. She was quickly figuring out what made him twitch like that, so she allowed some of her saliva to run down his dick for lubrication as she began to slide her hand up and down his shaft, since tight slickness seemed to get the best reaction.

She sucked in her cheeks a bit as she began bobbing her head up and down on his monstrous cock, letting her whole body do the work as she continued to massage him with her tongue, and as she settled into a comfortable rhythm that quickly had Brad moaning, she looked up at him seductively with her wide blue eyes, bright with her own arousal at how turned on she was getting sucking him off in front of James. Brad and Cindy had instinctively framed their fellatio for James' perspective, making sure he could see every detail clearly as Cindy's amateurish technique nevertheless drove Brad closer and closer to orgasm.

James was enjoying the view, but Brad's schlong was obviously too large for Cindy's small mouth, and the proportions of the shot would probably be improved if Cindy put more of her body into it. "How about using your tits too?" James asked suddenly, zapping her with "Tittyfuck".

As this newest idea found increasing purchase in her receptive mind, Cindy felt a growing need to do exactly that. Guys loved tits, so there was no reason not to pleasure him with hers, especially since the idea had always been such a turn-on for her! She grabbed his shaft with her hand and began to gently pull him over to the couch, since having his dick upright as he lounged on the couch would give her tits better access. She kept her lips locked around the tip of his dick the entire time, of course, since she was still fully under the control of her blowjob compulsion, but also fully convinced that giving in to her need to envelop his hard cock with her mouth was her own idea.

Once they made it to the couch, she sat him down and attempted to wrap her tits around his cock, but they were far to small to reach all the way around his girth. Undaunted, and still driven by her compulsion to pleasure him with her chest, she let some more saliva drip out of her mouth onto his cock and used her hands to lubricate its length, before squeezing her breasts against the sides of his dick and pressing the underside of it against her chest with her hands. She began to move her body up and down, wrapping his dick in exquisite sensation as she stroked him with her entire torso.

His shaft was long enough that the tip stayed significantly above her small cleavage, and the sight of it bobbing enticingly in front of her face quickly reactivated her blowjob compulsion. She happily took his large cockhead back into her soft mouth, keeping up suction on it as she teased the underside with her tongue, remembering how effective that stimulation had been on Stacey's sensitive pussy, and glad that it seemed just as persuasive here, as Brad began to pant and his hard cock somehow tightened even further. Unfamiliar with what this signaled, Cindy redoubled her efforts, but was taken completely by surprise when his cock's tightness suddenly gave way to a series of powerful, reflexive spasms against her torso, which simultaneously filled her mouth with spurt after spurt of warm semen. Cindy's eyes widened in shock, but she was immediately overwhelmed by a deep sense of satisfaction for successfully fulfilling her compulsions, and absentmindedly continued to gently suck and stroke him as she happily swallowed her partner's cum, before remembering that she needed to show off for her audience. She gave Brad and James a view of the last of Brad's cum on her tongue before she greedily slurped it down.

As James watched her perform, he was once again struck by how good her instincts were, especially for one so young and inexperienced. Still though, as good a job as she had done, thanks partially to the compulsions the F.E.T.I.S.H. Ray had given her, she didn't really have the build for blowjob/titjob porn, despite her ingenuity in using her entire torso instead. Her boobs just weren't big enough, and her body was a bit too petite overall. Wait... what about...? he thought, suddenly inspired. Yes, that could work. She was just small and petite enough for what he had in mind, and she certainly had the requisite pale, creamy white skin.

In the meantime, Cindy said goodbye to Brad with a few final strokes of his softening dick before he wordlessly left the way he had come, but with his eyes now full of satisfaction.

"Wow, that was great!" Cindy exclaimed, turning back to James. She grinned when she saw his hungry eyes roaming her naked body, and embraced her familiar compulsion to put her sexy body on display. God she got so turned on seeing how horny watching her made him. "You've been totally turned on this entire time, haven't you James? Do you want a blowjob?" she asked, feeling the shadow of another compulsion rising within her as she awaited his answer.

"Not right now Cindy. We've still got a bit of work to do," he responded, though he was sorely tempted by her offer as she licked her lips and cupped her tits at him.

"Suit yourself," she responded, shoulders slumping in disappointment as she felt her rising blowjob compulsion release her, instead of gripping her in its comfortable, irresistible embrace.

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself though. I think I've finally figured out what your niche should be."

"Ooh, what is it? As long as it's not getting my pussy or ass pounded, I'm down for pretty much anything."

He presses the intercom one final time. "Jamal and Tyrone, could you come in here please?"

"Jamal and Tyrone?" Cindy asked with a raised eyebrow.

"For better or worse, in porn genres stereotypes tend to matter," James said. "So their stage names play into that."

The "porn genres" comment had Cindy intrigued, and she wasn't surprised at all when two tall, muscular black men walked into the room a second later, completely naked. Cindy looked at them and licked her lips. She had always been a girl who loved giving blowjobs (in spite of the fact that she had inexplicably only given her first minutes before), and she was eager to wrap her lips and tits around these new studs, as long as that was where it ended, of course. She was entirely squicked out at the thought of having strangers' dicks anywhere near her ass or pussy, no matter how wet and horny she was at the sight of their hardening cocks or the fact that James was enjoying watching them.

In spite of her clear interest in the two men, however, James still zapped her with the "Interracial" setting without warning. A few seconds later, Cindy's glow faded and she looked up in giddy anticipation at their tall stature and wide shoulders as they approached her on the couch. She completely understood how well playing into stereotypes worked, because the thought of their rich, dark skin up against her paleness was one of her oldest and most deeply ingrained fantasies. Not that she wasn't turned on by most men (and women) in general - giving Brad a blowjob had of course gotten her incredibly wet, and she was more than willing to go down on any man or woman of any color - there was just something special about black men that practically compelled her to fill herself with black cock. Tyrone and Jamal looked so strong and powerful coming toward her, and she felt that familiar, irresistible need growing stronger and stronger. Cindy knew that even with her reservations about penetration, she would welcome whatever they decided to do to her petite body, whichever holes they decided to use for their pleasure, as long as she got to watch as their dark cocks disappeared inside her.

"Oh my God, it's so big," Cindy said, dropping to her knees and nuzzling her ivory cheek against Tyrone's huge cock, instinctively framing the color contrast for James' benefit while she looked up at Tyrone with a seductive pout on her cute face. She wasted no time in getting to work, taking as much of his hard dick into her soft mouth as she could, and feeling a rush of pleasure at giving into her compulsions.

As she continued to stimulate Tyrone's thick, dark cock, she felt Jamal's sliding against her thigh as he moved into position behind her once he finished lubing himself up. She began to tremble with nervousness, filled with unease even as she offered herself to him, torn between her compulsion to eagerly fill herself with black cock and her reservations about penetration. Her discomfort suddenly seemed to melt away, however, as James noticed her reticence and zapped her with "Anal Intercourse".

Cindy now eagerly allowed her tight ass to be lifted into position and wiggled against Jamal's erection in encouragement as she felt it press up against her virginal asshole. She needed him inside of her, and it felt so natural and right to them both as Jamal began to slide himself in, filling her with his glorious black cock as Tyrone continued to fuck her face.

She glanced over at James, and knew from the look on his face that her pale, petite body looked perfect framed by the ebony colossi deliciously stuffing her holes from both ends, and as James watched her bouncing back and forth between those cocks, he knew he had a winner on his hands.

Her inexperienced yet enthusiastic efforts quickly proved too much for Tyrone and Jamal to handle, especially with the pleasure they were already getting from their own compulsions to fill this cute little white chick with their cocks. They both felt themselves tightening inside of her as Cindy's sexy body drove them past the point of no return. Jamal grabbed her hips while Tyrone grabbed her shoulders, and the two men pulled themselves deep into her as they felt their cocks begin to erupt. Cindy struggled not to choke as Tyrone stuffed his cock deep into her throat, but her discomfort was quickly replaced by euphoria as his dark cock pumped its creamy reward into her, and as her compulsion for blowjobs and assfucking began to subside, she was left with a feeling of happiness and satisfaction. She blissfully enjoyed watching Tyrone's big, black cock slowly slide out of her mouth as it deflated, evidence of how good a job she had done.

Once they recovered a bit, the two men left the room without comment, but Jamal gave her ass an appreciative pat as he made his way over to the door.

"Omigod James, that was so hot!" Cindy exclaimed once they had left. "You were right - getting stuffed with black cock is definitely what I should be doing, especially if I'll even be getting paid for it!"

"I'm glad you feel that way Cindy. I had a feeling you'd take to it pretty naturally," James said as he secretly adjusted the settings on the Ray once more. He never ceased to be amazed at what it could do, and took a moment to reflect on Cindy's amazingly sexy transformation. She had been beyond hesitant at first, but in the end she was just as susceptible to the Ray's effects as every one else had been, and now, unable to resist her new compulsions, she had been filled with a need to use her desirable young body for the sexual pleasure that it had been designed for.

There was just one more thing she needed to complete the package, since a pornstar with an aversion for getting her pussy pounded wouldn't work out very well. He zapped her with Vaginal Intercourse, and as she came out of her golden glow a few seconds later smiling hungrily and continuing to show off her sexy body for him, James knew that she was now compelled to let any guy stick his dick into her willing pussy, porn actor on the job or not. For Cindy, fucking was now just as instinctual and irresistible as breathing, but a whole lot more fun.

He had one final setting to use on her, a special one that he always used on new female models, "Boss". This wasn't so that he could fuck her, since Vaginal Intercourse ensured that she would be more than willing to fuck him whenever he wanted her to. No, "Boss" ensured that she would fetishize their relationship, and would gladly do anything he asked her to, since it turned her on to do so. It was a setting practically custom-made for the porn industry.

"Um.. James?" Cindy began seductively once her glow faded, spreading her legs to show off the pussy she already knew he badly wanted to be inside.

"Yes Cindy?" James responded innocently, knowing that seducing her boss was now the most natural thing in the world to her, and incredibly eager to take advantage of her new compulsions.

"Do I have to get to work immediately, or do we have some time first for a bit of... fun?" she asked, offering her perky breasts to him once more, this time not just as an exhibitionist, hands-off tease, but as an open invitation for him to enjoy the pleasures of her body, which she fully believed that she had decided to offer him of her own free will, of course.

"You've been working this whole time dear," James said, pointing at the camera that was still recording, and making Cindy squirm with need at the recognition of how masterfully her boss had already gotten her to work for him. "But, I do have a few minutes before my next appointment, so you can come over and we can formally begin our close working relationship."

Cindy eagerly hopped up and ran over to him behind the desk, her naked young body jiggling pleasantly the whole way, and James scooted his chair back away from the desk to give her room. She dropped to her knees and unzipped his pants before pulling out his rock-hard dick, already oozing pre-cum from watching Cindy's antics over the past hour. She slid it into her mouth and lubed him up a bit, but was careful not to work him up too much, since he was clearly already more than ready for her.

After giving him one final slow, seductive lick, she pulled off of him with an audible "pop!" before turning around and lowering her perfect pussy toward his straining cock. He felt himself sliding between her labia, slick with her arousal that had been building just like his had been. As she slid him further into her, they both were overwhelmed with sensation, revelling in the sexual release that they both knew was coming.

James briefly considered using a condom, but Cindy felt just as good as he had known she would, and he really wanted to cum inside that pussy. If anything happened, he'd make sure she took care of it later; right now, however, he wanted to enjoy what just might be the best pussy he'd ever felt. Her tight slickness continued to milk him, and with all of the sexual tension that had been building within him throughout the day, he quickly found his cock tightening inside her body just as the other men had.

"Oh god, you're gonna cum in my pussy, I can feel it!" she moaned. "That's so hot. I want you to do it!" she continued, even more turned on by the fact that it was her boss that she was driving to orgasm with her slutty pussy. She had known from the start that with how openly attracted to her he was, it wouldn't take him any time at all to give in to his instinct to empty himself deep inside her pussy, but Cindy was still completely unprepared for her own pleasure once it actually happened. As she was overwhelmed by her second orgasm of the day, Cindy was in heaven - her boss was cumming in her tight pussy, and all was right with the world. She was so glad she had decided to come audition today, since this was clearly the perfect job for her.

Once they had calmed down a bit, Cindy stood up and gave James a kiss on the cheek before walking back over to the couch and grabbing her clothes, James' cum oozing delightfully out of her used pussy and dripping down her leg the whole time. As she headed toward the door that said "PRIVATE" to get to work, she noticed the F.E.T.I.S.H. Ray sitting on the desk, and asked what it was.

"Oh, sometimes new talent is nervous about doing some of the things you did during your audition. This helps... put them in the right frame of mind, and gives them a new appreciation of the job."

"That's so weird! Who wouldn't want to have sex with the beautiful talent you have here?? You'd never need that sort of thing for me!" she said indignantly.

"I know Cindy. Now go get ready for your first shoot!"

She opened the door, turned around and struck a sexy pose to blow him a farewell kiss, and headed through.

God I love my job, James thought, zipping himself back up and straightening his clothes and hair, before hiding the F.E.T.I.S.H. Ray back under the desk.


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Author's Note: Standard disclaimer applies: this story contains fictional depictions of erotic scenarios, so act accordingly! All characters are at least eighteen, all situations are entirely fictional, and any resemblance to any real-life individuals or situations is entirely coincidental. Copyright Fidget, all rights reserved. Enjoy!


The F.E.T.I.S.H. Ray Tales
by Fidget


Amy's Story: Friendly Fun

Amy had a problem. She and her boyfriend Brian were very much in love, and their sex life was great, except for one little thing: Brian loved blowjobs, and Amy hated them. Hated them. They'd been able to get past it as a couple for the most part, but Amy could tell that Brian wasn't completely satisfied. And since Brian had been pretty much perfect to her during the two years they had been together, Amy had resolved to give him a blowjob for his upcoming birthday , no matter what.

To that end, she had ordered the contents of the large box that had shown up on her porch this morning. If it performed as advertised, it just might solve her problem.

She picked up the box, carried it inside, and set to work opening it up and discarding the packing materials. When it finally lay on her coffee table in all its glory, she began to wonder if she'd made a terrible mistake.

It looked like a retro-futuristic ray gun, from a company called Functional Equipment To Improve Sexual Happiness. Most called it the F.E.T.I.S.H. ray for short, but it was more of an inhibition reducer and behavior reinforcement tool than an actual fetish inducer, though for all intents and purposes that distinction was more academic than functional. In short, it instilled in its target a need to perform specific sexual acts, and fully integrated that desire into the affected person's psyche, so that they wouldn't even notice that they had been changed.

On the side of the ray was an adjustable dial with close to fifty different settings, each with a tiny symbol corresponding to the specific change the ray would induce in its target when activated on that setting.

She picked up the instruction manual. Across the front, in all caps, it said "CAUTION: ALL MODIFICATIONS ARE PERMANENT AND IRREVERSIBLE".

Amy had already known that the changes were permanent, but seeing it confirmed by the device's manual as it was laying right in front of her somehow made the decisions she would face in the next few minutes feel much more real. She flipped through the manual, but the ray was pretty self-explanatory: set, point, zap. The most valuable information was the list of behavioral modifications in the back of the book which corresponded to the settings on the dial.

Well, if I'm gonna do it anyway, there's no need worrying about it, she thought impulsively. She set the dial to "Blowjob", pointed the ray at herself, and activated it.

Nothing happened. Or at least it seemed like nothing had happened. Intellectually she knew that the ray had probably affected her, since she had aimed at herself and activated it and everything, but she couldn't find any evidence that her mind had been messed with, and she didn't feel any different.

Amy thought about how it would feel to give Brian a blowjob, to see if it felt weird to her now. No, it still felt perfectly normal; in fact, she wondered why she had bought a ray to make her not want to give Brian blowjobs in the first place. Wait, that wasn't right, she had wanted to blow him. But then why hadn't she? Something wasn't making sense.

Amy retraced her thought process. She had bought the ray because she hadn't wanted to give Brian a blowjob. She had used the ray on herself. Now she wanted to give Brian a blowjob. The only logical conclusion was that it must have worked.

She was surprised at just how well the F.E.T.I.S.H. ray had apparently integrated her new cravings into her personality. It felt like she had always loved blowjobs, like it was the most natural thing in the world. It is the most natural thing in the world, she reassured herself. His cock would fit perfectly into my mouth, my tongue would drive him absolutely wild, and his gooey cum seems super yummy! Not to mention, couples should want to go down on each other.

Inspired by this most recent thought, she impulsively switched the setting to what was clearly a tongue on labia, and zapped the back of her boyfriend's head as he yelled at the TV in the living room. He fell silent mid-sentence as he was surrounded by an odd golden glow for a few seconds, and then continued his rant like nothing had happened. If I have to like it, he does too! Well, he does now, at least, she giggled. So that's what I looked like when I zapped myself. No wonder I don't remember it - the ray shut me down completely while it reprogrammed me.

Amy was so happy about her decision to go ahead and zap herself instead of waiting until Brian's birthday. Well, of course she was happy about it, since the device had made her feel that way, but that didn't change the fact that giving herself a blowjob craving still felt like the best idea she'd ever had. She had been so silly before, and was glad the ray had fixed her outlook. It was weird that she had even needed it in the first place. She wanted to make her boyfriend's cock all hard, and then tease it with her tongue until it exploded in her mouth. Who wouldn't?

She thought about all of the other settings on the ray, and knew that she'd love those changes just as much if she zapped herself with them. It was mildly tempting, but most of the other options were weird and gross, and she didn't really want to give herself any more compulsions at the moment.

What she wanted to do was go blow her boyfriend, but he had to leave for work, and she had friends coming over soon anyway. Frustrated, she decided she could wait until he got home that afternoon.


Her three friends arrived a half hour later, but none of them seemed overly happy to see her. This wasn't a surprise; they were her best friends, and she knew they loved her, but their friendship had felt a bit strained of late. Stephanie, the ringleader of their little group, had always had a bossy streak, but recently it had felt worse than usual for some reason. Rachel and Taylor had both gone through particularly bad breakups the month before, and seemed slightly jealous of Amy's stable long-term relationship. This jealousy had manifested in an annoying cattiness, which showed no signs of slowing down.

As they set up the board game they were playing this afternoon, Amy filled them in on the F.E.T.I.S.H. ray she had ordered, and what she had done to herself with it. Her friends were familiar with Amy's distaste for blowjobs and knew that it was a sore point for her relationship, but even though they understood why she'd done it, they were still somewhat weirded out.

"So if I asked you to give me a blowjob right now, you would?" Rachel asked, still not quite sure she believed Amy's story.

"If you had a dick, absolutely!" Amy responded with genuine interest.

"Wait, if any guy asked you for a blowjob, you'd give him one?" Taylor asked, horrified.

"Probably. Why? It's just a blowjob, there's nothing wrong with it. It's perfectly natural."

"If you say so," Taylor said doubtfully, feeling a bit creeped out by this new Amy.

"So would you go down on me if I asked you to?" Stephanie asked.

"Ew, no!" Amy shouted, grossed out by the idea.

"Why not? You'd blow some random guy."

"I dunno, blowjobs are different."

"How so?"

"They just are!" Amy said fiercely.

"Well, is there a setting on that thing that makes you want to munch carpet?" Stephanie asked.

"Yup. Why so interested? Want to try it out?"

"You wish," Stephanie answered as they finished setting up and began to play.

A few minutes into the game, Amy got up to go to the toilet. While she was gone, Stephanie quickly told the other girls that she planned to zap Amy with another fetish from the ray as a prank. Taylor and Rachel thought the idea was hilarious, and they were still giggling when Amy got back.

"What's so funny?" Amy asked.

"Oh, nothing," Rachel said innocently.

Shortly afterward, Stephanie left for the toilet as well. A minute later, Rachel and Taylor gasped as a golden glow suddenly surrounded Amy. It faded as quickly as it had started, and when Stephanie came back they continued the game as if nothing had happened. That is, until Stephanie randomly yelled, "Hey Amy, show us your tits!"

"Sure!" Amy replied happily, pulling up her t-shirt and bra and swinging her breasts back and forth for her friends. They burst out laughing, which confused her, especially when their laughter continued after she pulled her shirt back down and got back to the game. It was almost like they were making fun of her for something, but she had no idea what it could be.

The rest of the game was punctuated by her friends asking her to flash them every few minutes and Amy gladly complying, though by the end of the game she was starting to suspect that something was up.

After the girls left, Amy sat on the couch trying to figure out what she had done that had made her friends laugh so hard. She got up and walked into the bedroom to see if they had messed with any of her stuff, and noticed that the F.E.T.I.S.H. ray was gone. She looked around for a few minutes, but it quickly became clear that the girls had taken it, probably Stephanie, since she seemed to be the instigator of this whole charade.

Sure enough, she got a text from Stephanie a few minutes later with a picture of the F.E.T.I.S.H. ray attached. The text said, "Feel any different?"

So they had zapped her. Amy had been slightly suspicious with how weird they had been acting the whole time, but for the life of her she couldn't figure out what they'd done. She didn't feel any different, of course, but that was to be expected. She hoped they hadn't programmed her with anything weird, especially since the effects were permanent. On the other hand, she was guaranteed to like whatever they had programmed her with, so it didn't really matter.

Amy zoomed in on the picture of the ray, and checked the symbol of its current setting in the instruction manual, which luckily Stephanie hadn't taken. It was set to "Flashing", so that was probably what they had used on her. Now that she thought about it, they had asked her to flash them an awful lot; she just hadn't really noticed because she loved flashing her tits and was happy to do it. That was the ray's current setting though, so what she thought of as her natural behavior was more likely a compulsion it had programmed her with, but it was so odd to think that showing off her assets to anyone who asked had ever been out of the ordinary for her. She had always loved it, because it was so much fun watching their eyes light up as she revealed more and more of her sexy body to them. She was just a girl who loved giving blowjobs and flashing people.

It made sense that her friends had chosen "Flashing". Some of the symbols were self-explanatory, like the lips on a cock that clearly indicated the blowjob fetish she had given herself, but many were inscrutable without the instruction book to explain them, and the symbol of a pulled-down top revealing boobs was pretty unmistakable. Plus, "Flashing" was pretty benign as far as the ray was concerned, and Amy was sure that her friends hadn't wanted to hurt her. Still, they had stolen her ray and given her a new sexual compulsion without her permission, so she was definitely going to get them back.

First though, it was time to come clean to her boyfriend about her unexpected new desires, once he got home.


"Wait, let me get this straight. You ordered a magic ray gun off the internet because you were worried you couldn't please me sexually?" her very confused boyfriend asked after she told him what her friends had done.

"Pretty much. And now, thanks to my 'friends', I'm permanently stuck with an urge to flash people."

"Well, do you want to show me your tits then?" he asked playfully, not really believing her crazy story.

"Sure!" she said, pulling up her top and jiggling her melons at him, before pulling her shirt back down.

Brian was flabbergasted. "Wow, babe, I can't believe you just did that! Yeah, they definitely must have zapped you with the ray. You would never do anything like that normally."

"That's so weird," Amy responded, pulling her shirt back up and caressing her perky breasts. "It's fun, and guys clearly like seeing women's naked bits. I don't know why girls don't flash more often, it just feels so natural! I'd show off my body to anyone who asked me to, and I want them to ask me. I know that this is all due to the ray's programming, of course, and that Stephanie instilled me with this desire against my will, but none of that really matters. She zapped me with the F.E.T.I.S.H. ray and I love flashing people now. It's as simple as that. I wouldn't want to change back if I could," she concluded, enjoying the way that Brian's eyes had fixated on her tits as she pinched her nipples.

"Well, I'm certainly glad you like it now!" he said, getting turned on watching her grope herself. "Do you only have to flash your tits, or would you flash other stuff as well?"

"Oh, I'd definitely-" she began, but then she noticed the tent that she had caused in his gym shorts. She was struck with a sudden desire to have that cock in her mouth, so she pulled her shirt the rest of the way off, bounced over to where he sat on the couch, and dropped between his knees. She tugged his shorts down, grabbed his dick, and engulfed it in her warm, wet embrace.

"Babe, what the fuck!" Brian yelled, surprised at her sudden eagerness to do something she absolutely hated.

"What?" Amy asked, pulling her mouth off his dick and stroking him with her hand in the meantime.

"Did they make you like blowjobs too?"

"Oh, no. I've always liked blowjobs," Amy said quickly, before remembering. "Oh, wait, no I didn't. The reason I got the F.E.T.I.S.H. ray in the first place was so that I could make myself enjoy blowing you."

"Wait, the ray makes you forget that you were zapped??"

"More like you don't notice when it zaps you, and whatever it zaps you with suddenly feels like the most natural thing in the world, like it's something you've always done. Or at least I assume that's what it does, since that's how I feel about flashing and blowjobs," she said, spitting into her hand to keep his cock nice and lubricated while she wiggled her tits at him.

"You bought the ray so you'd like giving me blowjobs?" Brian asked, amazed, as Amy got back to work teasing his frenulum with her tongue.

"Yep," she said, briefly releasing his cock with a pop, before resuming her suction and jacking him with her fist. She felt the base of his dick beginning to tighten, so she took him deep, making sure to keep up the suction as his tightening cock slid in and out of her slick throat.

"Babe, that's the sweetest thing I've ever heard. I love you!" he gushed at her, as her tongue sent him over the edge and his dick began gushing at her as well. He sat back, enjoying the afterglow as she swallowed his yummy cum and cleaned him off with her mouth as he deflated.

"When I get the ray back, can we make you like tittyfucks too?" Brian asked, coming down from his high.

"No, I think I've had my mind messed with enough for a while," she responded flatly.

We'll see about that, Brian thought to himself.

As she stood back up, Brian tried a new command: "Hey girl, lemme see that pussy."

Amy giggled as she enthusiastically stripped her pants off, and then leaned back and spread her labia to show off how wet she was for him after sucking him off.

Brian grabbed her hips and pulled her up onto the couch so he could return the favor. He dove between her legs and got to work with his tongue. As Amy started to moan, it occurred to him how strange it was that he'd never done this for her before. It was so much fun, and she tasted so good!


Once they had finished, Brian grabbed his amateur lockpicking set and headed out. Less than an hour later, he was back holding the gun.

"Smile babe!" he said, zapping her full of desire to rub his cock between her tits until he came all over her chest.

"Don't you..." she began, before succumbing to the ray's golden influence for a third time, and adding yet another activity to her growing list of compulsions.

"...dare!" she finished angrily.

"Just kidding," he said, lowering the gun. "Flash me?"

"Sure!" she grinned, lifting her shirt and jiggling for him. She made a mental note to put her tits to better use later to reward Brian for getting the F.E.T.I.S.H. ray back, and took the ray into the bedroom to plan her revenge.


That night Brian's friend Stu came over to watch the Cowboys game, and during halftime they got into an argument about which of the cheerleaders had the best rack.

"It's clearly the third from the left," Stu said.

"You're crazy! Amy has better tits than she does," Brian retorted.

"Prove it."

"Honey, could you come in here and show Stu how nice your tits are?" Brian called out innocently, as Stu braced for the inevitable shitstorm that was sure to follow.

"Absolutely!" she replied, coming into the room to pull her shirt up, lean forward, and waggle her tits in Stu's face for a few seconds.

She grinned as her bouncy boobies began to have their natural effect on the bemused Stu. "Want a blowjob?" she asked brightly.

"Uhhh, no thanks."

"Suit yourself," Amy responded, sounding disappointed, before pulling her shirt back down and heading to the bedroom to continue her planning.

"Holy shit dude, your girlfriend is awesome!" Stu gasped, amazed.

"Yeah, I know," Brian replied with a self-satisfied smile, and they got back to watching the game.


The next day, Rachel and Taylor were hanging out at Stephanie and her husband's place. Stephanie was in the middle of telling them about how the F.E.T.I.S.H. ray had randomly disappeared, when she suddenly fell silent and began to glow with soft golden light.

"Stephanie, you're glowing!" Taylor yelled. Stephanie, whose mind was currently occupied with rewriting her feelings toward butt stuff, didn't respond. Stephanie's glow faded a few seconds later, and Taylor suddenly found herself unable to speak as she too was enveloped in the ray's warm embrace.

"...don't know where it went. Wait, what's going on with Taylor?" Stephanie asked Rachel. "What's all that glowy stuff?"

"You don't remember glowing too?? You looked just like her a second ago!" Rachel exclaimed.

"What are you talking about? I was just sitting here and she randomly started to glow!" By this point Taylor had woken up, but now Rachel's eyelids drooped as she too calmly accepted her new programming.

"Oh no, someone's zapping you and Rachel with the F.E.T.I.S.H. ray!" Taylor exclaimed.

"They didn't get me, but they are zapping you and Rachel!" Stephanie responded. "I have to get out of here before..."

"They zapped Stephanie again!" Rachel shouted. "Taylor, we have to get out of here... Taylor?"

"...they get me too!" Stephanie finished, as Rachel started to run for the bedroom door in panic. She turned the knob and pulled, but nothing happened. "We're locked..."

Stephanie and Taylor joined her at the door, but it wouldn't budge.

"!" Rachel finished as her glow faded, but then they were all swept up in golden light together, and their vulnerable minds opened themselves up to yet another exciting new possibility.

They tried the door for a few more seconds, before giving up and resigning themselves to their fate. After one more flash for each of them, it was over, as quickly as it had begun.

When the trio noticed that they had stopped glowing, they slowly began to calm down. Looking out the window, Stephanie caught a glimpse of Amy, waving from her car in the driveway with a big grin on her face. She held up the F.E.T.I.S.H. ray with her other hand, waved once more, and drove away.

"Well, that was weird," Taylor said.

"Guys, I just saw Amy outside in her car with the ray! She was the one zapping us! Do either of you feel any different?" Stephanie asked, trying to figure out if any of her own thoughts seemed out of place.

"No, but doesn't the ray, like, make you not feel different?" Rachel asked quietly.

"Oh yeah, good point. Do either of you feel like doing any weird sex stuff?"

"No, but I feel like getting Amy back for messing with us like that!" Taylor said angrily.

Rachel pointed out that that wasn't going to happen anytime soon, since they were still locked in.

"Sam should be home any minute," Stephanie said, and they all sat down to wait in silence.


When Sam let them out a few minutes later, he asked them how they'd managed to lock themselves in the bedroom from the inside.

"Oh, Amy was just messing with us," Stephanie said, too embarrassed to tell Sam just how much Amy had messed with them.

"It's getting late; we should probably head out. Walk me home Rachel," Taylor commanded and headed toward the door.

"Ok," Rachel replied, blushing a bit and following Taylor outside.


"Stupid bitch. I wonder what she zapped us with," Taylor said, as they walked back to her place.

"I don't know. I suppose the only way to tell is to watch for any uncharacteristic behavior in each other. Even so, I don't think there's much we can do about it. We won't even know that we're acting differently," Rachel responded gloomily.

"Well, it's not going to affect me, whatever it is," Taylor said, confident that she was stronger than that stupid ray.

"I don't think we have any choice," Rachel responded with a resigned sigh.

"What's your problem Rachel? You're so passive all of a sudden. You're usually so confident."

"What about you? You've been nothing but bossy this afternoon!" Rachel retorted, before cowering and adding a high-pitched "I'm sorry!"

"No, you're right. I guess I have been a bit blunt. I just hate not feeling like I'm in complete control, you know?"

"I guess," Rachel said, a bit awed by Taylor's new assertiveness. "It really doesn't bother me that much."

At that moment, they found themselves standing outside Taylor's apartment. As they prepared to part ways, they looked into each other's eyes and suddenly realized that they didn't want to say goodbye quite yet.

"Hey Rachel, come inside for a bit!" Taylor commanded, her cheeks reddening.

"O-okay," Rachel said, her own face flushing only partially from embarrassment, as she lowered her eyes and meekly followed Taylor up the stairs.


Back at Stephanie's place, things were getting hot and heavy between her and Sam.

"Hey Sam, let's try something new tonight," Stephanie suggested, grabbing their lube out of the bedside table.

"What did you have in mind?"

"Um... you know how you've always wanted to try fucking my ass? Well, I think we should go for it. It just seems like so much fun!"

Not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth, Sam quickly lubed himself up and slowly thrust deep into her virgin asshole.

"Oh God..." Stephanie moaned, savoring the feeling of having her ass full of cock, as Sam eagerly began sliding himself in and out of her rectum. It wasn't long before his cock overstimulated itself inside her tight sphincter, and he began pumping spurt after spurt of cum into her butt as Stephanie rode out her own orgasm.

"Wow babe, that was great!" Sam exclaimed, falling back and gasping for breath.

Yes it was! Stephanie thought with a satisfied grin, enjoying the new sensation of Sam's warm cum leaking out of her ass. She made a mental note to research buttplugs the next day.

"I'm surprised you suggested that. You've never seemed to want to try it before."

"Yeah, I don't know why I was never up for it. It was so hot, and I felt so full... I think I'll definitely want to add this to our regular routine."

"Sounds good to me!"


A few days later the three friends met up at Stephanie's house again to try to figure out what had been done to them. Stephanie noticed that Taylor and Rachel were holding hands, but didn't think too much of it at first.

Rachel suggested that they talk about all of the sexual experiences they had had since being zapped, so that the others could see if anything seemed out of the ordinary. Stephanie began, and told them about all of the anal play she had enjoyed with Sam in the past few days. Taylor and Rachel's eyes widened at the details, and once Stephanie had finished they began to giggle uncontrollably.

"What's so funny?"

Taylor tried to compose herself. "Stephanie, I hate to tell you this, but Amy made you like butt stuff," she managed to stammer, before throwing her head back in laughter again.

As the two girls finally calmed themselves down, Taylor leaned over and kissed Rachel full on the lips.

Stephanie was aghast. "Wait, what the fuck? Are you two lesbians now? Amy turned you into lesbians!"

"What are you talking about?" Taylor asked. "Yes we're together now, but we've always been interested in women. This has nothing to do with Amy or that stupid ray!"

"You definitely weren't lesbians before - you both just broke up with your *boy*friends!"

"Oh yeah. That was more of a fluke though. I definitely prefer women."

"Me too," Rachel agreed quietly.

"Do you want us to tone down the PDA?" Taylor asked.

"Nah, go ahead. Besides, it's kinda fun to watch," Stephanie replied, sitting down on the sofa and sliding a hand into her pants.

"Wait, what the fuck? You're want to masturbate to the two of us making out?" Taylor asked indignantly.

"Yeah, why not?"

"It's weird, that's why not! Stephanie, Amy turned you into some sort of voyeur or something!"

"What? No way! It's perfectly natural to get turned on watching other people have sex! Haven't you guys ever heard of porn?" Stephanie asked, convinced that her two friends had gone entirely insane.

"It's weird to get off watching your best friends make out with each other, especially when you're not a lesbian yourself!"

"Whatever," Stephanie said, and after spending a few minutes in awkward silence, Taylor and Rachel left.


Two weeks later, the three girls had mostly figured out what had been done to each of them, and were starting to get used to their friends' new quirks. They had all finally accepted that their new desires had been artificially induced, though they still felt like their behavior was perfectly natural. Each girl was just glad that her own compulsions were relatively normal, and that she hadn't been forced to like anything weird like the other two had.

Taylor was annoyed by Rachel's submissiveness, but that just increased her own desire to ruthlessly dominate her. In turn, Rachel wasn't always a fan of Taylor's domineering attitude, but it made her pussy so wet that she couldn't help but do everything Taylor asked, knowing that she would be rewarded with the rough treatment she craved as a result. Rachel and Taylor were both annoyed by Stephanie's hand drifting down toward her crotch every time they showed any affection in front of her, but they loved their friend and knew that she wasn't doing it by choice.

The three girls decided that the time had come to confront Amy about what she had done, so they piled into Stephanie's car and drove over together.

Amy met them at the door. "Hey guys, come on in! And show me your tits while you're at it!" she commanded pointedly.

Excited for the opportunity to put their bodies on display, the three girls eagerly pulled their shirts and bras up and shook their perky titties at her. Amy enjoyed the view for a second, and they pulled their shirts back down.

"What was that all about? You're the one that didn't want to flash anyone until we zapped some common sense into you," Stephanie said.

"Yeah, Amy! Show us your tits!" Taylor ordered.

Amy was suddenly seized with a welcome urge to playfully flash her own boobs at her friends, but she fought to hold off for the time being, because she wasn't finished with them yet. It was so hard though - it would feel so good to just pull her shirt up and release her breasts from the confines of her stuffy bra for all to see.

Amy kept her arms firmly by her sides as she gave her next command, knowing that the next time she moved them it would be to flash her tits. "Now let me see those pussies, but from behind! Really show them off!" The girls immediately turned around, pulled their pants down, and bent over, revealing the tight slits peeking out from between their thighs. They each played with themselves for a bit, before spreading their lips wide to show off their silky depths.

"Actually, strip completely naked! I want you to flash your whole bodies for me," Amy ordered, feeling her own irresistible compulsion to join them growing stronger. The ray's power over her mind was absolute, thanks to Stephanie's reckless decision to zap her, and Amy knew that she was ultimately helpless to resist. Her body begged to be shown off, and she felt more and more ridiculous for trying to deny such a natural impulse in the first place.

But first, she enjoyed watching the girls enthusiastically peel their clothes off and dance seductively for her for a few seconds, before she finally embraced her own urge to strip and joined them. She reveled in the addictive sensation of revealing her body, and couldn't help but wiggle her tits at her friends in glee, as Taylor and Rachel watched with increased interest.

Now that their programming was satisfied, the four friends felt their compulsion subside.

"Ok great, now we're all naked. Since we're not really 'flashing' anymore, can we put our clothes back on?" Taylor complained angrily.

Amy ignored her. "Hey Rachel, come over here and eat me out," she commanded, laying back on the couch.

"Sure!" Rachel squealed with delight, and dove between Amy's legs, attacking her tempting pussy with her tongue.

"Rachel, what the hell? We're exclusive!" Taylor yelled.

"What? I'm just going down on her. It doesn't mean anything, and she tastes so good!"

"Taylor, go grab the dildo from my nightstand and fuck Rachel with it," Amy ordered, writhing in pleasure as Rachel's talented tongue took her to new heights. Amy wasn't gay, but whatever Rachel was doing down there felt fantastic.

"Ooh, great idea!" Taylor said, and ran off, suddenly much more interested in pounding Rachel's pussy than wondering about her weird interest in going down on Amy.

Stephanie stayed silent, and enjoyed her view from the recliner, working the fingers of her right hand in and out of her pussy while her left hand teased around the small plug filling her sensitive asshole.


Eventually the three girls' calmed down, having temporarily satisfied their cravings, but not before Rachel's tongue had driven Amy to a couple of intense orgasms. After cleaning up and getting dressed they finally began to confront Amy about the device, but mostly for their friends' sake, since each girl was perfectly comfortable with her own new desires.

"So how do we change back?" Stephanie asked.

"You can't. It's permanent. I'm stuck showing off my boobs forever," Amy said, as the thought of showing off their boobs triggered the fetish for the four of them once more.

"Well good, you were weirdly prudish before," Taylor said, jiggling her tits at her.

"You do realize that you only think that because I gave you all the 'Flash' fetish as well, right?" Amy responded with a grin, shaking her tits in return as she enjoyed being ogled by Taylor and Rachel.

"Oh, so that's why you made us all flash when we came in," Rachel piped up, cupping her own small tits. "I thought you were acting weird, especially when you told us to show you our pussies," she continued, inadvertently triggering that behavior in each of them as well, though of course nobody noticed.

"Wait, you mean they're stuck as lesbians forever?" Stephanie asked, spreading her pussy for the others to see and glad that the F.E.T.I.S.H. ray had left her practically unaffected, especially compared to Rachel and Taylor and the hungry way they were eyeing her vag.

"What does that mean?" Taylor demanded, pulling her fingers out of her pussy as her compulsion subsided. "Needing a cock in your ass and creepily asking to watch us fuck is much worse than a new orientation, especially now that we've found the perfect partner. Kiss me, Rachel!"

"Yes ma'am," Rachel said demurely as she leaved over to make out with her lover, flushed with arousal at being ordered around.

They just think that because of the ray's effects, Stephanie thought, sliding her hand into her pants as the prospect of watching Rachel and Taylor make out began to turn her on. And both of my "fetishes" are something I would probably have been into anyway, if I'd ever thought about it. It's weird that Amy had to use the ray on me at all, she thought, still half convinced that the others were messing with her.

Amy was relaxing on the couch this whole time, enjoying the results of her handiwork. As she watched her friends obey the compulsions she had programmed them with, she experienced a feeling of validation, not only because she had gotten her well deserved revenge, but also because of how well things had worked out in the end. Rachel and Taylor were finally happy together after their painful histories, and Stephanie... well, Stephanie was probably developing a "deeper" relationship with her husband. In fact, the only thing that would make it better was...

Amy got up and ran into her bedroom to grab the F.E.T.I.S.H. ray. When she came back, her friends had stopped what they were doing and were staring at her in horror.

"Don't worry! I'm not going to do anything you don't want me to! Taylor and Rachel, how would you feel about being programmed to like being watched?"

"I dunno Amy. That seems pretty weird, and I don't know how Rachel would feel about it."

Rachel looked up at her and said, "Whatever you want is fine with me."

"Well, I could just zap you, and you wouldn't have a choice," Amy retorted, aiming the ray at them.

"Fine! Stephanie is our friend, even if she's a creeper now, and this will probably make her happy. Go ahead." Taylor and Rachel began to glow one final time, as Stephanie eagerly looked on.

"Well, are you going to zap us?" Taylor demanded.

"Don't worry about it. I changed my mind. You two can go back to making out," Amy said with a smile on her face.

"Whatever." Taylor needed no further encouragement and stuck her tongue back into Rachel's mouth, making sure Amy and Stephanie had a clear view of what was going on. As Stephanie went back to her masturbation, Taylor and Rachel began to exaggerate their antics for her benefit, clearly getting off on having an audience.

Amy stopped them before they got too far, since Brian would be home soon. As they dressed, Taylor and Stephanie made plans for the three of them to "hang out" the next evening. Stephanie was also secretly planning to borrow the ray again, to guarantee that Sam would want to participate in her sessions with Taylor and Rachel. Those two, meanwhile, began discussing the lucrative opportunities of becoming camgirls as they walked out to their car.

"Oh, by the way. Stephanie has one more fetish that she doesn't know about yet." Amy called after them.

"Wait, what is it?" Stephanie asked, turning around in the driveway.

"You'll find out if you and Sam ever decide to have kids," Amy responded enigmatically, and closed the door.


"Well, that's finally over," Amy said, after filling Brian in on the events of the day.

"All's well that ends well, I guess," Brian said. "What did you do with the F.E.T.I.S.H. ray?"

"I put it in the attic, just in case we ever want to have some fun with it in the future."

"Good idea," Brian replied, a few interesting possibilities already floating around in his head. "Hey babe, how about a titfuck, and then I'll eat you out so hard your mother will feel it."

"Sounds good to me!" Amy said, stripping off her shirt and wrapping her tits around her wonderful boyfriend's massive cock.

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Author's Note: Standard disclaimer applies: this story contains fictional depictions of erotic scenarios, so act accordingly! All characters are at least eighteen, all situations are entirely fictional, and any resemblance to any real-life individuals or situations is entirely coincidental. Copyright Fidget, all rights reserved. Enjoy!


Upon Reflection (Chs 1-3)
by Fidget


CHAPTER 1: Through the Looking-Glass

"Well I hope you're happy, Darren, because we're through, you stupid-head!" Maddie yelled, slamming the door to his dorm room and walking quickly back across the quad, trying to hold back her tears. Everything had been going so well with Darren, and when she had opened the door to his room and caught him with his tongue in Amber's mouth, and his hand exploring underneath her tight tank top, Maddie had been absolutely devastated. Darren and Amber had both jumped up when she walked in, and Amber had sheepishly slid past Maddie and out the door while Darren tried to explain himself, but that had quickly escalated into a shouting match as Darren explained in detail everything that was wrong with her. He said that he regretted ever going out with a ditzy cheerleader like her in the first place, and that she'd never be able to measure up to someone like Amber. Maddie had asked what was so wrong with her that Darren hated her that much, and he had looked her up and down and responded with one disdainful word: "Everything."

The tears finally started as she arrived back at Dodgson Hall, briefly glancing up at the mirror over the door that everyone assumed had a security camera behind it, before entering the building and climbing the stairs to the top floor. She'd gone to Darren's room to be comforted, of all things. She had just failed a chemistry exam, because even after studying all night, she still just didn't get it. Aside from her cheerleading she felt like a useless idiot, and now even her cheerleading was in jeopardy due to potential academic probation. It was all her fault too; if only she were less like, well, herself, and more like someone else, maybe she wouldn't have lost Darren.

Walking onto her hall on the top floor and turning toward her room, she suddenly noticed a new flyer on the bulletin board. "ARE YOU DISSATISFIED WITH YOUR LIFE?" it said across the top in all caps. "Have you ever felt like you'd be better off if you were someone else? If so, come to the Dodgson Hall basement at 8pm tonight. It could literally change your life."

That's silly, she thought, staring at the board. It was probably some sort of weird cult. She was about to turn away when she suddenly heard a mocking voice from behind her. "Darren finally dump you?"

Maddie whirled around in fury to see the hall's bitchy goth-wannabe Nicole leaning against the wall smirking at her.

"I told you he was cheating on you. Too bad you were too stupid to see it," Nicole said matter-of-factly.

"Well at least I'm not a dyke slut that can't keep a girlfriend for more than two days!" Maddie retorted angrily.

"You're just jealous of all the action I get. Let me know if you ever get tired of being disappointed by dick and want to try the fairer sex. Maybe you should go to the basement tonight and see if whoever it is can help you get a life," Nicole taunted, blowing her a kiss through lips thickly coated with dark red lipstick.

Suddenly the building RA, Cassandra, unexpectedly appeared between them. "Girls, girls!" she shouted, trying to calm them down. "What's going on?" The two girls immediately fell silent - Cassandra was universally popular among her students, and neither Maddie nor Nicole wanted to do anything that would cause her any trouble.

"Oh, hey Cassandra! Maddie here just got cheated on and dumped, so I was just giving her some friendly advice."

"Your advice didn't sound very friendly. Maddie, I'm so sorry that happened to you. Feel free to come talk to me if you ever need any help. It's important to turn to others it times of need," Cassandra said, before heading back to her office and taking Nicole with her.

Glad to finally be alone, Maddie walked into her room and threw herself on her bed to stew for a few minutes, before remembering that she needed to change for cheerleading practice. She'd rather skip, but the captain was strict, and she didn't want her day to get even worse. As she stripped in front of her full-length mirror to put on her uniform, she looked sadly at the shapely c-cup breasts, firm ass, and tight, athletic body that she'd been so proud of until now. Why didn't Darren want her? What did Amber have that she didn't? If only she could become a different person like that flyer had said.


Lauded professor of psychology Alexis Streater made her daily rounds through the corridors of Dodgson Hall. As the faculty representative in charge of the dorm, it was her responsibility to see that everything ran smoothly and the students were taken care of, and like all of her professional responsibilities, she took it very seriously. Walking through the halls in her dull brown cardigan and floor-length skirt, however, the petite Professor Streater went practically unnoticed by the students milling about in the dorm after classes. She wore her mousy brown hair back in careful bun, and her large glasses hid her face just as well as her clothing hid her tiny body, completing her carefully cultivated image of a respected professor well beyond her years, as she was only thirty-five.

As she made her rounds, she felt the familiar twinges of jealousy at how carefree and happy the students seemed to be, especially the young couples full of hormones excitedly discovering each others' bodies. She remembered being their age, feeling those same desires, but she had always been shy, and had devoted her time to her studies instead of... extracurricular activities. And she was satisfied with her success, with her responsibilities to the school, to her field, and to her students, but she was getting older now, and hadn't been in a relationship in over a decade. So, as fulfilling as her life was, she still felt like her personality and her choices had prevented her from ever experiencing any sort of real romantic happiness.

Dwelling on these feelings of loneliness a bit, she finally made her way up to the top floor, which was all but deserted. A bright yellow flyer on the bulletin board caught her eye, so she walked over to read it. It was about some sort of self-improvement group meeting in the basement tonight, which was odd, since though Professor Streater had been the faculty rep for Dodgson for almost a decade, she couldn't remember ever having actually been in the basement. Furthermore, she couldn't recall seeing this flyer on any other floor, or in any other building on campus for that matter. Even so, from a psychologist's perspective, the flyer certainly made an interesting claim; Professor Streater wondered how exactly whatever group this was intended to deliver on their promise of a life-changing experience.

As she stood there lost in thought, she eventually noticed Cassandra, the RA, standing beside her. She briefly admired her strong features - dark red hair framing high cheekbones and bright green eyes that stared through you with startling intensity. Cassandra was quite popular with the students, and with the administration as well. In fact, it occurred to Professor Streater that Cassandra had been the RA almost as long as she herself had been the faculty rep, which was unusual, because even though some grad students remained in their programs as long as Cassandra had, few kept the same job in the same building the entire time instead of moving on to bigger and better things.

"Hello, Cassandra. How have things been in Dodgson today?"

"Very well for the most part, Professor Streater, though Maddie seems to have had a bit of a rough day, and Nicole of course had to make it worse by intentionally antagonizing her."

"That's unfortunate. I remember Maddie from Intro to Psych - enthusiastic young girl, if not very bright. Nicole took to psychology like a fish to water, though it seems she's using her knowledge more for cruelty than kindness these days."

"That's true Professor. I wonder if there's any merit to this flyer, and if lives really are so easy to change."

"I wish that were true, Cassandra, because then it might be easier for all of us to have the lives we want, though it would probably put me out of business in the process."


Cheerleading practice had gone late for Maddie, and it was only a few minutes before eight when she finally arrived back at her dorm. As she walked by the bulletin board, her glance was once again caught by the bright yellow flyer for a life-changing experience. Oh what the hell, she thought, and started back down the stairs. She was still in her cheerleading uniform, though she had stripped her sweaty panties off in the locker room before heading back to her dorm for a bit of comfort. Nobody would see, and she'd just remember to cross her legs if she needed to sit down for whatever reason.

As she descended the stairs to the first floor, she couldn't recall ever having actually been to the basement. She'd seen the stairs often enough, and assumed there would be something down there, but it had never actually occurred to her to go check it out. When she reached the first floor, she was discouraged to find Nicole there waiting for her.

"What are you doing here?" Maddie snapped.

"Oh, I just wanted to see if you were desperate enough to actually join a cult," Nicole said gleefully as she tossed her long, dyed-black hair over her shoulder, her curvy body leaning against the wall in a tight black crop top that said "Vagitarian" over a short plaid skirt. "Now that you're actually here though, I think I'll tag along and see just how hilariously sad this gets."

"Fine bitch, if your life is that boring, maybe you need a new one too. Come on."

They fell silent as they began to walk down the stairs together, filled with a sudden feeling of foreboding.

"Have you ever been down here before," Nicole whispered.

"No," Maddie responded. "I'm surprised you haven't though, being an unpopular basement-dweller who's never seen the sun."

"Very funny."

At the bottom of the stairs was a large door, and above the door was another mirror, but this time with a cloth draped over it. Taking a deep breath, Nicole grabbed the door handle, turned it, and the two girls went inside, into the darkness, as the door closed behind them.


A few seconds later, the room lit up with brilliant light, and as the girls' eyes adjusted, they realized they were in an incredibly large, fully-furnished bedroom. One end of the room was dominated by the largest bed the two girls had ever seen, and at the foot of the bed stood a giant, ornate mirror, mounted on a pedestal so that it could revolve freely, able to reflect anything and everything in the room.

Near the mirror stood Cassandra, wrapped in a dark green robe, almost a nightgown, as her emerald eyes smoldered behind a pair of clear spectacles under her fiery hair. In her right hand was a small hand mirror. The overall scene gave the effect of an aristocrat from a bygone era alone in her boudoir, preparing for bed, or perhaps other nightly activities.

"Cassandra? What are you doing here? Where are we?" Maddie asked, incredibly confused.

"My room, of course!" Cassandra replied, sweeping her arm around.

"But, I've been to your room. It's on our floor, upstairs!"

"That's only my room for official purposes, so that I can have this room for... unofficial purposes," she said with an enigmatic smile.

Nicole had been silent this entire time, fully taking in the large area with its couches, chairs, and lavish decoration. She wasn't sure what was about to go down, but she could tell that it was going to be some crazy shit.

At that moment, the door behind them opened once more, and Professor Streater silently stepped through as the large door closed and locked with finality behind her.

"Ah, I wondered who all would come. I knew that Maddie would show, and probably Nicole as well, since she wouldn't be able to resist both her curiosity and an opportunity to harass Maddie, but Professor Streater - what a pleasant surprise!" Cassandra said, beaming at them.

"Yeah, Professor, like, why are you here?"

"I'm here for two reasons. As the faculty rep for this building, it was my responsibility to check up on such an odd group meeting, especially since the flyers only went up on one hall."

"Well spotted, Professor. I'm impressed," Cassandra complimented.

"Secondly, I'm a psychologist - I wanted to see what was this group was offering, as promises of transformed lives are always interesting from an academic perspective. Also, I may have been suffering from a bit of cheerlessness myself recently, and so I wanted to see this mystery group first-hand. I must say, I thought there was something odd about you having been the RA here for so long, Cassandra, but it never really occurred to me to check into it. How on earth did you convince the school to let you turn the basement into this?"

"You'll find that I'm very good at getting what I want," Cassandra replied with a smile and a wink.

"Fine. Will you at least tell us why we're all here then?" the Professor asked.

"Of course. I just wanted to show you my room. Feel free to look around!"

As Nicole and Professor Streater continued to question Cassandra, Maddie found herself drawn to the mirror standing alone in the middle of the room. She walked over to it, and slowly turned it until her own reflection came into view.

There was something different about herself, but she couldn't put her finger on it. Her clothes were the same, but as her gaze traveled up her body, she eventually locked eyes with her double, and couldn't seem to look away. Her reflection's eyes sparkled with an intense intellect that she had never seen before in her blue eyes, but they were also cold and uncaring, as though the burden of knowledge was acceptance of the truth that life had no meaning, and the only temporary relief from existential despair was hedonism. In fact, they looked exactly like Nicole's eyes, and that scared her.

She tried to break the stare, but instead, her mind began to feel fuzzy and her thoughts began to jumble. Was it such a bad thing that her reflection seemed a bit more intelligent? she wondered. That was what she had wanted, after all, and if a better understanding of the shitty state of the world was the price of intelligence, so be it. She was proud of her intellect, always had been, and it wasn't her fault the world was shitty. That blame lay squarely at the feet of men. Women were hotter anyway, with their soft, curvy bodies and delightful little pussies. Why had she been so interested in that Darren jerkoff in the first place? Maddie's eyes drifted back down her reflection in the mirror, appreciating her own sexy body and the thinking of all the hot women that would soon be lining up for a taste.

But then her eyes focused on the cheerleading uniform that she hadn't had time to take off. Wait, why had she been wearing a cheerleading uniform in the first place? Sure it showed off her sexy body to the other women in the room, which was exactly what she wanted, and it would be a great way to infiltrate the cheerleading squad for some new pussy, but why was she wearing it now? And her blonde hair and girly makeup just made it worse. This had to be a prank. As soon as she got the chance, she was going to go find some real clothes, maybe something like the girl by the door was wearing, and fix her makeup.

"Hey assholes!" she shouted at the three women gathered over near the entrance.

"What is it Maddie? Are you ok?" Professor Streater asked, concerned about her sudden, uncharacteristic outburst.

"It's Madison! I'm not some stupid ditz that needs a cutesy pet name to feel better about herself. And who the hell are you people, anyway? Why am I in some weird-ass bedroom dressed like a bimbo cheerleader?"

Cassandra briefly glanced down at the mirror in her hand, and saw the following readout appear on the smooth surface:




Well this will be interesting, Cassandra thought to herself, feeling a familiar rush of arousal at watching a new girl submit to her irresistible changes for the first time, before turning to Madison. "Don't worry Madison, you're part of a performance for the next hour or so. The uniform is only a costume - you can take it off once you leave. In the meantime, feel free to do whatever you'd like."

"Whatever. Just let me know when I can get out of this hole," Madison said, walking over to the giant bed and hopping up onto it. She lay back and splayed out, not knowing or possibly not caring that she wasn't wearing any underwear. Either way, her short cheerleading skirt rode up, revealing her neatly trimmed pussy for all to see.

Nicole had been watching the athletic blonde's strange behavior closely, but now she had another reason to watch, feeling a new urge to dive between those toned, tan legs grow. She had always known that Maddie was hot, but the way she she was talking and acting now, combined with her tasty, exposed pussy, was really starting to push Nicole's buttons.

"Um, Maddi- Madison, you're, um, not wearing any underwear," Professor Streater stammered, completely bewildered by the unreality of the situation.

"Good. That'll make this easier then," Madison said, spreading her legs even further and sliding a hand down to softly stroke her sensitive labia. Oddly, this self-pleasure somehow seemed like a new experience to Madison, but that couldn't be right, so she ignored the thought and returned her attention to the novel sensations pleasantly pulsing through her as a result of her fingers' teasing stimulations.

"What did you do to her?" Nicole asked Cassandra, watching hungrily as whatever was piloting Maddie's body now began to slowly slide her middle finger in and out of herself.

"Very good Nicole!" Cassandra responded, smiling at her. "I'm not doing anything specifically, but Madison has indeed undergone certain... changes, by looking at her reflection in the mirror you see at the foot of the bed."

"Can it change me like that too?" She's so hot now, Nicole thought. If the mirror could do that for Maddie, think of what it could do for her!

"It absolutely could," Cassandra responded cryptically. Nicole, however, had already stopped paying attention and was headed over to the mirror.

"Maybe you shouldn't-" Professor Streater began, but it was too late. Nicole had already turned the mirror and had met her double's gaze, eager to discover her own changes. As she began to lose herself in the depths of her reflection's solemn eyes and her mind grew pleasantly fuzzy, however, she finally noticed the rest of her reflection, and was horrified by the petite girl she saw shyly looking back at her, her hand clasped around a crucifix hanging around her neck. Where was the powerful femininity of Maddie's transformation? This religious goody-goody couldn't be more unlike her.

It was too late, of course. Nicole was unable to break her gaze away from the sweet, wide-eyed innocence of her reflection, and she felt her thoughts continue to drift in new directions, despite her silent screams of protestation.

She calmed down a bit upon the realization that her distress was due to the fact that her life had entirely lacked direction up until this point. She had viewed her life as meaningless because she had never been part of something bigger than herself. Her morality had been subjective because she had rejected the one objective morality that could give her life purpose, and that nihilism had manifested in a cruelty toward others that now disgusted her. Well, no longer. Nikki knew that her passion, her purpose, was to make others feel good, not just because that was what God demanded of her, but because it was the right thing to do. She embraced a new, surprisingly strong desire to submit to the will of those around her, because she knew it would make them happy, and that would make her happy as well.

Professor Streater was watching this time, but Nicole's transformation seemed to be entirely unlike Maddie's: her posture and body language entirely changed before Dr. Streater's eyes, to the point that she looked like a completely different person. Her proud shoulders narrowed and turned inwards, as though she were perpetually ashamed, and her defiant gaze gave way to a downcast look of submission, which perfectly matched the expression on the face of the reflection Professor Streater could see in the mirror behind Nicole, though of course her curvy body and clothing remained the same, in stark contrast to the petite, modestly dressed Catholic schoolgirl staring out at her. The juxtaposition of the new Nicole's shy demeanor and provocative appearance gave the impression of a sweet, submissive slut from some adolescent fantasy, eager and willing to dish out the pleasure her sexy body was designed to give.

Nikki, however, was busy discovering those scandalous parts of her appearance for herself, and was not pleased with what she found. "What's wrong with my makeup?" she asked herself quietly in a high-pitched voice that somehow felt familiar and uncharacteristic all at the same time, as she attempted to bring her nonexistent crucifix up to kiss it out of habit. Her awkward movements showed a complete lack of awareness of her voluptuous body, and her arm bumped into her large breasts as she lifted it to her neck, causing them to bounce under her tight top. Not seeing what the obstruction could have been in her reflection, Nikki's eyes drifted down to her bare midriff and she recoiled in horror. She looked like a cheap whore! She wrapped her arms around her body in embarrassment, and whipped around to see if any of the other women in the room had noticed anything. The older, academic-looking woman was looking at her in surprise, and she felt a fresh rush of embarrassment at the attention. The redhead holding a small mirror, however, was looking at her with interest, almost as though she were some sort of curio in an art museum.

She looked the other direction and was horrified to discover another girl touching herself inappropriately on a large bed. Nikki felt the bad thoughts invading her mind again, thoughts she had tried so hard to repress, and she felt the familiar tingle start up between her legs at the sight of an athletic young feminine body in such a state of arousal. She became aware of a strangely airy sensation between her legs as her vagina began to moisten, and flushed with a fresh surge of embarrassment at the realization that she'd also somehow forgotten to wear any panties. She self-consciously pulled her skirt down as far as she could and kept her legs squeezed tightly together so that nobody would see her shame, but the unwelcome tingle between her legs continued to grow apace as she tried to avert her eyes from the delicious display of hedonism playing itself out on the bed, attempting to ignore the little voice telling her how good her own willing body could make the other girl feel.

Feeling a tightening sensation on her chest, Nicole glanced down at her body once more, and noticed that she'd also apparently forgotten to wear a bra, and her breasts with their hard, excited nipples were clearly visible through her tight black top. For the first time, she realized what was written across the front of her shirt, and knew that her secret was out. God knew about her secret desires, and whatever was happening to her now was clearly a punishment. She clasped her hands over what she thought were petite tits to cover them, but somehow her breasts continued to press out proudly around her small hands, and her large, sensitive nipples grew even harder as she inadvertently groped herself.

Intrigued by Nicole's obvious distress, Cassandra looked down at her mirror once more:




It looks like she's still a horny lesbian. Cassandra thought to herself, feeling herself grow even more aroused at Nicole's utter lack of awareness of the extensive changes the mirror had triggered in her. And the mirror made her believe that she's petite. No wonder she looks so uncomfortable and awkward. I wonder how this will play out between the two of them.

As Madison rode out a pleasurable orgasm on the bed, she glanced down at the foot and saw the busty Nikki standing there, staring confusedly at her reflection as she tried unsuccessfully to cover up her unexpectedly large breasts. Giving up, Nikki briefly looked back at Madison and lowered her gaze to what Madison's busy hand was doing as she came down from her peak, before blushing furiously and turning away.

"Hey bitch, if you're gonna stare that hard, might as well lick it yourself!" Madison said brusquely as she eked out a bit more pleasure from her overstimulated pussy by slowly stroking her swollen labia, which were still clearly visible under the short, pleated cheerleading skirt she had found herself in.

"Y-you want me to l-lick your... to do that?" Nikki asked self-consciously, guilty about how hopeful she was about Madison's answer as she tried to resist her urge to hungrily watch Madison touch herself.

"Hell no! Even if you did want to, I don't fuck losers," Madison said, but she began to regret her rashness as she checked out the body filling Nikki's tight clothes.

"O-ok, I'm sorry for bothering you," Nikki said demurely, but the way she quickly turned away and purposefully began walking over to the two women standing by the door betrayed how miffed she was by the girl's answer in spite of Nikki's kind nature. She had only wanted to make the girl on the bed feel good; she didn't have to be so mean about it!


Cassandra was still watching with interest, and turned to Professor Streater, whose face held a mixture of fear and confusion.

"Well, what do you know - they still don't seem to like each other, even as different people!"

"How are you doing this?" the normally reserved professor asked insistently. Her concern for the students under her care was clear, but she wasn't able to hide the trace of curiosity in her voice.

Cassandra gave her a knowing wink before answering her question. "I've always been fascinated by mirrors, ever since I was young. How they create perfect reflections of ourselves that are still somehow our complete opposites. If we are right-handed, our reflections will be left-handed. But, what about our minds, our personalities? If we're weak-willed, who's to say that our reflections might not be strong-willed in return? As silly as it may seem, I began searching for the answers to these questions, and one fateful day I was able to acquire these items from a trader who specialized in... certain types of rare goods. At last, my search was over, and I could begin to explore the power of these mirrors - mirrors with the power to transfer certain 'unseeable' qualities of our reflections, the minds and personalities of our doubles in the mirror universe, into our real-world bodies."

"So Maddie and Nicole are now their exact opposites, from this 'mirror world', because they looked into that big mirror?"

"It's not quite that simple. I have a few smaller mirrors that can be used to reverse simple thoughts and beliefs that I can 'program' - you may have seen them around this building, though you won't remember ever looking into them - but the large, much more powerful mirror over there that changed Maddie and Nicole is... unpredictable. It reverses a small set of randomly chosen characteristics, and I have no control over it whatsoever. And actually, I kind of prefer it that way; it's much more exciting to discover what the mirror has in store for each new person than to control everything myself. Look at the amazing modifications it made to Maddie and Nicole, for example - aren't they magnificent?"

"Is this permanent though? Are they stuck like this forever?" the professor asked, wrapping her small arms around herself anxiously.

"Goodness, no! Looking into this hand mirror reverses all of the changes. They won't remember anything from when they were under the mirror's influence, but they'll be right as rain. Plus, the next time they look into the mirror, they'll undergo exactly the same set of changes."

"What do you get out of all this?" Professor Streater asked pointedly.

"Me? I just like to watch," Cassandra said, tapping her glasses as her bright green eyes sparkled with delight. "Professor Streater, would you like to try out my mirror?"

"Absolutely not. Firstly, I have no desire to, and secondly, what you're doing to these girls is wrong!"

"Suit yourself. It's your choice, of course," Cassandra said with a smile.

"One final question. You mentioned that you knew that Maddie would show up tonight - how did you know that?"

"You're very perceptive, professor. Perhaps too perceptive. I may have had a small hand in Maddie's ill fortune today - one of the best ways to get new girls down here is for them to go through a breakup or other similar trauma, so I tried to set Darren up with Amber. It turns out Darren and Amber initially had no attraction for each other at all, but unfortunately, they both happened to glance into this," she said, holding up her hand mirror, "and after that they suddenly developed an overwhelming infatuation with each other. Before they knew it, all they could think of was getting into each other's pants!"

"That's horrible," Professor Streater said, taken aback by Cassandra's cruelty. "Are you going to keep us captive down here too?"

"Of course not! You're all free to leave whenever you like!"

"In that case, could you change the others back, please?" the professor asked, all the while planning to go directly to the university's disciplinary board to report Cassandra's crimes as soon as she was able to leave.

"Oh, I suppose. They clearly don't like each other, and while 'Madison' is enjoying herself for once today, Nicole doesn't seem very happy."

Cassandra called Nikki over, and handed her the small hand mirror. As Nikki looked into the mirror, she was briefly frightened by the antipathy in the eyes of the unfamiliar, busty goth girl staring back at her, before beginning to feel herself slipping toward the reflection in the mirror as the busty goth girl began to assert herself. As Professor Streater watched, Nicole's eyes and demeanor slowly regained their former imperious confidence, and before long, Nicole seemed back to her old self.

For her part, Nicole felt perfectly normal, except for an odd sensation of having somehow skipped forward in time. She knew intellectually that she must have been changed by the mirror just as Maddie had, but for the life of her she couldn't remember how, or what she had done up until looking in the small hand mirror Cassandra was holding. She could recall a feeling of revulsion at what her reflection had looked like, however, and concluded that she probably wouldn't like what she'd become, so she resolved to avoid the mirror at all costs in the future.

"Ok Madison, time to head out! No need to be in your cheerleader outfit any longer!" Cassandra called, now that Nicole had fully reverted.

"Finally!" Madison said, hopping up off the bed and quickly marching her athletic figure across the room as Nicole watched her strong, tan legs moving gracefully under her short skirt, remembering the delicious image of her fingering herself on the bed what felt like seconds before. Madison noticed her gaze, rolled her eyes, and gave Nicole the finger.

She looked in the mirror when Cassadra offered it, and the others watched as Madison's angry eyes slowly softened, and the simple Maddie that they knew and loved (or hated, in Nicole's case), slowly returned to them.

"Welcome back Maddie," Professor Streater said. "Do you remember anything?"

"Not really. It was weird - I looked in that big mirror over there, and suddently I couldn't help but keep staring. I can't remember what my reflection looked like, but it was like I was someone else, or like I was watching from a distance as my head got all fuzzy, and then I was gone. When I came back, I was over here by you guys. I have no idea what happened," she said, looking herself up and down. She was encouraged by the familiarity of her cheerleading uniform, though for some reason her bare pussy felt aroused and sensitive under her skirt as she walked over to the door to leave, almost as though she had somehow had sex. She wasn't sure what had happened down here, but she knew she didn't want to repeat it, in spite of the confusingly pleasurable sensations her swaying hips were causing.

"Ok Cassandra, time to keep your promise - let us leave," the petite professor demanded.

"Of course. I should warn you, however, that each of you will have to look into the small mirror above the door for it to open for you. If you have a desire to come back down here when you look into it, you'll never see me down here again, but if you don't want to come back, well, I guess I'll see you here next week, same time, same place, won't I? Oh, and either way, you won't be able to tell anyone else about this place, of course."

Professor Streater was horrified, since she planned to report Cassandra immediately after leaving. She walked over to the door and tried to somehow fool herself into believing that she really did want to come back next week, before finally meeting her own deep blue eyes in the mirror above the door, and feeling her head grow fuzzy as the door swung open. As she walked through, she realized that as much as she hated what Cassandra had done to the girls down there, for some reason she was really looking forward to coming back next week. The two undergrads came through the door shortly thereafter, but instead of discussing the strange events they had experienced that evening as they climbed the stairs, they found themselves talking about how excited they were to return.


Chapter 2: Beyond Good and Evil

The next week passed uneventfully. Maddie was still reeling from her breakup, and couldn't bear to see how Darren and Amber were all over each other in public, though she felt that her blackout the previous week in Cassandra's room in the basement had somehow helped, as though Darren had been less important to her after looking in that mirror. And, all the while, in the back of her mind was a constant reminder of how eager she was to go back to Cassandra's room, even with how off-putting her experience down there had been the previous week.

Nicole left Maddie alone for the most part, though she was still just as contemptuous of her, of course. Nicole was just too busy with her newest girlfriend, and she figured that her loud moans echoing down the residence hall each night would be torment enough. Nicole recalled the strangeness of her experience in the basement, of course, but wasn't worried about it too much. It had been out of her control, and whatever happened had happened, so there was no use dwelling on it. In any case, Nicole remembered the changes Maddie had undergone the previous week after looking in the mirror, and was very interested in possibly seeing that side of her again, which nicely complemented her own strong desire to return to the basement in spite of her slight misgivings about it.

Professor Alexis Streater went through her lectures and meetings almost mechanically, fully absorbed in the horrible moral and ethical implications of what Cassandra was doing, but not currently seeing a way to stop her. If only someone would do something! It never occurred to the professor to talk to anyone about it, however, and she told herself that perhaps she could fix things herself when she went back this week. She was certainly looking forward to it, in any case.


Inevitably, of course, the day arrived, and at 8pm sharp, the trio found themselves at the entrance to the mirror room in the basement once more. Today Maddie was wearing a simple white tshirt that said CHEER! across the front and short pink shorts with the word PINK across the butt that nicely showed off her tanned and toned athletic figure, while Nicole's curves were stuffed into a low-cut tanktop without a bra and the shortest skirt she could get away with. The professor wore slacks and a professional blouse on her petite frame, complete with tasteful pumps. They looked up at the uncovered mirror above the door, felt their heads fuzz slightly, and slowly walked into the room after the door opened. Once again it closed behind them with finality, and they recalled that they'd have to look in the mirror above the door in order to leave.

Cassandra was standing right where she had been the previous week, mirror in hand, waiting for them.

"Welcome back everyone! I'm so glad you all returned this week! Feel free to enjoy yourselves here for as long as you'd like, doing whatever you please," she said with a smile, taking a seat on a nearby chaise.

Maddie and Nicole stayed by the door, remembering their odd experiences from the previous week and determined to avoid the mirror in the middle of the room at all costs, though Nicole hoped Maddie might accidentally glance at it, of course.

The professor was carefully looking around the room in the meantime, desperate to find something she could use against Cassandra, but all she saw was expensive furniture and extravagant decorations. She eventually worked her way to the middle of the room, and began to examine the base and frame of the mirror that had triggered Nicole and Maddie's mental transformations. The entire time she was near it, she could feel her eyes being drawn almost magnetically to the silvery, reflective surface, and in a moment of weakness, she happened to catch a glance of a large, muscular young man somehow reflected in its burnished finish. Confused, she looked around herself in case she'd failed to notice anyone else in the room with them, before looking fully into the mirror as her natural curiosity betrayed her.

She was surprised to see the confident eyes of a virile young man looking back at her, and as her eyes remained glued to his, she realized that this young man was her reflection. She had fallen into the mirror's trap, and knew that within minutes she would fully believe that this young man was her. She tried to keep her mind on her task for the sake of her students, but as her eyes became more and more intently focused on her reflection and her mind began to cloud, she knew that Cassandra had won, and that none of her knowledge of human psychology would be able to save her from the appealing ideas currently invading her mind.

When she thought about it, she realized that her students were responsible for their own actions, and that what was going on here wasn't her fault at all. How could she have known what Cassandra was up to? It was more important for her to start doing what she wanted to for once, and what he wanted was to continue staring at his reflection, feeling his mind grow more reckless and sure of himself as he continued to absorb the mirror's appealing ideas. People were always telling him what to do, and never let him have what he wanted. And what he wanted, he suddenly realized, was what every horny young stud wanted: sex, lots and lots of sex. In fact, Alex could feel himself becoming aroused at that very thought, and hoped that his growing erection wasn't showing through his tight gym shorts. He looked down at his reflection in the mirror and saw that his dick was in fact tenting, but all of a sudden it no longer bothered him that it was clearly visible through the tight fabric. There was nothing like the sight of a large, erect cock on a muscular guy to draw exactly the kind of female attention he was looking for, but it could still get uncomfortable, so he reached down to adjust himself.

When he did so, he was surprised to find that his strong, masculine legs were somehow encased in professional-looking suitpants like his mom would wear. What the fuck?, he thought, pulling at the unfamiliar-feeling elastic material in bewilderment. Forgetting to adjust himself, and completely oblivious to the fact that he didn't actually have a penis, Alex checked the rest of his clothing and immediately noticed that his size 14 feet were somehow crammed into a pair of what seemed to be tiny womens' pumps! That couldn't be right, because his feet had been huge since his growth spurt a few years before, and he didn't think they made girls' shoes that big! Someone had to be messing with him. He kicked off the uncomfortable pumps, ripped off the bottoms of the hose he was apparently wearing, and felt better with his strong feet flat on the ground. He considered removing his girl pants as well, but he didn't know where he was, and didn't want to get arrested for indecency or something.

Lifting his gaze to his chest, he found that, once again, he was wearing women's clothing. What Alex saw as muscular pecs, earned through countless hours in the gym at his high school, were practically bursting the seams of the frilly blouse he found himself in, and he could even feel a bra digging into his chest. Giving himself over to his adolescent rage at the indignity of his situation, he ripped the blouse off and snapped the bra's straps, leaving what he thought was his muscular chest exposed.

The others, however, stared in surprise as their petite, world-renowned psychology professor ripped her blouse and bra off before their eyes, her face and chest flushed with sudden rage as her small, shapely breasts bounced and jiggled with the exertion, completely exposed in the middle of the room. Nicole in particular was drawn by the shapely body her professor had been hiding under her drab clothes, and looked her up and down approvingly.

Alex, for his part, thought little of taking his shirt off like this, especially after glancing around the unfamiliar room and seeing three hot co-eds standing near the door. With this physique, the girls definitely won't mind me showing a little skin. And, he thought, as he felt his adolescent hormones driving him to have sex with as many attractive young women as he could, if I play my cards right, it might even get me laid with one of them later. Grinning, he leaned back against a nearby pillar and placed his hands in his pockets to show off his chest and abs as he openly leered at the three women.

Nicole was quickly becoming more and more taken with this new Professor Streater as she felt the half-naked professor's eyes running up and down her curvy body, almost like a catcalling man's would. Whatever it was, Nicole was digging it. Where had all of this new confidence come from, and where had the professor been hiding that sexy little body? It wasn't fair - the mirror kept turning the women around her into sexy lesbians, so why did she have the feeling that her own experience had been so markedly different?

Maddie, however, was horrified as her revered professor flaunted her perky tits at them, apparently completely unconcerned by the fact that her assets were dangling freely off her petite torso in the first place, as her tasteful blouse lay on the floor in tatters. "Professor Streater, do you think you should, like, maybe put your shirt back on?" she asked tentatively.

"'Professor'? What the fuck are you talking about? It's 'Alex', and I can take my shirt off if I want to," Alex said sullenly. "I think you want me to put my shirt back on because you're enjoying the view a bit too much," he continued, flexing his bulging biceps at her.

Cassandra was watching this exchange with great interest, of course, and while the petite "Alex"'s tits jiggled as she attempted to flex her small arm at Maddie, Cassandra briefly glanced down at her mirror to check the list of the professor's changes.




Cassandra found herself nearly gasping with her own arousal after reading the description of the professor's changes. It was so hot that the mirror had made her think she was an adolescent male, especially one this testosterone-fueled. The professor would be aching to get her throbbing cock into all three of the women present, Cassandra included, even though she didn't have a throbbing cock, which just made Cassandra even hornier.

Meanwhile, bored of Maddie's prudishness, Alex looked back over at Nicole, who was showing very clear signs of interest, and winked at her suggestively. Encouraged by her blush, Alex stood up off the column and swaggered his way over to her, naked breasts bouncing freely, wrapped an arm around her waist, and said "Hi, I'm Alex, I don't think we've met."

Resolving not to let another opportunity slip away like she had last week, Nicole decided then and there that she was going to fuck her psychology professor, right here in Cassandra's room. She looked over at Cassandra. "You said we could do whatever we wanted to in here, right?"

"Absolutely. The bed wouldn't be so big if it weren't there to be used," Cassandra said with a wink, though the clear flush of arousal creeping its way up her neck filled Nicole with suspicion.

"You aren't going to do anything weird to us while we're over there, are you?"

"Not unless you want me too," she responded with a hungry grin.

Alex, however, had gleaned that Nicole was willing to fuck him, and the feeling of her soft body so close to his was more than he could stand. "Come on baby, she said it was ok. Let's go do it," he said as he wrapped his other arm around her and pulled her into him, the feel of her feminine curves against his hard body driving all thoughts out of his mind other than getting his hardening cock into that tight little pussy.

Nicole melted as the surprisingly strong, confident older women pressed her small, naked breasts into her side, and didn't make any attempt to resist as she felt Professor Streater's hand sneaking in to cop a feel of her large, braless breasts.

"I like those tits, bitch," Alex said gruffly as he gave her prominent nipples a pinch. "I bet you like these pecs too."

"Hell yeah," Nicole responded, totally down for whatever masculine roleplay her erstwhile professor now seemed into, as long as she kept doing whatever she was doing to her nipples.

As he groped Nicole's sexy body in her tight clothes, Alex felt his dick throbbing with need against her. Nicole experienced this as a series of pelvic thrusts her small professor was making against her wide hip, becoming even more turned on at her professor's obvious lust for her body. In fact, she seemed completely uninterested in Nicole other than in the pleasure her body could provide, which was exactly what Nicole had been craving - pure carnal pleasure, with no strings attached. Her misgivings about Cassandra forgotten, she allowed herself to be backed against the bed by the much smaller professor, who forcefully kissed her and began to sneak a hand up her short skirt. Nicole moaned encouragingly and quickly slid her panties off, before unbuttoning the professor's slacks and pushing them and her underwear down, revealing the professor's delightfully slick pussy, which Nicole couldn't wait to taste.

Alex, however, had other plans. Damn, this bitch really wants it, he thought to himself as he tried to press his erection against her, momentarily confused when he didn't feel any pressure back. He looked down and panicked when he saw no sign of his dick, afraid that he'd somehow lost his erection this close to banging such an incredibly hot slut.

"Here, you'll probably need this," Cassandra said, walking over and holding out a large strap-on. Alex briefly shook his head in bewilderment, suddenly feeling a strong sense of dysphoria, but once Cassandra bent over and put the strap-on around his naked torso, Alex felt a renewed sense of confidence as his cock proudly rose again, more than ready to sink itself deep into the brunette's willing pussy.

Nicole was briefly puzzled by the way Professor Streater hadn't seemed to notice Cassandra fitting her with a strap-on, but quickly forgot her confusion as the tiny professor pushed her backwards onto the bed and prepared to mount her.

Alex could practically feel the testosterone flooding his virile male body, and eagerly thrust himself deep into Nicole's soaked slit, the pleasurable sensations emanating from his strangely solid, inflexible dick driving him to thrust back into her again and again, as instinct drove the young man to mate with his eager partner.

As Cassandra watched Professor Streater thrusting into her student with her strap-on, watching the dildo grind against the professor's clit on every thrust, Cassandra tried to visualize what the professor must be feeling: a sensitive dick penetrating a slick, receptive pussy, seeming to grow harder and thicker with each thrust as the clitoral stimulation drove the professor toward her own orgasm.

All the while, Maddie was watching in horror as Nicole took advantage of Professor Streater, who was very clearly not herself. She tried to think of a way to get them to stop, and remembered that the mirror would change Nicole into someone else. Whatever Nicole's alter-ego was, it had to be preferable to what was currently going on, so Maddie silently made her way over to the mirror and rotated it so that it was facing the bed.

Nicole had just pulled herself up on top of Professor Streater to ride the strap-on, and was enjoying the feeling of the professor roughly groping her large tits through her thin shirt, but when she briefly looked up from the petite older woman she was fucking, she felt her eyes immediately lock onto those of a cute little Catholic schoolgirl once more. Somehow she had been tricked into looking into the mirror again! She immediately tried to look away, but it was too late - her reflection was staring back at her, and, overwhelmed by an irresistible feeling of submissiveness, Nicole suddenly felt a desire to allow the mirror to continue to work its magic on her, and couldn't bring herself to look away. She felt her familiar need to please others returning, and her posture once more became withdrawn as she grew more and more self-conscious. Suddenly, however, she noticed that another person's reflection had appeared in the mirror's shiny surface, and before she knew it, her sweet, innocent eyes were being pulled over...

Maddie wondered what Nicole's alter-ego looked like, and glanced into the mirror herself to see. She was surprised to find a petite, conservatively-dressed schoolgirl that otherwise looked exactly like Nicole staring out into the real Nicole's eyes. She could see that Nicole was already trapped by the mirror; her shoulders were already slumping with submission, and her deep moans became cuter and higher-pitched as Alex continued to fuck her with the dildo.

When Maddie tried to look away from the mirror, however, she instead found her eyes shifting slightly to the left, where the intense eyes of Madison eagerly met her gaze. She began to feel that familiar floating sensation as her personality began to pull away from her, and, as terrified as she was of what everyone would think of her when her alter-ego fully took over, when she tried to avert her gaze from the mirror, she instead felt an intense rush of arrogant self-confidence, and decided that she would look at the mirror for however long she damn well pleased. The more she did so, of course, the less she cared what the others thought of her, and the more she cared about how good their sexy, feminine bodies would feel in her strong hands as her waning desire for dick continued to slip away. Yes, some fresh pussy was exactly what she needed. But whose?


As Madison continued to glare into the mirror, her double's eyes shifted to the side, and Madison felt her eyes again being drawn back to Nicole's reflection. This time, however, when Nikki's sweet, innocent gaze met her own, Madison felt her head grow fuzzy in spite of her newfound self-reliance, and a new change began to wash over her, heedless of her feeble efforts to resist. She calmed down as she realized that there was a pussy that she wanted to taste above all others, and as she held on to the apathy and indifference that had made her strong, she felt a new desire growing within her to sexually dominate the small, innocent Nikki. Nikki's shyness and submission was clearly an invitation for Madison to assert herself, and this realization filled her with need, making her want to fuck her irresistible little lipstick lesbian lover all the more.

Staring into Madison's angry eyes in the mirror, the conservative Nikki had been similarly filled with an unwelcome lust for the bad-mannered girl she had timidly watched masturbate the previous week, but as the mirror continued to redefine their relationship, her mind compliantly accepted the new reality that Madison was not only her girlfriend, but her Mistress, and she felt her sweet, submissive nature reorient itself toward her volatile partner.

Once their new reality had fully taken hold in the confused lovers' minds, Nikki was released from staring at her girlfriend's sexy, athletic reflection, and woke up overcome with a feeling of unfamiliar pleasure, not unlike the handful of times she'd guiltily explored the sensitive, forbidden area between her legs. But this was much more powerful and pleasurable, with a pulsing, pounding rhythm that was causing an odd pressure to begin building up somewhere deep inside of her. Disoriented and self-conscious, Nikki looked down to see what was causing these confusing sensations, and was surprised as her vision was obstructed by two large, unfamiliar mounds, bouncing and jiggling in time with the pleasurable pounding coming from below. She realized that they were where her small breasts should be, but she must be wearing some sort of padded bra, since they felt much larger and weightier than they should. She still couldn't explain the way they hurt a bit each time they heavily bounced up and down, but by pressing them into her chest with her hands, she was finally able to look down and see what was going on.

She found herself looking down at the naked torso of a petite older woman, and felt the naughty thoughts invade her mind again, driving her arousal from the pleasant pounding even higher, especially with the look of intense desire on the woman's mousy face as she forcefully thrust up into her with what had to be a dildo. Nikki's mind was suddenly fully alert, and she realized that she must somehow be cheating on Madison with another woman! She glanced to the side and saw Madison standing there, but Madison's look of unreserved lust, combined with the growing sensations coming from Nikki's private place and her need to please the attractive woman currently enjoying her body, drove her to continue bouncing up and down on the large plastic cock filling her pussy as the maddening pressure continued to build within her.

When Madison came to, she saw that her petite, repressed Catholic girlfriend/slave was getting absolutely railed by a small woman with a surprisingly large strap-on. It was the hottest thing Madison had ever seen, and she immediately stuck a hand down her pants to finger her needy pussy as she began to shout encouragement to the two of them.

"Oh yeah, fuck my slutty, goody two-shoes slave! You like that, don't you Nikki? You act all sweet and innocent, but when the opportunity presents itself, you just can't resist being a sexy little lesbian slut, can you?"

Nikki knew that her mistress was right, and the rush of embarrassment she felt at being such a slut in front of her mistress made her even hornier. The odd pressure that was building within her with every stroke of the dildo quickly became more than Nikki could handle, and just when she thought she would explode, her body instead began to seize up in orgasm, and she let out a series of high-pitched gasps as she completely lost control of her body in full view of her Mistress and the other women.

Alex, meanwhile, was completely oblivious to the changes taking place in the women around him, entirely focused on grinding himself up into Nikki's receptive body even as she was oblivious to his thrusts in the midst of her change. As he got closer and closer to orgasm, however, he began to thrust more aggressively, eagerly awaiting the moment when he'd bust a nut in this hot slut's slick pussy. Just then, he noticed that the hot cheerleader standing beside them was yelling encouragement at him, getting clearly turned on by him fucking the curvy chick, whose was moaning in orgasm even as her face was contorted with what appeared to be shame and embarrassment. Damn these are some crazy bitches, he thought, but the sight of this hot slut cumming on his dick quickly drove him to the edge, and he fully embraced his instinct to fill the now-strangely-submissive chick bouncing on him with his seed. He thrust himself fully into her as his ab muscles began to contract, and moaned in satisfaction as what felt like liters of jizz burst out of him and into her.

"I'm so sorry Mistress! I don't know what happened! Please punish me!" Nikki cried as she came down from her peak, ashamed of her adultery.

Madison laughed. "It's ok slave. Anyhow, you already know that I need more pussy than I can get from you alone - that's why we have an open relationship, after all. Plus, watching you get drilled by that chick was fucking sexy."

"I know," Nikki responded shyly, still a bit self-conscious about their unusual romance and how far it had taken her out of her comfort zone. "And while I'm fine with you fuc... having sex with other girls, I only want to be yours, and don't want anyone else."

"You enjoyed it though, didn't you," Madison said with an evil grin as her lover nodded guiltily, before leaning in to give her a deep kiss that left her wanting more.

"Yes," Nikki whispered quietly. "I love you, Mistress."

"Yeah, I love you too slave. Move over bitch, it's my turn to fuck my cute little toy," she said, addressing Professor Streater.

"Cute little toy?? Her tits are bigger than your head!" Alex responded, confused but also completely satisfied since he'd just gotten to dump a full load into the curvy slut. He shrugged and sat on the edge of the bed to watch them fuck. Surprisingly his cock didn't seem to have lost any of its ridigity, even after cumming in the hot brunette, so he began jacking himself off as he watched.

In the meantime, Cassandra was glancing down at her mirror, incredibly confused at this unexpected new turn of events. She was surprised to see the following readout:

Madison Lancaster and Nicole Anderson ENEMIES > LOVERS

"Oh, this is new!" Cassandra said excitedly. She'd never seen two people look in the mirror at the same time before, and it seemed that this this allowed the mirror to add additional changes to the victims by reversing their relationships to each other! Cassandra made a mental note to test this new property out further in the near future, and squeezed her legs together as the heat between her thighs continued to grow at the implications of this new development.


Meanwhile, Madison was busy feeling up her submissive lover's small curves through her tight top. "I'm surprised to see you in clothes like this, Nikki. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love the way they show off your tiny figure, but they don't look like what you'd normally wear," she said as she stuck her hand up her curvy girlfriend's short skirt and teased her still-pulsing labia.

Nikki looked down at the tight clothes putting her small body almost entirely on display, and felt another surge of embarrassment-driven arousal as she squirmed on top of her athletic mistress' aggressive fingers. "But you're wearing cheerleading workout clothes, Mistress," she responded with eyes downcast.

"Yeah, it's what I was wearing last time I was here too. Easily remedied though," she said, stripping off her cheerleading tshirt and shorts and revealing her tanned, toned body to the hungry eyes of both her petite girlfriend and the strange woman vigorously stroking the dildo at the foot of the bed. The juxtaposition of that look of carnal need on Nikki's sweet, innocent face never failed to get Madison's motor running, but as she went to grab her lover's head and pull it down to her crotch her hands somehow bumped into Nikki's boobs, which oddly seemed much larger than they normally were. She adjusted her aim and tried again. Nikki, of course, was more than happy to submit to her mistress's desires, and began eagerly licking away.

Cassandra watched with glee as Maddie, who had been completely straight not five minutes ago, forcefully pushed the incredibly willing Nicole down into her lap, while Professor Streater jacked the dildo as she watched them, driving it into her clit and filling her with pleasure. When they finally finished a few minutes later, however, Cassandra decided that it was time to change them back and send them home so that she could have some private fun of her own.

She walked over to the bed and held the small hand mirror out to the two women cuddling in the afterglow. As their original personalities returned, Nicole and Maddie slowly became aware that they were naked in each other's arms, clearly having just had sex. They immediately pushed away from each other in disgust and began dressing, angry at the pleasant tingles still pulsing between their legs that had clearly come at the other's hands (and tongues), even if they couldn't remember it.

Cassandra couldn't help but tease them as they dressed, and quipped "You two really should work on your relationship problems - you make such a cute couple!"

They gave her a withering look as she walked over to the foot of the bed where the professor was still playing with the strap-on and held the mirror in front of her face.

Professor Alexis Streater slowly came to, and sighed in resignation and embarrassment at the realization that she was naked on the bed wearing a strap-on, with a soreness coming from her clitoris that let her know that it had seen considerable action. She calmly unstrapped herself, put her pants back on, and walked back over to the remains of her blouse and bra to cover as much of her nakedness as she could, before heading back over the door to prepare to leave. She was disappointed at how easily she had been duped, and at how easily she had succumbed to the mirror's influence, but there was nothing to be done, she couldn't remember who she had become or what she had done, and she had to focus instead on how she could save herself and her students from Cassandra in the future.

"Ok everyone, same time next week! That is, unless you want to come back, of course!" Cassandra taunted, her hand already playing with her inner thigh, clearly eager for them to leave so she could have some time to herself. "Remember to look in the mirror above the door on your way out!"

A few seconds later it was all over. The three women were climbing the stairs to the first floor, uncomfortable at their inability to remember what had happened, but all incredibly eager to come back and risk experiencing it again nonetheless.


Chapter 3: The Unbearable Lightness of Being

The following week, Maddie got the terrifying news from her mom that her younger sister, Kendal, had a few days off school, and would be coming to stay with her in her dorm. She tried to convince her mom that it would be a bad idea, but nothing she said made any difference, and it only resulted in her being called ungrateful. For some reason she hadn't been able to bring herself to tell her mom the real reason she didn't want her sister here, and before she knew it, her sister was on her way.

To be honest, the whole mirror situation wasn't the only reason Maddie was hesitant to have her sister visit. Maddie loved her sister, but they were very different people, and rarely got along. Kendal was a perfectionist, and extremely concerned with tidiness, which had made her a nightmare to grow up with, She thought highly of herself, and made efforts to let everyone know just how refined and high class she was, though she had had the same upper middle-class upbringing as Maddie. She had even started imitating the Transatlantic accent from old movies in an attempt to sound more posh than her Nebraska upbringing would suggest. Even worse, she was a senior in high school, had just turned 18, and thought she knew everything. She had also recently come out to their parents as ace, which hadn't surprised Maddie, since Kendal had never shown any interest in anyone other than herself, especially in a sexual way.

The day of both her sister's visit and her next scheduled trip to Cassandra's room inevitably arrived, and Maddie was ready for the delicate knock on her door when it came in the middle of the afternoon.

"Ah, hello Maddie dahling," she said when Maddie opened the door.

Maddie rolled her eyes. "Hi Kendal." Their mom said that the whole accent thing was just a phase, but Maddie wasn't so certain, and as much as she hated to admit it, it actually kinda suited her.

They went to grab dinner in the cafeteria, with Kendal complaining about the quality of the food the entire time, before heading back to Maddie's room to relax.

Eventually, however, eight o'clock drew near, and Maddie found herself getting up and beginning to make her way downstairs.

"Where are you going Maddie?"

"Don't worry about it. Stay here," she responded.

"No way, I'm going with you!" Kendal said, hopping up and following her big sister out the door.

Maddie was unable to stop herself from making her way to the basement, and unable to stop her sister from following her, so minutes later the two girls found themselves at the top of the final flight of stairs going down just as Nicole and Professor Streater arrived. The three regulars were dressed as they usually were, with Maddie showing off her toned legs under a pair of short shorts and a tight t-shirt, Nicole leaving nothing about her curvy body to the imagination with a tiny skirt, no underwear, and a tight maroon tank top with generous cleavage, and Professor Streater dressed professionally, if frumpily, in a brown pantsuit and frilly blouse. Kendal stuck out from the other three in her tasteful sundress that accented her slim body's feminine curves without being overtly sexual.

"Who's this?" Nicole taunted.

"My little sister. Leave her alone, Nicole."

Nicole snorted in laughter. "You brought your little sister here?? You're dumber than I thought!"

"Why on earth would you bring her with you?" the professor asked.

"I didn't have a choice! I told her to stay in my dorm room, but she wouldn't, and it's not like I could just not come!" The other two nodded, understanding perfectly. At that moment, the clock struck eight, and the four of them carefully made their way down the stairs and walked through the large door at the bottom.


As they entered the hidden room in the basement for a third time, Cassandra's eyes widened with surprise and delight at the sight of Kendal. "Well, who is this lovely young thing?"

"She's my sister. Please leave her out of this, Cassandra - she hasn't done anything wrong."

"Maddie, you wound me. You know that nobody's forced to do anything they don't want to here. How old are you, my dear?"

"I just tuhned eighteen," Kendal said, looking around the room in awe at the rich furnishings - this was just her style, and the huge, ornate mirror in the middle of the room was the perfect centerpiece. "I love what you've done down heah, especially that amazing mirrah. It's all very classic."

"Why thank you child. You should go have a look in it - it really ties the room together," Cassandra responded enticingly, winking at Maddie and the others.

"Ok!" Kendal gushed in youthful excitement, before skipping over to the mirror and looking into its polished surface before Maddie could stop her.

"No!" Maddie yelled, running over to grab her sister and try to pull her out from in front of the mirror, but she was too late. Kendal's mouth was already slack as she stared with dull eyes into her reflection, unable to look away, and no matter how hard Maddie pulled, she wouldn't budge. Maddie knew that her sister's personality was currently being overwritten by the mirror, and that there was nothing she could do, so she briefly glanced into the mirror herself to try to get an idea of who her sister would become. She was utterly shocked by her sister's nearly unrecognizable reflection, before her gaze was pulled over to the familiar angry stare of Madison, and she began to care less and less about what happened to her sister, and more and more about getting some alone time with her petite, submissive girlfriend, or any other girl that happened to be nearby at the time.

Kendal was confused - she felt compelled to continue looking at the mirror, but the longer she stared, the further her thoughts drifted. And her reflection didn't look anything like her! The woman staring out of the mirror was much older than she was, first of all, with strong freckles and a deep farmer's tan complementing the crow's feet at the corners of her eyes from long days out in the sun, but that couldn't be right, since Kendal was proud of her clear skin and avoided the sun to keep it healthy. Furthermore, this woman was much larger than she was, with a protruding belly, and mature breasts swollen by years of use both by her lovers and by her children, poorly covered by the loose overalls she was wearing. She still looked a bit like Kendal though, to the extent that Kendal might have thought the reflection was her mother's, if not for the obvious blue collar roots and uncharacteristic plumpness.

As Kendal stared with discomfort into the laid-back eyes of the freckled, pudgy face in the mirror, however, she began to be a bit jealous of her double's easygoing manner, and realized that she really didn't have to be so prim and proper all the time. She tried to hide it, but she was a country girl at heart, and there was nothing wrong with that. She saw how ridiculous her affected accent was, and resolved to fully lean into her rural, country twang instead. From now on she'd be true to herself. There was just no reason to be so uptight all the time; most things would work themselves out if you gave them a chance to, and those that wouldn't usually weren't worth the effort anyhow.

Feeling better about her new, carefree outlook on life, Kendal's attention was drawn back to her reflection's appearance. She realized that her initial impression had been too harsh - this was the body of a strong woman who accepted and loved herself for who she was, and didn't feel the need to put on airs to impress others. Kendal was again struck by the simple wisdom of this realization, and was glad she had adopted that outlook at such a young age. She accepted that her own belly, swollen tits, and wrinkles were the sign of a life well lived, and of a person who knew how to enjoy their body. Speaking of which, she realized that her initial disinterest in sex had stemmed from her mistaken belief that she was above her peers, and was too good for the pleasure that they could bring her. Looking at her reflection's well-worn body, which was feeling more and more familiar to her, however, she saw all of the pleasure an ignorant young girl could easily cheat herself out of by thinking too highly of herself. In her many years of experience, Kendal had quickly learned that letting others do stuff to her body felt good, so she'd let as many people as possible do so as often as possible, male or female, young or old.

Kendal's eyes drifted over to her sister, who was apparently looking into the mirror with her, and she felt her mind grow fuzzy again as the details of their relationship somehow began to grow... clouded. Maddie had always been relatively nice to her, but they had never had much in common, and she had always felt like Maddie had never taken her seriously, or deferred to Kendal's age and wisdom. It was time she started showed Kendal the respect she deserved. After all, Kendal had carried the ungrateful brat for 9 months and given birth to her, hadn't she? She remembered how easy her pregnancy had been, and how natural it had felt. She also remembered how natural the night of pleasure with a random stranger had felt that had given her Maddie in the first place. He had been a city boy who had thought her country accent was sexy, and apparently thought her country body was even sexier, since he had eagerly deposited load after load into her fertile, unprotected pussy before heading back to the city, never to be heard from again.

Kendal hadn't minded though. She liked being a woman, and feeling her body swell with life had been part of that experience. She rubbed her small hands up and down the soft fabric of the sundress covering her slim, virginal, 18 year old body as she looked at her buxom figure in the mirror, remembering how her mature body had stayed swollen, soft and jiggly after that first pregnancy, her nipples and areolas visible large and dark under the thin straps of her overalls. The men had liked her mom bod, and the women had too, she thought wistfully, licking her lips at the memory of the pleasure the tongues of all of her curvy, feminine lovers had brought to her sensitive body over the years. She had felt proud when Madison had come out to her as a lesbian, both because of the trust that Madison had showed in her as a mother, and because they could bond over their mutual taste in pussy. The fact that it meant more dick for Kendal as well was just a bonus.

In the meantime, Madison was so obsessed with her own thoughts of getting laid that she didn't even notice as her younger sister became her mother. When she finally looked over and met her mom's wrinkled gaze in the mirror, she remembered all of the sexy stories - and women - they had shared over the years. Madison rolled her eyes at the sight of her mom wearing nothing but a pair of overalls; she wasn't surprised, since she knew how much of a slut her mom was, which was why Madison had never known her father. Not that any of this bothered her, of course. It was none of her business, and hell, her mom was probably where she'd gotten her own love of polyamory from. It was definitely where she'd learned to lick a pussy properly.

As the two were (re-)discovering themselves, Cassandra glanced down at her hand mirror to see what the exact nature of the changes were.


Kendal Lancaster POSH > REDNECK


Kendal Lancaster and Madison Lancaster SISTERS > MOTHER AND DAUGHTER


Cassandra lowered the mirror practically quaking with arousal. The sisters' newly discovered relationship with each other, and their shared extreme sexuality, was almost more than she could stand. She was so incredibly tempted to break her one rule, and insert herself into the sexual hijinks that were sure to ensue with these two in the room.

Madison was finally able to look away from her mother's gaze in the mirror, and, remembering the first few times she had come to in this strange room, immediately looked down at her clothes. This time she was prepared for the mild dysphoria she felt seeing the casual cheerleader/sorority girl outfit she once again found herself in, and even pulled the shorts up a bit and tied up her tshirt to show off her tight ass and toned abs more clearly, while she looked around the room to take stock of her current situation.

Kendal was discovering her own odd clothing, tugging on the small sundress that fit her petite body like a glove as though it were uncomfortably tight across her bust and hips. Once she had it situated over her belly as best she could, she pulled the chest straps of the dress down and to the sides a bit to show off more of her massive cleavage, not realizing that she had fully revealed her slim figure's small breasts and pert nipples in the process.

"Madison, look at this here dress I'm wearin'! It looks right purty!" she said, eager to show off to her daughter. The small sundress was something she might have worn decades ago, and seeing herself in a pretty number like this again was bringing back a strong dose of sexually-charged nostalgia.

"Mom, how on earth did you manage to pour yourself into that tiny thing?" Madison asked. "You look like a tramp!"

As Kendal continued to check herself out, Madison looked across the room and noticed Nicole for the first time.

"Nikki! What on earth happened to you? You look so odd, like you've put on about forty pounds, and in all of the right places too! Get over here bitch, and let me get my hands on that sexy body!" Nicole remembered how much she had wanted just this to happen, for Maddie's sexy alter-ego to come on to her like this, but the bizarre experience she had had last week with the altered Professor Streater, combined with the odd way this new Maddie had called her sister "Mom" and her "Nikki", had Nicole a bit weirded out at the whole thing.

"No thanks, I think I'll just stay over here with the professor today," Nicole said, drawing back a few steps, almost defensively.

Confused and, surprisingly, even a bit hurt, Madison turned to her mother to explain the situation. "Mom, this is my girlfriend Nikki that I was telling you about, but she's acting really weird. Last time I was here, I heard them saying that the mirror changes you - I think they made Nikki look in that mirror, and she changed into this weird girl. If we can make her look in the mirror again, she may change back!"

"Awright then, let's go git her!" Kendal stomped over to where the usually confident Nicole was practically cringing in fear, grabbed her by the arm, and started yanking her over toward the mirror.

"What are you doing, you crazy bitch! Let me go!" Nicole yelled as the small teenage girl's surprising strength overpowered her and she felt herself being pulled closer and closer to the mirror's calm surface, full of dangerous potential.

"Y'all need to come with me now, and look in this here mirror!" Kendal finished dragging the much larger Nicole over to the mirror, and held her steady while Madison opened her eyes and forced her to look at her meek, petite reflection. Immediately Nicole felt the fight go out of her, and began to feel more and more comfortable with the sensation of being firmly held in another woman's powerful arms as her desire for the fairer sex flared back up, and she began to hope the strong woman holding her in place might take advantage of her in her weakened state. Kendal was looking into the mirror as well to ensure that whatever was supposed to happen to Nikki happened, but once the busty girl in her arms stopped resisting, she felt her own eyes drawn to the girl in the mirror, and was surprised at the petite vixen she found reflected there.

Madison looked into the mirror as well, just in case that would help Nikki find herself, but her girlfriend and her mom had already locked eyes with each other, and Madison had no choice but to wait passively, frozen in place, as her lover and mother became more and more familiar with each other. As Madison's mind calmy accepted the new sexual relationship between her mom and her girlfriend, Kendal's tight grip on Nikki's arms loosened slightly, and she began to slide her hands up and down the familiar curves of what she now saw as her own petite little lover, in addition to being her daughter's girlfriend. Nikki's squirming had long since stopped being about escape, and was now due her increasing arousal at the hands of her girlfriend's eager and experienced mother.

Cassandra watched the busty goth's large tits jiggle as Maddie's tiny sister manhandled them, and slowly came up behind the three women and looked into the mirror with them, unable to hold herself back anymore. She smiled through her spectacles at her complete lack of a reflection, and admired the differences between the three women and their doubles as she brought up her hand mirror once more to see the changes.


Kendal Lancaster and Nicole Anderson UNACQUAINTED > DISCREET LOVERS


When the three girls were finally released from the mirror's grasp, Kendal found herself free to explore her young companion further. When she slid her hand under Nikki's short skirt and found her naked pussy waiting, already wet with arousal, she felt herself flush with excitement.

"Little Nikki, wearing a short skirt and no undergarments? That's not like y'all at all!" she whispered intensely into the girl's ear, feeling the girl shiver at her hot breath.

"Mrs. Lancaster, we can't do this anymore! Madison is my girlfriend, and it feels wrong to have... relations... with her mother so often," Nikki said. Tellingly, however, she made no effort to extricate herself from her mature lover's embrace, and in fact sank into it even further as the older woman nibbled her earlobe, sending embarrassed tingles up and down her spine. When she realized that she had somehow forgotten to wear panties once again, she blushed with shame at her own wantonness even as she softly thrust herself down onto Kendal's hand, unable to resist her own carnal urges as the practiced fingers teased apart the her slick labia and slowly made their way into her uncovered depths. Nikki justified her promiscuous behavior with the clear enjoyment Mrs. Lancaster was getting from taking advantage of her, and knew that Madison was well aware of how strong her submissive urge to please others was, especially with her body.

Madison just laughed, filling Nikki with a healthy dose of relief, embarrassment, and arousal. "It's ok, bitch. I fuck other women all the time, and I know you can't resist the affections of an assertive woman. And it's not like I didn't know what you two have been doing - I've been enjoying myself watching you for months!"


As Madison joined what she saw as her milfy mother and petite, submissive lover in their tryst, Cassandra made her way back over to where Professor Streater was standing in the corner with her face to the wall.

"Hello Professor. You don't want to join the activities today?"

"Absolutely not. I have no desire to replace my personality with some one else's. Last week was an accident, and it won't happen again," the professor said resolutely, still refusing to face her captor.

"But you had so much fun last week! We all did! And you remember what it felt like to look in the mirror - it'll be nice, like a dream," Cassandra wheedled.

"But I can't even remember what I did!" the professor yelled.

"That just means that whatever happened isn't your fault, and that you're not responsible for those actions. And look how much fun the others are having!"

The professor glanced over toward the center of the room, not realizing that Cassandra had turned the mirror to face her before coming over. She was momentarily surprised by the erect cock pressing against the tight gym shorts of the muscular young man facing her back out of the mirror, clearly visible even across the room, but even as she realized how she had been duped, she felt a surge of pride at how big that cock was as a familiar sensation of intoxicating strength and virility began to flow through her. She had to admit, Cassandra was right about how good it felt to feel so young and, well, sexual. She found herself walking over to the mirror to see his body better, flexing as he went, as he once again felt himself filling with an intense, testosterone-fueled desire to sink his sensitive cock into a tight, receptive little pussy. He hadn't really thought past that point, about how that pussy would probably soon have him spurting inside of it. Intellectually he knew the risks what could happen if he wasn't careful, of course, but the instinct was too strong for him to resist, and he was entirely too young to worry about things like consequences.

Once he stopped admiring his muscles and straining cock in the mirror, Alex looked down in dismay to once again find that he was wearing a frumpy women's business suit. Remembering how well things had gone for him last time he found himself in this predicament, however, he decided to strip to his boxers, leaving Cassandra to enjoy the view as the petite professor practically ripped off her own clothes, her cute little tits bouncing appealingly with the exertion of getting herself out of her offensive garments. Once she was wearing nothing but boy shorts that she pulled tight to clearly outline her plump cameltoe, Cassandra watched her look around the room hungrily, her eyes settling on the three cute coeds making their way toward the bed in the center of the room.

Alex recognized the hot curvy slut that he'd emptied his cock into last week, as well as what had seemed to be her girlfriend after she got all weird, but there was a new girl this time, and she was quite the piece of eye candy. She was in the process of stripping off a sundress, revealing a petite body that had an inviting softness to it, as opposed to the leggy, more muscular petite girl beside her. Looking at their nubile young bodies in a clear state of arousal was more than Alex could stand, so he began to make his way over, stripping off his boxers along the way, unable to resist his eager cock's instinctual desire to slide itself into the new girl's soft little pussy.

Kendal looked over at the cute little mid-30s woman making her way over to the bed, stark naked, titties shaking as she proudly strode her way over. "Mind if I join?" the woman asked confidently, as she absentmindedly strapped a dildo onto herself and began stroking it.

"Come on then! The more the merrier!" Kendal said, almost taken aback by the other woman's surprising assertiveness, but, eager for a new experience, she allowed Madison to take over for her in the important task of roughly driving petite little Nikki to orgasm. Kendal bent herself over the edge of the bed and spread her legs wide to allow the large dildo full access to the ready pussy dripping with anticipation between her large, cushiony asscheeks, framed by her wide birthin' hips and thick thighs.

Alex couldn't believe his luck. Just the girl he'd had his eye on had practically thrown herself at him, just like last time, and he wasted no time in positioning himself behind her, rubbing his hands over her petite, creamy young thighs and tight, firm ass, before grabbing on to her narrow hips and sliding his dick inch by exhilarating inch into her tight, wet canal. He finally bottomed out, feeling his dick jerk with pleasure and satisfaction, before withdrawing and setting up a nice rhythm inside this new young slut.

As Kendal enjoyed the familiar sensation of being pleasantly fucked by a dildo strapped to a hot woman, she suddenly remembered something. "Ah almost forgot; ah think you're s'posed to look in the mirror before you fuck. It's a rule or sumthin'."

"Whatever," Alex said, willing to do literally anything to stay inside this fresh young pussy as he felt the familiar tightening sensation just beginning within his balls. As the two of them looked into the mirror though, Alex was surprised to discover that what he'd thought was a cute little co-ed was actually a mature, curvy milf. He continued to pump himself in and out of her, of course - fucking his stepmom was one of his favorite pastimes - but he'd had her so many times that he was starting to crave someone fresher and younger. Even so, he could definitely see what his dad had seen in her before he passed - the woman was insatiable, and the pussy was like a vacuum. He could usually only stand a few strokes inside his experienced stepmom once she decided to start milking him before he shot himself off like a geyser inside of her.

Kendal, for her part, was focused on the reflection of the hard dick hanging off this young stud, her second husband's son from a previous marriage, as it pistoned in and out of her in building need. She decided she'd let him think he was lasting a little longer this time before tightening her muscles and driving him over the edge, which would send him spurting deep into her cunt, as usual. She was glad they weren't actually related, especially with how often they fucked and how casual she was with her birth control. She grinned evilly at Alex's hot, young reflection in the mirror, tightened herself around him, and he moaned in surprise and pleasure as he found himself cumming inside his sexy stepmom yet again.

Madison and Nikki looked up at the commotion, met Alex's eyes in the mirror, and sighed passively as their reserved former professor became a young, insatiably horny male member of their family. Madison briefly thought about how gross it was for her step-brother to be fucking her mom again. If she wasn't more careful, she was gonna get knocked up again. Oh well, it was none of her business, and Nikki's tongue was so distracting...

Cassandra walked over to the orgy on the bed and looked down at her mirror to see the final round of changes.


Alexis Streater and Kendal Lancaster UNRELATED > STEPMOTHER AND STEPSON


Madison Lancaster and Alexis Streater UNRELATED > STEPSIBLINGS


Cassandra's knees went weak at the sight of all of these women thinking they were related fucking each other, and she staggered against the bed as her arousal got the better of her. At that exact moment, however, Alex's passionate flailing as he came inside his stepmom got a little too wild, and his elbow slammed into Cassandra's cheek, knocking off her spectacles.

She bent down to pick them up and was glancing around to regain her balance when she suddenly realized that she was looking fully into the mirror, completely unprotected. Taken aback by what she saw, she instinctively tried to look away, but a childlike curiosity suddenly overcame her, and she realized that she wanted to look for just a few more seconds, to see what her reflection looked like more closely. It was already too late, of course, and she was long past the point of being able to avert her gaze.

The full weight of what she had accidentally done began to sink in, even as her precious control slipped away from her. She had thought of herself as a strong person, clever, with an unbreakable will, but now she realized just how fragile her own personality and reality were as they began to crumble around her. For so long she had believed that she was the one in charge, that she controlled the mirror, but now she knew that she was just as susceptible to its power - the mirror was the one in charge here, and she had merely been its pawn. Her hand unclasped, and her small hand mirror fell to the floor and shattered.

Cassandra had always been obsessed with control, but now that she was being forced to give it up, she felt so unburdened and carefree, as though a weight had been lifted off her shoulders, leaving her light and free to enjoy life. As she continued to stare into her reflection, she saw the excitement in her double's gaze, and thought that maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. Her reflection's eyes stared up at hers, wide with innocence and wonder, and Cassie couldn't help but be infected by that intense curiosity, letting out a giddy giggle at her reflection, at the hole in her smile where her front teeth had fallen out, and at the way her curls bounced in the mirror. She looked down at the dress her reflection was wearing - she looked like a princess! She was so glad that mommy had allowed her to play dress-up today! She was going to have so much fun!

Cassie looked around the mirror’s reflection and saw other people there as well! She gave them a toothy grin as her eyes were drawn to each of theirs in turn, vaguely aware of the fact that some part of her was changing subtly as she did so.


The others had all glanced over at the sound of Alex banging into Cassandra and her glasses falling to the floor, and they were all quickly trapped in the mirror together as each of them learned their new relationship with little Cassie.

Alex was briefly confused by the sight of the little girl in the mirror beside him, but then a paternal protectiveness began growing within him, and once he was freed from the mirror’s grasp he managed to persuade his young daughter to get back off the bed so they could go play somewhere together and leave the rest of the family to their activities.

Meanwhile, Madison and Nikki each stared into the cute child’s eyes for a few seconds before sharing a knowing, longsuffering look at Madison's little sister's antics, before getting back to the much more important task of giving each other a seemingly endless series of orgasms.

Kendal grinned as she watched her sexy stepson playing with their daughter. She remembered the night little Cassie had been conceived: she had warned Alex that it wasn't safe, but then had given his sensitive young cock one of her patented pussy massages anyway, knowing full well that the horny stud wouldn't be able to resist. Well, not only had he not pulled out - that rascal had sunk himself up to the hilt and started spurting balls deep. The thick cum from his virile young body had been more than her fertile pussy could handle, and he had plumb knocked her up. There hadn't been another accident since little Cassie, but with the insatiable Alex riding her bareback as often as he did and continually cumming in her unprotected pussy, it was just a matter of time before their little family grew even larger. Looking over at the clock on the wall, however, she noticed that it was way past Cassie's bedtime. "Awright y'all, it's time to head 'em up and move 'em out!"

Everyone let out a collective groan of disappointment, but as easygoing as Mrs. Lancaster was, she was anal when it came to parenting her youngest, and so her slutty daughter and her daughter's cute little gf, along with her stepson holding hands with their little daughter all began to slowly dress and make their way over toward the door.

"I don't know why I'm always wearing some old woman's clothes when I'm in here!" Alex yelled in disgust as he put on the blouse and pantsuit so as not to be indecent when they got outside.

"At least you're not wearing slutty clothes like I am," Nikki commented quietly, and in turn, each of the others complained about their clothes as well. All with the exception of little Cassie, who absolutely loved the green gown she had found herself in.

As they approached the door, words crawled across the broken shards of the hand mirror back over by the bed, completely unnoticed by the happy family.




Madison Lancaster, Kendal Lancaster, Nicole Anderson, Alexis Streater, and Cassandra Morgana MISCELLANEOUS > HAPPY HOUSEHOLD


"This place is so neat - I can't wait to come back here tomorrow!" the usually apathetic Madison said excitedly.

"I know!" Nikki said. "It was so much fun!"

Everyone echoed their sentiments, but when they finally got over to the door, it didn't seem to want to open.

"Y'all, how do we get outta here?"

"Gotta look inna miwwow!" Cassie said knowledgeably. She looked up at the mirror, felt her eyes unfocus briefly, and giggled as the door swung open.

The others looked into the mirror in turn, before the happy family ventured out of the basement together, suddenly aware that they never wanted to come back to this place again.

Meanwhile, back in Cassandra's room, the mirror stood alone on its pedestal, patiently waiting to assist the next person in need of some self-reflection.

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