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I write short erotic stories that often include physical transformation.
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Author's Note: This story is a fun commission reward for one of my awesome patrons. Standard disc...

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Author’s Note: This story started as a fun commission reward for one of my awesome patrons. Stand...

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Author's Note: Standard disclaimer applies: this story contains fictional depictions of erotic sc...

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Author's Note: Standard disclaimer applies: this story contains fictional depictions of erotic sc...

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Author's Note: Standard disclaimer applies: this story contains fictional depictions of erotic scenarios, so act accordingly! All characters are at least eighteen, all situations are entirely fictional, and any resemblance to any real-life individuals or situations is entirely coincidental. Copyright Fidget, all rights reserved. Enjoy!

LifeSim: Breeding Expansion Chs. 1-5

by Fidget

Chapter 1

Kenneth was living the suburban dream. He had a happy marriage, got along great with his neighbors, and, aside from the occasional spat with his HOA, loved his neighborhood.

He had many of the qualities of the stereotypical nerd, though he had been more drawn toward the accounting side of things than the computers side. Even so, he still enjoyed the casual computer game from time to time, and simulation games had always been a favorite of his for the deep management mechanics they provided.

So, when he came across a game he'd never heard of called LifeSim on sale one day, it was a no-brainer to give it a try. Once he was on the sale page, he saw that the game had a ton of expansions, all sold separately, of course. He initially intended to just buy the base game, but while scrolling down the list of DLC one particular entry jumped out at him: the Breeding Expansion. He'd enjoyed playing genetic scientist in similar games in the past, so he decided to add the Breeding Expansion to his cart as well, completed his purchase, and began the installation.

A few minutes later the words Welcome to LifeSim: Breeding Expansion! flashed across his screen, alongside an isometric picture of a generic suburban neighborhood. The game that shows you first-hand just how much fun making babies can be. Warning: this is the Breeding Expansion, so all of the women in your neighborhood have been made hyper-fertile for easier breeding.

Kenneth chuckled a bit to himself at the message. It made sense that the women in this expansion would be more likely to get pregnant than in the base game, but he wasn't sure that it was a change that warranted an actual warning.

Either way, he got to work designing his avatar. It was easy enough to create a character with a reasonable approximation of his own features, and then he moved on to selecting character traits for his digital double. Even though it was the Breeding Expansion, Kenneth was still surprised to see just how many characteristics and traits had to do with romance, sex, and reproduction. He decided to go all in on the "romancing" traits to make his character a true ladies' man, checking the boxes for "Super Charisma", "Smooth Talker", "Alluring Voice", "Sensual Touch", "Arousing Musk", "Animal Magnetism", and a few others. There, that should be more than enough to get his lucky avatar all of the action he'd ever want.

Kenneth himself had never been especially popular, and though he'd had his share of girlfriends before meeting his wife Becca, he still had a bit of a fantasy of being one of those super-popular jocks, spreading their wild oats with all the popular girls and cheerleaders.

His avatar would need a much more understanding wife than his own for what he had in mind, so once he was finished making as close an approximation of his cute blonde partner as he could, he gave her the "Likes to Watch" and "Spread the Love" traits so she'd be fine with his avatar having free reign in their neighborhood.

When he finally felt satisfied with himself and his wife, he decided it would take far too long to customize each person in his large subdivision, so he just clicked "Auto-populate neighborhood" instead. After a few minutes of loading screens filled with gameplay tips about how to find an appropriate mate for his avatar and how to plan for children, Kenneth finally got to see his digital neighborhood for the first time, and was surprised to find that it was a remarkably accurate copy of his own. Huh, must use GPS data or something, he thought to himself, making a note to disable any location tracking in the program at some point in the future.

He spent a few minutes doing random chores around the house getting used to the game's controls, grinning a bit as his wife's avatar visibly swooned whenever he walked into a room she was in, complete with little hearts popping up above her head. Not even Becca is safe from my new animal magnetism, he thought smugly to himself. Shortly thereafter, his and his wife's avatars were summoned to a neighbor's house for a party, and after a flirty dress-up session, headed next door.

Kenneth snickered a bit when he saw that his avatar's irresistibly high charisma was making all of the women at the party swoon as well. They had the same hearts above their head when he was near them that his wife did, always laughed at his jokes, and he could see their "Arousal" meters increase each time his character interacted with them. It didn't take long for most of the girls at the party to be turned on enough to initiate "boinkboink", the game's ridiculous euphemism for sex, and Kenneth found that that willingness extended to the married women as well. It is the Breeding Expansion, after all, he thought to himself, trying to choose which of his neighbors his avatar would merge his digital DNA with first.

One brunette that looked surprisingly like his neighbor Linda was working a bit harder for his avatar's affection than the other women, clearly overwhelmed by his charms, but then Kenneth was surprised to see his avatar suddenly accompanying her to her bedroom, entirely without his input. Well, with how hyper-charismatic he'd made his avatar, he could imagine how tempting it must be to have all of those attractive women practically throwing themselves at him, so he couldn't fault his avatar too much for giving in to the temptations of the flesh.

The two immediately began making out as soon as they reached the bedroom, and it wasn't long before they moved on to the bed to consummate their programmed attraction to each other. Kenneth watched with interest as his avatar and the milfy brunette went at it, writhing in pleasure under the sheets in a surprisingly graphic sex scene that left Kenneth feeling a bit aroused by the end of it. He couldn't see any indication that contraception had been an option for either of the characters, and, curious, he clicked Help to see if the game had even included it. All he found there was a simple statement: All forms of birth control have been deactivated in your neighborhood for your pleasure! Enjoy!

Kenneth was distracted from watching his avatar recover from his passionate lovemaking session by his real wife, who had unexpectedly popped her head into his office. She informed him that their next-door neighbors, Linda and Tom, had invited them over for a neighborhood get-together that evening, and that, since they didn't have anything else planned, she'd agreed. Kenneth thought it was a bit odd for a party to be announced on such short notice, but it had been a while since they'd attended any of the neighborhood functions, so he saw no reason not to go.

LifeSim had an auto-save system, so Kenneth quit the game to get ready. He was surprised to see Becca staying in the bedroom with him as he dressed for the party, taking a much more active role than usual in helping him pick out what to wear, and oddly eager to help him out of his clothes as he undressed. The attention and her hands on his body was starting to get him a bit excited, and all the while Becca was giving him very clear indicators that she was feeling friskier than usual, but they had to get moving if they were going to arrive at the party on time, so Kenneth decided to to take a rain check. Both clearly a bit flustered, they hurriedly finished their preparations and headed over.

Linda greeted them at the door, and Kenneth was confused by her eyes widening slightly and her nostrils flaring when she first looked at him. He figured that in his rush out the door he had forgotten to brush his hair or something, but then Linda wrapped him in an uncharacteristic hug, and Kenneth was treated to the pleasant sensation of the brunette mother-of-two's large breasts pressed tightly against his chest. He thought he heard a deep inhalation through her nose as she briefly lay her head on his shoulder, and was glad that he'd remembered to wear deodorant. After holding the hug long enough for Kenneth to familiarize himself a bit more than he had anticipated with the appealing contours of her early 30s body, Linda released him and led the two into the house.

Strangely, Becca didn't seem at all bothered by Linda's odd hug - if anything, she became even more affectionate, clasping herself onto his arm and looking up into his face dreamily. Wow, she's especially frisky tonight, Kenneth thought to himself, eagerly looking forward to the end of the party so he could go home and take full advantage of his wife's amorousness.

Even so, it was good to see everyone again, and he soon found himself surrounded by a group of young women from the neighborhood. He had met all of them before, but they each looked especially attractive tonight with their bright eyes, rosy cheeks, and easy smiles. Kenneth did what any married man did when interacting with members of the opposite sex whom he found attractive; namely, try to subtly appreciate how good they looked without being too obvious about it.

Still, the women weren't making it easy. Each of them seemed to be subtly showing off their bodies' best assets, and so wherever he turned he had to make a conscious effort to avoid staring at an appetizing array of breasts, waists, hips, and thighs, all exuding a feminine sex appeal that began to affect him on an instinctual level. The women in the enviable position of being closest to him even began "accidentally" touching his arm as they continued to inhale his scent, and before long had wrapped themselves around him in a manner that dangerously approached impropriety.

Kenneth also noticed that he himself was also acting ever so slightly out of character, finding himself coming up with an endless supply of witty, slightly suggestive repartee that never ceased to result in flushed cheeks and seductive lip bites. He wasn't sure why he was being so cheesy, or why it was having such good results, but he decided to go along with it as long as everything stayed innocent and all in good fun.

This must be what may avatar in LifeSim feels like everyday! he thought happily, basking in the attention of women of all shapes, sizes, and ages as they hung on his every word, laughing gaily at everything he said while idly playing with their hair. He could no longer deny that every single one of them was flirting with him, and flirting hard, but he also couldn't deny that he was loving it.

His most obvious admirer was definitely Linda. She'd never shown any interest whatsoever in him before tonight, but now she'd maneuvered herself into being the person immediately to his right in his initial circle of women, and, as the hostess of the party, it was easy for her to manufacture situations for them to be alone as the night progressed. Linda was clearly going for the "hot mom" look, keeping herself fit after having her two children while also embracing and displaying her voluptuous maternal curves. It was a look that Kenneth thought worked quite well for her, especially as she kept adjusting her tight blouse lower and lower over the course of the night and upgraded her casual touches to intimate half-hugs, squeezing herself against him while he tried not to enjoy the pleasant tingles that such close contact with her curvy body gave him.

As attracted as he was to the flirty housewife, however, Kenneth nonetheless felt that at some point her touches had crossed the line. No matter how much he was enjoying the attention, he was faithful to his wife, and ultimately extricated himself from Linda's admittedly pleasurable grip.

As he did so, however, he felt a buzz from his pocket. When he went to check his phone, he was surprised to see that he somehow had a notification from LifeSim, which was odd since he'd closed the program before leaving and had never entered his phone number or any other identifying information. Nonetheless, he saw that his avatar had just been assigned the trait "Impulsive Behavior" as a punishment for some reason, which just confused him further. Apparently the game was somehow continuing to run in the background even after he had closed it, and had also figured out how to contact him with gameplay updates. Deciding to deal with it later, Kenneth dismissed the notification and focused his attention back on the party.

The next time Linda flirted with him, however, wrapping herself around his arm once more under the pretense of showing him around the house, pressing her breasts against him as her eyes sparkled seductively with mirth and interest, Kenneth suddenly found himself thinking that maybe there was nothing wrong with enjoying her affections a bit more. Heck, the way all of the women at the party were throwing themselves at him tonight was clearly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so he should just let himself savor the pleasure he got from it while he could. It wasn't like anything too scandalous could happen in such a crowded environment anyway.

Kenneth was feeling a bit wild himself after all of Linda's advances and began secretly returning her affections, pulling her against him and squeezing her waist as he discreetly explored some of her soft curves. Linda's eyes turned smoky at seeing her interest returned, however, and after a few minutes of escalating inappropriate touches on both of their parts that had them both breathing a bit heavily, Linda grabbed his arm and told him that there was something she wanted to show him back in her bedroom. From the warm flush of arousal on her face, it was perfectly clear what she wanted to show him, but it still somehow seemed to Kenneth that there was nothing wrong with going with her for just a few minutes. He could experience a bit more direct, harmless, uninhibited physical flirtation with Linda, which he could already tell would feel very nice, get it all out of his system, and then still be able to get back to the party before his wife noticed he was gone. Plus, he just really wanted to go with her for some reason, and so he did.

Sure enough, Linda had far more in mind than light flirtation when they got back into her bedroom, and immediately pulled Kenneth into a fiery kiss that sent tingles through his body. He pulled her tight against him and kissed his way down her neck while she mumbled half-hearted excuses for her highly inappropriate behavior.

"Oh god, I don't know what's come over me. I'm never like this," the woman sighed helplessly as her thick nipples hardened through her blouse under his probing hands. "There's just something about you tonight, Kenneth. You're just so charming, and witty and... irresistible." She moaned encouragingly as Kenneth, clearly caught up in his own growing arousal by this point, impulsively unbuttoned the front of her blouse and released the front clasp of her bra, freeing her large tits, heavy from nursing two children, into his eager hands. "It's like your charisma is suddenly through the roof tonight, and I'm just a simple girl, helpless to resist your masculine charms." The stimulation of her sensitive nipples between his fingers was starting to rev her engine back up, however, and she quickly forgot her weak protestations and began to take a much more active and enthusiastic role in the disrobing process.

That final remark struck a bit of a chord within Kenneth, however, just enough to get him to pull away slightly in confusion and unease. "I shouldn't. I should probably get back to Becca," he mumbled, trying to fight against this inexplicable new tendency toward impulsive behavior that he had felt growing within him over the past half hour. That desire to just enjoy himself without considering the consequences had already led to enthusiastically groping his older neighbor's (admittedly glorious) naked breasts, and was now urging him to stay put, keep encouraging Linda's affections, and see where all of this would lead.

His partner in crime, meanwhile, had teased her hand down to his throbbing dick and was squeezing and stroking, which was not exactly making things easier for him as he tried to balance the weight of his concerns with that of the bouncy D-cups in his hands.

"It seems like you want to stay right here," Linda purred, having already resigned herself to her inevitable coupling with her inexplicably desirable neighbor. Kenneth was unable to resist the temptation to explore Linda's willing body a bit more as she deftly unfastened his belt, and soon his seductress had his sensitive cock twitching in her soft hands.

Kenneth felt his impulsiveness building within him again, and this time didn't have the strength to resist. He pushed Linda back onto the bed, and she giggled like a schoolgirl in shy, aroused excitement as she pulled up her skirt and slid her panties down her thighs. Kenneth finally gave in to his desire to thrust himself against her, enjoying the feel of his naked cock sliding across the textured folds of her entrance.

He had intended to enjoy only a bit of direct contact against her skin, maybe some mutually pleasurable dry-humping at most, but Linda discreetly shifted the angle of her hips as he rubbed himself against her, and her pussy enthusiastically welcomed him inside anyway, having already prepared its slick, stimulating embrace for his arrival. Kenneth felt himself sink deeply into her, shocked by just how good her sudden, enveloping slickness felt around his stiff cock. He knew that he was cheating on his wife, and that he should stop, but he really wanted to fuck Linda now that he was inside her, and so that's what he did, sliding out a bit before thrusting himself back in, feeding his arousal as it continued to build. He increased his pace, slamming into her again and again, hypnotized by her large tits as they bounced beneath him with the force of his mindless thrusts.

Linda's slick pussy was designed to tease his cock into cumming inside it, and it did its job well. They both felt Kenneth's body tensing up as his limit approached, and Linda began to beg him to cum inside her, somehow knowing that his orgasm would trigger her own. The look of wanton need on Linda's face was the hottest thing Kenneth had ever seen, and though he knew cumming inside her unprotected like this was a bad idea, her pussy was so warm and welcoming, and felt so good, that it was too easy to just relax and allow the urgent sensations coming from his pelvis to continue for just a little longer. He was caught completely unawares when his dick suddenly tightened inside her, and he felt his balls clench powerfully before he could pull out, sending the first spurt of their contents deep into his milfy neighbor's eagerly waiting reproductive tract.

Linda cried out in pleasure as her core muscles began their own reflexive clenching, causing her silky, textured folds to pull against his cock even more insistently as it pulsed, coaxing him to continue. At this point, however, Kenneth's body needed no further encouragement. He felt Linda's strong legs wrap around his torso, holding him inside, and despite his worries about nutting in his neighbor raw like this, his balls continued their rhythmic contractions nonetheless, ignoring his concerns. His body was intent on thoroughly inseminating this desirable new female, and Kenneth had no choice but to ride out the sensation, instinct not letting him withdraw until his cock had fully finished its addictive spasms inside her, and his cum had thoroughly saturated her fertile womb.

"You're on birth control, right?" he gasped as soon as he'd recovered somewhat from the most powerful orgasm of his life.

"Mmm, not since Tom got his vasectomy," Linda purred as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down into another kiss as he slid his deflating cock out of her. "I almost hope you knocked me up though," she confessed guiltily. "I've never felt so... feminine before. Now that I've got your cum in me like this, I kinda feel like the only possible outcome at this point is for it to work its magic in my baby-maker and, well, force me to make your baby." Her cheeks were bright pink with embarrassment; clearly she was just as surprised by her reaction to the situation as he was, but her infatuation with him wouldn't allow her to lie, or to deny what she really wanted.

"Well, let's hope it doesn't come to that," Kenneth said as clarity began to return. Appalled and embarrassed by his actions, he wanted nothing more than to get back to his own wife now that his cum was leaking out of Tom's.

When they got back to the party, Kenneth was certain that everyone was aware of what had happened, especially with how long he and Linda had been gone and how physical they had been before leaving. Linda wasn't helping either. She'd done a remarkably good job putting herself back together, but she wore the bright red flush of her recent dicking down with clear pride. She settled down into an armchair, popped the legrest to keep her hips elevated, and showered him with beaming smiles for the rest of the night.

If they were aware of his infidelity, nobody else at the party seemed to care, and if anything it only made the other women redouble their efforts. The rest of his night was filled with glittering feminine laughter, plenty of soft skin around him to look at, and enough accidental intimate touches to keep him at half mast practically the entire time, which was surprising after having cum so hard so recently. Even the men, including Tom himself, were clapping him on the back and winking as though they were all at a frat party. Kenneth spent the remainder of the evening in a haze of confusion and arousal, overwhelmed by the sheer unreality of the situation even as his unconscious witty banter and smooth voice continued to weaken knees and moisten panties.

Becca was clearly just as affected by his mysterious new charisma as all of the other women, and though he suspected that she knew exactly what had happened in Linda's bedroom as well, she seemed more affectionate than ever, just like all of the other girls at the party. Once they finally made it home, Becca pulled Kenneth into her own fiery kiss and dragged him to the bedroom, fully intent on continuing where they had left off. She took her time undressing him, and then she was standing with his rock-hard cock in her hand, still slightly damp from a combination of his and Linda's juices, and she told him he could have her any way he liked.

Despite his guilt, this was a pretty rare offer for Becca to make, so Kenneth impulsively took her up on it, requesting a blowjob. If Becca was disappointed that he hadn't asked for intercourse, she didn't show it, and once she was done shivering from the seductive rumble of his voice, she immediately sat him down on the bed, dropped to her knees, and slid his still-glistening member into her mouth without hesitation.

Kenneth was surprised at just how fully he had recovered from his evening "activities"; his dick had quickly come to a full and throbbing erection under his wife's enthusiastic ministrations, clearly ready and eager for more action. He lay back and relaxed as his wife continued her efforts, enjoying the sight of her blonde ponytail bobbing between his legs as his arousal grew, and before long he was cumming for the second time that night, this time between his wife's soft lips.

Mentally and sexually exhausted, Kenneth quickly fell into a deep, satisfied sleep. Next door, the potent seed Kenneth had recklessly ejaculated into Linda was exerting its irresistible influence over her receptive body, which was all too eager to allow his genetic material to mix with hers. Linda slept soundly beside her husband in the meantime, licking her lips while dreaming of her evening fucking another man as her hyper-fertile womb was kindled into life for the third time.

And, finally, Kenneth's LifeSim avatar slept soundly as well in a background process on his work computer, waiting for a new day that would bring all sorts of sexy new possibilities. After all, there were so many fertile women in his neighborhood, all waiting to be bred.

End of Chapter 1

Chapter 2

The next morning Kenneth awoke to the smell of a delicious breakfast, and after making his way down the stairs was surprised to see that his wife's uncharacteristic doting on him had continued as she happily served him in nothing but panties and an apron.

After some coffee and a hearty meal, during which Becca alternated between showing off her body for him as she served him and passively gazing at him with lovestruck eyes as she sighed deeply, the haze of sleep had entirely cleared from Ken's mind, and memories of his adulterous actions from the previous night began to resurface.

He still wasn't sure why it had been so hard to resist his own sexual urges, much less why all of the women at the party had seemed completely infatuated with him, to the point where he knew each and every one of them would have been just as eager for him to fuck them as Linda had been. Ok, maybe not quite as eager as Linda, he thought with a self-conscious smile as he walked back to his office, remembering just how shameless and wanton her behavior had been, and how she'd said she hoped his cumming inside her had gotten her pregnant.

In hindsight it was pretty obvious, if also ridiculous, that the situation and the way the women had acted had perfectly mirrored the behavior of the female NPCs in his LifeSim neighborhood. It had to be a coincidence, but even so he couldn't ignore the fact that the party last night had been unrealistically sudden and had gone exactly as the party in the game had, including him banging the busty brunette host of the party whose avatar looked just like Linda...

Kenneth dropped into his desk chair and woke up his computer. It showed his usual desktop background, but when he checked the system tray he saw that the game had continued to run after he'd closed it the previous night, just as he'd expected from the odd text he'd received, and that his avatar was sitting in its desk chair as well, in an office that looked strikingly like his, and everything just clicked.

It was real. It had to be. Somehow the game had made him irresistible in real life, and the poor women the previous night had been completely unable to resist his artificial sex appeal. It was the only reasonable explanation for their behavior, not to mention Becca's, especially after all of the flirting, and cheating, Ken had done at the party last night.

Linda! He quickly moused over to his neighbor's house, where the avatar that was now very clearly Linda was sleeping in after a long, sexually satisfying night. He clicked on her character and looked at her stats. Sure enough, she was still infatuated with him, and according to the game had been successfully impregnated. He still held out some hope that perhaps the real-world Linda wouldn't be pregnant, but with how much real life had started to reflect LifeSim, it wasn't looking good. Ken recalled the warning at the beginning of the game, about how all of the women in his neighborhood had been made hyper-fertile for his enjoyment.

He desperately tried to find a way to edit her stats, to get rid of her pregnancy and infatuation, but as expected there wasn't an undo button that he could find. Once one of the women in his neighborhood had been given a trait, it seemed to be permanent.

He moused back over to himself. Ken now understood why Linda hadn't been able to resist her urge to breed with him, but why had he felt so tempted to cheat on his wife and impregnate Linda last night? He checked his own stats again. All of the hyper-seductive traits were still there, but there was also a new one, Impulsive Behavior. Suddenly he remembered what the odd text he'd gotten the previous night had said and how closely it corresponded to his sudden irresponsible decision to go along with Linda's flirtations, and another piece of the puzzle fell into place.

Because he had bought the Breeding Expansion version of LifeSim, the game seemed entirely focused on putting him in situations where he could mate with very willing women, and if he tried to ignore his instincts, the game was also fully prepared to punish him with traits that would make it harder for him to resist his urge to breed. He had known how good it would feel to mate with Linda, and so thanks to his new trait he had impulsively done so, and now she was pregnant.

Still, he couldn't help but recall that Linda making him cum inside her like that had felt just as good as he'd known it would, and even now he felt the urge to visit some of his attractive, helplessly smitten neighbors growing within him, where he could let himself sink into their magnetic, intoxicating femininity, fully aware what would result.

Realizing the danger that he and the rest of the neighborhood were now in, Kenneth tried to force-quit the program out of desperation, but found that he didn't have authorization to do so, even as Admin. He decided to go with the nuclear option and unplugged his power cord, watching in satisfaction as his monitor flashed briefly and went dark.

A second later, however, Ken received a notification on his phone that LifeSim would continue to run remotely until his PC had been restarted, and he sighed with resignation. It seemed clear he wasn't going to find an external solution to this seductive new problem. He restarted his computer and soon his digital avatar had turned around to wave at him from its digital desk chair once more before getting back to work. Kenneth rolled his eyes before getting to work himself, trying to find an option to undo some of the mess he had inadvertently made.

As expected, he found that he couldn't remove any traits from himself either - only add them. He impulsively clicked the box for "Hypnotic Cum" while he was scrolling through the list of traits, but managed to come to his senses and deselect the box before his eager finger could click "Apply". This was going to be more dangerous than he thought, especially since he only seemed to be able to make changes to himself and others that were more likely to lead to impregnation.

As he was digging into his "Happiness" statistics, however, he discovered that accumulating happiness points through performing activities related to his avatar's "Life Goal" would periodically unlock new options, such as adding special traits to himself, changing his Life Goal, and even allowing him to remove traits he didn't like, one at a time. His avatar's current Life Goal was "Financial Stability", which made sense given his current career and life situation. This option only seemed to be available for his avatar, though, probably because he was the one playing the game. Still, it at least gave him something to strive for: he just had to accumulate enough happiness points to get rid of his Impulsive Behavior trait, and he'd be in a much better position to resist the hordes of hot women in his neighborhood practically begging him to impregnate them.

Fine, I just won't have sex with anyone else then, no matter how much they flirt with me, he thought to himself. He knew that the damage had probably already been done when it came to Linda, but from now on he'd make sure that Becca was the only woman he allowed himself to fuck. Hell, with how infatuated his sexy young wife was with him now, he knew she'd be more than willing to let him have her any way he wanted.

Still, he knew that his impulsiveness could easily get him into trouble, so he went back into the options menu and disabled "Community Events", hoping that would prevent himself from being coerced into attending any more parties where he could be tempted to indulge in the alluring feminine attention his charisma would bring.

As soon as he closed the options menu, however, he noticed a pop-up indicating that his avatar had been given another punishment. He groaned to himself, realizing that disabling Community Events had been recognized for what it was, an attempt to avoid opportunities to breed, and so he had been saddled with another negative trait. This time he was surprised to see that the game had changed his Life Goal instead, entirely without his permission or input. "Financial Stability" had been replaced with "Boinkboink", and already Kenneth could tell that he felt ever so slightly down after having gone all morning without making any progress toward having sex with someone.

It was remarkable how drastic and immediate the change had been, but he couldn't deny the way he felt. Kenneth couldn't explain it, but he knew deep down that working and investing wisely no longer gave him the the same primal satisfaction it had just minutes before, even though he hadn't realized it at the time. It was still important to him, of course, but he could tell that it was no longer the driving force behind his happiness. Instead, the thought of pursuing and having sex with attractive women suddenly seemed even more appealing than it had before, filling him with a sense of deep-seated happiness and purpose that now formed the core of his being whether he wanted it to or not.

Without even meaning to, Ken's idle thoughts had begun to focus on all of the ways he could be getting his rocks off right now, especially with the effect he had on women, and the thought of taking a break from figuring out LifeSim to go downstairs and fuck his entirely willing wife began to seem more and more attractive.

Only now did Kenneth realize the brilliant trap the game had sprung on him. He had to keep playing so he could get enough happiness points to alter his traits, but now that the game had tied boinkboink to his happiness, he couldn't earn points without pursuing sex in some way. And not only that, but sex was now tied to his own real-life happiness as well, such that he'd feel more and more depressed the longer he went without it.

Even so, Ken knew that no matter how it negatively affected him, his newfound need for sex was artificial, and he was determined to resist it. He accepted that changing his traits would likely be impossible as a result, but that was just something he'd have to live with for the sake of everyone else in the neighborhood.

While he was contemplating, he heard a tinny, digital doorbell sound and noticed that his avatar had gone to the front door of its house, where a young blonde woman was standing with what looked like a textbook. As soon as his avatar opened the door, the blonde immediately got the small hearts over her head that indicated that she'd fallen under his avatar's influence just as the women at the party had the night before. Becca's avatar, also with hearts above her head, since she was just as affected by LifeSim as every other woman, of course, happily invited the girl inside, and watched intently as Ken's avatar and the young woman made their way to their spare bedroom, where the besotted girl was soon getting a lively digital pounding. Kenneth was surprised to see his digital wife hiding outside the door, clearly masturbating as she listened to her husband boinkboinking another woman in the next room.

Just then, Kenneth heard his own doorbell ring, startling him out of his growing arousal at watching his digital self engage in the reproductive behavior that was now the core of his own identity. He recalled how fabricated the sudden party the night before had seemed, and realized that something similar was likely going on now as well. But that made no sense, especially since he'd turned off Community Events and had even taken a penalty personality trait as a result! Oh well, it was too late now. He had to make sure he got rid of whoever was at the door quickly before he did something else he'd regret.

Kelly hadn't been at the party last night because she'd been too busy studying for her Calculus mid-term. The twenty-year-old blonde co-ed's mom, however, had gone to the party, and had quickly fallen under Kenneth's spell just like all the other women. And so, when she'd arrived home still tingling with her own infatuation, and her daughter had complained about how confusing Calculus was, she had been quick to suggest Kenneth down the street as the perfect person to tutor her. Maybe this will mean I'll see him around a bit more myself, the smitten middle-aged mom had thought to herself, not realizing that her attractive daughter's fertile young body would have exactly the same reaction to Kenneth's irresistible charisma that hers had.

And so here Kelly was, her petite, athletic frame self-consciously knocking at Kenneth's door to ask him if he'd help her prep for her exam, completely unaware that her hyper-fertile body was primed and ready for impregnation due to LifeSim's effects.

As soon as he opened the door for her, Kelly was startled by just how attractive the late 20s accountant was. Her nostrils flared as she inhaled sharply in surprise, and then Kenneth's musk hit her like a truck, making her head spin and her knees go weak with arousal.

Ken watched the attractive coed's transformation, helplessly feeling his own arousal growing as the petite blonde's pupils dilated and her cheeks flushed with that familiar combination of physical desire and emotional infatuation. He knew she'd been taken entirely unawares, and that there was no way she'd be able to resist the draw of his masculine body at this point. Hopefully he'd be able to resist hers.

"H-hi, Mr. um, Kenneth?" Kelly stammered, awed to be in the presence of the most desirable man she'd ever seen, but unable to resist her urge to spend some... intimate time with him nonetheless, and growing bolder with each passing second. "I'm Kelly, and I've been looking for a tutor for calculus. Anyway, after the party last night my mom said I should come meet you. And now that I'm here, I can definitely see why," she purred with a flirty smile, cocking a hip to one side as she played with a long strand of hair by her ear.

This isn't fair, game! Kenneth thought angrily to himself, certain that LifeSim had somehow set up this little interaction, especially after having already seen these exact events play out on his monitor just a few minutes before. He decided to send Kelly away nonetheless, immediately feeling unhappier as a result due to the stupid new trait the game had given him. He knew, both from what had already happened in the game and from the girl's clear infatuation and arousal, that this conversation would 100% lead to a chance to have sex with her, and so his happiness points had nosedived at his decision not to pursue his new Life Goal of engaging in boinkboink whenever possible.

Still, he was willing to put up with a bit of depression to save this innocent young college student from her artificially-induced willingness to mate with him. He could see that she had already fallen hopelessly under the spell of his charisma, and that she wouldn't be able to resist letting him impregnate her if he wanted to. So, he fought against his impulsive desire for her body and his sudden deep sadness, and prepared to turn her away anyway.

Before he could say anything, however, his wife stuck her head out the door to greet the incredibly attractive, visibly aroused young woman her husband was talking to. "Oh hi Kelly! Yes, Kenny really is just the best," she gushed, having quickly grown to enjoy her own sudden infatuation for her husband. "Come on in! You two can use the spare bedroom as a study room!"

"Thanks so much! Mr. Kenny, this is going to be so much fun!" Kelly squealed as she bounded into the entryway and wrapped her arms around him, holding the hug for far too long as she buried her nose into his chest and deeply breathed in his scent. Her exhalations quickly became even more ragged and Kenneth could feel her getting weak in the knees. Not a good sign. It got even worse when she began rubbing her pert breasts against his torso and pressing her dangerously hyper-fertile midsection against his stiffening crotch. He still knew that he should get rid of her for both of their sakes, but he also couldn't deny how good her body felt against his, or how happy it had made him when his wife had invited her in. He impulsively decided that a half hour of flirting while he taught her some calculus couldn't hurt, trying to ignore the giddy happiness filling his body as getting his dick wet became more and more likely.

"Ok you two, have fun and stay safe!" Becca called as the attractive college junior practically hung off the arm of her virile husband as they walked back toward the spare bedroom. Becca didn't know how she'd gotten so lucky with Kenneth, but she knew that she'd do anything to make him happy. Especially if making him happy involves the bedroom, she thought to herself as her own knees began to get a bit weak. She'd been fully aware of her husband's sexual desire for the sporty young hottie, of course, and had known what the couple would inevitably get up to in the spare bedroom even before she had invited Kelly in, especially with the way the sexy co-ed had been instinctively rubbing herself against her husband and the clear enjoyment he was getting from the attention, but she wanted her amazing husband to fully enjoy himself with her nonetheless, no matter what happened.

That wasn't all though, Becca suddenly realized. She was surprised to find that the thought of Kenneth being with other women was starting to turn her on, and that she now seemed all too eager to spread the love around.

And so she snuck over to the door of the guest bedroom, listening for any hint of what was going on inside as her hand snaked down between her legs to tease at her own tingly sex. God the thought of Ken fucking that sexy young piece of ass was just so fucking hot! Becca couldn't recall a condom being in the spare bedroom, and she found herself wondering if Kenneth would just let himself knock the horny young slut up instead. Somehow this just turned her on all the more, and Becca found it increasingly difficult to keep herself quiet as she began to hear soft, feminine moans through the bedroom door.

Ken wasn't entirely sure what the program or his charisma had done to his wife, but with her apparent tacit approval (or at least ignorance) of his actions by inviting Kelly in, he had no longer had the strength to resist the lure of Kelly's body. He tried to ignore the fact that he was practically bursting with happiness as he led her back to the spare bedroom, all the while trying to convince himself that this was all innocent, just as he had the night before with Linda.

Once they made it to the bedroom Kenneth made a show of sitting at the side table and trying to help her study, but from the way his eager young partner was soon rubbing her body against his once again, it quickly became clear that the only thing she was interesting in studying for the moment was anatomy. And human reproduction, Ken thought ruefully, knowing full well what the ultimate result of her naive affections would be. By this point her nubile body was in his lap, and his hands were exploring and squeezing her supple curves as high pitched moans of helpless encouragement escaped her pouty lips. The enthusiastic, youthful femininity felt so different from the bouncy, squeezable maturity of Kenneth's milfy brunette the night before, but Kelly's tight, toned body was no less appealing to his augmented mating urges than Linda's had been.

Her mouth was hungry on his, but they were both keen to move things along as quickly as possible, her due to her irresistible, unquenchable lust for his charismatic masculinity, and him due to his powerful need to slide himself into this sexy, willing female. And so they briefly stood and redirected their dry-humping toward the bed, where Kenneth soon found himself on top of her, feeling his fully erect cock rubbing delightfully against her mound of Venus through their thin clothes. The cute blonde pulled her pink shorts and panties down to mid-thigh while Kenneth freed his eager phallus, and then he was overcome with a renewed feeling of deep, intense satisfaction as he pressed himself against her slick lips while she arched her back in need and bliss, offering her small breasts to her lover without hesitation as her tiny nipples pressed through her shirt, hard and pointy with arousal.

Whereas Linda's pussy had welcomed him in, gently wrapping and stroking him as he slid inside, Kelly's put up significantly more resistance initially, almost as though it knew what penetration would inevitably mean for her fertile, vulnerable body. Though her entrance was tight enough to resist his initial thrusts, the copious lubrication from her incredible arousal proved to be her undoing, and they both gasped at the intensity of the sensation as Kenneth's thick cockhead finally squeezed past her entrance and into her soft, wet depths. He took a second to appreciate the novel sensations of the college girl's pussy, so different from Linda's or even his wife's, but just as stimulating nonetheless. Kelly's was less the soft and welcoming type he'd felt the night before with Linda, the type that encouraged him to leisurely spend his time and ultimately himself inside, but instead was tight and intense, incentivizing him to stroke himself to a quick, earth-shattering release in her compelling, textured grip.

By this point Kenneth was fully aware that boinkboink would likely lead to inevitable pregnancy in this new world that LifeSim had created for him, but now that he was inside the athletic young blonde's stimulating reproductive tract, he suddenly felt so happy that he just couldn't stop fucking her. He knew this was entirely due to his new trait, of course, but even so, he couldn't fight against the sheer joy he felt washing over him at repeatedly squeezing himself into the hottie's pussy over and over again, and, just as he had felt buried up to the hilt in Linda the night before, he quickly felt that pleasurable tightness building at the base of his shaft, signaling that soon he wouldn't be able to prevent his body from flooding hers with his baby juice.

This time, however, there was the added problem of his artificial euphoria as he did the deed, greatly enhancing his partner's already considerable sex appeal as she begged for him not to stop, still unaware of LifeSim's power over her as her hyper-fertile body continued its evolutionary call to his. Nonetheless, her seductive voice pulled at something inevitable deep within Kenneth as he felt himself edging closer and closer to his limit, and he continued to impulsively squeeze himself into the tight embrace of his willing partner over and over again. He felt a bit happier and a bit more satisfied each time he did so, but his dick also felt a bit stiffer each time as well, and all too soon he felt his own irresistible urge washing over him as his cock began its final, involuntary tightening, as if in warning of what could no longer be stopped.

Ken knew he should pull out, knew what her susceptible feminine body would do with his genetic information under LifeSim's influence, but, thanks to his new trait, the thought of cumming inside Kelly filled him with such happiness that he could only relax and savor the sensation of the pressure suddenly becoming unbearable, of his cock stiffening of its own volition, entirely beyond his control as her athletic body continued to bounce furiously beneath him, stimulating him as much as she could. And then he felt the tight friction of her slick pussy finally trigger that first powerful, involuntary jerk, helpless to prevent his body from sending the first thick spurt of his potent semen deep into her artificially enhanced reproductive tract.

Ken still knew that he should pull out, that hopefully the first burst of his orgasm hadn't impregnated her, but his artificial and real happiness mingled and peaked as his balls pulsed, and he latched onto the idea that it was probably too late anyway. Instead, he just continued to mindlessly pump away into that irresistible, silky tunnel between his partner's toned thighs, his jizz reflexively draining into her vulnerable body as she moaned beneath him in bliss, until their combined juices finally overflowed and pooled on the sheets as his DNA pooled inside her and combined with hers. Everything had felt too right, her petite body had felt too good squeezing his cock to stop, and as his balls' contractions finally began to slow, he knew that this time it was too late. When he next checked her status on LifeSim, Kelly's avatar would inevitably say "Pregnant", just as Linda's had.

Kelly was entirely unaware of how the game had manipulated her feelings and body, of course, and as far as she knew her irresistible attraction to Kenneth, along with her decision to have unprotected sex with him, to let him cum inside her, had been entirely natural. None of that mattered now, of course. She hadn't been able to resist her urge to offer her tight young body up for her sudden crush's pleasure, just as any other lucky woman in her position would have, and had thoroughly enjoyed the sensation of his straining cock squeezing into her tight pussy until she triggered his orgasm. Now, of course, his seed was safely inside her turbocharged reproductive system, fertilizing her body, preparing to make her breasts swell with milk as her body swelled with his child.

She'd loved every second of it, and she'd counted herself lucky that such a perfect, charismatic specimen of masculinity had lost control inside her. It hadn't even occurred to her to use a condom, and even if it had, it would have seemed insulting. And so she had let him ride her raw, teased him into cumming deep inside her unprotected pussy, and if he knocked her up, well, so much the better!

The new lovers cuddled for a minute after their passionate tryst before the petite blond stood up to slide on her panties and small shorts once more, which quickly darkened between her legs as his semen continued to ooze out of her delighted pussy. He helped her dress, accepted a shy peck on the cheek, and led her back to the front door. Kelly didn't fully understand it, but she somehow knew that she'd gotten exactly what she had come here for.

Ken's two neighbors now had something in common despite the differences in their age and lifestyle - namely his genetic material hard at work in each of their bodies, fusing with theirs and starting them both on the long path of pregnancy. And Kenneth knew that if he wasn't careful, if he couldn't keep a better handle on his new sexual urges, more would be joining them shortly.

Chapter 3

Kelly left with a blissful smile on her pretty face, having learned nothing about calculus but plenty about human reproduction.

Becca was nowhere to be found, so Kenneth had gone back to his office to try to deal with LifeSim once again, though it was a bit hard to focus with visceral, intoxicating feelings of happiness and satisfaction pulsing through his body at having successfully fucked yet another of his sexy neighbors. He tried to be mad at himself for what he'd done, to feel guilty for how he'd cheated on Becca yet again, but he was ultimately powerless to make himself feel anything other than a deep sense of personal success at having pursued his new life goal.

As much as he hated the feeling, artificial or not, there was nothing he could do to shake it; the only change in his mood that he could detect was his growing, ever-present desire to have sex again. Already?? he asked himself with a mix of resignation and reluctant excitement as his thoughts turned to all of the other women just meters away from his front door, his mind unconsciously weighing variables like how far away they lived, how attractive they were, who was most likely to be home alone...

It occurred to Kenneth that his thought process was eerily similar to the way he used to automatically sift through investment opportunities and stock prices back when Financial Independence had been his life goal, though these seemed dull in comparison now that the game had made him obsessed with having as much sex as possible. Of course, the same attention to detail that had made him a successful accountant would likely carry over into his new extra-curricular interests as well, and would mean that it was now second-nature for him to unconsciously orchestrate opportunities to be alone with smitten women. Not good. Even worse, acting on these opportunities would feel perfectly natural, almost reflexive even, so he had to be careful to exercise constant vigilance even at home. If he allowed himself to relax too much, to get too comfortable, it was all but inevitable that he'd find himself across the street, knocking on Kelly's door to ask her milfy mom if she could spare a cup of double entendre.

This was especially the case when taking into account his uncharacteristic new impulsiveness. Thinking back on his actions over the past 24 hours gave Kenneth an odd feeling of unreality, since until yesterday he had never had an impulsive bone in his body. Once he was alone with Linda and Kelly and the opportunity for sex had presented itself, however, he'd immediately given in to temptation and inseminated both of them almost without hesitation. Feeling his cock pumping inside their sexy bodies had felt fantastic, of course, but in hindsight it almost felt as though he were remembering someone else's pleasure, since his actions were so at odds with his perception of himself. Either way, even though Kenneth felt perfectly normal now, he had to assume that he could no longer trust himself when put in situations that appealed to his id.

So, having recognized that his current inclination to pop across the street and pay a friendly, platonic visit to Kelly's mom was due to LifeSim's insidious influence, Kenneth painstakingly reined in his libido and turned his attention back to the program and the problem at hand. Immediately he felt himself becoming... deflated, almost depressed even, the sort of feeling he'd have experienced in his prior life if one of his investments were down for the week.

This was clearly more of the program messing with his mind, of course. His new boinkboink life goal apparently meant that not only would he automatically seek out sex to earn happiness points from successful intercourse, impregnating more and more women in the process, but also that acting contrary to that life goal, for example by taking precautions to decrease his chances of being in a position to have sex, would result in depression proportional to those efforts.

And that was the conundrum, wasn't it. He needed to accumulate enough happiness points to change his traits, and the only way to do so was to have as much sex as possible. But now every sex act would inevitably result in pregnancy, so he couldn't have sex. But that meant his happiness points would drop, making him more and more miserable, and he'd never be able to rid himself of the traits that were causing him to want to breed his neighbors so badly in the first place.

By this point Kenneth had spent so much time digging through the game's menus that he'd forgotten that LifeSim's gameplay was always running, and he was startled out of his reverie when he finally noticed the tinny sounds of boinkboink that had been playing through his computer speakers for the past few minutes. He closed the menu, only to be greeted with the sight of his perpetually horny avatar writhing under the sheets with yet another infatuated female partner, and he was equal parts horrified and eager as he watched the digital duo do their dirty dance.

Does this mean that I'm now fated to impregnate this poor woman too, whoever she is? he wondered. So far, every time he'd his avatar had boinkboinked someone he'd inevitably found himself screwing them in the real world as well, though the sample size was very small at only two. If true, however, it meant that LifeSim had immense implications for the existence of free will that went far beyond the relatively tiny problems he and his neighborhood were currently facing.

Even so, Kenneth found that he wasn't really interested in those implications at the moment, and was much more invested in discovering which lucky lady his avatar was coupling with. Finally the pair went motionless under the sheets for a few intense seconds as high-pitched moans of release filtered through the speakers, and then the spent lovers slid out from under the covers.

Kenneth gaped. The satisfied female avatar lying next to his with the "Pregnant" icon now flashing prominently above her head was none other than his wife Becca!

Of course! Kenneth slapped his forehead in relieved annoyance, feeling foolish for not hitting on the obvious solution sooner. His new obsession with sex must be affecting his judgment more than he thought. I am married, aren't I? I can just fuck Becca over and over again until my happiness gets high enough to remove my other traits.

To the game, his wife would be just another fertile female he should be fucking, and sure enough Kenneth felt just as happy at the thought of boinkboink with her as he felt about the other women in the neighborhood. Plus, he and Becca already planned to have kids eventually.

Still, as her loving husband, Kenneth couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed that this was the only solution to his problem. He had wanted their decision to get pregnant to be one that they planned together, not one forced on them by a malevolent video game, and he knew that if he had sex with his beautiful wife in her current hyper-fertile state, she'd fall pregnant just as easily as any of the other affected women. He needed only look at the screen in front of him to see those fears confirmed.

Then again, he hadn't consulted Linda or Kelly before he impregnated them either, and he had still done so without a problem. Or even really meaning to, he thought, smiling absent-mindedly to himself, still full of artificial satisfaction at how good it had felt to ejaculate inside the two willing women. And with him sharing the same bed with an infatuated Becca every night for the foreseeable future, sex with her was already practically guaranteed anyway, so, planned or not, fucking Becca nonstop for the next few weeks was clearly the optimal solution to the neighborhood's looming overpopulation problem.

Kenneth briefly found himself wondering about the causal implications of what had just happened. He hadn't thought of his solution until he'd seen his avatar boinkboinking Becca, but that just raised the question of why his avatar had specifically chosen Becca this time in the first place. Did his avatar somehow come to the same realization that he had? If so, where had his avatar gotten the idea? Or was he just overthinking things, and he would have inevitably had sex with Becca today anyway, so his solution had only been happenstance? Kenneth knew that he should probably spend some more time exploring these questions, if only to better anticipate and counter the game's manipulations in the future, but by this point he really wanted to have sex again, and every minute he spent woolgathering about philosophy was a minute he wasn't spending balls deep in his wife earning happiness points.

His decision made, Kenneth went in search of Becca, who for some reason was just coming out of their bedroom, face flushed and breathing heavily. He momentarily wondered why she was so out of breath, but the flush of color in her pretty cheeks was beginning to turn him on, and once her face had glazed over with its usual mix of lust and worshipful adoration, his curiosity had been washed away by his desire for her body.

"Hey honey?" Kenneth rumbled in his enhanced baritone as he walked over and wrapped his arms around his wife's slim waist, pulling her torso against his.

"Yes dear?" Becca responded huskily as she molded herself against her husband's body, sniffing at his appealing musk, willing to do whatever he wanted, but secretly hoping that what he wanted was sex. She couldn't believe her luck that this slab of irresistible masculinity was all hers. Well, mostly hers at least, but it wasn't like she could begrudge a virile, hot-blooded man like Kenny a few innocent dalliances.

"I really wanna fuck your brains out right now. Are you ready?" he asked, trying to resist her intoxicating femininity for the few seconds that it would take for her to respond as his dick swelled against her abdomen. He somehow knew that she perfectly understood the real implications of his question, and he also knew what her response would be now that she was under LifeSim's influence. Still, it was important to him to hear that she wanted this just as much as he did.

"I'm more than ready," she responded, showing him the bedroom eyes that had never failed to bring his dick to attention even before LifeSim. She took his hand, turned, and walked purposefully back into the room, and Kenneth helplessly followed her swaying hips to their marital bed.

In seconds they were naked and he was on top of her, inflamed with desire and fully prepared to slide inside as she moaned encouragingly beneath him, but then Kenneth remembered the condoms they had in the nightstand, and, with herculean effort, merely stroked himself against her slick mound for a few seconds as he considered them.

While the program had made him want sex, it hadn't said that the sex had to be unprotected, and it seemed to him that he'd be just as happy with a condom on as long as he were thrusting away to completion inside someone. But would a condom even work? The program had said that "all forms of birth control have been deactivated", and a condom was certainly a form of birth control, but it somehow seemed unlikely that the game could change the physical properties of latex. And, if his sperm were trapped inside a condom, it was hard to see how they could impregnate Becca. Still, the game had shown his wife's avatar as pregnant, so did that mean she'd somehow get knocked up regardless of what he did? He should probably ask at the very least.

"Do you want me to put on a condom?" His strokes against her slick vulva were getting more insistent even as he said it, and he knew that he didn't have much time. He could already feel his impulsiveness growing, tempting him to just say "fuck it" and plunge himself into her regardless of the consequences, especially since that's exactly what Becca would want him to do in her current state.

For her part, Becca knew that she should say yes, that they weren't ready for an accident to happen, but for the past few days her physical desire for Kenneth had become oddly visceral, almost animalistic, orders of magnitude stronger than any other sexual attraction she had ever experienced. Becca had immediately understood why Linda and Kelly had been so willing to risk unprotected sex with Kenny - what girl wouldn't jump at the chance to ride this impossibly attractive man bareback, and, once he was inside, what girl could resist her instinct to push him just a bit too far, to suddenly lock her legs around him and force him to finish inside her?

Becca felt that very same instinct burning within herself, that need to feel her femininity engulfing him, sheathing his sensitive skin in her slick caresses until he did what came naturally and marked her as his own. Even if Kenny weren't her husband, Becca already knew that her answer would have been the same; just like Linda and Kelly, Becca would have shamelessly thrown herself at this man, married or not, and would have counted herself lucky if she'd gotten herself knocked up in the process. Kenneth's newfound sex appeal was just too overwhelming.

"I know that I should, but I don't want to," Becca finally answered, staring deeply into her husband's eyes as she helplessly rubbed herself against his delicious body. "I want to feel every millimeter of you inside me, skin to skin." She teased her slippery entrance against his probing cockhead, intently watching the shift in Kenneth's expression as his carnal urges overcame him.

No longer able to hold himself back, Kenneth stopped delaying the inevitable and smoothly slid his naked cock into her silky tunnel, both of them gasping at the unexpected pleasure of the direct sexual contact, finally free of the desensitizing interference - and the contraceptive protection - of their condoms. He bottomed out deep inside his wife's fertile reproductive tract and sat there soaking for a second, enjoying the sensation, flooded with amplified happiness at having successfully initiated coitus.

"Plus," Becca continued unexpectedly as he twitched inside her, "after watching you last night with Linda and just now with Kelly, it seems like you've needed to get your rocks off more than usual recently." She smirked up at him, enjoying the shocked look on his face at having been found out. "And I'm going to make sure you get what you need," she continued breathily, shifting her hips to slide him out of her, knowing that he would take charge and plunge himself back in. Her man needed to get his rocks off, after all.

Wait, Becca knew about Linda and Kelly and didn't say anything?? Why did it suddenly seem like his wife was ok with him cheating on her? Kenneth knew they needed to talk about this, but it felt so much nicer to just cup his wife's firm breasts in his hands and squeeze his cock back inside her tight slit instead, feeding his arousal even further. Becca sighed blissfully and continued:

"Not to mention that it didn't seem like you were using protection with our naughty neighbors either, so I don't even know if I'll be the first mistake you make this week." She winked mischievously up at him as he stared down in horror, but his instinctive thrusting continued to pick up the pace nonetheless. "And as much as it turns me on to see you spreading the love like that, it's making me want some of that risky creampie action for myself."

At hearing the phrase "spreading the love", alarm bells had begun going off in the back of Kenneth's head. His arousal-addled mind tried to think back to the first changes he had made with the program what felt like months ago even though it had only been the day before. He was almost positive that he remembered giving his wife the trait "spread the love", thinking that it would help his avatar get more action without making Becca's avatar mad. Well, the setting had behaved exactly as he'd hoped, though he obviously hadn't expected to benefit from that trait in the real world as well.

The true significance of Becca's words began to sink in as he continued to sink himself into her, and he felt his new life goal exerting its influence over his aroused mind as he considered the exciting implications of this unexpected turn of events. Most of Kenneth's resistance to his new desire for boinkboink had come from his reluctance to cheat on Becca, but now he realized that not only would Becca not get mad, but she actively wanted him to do it, and was even turned on by it! Becca had essentially given him a free ticket to fuck anyone he wanted, anytime he wanted. He still planned to resist for the sakes of the other women in the neighborhood, of course, but it was much harder to do so when those same gorgeous women were practically begging him to impregnate them.

Either way, he could (and would) think about other women later. Becca's reaction to his infidelity was entirely due to the traits he had given her avatar, and while he knew that he should be ashamed of himself for changing his wife like this, right now the thought of her getting turned on watching him fuck other women was causing an insistent tightness to start building in his overstimulated shaft, and suddenly all he could think about was pursuing meaning and happiness between his wife's spread legs.

Becca recognized the familiar signs of her husband's impending orgasm and quickly wrapped her legs around his back, pulling him as far inside herself as possible while her infatuated mind pummeled her with the idea that she couldn't pass up this opportunity, that her Kenny was the perfect man to cum inside her like this, that she needed him to do it as deep as possible so that his semen could work its magic on her fertile body.

"Come on, Kenny baby, that's it! Fill me up! I want you to do it! Make me yours!"

Her words sent shivers down his spine, driving him past the point of no return as she trapped his stiffening cock deep within the slick, stimulating folds of her vagina. This time, however, Kenneth allowed himself to fully embrace the sensation of his rising orgasm, and the feeling of those glorious first few spurts deep into his lovestruck wife's unprotected honeypot made him almost delirious with happiness.

"Mmmm, does that feel good?" Becca purred, staring hungrily up at him as she finally felt his cock begin to jerk and shudder deep inside her. She watched with pride as Kenny's face contorted with ecstasy, infinitely pleased with herself for giving this wonderful man such pleasure. All the while she could feel her womb filling with more and more of his warm, gooey baby batter with each pulse. "Does it feel good to fill me up with your cum?"

Kenneth could only moan helplessly in agreement, trying to press himself even further into her tight canal as his dick continued pumping his genetic material into her, adding Becca to the growing list of women thoroughly fertilized by his seed.

Afterward Kenneth fell back onto the bed, exhausted but significantly happier, once again filled with that damnable impression that he was somehow fulfilling his purpose in life. He knew that it was all bullshit, that the game was making him feel this way, but he still couldn't help the way he felt, or prevent a giant smile from spreading itself across his features from the sheer joy of having emptied his balls as he slowly drifted off to sleep.

Becca lay beside him, watching the blissful smile on her beloved husband's face, her own cheeks warm with the satisfied glow of the thorough fucking he had given her. She basked in a feeling of primal feminine fulfillment as she lay there, tracing her fingers over her trim stomach, imagining herself succumbing to Kenny's potent sperm inside her and swelling with his child.

Every woman should feel like this, she found herself thinking. She knew it was ridiculous, that Kenny needed to be careful about his conquests or the entire neighborhood would soon be filled with swelling bellies. Still, for some reason that she couldn't explain, the idea appealed to her. It made her oozing pussy tingle like it had when she'd seen Kenneth with Linda and Kelly. Becca had never had any reason to believe that she was the type of girl who'd enjoy sharing her man with other women, but she couldn't deny how much it had inexplicably turned her on to secretly watch as Kenneth rawdogged Kelly this afternoon. Hell, she wanted him to keep spreading the love around the neighborhood, if only so she could keep getting off on it.

Becca slipped two fingers back down into the mingled juices between her thighs as the thought came back, even stronger this time.

Kenny should make every woman feel like this. And I should be there to watch.

Chapter 4

The next day was Sunday, and so Kenneth spent a lazy yet productive day at home banging his hot wife.

Sure enough, he felt happier and more fulfilled each time he spent himself inside her, and reveled in the fact that he'd outsmarted the game and would soon be free of his accumulated punishments.

Kenneth was careful not to go outside for any reason, and was happy to discover that he was never once tempted to seek out and impregnate any of his neighbors so long as he was able to have sex with Becca whenever he felt the urge, which was pretty much constantly.

And so all throughout the day he watched his LifeSim happiness meter rise in leaps and bounds, getting closer and closer to his first lifetime happiness goal. Things were certainly looking up.

That night before bed Kenneth decided to spend some more time with LifeSim, checking his progress and making sure he hadn't missed any useful settings that could help get him out of his predicament. He was glad to see that his happiness points were already almost high enough to add or remove a minor trait; by this time tomorrow he should be thinking much more clearly.

Kenneth had already decided to remove his "Impulsiveness" trait first, for two reasons. First, even though his boinkboink life goal would still make him want to fuck all of his neighbors, removing his impulsiveness would make it much easier to resist their feminine wiles. They were infatuated with him, after all, not the other way around, and while he had boosted all of his stats related to charm and sex appeal, and the game had reduced his refractory period and made him constantly want sex through his new life goal, the actual strength of his own sexual attraction was still at default. It's just that whenever he was alone with an attractive woman his desire for sex would trigger his impulsive behavior, and he'd lose the ability to resist his normal reproductive desires. So, getting rid of his impulsiveness had to be the first step.

Second, changing a life goal cost an order of magnitude more happiness points than changing a minor trait, and he definitely didn't want to be stuck with his impulsiveness and his desire for sex until he could change his life goal. Plus, his impulsiveness had made him impregnate Linda before the game had changed his life goal in the first place, so "Impulsiveness" was clearly the more dangerous of the two. His boinkboink life goal would still be in effect, but once he regained his ability to make rational decisions in the presence of attractive women the next day, it should be easy enough to just keep fucking Becca until he earned enough happiness points to change his life goal back.

Now that he had decided on a gameplan, Kenneth briefly clicked into both Kelly and Becca's submenus to confirm that they were in fact pregnant, and he also noted that Becca did have the "Spread the Love" trait that meant she would get off on him having sex with other women. Still, with no real reason to fuck anyone else now that he had decided to only bang Becca, Kenneth should be fine there too. Becca might start to feel a bit disheartened about this decision, and would probably try to set him up with other women at some point, but once his impulsiveness was gone he should easily be able to resist their combined advances. Becca would just have to put up with her sexual frustration until he could find a way to return her to normal.

Kenneth was taking one last look around the interface as Becca's exhausted but satisfied avatar went to bed in the background, when he suddenly noticed a small button in the top right corner of the GUI that looked like an arrow pointing to the right. He hovered his cursor over it to see what it would do.

This option causes some effects and character-states to skip ahead by predetermined intervals, instantly "fast-forwarding" those effects in the relevant avatars. Note that no actual time will be lost for the avatars in question, and that the resulting effects and character-states will seem natural to all non-Player-Character avatars.

What on earth does that mean? Kenneth wondered to himself. Did that mean that traits like his "Impulsiveness" and Becca's "Spread the Love" were just temporary, and could therefore be sped up or skipped? Or did traits not count as "effects" or "character-states"?

Either way, the game did specify that no time would be lost (What a horrible possibility!), and the potential benefits seemed to outweigh any possible downsides that he could think of. So, Kenneth impulsively clicked the button once, wondering as he did so whether that snap decision too had been due to his trait, or if it was just the expected outcome of his normal decision-making process. He concluded that it was impossible to know either way, and now that the button was pushed, it ultimately didn't matter.

Kenneth looked back at his stats submenu. Nothing seemed different - all of his own traits and goals were still in effect, and his happiness meter hadn't changed at all. Becca was still asleep under the covers with her new pregnancy symbol flashing over her head. Maybe the setting just affected parameters that aren't currently enabled in anyone's avatars.

He finally decided to go to bed, having had enough of the troublesome program for one night. He quietly entered the bedroom and slid underneath the covers, not wanting to disturb Becca's sleep. She seemed to be taking up a bit more of the bed than usual, but Kenneth just chalked that up to exhaustion from the day's relentless sexual escapades.

He woke up to the sound of his alarm going off at 6am, as usual. Today was Monday, and that meant he had to go to work. He slowly rolled over toward Becca, trying to clear the bleariness from his eyes. As his vision sharpened, however, he was shocked to find Becca's abdomen looking much larger than usual. He briefly worried that something was wrong, that she was injured somehow, but then he finally realized that it looked exactly like she was at least six months pregnant!

"Becca, you're pregnant!"

Becca was already in the process of waking up when his outburst startled her into full awareness. She turned to face him with a bemused, sleepy smile. "Yes, honey. Enough unprotected sex tends to do that to a girl."

"But how??"

"Well, you see Kenny, when a man and a woman love each other very much, and the man offers the woman a condom but she foolishly turns him down and then he fills her up with cum nine times in 24 hours, eventually all of those sperm will find an egg and knock her up." She rubbed her protruding belly, her eyes sparkling with playful adoration as she teased him.

Kenneth noticed that his wife's beautiful features had grown fuller and chubbier with her pregnancy, giving her a lovely feminine glow. He hadn't wanted this to be the way they got pregnant, but now that Becca was, he couldn't deny that it was kind of nice to see her this way, and that it certainly looked good on her. But how had it happened? He tried to force his sleepy brain to work, to think through the haze of satisfying sexual activity that constituted his past twenty-four hours.

That "Skip" feature! Of course! Again the game had thrown him a curveball. Instead of fast-forwarding their traits, it had just fast-forwarded Becca's pregnancy. That must be what the game meant by "character-states". In hindsight it made perfect sense, and if he had been able to think through the button's potential effects a bit more, he doubted this would have happened. Either way, it was too late now - Becca was not only six months pregnant, but she also seemed to think that her condition was entirely normal, just as the game had said she would.

Oh no. If "Skip" had made Becca six months pregnant, that meant that Linda and Kelly probably would be too...

When he headed out to his car at 7:30, the early-risers of the neighborhood were already bustling. He saw Linda on the porch next door with her typical gaggle of 30-something housewives, chatting and giggling as she rubbed her visibly pregnant belly. He noted that Kelly's mom, Allison, was among them, looking somewhat smug herself. None of the women acted as though Linda's sudden pregnancy were anything out of the ordinary.

As soon as she saw him emerge, Linda made excuses to her friends and hurried over to the fence, where Kenneth met her sheepishly as the desperate housewives craned their necks and tittered in the background. Pregnancy suited Linda's milfy body perfectly as well - she'd already gone through having two kids, so this new bulge in her abdomen nicely complemented her widened birthing hips and heavy breasts. Kenneth noticed that her breasts in particular were even larger than they had been before, having grown soft and swollen as her familiar pregnancy hormones continued to work their way through her system for a third time. Linda had a similar glow to Becca, just more homely and maternal, and she looked so happy and natural and feminine that Kenneth couldn't help but feel that it was kinda nice to see her like this as well. It had certainly felt nice to make her like this, anyway.

Though she was already pregnant with his child, his married neighbor was still just as susceptible to his irresistible charm as ever, and she made sure to shamelessly flirt with him as he tried not to stare at the growing belly that was the result of his impulsive indiscretion three nights prior, back before he had discovered the effect the game was having on all of them. And Kenneth still wanted to fuck her too, of course, which just added to his discomfort at the situation.

Linda, on the other hand, was perfectly comfortable stoking their obvious sexual tension, and after chatting with her for a bit, it also became clear that she seemed to have no problem whatsoever cuckolding her husband. The way she described his reaction to her pregnancy was more than a little unexpected: even though the man had had a vasectomy years earlier after their two older children, he still seemed to fully believe that the child was his. He certainly didn't suspect his impossibly charismatic next door neighbor, the one who suddenly had all of the women in the neighborhood throwing themselves at him for some reason. Nah, Kenneth was a good guy, and even if he had somehow accidentally fucked his wife, he was just so damn personable that he wasn't sure how much it mattered. Or at least that's the way Linda told it, and she seemed perfectly happy to preserve the status quo.

Kenneth extricated himself from the plumped-up, besotted milf as soon as he could, and she toddled back over to her friends who waved and made eyes at him as he walked out to his car. Kenneth found himself absent-mindedly wondering which of the willing women would be the next to find herself swelling alongside Linda. Probably none of them, thankfully, he concluded, reining in his wandering thoughts yet again. Once he earned his first reward that evening, the unplanned impregnations would stop at the three unlucky casualties who had already been knocked up.

Just as he reached his car, however, he saw Kelly coming out of her house across the street, book bag thrown over her shoulder as she headed off to community college. The "Skip" function had clearly affected the plucky student as well; Kelly's thin, athletic frame wasn't suited to pregnancy like Linda's and Becca's were, but that didn't seem to matter to LifeSim, and sure enough the poor girl's belly was awkwardly swelling with his progeny nonetheless.

She was still just as happy to see him as Linda had been, of course, and her cute dance of joy as she ran over to give him a hug around her distended abdomen filled Kenneth with shame at what he had done to her.

Kelly, however, was clearly thrilled at her young, fertile body's reaction to the sperm Kenneth had carelessly spurted into her unprotected womb two days before. In addition to her new baby bump, she had also noticed that her small breasts had begun swelling and darkening as they yielded to the unfamiliar new hormones flooding through her. Intentional or not, after the reckless ecstasy of their coupling the cute little sophomore's genes had successfully mingled with those of her promiscuous older mate, and now the petite twenty-year-old had to prepare to carry and nourish this unique combination of their DNA that had implanted itself in her uterus.

In the meantime, all Kenneth could do was watch as the girl's newly impregnated body obeyed its evolutionary programming and slowly filled out into mature mommy curves. It occurred to him that, as slender as Kelly's figure was now, it would likely soon come to resemble that of her more voluptuous mother on the porch next door, who was doubtless dizzy with arousal herself as she vicariously watched the erstwhile lovers' awkward hug.

Allison had been the one to expose her daughter to Kenneth's charms in the first place, after all, effectively sacrificing her only daughter on the off chance that it would somehow lead to an opportunity for Allison to get him in the sack herself. Kelly had of course immediately fallen for the irresistible stud, and Allison had been stuck at home while her innocent but suddenly very willing daughter had enthusiastically gotten herself bred. Allison was happy for Kelly, but she was still stuck watching their embrace from a distance, and could only imagine how it would feel to have Kenneth's arms locked around her torso, to feel her own wide hips gyrating to the rhythm of Kenneth's coital dance.

"Hi Mr. Kenneth! Wow, uh, I guess you really did it to me, huh?" Kelly said cheerfully, beaming up at him as she caressed the ungainly bulge protruding from her otherwise trim torso. "I thought I was on the pill, but it looks like it didn't work for some reason, and then when you came in me the other day you really knocked me up good. Oh, not that I mind of course! It felt super nice having you inside me like that, Mr. Kenneth, and I'm sooo lucky and thankful that you chose me to ... Oh, hi Mrs. Anderson!" Kelly blurted as Becca suddenly appeared behind Kenneth, the poor embarrassed girl subtly making an effort to distance her suspiciously swollen self from her partner in adultery.

"Oh honey, I know it's Kenneth's. Don't worry - he put a bun in my oven too!" Becca smiled as she walked over to the shamefaced girl so she could rub both of their bulging bellies in solidarity. "Our Kenny has been spreading the love around the neighborhood a bit, it seems, so it's only natural that some of us would get knocked up eventually."

Kenneth noted that, as expected, his wife seemed completely unsurprised and unbothered at seeing other women pregnant with his offspring. If anything Becca seemed a bit turned on by it all, judging from her slightly flushed face, but that could just be the pregnancy.

The two future moms quickly bonded and the conversation turned to genders and decorations, so Kenneth, still quite uncomfortable with the whole thing and not at all ready to face the consequences of his actions, excused himself saying that he was late for work. The girls didn't seem miffed, probably because of how charming they found him, and so Kenneth kissed his wife goodbye on the cheek as he tried to ignore the persistent sensation of unreality he got from seeing her heavily pregnant with their first child.

As he got in the car, Kenneth was thankful to note that at least the game was telling the truth about the women not losing any time. They didn't look six months older; they just looked six months pregnant, and moreover they all seemed to be perfectly happy with that fact.

His thoughts turned to work as he drove past the neighborhood co-op grocer, terrified at the prospect of being near the women in his office without Becca present to take the edge off his endless desire for intercourse.

Just at that moment, however, he passed through the entrance to his neighborhood and experienced a sudden, odd sense of emptiness as, for the first time in days, his thoughts weren’t obsessively dwelling on sex.

His phone buzzed in his pocket and he risked checking the screen as he drove. Now leaving play area. LifeSim will still run while you're away, and will be here waiting when you get back!

Oddly ominous, under the circumstances, but oh god, Kenneth was finally free. It was only temporary, of course, but for a few precious hours he was free of the constant need to fuck, free of the stress of trying to resist impregnating his sexy neighbors. Kenneth's shoulders sagged as a weight he hadn't realized he was carrying was suddenly lifted off. It was like waking up from a dream.

He was still mortified at what he had done to Linda and Kelly, of course, but that somehow seemed like another life now that he was outside his neighborhood, and he could deal with the consequences of that life once he got home. Kenneth had never looked forward to a day filled with boring spreadsheets so much in his entire career.

Thankfully, once he arrived at work the delightful tedium of his endless corporate drudgery continued as usual, with no sign of the constant excitement of unrestrained sexual tension that now characterized his private life. Kenneth smiled as he said good morning to his department’s receptionist, relishing both his own lack of inclination to act on his slight sexual desire for the pretty young blonde, and her absence of any indication that she found him anything other than boring, much less sexually irresistible.

His morning proceeded much the same way; he spent most of his time blissfully alone at his desk, and the few meetings he had were as uneventful as he could have hoped. Kenneth went to lunch with some acquaintances from the office, pleased that the men weren’t deferring to him as some sort of pinnacle of masculine popularity, and even more relieved to see the two women from his department continuing to treat him in their usual cool, professional manner.

That afternoon some of his happiness began to wear off as he realized he’d have to return home in just a few short hours. He had considered his situation on and off throughout the day, racking his brain for any potential solution to his neighborhood’s dilemma now that his thoughts were clear of LifeSim’s influence.

Unfortunately, there didn’t seem to be much he could do. When he tried to search for information about the game online, he was surprised to find that there was no mention of it anywhere, even on the site he had bought it from, and it wasn’t present in the store or in his purchases. He checked his credit card statement for the charge, but it was nowhere to be seen there either; the money he had spent on the game had apparently been erased from existence, and it hurt his bookkeeper soul to no end to know that his personal accounts would never perfectly balance again.

Once he gave up trying to find information about the game, he turned his attention to trying to get outside help with his predicament. But who could he tell? Who would believe him? Any government agency he tried to get in touch with would immediately dismiss his incredible story as a prank. He briefly considered trying to contact a medium or a witch or something, but decided that LifeSim seemed more technological than magic, or at least that was his working hypothesis for the moment.

As such, Kenneth decided to look for someone who could remove the program from his phone and computer. It was clear that the only ones who could potentially help him were people outside the sphere of the program’s influence, people who didn’t have an avatar to be affected, and that led him to consider Isabel, a friend of his who had worked as a database engineer in his company’s IT department for over 10 years. If anyone he knew could help him with his predicament, she could.

And so, five minutes later, Kenneth found himself at Isabel’s desk, trying to figure out just what to tell her about his problem. In the meantime, he continued to appreciate his conspicuous lack of sexual attraction to his pear-shaped Latina coworker.

Ultimately, he decided to just wing it.

“Hey Isabel, do you know anything about video games?”

“Oh, hey Kenneth! Yes, actually. I’ve done some game dev work on and off over the years, but nothing too major. What’s up?”

How to put this delicately? “Oh, I started playing a new neighborhood simulation game, but it’s been behaving really oddly, and it somehow installed itself on my phone too. It refuses to force quit on either device, and it seems to hide itself on my phone as soon as I leave my neighborhood.”

“That doesn’t sound like any game behavior I’ve ever heard of - are you sure you didn’t just download some sort of virus that just called itself a game?”

Kenneth grimaced inwardly. While he was pretty sure LifeSim wasn't technically a computer virus, he couldn’t deny that it had infected him with a chronic need to breed which immediately spread to any woman who came in contact with him in his neighborhood. He eventually responded that, while it may ultimately turn out to be a virus of some sort, it definitely behaved like a sadistic game, and that it had turned out to be much more realistic than he’d expected.

Isabel asked for his phone and fiddled with it for a few minutes, but couldn’t find any trace of a game hiding itself. She did happen to notice a heart-laden text from Kenneth’s wife telling him how much she couldn’t wait for him to get home, along with a picture of a very pregnant belly. That was strange - Kenneth hadn’t mentioned anything about Becca being pregnant, and it was the sort of thing he would have told her as soon as he knew.

She finally handed him back his phone and asked him to tell her a bit more about the game.

“It’s… kinda hard to describe,” Kenneth responded evasively. “Would you be willing to pop over to my house after work to look at my computer - I can give you some more info on the way.”

“Uh, sure, I guess. I don’t really have anything I have to do this evening. I’ll meet you at your car at 5.”

The rest of the afternoon flew by, and before Kenneth knew it he was in the car with Isabel headed back toward his house, his dread increasing with every mile as he came closer and closer to falling under LifeSim’s influence again. On the way, as promised, Kenneth fully came clean and told Isabel everything that happened since he had bought the game the previous Friday afternoon, from breeding Linda at the party on Friday, to knocking up Kelly and his wife on Saturday, to accidentally making them all six months pregnant Sunday night. He ended with his plan to reverse his first punishment that evening and his hopes that Isabel could find a way to just uninstall the game entirely in the meantime.

Isabel sat and listened to him calmly and quietly, not saying a word until he had finished his entire outlandish story.

"Kenneth, I’ve known you a long time, and you're one of the most level-headed people I know, so while I obviously don't believe you, I do believe that you think that what you're saying is the truth. If it were anyone else, I’d say this all sounds like a really perverted way to ask for a threesome with your pregnant wife. But, since I trust you, I’ll agree to go to your house and see what's on your computer if you promise to tell Becca what you’ve just told me afterward so we can go get you some help.”

"That seems more than fair."

As they neared Kenneth’s house, he spent his final few lucid moments trying to prepare Isabel for the craziness she’d probably see once she was in the neighborhood.

"Ok, we're almost there. I'll probably start acting really strangely once we get inside, but I need you to just ignore me and anything weird happening around me and just figure out how to get the game off my computer as quickly as possible."

He braced himself to try to resist LifeSim’s effects, but, as expected, there was nothing to resist: sex was now simply the foremost concern on his mind, whether he wanted it to be or not, and Kenneth felt a familiar tenuousness around the edges of his psyche that told him he could no longer fully control his baser impulses. At least he had Isabel with him to keep him grounded, the only sane person in LifeSim’s madhouse.

Unexpectedly, however, the suddenly sexually appealing Latina spoke up from the passenger seat in a quiet, oddly breathy voice.

"Kenneth, I, um, I think I believe you now."

He looked over in surprise, and was horrified to discover that not only did the bottom-heavy Latina’s feminine curves suddenly seem mouth-watering to his sex-obsessed mind, but that her dreamy brown eyes had become large and liquid, her cute little nose was flaring so she could take in as much of his hypnotic musk as possible, and her seductive cheeks were flushed with what could only be a dangerous amount of arousal.

Chapter 5

"Oh wow, it really does make you charismatic." Isabel almost whimpered as she squeezed her thick thighs together in unexpected pleasure. "I wasn't prepared for that!" The musk suddenly permeating the car threatened to have her soaking her panties in seconds. "You, uh, did a really good job making yourself irresistible," Isabel said, blushing as she tucked a strand of dark brown hair behind her ear.

Kenneth felt himself getting dangerously turned on at her reaction and display of clear sexual interest. So much for Isabel being the levelheaded one. "This was a mistake. We should leave now before it's too late," he said, preparing to turn the car around.

"No, no, I'm fine," she sighed dreamily, still looking up at him with a charmed smile as the powerful thrum of his voice swept over her, leaving her crotch awash in tingles. Even his voice is sexier! "I can control it - I just wasn't expecting it, that's all. I can still help. I guess one upside is that I definitely want to do whatever I can to help you out now," she said, grinning at him but still blushing fiercely. Kenneth was so painfully masculine that she could barely stand to look at him, but it was even more impossible to look away.

"Anyway, like I said, I definitely believe you now," she repeated, shaking her head to try to clear it of her sudden, overwhelming physical attraction to her coworker. Her crush refused to go away, however, especially with how close they were to each other in the confines of the car. "I can't deny that it's affecting me," Isabel continued unnecessarily in a voice filled with quiet amazement, seemingly more to herself than to him in the face of the unreality of her situation. The dumpy, straightlaced nerd from accounting seemed so virile, so desirable all of a sudden, and Isabel could feel her body responding, urging her to act on those desires.

She realized she was arching her back, showing off her small B-cups as her attraction subconsciously compelled her to flirt with him. And why shouldn’t she? Isabel wanted Kenneth to look at her, to see her feminine body practically humming with pent-up sexual desire so he’d know she had become receptive to his advances. Isabel knew how dangerous this train of thought was, especially with what Kenneth had told her about his own sexual desire under the influence of the program, but she wanted to do it anyway, and couldn’t quite seem to make herself stop.

Kenneth watched, fascinated, as his coworker tried to fight her new infatuation with him. Even though Isabel was aware of what was happening to her, her involuntary physiological responses to being in his presence were so powerful that she literally couldn’t stop herself from advertising her growing sexual receptiveness.

For his part, Kenneth’s eyes greedily devoured the pleasant mounds jutting from her chest, and his lizard brain eagerly noted the arousal and eagerness of this new potential mate, whether he consciously wanted to or not. Looking over at her, feeling the way his gaze focused on the healthy sheen of her hair, the taper of her waist from her small breasts down to her wide thighs, Kenneth knew it was impossible for their relationship to remain platonic while they were in here. It was such an odd feeling - one moment he was perfectly normal and in control of himself sitting next to a coworker he viewed almost as a sister, and the next he was being bombarded with a relentless, deep-seated urge to pursue sexual intercourse with her, a desire he knew Isabel was now feeling just as strongly as he was, if not even moreso.

And, now that they were both under LifeSim’s influence, it was all the more likely that their hormones would run out of control and they’d do something they’d regret later. Kenneth knew that he should still just turn around and leave before he ruined his friend's life just as he had Linda and Kelly’s, but he really did need to get rid of LifeSim, and he couldn’t deny how good it felt to have a helplessly infatuated woman so close to him again after his long day at work, so he impulsively decided to stick it out. Watching Isabel get turned on just by being in his presence was incredibly addicting though, so he’d have to make sure he was extra careful not to accidentally cum inside her like he had the other women, especially now that his irresistible charisma was making Isabel’s curvy body crave sex with him just like theirs had.

Isabel finally spoke up again in her meek, bemused voice. "You said the women are ‘hyper-fertile’ in here, right?" Kenneth nodded. "Well, now that I’m being affected too," she began, her cheeks still bright red at the new, R-rated thoughts rushing through her head as she continued to gaze rapturously at Kenneth. "Do you think it's made me... y'know, fertile?" Isabel tried to ignore the flutter in her stomach as she said the words, glancing down at her soft torso and wondering if the game had really manipulated her body as easily as it had manipulated her mind. She fought a tingle of anticipation growing between her legs at the knowledge that Kenneth was following both her look and her thought process.

Her abdomen still looked and felt normal, but that didn't mean that whatever crazy virus Kenneth had on his computer hadn't turned the innocent little pussy she was hiding under her clothing into a turbocharged breeding machine without her knowledge or consent. Isabel was hit with a feeling of incredible vulnerability at the thought of the dangerous power that Kenneth's cock likely now wielded over her pregnable body and captivated mind; even so, however, she was surprised at how much she wanted it in her pussy anyway, at how her artificial infatuation with Kenneth was making her willing to do anything she could to give him pleasure, even (or, increasingly, “especially”) if that pleasure would more than likely cause his cock to flood her womb with his warm baby goo.

"It made the other women fertile, as you’ll probably see when we get home, but I, uh, I don't know if it affected you like that too," Kenneth lied, completely certain that LifeSim had, in fact, made Isabel just as fertile as the other women he’d knocked up. He tried to ignore the faraway look on her face as she fantasized about the lump forming in his pants from his hardening member. "We probably shouldn't think about it too much."

Kenneth tried to take his own advice and not to think about how a video game had made one of his female coworkers infatuated with him, all while making her body highly susceptible to his semen, just like all of the other women in the neighborhood, and how it had made giving in to his urge to fill them with that semen the literal goal of his life. Instead, he focused on the fact that he could have sex with Becca again as soon as he got home, which succeeded somewhat in taking the edge off his need.

"You’re probably right," Isabel said, also trying to think about anything other than her overpowering desire for her coworker's cock, and the fact that if she gave in to the temptation and let herself act on her feelings, she would almost definitely be impregnated. But would that be so bad? she was horrified to hear herself think in a moment of appealing, instinctive femininity before forcing the thought out of her head as they finally pulled into Kenneth’s driveway.

"Hi Kenny!" Kelly and Linda both chimed in unison as they chatted by Linda’s mailbox, and the significance of their matching bumps was immediately and emphatically apparent to Isabel in her current condition as she got out of the car.

"Your handiwork, I assume?" she asked, giving him an accusatory look that she didn't really feel as Kenneth sheepishly waved back. To her infatuated mind it seemed only natural that a virile male like Kenneth would want to spread his seed as widely as possible, and that any woman would instinctively want those high value genes for themselves. It was no wonder that these two had allowed themselves to be impregnated, and Isabel couldn’t help but feel a bit envious toward them for having succeeded in doing so. It worried her how appealing the idea of carrying Kenneth’s child felt all of a sudden, so she quickly changed the subject to distract herself. "How long has this been going on again?"

"Only over the weekend. I mentioned that there's a fast-forward button that seems to make pregnancies jump ahead without actually elapsing any time."

“Oh yeah.” That was nonsense. This whole situation was nonsense. Still, Isabel couldn’t deny her own feelings and behavior, and now she also had the evidence of the other women of the neighborhood staring rapturously at Kenneth from their porches. She drifted a bit closer to him as they walked up the path to his front door, as though her body were magnetically attracted to his instead of merely sexually, until she was finally rewarded with the sensation of the naked skin of her arm brushing against him, and a tingle of electric arousal flew between the two coworkers at the touch. Kenneth showed no reaction to what she’d done, but he also didn’t make her pull away.

Isabel noted how the other women eyed her with jealousy, and tried not to feel lucky as they reached the door, still awash with the addicting feeling of her arm touching his. There’s nothing to feel lucky about - I’m just here to fix a friend’s computer.

As they entered the house the pair was greeted by Becca, whom Isabel recognized from company events over the years. Isabel noted Becca’s abdomen swelling as well, confirming the text she had seen earlier, and she was once more made aware of the severity of the danger she was in. Honestly though, it didn’t feel like danger so much as an opportunity to get Kenneth alone so he could finally bury his cock in her needy pussy.

"Oh, Kenny, you've brought a visitor! Hi Isabel, it’s so good to see you again! You look positively radiant!" the very pregnant Becca gushed happily.

"Hi Becca! I'm just here to look at Kenneth’s computer," Isabel responded in what she hoped was an innocent voice.

"Oh, I’m sure, dear," Becca said reassuringly. She rubbed her protruding stomach as she gave the two uncomfortably aroused coworkers a wink, drawing attention to the obvious reproductive tension hanging thickly between them. "Have a good time!"

Isabel tried to ignore how simultaneously ominous and exciting that sounded. She was suddenly very aware of her body, of just how turned on she was; it made her want to do very unwise things with Kenneth. She drifted even closer as they walked to the office, this time feeling her torso brush against his, and then she felt his arm wrap around her hips, grabbing her waist and abruptly pulling her close, almost possessively. She felt herself go weak in the knees, and had to be half-dragged into the room.

As soon as the door to Kenneth’s office was safely closed behind them, the horny couple immediately pressed their bodies tightly against one another, and their lips met in a reckless, unwise kiss.

Sparks flew in Isabel’s mind as she melted against this irresistibly sexy man, and she could feel her legs spreading as her body opened to his, already fully willing to let him do whatever he wanted with her now that she could finally feel Kenneth’s cock twitching against her torso through his pants.

Just then, however, with a gargantuan effort, Kenneth pulled his face away from hers.

“I should show you the computer,” he muttered gruffly.

“You could, or you could show me something else,” Isabel responded breathlessly, still lost in the sensations running through her body from their kiss and fully swept up in her desire to go further as his voice pounded and thrummed through her. She had already begun instinctively thrusting her hips against his, her mind free of all thought except her need to have sex with this man, her vagina fully lubricated and her egg waiting eagerly deep inside her womb for fertilization. “I’m ready.”

Kenneth had only been able to hold himself back this long by lying to himself, taking advantage of his impulsiveness by forcing himself to think that this was all a waste of his time, that every second spent here engaging in boring foreplay with tech support was a second that he wasn’t actively balls deep in his wife, as he’d intended. He tore his gaze away from his coworker even as she quivered with arousal before him.

"I should leave." He needed to have sex, right now, and he firmly told himself that the only way he could do that was to go find Becca.

"No, don't leave! ...Ok, maybe you should leave." Isabel moaned in horny, confused anguish. "I just don't know anymore! I know my feelings are being manipulated, and that I can't trust them, but I really don't want you to go! But it's for all of the wrong reasons, and if you stay here we’ll… I’ll…" She sighed as she stood next to him, still burning with unfulfilled desire as she looked up into his dreamy face. If he made a move, she knew that she wouldn't be able to resist. Hopefully he would just kiss her again and that would be that.

Instead, Kenneth practically flew out of the room, his heavy footsteps making the floor reverberate as he searched for his wife. He found her in the bedroom, gasping with need as she fucked herself with a vibrator. Unable to spare enough attention to be take aback by the unexpected sight, he ripped his pants off, yanked the vibrator out of his wife’s glistening cunt, and slammed himself up to the hilt as his heavily pregnant wife moaned encouragingly, and he was immediately rewarded with that familiar sensation of happiness and purpose at finally having sex once more.

Now that his sensitive cock was wrapped in pussy Kenneth had completely forgotten about Isabel’s existence, but the same could not be said of her. She had seated herself in front of his computer, trying to focus through the considerable distraction of her still-burning arousal as she began to familiarize herself with LifeSim. Isabel had no choice but to do as Kenneth had asked, driven by her need to please him, but try as she might she couldn’t ignore the sounds of Kenneth's deep, satisfied grunts reverberating through her body from the next room, and listening to Becca's high-pitched squeaks and sighs of sexual bliss soon drove her to stick a hand down her slacks and start stroking herself as she explored the game’s interface.

As she stimulated her needy little nub, however, she slowly found herself forgetting about working on the program as she succumbed more and more to the vicarious pleasure of watching Kenneth and Becca’s avatars writhe under the sheets in the bedroom of Kenneth’s digital house, all the while imagining that her low-poly avatar was getting fucked instead.

Kenneth was just so much more desirable than she had ever thought that anyone could possibly be, and even though she knew her feelings weren’t her own, that they were solely due to the game's influence over her, that hadn’t made it any easier to resist when she’d thrown herself at him just minutes before. As soon as Isabel had first felt the program’s wonderful effects on her body, it was a foregone conclusion that she’d let Kenneth do whatever he wanted to her. At this point it was just a matter of time.

Isabel completely understood why the other women had given in so fast and been so easily impregnated - any girl not aware that their overwhelming new feelings were artificial would see no reason whatsoever not to coax Kenneth into filling her with cum as soon as possible. Heck, Isabel was aware, and she had still been unable to resist the urge.

As she jilled herself while watching the avatar of her coworker fuck his pregnant wife on the screen in front of her, she noticed how his happiness was slowly increasing, coming ever closer to the end of the bar above his head. It struck her how unfair it was that only Kenneth could accumulate happiness points toward changing his traits and life goals - as strange as it was to think about, Isabel was now just an NPC in someone else's game, able to be modified at will and helpless to resist the effects of that modification, with no recourse whatsoever. Kenneth had made his avatar irresistible to the NPC women in his neighborhood, and so, now that Isabel was a woman in his neighborhood, she couldn’t help but be obsessed with having sex with him. There was nothing she could do.

How much she wanted to feel Kenneth’s hard cock sliding between her thighs wasn’t actually the problem, of course; his sexy, throbbing meatrod was perfectly safe in a vacuum. The problem was the two large, virile testicles dangling innocuously between his legs that were directly connected to that erect, eager phallus. Isabel imagined them practically sloshing with the potent semen they were constantly producing, ensuring that sex with Kenneth would inevitably fertilize his endless supply of willing mates. And Isabel was feeling very willing at the moment.

Why does sex have to be tied to reproduction? she lamented. Why wasn’t Kenneth’s tasty cock just a solid dildo of throbbing muscle that she could use to take the edge off her constant, inescapable attraction to him? Why did that tempting dick have to come with a hollow shaft that would directly connect those heavy balls to the depths of her womb? She needed to bring Kenneth to a sexy, satisfying orgasm deep inside her, but she knew that she couldn’t do that without also causing cum to gush through his cock, and that would drown her receptive, impressionable egg in a welcome sea of compelling male genetic information.

For that matter, why couldn’t she just be a sterile cocksleeve for Kenneth? Why did her flirty little vagina have to be so damn fertile? Why couldn’t she just enjoy the feeling of his sexy cum flooding into her from his big, manly balls, filling her up to the brim with the essence of his masculinity, without that semen invariably kindling her womb into life?

After all, Isabel’s desires really had nothing to do with reproduction (ok, she confessed to herself, that’s not quite true, but still), so why did that have to be the unavoidable outcome? Isabel should be allowed to have some innocent, meaningless sexual fun with her coworker if she wanted to - sure it was a bit awkward socially, but it shouldn't have permanent, life-changing consequences! And the more pressing issue: why weren’t those consequences more worrisome to her? Why was the thought of getting bred by Kenneth so damn appealing all of a sudden?

The overarching problem was that, in this neighborhood, sexual intercourse had been effectively returned to a state of nature. Indulging in some appealing casual sex with Kenneth would normally be fine, but now that all of the women in the neighborhood were constantly fertile - including me, Isabel thought wistfully - her powerful need to feel Kenneth’s cock stimulating itself inside her tingly vagina was unfortunately no longer just an anachronistic instinct that, thanks to modern methods of contraception, could be safely indulged in to her heart’s content; it had reverted to its original purpose, an emotion designed to overpower reason and persuade men and women to engage in pleasurable coupling so that their genes would perpetuate themselves.

Well, maybe it’s time I started thinking about the next generation. After all, Isabel’s body was designed to be impregnated - LifeSim was just making sure she did what came naturally. Intellectually, Isabel knew that she would never be thinking like this if she weren’t under the effects of the program, and she’d never really wanted to have children in the first place, but she couldn’t deny that she’d probably never meet a person that she wanted to produce offspring with as much as she did with Kenneth, right now. Sure that was LifeSim talking, but the fact remained: if she were ever going to get herself knocked up, now was the time, and Kenneth was the ideal mate.

It really wasn't fair - she hadn't asked for any of this, but it was all happening to her anyway, just like it had to Kelly and Linda and Becca. All she’d wanted was to help her friend, but now she was stuck also wanting to fuck him and carry his child, and she wanted it very badly.

The worst part was how good it all sounded to her now that LifeSim’s influence and Kenneth’s charisma had infected her mind. It just felt so nice to be near Kenneth, to bask in the intoxicating pleasure of their mutual attraction - would it really be so bad if something happened between them? Isabel realized that dwelling on these thoughts was dangerous, and she knew that the entire point of these feelings was to convince her to allow herself to be bred, but that didn't make her want to do it any less.

Even worse, she knew how much Kenneth wanted to give in as well, and she could feel her new compulsion to please her masculine coworker pounding inside her body and mind. That was the diabolical perfection of the game - everyone involved wanted to participate. He needed to spread his seed just as much as she needed to receive it. And it would be so easy for both of them to just go along with what felt good and natural and let themselves reproduce like bunnies.

Isabel’s attention was drawn back to Becca’s avatar's tinny voice coming through the speakers as the sounds began to ramp up in intensity, and the horny Latina knew that it wouldn’t be long before the feminine moans coming through the wall next to her would grow louder and more euphoric as the pregnant housewife came all over her husband’s cock. In a brief flash of jealousy, Isabel decided that she should be the one moaning in release like that, not Becca. She knew how utterly ridiculous it was to be jealous under the current circumstances, especially of Kenneth’s actual wife, and she knew instinctually that a man like Kenneth was more than entitled to screw whoever he wanted, but even so she couldn't help the way she felt.

She looked back at the screen, burning with envy, determined to find something in the game that could rectify the situation and get her the cock that she deserved before he wasted all of that potent cum on an already pregnant Becca. Isabel’s eyes briefly hovered over the heart prominently displayed above her avatar’s head, the evidence that her current feelings and actions were being strongly influenced by her infatuation with Kenneth. And she knew that it was true; she could feel her yearning for his body, her eagerness to let him have his way with her. It wasn't even something she could fight - it just was. Isabel wanted Kenneth to fuck her, regardless of the consequences. It was that simple.

There was an audible ding as Kenneth finally finished filling his happiness meter and unlocked his first free trait. Isabel saw that Kenneth hadn’t cum yet, and so she opened his traits menu, knowing the entire time what a horrible idea this was, how badly she would regret this decision in just a few short hours when she was no longer under the game's spell, but she also happily recognized that she was now too deeply under the effects of her own infatuation to care. Or at least that’s what I’m telling myself.

She scrolled through the options until she saw exactly what she wanted. "Wild Oats". Player character has a powerful urge to boinkboink unimpregnated partners. Intercourse with impregnated partners results in significantly reduced enjoyment and lower happiness point boosts for relevant traits and life goals.

Isabel’s finger twitched above the mouse in a final moment of pregnant indecision…

Kenneth heard the buzz of his phone at the edge of his consciousness while he was busy fucking Becca, but he was more than happy to ignore it since he was just beginning to feel that addictive tightening sensation at the base of his cock that meant he’d soon be safely dumping yet another load into his swollen wife, and not into yet another of the fertile, infatuated housewives in his neighborhood.

All of a sudden, however, even though he could still feel the urge to cum building inside him, Kenneth realized that he didn’t really want to want to keep fucking Becca for some reason. He soon became antsy, and his thrusts began to falter as his mind turned to all of the unbred pussy nearby that he could be fucking instead. He absentmindedly glanced over at his phone in his distraction, and was very confused to see the message "Thank you for redeeming your Level 1 Life Goal reward trait: Wild Oats!" flashing across the screen.

Becca was understandably just as confused by Kenneth’s sudden lack of interest as he was - this new, improved Kenny didn't just stop in the middle of sex.

"Everything ok dear?"

"I, uh, sorry, but I think I need to go check on Isabel in the office," Kenneth blurted distractedly as he loosely threw a robe over his naked body. His erect cock stood out proudly through the flaps of his robe, still visibly purple and throbbing with his insistent, unrelieved need to cum as he rushed from the room. "Something's wrong.”

Yeah I bet I know what's wrong, Becca thought to herself. Still, she couldn't be too mad at Kenny - men like him had needs, and it wasn't like Becca didn't also find it super hot that her virile man was about to go impregnate a coworker. Why can’t he just make up his mind though? she asked herself with a longsuffering smile, but then her artificial arousal at the thought of Kenny with Isabel overcame her once more, and her vibrator quickly found its way back between her legs.

Kenneth hurried back into his office next door, his naked cock still aching for release as it bounced between the flapping tails of his robe. With a head still fuzzy with pent-up desire that demanded an outlet, his gaze fell upon Isabel’s curves where she sat at his computer.

Her eyes were similarly wild with arousal, glued to the computer screen where their two digital avatars could be clearly seen fucking with abandon on his desk while her hand worked furiously between her legs. She spun to meet him as he burst in, but her hand didn’t stop.

“Isabel! What did you do?!”

Isabel took one last, lingering look at the digital avatars fucking on the desk before she stood up and began making her way over to him with her pants still unzipped. A tuft of dark pubic hair peeked out from above her nude-colored underwear. “You were having sex with her, when you should have been having sex with me,” she said accusatorily. “So, I made it so that you’d want to have sex with me instead. And,” she gestured back at the PC, “it looks like it worked.”

She was right; that was exactly what Kenneth wanted. Even now he was admiring her slim torso and wide hips, imagining how good it would feel to slide himself between her thighs and let himself fill her up with his cum. It wouldn’t even take much - all he needed was a few good thrusts…

He saw her eyes lock onto his cock as it twitched at the prospect. God, he was so close. Still, he had to try one more time.

"Isabel," he growled as she shivered with renewed need at the sound of his voice. "That's what the game wants us to do. It's trying to get us to breed," he pleaded, even as the hypnotic bouncing of his eager cock belied his protestations. Isabel knew perfectly well that the new trait she’d given him was making the prospect of sowing his seed in her unbred pussy that much more appealing.

He saw her eyes dropping even further, to the balls hanging low and full between his legs, tucked away under his rigid mast, heavy with the genes that his hormones and instincts were urging him to spread yet again. The pre-cum leaking from his twitching member was already cloudy from how close he had come to cumming in Becca, full of baby juice waiting to surge into Isabel at the first opportunity. "Isabel," he said again, trying to keep his eagerness out of his voice. "If we have sex, you'll get pregnant."

"Promises, promises," Isabel teased as she let her pants fall to her ankles, revealing her furry pussy to him before finally pulling his naked torso tightly against her. God, he feels sooo good. Her small hand made its way down to his cock, still slick with Becca’s juices, and Kenneth moaned in defeat as she began alternately stroking him and pulling him over toward the desk.

She let him go once she finally reached it, jumping up onto the broad wooden surface just like her avatar on the screen next to her had prophetically done only a few minutes before. She opened her legs wide to show him her eager hole, the bright, glistening pink of her tempting depths peeking out through the darker skin of her mound.

It was more than Kenneth could take. He immediately lined his cock up with her beckoning entrance and squeezed himself inside, aware of his balls clenching as they slapped against her ass, ready for the impending nerve signal that would compel them to release their catalyzing messengers. His hard, oozing dick slid fully into her soaked depths on the first thrust, jerking strongly with the sensation after having already built up so much tension inside Becca, before Isabel and LifeSim had stolen his interest in her.

The enhanced excitement of being inside a new, unbred pussy was like nothing Kenneth had ever felt before. It added a whole new level of euphoria to the deep feeling of personal fulfillment Kenenth was forced to experience when having sex, and he knew he was no longer capable of pulling out of Isabel before he lost control. Still, that almost seemed appropriate. Isabel had done this to him, after all. She had not only made her own fertile pussy even more desirable to him than it had been minutes before, but she had also made it that much harder for him to resist all of the other unimpregnated women in the neighborhood in the process. And, with how good it felt to fuck under the influence of “Wild Oats”, Kenneth wasn’t sure how much he even wanted to resist filling them all up with his cum anymore.

Plus, Isabel had gotten rid of his hack of exclusively having sex with Becca, and so Kenneth figured it was only fair to embrace the uncontrollable urge slowly building up inside him once again and give her what she so clearly wanted.

That was perfectly fine with Isabel. She knew his sperm was waiting impatiently at the base of his cock, wanting to be inside her where it could fertilize her; that was what she wanted too, and it felt so good to give in to what her body wanted. She ran her hands up and down her torso, pulling up her shirt in the process so she could feel her skin against Kenneth’s now that his robe had come fully open. Kenneth appreciated the view as her small breasts with their dark brown nipples came into view, but he found his gaze being drawn lower, down to the smooth olive skin of her abdomen flexing with exertion. Isabel followed his gaze, and the thought of how he was about to make that taut abdomen swell caused her to redouble her efforts, slamming her pussy onto his cock with even more intensity to force him to fill her up.

Thanks to his edging with Becca, after just a few deep, satisfying strokes Kenneth abruptly felt it happening to him, the familiar tingle at the base of his spine that meant Isabel’s stimulating pussy had overwhelmed his sensitive cock and triggered his orgasm reflex. Kenneth was going to cum inside Isabel, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

"Ok, you wanted it, you're getting it," he growled, and he felt her body seize up with her own ecstasy at hearing the words. "You've done this to me and I can't hold back any longer. You're about to get what you deserve."

"Oh god, yes Kenny! Give me what I deserve! Fill my fertile body up! Breed meeee!" Isabel felt Kenneth growing thicker and harder inside her until his heavy balls finally clenched, forcing all of that built-up semen down his shaft and indiscriminately out into yet another receptive vagina.

Isabel screamed when she finally felt his torrent let loose inside of her, quickly coating her womb with powerful spurts of his thick jizz. Overwhelmed with sensation, she pressed herself fully against her mate, sinking him up to the hilt inside her reproductive tract as his rhythmic spasms continued to fill it. Isabel just sat there in the meantime, her vagina clenching uncontrollably around his cock as she felt each jet of his semen against her cervix, loving the fact that she was guaranteed to get pregnant now that Kenneth’s compelling essence was pooling deep inside her curious, impressionable babymaker.

As his twitches finally began to weaken Isabel began to ride him once more, coaxing as much spooge into her tight receptacle as she could, even though they both knew that the damage had already been done. Thanks to the hyperfertility LifeSim had forced upon her as soon as she entered the neighborhood, the bottom-heavy Latina knew that, just like Linda, Kelly, and Becca, she had successfully gotten herself bred. And, just like Linda, Kelly, and Becca, Isabel had never been happier.

Kenneth too was riding waves of euphoria as his orgasm trailed off, driven to new heights by the knowledge that he'd successfully impregnated yet another willing female.

"Well, that wasn't supposed to happen," he said resignedly, unable to keep his involuntary happiness out of his voice as he slid himself out of Isabel’s inseminated pussy and helped her off the desk.

“Oh god that was so good! It was so worth it!” she panted, knowing that his swimmers were already hard at work inside her body. Her crotch was still twitching as she lowered her outstretched legs to clamber down from her perch, and she had to lean against the desk for support as her satisfyingly full pussy continued to quiver, sending globs of excess cum sliding down her legs.

"I know it wasn’t supposed to happen, but I'm so glad it did!" she continued, gazing up at him with those same lovestruck brown eyes before pulling him into a tight hug. Isabel was relieved to discover that she relished the feeling of his virile body against hers just as much as she ever had, and holding him like this it was almost like she could still feel him inside her, pounding wave after wave of pleasure into her body as his cock filled her with gooey cum.

Kenneth couldn’t help but be glad too, of course, now that the deed was done. Thanks to Isabel’s rash decision, there was now no better feeling in the world than that of sowing his wild oats deep inside yet another fertile field where his seed was guaranteed to take root and grow. Still, he knew that giving in to the game's temptations like both of them had today would have permanent consequences, especially for Isabel, and he also knew that both of them would regret it horribly as soon as they left the neighborhood.

"You won't feel that way once you leave.”

"I don't care! I feel that way now! Your cum is inside me now, making me pregnant now, and that's all that matters! Ooh, I can practically feel it happening!" she cooed into his chest as her naked, dripping mound continued to twitch against his leg with the aftershocks of her pleasure, her reproductive organs still rewarding her for indulging in her urge to breed. "I know you warned me that this would happen, and I know I should have been more careful, but you were just so sexy and you smelled so good. And now it’s too late; your sperm is inside me, fertilizing me, forcing me to have your baby..."

Kenneth watched as his lovestruck coworker trailed off, her long lashes half-closed in bliss as she rode out the final few pulses lingering from their lovemaking against his hip.

"We can go by a pharmacy and pick up some Plan B once we leave," he said matter-of-factly. As soon as he did so, however, he suddenly found himself feeling slightly sadder, almost as though he were disappointed that Isabel wouldn't be knocked up for much longer. Apparently “Wild Oats” came with a bit of a breeding fetish. Great, just what I needed.

"Yeah, I guess I can let future me make that decision at least," Isabel said sheepishly as she finally started to recover from her daze. "Would you mind stepping out for a bit? I need to compose myself before heading back." She pointedly gestured down between her legs to her used pussy that was still fully on display, slowly oozing copious amounts of the semen their coupling had recklessly crammed up inside her.

"Oh, sure, no problem," he said, suddenly feeling embarrassed in spite of the intimacy of what they had just shared together, and so he quietly left the room.

As soon as she was sure he was gone, Isabel quickly sat down at his office chair once more, enjoying the feeling of his thick seed draining out of her onto the expensive leather, and turned her attention back to the game. She would have to act fast.

She checked her profile, and found it a bit surreal to see the "Pregnant" icon now flashing above her own head in addition to the heart that indicated her ongoing infatuation with Kenneth. She'd actually done it - she'd given in to LifeSim's temptations and let Kenneth impregnate her. Made Kenneth impregnate her.

It was so weird to already be aware that she was pregnant, to know that even though she didn’t look any different, her body had nonetheless undergone a fundamental change as a direct result of her actions. The genetic material that Kenneth hadn’t wanted to release, but nonetheless hadn’t been able to prevent himself from ejaculating into her had already overpowered and penetrated her egg. Her genes had gladly mingled with his, and now left to its own devices her body would inevitably swell with her own unique take on Kenneth's seed, just like all of the other women in his life. It still didn’t feel real, and yet Isabel couldn’t be happier to be just the latest addition to Kenneth’s growing stable of impregnated NPC broodmares.

In the same way, it was odd to be intellectually aware of what the game had done to her while simultaneously still being so deeply under its effects. As cautious as he had been, Kenneth had still somehow woefully undersold them - Isabel’s new desires were completely irresistible, and she wanted nothing more than to have his baby now that she had his cum inside her. She couldn't help it.

And yet she was also so happy about it! Whether her feelings were fake or not didn’t matter - she'd do anything to keep feeling this way, to keep the product of hers and Kenny's loins safe, to keep that wonderful pregnancy icon blinking over her head.

And so, as she had planned all along, Isabel made her second bad decision that afternoon.

As soon as Kenneth saw Becca in the kitchen, he knew that something was different. His first thought was how good her slim waist and wide hips looked, and he also noticed that her boobs somehow looked even larger and more appetizing than usual, her sideboob now visible around both sides of her body with her back to him as she did the dishes. His next thought was that familiar, deep-seated desire to grab her hips, bend her over the sink, and fuck a baby into her. But, now that he had the “Wild Oats” trait, that should only be possible if…

In a flash he realized the difference - Becca somehow wasn't pregnant anymore! But how could that be possible?

Regardless of how it had happened, now that Kenneth’s libido had noticed that Becca was ripe and ready to be bred once more, he found himself filled with the urge to feel his dick losing control inside her soft, fertile body once again even as he realized what must have happened.

"So how was she?" Becca asked, turning around to reveal cheeks still pink with arousal above her swollen, leaky teats and slim waist.

“Becca, I didn’t mean to…”

“Yes, you did. I knew as soon as you got out of bed that there was only one pussy on your mind, and it wasn’t mine.” Becca’s breathing began to deepen as her compulsion to get turned on by Kenneth having sex with other women began to have its predictable effect on the new mother.

Now that his infatuated wife was getting turned on, Kenneth’s cock somehow began to rise to the occasion yet again, and his gaze dropped back to her slim waist as images of filling up her torso with his jizz flooded his mind.

Becca was immediately aware of his thoughts. "Anytime, lover," she purred, wrapping her arms around him and enjoying the feel of his large cock growing against her abdomen, knowing exactly what it could do to her body now that her womb was empty again. "I figured that now that Aiden was born, you might start feeling the urge again. Well, I'm more than ready for you to knock me up again whenever you like!"

Kenneth tried to think through the cloud of lust her words were filling him with. I just finished fucking Isabel, game, Jesus! Wait, what? "Since Aiden was born?"

"Yes? Aiden, you know, your son? Well, your first son anyway," she said with a naughty twinkle in her lovestruck eyes as she snaked a hand down to stroke his cock, which was still a bit oversensitive from the intensity of the orgasm that had dumped his load into Isabel.

Just at that moment, however, Isabel herself walked out of the office, beaming with happiness. One look at the olive skin of her swollen abdomen bulging out beneath her suddenly-ill-fitting work blouse confirmed what Kenneth had begun to suspect - even though he had inseminated her soft feminine body only a few minutes before, in the time he had left her alone with LifeSim Isabel had hit fast forward, and was now heavily pregnant.

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Author's Note: Standard disclaimer applies: this story contains fictional depictions of erotic scenarios, so act accordingly! All characters are at least eighteen, all situations are entirely fictional, and any resemblance to any real-life individuals or situations is entirely coincidental. Copyright Fidget, all rights reserved. Enjoy!


by Fidget

How could they be so short-sighted?! I asked myself, slamming the door to my laboratory.

It was probably the stupid Ethics Committee, the perpetual enemy of real scientific progress. And just as I was on the verge of a breakthrough!

I had recently finalized a prototype for a project I'd been working on for three years, but at this rate it was all going to be for nothing.

I'd just have to take matters into my own hands and do it the old fashioned way, with an "unofficial" field test. If successful, I could use the results to secure independent funding, though the sources of that funding would likely be less-than-legitimate. Still, my work would live on, and I'd be well compensated.

My project was a completely original idea: a formula that increased libido and fertility in both men and women, intended for couples having trouble conceiving or with hormonal imbalances leading to a lack of interest in sex.

The more muscle mass the drug had to work with in the male subject, the greater the effects, so the most sensical and accessible location for the test would be a local gym, where the muscular subject would have his pick of available females. To ensure that mating occurred, I amped up the formula's effects far beyond what they would ultimately be in practice, and tweaked the chemistry to increase aggression in the male and submission in the female. Also, I needed to ensure that impregnation occurred in order to guarantee conception in the final product, so I made sure the formula would both disable all forms of hormonal birth control and trigger powerful maternal instincts in the impregnated female.

Once I was satisfied that the formula would make copulation irresistible to male and female alike, I drew off one dose into a vial and headed to the gym.

I liked to stay in shape myself, knowing that a healthy mind required a healthy body, and so I knew that my toned mid-20s physique clad in a nondescript sports bra and workout tights would fit right in among the gym's patrons.

I walked in and took stock of the room while I was issued a one-day trial pass, just as any other potential member would. I immediately noted that one of the trainers, a man comically bulging with a truly ridiculous amount of muscle, was walking around with a protein shake in an open cup - a perfect target.

He had plenty of mass for the formula to utilize, and the exertion generated by his frequent lifting would both catalyze the changes inside his body and increase his sweat production, the primary means by which his potent new pheromones would be released into the air. The women around him would breathe in these special pheromones which would quickly trigger submission, infatuation, and powerful physical arousal. In the meantime, his testosterone levels would drastically increase, his semen production would go through the roof, and he would find the women around him becoming much harder to resist, while also finding himself less and less inclined to resist them.

I wandered aimlessly around the gym, slowly working my way toward his ridiculous figure, and then discreetly emptied the vial's contents into his cup while he corrected another patron's form. The formula was nearly tasteless, so he shouldn't notice it under the artificial flavorings in his protein shake. I smiled to myself, realizing that he should be thanking me for the mind-blowing, uninhibited sex he was unknowingly about to have.

A few minutes later he had finished the shake none the wiser. It would take about five minutes for his body to start producing his irresistible new pheromones, so I hid myself on a bench behind one of the leg press machines to record the experiment thus far.

"Excuse me," was the next thing I heard, and, startled out of my note-taking, I looked up into the face of the very trainer I had just dosed.

Not good! I thought to myself, feeling a brief spike of adrenaline that involuntarily increased my breath rate and blood flow. Everything would be fine, of course, but I needed to extricate myself from this situation quickly to make sure the drug didn't begin affecting me by mistake.

It was a regrettable but unavoidable fact of nature that my own biochemistry was that of a young, sexually mature female, which ensured that my body's physical response to the trainer's modified pheromones would be just as strong as that of the other women in the gym. I was more than confident in my ability to recognize and resist the feelings of infatuation and submission even if I were exposed, of course, but even so it was better to avoid that situation anyway for the sake of the experiment.

"Yes?" I answered brusquely, trying to end the conversation as quickly as possible.

"Oh, sorry!" he said, taken aback my by bluntness, but recovering with an easy smile. "I just wanted to know what you were doing hiding over here." Underneath his cologne I caught a whiff of the strong tang of his sweat from working out all day.

"Oh, just taking some notes for my workout," I answered dismissively. Why won't he go away already?

"Ah, gotcha. No problem, it just seemed like you were hiding from someone, and I wanted to make sure you were ok." He was so considerate! I was glad I had picked such a nice guy for my experiment. He'd definitely take care of whatever girl he ended up ensnaring with his heady musk. Lucky girl, I thought, giving his physique a second glance. I'd been too harsh in my first assessment - his muscles gave him a bit of a dominant aura, which was always attractive in a man.

He moved to get up, not wanting to bother me further, and I suddenly felt ashamed of my initial rudeness. He hadn't done anything wrong, after all. "Wait!" I exclaimed unexpectedly, and a little too loudly.

"Yes?" He turned back, giving me a great view of his bulging bicep. Wow, I could really see why I'd chosen him for this test. His arms were thick and powerful, precisely the kind you'd want wrapped around your torso as he held you down. I blushed a bit at such a naughty thought. Where had that come from?

Either way, I had to say something. "Oh, I just wanted to apologize for snapping at you. I was focused on what I was writing and you just startled me." What was I writing? Oh yeah, notes about the test subject. The test subject right in front of me who I need to get away from ASAP.

He leaned back over me, and I sighed in unexpected relief at once again filling my nose with the pungent stink of his sweat, which finally set off alarm bells in the back of my head.

I now recognized that my body was already responding to the cocktail of pheromones he was giving off. I didn't expected it to work so quickly, or so powerfully, I thought as the temptation to stay here and continue to sniff this increasingly attractive man grew. Except I had, I recalled, because that's exactly how I'd designed the formula. I just hadn't expected that I would be the one at risk of falling under its influence. Even so, this was excellent data.

Exposed females quickly exhibit symptoms of infatuation, I calmly noted to myself, trying to resist the effects of the sour musk that was still filling my nostrils, but then I felt a tightening in my chest as my nipples suddenly stiffened against my sports bra in spite of my efforts. And physical arousal, I added wryly. So much for trying to resist the effects - in stark contrast to my mind, my body was entirely at the mercy of his enhanced virility and was beginning to respond whether I wanted it to or not.

"Yeah, no worries," he said reassuringly. "I get it. Is this your first time here?"

I saw his eyes momentarily flick down to the pert breasts filling out my tight B-cups, and, knowing that he could see my nipples standing out through the thin fabric, I felt myself gasp softly in excitement at the attention. Even so, I studiously took the time to make an additional mental note: Subject has started to focus on the sex characteristics of nearby potential mates. Subject is likely finding potential mates increasingly sexually desirable, and may even be contemplating intercourse. I shivered in pleasure at that last thought, still breathing in the powerful masculinity of his scent, and felt a tingle start up between my thighs as my vagina began to lubricate, clearly contemplating intercourse as well.

As tempting as it was to just sit and take notes in the trainer's captivating presence, I knew that if I didn't do something soon, shift his attention onto another target for his affections somehow, the situation could quickly spiral out of control. I couldn't feel it, but my body had likely already begun producing my own modified sex hormones in response to his, and they would soon overpower and deactivate my hormonal IUD. My formula was designed to make me submissive, infatuated, and fertile, after all, and I knew that I would be ovulating any minute now, putting me at severe risk of impregnation if the hunky trainer were to release his sperm into my vagina somehow. I made a mental note to have my IUD replaced once the test was over.

All the while his body would be busy dumping testosterone into his system, increasing semen production and sperm motility and ramping up his aggression, dominance, and sexual desire. In short, before long he'd be sporting a throbbing erection along with an overwhelming need to relieve that tension by filling the closest receptive pussy with his genetic information. I tried to ignore how close, willing, and receptive my own pussy was feeling at the moment, but continued to sit there nonetheless, enjoying the pleasant tingle slowly growing between my thighs for just a few more seconds. Meanwhile, my susceptible body continued to obey the enticing, procreative instructions I'd hidden in the stink of his body odor. RUN AWAY, I screamed silently at myself, but I couldn't seem to muster the willpower for some reason.

"Yeah, I thought I'd try the place out first. See if the view was worth it," I responded flirtatiously, giving him an obvious once-over followed by an impish little wink. Uh-oh. Not only did the overt flirting demonstrate just how strongly I was being affected, but it also advertised my sexual interest and invited him to respond in kind.

Sure enough, he asked "Well, do you like what you see?" and flexed his massive muscles, causing my pussy to practically gush and clench with need. God his pecs and abs were so yummy. I could barely stop myself from running my hands up and down the entire front of his body. And he smelled so good, so masculine. Would it really be so bad to let him slide his penis inside me, even just for a minute? I could surrender to my delightful infatuation with his sexy body for a bit, and let him indulge in his urge to thrust into my appealing little pussy a few times. Then all I had to do was ignore my body's instinct to let him cum inside me, overcome my growing submissiveness, and nicely ask my testosterone-addled Adonis to please pull out of my slick, silky vagina before he inevitably lost control and flooded my fertile reproductive tract with his eager little swimmers... Sigh. It seemed ridiculous that such life-altering consequences had to come from an act that was so natural and, well, desirable. It was all just so tempting all of a sudden.

My increasingly graphic daydreaming was making it clear that I'd made a grave error in assuming that I could resist my formula's effects, and I felt my skin growing warmer as my face and chest flushed with the strength of my physical excitement, especially now that he was clearly returning my interest. My nipples were almost painfully stiff against my scratchy sports bra, stimulating them further and driving my arousal even higher. The tingling in my crotch became insistent, and I had to squeeze my thighs together for a bit of relief. It was getting harder to think clearly. I knew that by this point I was grinning like a silly girl with a crush as his eyes roamed over my body more and more shamelessly, but I couldn't seem to stop myself. YOU'VE GOT TO RUN AWAY BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!

At that moment, however, he lifted his leg onto the machine beside me, and I was suddenly face to face with his growing cock, every vein clearly visible through his skin-tight compression shorts as it inched longer and longer.

I gasped audibly. It was perfect. I squirmed with anticipation, knowing that monster would be spurting inside me any minute now. It was unavoidable. It was destiny.

Not wanting to be outdone, I began to arch my back, sticking my chest out for his appraisal. I knew that I shouldn't, but I also knew that I had nice tits, and his approval suddenly seemed really important for some reason. He must have been satisfied with them, since his nostrils flared as his breathing deepened even further and his muscles tensed to provide more blood flow to his thick cock. I shifted my stare to his glistening physique once again, all the while continuing to take deep breaths of his pungent, hypnotic scent. My mind was suddenly filled with appealing images of him restraining me with those powerful arms, forcing me to accept that thick cock over and over again, and I knew that I didn't have much time left.

But it was just so nice to stay there, letting his musk wash over me and make me hornier and hornier. I may be a scientist, but I was quickly learning that I was also very much a woman. A very aroused woman who needed to be ruthlessly held down and physically dominated by a virile man, and to hell with the consequences. I regretfully noted that I was indeed becoming more submissive, more awed by his masculine presence, and increasingly willing to let him do whatever he wanted with me. This was, again, intended behavior to ensure that the female target would compliantly allow herself to be inseminated. I felt an unwelcome shiver of anticipation go up my spine at the thought of compliantly allowing myself to be inseminated.

We had both fallen silent by this point, and were just sitting there openly leering at each other's bodies, caught up in the exciting sensation of mutual physical arousal as our reproductive organs urged us to mate. I watched his eyes bounce up and down between my flaring hips and the hard nipples on my firm young tits, before settling on the increasingly alluring gap between my thighs. I spread my legs a bit to give him a better view of my swollen vulva, standing out out clearly against the tight spandex, darkened by my vaginal lubrication. I felt so vulnerable. We both knew that I could be penetrated so easily. His cock was fully erect and visibly throbbing through his thin shorts. A bead of cloudy pre-cum soaked through. Impregnation was seeming more appealing by the second.

In an uncharacteristic moment of weakness, I stuck out my hand and slowly stroked a fingernail along the underside of his shaft.

It was more than either of us could take.

His brows lowered as his face took on a domineering frown. "Follow me."

It was my last chance to leave. Instead, I only nodded meekly, completely submitting myself to this powerful man and his irresistible virility. I could feel my own receptive femininity burning in answer, eager to receive his seed. As a scientist, I was still fully aware that my current condition had been chemically induced, of course, but as a fertile young female I was unable to resist my body's need to procreate with this powerful male who stank of pure sex.

He gripped my arm tightly, bruising me as he practically dragged me to a private massage room in the back of the gym.

The enclosed nature of the small room only increased the concentration of his tainted pheromones, and I could feel the stink of his sweat closing in around me, clouding my remaining rational thoughts even further. He crushed me against his hard, angular body and roughly pawed at my breasts while I mewled encouragement, stroking his shaft through his shorts, and then he turned me around and forced my torso down across the massage table, driving me nearly out of my mind with desire at receiving exactly the kind of treatment I deserved. He pressed up against my firm ass from behind as he held me down, and my body responded automatically, pushing back against his hard cock, feeling it nestle into my asscrack and press against my swollen, needy vulva from behind. I could even feel his balls clenching against the insides of my thighs as his cock throbbed. In my haze of arousal I thought about how full those testicles were, weighed down by their heavy load of dangerous sperm that would easily overwhelm and fertilize the egg my body had released.

Wasting no time, the trainer roughly pulled down my leggings, revealing my naked ass and vulnerable pussy to his greedy gaze. I tried to turn around, but he pushed me back down with one hand while he pulled his shorts down with the other. His massive cock and balls finally flopped out, slapping against my ass and thighs. A cloud of pungent ball musk was released into the air as his junk was freed, and the remainder of my mind clouded over with blind lust. I dumbly spread my legs, offering my exposed, dripping pussy for his pleasure, finally his fully willing breedslut. My only purpose was to have this man's babies, and his only purpose was to fill me with them.

His cock slammed fully into me with no warning and no resistance, filling me to the brim and overwhelming my frazzled mind with irresistible fireworks of ecstasy. I felt myself tense up, and then my hips were involuntarily spasming, and my pussy clamped down on his dick and began contracting, squeezing, encouraging him to lose control inside me.

His reaction to the sudden stimulation was to grab my hair and yank, hard, pulling my ass back against his hips before withdrawing halfway and slamming back in, needing more of the addictive sensation, quickly building up his pace until he was painfully jackhammering into me, holding me facedown with his powerful arms as he railed my helpless cunt.

I couldn't get enough of the pain. The sex was so much rougher than anything I had experienced before, but in my current state I wanted nothing more than to be held down and brutally used. I wanted him to force me to receive his seed, to prove that he was the one who deserved to breed me.

The trainer's artificially heightened arousal was designed to make him lose control quickly, and his gutteral moaning as his release approached sent me over the edge again. My fertile body was telling me that it was time to be impregnated, and I couldn't help but agree as my pussy clamped down on his dick and started milking. I wanted him to fill my baby-maker with his spunk, and with the testosterone pounding through his veins and my tight pussy insistently gripping and stroking his over-sensitive, stiffening cock, I knew he could no longer avoid giving me what I wanted.

With a grunt of release he began to ejaculate, slamming his heavy body fully into mine as I finally felt his thick spurts blasting painfully against my cervix again and again.

Here it comes I thought dreamily, smiling in bruised anticipation as what felt like steel clamps locked down around my thoughts. His cum had activated the maternal conditioning built into my formula, as I had known it would, and as my mind glazed over in ecstasy at his orgasm, my body chemistry made my current obsession with having his baby permanent.

The conditioning had been intended to ensure his lucky girl's conception, but I had never even considered that that lucky girl could just as easily be me. It was too late now, of course, and I couldn't be happier to feel this stranger's warm jizz coating my unprotected womb as his cock continued to rhythmically pulse inside me. Conception confirmed.

After ejaculating what felt like a gallon of thick, pungent cum, the trainer's cock finally finished its reflexive jerking. He wasted no time pulling out, and I immediately missed the sensation of his cock filling me up. I glanced over my shoulder for one final look at his magic schlong, watching it droop a bit as one last giant glob dripped from the tip onto the floor.

I could feel an ample supply oozing out of me and onto the massage table as well, and felt a warm glow of satisfaction as I made a mental note that semen production increase had been a resounding success.

I took a second to double-check my mental state, just in case, but happily confirmed that the conditioning had worked as intended. A minute ago I couldn't wait for the trainer to inseminate me, and now I couldn't wait for my body to start swelling from the spunk he had just put inside me. He had done his part, sliding his sensitive cock into my attractive, fertile body until he came, and now it was my job to get good and knocked up so I could produce his offspring.

As he reached for his clothes I meekly suggested that he go take a shower first, since washing off the pheromones would likely decrease his chances of affecting another woman. He had already lost interest in me, however, and, after pulling his shorts over his half-erect dick, he stumbled out of the room without a backward glance. That didn't bode well. I didn't know exactly how long the effects of the dose I had given him would last, but until he washed it off, any woman within smelling distance would quickly become just as eager to let him cum inside her as I had.

When I had put myself back together enough to painfully hobble out of the back room, I saw the trainer talking to a gym bunny on the elliptical with massive fake tits, barely contained in a tight, revealing tank top. I could tell that her body was already responding strongly to his powerful masculinity: she was hanging on his every word, taking deep breaths of his enticing, addictive musk, and I knew that she was becoming more receptive by the second, both physically and mentally, to being impregnated.

It occurred to me that I should probably do something, warn her somehow, but it was so hard to muster any will to act. Plus, I knew how badly my thickly muscled stud wanted to empty his swelling balls inside her fuckable body, and it just felt so natural for me to submit to his wishes. I was aware that I was still being affected by his musk, so fresh in my nostrils, but in the end all I could do was stand by and watch as the busty future mother began to subconsciously arch her back to show off her tits, just as I had.

When I caught her discreetly sliding her thumb along the throbbing erection once again tenting his shorts, I rubbed my toned belly in anticipation, knowing that my offspring would be getting at least one sibling today.

Finally, I watched her meekly follow him back to the massage room, fake tits jiggling, her perfectly made-up face full of the same adoration and unbridled lust that mine had shown mere minutes before, just as eager for him to forcefully use her curvy body to relieve his reproductive urges as I had been. Her mind was being bombarded by a cocktail of amped-up sex hormones, overwhelming her inhibitions with lofty thoughts of romance, submission, pleasure, love, destiny...

But I knew that there was no magic, no romance. She was merely under the influence of a chemical that I had specifically designed to convince her to let him cum inside her. Once she had successfully drained his heavy balls into her tight slit and flooded her waiting egg, it would be too late. Her fertilized body would reprogram her into his breedslut, just as I was, and she would be discarded, just as I had been. Her horny stud would move on, obeying his own amped-up instinctual need to spread his seed still further, filling as many willing, fertile pussies with his cum as he could, and leaving a trail of brainwashed, knocked-up hotties in his wake.

It was almost surreal watching her be subjected to the same irresistible sequence of events that I had experienced just minutes before, seeing each stage of my own submission mirrored in her body and behavior. Still, as I watched her tapered waist and tight ass disappear into the back room, I completely understood her eagerness to spread her toned legs and allow him to plunge his cock deep into her unprotected pussy over and over again until he came. From my outside perspective it seemed like a needlessly risky, irrational decision on her part, and yet I had fallen under his intoxicating influence just as easily, and hadn't been able to resist letting him impregnate me either. And, of course, now that his cum was working its magic inside me I still couldn't help thinking he was special too, despite knowing intellectually that it was all a lie. I left the determined young couple to enjoy the exertions that would eventually trigger their euphoric gene-mixing, gathered up my forgotten notes, and made my way home.

I knew that I should have been horrified at what had happened, at having accidentally conditioned myself into becoming a single mom, but my formula's power over my mind was absolute, and I couldn't wait for my mate's powerful seed to force my sexy body to swell and grow for him.

I staggered into work the following Monday, bruised, sore, bred, and brainwashed by my own work, but nonetheless very satisfied on the whole.

Field test 1 a complete success. I noted, rubbing my trim belly expectantly. Field test 2 won't be ready for at least nine months.

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