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Elden Ring: Prince of Gloss Boss Battle 

The night rides in on a horse of pure midnight velvet, beckoned by the stars under a glow of a full moon. As the colours of the day rest, perhaps dream of the morrow, the hillside becomes its monochrome beauty, shapes that make an ever-changing, ever-present puzzle, question and answer united. In this night we all become one, from rock to plant to animal, one promise of life awaiting the return of the sun. The shadows off all in the falling sun grew taller as some stretched across a maze of blind. The castle of a long-ago thriving kingdom stows itself within the maze walls.  
The castle is more ancient than any bone left in the soil. The once smooth rock is pitted and scarred.  In this hallowed and ancient site, the trees have seen the centuries blow past in the winds of each season and witnessed the folly of our struggles.  
Walls stand mute, water awaits the call of the wind to ruffle and move as molten glass of deepest green. Grey stone rises from the land, unapologetic and bold to defy entrance and protect what has been entrusted to their care. Below the uneven patches of grass are arrowheads of old, hilts of broken swords and armor that failed to protect.  
Beneath the chorus of the birds he hears the voices of old, the clash of metal on metal and the pounding of horse’s hooves. He stood where knights stood, seeing what kings, dukes and peasants saw. In this pale light, were it not for the tell-tale signs of weathering, it could be almost any century in the past seven hundred years.  
The inside saw better days as the infestation of grass and vines weakened the interior. The furniture is ruined or rotten from the open holes in the castle. Not protecting the furniture from the harsh weather. The fail stench of rotten flesh could almost make any nose flinch from the toxic stench. Rats chipped away at anything left over, even the flesh of the dead study their relentless stomach hunger. The adequate surroundings still acted like cover for traps of any kind. As, the heavy footsteps clackety-clack against the cold stone floor. It sounded more like iron hoofs than feet.  

Whoever is coming up the passageway is either large or heavily armed who would consider themselves untouchable. Their footsteps echo off the buildings walls and halls announcing their arrival to all in a several hundred-meter radiuses. Each step becoming more of them as a loud thud.  
The light manifested the body of this man, leaving a shadow sliding across the walls and floors with no friction to slow it down. It was indescribable as the shadow morphs as it travels closer to turn the corner to the throne room. The air scent changes again as the moist water fur rakes havoc. The smell was unpleasant to those who are not monsters. Burning the nostril hairs of those in the same hall as it.  
Heavy breathing escapes the mysterious thing noise as a soft vibration follows after. The breathing got louder, as the shadow figure swiftly changed path from the wall to the floor. It shifts as the heavy breathing grows quieter. The thumping steps stopped as the castle was ruled by silence. The pacing and sound of the footsteps change as the moonlight shines in vanquishing the shadow that covers the thing that walked into the throne room.  
The approaching footsteps have the wet sound of someone on grass; someone who has not learnt to walk quietly and instead relies on the verges to muffle their steps.  Each footfall is chaotically spaced from the last, no rhythm at all.  
The mysterious thing was nothing but a Demi human prince. Yet it was abnormal as this demi human was a mixture of man and animal. His facial expression is nothing but jolly. Looking tired, letting an atypical yawn. Sounding like a thousand-year-old man leaving his shackles of time. His body curled forward, using his left and weapon to help him walk properly like a horse. He yawns showing his mighty looks, but hunches back as the man was tired from whatever activity he was doing. His body felt the fatigue settled in. His facial features, ripped body along with his looks made him look more like a hybrid or some kind of moly little pony but there were only two distinct features that stood out. He was standing over 10 feet tall and the quantities of gloss that spewed from his mouth. He scratches his head shaking up his autumn red brown hair, the length was tremendous as it went along his whole back.  

His clothing was nothing more than his armor which had broken up due to his size. The elbow guards kept true as it was still connected to the pieces of armor that protected his forearms. His chest piece held strong, still fitting and protecting his chest. His stomach was exposed along with his legs. The hip guards stayed attached to the belt that held his transparent skirt. Revealing the ripped pants underneath, with closer expectation you could see his cock was hanging freely as well. 

He walks slowly to who knows where. The bags under his eyes show he was weakened, pride of sleep. He stumbles, swaying side to side. Trying to keep his balance while walking, his body acted like a drunken man. Ready to give out from lack of stamina and sleep that his body didn’t have to keep functioning.  
“.....” Biting his lower lip with frustration as his eyes become more lifeless by the second. “Dam those adventurers. Relentless they are entering my maze; I'll give them that. Their spirit isn't weak. But their spirit is no match for my beauty~” His voice deepened as another atypical yawn deepened his speech mid-sentence. "My wee eyes can barely stay open. Those knights, wizards, and armies of many do take breath out of me" taking only a few more steps as he places his hands on the cranky old door. 

And with a strong burst of wind burst out between the opening cracks, smothering their nostrils with the scent of sorrow and anguish. “*Inhales* AH! The smell of home..” He descends into the ruin room of which he called home. Like the rest of the castle even the room was in ruin, yet it held some deeming qualities that were satirical. 

The room held the necessary things to keep him comfortable. The interior was a nice size to hold a demihuman prince of his size, a room fitting for a boss. His bed itself was beyond its glory days. The rotten legs shook from his gentle touch to the headboard. He put his weapon on the bed, stretching straight in out his back. His head lowers down with ease relaxing with his back curling inward. Feeling the hair of his skin stand up with his skin bumping up. 

Corpser walked along his room looking among his collection. Shelves overflowed with empty lipstick tubes and dried up kiss marks. He walked around looking among the other things he had. Checking himself in the jumbo mirror that hung from the wall. 

The gorgeous demi-horse femboy turns about getting a good look at himself. His long red hair flowed as he did a small twirl, brown fur and a big plump ass. He playfully threw it back, admiring himself as he did so. The most immediately noticeable feature was his pair of fat fucking lips. He stopped his little teasing of himself and looked at the mirror, looking at his glorious lips. 

It was one of the main reasons why he was called the prettiest prince~. Such plush, soft, bouncy, voluptuous, luscious, symmetrical lips would drive anyone nuts. Yet there was something missing, his lips didn't have that shine to them. “My previous fight must have runned my gloss dry… well it's time to fix that!” 

Corpser stepped away from his mirror to the center of the room where a fountain rested. Its base was big as it covered nearly half of the room. To some it would be considered a bathtub rather than a fountain, but to him it was a source of power! The oozing stream sang with prosperity like spring showers. The ornament that gave birth to such water was a pair of magnificent stone lips. Puckered with perfection second to Corpser of course. 

Corpser got on his knees, placing her hands on the rim of the stone tier. Looking over into the water gave him joy as the substance wasn’t water at all it was…gloss? The pure shine let him see his gorgeous face. “Time to reapply~” 

Leaning down down with his lips puckered. Dipping them into the pool of gloss, he felt the gloss itself come alive! Attaching itself to his lips drenching his big sexy mouth with smooth, shiny, sticky gloss! When Corpser tried to pull them out but the gloss pulled his puckered mouth back in not done with his lips yet. The gloss was going to make sure he was ready to give a kiss so sticky not even the most powerful magic could break it.

This … this was going to be the ultimate stickiest, glossiest kiss he ever gave to anyone. Corpser soon pulled up to see sticky strands of gloss attached to his lips as it  was holding strong. He pulled back until a sexy smacking “*Pop~*” filled the air. His mouth was free. His lips were drenched in a special magical gloss from the power beyond that constructed it. The gloss dripped from his lips, spreading far past his mouth as well.  It took Corpser some time to smack his puckered lips but adapted, getting them to smack a few times. It was still a bit of a struggle to make them repeatedly at a fast pace. 

 He was ready,  his lips color was shining like the midnight sky.  Whoever dared to face him wa- “Corpser, Prince of Gloss, The prettiest prince of them all. Well soon to be replaced by me~”  His hand grip the handle of his cane, his white glove stretching holding in his vexation. Letting go of his hat he flexes his arm forward to fix his sleeve. Reaching into his coat-suit to only pull out a small watch, the ticking continued as the two hands gave its notice of the time. “Quarter to twelve, I do hate being pesterious about this short manner. But contrats don’t make themselves.” tucking the pocket watch back into its place. Reaching for his hat once more, placing it over his chest. “I have to take you down~.” 

Speak of the devil! Just in the nick of time! “And who dares challenge me~” Corpser chanted with a seductive voice. 

“I, Sir Carmello from the House of Sentinels, dares challenge you.” Carmello was quite confident in his skills to take down the Prince of Gloss. “I’m here for the fountain of gloss. Either hand it over or else” Threatening Prince Corpser with the only option to surrender. 

“Fufufu~! I just love when you tarnish get so upbeat… mmmaAAHHH!~” Corpser moaned out of excitement as Carmello’s threat didn’t scare him one bit. “So Sir Carmello, prepare yourself aND C'MERE YOU! MMMMMMMMWAH!” Bringing his hand to his magnificent lips.  Corpser lips vibrated a long “*Mmm~*” sound, sucking his on the palm of his hand with substantial force. He hastily turned his upper body around with full motion. Facing his abisary finally as his hand parted from his lips. Some of the glossy goop on his lips was sent flying right at Carmello. Taking form into a pair of glossy physical lips. 

Carmello's eyes widened as the pair of lips puckered themselves, landing smack dab on him with a loud “MWAH~” He felt the soft impact of the goopy gloss push him down into the ground. He frantically tried to get up, struggling to pull his arms or even his body up. Yet overwhelmingly sticky nature of gloss acting as hard patches of glue! He was unable to rip himself out of it as he was just pulled back down, he could only achieve 2 inches before losing the endurance to keep his struggle going. 

“Dam it!” Cursing himself for not being on guard. He kept trying to physically struggle for a bit until he came to another solution. “Burning Hand!” With a chanting cast Carmello used up one of his spells to get out of the glossy glue trap. The goop hisses as its temper changes rapidly, melting off his hands. He made quick work using burning hands to melt the rest of the goop off of him. 

Making short work of his glossy prison Carmello quickly got up. Taking a deep breath, he made eye contact with…nothing? Eyes darting around as Corpser was nowhere to be seen. “Hehe~” Carmello’s skin jumped, seeing an illuminating shadow conquer over him. The sadistic giggle made him paranoid immediately, his body moved on its own as he cast his spell! 

Shi-SMOOCH!?” His casting was interrupted as he didn’t get a glimpse of what happened. He could only see the nightly glossy color of Corpser gloss. In the total darkness he felt the wet goopy slithering of gloss take form around him. It felt like…tongue? “He-mhmmm!” The glossy goop filled his mouth wiggling around as its tongue form swooshed around inside his mouth. Yet this wasn’t the end as an audio tear pierced his ears. His clothing was being forcefully separated from him as another glossy tongue contracted around him like a snake hugging its prey. 

Each time he breathed the second tongue squeezed, slithering around his body more as it formed small lips on its surface to smooch him as it went on. The first tongue kept feeling into his mouth, his sight provided him with a front seat view of it stopping. He couldn’t sigh with relief but was thankful that it stopped. 

“Oh tarnish~ ready for something more…convivial~!” The Prince of Gloss spoke out with a pleasurable fruity tone. Carmello didn’t know what she meant but it quickly showed itself as the tongues started to morph! The first one expanded growing lips before exploding more into the Prince of gloss himself… his glossy lips assaulting him once his glossy form was done. “Enjoy my glossy power~” The glossy Corpser wrapped its arms around his neck pulling him in as its remaining unmorph tongue wrestled around in his mouth more, sealing it in with a sticky kiss. 

Yet that didn't end as the glossy environment around him melted and reformed in an instant. Multiple Corpsers, being upper body stretched forward at Carmello with lips puckered! The real Prince of Gloss watched as his hands were heavily coated with the same gloss that covered his lips. Globs fitted around them as they form themselves into lips of his portions and volume. It was a lethal grab he's been practicing for a while~. 

Watching the globs bounce and stretch as pokeiture dents showed how Carmello was trying to escape but punching his way out was futile. Corpser watched for 10 minutes as this fun game he was playing, but it sadly had to come to an end. Walking over to his mirror he stepped aside to the wall wanting an empty space to hang his little plaything~. 

Corpser at the end lifted up his hands, puckering his lips as the action inside those pair globby lips. He pulled it tightly into his own mouth risking tearing the globs apart. Yet he didn't care as this was all part of his plan~! Carmello felt the pressure increase significantly as the globs were being pressed against the wall, the glossy mimics of Corpsers inside didn’t stop either. Making sure he was being held still not to cast any of his spells to escape from this fate of his. 

He held this final kiss for dear life and practically breathed his captive in with how hard he wanted to feel that tiny body squirm and wriggle within his magnum lips. "MHMMMMMMMMMMMMMHMMMMMMM! POP!" With volcanic eruption the globs popped with such force! The glossy goodness exploded with such velocity that it spread painting the wall as there was a heavy indent of his lip print on the wall. 

 Fully cleaned off all the gloss now and beamed at the resulting wall drenched in spit and painted fully in his nightly blue gloss. Corpser looked closely, seeing Carmello was coated with heavy layers of his gloss. Saluting his captive with a wink of an eye. "Thank you for the nice battle tarnish~, looking forward to next time!" Corpser the Prince of Gloss turned away taking his leave feeling refreshed from this battle. He went to his throne room to conjure up more deltable plans for his little tarnish. 

Carmello unconscious sticker to the wall as some of the gloss too form again cuddling him nicely so he doesn’t escape while he was away~. 

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