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eXtasy Games
eXtasy Games
Hi and welcome to my page! I'm eXtasy Games and the creator of Shattered Minds (current project) as well as Fates: Determination (finished).
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Displaying posts with tag DevelopmentUpdate.Reset Filter
eXtasy Games
Public post

Dev Update 07/23: Progress of V0.03!

Hi everyone!

Today I'm back with a status update on the upcoming V0.03 release!

As already announced, V0.03 will contain the quests "Dinner Night" and "Sarah's Gratitude". Both quest scripts have already been written and proofread.

As of right now, I am working on the renders for the two quests. The new V0.03 will also include one new sex scene (animation), which you can unlock for your gallery as well.

Following the completion of "Sarah's Gratitude", a new location, the Coffee Shop, will be unlocked. The opportunity to work and earn money will be available there.

It is true that income opportunities are limited at the moment (V0.02). As a result, I have now included the option to earn some money by doing a temp job in the Coffee Shop.

It is possible to do this either by playing a new mini-game, the "Burger Mini-game", or by skipping it and getting a certain amount of money instead.

Attache you find a picture of the new mini-game. Your job is to create a burger that meets the needs of the customer. The more customers you serve in the allotted time and the more closely your burger meets the customer's needs, the more money you can earn!

Prepare yourself for some strange burger creations!

In terms of release date, I am aiming for the end of April to the beginning of May. The exact date will be announced later!

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eXtasy Games
Public post

Hey guys!

Back with another Development Update. The renders for the third episode are as good as done, I have to rework one or two animations because the hands/feet do weird things, haha.

While my PC is rendering I'm programming, play testing, fixing bugs, and timing the transitions between the images in the code so that all in all it will be a well-rounded gameplay experience.

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