"These animals walk among us on two feet and call themselves men. They do not fool me! I see their lower appetites, their sullen faces, and they reek of filth." - Senator Tyber Sasalan
"These animals walk among us on two feet and call themselves men. They do not fool me! I see their lower appetites, their sullen faces, and they reek of filth." - Senator Tyber Sasalan
"The best part of being a gladiator? Crushin' your enemy, seeing them spurt blood as the crowd roars, and hearin' the lamentations of their noble lovers." - Dirk Adamantus, Devourer of the Sands Join to get full access to the content.
"Only freemen of the Legion cast a vote! This right bestowed upon us by the Senate must be upheld with iron and blood, men." * - Legate Sextan the Red-Blooded *