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Exalted Text profile
Exalted Text
Exalted Text
Choice-based games and interactive fiction for the bold. I'm Truth Serum and I encourage you to explore my Dark Fantasy CYOA novel Orphan for free on

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"These animals walk among us on two feet and call themselves men. They do not fool me! I see their lower appetites, their sullen faces, and they reek of filth." - Senator Tyber Sasalan

1 subscriber Slave
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"The best part of being a gladiator? Crushin' your enemy, seeing them spurt blood as the crowd roars, and hearin' the lamentations of their noble lovers." - Dirk Adamantus, Devourer of the Sands Join to get full access to the content.

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"Only freemen of the Legion cast a vote! This right bestowed upon us by the Senate must be upheld with iron and blood, men." * - Legate Sextan the Red-Blooded *

0 subscribers Legionnaire


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Exalted Text

Coming soon. . .

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