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ElijahPink profile
Hi! I'm Eli! I mainly draw ladies who get themselves in distress of various kinds. I like it when these things are fun, so I try to keep a quite light hearted feel, even though the bonds can get quite tight!

Планы подписки

Follower Tier (No rewards, no moneys)

This is just if you want to follow. If you want to remember I exist, but don't want to subscribe or tip. No rewards or anything.

411 подписчиков SubscribeStar $0.00 tier
USD в месяц
Nice Person!

This tier is just like a tip jar without rewards. So if you want to toss me some cash, but you can't, or don't want to, give more than just a tip! Or if you really want to give me moneys, but you really don't want to see any pics... But you deffo get my thanks! :)

3 подписчика Nice Person Star - $1.00 tier
USD в месяц
One of the Gang!

This is the tier for you if you want to just see my pics! :) You get access to my stream sketches archive, and the sketch packs I do each month! You get my finished pictures in full-size - way before I post them anywhere else! And my huge thanks most of all!

435 подписчиков One of the Gang! Star - $5 Tier
USD в месяц
Totally Stuffed!

This is the tier if you want it all! Suggest options for- and vote in -polls! Sketches, more refined sketches and lineart of the pics! All time lapse videos I do! The stuff from the other tiers, above! And a big holy moly for being so great!

421 подписчик Totally Stuffed Star - $10 Tier
USD в месяц
Tip Stuffer!

This tier is exactly like the Totally Stuffed tier - with the same rewards and everything. But you're feeling a little extra generous, and want to tip more. I dunno why, but I really appreciate it! Thank you! :)

6 подписчиков Totally Stuffed Star - $10 Tier
USD в месяц
Super Tip Stuffer Turbo!

This is the same as the previous two! You'll just get the same rewards as the Totally Stuffed Tier, but you give an extra tip, because you're either super nice or a bit crazy ;) But thank you so much!!

0 подписчиков Totally Stuffed Star - $10 Tier
USD в месяц
Galaxy Brain Tip Stuffer!

This is the same as the previous two! The same rewards as the Totally Stuffed Tier, but with extra tip! And you're the nicest person! Thank youuu! :) :)

1 подписчик Totally Stuffed Star - $10 Tier

Добро пожаловать!

  • Here you can find my finished drawings and comics. Pin-ups, shorter comics, and longer comics!
  • Every month I post a pack of sketches and doodles that I've been doing! You'll also get access to an archive of loooots of these!
  • I hold polls of various kinds! Sometimes fanart, sometimes YOU decide what happens to characters in my comics, sometimes completely different things! :)

Displaying posts with tag DemocracyVsDeatrix.Reset Filter

Democracy VS Deatrix 3 - Totally Stuffed Deatrix is not too thrilled about the results of the se...

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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $10, $15, $20, $25 .s
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Democracy VS Deatrix 3 - One of the Gang Deatrix is not too thrilled about the results of the se...

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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $5, $10, $15, $20, $25 .s
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Democracy VS Deatrix pg3 POLL Deatrix' hands are tied, and we've got a cute pink collar on her! ...

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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $10, $15, $20, $25 .s
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Democracy VS Deatrix 2 - Totally Stuffed Deatrix gets to handle the results of the first vote. S...

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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $10, $15, $20, $25 .s
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Democracy VS Deatrix 2 - One of the Gang Deatrix gets to handle the results of the first vote. S...

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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $5, $10, $15, $20, $25 .s
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Democracy VS Deatrix pg2 POLL OK, we've gotten a lot of suggestions! Some want to go more humili...

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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $10, $15, $20, $25 .s
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1161 подписчик
488 постов


Ohhh boy. You are all are amazing. When I started drawing my dreams and fantasies years and years ago, I imagined a lot of crazy stuff. But I never imagined I could get here <3
:O :O :O I can't even believe I'm setting up this goal! Thank you all so much already! If we get to 3500 it will really just mean me worrying about money less. And I can buy more rope and stuff?? :D
This goal... It'll not bring anything special to you. But to me it will mean so much! I've been super poor most of my adult life, so you helping me get here... is just crazy! <3 <3
If we make this goal, I will have a steady income that is higher than any regular monthly salary I've ever had before. By doing what I love to do? Is that even allowed?! Thanks to you, it is! :D
Wow! This is my real goal :) With this amount I can afford to pay all my bills and like... live on this stuff without being scared :D All thanks to YOU!
Waa! This goal is a mid goal - if I get here I won't have to worry about going hungry! :D
With this goal I'm back to when I started the Patreon, last year! :) It's kind of an arbitrary goal, tbh, but it's a good number that makes me feel like I'm not the poorest guy in the world!
This is quite a small goal - just to help me get into the swing of things. It's always hard starting out fresh :)

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  • Возможность общаться напрямую с автором контента через чат на сайте.
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