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The stiff air burned my nose as I walked through the sterilized hallways of the hospital. A wave here and a smile there to the doctors and nurses who all worked hard to keep everyone alive and well warmed my heart a bit as I reached my destination.

My best friend, Sasuke, took a nasty blow during the fight with Momoshiki and now lay comatose in one of the rooms deeper in Konoha’s only (albeit large) hospital.

With each step I found myself getting closer, a heavy heart growing in my chest as I found myself at odds with my feelings…

Maybe ‘annoyance’ wasn’t really the proper emotion to feel when your best friend was comatose, but I had hoped he would have woken up by now. I could really use a scapegoat when Sakura, or hell, Sarada ended up pregnant from their ‘special training’ with me.

With Sasuke out of the picture… Well, Sakura was smart, she’d figure something out with Hinata and Hanabi when she started showing that round, Uzumaki-branded belly.

Never did a spiral tattoo look so good on another man’s woman, hah.

Sarada herself seemed eager to have her womb branded too; I’d have to plan that in the next week or two, after she earned it, of course.

Sarada was a hard worker and eager to prove herself, just like her mother when she was her age, so I was sure she’d be getting her womb marked sooner than later.

Well, I’m sure Hanabi won’t mind helping her newest Slave-Sister.

Not that she had much to do anyway, not with her stomach starting to swell with our second child.

And Hinata was carrying our third child too…

Huh… maybe I’ll need to give Sarada a ‘helping hand’ in her training. Which was great, cause I finally reached Sasuke’s room.

I stepped into the room quietly, watching the backsides of Sakura and Sarada, pale pink asses barely hanging out of view, as I’d disallowed them from wearing underwear today. The mother and daughter pair seemed to have adjusted to the soft breeze between their legs, and I couldn’t help but enjoy the view from where I was standing.

Their eyes were glued to the husband and father they’d already betrayed, and my hands slipped under their skirts, making them jump and squeak as I fondled their asses right in front of the man I had hated my whole life.

“Still asleep?” I muttered, clutching Sakura’s ass tightly, letting the woman squirm against my hand.

“A-ah, N-Naruto-sama…” She moaned my name with a soft tone, leagues away from how she used to say it years ago, her expression lighting up. “H-He’s still struggling, and his condition refuses to stay stable.”

“Naruto-sama!” The younger lady grabbed at my Hokage robes while pushing her round butt into the air, her glasses falling slightly askew.

I smirked, letting my fingers dive into their pussies playfully. Both mother and her daughter did their best to maintain their composure in front of their unconscious husband and father.

Unfortunately for them, they failed. I watched them with an amused glance as they came violently and easily as the sluts I’d been training them to be, just with a little bit of fingering. Their mouths opened to release a silent scream of pleasure as their sweet honey gushed out freely and pooled between their legs on the floor.

“N-Naruto-sama…” They cooed my name, clutching my body as they struggled to stay on their feet.

“I-It’s not right, d-doing it here…” Sakura started, though her eyes only held obedience before they darted to the sleeping man whom she’d married some years ago, who she had already betrayed, many, many times before this. Sarada didn’t seem to care, as she was completely into being molested by my hands.

In fact, she lit up as I shoved a finger or two into her ass; her next orgasm soaked her thighs as her legs finally gave out completely, moaning loudly as she fell to her knees.

“Sa-Sarada!” Sakura muttered her daughter’s name, before her own expression twisted in euphoria as I repeated my actions playfully on her. My fingers plunged into two assholes, tugging and strumming on them as they squirmed against me, forced to hug and hold onto me once more as they came again.

“Relax, Sakura, it’s not like he can hear us or anything, he’s asleep after all.” I spoke, pulling my hand from her asshole and giving that fat ass a spanking, sending her cheek wobbling, which made my teammate-turned-slutslave squeal and jump a few inches off the ground.

“That might be so, it's still disrespectful.” She muttered, now rubbing her ass with a soft coo. I could see the hearts in her eyes, though, as one of her hands moved to the collar around her neck.

“You don’t think so, do you Sarada?” I asked the younger girl, who went stiff as I pushed my fingers deeper into her ass. The Uchiha daughter clenched her teeth, preventing herself from answering my question. 

I grinned, glaring at the unresponsive form of the man I hated more than anything. “You two sluts know what I want, right?”

Their eyes moved to the tent I had been sporting for a while now, mother and daughter gave each other a look before smiling obediently and sinking to their knees. I grinned, rubbing their heads while they fished my dick from my pants with their mouths.

I sighed with contentment as Sakura and Sarada began planting kisses up and down my shaft on either side, drooling happily as they worshiped me with affection and admiration, coating my cock with saliva as they sucked and slurped on my pulsing shaft. Tongues wrapped pleasantly around my balls, as lips sucked and pulled on the head of my dick.

They worked in sync with one another, perfect teamwork as their lips met once or twice, which ended with them kissing one another eagerly beneath me.

This would have been so much better if I had a place to sit, but standing while two sluts serviced you wasn’t too bad either.

I couldn’t hold back a sigh as Sarada’s mouth swallowed my swollen fat sack of seed.

Her cute little cheeks were bulged out as she swirled my hefty seed-factories with her tongue, while her mother panted like a bitch in heat over my cock, swallowing as much as she could.

It was good, it felt good, this is what I deserved, what I was owed.

Their soft lips worked in harmony, gliding around my cock like cum-starved whores, which they might as well be.

A grunt escaped my lips followed by a sigh of pleasure as I felt that familiar heat in the back of my groin. “C-Cumming!”

I felt my balls tighten for a split second as Sakura and Sarada pulled away immediately, opening their mouths wide as my clenching balls pumped out their sole reason for existing. Hot ropes of jizz splattered all over their faces, haphazard and wild. I grunted once more, feeling the sheer addictive pleasure of an orgasm, highlighted by the panting, cum-slathered, adoring expressions of my sluts. Honestly, I was tempted to have them keep their new makeup on for the rest of the day, but I prefered my women to stay clean when I wasn’t enjoying them.

But they were now clearly hungry for more; I could see hearts in their eyes as they pleaded for more in silence.

Ah well, I’ve been a bit busy with my Hokage duties, so I’ve had little time for them at home…

Besides, I’d been pretty backed up because of my duties anyway. One orgasm really wasn’t enough, so lucky them, they got to have me all to themselves.

A flourish of hands was all it took to create a second ‘me,’ just as stiff and erect as the original. The look on Sakura’s and Sarada’s face paled with fear and excitement as the clone and I stepped forward, pushing the two healthy breedable whores onto the bed of their beloved bitch of a husband and father.

“W-wait, N-Naruto-Sama!”

Hee?! Hokage-sama?!”

Their reactions were priceless, Sakura squirmed against me, thinking she could push me off, even with that slutty grin on her face. “Not on this bed! Please?”

She looked hopeful for a second before I crushed them with a simple word. “Nah.”

Her eyes fluttered for a moment or two as I lifted her legs above her head. “Eh-AH?!” She screamed as I unhesitatingly pierced her cunt with my dick, soon followed by Sarada as my clone had manhandled her into a position above Sasuke’s head, pinning her against the wall and his bucking hips.

“Hokage-sama!” Sarada’s cute voice squeaked with her toes curling, her spraying juices landing on Sasuke’s face as I pulled Sakura’s hair, gripping as much of it as I could while I hilted myself all the way down inside her cunt, forcing tip of my length against her cervix, which made her writhe and squeal like a pig, which was cute. I watched her face light up everytime I slammed her with every ounce of strength I had, driving Sasuke out of her mind quickly with her legs wrapped tightly around my waist, heels locking behind my back.


The duo of moans bled together, mother and daughter clung to me and my clone desperately, eager to accept my seed inside them.

Now they were completely focused on servicing their Master’s dick, my dick

“Ahn! Ahn! Ahn!”

Sakura’s face twisted as I brought her to another orgasm. I felt her arms tighten, bringing her body even closer to my own as her expression lit up with euphoria.


Sarada was the loudest though, with her toes curled tightly, I thought sasuke would drown in his own daughter’s sweet sexual honey.

That would be a fitting end for him though…

My clone and I erupted inside our partners, sending them another orgasmic bliss as they both cried out my name.

My clone poofed, they never could last more than single orgasm, but that was fine, as Sarada crawled over her father’s body, hearts in her eyes as she gazed longingly toward me, it was cute in a puppy dog way.

She knew her place well.

Our lips touched softly while I released Sakura from her pinned state to wrap an arm around Sarada’s waist. My fingers slipped back into Sarada’s ass, playing with that used hole playfully, making her react predictably: a violent orgasm which knocked the air from her lungs, her head tilting back. Her tongue shot out of her mouth, and her eyes bulged while her legs gave out under her.

Luckily, I was holding her up, otherwise, Sakura would have gotten a mouthful of her daughter’s cunt…

“I-I’m cumming!” Sakura moaned her heart out as I snapped back into reality, the growing force within the base of my dick finally erupted, firing several ropes of spunk straight through her cervix.

I pulled out of a spasming Sakura, still cumming, and moved to her daughter, grinning as the smaller young lady gulped in excitement as I planted her on her hands and knees, her face inches away from her father’s. I gave her ass a playful spanking, which made her squeak and squeal every time my hand collided with her ass.

I slid myself into her needy cumstarved cunt, still cumming, while Sarada grubbed her father’s chest. She released a deep moan as I knocked against her cervix.


I wasn’t going to hold back though- I bounced her small body as roughly as I could against my hips, watching her face distort everytime I punched her cervix with every thrust.

“Hokage-samaaaa!” she screamed into Sasuke’s face, “H-Hokage-sama’s cock is knocking me uuuuuup! It’s so deep inside my pussy!”

I smirked as I tugged Sarada’s hair a bit the sounds of our fucking filling the hospital room.


“Nghh! Ahn! Ouh?!”

I erupted inside the vocal Uchiha girl with a growl of pleasure, before retreating and grinning at the work I completed: mother and daughter, completely passed out with spunk running from their cunts. I felt pretty great myself now, I could leave the fuckboy with the women I took from him for now, it wasn’t like his bitchass self could do anything.


I pulled my pants back over my dick and stretched. Maybe I’ll head over to Ichiraku before I head back to the office.

“Sounds like a plan to me.” I muttered as I stepped out of the room, almost scaring a nurse into dropping some documents. “Ah, you probably shouldn’t go in there yet. Sakura and her daughter are still grieving, you see.” I flashed her a small smile.

“Ah, yes, of course, Hokage-sama.” She bowed her head. “I’ll come back later then.” I watched her turn away, my eyes slowly shifting over to her backside, appreciating the view before I made my way out of the Hospital.

~ Months Later ~

I couldn’t fight back the urge to stretch. From Sasuke’s funeral, to a Peace-Treaty with Suna, I was ready to relax at home for a week or two, 

Well, at least that tiny dicked dumbass left two sexy ladies behind for me to ‘take care’ of, heh. The grin that spread across my face was almost diabolical as I stepped into my home: a large, yet modest place with enough rooms to raise a large family. Three happy, collared and very naked women greeted me with a bow, their stomachs already looking like they were bursting at the seams from their pregnancies, which brought an even bigger smile on my face.

The Uzumaki crest branded their wombs, marking them as not just my wives, but as my property and fucksleeves too. 

Seeing them all certainly made my hidden kunai stiffen up, especially when they each pulled me into a hug, smushing their milk-leaking tits into my face, allowing me to enjoy the taste of motherhood from the tap.

I felt tender, affectionate hands gently tugging the clothes from my back and legs, while Hinata guided me into the living room, her hand gripping my now rock hard cock as she drooled in excitement from both mouths.

Sakura and Sarada guided me to the couch, sliding onto my legs and grinding their sopping wet cunts against my thighs. Their arms wrapped tightly around my neck as they continued the make-out session from earlier. Hinata, my beloved bitch in heat, lapped up my cock, humming affectionately as she nuzzled my bloated, backed up balls with a sigh. She kissed each fat, churning orb, before moving to the tip of my dick, kissing it with her soft lips as the former Uchiha whores slid from my lap and knelt by her sides…

After that? I could barely register any stress or fatigue with three mouths now sucking and slurping on every inch of my dick. Sakura and Sarada buried themselves into my bloated nuts, sucking on them as loudly as possible, losing themselves to lust and desire, eyes rolling back. I groaned loudly; three of the four beautiful, well trained sluts were doing well, to make me feel right at home.

Hinata’s mouth bounced eagerly, her soft squishy tits wrapped affectionately around my shaft as she dedicated her entire body into simply jacking me off with her dexterous tongue.

I grunted feeling that heavy load of jizz building up in the base of my crotch, I’ve been holding back for this moment for weeks and now I get to reward my ‘wife.’

A loud grunt and pushing her head down my shaft and I blew my first load down Hinata’s throat, grinning ear to ear as I felt her slide into my lap, swallowing what I gave her just now and penetrating her pregnent pussy with the still rock hard cock she had finished worshipping with her mouth.

Hinata moved her hips slowly, letting me simply enjoy her body while I made two other clones, Who dragged my other well-trained sluts off for their own reward.

I could feel Hinata’s hips dancing against my lap, with my hands now grinding against her ass, caressing it happily while I buried my face in her tits…

Sarada gripped the dining room table, moaning, screaming, really, “Daddy! Daddy! Harder!” her words of pleading were rewarded, that and I absolutely got off on her calling me that. It was sexy as fuck.

With Hinata’s graceful moans, Sarada’s whorish whines… this house would be a den of debauchery for awhile. At least until I absolutely had to return to my hokage duties.

I connected my mind to the third clone, grinning ear to ear as I saw Sakura leaning over Sasuke’s grave, whimpering and grinding her ass against my clone’s crotch with a dumb horny grin on her face.

“I-I’m Sorry for being a dumb slut! Sorry for cheating on you constantly! Sorry for choosing a fatter, bigger, massive cock than yours!” Sakura moaned into the gravestone, panting as she drooled on the cold stone. Her smile betrayed her apologies, she didn’t care about him anymore, All she wanted now was to serve me, to mother my children, and be a good bitch and an obedient woman…

I pulled away from Hinata’s chest, focusing my hearing on the moans of the three, horny sluts I’ve collected and trained for my own needs…

I heard them cum as they screamed out Master and Daddy, respectively. Their hips continued to move against my clones thrusting.

And Hinata doing most of the work letting me focus on keeping my clones around, though feeling three times the pleasure and keeping them around through that was harder than one expected, even more for me. So, I erupted inside all three of my loyal collared slutwives, pushing as much of my released spunk into their already pregnant wombs.

Sending them all back into an orgasm-induced bliss… 

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