M.L. Gallery
by DX

Copyrighted 1995, 2023 all rights reserved.

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Stan smiled to himself, feeling as if he was on top of the world.  He always got that way when he headed out to critique a new art exhibit for his magazine.  He stood at the aged doors of the address, amazed at how it was tucked away between two warehouses, hidden, and oh, so chic.  He looked at the note again and checked the address. It was Gwen's delicate handwriting inviting him to the pre-opening of an undiscovered wonder, printed on her stationary and scented with her perfume.  Gwen had never been into art and Stan never pressed it.  She was his lover and her interest in art wasn't what he was after, so he was a little surprised when she sent him a note asking to meet him at an art gallery. 

He opened up his cell-phone and dialed his office.  "Hi Deb? Let Amanda know I'll be home late.  I found a new art gallery downtown."
"Oh, well she left a note saying she'll be home late.  She’s checking out something uptown."  Deb replied, casually.

Stan's smile spread across his face.  "Alright then, see you in the morning."  He turned off the phone thinking about how perfect things were turning out to be.  A beautiful wife, a beautiful girlfriend, and a secretary who slept with him on weekends.  Who could ask for anything more? 

He took the tiny, rumbling elevator up to the floor and stepped out into the dim hallway. He could barely make out the dust covered name on the door. "M.L. Gallery." 

He entered, noticing the rich hardwood floor with a deep glowing shine.  The not too dim, not too bright track lighting gave a very comfortable atmosphere.  There were chairs of red velvet before each exhibit which Stan thought would be a bit presumptuous that someone would contemplate each exhibit for so long that they would need to sit down. 

Stan looked up, thinking someone was there.  There was a woman, still and perfect.  Her wide eyes of brown sugar looked back at him with an air of curiosity.  Stan bowed a greeting and went to speak when he realized that it was a mannequin.  At her feet was a plaque which simply read, "Dominque". 

Stan wasn't impressed with what she was wearing, a plain sun dress, nor impressed with the background she was set in of a field of wild flowers and butterflies, but he was impressed with her face, her simple beauty, her gentle smile, her eyes of wonder. 

Minutes passed before he realized that the mannequin, a perfect recreation of a human frozen in time, was the art he had come to see.  Stan's heart applauded.  He made his way down the line slowly, looking at each one.  There was Kathy and Jane, two school girls in bobby socks sharing a secret.  There was Denunan, sleek and svelte, dripping from her dip in the pool.  Margaret half dressed in corset and knickers sat before a mirror, holding her hair up and imagining how she would look with it off her shoulders. 

The deeper in Stan got, the more alluring the poses became.  Around the corner, Crissy was being canned by the school's head mistress.  Angela fanned herself, sweating from the heat, her blouse low across her shoulders.  Susan and Winnona struggled in their cat fight.  The next corner showed Xia, gagged and bound to a chair and behind her was Antoinette finishing up the knots.  Cynthia was stretched out across a rack, her ribs almost twisted with strain.  

Stan blinked, shaking his head at how real she looked, how real all the mannequins looked.  He could almost swear they were breathing! 

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Copyrighted 1995, 2023 all rights reserved.