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DX Gagorder
DX Gagorder
Wild fantasy stories of taboo and erotic horror. New adventures from DX, plus classic DX stories from Gag Order. Permanent bondage, mad science, bimbofication, forniphillia sissies, chastity, ponies, hucows, thrills and chills!
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DX Gagorder
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The State of Hucow

12A43, genetic male, has applied several times to be genetically enhanced to be a Bull, where he would be ‘milked’ for his male protein.  Unfortunately, he hasn’t taken to the treatments.  Dr. Coy suggests an alternative.  The Hucow program.  12A43 refused, but after seeing a milking demonstration, may have a change of heart!

Copyright 6/6/2023 all rights reserved.

 Doctor Coy was a handsome woman.  Her enchanting face was framed with long, raven hair that flowed like a wind swept sea.  Her cheeks pulled playfully at the corners of her kissable bow lips that gave her a resting, bemused smile.  Her frumpish lab coat couldn’t conceal her copious, overfilled bosom that lured many sailors to a drowning death.  Her breath stealing waist gave gently to her callipygian hips.  She had thighs built to crush a man in two.  She was tall, and powerful, and often wore impossibly heeled stiletto shoes to make her that much taller and that much more powerful.
 She had soft, magic hands.
 He couldn’t help but watch her as she played ever so delicately with his cock.  She needed just three fingers for him.
 Passion filled him as he pulled against his restraints.  She knew his points, his spots, the places to touch and tease and titillate and drive him to the quick and back again.  In minutes, she had handedly opened his flood gates.
 Held against the wall by steel bands, he could do nothing but moan into his gag.  She was seated, and when he looked down he could just see her face, her fingers, and his cock.
 She glanced up and rewarded him with her Arctic glacier eyes.
 A clear tear formed from the tip of his cock.
 Dr. Coy stopped, and quietly sighed, her bemused smile saddened.  She rolled her chair back and peeled off her gloves.  “12A43, I think we both can agree the treatment isn’t responding as we would have liked.”  She tossed her gloves in the bin and pulled on a fresh pair.  “I think we should seriously discuss different options for you.”  She took a pre-moistened towel and gave his genitals a good clean.  “We should have seen results in the first month, but it has been six.  I can’t justify adding additional time.”  Her eyes searched his.  “You are not suited for the Bull program.”
 She powdered him, changed her gloves, then locked him back into chastity.  When the device chimed, signaling it had uploaded its lock cypher to the State, she stripped off her gloves with a snap and entered the counter code for his restraints and released him from the wall.
 12A43 stumbled slightly as the restraints released him.  Catching his balance, he looked longingly at the steel torture device that locked his unfulfilled genitals away.  He wasn’t surprised she didn’t finish him, she never did.  She always followed State protocol and cut him off seconds before he came, but he did hope that once, just once, she would miss-time it and he could have a real orgasm.
 Accidents happen, right?  They couldn’t fine her for a one time slip up, not after so many perfect exams.  And if they did fine her, she’d just have to pay.  She’s a doctor.  She could afford a one time slip up.
 He sighed, then side-stepped until he stood on the yellow foot prints on the floor and the light above him turned from yellow to green, indicating he was were he was supposed to be.  He watched Dr. Coy angle her chair to face him, her knees pressed together and her legs crossed at the ankles.
 He strained against his chastity device.
 “Hildy?”  Dr. Coy called for her assistant.  “Request authorization for a fifteen minute consultation with patient 12A43 to discuss today’s results and further treatment, please.”
 “Right away, doctor.”  Hildy’s voice filled the room.  “Request approved.  Would you like the approval code?”
 “Add it to the file.”  Coy said, dismissively.
 “Done.  Would you like me to sit in?”
 “I can deactivate my microphone in this room for privacy and only respond to my wake word, or if patient 12A43 moves from his designated spot.  Do you understand, patient 12A43?”
 12A43 looked up, a little startled.  “Uh, yeah.”
 “Very good.”  Hildy said.  “Your fifteen minute private consultation begins now.”
 Dr. Coy uncrossed and re-crossed her legs.  “12A43, you’ve been very determined to be accepted to the Bull program, why?”
 12A43 didn’t answer right away.  The obvious answer was getting a personal milk maiden to come to the house and harvest his male protein, but he knew it was more than that.  “You know, because protein is important.”
 She nodded.  “Yes, it is.” She leaned forward and gave him a death jump view of her cavernous cleavage.  “But why you?”
 Her magnificent, pillowy breasts were pointed right at him and he couldn’t help but think as a Bull she would be unable to resist him.  She would prescribe his treatment and both of their chastities would simultaneously receive State authorization and unlock.  As the devices fell to the floor, they would run into each others arms as their lips crashed together.  Her man killing legs would wrap around his waist and his monster Bull cock would plunge into her, deeper and deeper until he could feel the flutter of her heart.
 “12A43?”  She called him back to reality. 
 He shifted nervously, unaccustomed to anyone paying attention to him.  “I just thought I would be good at it.”  He tried and failed to look away from her wonderfully stretched sweater peaking from the edges of her lab coat.  “I know I’m not much to look at, but neither was Earl… now look at him.”
 “Oh, uh E4R1.  He’s part of the Bull program.”
 She nodded.  “Tell me about E4R1.  He sounds like an older designation code.”
 12A43 nodded.  “Yeah, older guy.  Sixties.  He’s been a Bull for a while now.  He suggested I try for the Bull program.  He works out and stuff.  Eats right.  Does whatever it takes to make sure his protein is top of the line.  He let me watch once.”
 Dr. Coy’s eyes narrowed slightly.  “Watch what?”
 “Watch him get milked.  To inspire me to be a good Bull.”
 “How did that go?”
 “Oh, it was incredible!  His maiden, her name is Chastity by the way… some name, right?  She comes by every other day.  She’s a cute little pixie with a quick smile, like a camera flash.  She moves like a hummingbird, boom, then hovers, boom, then hovers.”
 “Patient 12A43?”  Hildy called to him.  “Please remain on the foot outline on the floor.”
 “Sorry,”  He muttered, not realizing he had shifted slightly to mimic Chastity’s movements.  “Anyway, I had to sit in the corner because, you know, State regs, but I could see her work.  Earl has his own restraint chair, because, you know… Earl, right?  So once he’s locked in and his mouthguard is secured and the State logs that in, she shows us her locked chastity and the State confirms that.  She then gets on her rubber apron and gloves and locks on her mask.  Her mask is actually her face, which is kinda cool because she’s really cute and it would be a shame to cover that up, so you can still kind of see her.”
 “Patient 12A43?”  Hildy interrupted  “You have used five minutes of your fifteen minute consultation.  You have ten minutes remaining.”
 Dr. Coy’s face flashed with annoyance.  “Hildy, submit for an open extension and don’t interrupt again.”
 “Will do, Dr. Coy.  Before I bop out, would you like the open extension authorization code?”
 “No.  Add it to the file, please.”
 “Authorization has been approved.”  She said, happily.  “I’ll bop out now.”
 Dr. Coy waved at 12A43 to continue.  “So, to re-cap.  She’s wearing a copy of her own face as a mask, you’re in the corner, and Earl’s locked in his chair.”  She pointed.  “You’re holding your hands apart like you’re holding something.  Is that Earl?”
 12A43 looked at his hands then adjusted them slightly, gauging size.
 “Earl’s a big dude.”  Dr. Coy whispered.  
 “Yeah.”  He agreed.
 “So you want to be part of the Bull program to get big like Earl?”
 12A43 thought for a moment, then shrugged.  “I guess it’s the whole thing, you know?  The milk maiden, the…”  He gestured with his hands.  “The whole thing.  I mean, Chastity kinda gets in there.  She has such tiny hands and her fingers move like pretty spiders rolling up and down… and Earl’s so big she has to use her forearms for a bit and she got him cradled against her shoulder like a wrestling match.  It took almost an hour before she put the vacuum pump cup on him and then slid down him as if he was a fireman’s pole.  She keeps at it until her pump machine auto-shuts down because it’s full.”
 Dr. Coy looked alarmed.  “Wait, you’re not saying she is allowing Earl to orgasm.”
 “She’s totally letting him orgasm.  She said so after they were done.  She believes it provides a better grade protein.”
 Dr. Coy grimaced and made a slash with her hand across her neck.  She then sat up and spoke more to the microphone in the room.  “12A43, not being a trained professional, you cannot state on such matters, and the maiden you have indicated sounds as if she is State certified in good standing and would never allow a male to achieve an orgasm, and was joking with you when she said she was violating State protocol, is that correct?”
 12A43 made an O with his lips and nodded.
 Dr. Coy motioned with her hands and mouthed the words, ‘yes doctor’.
 “Yes, Doctor… Uh, I am not a State standing and Chastity must have been good certified in jokingly with me.”
 Dr. Coy sighed quietly.  “Okay, so… right, Chastity milks Earl in compliance with State protocol.”  The doctor continued.  “You’re saying Earl fills the machine?”
 “One liter, plus overflow.”
 “Amazing...”  She responded, her face slack.  “That explains how he has his own chair.”  Dr. Coy sat back and took a calming breath.  “So, back to you, 12A43.  You’re not Earl, and I imagine most men on the planet are not Earl, and Earl is very lucky to have a skilled and qualified milk maiden as Chastity, who never lets him orgasm.  But let’s be honest, okay?  You haven’t responded to the treatment as strongly as we would like.  Not to put too fine a point on it, you’ve shown no response at all, so it will be very unlikely you will be one of our lower producing Bulls, let alone in Earl’s class of Bull.”
 Saddened, 12A43 nodded.  “Yeah, I get it.”
 Dr. Coy retrieved her data-pad from her pocket.  “Looking at your assessment scores… I can’t put you forward for any further treatment.”  She winced.  “I can terminate, but it might leave you in a stronger position for something else if you removed yourself from the program voluntarily.  Would you like to do that?”
 “Yeah, I, uh, I would like to remove myself from the Bull program.”
 Dr. Coy brightened, her face lighting up the room.  “Let’s move on, shall we?”  She looked at her data-pad.  “Looking at your academics…”. Her face flashed with pain.  “Scratch that.  Let’s see your athletics.”
 12A43 swallowed.  “I know what they say.”  He said, despondently.  “I know what… all of my scores say.”
 Dr. Coy put her data-pad away.  “I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news.”
 He shook his head.  “No, it’s not your fault.”  He shrugged.  “I guess I wanted to do something that helped everyone and Earl made being a Bull sound like a slam dunk.”  
 She nodded, half conceding.  “If it were such a slam dunk, every guy would be a Bull.”  She rewarded him with a small smile. “No matter, you still have a job.”
 An invisible fist plowed into his gut.  
 His job was a seething maelstrom of despair.  It was a sucking monster of darkness every morning.  
 “Yeah…”. His voice was dry.  “I have a State guaranteed job.” 
 “Ah, right!”  She glanced quickly at her data-pad.  “Uh, you’re a professional sycophant.”
 He shook his head.  “I’m still a lay sycophant.  I stand on the train station platform and congratulate people who have made appropriate fashion choices.  I have another eight years before I’m eligible to be a professional sycophant.”
 “Sycophant is an important job.  It boosts people’s self esteem.”
 “You don’t like being a sycophant.”
 12A43 shrugged.
 Dr. Coy tilted her head as she thought.  She then looked at her data-pad and fanned through his record.  Her delicate brows lowered with concern and 12A43 only longed for her to look at him with such intensity.  
 She looked up, her face flashing that she had seen the overlooked and obvious answer.  “What about hucow?”

Teaser.  For the whole story, please consider supporting us:

Copyright, 6/6/2023, all rights reserved.
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DX Gagorder
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Copyrighted 4/2017, 5/2023
All rights reserved.  

VORE!  A man plans to have his way with his sexy neighbor while his battered wife is gone for two weeks, unaware that his beautiful neighbor HUNGERS for him!  Erotic Horror!  

 He stood at the end of his driveway and watched the mini-van filled with his family ramble off down the quiet street into the early morning sun.  He waved goodbye until it was out of sight.  She was off to visit her parents, the kids to their grandparents, leaving him home alone to get “things” done.  It would be two whole weeks of freedom.
 As he made his way back to the house his thoughts turned to his list of projects.  Paint the kitchen, clear out the garage, and do Miss Smythe.  
 The thought of her body lying next to his made him quiver like a teenager.  She had moved into the neighborhood about a year ago.  No one had see very much of her since, but what they had seen was quite tasty.  She was petite, yet curvy with a magnificent wriggling butt and mammoth tits, the kind that needed custom bras.  Her long blonde hair was spun gold.  Her lips were pouty and succulent, always smiling, warm and happy. 
 And her eyes.  As if they were unable to decide if they wanted to be green, hazel or brown, they almost scintillated through the color of autumn.  When they looked at you, they looked into you, almost wanting, almost pleading, almost saying out loud, “Please?  Please fuck me?”
 And that was exactly his intent.  
 As he walked back to the house the idea that had hid in his head for a year was now free to properly plan.  He’d shower, put on some cologne and a little hair oil, and wear his black jeans, the ones that still fit, and a loose pullover that mostly hid his six-month pregnant beer belly.   He’d go to her back door where the neighbors couldn’t see--this time of day there would be no one around anyway, and he would invite himself in, chitchat, see what she had for beer, or wine, or whatever.  They would both know what was to happen and it would only be a matter of moments before nature would take its course.
 He acknowledged a little physical influence might be needed for her to acquiesce and he was no lightweight in the strength department.  A small woman like her would be no trouble for him.  In the end, she would like it.
 She would love it.
 They all did.
 He was grinning, agreeing with the plan.  And what if she fought?  He scoffed.  Who would believe her?  He was a pillar of the community and she was an un-married spinster, a slut.  Dressing the way she did, her hand always touching his arm a little too long to be just a casual touch.
 She was asking for it!
 As he reached for the screen door a white flutter caught his eye.  He looked back.  He blinked, and his face drained of all emotion as his mouth hung slack.
 Walking down middle of the street her was chemise flowing, moving like a majestic jelly fish, glowing in the morning sun and sliding about her ankles, her thighs, sweeping up into her neither regions, pulling tight against her pillowy breasts, breasts he could lay his head down and sleep.
 The sunlight passed through her chemise, showing she was completely naked and unabashed.
 Her hair danced, laughing in the light breeze, her cheeks shimmering in the light.  Her eyes were closed and her mouth was parted, as if she was trying to breathe the morning into her lungs.
 As he watched her turn, gliding, bold as could be to his front gate, he tried to close his agape mouth but failed.  She walked up the cracked stone path almost as if she was playing hopscotch, her breasts heaving magically.
 She looked up at him.  Her face was wanton, and her cheeks were blushing.  “May I come inside?”
 Mouth still open, he only stared at her wonderful, delicious breasts.  He had to force his eyes to look away.
 They caught her eyes.
 They were as gold and warm as the dawn.
 Stammering, he said, “Yes, uh, yes, in come, come yes, come in!”
 Stumbling though the door his plan crashed with reality.  She was here and clearly had a plan that would skip the pretense of chitchat and get right to the heart of the matter.
 He quickly picked things up, almost embarrassed at the state of the house.  His wife had scrambled the kids out of the house leaving a swath of unmatched socks and worn tee-shirts, but she simply dismissed it, looking around.  “This is nice.”  She said, her voice like a bubbling brook.  “You don’t have to worry about that.”  She touched his arm to stop him.  “Relax, it’s just the two of us, right?  No interruptions for two whole weeks.”  She locked the front door.
 The idea made him dizzy.  Two weeks of taking her breasts in both hands and lifting them to his mouth and sucking on them, drawing them into his mouth until he choked on them.
 Her hand was wonderfully warm, her voice gentle and soothing.  He stopped what he was doing and dumped everything on the floor.  She touched his chest and sent sparks through his body.  “Why don’t you take off your clothes?”  Her eyes flashed.  “Would you like that?  You can sit on the couch.”
 She turned to pull the curtains as he stripped violently, ripping off his shoes clumsily, almost falling over.  She caught him, her breast sliding against him, so soft.  “Slow down.  We have time.”  He watched her curiously as she went into the kitchen.  He could hear her lock the back door, and pull the dead-bolt.  He undid his trousers and ripped them off.  He was in his underwear when she returned.
 Slowly she reached up and pulled the drawstring of her chemise and it fell from her like a curtain.  Naked, he could only take in her beauty, the sway of her hips like a jungle cat, as she stepped over to him.  Her hands slid under his tee shirt, her magic fingers against his skin, and slid it over his head.
 She slipped her hand into his underpants and pulled them down as she knelt.  Her lips inches from his cock, her moist breath against the sensitive skin, he stirred faster than he had in the last twenty years.  She looked at his swelling member with reverence and hunger.
 “Please?”  Her voice was tiny and thready.  “Please may I take it into my mouth?”  
 He almost passed out from the thought.
 She reached up and took his hand.  “Here, sit on the couch, relax.”  She guided him as she shuffled forward on her knees.  She held his hand and eased him down on the couch.  “Lay back,”  She instructed.  “just lay back.”  She rose up, her breasts resting on his thigh.  She took his hand and caressed her breast with it.  She then licked his fingers, lapping like a kitten before plunging one deep into her searing, hot mouth.  He gasped as she sucked his finger, her eyes sleepy as she watched him.
 “Please?”  She pleaded, sliding her cheek against his raging cock.  “Please let me suck it?  I want to feel you in my mouth.”  Her fingers played across her sweet lips.  “I want your cum on my tongue,” She licked her lips, making them shine.  “your juices down my throat.”  Her fingers splayed down her neck.  “Can I have it?  Would you come in my mouth, please?”
 He nodded numbly.
 She took his hands and placed one on the top of the couch, the other on the cushion, to give him something to hold on to.
 Soft lips ringed his cock, slowly making their way to the base.  He celebrated that he managed to maintain enough control from ejaculating instantly.  Easily she bobbed up and down on his cock, slowly, so slowly, sliding from base to tip and back again in perfect rhythm, moaning in passion and ecstasy.  She glanced up at him through the jungle of her hair, her eyes smiling with delight,
 And hunger.
 He exploded, feeling his cock pulse like an anti-aircraft gun and she squealed in delight, swallowing and swallowing.  His body was ridged, trembling, before easing back, exhausted.
 She sat back, moaning and savoring the taste still on her tongue.  “Delicious!”  She giggled.  “Oh, how good!”  Her eyes, lidded, took him in.  “The perfect appetizer.”
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DX Gagorder
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Beach Ball Thief.

Copyrighted 5.2023 all rights reserved.

Teaser, get the whole story here:

 It was late afternoon when the man and the woman made their way slowly down the boardwalk.  The opulent, autumn sun sat on the edge of the sea, and cast long black shadows across the pier.  It was the end of the season, and the crowds were all gone, leaving the beach all but desolate, save the never-ending mournful cry of the gulls and the insistent crash of the waves.

 The man limped painfully, and drunkenly, and needed to lean on the woman.  She was easy to lean on, however.  Her sun drenched face was framed by her raven hair that lifted and waved to the slightest breeze.  He could feel her warm, corpulent breast agains his arm, and the rub of her callipygean hip against him as she all but held him up.

 When the pain began to overtake him, she glanced up at him and gave him a gentle smile to revive him.  “There,” she pointed with a nod.  “We can sit on the bench and rest.  Just a few yards more, all right?”

 The bench looked tiny and far away, but the breath of her perfume and the dance of her sparking eyes drew him in like a siren’s call.  “Yeah, I’m good.”  He mumbled and shuffled on.  “Where are we?”

 “The beach.”  She stated the obvious.  “We wanted to watch the sunset, remember?”

 He nodded.  “Yeah, yeah, right…”. He stumbled, and leaned on her.  “Ugh, this hurts.  Why does this hurt?”

 “Just a little while longer.”  She said softly.  “You can manage a little while longer.”

 He winced.  “Yeah, I’m good.”  He aimed at the bench.  “You’re going to suck me off, right?  That’s the deal?”

 “I said jerk you off, and we did that already.”  She said as they approached the bench.  “Here you go, nice and slow, and sit.”

 He moaned and grimaced as he shifted on to the bench.  “Oh, fuck!”

 She glanced around but they were all but alone.  “There, that feel better?”

 “Yeah, I guess.”  He sat up and leaned forward.  “Ow, fuck.”  He hissed.  “Why do my balls hurt?”

 She pushed him back on the bench as she took her seat beside him.  “That’s because I banded them.  You didn’t even notice when I was jerking you off.”  She her eyes flashed at him coyly.  “Well, there was the drugs, of course.  You like the drugs?  Right?  Feeling good?”

 “Fuck yeah!”

 “Shhhhh.”  She scolded him.  “Language.  It is a public beach you know.”  From the board walk it was roughly two hundred yards to the water’s edge.  She looked up and watched a man walking his dog off in the distance.  Two women jogged by, their feet splashing in the water.  Down the long corridor of wood, a food vendor pushed his cart towards the parking lot as the cold wind swept in from the sea.

 They were alone.

 He leaned over to her.  “Are you gonna suck me off now?”

 “I jerked you off already, don’t you remember?”

 “Yeah, yeah.  I remember.”  He didn’t. 

 “It was good, right?  You blew a big load, remember?”

 “It was a big load.”  He said, nodding off a little.

 She nudged him.  “Don’t fall asleep yet.  A little longer, okay?”

 “I couldn’t sleep if I wanted.”  His head snapped back and his eyes glared as he forced himself awake.  “I blew such a load my balls hurt.  Why do my balls hurt?”

 “Because they are dying.”  She said warmly and happily.  “It should hurt a little.”

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Beach Ball Thief
Copyrighted 5.2023 all rights reserved.

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