Beach Ball Thief.

Copyrighted 5.2023 all rights reserved.

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 It was late afternoon when the man and the woman made their way slowly down the boardwalk.  The opulent, autumn sun sat on the edge of the sea, and cast long black shadows across the pier.  It was the end of the season, and the crowds were all gone, leaving the beach all but desolate, save the never-ending mournful cry of the gulls and the insistent crash of the waves.

 The man limped painfully, and drunkenly, and needed to lean on the woman.  She was easy to lean on, however.  Her sun drenched face was framed by her raven hair that lifted and waved to the slightest breeze.  He could feel her warm, corpulent breast agains his arm, and the rub of her callipygean hip against him as she all but held him up.

 When the pain began to overtake him, she glanced up at him and gave him a gentle smile to revive him.  “There,” she pointed with a nod.  “We can sit on the bench and rest.  Just a few yards more, all right?”

 The bench looked tiny and far away, but the breath of her perfume and the dance of her sparking eyes drew him in like a siren’s call.  “Yeah, I’m good.”  He mumbled and shuffled on.  “Where are we?”

 “The beach.”  She stated the obvious.  “We wanted to watch the sunset, remember?”

 He nodded.  “Yeah, yeah, right…”. He stumbled, and leaned on her.  “Ugh, this hurts.  Why does this hurt?”

 “Just a little while longer.”  She said softly.  “You can manage a little while longer.”

 He winced.  “Yeah, I’m good.”  He aimed at the bench.  “You’re going to suck me off, right?  That’s the deal?”

 “I said jerk you off, and we did that already.”  She said as they approached the bench.  “Here you go, nice and slow, and sit.”

 He moaned and grimaced as he shifted on to the bench.  “Oh, fuck!”

 She glanced around but they were all but alone.  “There, that feel better?”

 “Yeah, I guess.”  He sat up and leaned forward.  “Ow, fuck.”  He hissed.  “Why do my balls hurt?”

 She pushed him back on the bench as she took her seat beside him.  “That’s because I banded them.  You didn’t even notice when I was jerking you off.”  She her eyes flashed at him coyly.  “Well, there was the drugs, of course.  You like the drugs?  Right?  Feeling good?”

 “Fuck yeah!”

 “Shhhhh.”  She scolded him.  “Language.  It is a public beach you know.”  From the board walk it was roughly two hundred yards to the water’s edge.  She looked up and watched a man walking his dog off in the distance.  Two women jogged by, their feet splashing in the water.  Down the long corridor of wood, a food vendor pushed his cart towards the parking lot as the cold wind swept in from the sea.

 They were alone.

 He leaned over to her.  “Are you gonna suck me off now?”

 “I jerked you off already, don’t you remember?”

 “Yeah, yeah.  I remember.”  He didn’t. 

 “It was good, right?  You blew a big load, remember?”

 “It was a big load.”  He said, nodding off a little.

 She nudged him.  “Don’t fall asleep yet.  A little longer, okay?”

 “I couldn’t sleep if I wanted.”  His head snapped back and his eyes glared as he forced himself awake.  “I blew such a load my balls hurt.  Why do my balls hurt?”

 “Because they are dying.”  She said warmly and happily.  “It should hurt a little.”

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Beach Ball Thief
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