Just seeing announcements.
Just seeing announcements.
Love to see your support. Here's what you get.
Access to stories as written
Thanks a lot for the extra support. Look forward to seeing you stick around. Here's some goodies for you.
Access to Stories as Written
Voting for New Stories
Monthly Writing Advice Q&A
Oh, you really want to get into this, huh? Well, this is where stuff starts getting interesting...
Access to Stories As Written
Votes on New Stories
Monthly Writing Q&A
Votes on Weekly Stream Topics
Wow, you're really getting into this, aren't you? I guess with all that, you should get a louder voice.
Access to Stories as Written
Votes on New Stories
Writing Advice Q&A
Votes on Weekly Stream Themes
Wheel of Fetish or Image Blurb
The Dungeon Games (3-4/month)
You want the good stuff? This is the good stuff.
Access to Stories as Written
Votes on New Stories
Writing Advice Q&A
Votes on Weekly Stream Themes
Wheel of Fetish OR Image Blurb
The Dungeon Games
Bonus Story OR Discount on Comms
Hey, everyone. Welcome to the new page. Hopefully going to be posting more here compared to the other site, but we'll see how that goes. My main goal for now is to get a PDF of all the chapters in the ongoing series put together and uploaded here for continuity, then moving forward.
For those of you coming from Patreon, or just finding me here, you probably want an explanation of rewards. They're similar to what was going on with Patreon, but here's the big differences, then a bullet-point list of explanations. The main differences here are the Stories Per Month and the Dungeon Games.
Stories Per Month will go from 3 chapters a month to 2 chapters in the ongoing series and 1 story for myself. Votes will occur whenever a new series starts, and for the story for myself thing. More chapters might happen if we get more support going forward.
The Dungeon Games are a new addition, inspired by what I did with a friend group over October. This will be a sort of play-by-post RP with dice rolls. Each player is spawned into a randomized dungeon (fantasy, sci-fi, steampunk, the genre will vary) and has to deal with various kinky things between them and the dungeon center, with plenty of loot on the way. If you can make it to the center without getting fucked/kinked/corrupted to 0 HP (or whatever metric we use), then you progress to the next dungeon with all the loot you got. Fail, and you bounce to another dungeon without any equipment and have to start over. Players may cross paths in the process. You'd get a post a week, or thereabouts.
And now, specific bullet-points!
$2 Tier
-Access to patreon stories: Basically, you get to see them before they get uploaded elsewhere. Not much, but considering it sometimes takes weeks, still something.
$5 Tier
-As above, plus -Voting on New Stories: People at this tier and up can vote on a selection with the personal story every month, and on new series when we move from one to another. -Monthly Writing Q&A: Instead of mass brainstorm calls and other things, people at this tier and up can leave questions on writing (either on my writing or how to write) and I’ll make a post answering them once a month.
$10 Tier
-As above, plus -Votes on Weekly Stream Themes: This tier and above will help decide what themes will be offered for the weekly streams going forward. These streams will occur every weekend and will basically be discounted story streams. -Access to Dungeon Games logs.
$20 Tier
-As above, plus -Wheel of Fetish OR Image Blurb: Once per month, you have the choice of getting either a Wheel of Fetish brainstorm (where you give me a certain template of information and I spit out three story ideas) or you get an Image Blurb (150-300 words story to go along with an image you have permission to use). -The Dungeon Games: A randomized dungeon that all the players are dropped into, customized to their liking, and posted as a public document viewable to $10 supporters and up. You may or may not encounter other supporters in-dungeon. If you ‘win’ a dungeon, you progress through to another with all your loot. If you lose, you’re booted to another dungeon with nothing. Posts occur every week or so.
$40 Tier
-As Above, plus -Free 4-page Story OR Discounted Commissions: This tier has a free story every month, or they stay save up to 4 slots to get up to 2 miniseries chapters in standard commissions for free.
Rewards, outside of the $40 free story slot, cannot be saved; they must be used, or lost. The $40 tier can only ‘save’ up to 5 slots before they are no longer viable.