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Draconicon's Library profile
Draconicon's Library
Draconicon's Library
Sit at my feet and listen to tales of erotic wonder.

Subscription Tiers


This is basically just saying you're a fan, but it will only give you access to status updates here on the site from me, rather than any reading benefits.

1 subscriber
per month
Tip Jar

Always happy to see someone that enjoys my work. Here; see it before everyone else.

Access to Streams

Access to PDFs of stories produced

0 subscribers
per month
Voting Supporter

Hey, nice to see you interested in being around for a while. Here; let's see what you want.

Access to Streams

Access to PDFs

Voting privileges for Standard Streams

1 subscriber
per month
Anthology Exclusives

Oh, you really want to get into this, huh? Well, this is where stuff starts getting interesting...

Access to Streams

Access to PDFs of streams

Voting rights for standard streams

Voting rights for anthology streams

Q&A talks

0 subscribers
per month
Super Supporter

Wow, you're really getting into this, aren't you? I guess with all that, you should get a louder voice.

Access to Streams

Access to PDFs of streams

Voting rights for standard streams

Voting rights for anthology streams

Q&A talks

Double vote

Wheel of Fetish 1/month

0 subscribers


  • Weekly kinky stories
  • Creative brainstorming and voice chats
  • Regular input on what is written

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.
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