Thank you for supporting this project! At this tier you will receive the official backers builds before the public builds.
Thank you for supporting this project! At this tier you will receive the official backers builds before the public builds.
Content Preview and Bonus Art unavailable anywhere else. Your vote is worth 5 votes.
All the benefits of the previous tiers, your vote is worth 10 votes.
All the previous benefits, your vote is worth 20 votes.
If you are a friend of Karder you're a friend of mine + your vote is worth 30 votes.
All the previous benefits, your vote is worth 50 votes.
Best Tier
Version 0.12 release schedule
Hi all!
Version 0.12 will be rolled out later this week after I finish all the testing. The version will consist of hot Act 2s (Queen Dian, Sofia the lighthouse keeper and Sola, Karder's elfkin daughter) and meta story (The Mothers, Queen Remy (non lewd!)).
I will issue detailed Release Notes before the release, detailing even more but know that this version kicks ass!
June 7th - Early Access 30$ and 50$ tiers
June 9th - Early Access 20$ tier
June 11th - Early Access 10$ tier
June 13th - Early Access 5$ tier
June 15th - Early Access 3$ tier