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Oberon van Hart
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Fuckdoll Factory Pt2 - Valerie

This one was Rando’s commission for November, and it’s special in more than one regard. First, it’s a sequel to Fuckdoll Factory, an old story I posted on Bdsmlr. Second, it was written over a much longer time frame than anything I did before, and perhaps as a result, it also became quite longer than I thought it would. 

I still think it’s a good story. After a long period of health and mood issues, it helped a lot in getting my mojo back at any rate.


Running the Fuckdoll Factory came with a lot of advantages - great income, unlimited access to sex slaves and good standing with some of the most powerful people of the planet. “Lots of free time”, unfortunately, was not one of those advantages. There was always something going on - a troublesome Doll, a careless employee, a nosy police detective… Jezabel took care of each of those complications, but they left her with very little time for herself. The only times she went out partying these days, in fact, were when she was about to “recruit” a new Fuckdoll - which was exactly why she never delegated that task to anyone else.

Now she was standing by the counter of a fetish club in Berlin, sipping drinks and waving guys away one after another. These clubs were her favorite hunting grounds - those attending them had to be at least a little kinky, after all, which tended to make their dollification easier. She took multiple girls into consideration - they all looked young, dumb and drunk, making them ideal recruitment material. But her eyes kept wandering back to a lone businesswoman enjoying the show from a table in the back. She seemed closer to thirty than twenty - older than anyone Jezabel ever trained; and she looked much more like a domme than a submissive. She had a perfect posture, a strict hairdo and a cold fire in the big blue eyes that made men give her a wide berth.

She was her big game. The challenge of a lifetime. She had to have her.

Ten minutes later Jezabel was already sitting at her table. During the next thirty minutes she learnt that her name was Valerie, she was from the Netherlands and she was in Berlin for a business trip. 

An hour later they were kissing on the dance floor. Valerie barely had time to feel surprised when the injection needle sunk into her butt cheek. The next moment she collapsed into Jezabel’s arms and the rest was child’s play.


When Valerie finally regained her consciousness it took her quite a few minutes to comprehend her situation. She was fully naked save for the tight latex hood on her head, and strapped down to a rubber mattress with a dozen or so leather straps. Though she couldn’t see or hear a thing, she could tell she was enclosed in a small, coffin-like space - whenever she exhaled she could feel her breath rebounding from a surface just a few inches away from her face. 

Her muffled screams and desperate attempts to break free produced no other result than exhausting her, so eventually she forced calm onto herself - she could do nothing but wait for her abductors to return. At last she could feel the bed being rolled out of its storage space. Her restraints were undone and she was dragged, against her best efforts, to the middle of the room. Leather cuffs were strapped to her wrists and ankles, chains were pulled tight, and soon she was hanging in the air, stretched out in the shape of an X. 

Someone peeled the hood off her head and she was staring into a face that felt vaguely familiar, but it took her a few seconds to place it. It was the same face she saw last before her abduction, but she barely recognized it without the big blond wig, the pink glasses and the heavy make-up.

Not make-up, she realized. Disguise.

“Erika!” she moaned. “What is this?! Let me go at once! You hear me?! Let me…”

The woman raised the cattle prod in her hand and sent shock into her diaphragm, rendering her unable to draw breath for several seconds. Valerie fell silent in an instant, jerking her chains in mindless panic.

“The name is Jezabel, actually.” the woman smiled. “You will call me Mistress Jezabel, but most importantly… 98, rule number one.”

“Rule number one, thiss fuckdoll never sspeakss unless sspoken to” a girl said behind Valerie, speaking with a nearly unintelligible lisp. “If it hass ssomething to report, it assumes a sstandby possition and waitss until addressed by itss owner.” Her words were accompanied by the clinking of metal, like she was holding ball bearings in her mouth. 

“I’m not a fuckdoll!” Valerie screamed. “I’m a free citizen of the Nether…” her words were cut in half by another shock.

“That’s right, you are not a fuckdoll. Not yet” Jezabel replied. “You still have a long, long way to go to be worthy of that title. You need to be trained. Improved. Modified. But worry not, babe. You’re in the best of hands.”

She snapped her fingers and pointed at her floor in front of her. Three Dolls walked forward from behind Valerie and knelt by Jezabel’s feet. They were all finished, market-ready products, and quite spectacular ones at that - each had voluptuous breasts, a wasp-like waistline and were covered in shiny black latex from head to toe. Their bodysuits left their boobs and crotch uncovered, and as they turned towards Val she saw heavy stainless steel rings pierced through their labia, nipples and septum. 

Her face turned pale and her lips started to quiver as she realized what kind of future the Factory had in store for her. A cold, content smile appeared on Jezabel’s face.

“Process her.”


Jezabel’s intuition was right like always - Val was a difficult case. During the following hour, while the Dolls depilated her body and cleaned her inside and out, she didn’t stop fighting her fate for a minute. No matter how many times Jezabel shocked her she just kept screaming and jerking against her restraints; so much so, in fact, that eventually she got bored of her hissy fit and silenced her for the last stages. By the time she was given the buzz cut and had her scalp shaven bald, all she could do was scream into her gag furiously. 

She didn’t start crying, however, until Jezabel proceeded with installing the grommets into genitalia. It was more out of pain than fear, but it was still progress. At last she was starting to get under her skin - quite literally. Before long Val’s nipples, labia and septum were all featuring the same piercings the rest of the Dolls had - thick, load-bearing rings that would prove invaluable for her training. Jezebel gave her clitoris a hard pinch.

“Don’t forget there is a place for one more. We’ll skip it for now, because destroying your clit could make you unable to cum… but don’t make me reconsider my kindness.” She snapped her fingers again. “And now… the control unit.”

Fuckdoll 92 fetched a full metal device from the table and showed it to Valerie. She started shaking her head in outrage and flexed her muscles against the chains holding her captive. The design of the device left little doubt about its function: it was a stainless steel dildo attached to a curved plate that had a series of horizontal rods extruding from it on both sides. Despite Valerie’s best attempts, the dildo was soon firmly embedded into her pussy, the plate now covering her crotch completely. The rods were passed through the labia grommets, locking it into place.

Jezabel grabbed a wand-like device and pointed it at Valerie, a menacing smirk playing on her face.

“All right, that was it. Game over, dear. You are mine now.”

She pressed a button on the wand. Valerie gave out an unearthly shriek as a harsh electric shock jolted into her vagina. It was even worse than the prod - pure, undiluted pain biting into her most sensitive parts and wrenching her guts. 

“Release her,” Jezebel said.

Her cuffs undone, Valerie collapsed onto the floor. She tried to wriggle to her feet, only to be sent back to her knees by another shock. 

“Stay down,” Jezebel warned her. Valerie bit onto her gag and tried to rise again. Jezebel pushed the button again and held it down until her captive was writhing on the floor in a fetal position, her fingers clawing at her control unit.

“You are mine now” she repeated. “Until you’ll be ready to be sold, that is. Then you’ll belong to someone else. But no one will ever think of you as a person again. The sooner you make peace with that fact, the better off you’ll be.”


Every fuckdoll had a weak spot - some kind of emotional vulnerability that allowed them to be controlled like a puppet by the strings. Some had rather peculiar ones that took real mastery to discover and utilize. Among the more recent recruits, for example, 98 was a sucker for humiliation - not that it liked it, but it was just powerless to resist its effect on her. It was all stiff and uptight right until Jezabel started to use its mouth as her urinal; after that, its training went like clockwork. For a good while, it was actually Jezabel’s favorite Doll to work with. It was just so much fun to bitch-slap and demean it, to feed it from a trash bin and make it lick her ass, and get nothing but a dripping pussy and unquestioning, silent obedience in return. By now it was already in the showroom, waiting for a buyer. Its info card showed: “Low intelligence, high libido. Dislikes pain, aroused by degradation. An user-friendly, easy to train fuckdoll.”

99, who was 98’s girlfriend and abducted at the same night, was cut from a whole different cloth. It hated being used, both as a fucktoy as and as a torture doll, and kept crying all the time, so it seemed completely useless at first. But it was very grateful for even the smallest acts of kindness, and eventually Jezabel ended up forming a sort of Mommy domme relationship with it. If it did well, she allowed it to hug her feet for a couple of minutes and kept stroking its bald head ever so softly. Finally she bent close to its ear. “There, there” she purred. “Now, what do you think, are you ready for the studded one? Would you like Mommy to fuck you in the ass with her big, bad, studded dildo? Come on, I know you can do it. You will be a brave little Doll and do it for Mommy, won’t you? That’s Mommy’s good Doll.” Soon 99 joined its lover in the showroom, its card stating: “Soft and sensitive. Hates humiliation, pain and anal, quick to cry. A delicate doll easy to break and reshape to your liking.”

The new Doll, 113, was a pretty straightforward case in this regard. Its weak point was lust: it was a true slut at heart. It just had to be made to realize that fact.


By the end of its third ODT, the Doll once known as Valerie was either on the edge of insanity, or already well past it. Even it couldn’t tell which was the case.

ODT stood for Orgasm Denial Therapy. ODT sessions lasted roughly a week, but 113 had no way to tell that; each one felt like an eternity. ODT meant being secured onto a metal chair-like frame with its legs far apart and being fucked in the ass by a self-lubricating dildo. Very slowly. At the same time, its control unit kept massaging its vulva and clitoris, also very slowly. Very carefully. Keeping 113 on the verge of an orgasm all the time, without giving it the slightest chance to get to the climax.

113 had a VR set strapped onto its head; the set was playing some really lovely, nicely shot lesbian porn flicks featuring a bombshell blondie and a really hot redhead. 113 tried closing its eyes at first to resist what was clearly a crude attempt to brainwash it into one of these pathetic Fuckdolls. But there was no escape from the choir of lustful moans echoing in the earphones, and the teasing of its pussy and anus felt really nice, so in the end it decided she might just as well watch. 

From that point, 113 was lost.

Hours later, when the relentless teasing and denial turned it into a dripping, trembling, hysterical mess, 113 was released from the chair, force-fed and put back to storage, tightly bound and with an isolation hood on its head. It could barely catch four hours of sleep when it was taken out, fed, had its anus cleansed and then was strapped back to the chair.

Three hours in the chair. Two in the storage drawer. Six in the chair. Four in the drawer. Eight in the chair. Six in the drawer. No training or torture, no human contact at all. Just the porn, the assfucking and the vibrators, or the blind silence of her hood. Over, and over, and over again.

Then at one point, long after 113 lost the track of time, the stimulation suddenly switched off, leaving the dildo wedged halfway into its ass. The girls in the headset stopped eating each other’s pussy and turned towards her, smiling.

“Hello, Doll!” the blonde said. “You thought we didn’t know you were watching us all this while, did you? Of course we did. If only you knew how hot it was to have all these wonderful orgasms knowing you are out there watching… being teased… being denied… never ever getting to cum.”

They both laughed. 

“But you didn’t really hate it either, did you?” the redhead said. “I bet you’d like us to continue. Would you like us to continue? You only need to ask.”

“Please continue,'' 113 wheezed. The constant teasing was nothing short of maddening, but now that it stopped, its absence felt even worse. “Please, oh please, I want it, I need it…”

The machines switched back on as the redhead knelt between the blondie’s legs and started to eat her pussy. 

“There you go,” the blondie sighed. “Now that’s better, isn’t it. Would you like us to go on? Then tell me what you are. Tell me that you are a slut.”

“I’m a slut” 113 whispered.


“I’m a slut!” 113 moaned. “I’m just a shameless, filthy, sex-addict slut, is that what you want to hear?”

“Very good. Now tell me what you want to be. Tell me you want to be a fuckdoll.”

“No!!!” 113 screamed. “I will never… ever… be… a fuckdoll, you hear me!? You hear me, Jezabel?”

“Well, that’s a pity,” the blondie said. “Let’s give you, I don’t know, twelve hours in storage, then, hmm? For starters. Let’s see if you get a little more sensible by the time we are back.”


Lady Madeline strolled across the showroom at a leisurely pace, checking the info cards one after another. Eventually she gave out a hearty laugh and pointed at the Doll in question.

“What the fuck, Jez?!” Fierce and rebellious, needs a firm hand. High pain threshold. Huge libido, responds well to orgasm control. An insubordinate Doll for those who like a challenge. I mean… who the fuck wants a rebellious fuckdoll

A faint smirk appeared on Jezabel’s face. She and Madeline were going way back, so she knew she was mocking her only in the hope of a good story. 

“You know, Mad, I think you’d love this one, actually. Her name was Valerie, and she was quite like us - I think that was exactly why I recruited her. To see what kind of Doll we’d end up becoming.”

Madeline giggled.

“A thrilling experiment if I ever heard one. Aaand?”

“Well, it was doing quite a lot of ODT. Twenty-one full sessions, to be exact. One time I took it out of therapy, ungagged it, it started cursing, I put it right back for another week. Twenty-one sessions, Mad. It doesn’t even remember its own name anymore. It doesn’t remember a thing about Valerie - her job, her family, her friends, not a fucking thing. But it still knows how to curse. And it still insists it’s not a fuckdoll.”

The two dommes shared a hearty laugh. 

“You can submit it to the worst tortures you can devise for hours on end. It won’t faint, it won’t plead for mercy, and in the end it will still be cursing. Teasing and denial, physical distress, extreme isolation, it will take it all without ever breaking. It will eat your pussy all day and night - not out of fear or obedience, but because it knows the only kind of orgasm it can experience is yours. It functions like a machine, like a high-end, high-performance sex machine… and yet it keeps insisting it isn’t one. It would be the very best Fuckdoll I ever made, hands down, if only I’d cut its vocal cords. But in the end I decided to leave that decision to its owner. It’s pretty fun as it is, if you ask me.

Madeline smiled at 113 and softly stroked her rubber-coated head. The Doll twitched from the unexpected touch and started to shake its head wildly. 

“Yeah” Madeline mused. “I guess you are right, Jez - I’d be a Doll just like this one. Oh fuck this. It would be just irresponsible to leave it for a less qualified owner, wouldn’t it?” She grabbed 113 in the pussy, eliciting muffled moans of outrage. “Oh yes, that’s the spirit. I’m sure it will last a lot longer than its predecessor, at the very least.”

“This one?” Jezabel’s grin stretched from ear to ear. “This one, Mad, will last you a lifetime.”
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Oberon van Hart
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Classical Conditioning

Just a quick art experiment - and an old story of mine from BDSMLR that inspired it.

She felt like she was slowly drifting back to consciousness. She couldn’t know for sure, of course - consciousness has become quite relative to her during the past period she has spent without sight and sound. Whether it was weeks, months or years - she did not know nor cared about anymore. Both her waking and sleeping hours were now filled with an endless stream of fantasies, vivid, depraved and lustful images of sex and bondage, torture and degradation. The woman she once was had been trying to fight these fantasies, recognizing them as the results of her brainwashing programme, but that person was long gone. All that remained was a sex toy either used or waiting to be used. 

At one point the earphones inside her hood switched on and she heard three long beeps. Correctly decoding the signal as an order to stand ready for use she kneeled up with her thighs apart, raised her head and opened her mouth wide open with her tongue out. Soon she felt a pair of male hands touching her, examining her heavy piercings, fondling her breasts and reaching under her crotch harness to stroke her clitoris. Her breathing gradually became quicker and her pussy started dripping. Then the hands withdrew and a hard cock entered her mouth instead. 

She started sucking on it obediently, using her lips, tongue and throat with the skill of a seasoned prostitute. When her visitor grabbed her head and started to fuck her throat she took it without any visible gagging or choking - an ability she mastered through countless hours of harsh training. Soon the cock started to spasm and shot precum into her mouth but its owner didn’t want to finish just yet. As his delicious manhood left her mouth she felt disappointment but automatically resumed her waiting position with her mouth open, knowing the session is not over yet.

A series of long and short beeps instructed her to lay down on her stomach and she obeyed immediately. A spreader bar was fit between her ankles then attached to the chain dangling from the ceiling. The chain was winched until she was hanging upside down with her legs wide apart, then the cock was placed back into her mouth. She continued sucking it while his visitor started slowly licking her clit. The teasing went on for maybe thirty minutes and they both reached the edge of an orgasm multiple times before her visitor pulled back again.

Her dildo and butt plug were deflated and removed. The next moment a whip came down on her pussy, then her boobs, then her ass, again and again. Soon she was moaning and wriggling with pain while the man kept hitting her with the whip, occasionally fucking her mouth some more to keep it hard. Later the whip was replaced with a cane, then an electric prod, then more exotic forms of punishments. Electric cables were attached to her pussy and nipple rings and she was given several shocks of various strength and duration in her most sensitive areas. Her pussy was stretched open by the labia rings, filled with an ice dildo, then treated with candle wax. Her mouth was taped shut multiple times, depriving her of oxygen until she reached the brink of suffocation. All the while her clit was teased again and again, making sure she never got far from an orgasm.

At last she was lowered to the padded floor of the cell again, with the spreader bar still in place. Her visitor mounted her from behind, sinking his erect cock into her dripping pussy with a single thrust. He took his time, clearly taking great pleasure in her surgically tightened vagina, occasionally stopping pulling back to delay his orgasm. Meanwhile she did her best not to cum. It was very hard, perhaps the hardest task she ever faced, but she knew she was not supposed to - not unless she was given a specific sign. A sign she barely remembered now, a sign she hasn't heard since the very first days of her training…

She heard a long beep, followed by three short ones and a long one again. Her body immediately stiffened and a guttural scream escaped her throat as the long-delayed orgasm ripped across her. At the same time she felt her visitor shooting his load deep into her...

After that she just laid on the floor for a while, the man hugging her from behind with his cock still inside her. Once again she lost her sense of time and she only knew she didn't want this moment to ever end. But finally he pulled out of her. She heard the three long beeps again and she assumed her ready position once more.

Her visitor placed his now flaccid cock into her mouth and she cleaned it up with great care. The taste of his sperm felt strangely familiar, like she knew it from a previous life. But she couldn’t place it - remembering things wasn’t one of her strong suits lately. She wanted to thank him for what she did for her but after so much time spent gagged without sight and sound she barely remembered how to speak. So she just kept kissing his cock again and again as long as he let her to. Then she felt a kiss pressed onto her forehead and the man left.


Mr. MacBride dressed then joined the staff in the observation room. Dr. Benson greeted him with a wide smile and shaked his hands.

“Congratulations, it was a beautiful session, sir. So… tell me, how are you feeling? Are you satisfied with our work?”

“Very much so, Doctor. The progress you made here in just four months is completely unbelievable. I didn’t have such a great time a long while ago.”

“Oh, I’m very happy to hear that. I think we need about two more months to make sure the cognitive imprinting is permanent, but once that is done you are free to take your wife home. I’m sure you will never have any issues with her libido or her behaviour again.”

“Thank you so much, Doctor. I admit I had my doubts first, but now I feel safe to say that you saved our marriage. I couldn’t possibly be more gratuitous.”

“On the contrary, I have to say thanks to you, sir. With your generous financial support we are doing a groundbreaking scientific research here. Not one I would write a paper on, necessary… but one promising untold opportunities nevertheless.”

“I see what you mean. I have quite a few friends with chronic marital problems. I can assure you they will be more than happy to hear about this… truly revolutionary treatment you offer.”

“Very good, sir. These austerity reforms left us with dozens of empty cells and the staff is very enthusiastic about this… special project. We will all miss Mrs. MacBride once her therapy is over, so it would be nice to have a replacement for her. Or more. I mean… have a look around. We have capacities.”

Mr. MacBride took on his coat, gave Dr. Benson a wide smile and shaked his hand again. “I’ll be in touch.”

He opened the door, then stopped and turned back. 

“One more thing, Doctor. Do you mind if I drop by for another… erm... conjugal visit next Saturday?”

“Not at all, sir. You are always welcome here.” The psychiatrist smirked and glanced at the latex-clad female on the other side of the observation window, still kneeling obediently with her mouth wide open. 

“And I’m sure it will make Mrs. Macbride really happy, too.”
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