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Dirty Little Secret
Dirty Little Secret
Dirty Little Secret, author of sexy Pony and Furry stories that are too hot for Patreon!

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Dirty Little Secret

[All] March's Voting Results

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Dirty Little Secret

[All] March's Story Idea VotingAfter looking back through some previous months, I found some susp...

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[Pony] Early Publishing: Chapters 1 and 2 of The Fresh Prince

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[All] February's Voting Results

Huh... Wasn't really expecting that one to win by a landslide ... but okay -- here we go!

(Even though the last 3 votes for it do look a little sus... Especially because they also closely match the 6th vote. But the timestamps on those votes say they all came in on different days at different times, so I guess they're probably legit? Anyway, I'll be watching out for it next month. If next month's vote also has some suspicious patterns, I might have to take steps to make sure nobody is using multiple accounts to vote multiple times.)

Winner: [P] *Shining Armor hears three conflicting accounts of how he wound up an Alicorn sitting on the Crystal Throne (5.42)
[NFSW Pony, impregnation, not anthro] Shining Armor wakes up on the Crystal Throne and is shocked to discover that he's not only an Alicorn, but a Daybreaker/Nightmare Moonesque Alicorn at that, with a visibly pregnant Cadance, Twilight, and Discord chained to the throne. He doesn't feel evil and can't remember anything other than putting Flurry Heart down for the night and going to bed. Cadance happily offers to fill him in on what happened 9 months ago and when she finishes her telling, Twilight reluctantly offers her version of events, and finally Discord irritably offers his version.

Runner-Up: [F] Dragon-Born Puberty (4.75)
You were the prince who rushed off to save the princess from a dragon, but then ended up being enamored with the dragon and marrying her instead of slaying her. ... ... Now it's fifteen years later. You're the king who has a fearsome dragoness for a queen. None dare threaten you, lest they incur her fiery wrath. All is well. Except for one thing. Your fourteen year old, half-dragon daughter is becoming ... unruly. And not in the normal teenage way. She's awfully fond of sleeping atop piles of gold in the castle treasury, has caused several near-disastrous fires, and the worst part is that she keeps 'capturing' castle staff -- both boys and maids alike -- and holding them captive in the tallest tower of the castle. Perplexed at this behavior from the formerly sweet and innocent girl, you ask your wife for advice. ... ... She says all this and much more is very typical of a dragoness going through puberty. In fact, this is a very mild case. How to put a stop to it and avoid further embarrassment to the kingdom? Well, you have two options. One: wait for 10 years or so and she'll probably grow out of it. Two: draconic-style dominance and correction from her father. How does this dominance and correction stuff work, exactly? Oh, you know perfectly well how it works. You did it to me very nicely when I'd absconded with your sister, after all.

Loser: [F] The Summoned Succubus (2.83)
A shape-shifting succubus is summoned from the depths of the nether pits. Before she can even blink, the 'mage' is putting a compulsion spell on her to bind her to his will. And he's doing it ... very badly. Instantly, she snaps the bonds he'd meant to hold her. But he's so incompetent of a mage that he doesn't even notice that the spell is broken. ... *But* he is an awfully cute horsey boy. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to play along just for a little bit. It's been *so* long since she's been able to drain anyone so cute...

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Dirty Little Secret

[All] February's Story Idea Voting

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Dirty Little Secret

[Pony] Early Publishing: Spike's Very Normal Day

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