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Monsters Under My Bed: Chapter 2 & 3 - Shocking News & Tentacles 

I didn't go back to sleep. I just couldn't, not after what happened last night. I brewed some coffee and sat at the kitchen table, watching the sun rise from the horizon.

I thought about the nightmare, but no matter how many times I told myself, it was just a nightmare, I knew I was lying to myself. I woke up with the taste of that demon, Brimstone's, tongue still in my mouth. I felt violated. Scared. What did he mean by 'trials of fear'?

Soon, my mother wakes up. "What are you doing up so early?"

"I ... had a really bad nightmare last night."

"I'm sorry."

"I was thinking, Mom, would you mind if I go home early?"

"You can't."


"I need you to stay with me."

"Mom, you're fine."

"No. I'm not fine."

"Then what's going on?" I say with a bit of agitation. I know I shouldn't get mad at her, but she's been pulling these stunts since I could remember. I told her that if she's scared of being alone, then come live with me, but she always says no.

She stammers for a second before saying, "I have cancer. It's terminal. There's nothing they can do. No radiation or anything can cure it. I only have a few months to live."

It was like a bomb dropped on me. I was stunned. "Get a second opinion."

"My last was my third, Alura. I had three doctors look at me. All said the same thing. Soon, it will spread all over me. My whole body. I wanted you to stay so you would remember me."

Without giving a moment's thought I said, "Come home with me."

"No. I don't like the city life. Besides, I made out a Will and I left this house to you. I know how much it means to you, because of how close you were to your father. I figured you could get accustomed to things around here again before it's my time."

"I'm fine where I am now. I mean, yes, I love this house, but ... you should have told me." The nightmare is totally out of my head. I don't know whether to cry or to lash out at my mother for not telling me. I'm about to do both before I reach over to her and hug her.

After a few moments we depart and she tells me that she doesn't want to hear about it today. She wants to just have fun.

"Okay, Mom."

We spent the day at the beach. Walking on the hot sand; dipping our toes in the lukewarm water. I wish I brought my bathing suit, it felt so nice. We had some ice cream, sitting at a picnic table on a pier. I tried bringing up the cancer, but she absolutely refused to go into it. Repeating her previous statement that she just wants to have fun. I decided to not push it.

After dinner at a seafood restaurant, we went back to her house. She looked so frail. As soon as we got in the house she said she's going to bed.

"Oh." I say. I really wanted to talk to her about the cancer, about treatments, anything to keep her alive. She's young--only forty-seven, which to me is too early for anyone to leave this Earth. "I was hoping we could talk."

She put's her hands on my shoulders. I can feel her hands shaking. Despite her weakness, she smiles and says, "We'll talk more tomorrow, sweety." She goes to bed without another word.

It was until I went in my room that I remembered Brimstone. That I remembered the 'trials of fear' comment. I decided to try to keep my mind off of it with my laptop. I opened my laptop and when it loads, a picture of my father and me is in the background. It's my favorite picture of us. We always went fishing at this quarry only a few miles away. I typed in my password, but it takes me back. Saying "Wrong Password". I try it again and suddenly the picture distorts. It's pixelated and changes colors. The bright colors of the summer day is replaced by mostly red and black. It looks like my father's mouth is open and tears are coming down his face. That's when I see the Password Hint.

Turn Around

I turn ...

It Begins ...

I turn around and suddenly my old bedroom from when I was a child is now like I'm inside something's stomach with a slit in front of me. I was too terrified to talk, but if I could, I'd be saying, "What the fuck?"

I walk up to the slit. I touch it; it's slimy, but warm. From my touch it opens. I look back and see my laptop and desk are still there, along with the wall, but there's nowhere else to go, so I go into the slit and once I'm inside, it closes.

It's dark. I can barely make anything out, but what I'm walking on is squishy. I sink every time I take a step. Finally, my eyes start to adjust to the dark and I see something on the ceiling that looks like stars. My eyes adjust even more and they're not stars ... they're eyes and they're all looking right at me.

I look at the sides, towards the ground, and see these long, but thin, strips (for a lack of a better term). They're alive and moving with me. They stretch out and that's when I notice they have very small pinchers. They don't look like they will hurt, but I still stay away from them just in case.

I keep walking until a hole above, a few feet away from me, opens. Brimstone drops down and stands before me.

"Where am I?"

"Didn't I tell you not to speak unless I tell you?"

I decide to play along, although I really don't want to. "I'm sorry."

"I'll let you get away with that once more, but next time I will not be as generous. I know your question anyway. 'Where am I?' Am I right?"

I nod.

He grins. "You're in a demon."

My eyes open from the shock.

He says, "You may speak now."

"A demon? H-how?"

"I brought you here, of course. Alura, you will soon find out that I am very powerful and escape from my clutches is impossible. There is not a soul here who can help you. I'm going to answer your other question, 'Why?' Why are you here? To help someone."


"Why, your mother, of course."

"My mother? What does she have to do with this?"

"She has cancer. Terrible disease. Wouldn't even wish it on my worst of enemies. It's awful she has it. She seems like such a nice woman. Beautiful too, or well, was. Too thin for me." He cackles a bit, before looking at me and saying, "But you're just about right."

"If my mother didn't bring me here, then why am I here? What does my mother's cancer have to do with me being in Hell?"

"This isn't Hell, my dear. It's worse." He then disappears in black smoke.
Suddenly, the "strips" I mention earlier, grow fast and grab me. They lift me into the air. I squirm as some others grow and start ripping off my clothes. I have one holding me up by each limb. I see one rising between my legs. It has this liquid drooling out of what I can only imagine is its mouth.

I shake my head and say, "No." But it's too late. It's probing its way inside my vagina. It squirms, making me squirm and I hate to admit it now, but it felt good. But feeling good is not what I wanted. I wanted out, but the grip is too tight. Two more of those tentacle like creatures come up on each side of me and wrap themselves tightly on my breasts. The one fucking me is going harder and harder. I can't contain myself and I have an orgasm. I feel so ashamed of myself.

It doesn't take too long after I came, that the tentacle thrusting inside me cums too. It feels like a hose going off. As soon as that one cums, the other do as well. I'm covered in their rape seed. They then drop me back onto the soft ground. I look at them. They shrivel and die. Can't say I wasn't happy. I was, but I curl up into a ball and start weeping. Weeping to wake up.

That's when I start sinking. The warm wetness of the beast I am in swallows me whole. It then bursts and I land on my bed. I frantically look around and everything seems normal. I even have my clothes on.

I sit up in bed and wonder, what if this is all a dream brought up by the shock of my mother's news? I mean, I don't know why I'm dreaming about a demon (or whatever he is - Brimstone) with a large penis and tentacles having their way with me, but I have always had an overactive imagination.

I decide to call a friend of mine - a psychologist - to see if he could come here to talk to me. He said he'll be there tomorrow. He sounded scared for me.

I don't blame him.
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Monsters Under My Bed - Chapter 1 - Brimstone 

How can I explain how my life changed forever? I was on the threshold between thinking I was having a nightmare or I had gone insane. That's not even the best I can do, but it's close.
I went to bed and I knew I fell asleep. I doze off fairly fast.
"Alura." I hear. A man's voice. Distant.
"Alura." It's closer. More familiar.
He says it again, "Alura" and I feel like I'm being pulled from the abyss of my sleep. I open my eyes. I blurt out, "Daddy!" But I'm met with darkness. It's strange how it has this linger to it. Like it's alive. I can hear scratching underneath my bed.
"Fuck." I think it's mice. My mother did have a problem with mice a few years ago. I'm a brave woman, unless it has eight legs, slimy body, or slithers. Oh, or if it's fucking mice.
I lay on my stomach on the bed. I lean closer to the floor, my long brown hair touching it, and I lift the bed skirting and …
I snap my head up and I see two legs, but with hooves. My eyes open wide as I look up and see the largest penis I have ever laid eyes on. Whatever this is, can't be human. My eyes focus on that for just a second until I hear, "Up here, my dear." I go up. This figure, obviously male, has to be at least 7 foot tall. He is muscular like a more beefed up pro-wrestler. He has sharp fingernails, almost like talons, arms the size of pythons and a gorgeous face that should have a halo attached to the top. Instead, two long, curved horns protrude his forehead. I want to scream, but he says, "Alura, don't scream, because I'm not the one you will fear … yet. Your first trial of fear is underneath your bed."
Suddenly a long tether comes out from underneath my bed, wraps itself around my stomach and pulls me under the bed. I can hear the horned man laughing as I'm swallowed hole and into the another world.
I can't explain what grabbed me or what it brought me into. I'm inside a tube, but it's alive, moving, slimy; mucus helps push me further down. I suddenly drop to the ground. The ground is hard and hot. I stand up and I'm surrounded by monsters. Monsters fucking thousands of women; men as well being fucked and doing the fucking. Some are screaming for help, but most have a look of pure ecstasy on their faces.
Black smoke forms a few feet in front of me and the horned man appears.
"Who are you?" I ask.
"I am a man of many names, but you may call me Brimstone."
"Why am I-"
He lifts up his arm and his palm faces me, as if to tell me to stop talking.
"Fuck you, pal! You invaded my mother's home-"
Suddenly his eyes turn red and he uses some sort of power to flip me outside down.
He bellows, "You dare speak to me in that tongue?" He moves closer to me. "You're lower than me! All of you are lower than me!" He looks around him, gesturing to the orgy.
He nears me. He grabs my hair, but not rough. He looks me in the eyes and says in a more pleasant tone, "Besides, if you play nice, I may give you a taste." His tongue grows and slithers into my mouth. He nearly goes down my throat and I choke. He laughs and let's go of my hair, but I'm still upside down.
"Sweet Alura, I've been told so much about you. How caring you are for your mother; how giving. You should be among Heaven's angels instead of one of my personal sex toys."
"What?" I couldn't help it, but he didn't seem to mind. In fact, he was smiling.
"Details will follow eventually, but I need to see you naked."
Black, worm like creatures come out of the ground, grab my clothes and take them off. In seconds I'm completely naked.
"I don't understand why you don't walk naked on Earth, you're very beautiful."
It appears that I've aroused this beast as that long, big dick I mentioned is getting hard.
"You seem to have a question? I'm sure you have plenty, but I'll let you ask one," he says as if he's doing me a favor. The favor would be to let me go and have me forget about this whole mess.
However, seeing his penis getting hard, there is one thing on my mind. "You're going to rape me, aren't you?"
"Rape? Rape is involuntary and an atrocious act that I look down upon. Tonight is easy compared to what trials of fear lay ahead of you. Tonight I only wished to see you nude. Tomorrow, however, will bring something else. Something worse. The question is, how much do you love your mother?"
Just like that, I snapped awake as if coming out of a dream. I'm in my bed, my clothes are on, and nothing is out of place. Anyone would go back to sleep, thinking it was just a dream. But I sit at bed, crying, because I know it's not a dream.
I still taste Brimstone's tongue in my mouth.
Chapter 2 coming soon ...
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Monsters Under My Bed: Prologue - The Beginning

When I was a little, I would make my father look under the bed for monsters. I think a lot of us as kids did that. It was normal. It made us feel safe. My father would always look. Sometimes he would act like he was getting sucked under the bed and I would have to save him. He was always a prankster. So funny. But now he's gone. I no longer have the hero that would save me from the monster under my bed.
Of course, up until recently, I never believed in monsters, ghosts, demons. But I was about to be taught a valuable lesson. One I have to deal with for the rest of my life and I'm afraid my afterlife as well. I've been taught that all those entities; the ghosts, the monsters, the demons—they all exist. They're some good, they're some bad, and then they're the evil. The evil ones are not human evil. Human evil and demonic evil are two different aspects. Worlds apart from each other. Literally worlds apart, I should say.
The night I figured out all those exists was I was back home for a week. My mother had fallen ill all of the sudden and she called for me and my brother to come home and see her. Just in case. 
Just in case. 
We both knew what that meant. She thought she was dying. We thought she was lying. My mother, always the hypochondriac. 'Paranoia is her middle name,' my father would always half-joke, but the roll of his eyes showed resentment and probably wished my mother would change that about herself. My brother passed on it, telling her she wasn't dying, and that he was taking his wife and kids on vacation and to call him once she stopped being a schizo. So that left me. 
It was that night I would realize that my mother's paranoia was justified. 
When I got there she seemed okay. A bit pale, black around her eyes, but she was standing. We talked about her sudden illness and she told me not to worry about it. 
"You know me. I just get paranoid. I'm sorry for bringing you out here without no real reason, but it's good to see you. You hardly come here now since your father's been gone."
Well, that stung a little. 
"It's not because of dad being gone. I've just been busy, mom. You know about the promotion …"
"Of course! I'm so happy for you." She breaths heavily for a second like she's having trouble breathing. I almost jump to see if she's okay, but then she says, "Let's go out for dinner. We can go to Johnny's. You haven't been there since you were a little girl." 
We went out to dinner, went shopping, and came home. Again, everything seemed fine. She looked like she had a cold. That's it. Shortly after coming home, she went to bed. I didn't stay up for much longer myself, as I was tired after the three hour ride to get there, plus the hour ride to Johnny's, and shopping (really just looking at stuff) for three hours. 
I was only suppose to stay for three days. 
It's been six months. 
Here's my story ... 
----> Chapter 2 (coming soon!)
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