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Darkra profile
NSFW content everywhere, sexy stories and elves, plus my comic🍃Mark of the Wild🍃

Планы подписки

Opal pot

A FREE tier where I will keep you informed of what I do! (and you can get some free surprises)

358 подписчиков SubscribeStar All Subscribers
USD в месяц
Argonite Pot $2

💜Thanks for your support!

This tier works basically as a Tip Jar, however you'll get access to News, sketches and WIPs.

17 подписчиков VIP
USD в месяц
Sapphire Pot

💙Thanks for your support! 💙 Early access to all my content (Including my comic Mark of the Wild) 💙 Extra versions HD 💙 Videos and Animations SFW / NSFW 💙 New: Apply your OC for "Lulusa's Long Nights" each month (Doodles with or w/o my Oc in a sexy scene 😏)

71 подписчик VIP
USD в месяц
Emerald Pot

💚Thanks for your support! 💚 Previous rewards 💚 Early access to all my content (Including my comic "Mark of the Wild") 💚 PSD File (Except Mark of the Wild comic) 💚 Videos and Animations SFW / N S F W (.mov - mp4) 💚 Priority on private commissions slots 💚 New: Apply your OC for "Lulusa's Long Nights" (Doodles with or w/o my Oc in a sexy scene 😏) (4 to 10 OCs chosen each month)

50 подписчиков VIP
USD в месяц
Tip Pot

⭐You get all previous rewards! ⭐This tier is a special way to show additional support for me as an artist and my projects. Your contributions make a big difference and help fuel my creativity. Thank you for your generosity and support!

0 подписчиков VIP
USD в месяц
Master of tips Pot

⭐You get all previous rewards! ⭐This tier is the ultimate way to show your extraordinary support for me and my projects! Thank you for being a huge supporter of my arts!

5 подписчиков VIP

🍃Mark of the Wild🍃- Full pack pages 1-128

[UPDATE: The MotW comic and my current projects will be temporarily on hiatus while I work on some commissions. My posts here during this time will feature all the work I do weekly, and once I’m done, I’ll be back with weekly comic updates. 
Thank you so much for your understanding!]

Hey there!

Since you've been so supportive and have been a part of building my little corner of the internet, I want to show my gratitude by offering you my comic, right up to the latest page published here on Subscribestar (page 128).

Being an artist and making a living from it can be quite challenging, especially with the recent restrictions and the hurdles set by social media platforms. Lately, I've been reflecting on how fortunate I am to have not only my current supporters but also the support you've shown me in the past. Thank you for that. I hope you don't mind this message, and I hope you're doing well. :)

Comic pack in one click (Also here you'll find Prologue and Chapter 1 dubbed :D):

Or you can download it for here ⬇️ (split into two packs in the attachments).

*If it's your first time here, remember, the comic is
[N S F W] and even better, it's FREE! I really appreciate you recommending it to your friends  :D

Also here you can find tons of comic and Lulusa content:


  • 💜Exclusive early access to the latest pages of my comic 🍃 Mark of the Wild🍃 comic before they're released to the public.
  • 💜Lulusa's Long Nights: A monthly selection of OCs eligible for a free sketch with Lulusa (6 to 10 OCs chosen every month).
  • 💜Joining to our Discord Server: News, WIPs, raffles, sneak peeks.
Публичный пост

[Public] Commissions - Last ones!

Hey guys!
These are my final commission pieces, officially wrapping up this season! 🎉
Exciting things are on the way: more Lulusa’s Long Nights (event with your OCs and Lulusa), more Mark of the Wild (my comic), more Payback (another comic with Lulusa), more raffles (on the Discord server), and maybe even a few surprises! 👀
If you like my work and want to check out my latest pieces and updates, please subscribe to one of my tiers and join here: (The free tier has access to this post.)
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Публичный пост

[Public] Comms 16

New update is up! Come check out what I’ve been working on, including comic pages, pinups, and a little peek at the end of this commission season. Hope to see you there!

Comms 16 HERE
PSD files HERE
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